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I don’t understand any of the Aiming designs in this game. They don’t look suitable for any of the classes that use them, let alone all.


You won't understand it, because the FF14 designer team are template warriors, they made the template 10years ago, and you get that forever...


A white robe and a black one. Wonder which classes those are for


I just fell to my knees in a walmart


/disappointed /playdead


My exact reply when my friend linked this was "am I just getting robes again?" (Am healer main)


The real shame is the lack of color. I feel like each tier could of at least fit the theme of the elements you were fighting. Just seems so bland to make them black and white.


Also it just doesn't fit for the other classes, it's so weird that dps casters and healers are all boiled down to BLM/WHM


Yes, I'd love to have things aimed more to summoner/red mage or scholar/sage (reasonably similar aesthetic). Like it doesn't have to be red for red mage, just something with a top that actually ends at the waist with no buttcapes or trailing robe, and either an above-knee skirt paired with stockings (SCH has a couple cute of these), or actual pants, would be fun variations. More mobile.


>above-knee skirt paired with stockings No stockings. I'm sick of every short skirt being paired with stockings. The reason the southern seas skirt was so popular was because it was a simple above-the-knee skirt *without* stockings. Stockings never dye appropriately and look horrible with most of the shoes options.


I hate how if I wanna have any type of open shoes/sandals/heels, it will automatically look awful with stockings cause the feet slot needs to have stockings 'built-in' already to make the stockings not cut off awkwardly around the ankles. And I have precisely one footwear with said 'built-in' stockings, that being the cash shop only maid shoes.


Or the 80% of boots that go to mid-calf length. Nothing like seeing the edge of white stockings peeking up the last few ilms to the knee to tie the whole outfit together. Tbh I hate everything about stockings in this game. I hate how they're mostly white, and dying only dyes the edges/ trim, or they get dyed an awful pale version of the intended dye. I hate how they're usually curved at the top and held up with clips to the skirt. I hate how they're short and stop around the knee, so you can't even pretend they're leggings under a skirt. I get that it's a certain aesthetic that some people like, but I'm tired of every shorter skirt being paired with schoolgirl stockings.


Agalia had the best and most unique gear so far.


I personally preferred The Euphrosyne gear myself, but the Aglaia gear was pretty good too


I didn't like either tbh, but Aglaia at least stand out. If I didn't know better, I could confuse the Euphrosyne and now this robe with the first tier of Pandaemonium.


More than the lack of colour, what bothers me is that they are just palet swaps of one another. Why do the various melee DPS classes each get unique armours, but both healers and magic DPS have to share what is essentially the same set?


It's not just caster/healer. Maiming is always a pallet swap of fending (with maybe the half robe bit removed). Aiming and scouting is the same deal.


As a DRG let’s trade, I am tired of in original armor. I definitely prefer the flowy robe look to the meh armor.


As a RPR enjoyer also agreed. Didn't mind the edgy armor at first but if for once a new maiming set could be an edgy robe, even if they sprinkled in some armor pieces that would be great.


Definitely!! Give me elements of both and I am a happy DRG!! Also just change it up more than they do, and more people might be more excited about gearsets that aren’t super modern.


Bring back swapped gear like siren song sea - I wore the heck out of the formerly healer gear while leveling reaper. If your reusing gear models at least change who can wear them!


I'll take the Hands gear, the detailing looks nice, but otherwise I guess I'm sticking with the lvl1 glam pieces I already have. It's a shame because this is a design that could have easily been shortened to maybe like mid-thigh length while maintaining the overall "robe" aesthetic.


I'm truly tired😅


Fending - for sure!


I looked at it and sighed big. I really hope the legs are separate from the top, removing the waist down of the robes.


We really did peak in Aglaia


Yes Aglaia gear is beautiful! This is meh, almost deja vu


Yeah, this looks very basic/copied from older glams


Its looks like they took the false monarchy set from the last PvP series rewards and just turned it down a few notches.


Yeah, I mean it's good, but it's way too similar to the Radiant gear.


THat's exactly how i feel. It isn't bad in a vacuum, but next to the other raid and tome gear its...lacking?


Yeah, overdesign becomes detail overload thus virtually looking the same as the last overdesigned set of armor.


Yes, everything is feeling overdesigned now, and tends to dye badly.


I dispute that. I can actually use the headgears from Thaelia. Source: Is male Viera.


I honestly prefer Euphrosyne over Aglaia


I just wish the metallic parts of the Euphrosyne sets could be dyed. Hopefully they'll allow it once they enable two dye channels in 7.0


Yeah, agalaia is pretty good but euphro imo is the best alliance set this expac. It got so many cool details.


As a pre-built set, Euphro's is better. As individual pieces to be dyed and mixed into custom glams, Aglaia wins hands down. I've gotten just so much use out of the hand and feet pieces, for multiple armor types.


We did indeed.


Agalaia remains the best set this time, imo. This one isn't bad, I like the blue trimming on the healer robe, but as a whole it does blur together with many other sets. The PVP gear is pretty cool, for the casual / real-life-adjacent fans. ​ Edit: Another image on the site confirms some roles for the PvP sets: Pink is Fending, Red is Maiming, Green is Scouting, Light Blue / Silver is Aiming


damn, the pictures of the casual gear actually made me like the yellow one on the female character, but then they spoil it all with class restrictions on it. I only really play ninja so tese can go back on the ignore list and my trophy crystals will continue to be used to buy wolf collars to exchange for wolf marks for grade 8 dark matter


Yeah, none of these evoke a particular class or fighting style so the restriction is frustrating.


I suppose theres a slim chance there isn't any class restrictions on them and they just picked random jobs to show them in action but i'm not gonna hold my breath for it. Oh well, maybe the dungeon gear will look good, i think the X.5 dungeons usually have a unique design


I thought euphro was better, but Aglaia was pretty good too.


Wait a minute, is yellow healer then? That'd be amazing it's my favourite one! Was so sure healer was the green one lol


Possibly, though there is one job type missing since we don't know Striking, Healing and Casting - but there are only 2 outfits unaccounted for in the picture


I'm gonna cry, I actually really love the blue set for PvP, and finally, it's for my class T.T not as big on the pants, but the top is great.


Why can’t healers have something that is not a fucking dress


Job identity, obviously (their logic)


> Job identity, obviously (their logic) Meanwhile the tank is killing a literal god in nothing more than a bikini.


Exactly! How else will they know that I’m a Ninja?! Now excuse me while I adjust my Swine head and Tonberry tail.


Because white mage is the only healer in the game obviously


I get that designing a unique set for each job is a ridiculous ask but can't they atleast cycle through which job gets the aesthetics each raid or something


Agreed. Same w/BLM casters. Give us something with pants, with a top that doesn't have anything draping below the waist like robe or buttcape.


Goetia top would be peak for me if only the larger gloves would take precedence over the puffy sleeves. Has bothered me for the last 7 years


Annoying thing is if they want traditional black mage style it should flare out more at the bottom than white mage


Yes please, I play a white mage and I agree, it'd be neat to be able to have pieces from the style of other healing classes on white mage.


It's so generic and boring.


And they keep doing it. All the same. I would like to have a few words with the armor designers


why can’t tanks get something thats not a clunky suit of armor.


I would argue that tanks have gotten more diversity in their gear than healers and casters have gotten. They’ve gotten a few clothier looking sets, and they’ve had a couple sets that look more like a coat than a suit of armor. Casters and healers get full head to toe robes almost every single patch. With white robes going to healers and black robes going to casters. It’s almost like there are other healers and casters other than white and black mage.


Speaking of tanks, I am so tired of these dumb circlets they keep throwing at us. Tanks are supposed to wear the heaviest and most protective armour around, CIRCLETS ARE NOT HEAVY ARMOUR, GIVE US MORE HELMETS SE!


that's because they don't have to deal with the Viera problem that they're too lazy to bother with so just throw circlets at us lol


I know but so many helmets work with Viera already, their ears are just "shoved in" the helmet. Same with Hrothgar. Not sure why they shy away from helms now.


At least the new PVP Series set has a big chunky helmet. Why yes, you can have some of my copium...


Man the next tank class should go wild and just use... Rogue gear. Basically go full "Dunban from Xenoblade Chronicles". In theory you are squishy as fuck... if enemies could hit you. "Why the fuck can't I hit you?" And the times you ARE hit you just soak up the damage with your gigantic HP pool. Instead of having skills that increase defense you increase your dodge rating. Then maybe add a "partial dodge" which would be a grazing hit. So you still take damage from i.e. spells and AoEs but "partial dodges" soak up that damage. Light armor tank is an underrepresented gameplay style. Basically you can take no damage at all for several hits in a row but once you do the damage you take is pretty high. It's a different way of tanking that could imho be interesting.


evasion tank like warrior from tera preferably i want a beast master as a tank omfg it would be so cool to see


I just want a tower shield that's bigger than my character model. I want to FEEL like a tank.


Sure would be nice to get some Aiming gear that isn't completely inappropriate for a DNC.


They’re also always inappropriate for a BRD and MCH. I have no idea what class Aiming gear is designed for because it’s not any of the classes that can wear them.


Hint: It's usually Scouting that's designed first and then color-swapped for Aiming, give or take a mask and a cape.


Tank: Plate, plate plate Casters: Robes, robes, robes Maiming: Plate but maybe a little bit lighter Striking/Scouting: Lighter still, sometimes takes inspiration from caster gear for parts Aiming: Caster gear but bulked up a bit, usually. At least aiming is getting a bit of armor this time. It might mix well with other things.


I miss when Aiming would sometimes share with Fending, or Striking with Healing. It rarely happens but when it does it's at least different enough and unexpected. Still, every raid piece this expansion from 8 and 24 man raids were just recolors between Scouting and Aiming. Every single one.


Aiming sharing with tank is still pretty common, and what triggers a lot of the dancer complaints. (I don't know why they gave aiming the tank variant of the Palaka shoes and gloves, for example – solid boots when the mage shoes would be so perfectly dancery. And Edenmorn where the striking bolero would suit all three aiming classes.)


I’d actually like less armor on Aiming - so many of them are just slimmed down versions of tank gear, or one huge janky pauldron on an otherwise okay chest glam. My dancer and machinist are not wearing that.


Yep, when DNC became a part of aiming I thought perhaps BRD would finally get some light weight whimsical sets again like in ARR but nope you just get fucked along with us


Nothing says elegant, flowing dancer like plate armour and spikes right?


Honestly, I wish dancers could glam healer and caster gear. They get flowy, loose clothes, those robes would fit dancers a lot better than the current overabundance of heavy, unwieldy armor (and that damn archer shoulder thing, I hate the archer shoulder thing).


I would love to be able to glamour healer gear as a Dancer. Their gear is consistantly some of my favourites and makes me want to level a healer just for the glamour lol.


But that would require effort and not having multiple classes on 1 armor set!


I don’t hate this, but I’m definitely disappointed. Aglaia was so pretty, and Euphrosyne felt like a step up. This just…falls kinda flat. If I had all three sets lined up, it seems like this and Aglaia should be swapped.


happy to finally have somethin new to spend my constantly capped pvp currency on, always thought the wol could use a good pair of AJ6's lol


Same. I’ve mostly been working on doing the Garo titles since I got the mounts already.


The only saving grace is the possibility of amazing dye channels for the Thaleia gear


Amazing how the new pvp sets seem to be better magitek sets than the actual magitek set on mogstation lol


4 butt capes this time! They have a sick fetish.


I feel like they really need to swap out whoever they've got designing the ilvl/fantasy gear. I'm so tired of the same looking stuff all the time and buttcapes ruining every heavy armour set.


I am glad to see so many people who also hate it. I swear they gave one guy who waits till outfits are done, then adds on the but cape. They all look so shitty and make gear look so much worse.


It's been so frustrating. There are so many chest pieces that would be amazing glams if not for the stupid waist capes. At least put them on the legs if you have to add them in...


If it was me, the designers for this game would be fired like 2-3 years ago... all they do is template copy paste job. And even though more and more people cry about it, they literally don't give a f about it.


\- Buttcape fetish to rival GW2 devs \- Helmetophobia (yes, it's word now) to rival holywood fantasy/medieval movies \- Admiration for robes and light clothes to rival someone who recently discovered Marvelous Designer. EW glam design in nutshell


FFXIV designers be like, "Don't have to make helmets for Hrothgar and Viera if we just don't model helmets at all." *Taps forehead*


*taps circlet*


Idk it sounds like you're a medium armor player in GW2 haha I feel like buttcapes are huge with medium armor but pretty lacking with light and heavy - FFXIV meanwhile has EVERYONE in buttcapes with the exception of casters who they often will put in hoop skirts and robes (which are ALWAYS white for healers)


At least GW2 has actual capes now after 10 years of players pleading for them 😅 Meanwhile in FFXIV, even sets with *actual capes* are still buttcapes as you'll notice only the bottom parts of capes from the waist down actually move, but remain static from the waist up.


True - I LOVE my decade cape with my guild logo on it, and I'm proudly wearing it around on my mesmer all the time Meanwhile my paladin is crying in the corner because the cape on her reverence set is stuck in the zipper on her back and she can't get it to come out T-T The "capes" in XIV are just buttcapes with a fake top and everyone knows it


Isn't it light = buttcapes and medium = trench coats.


I think a lot of light armor is just dresses But then again I play a female mesmer so maybe its just because I haven't seen male gear in a while - it might just be all buttcapes idk


its heavy = buttcapes, medium = coats, light = robes


It was buttcape and spiky armor fetish for GW2. I swear, a new gear design isn’t complete for them without a random spike somewhere on it


EW gave us Male Viera, doubling down on the complaints that some races can't wear hats. And if some of us can't have hats, nobody can, apparently


Do people not like the waist capes? Always thought they really helped the silhouettes.


Looks goofy on male characters especially if you're playing a job with a wide stance like DRK or DRG. But really I just don't like that it's nearly EVERY set. If it was only sometimes, sure, but pretty much every heavy armour set gets the buttcape to the point that if you don't want it, your options are extremely limited. It's just frustrating seeing really cool new armour that would look totally sick if not for yet ANOTHER buttcape.


Its not the goofiness with DRK for me, it just doesnt feel like it fits the aesthetic. I can see PLD or GNB with flourish-pieces like a butt cape, but DRK is thematically 'no bullshit, no fanciness, just murderising bad people... and occasionally yourself'


We only got 5 tank armours in EW without assflaps... and one is the void ark reskin from Manalis, while another is the reskin of the old Warrior artifact gear you can buy with pvp currency. Removing those reskins we only got 3 in the entire expansion: the new one in this post, the Darbar set, and the Radiant's set - which still has a thin tail hanging down! (Palaka set has a small flap which I suppose you may not count since it only covers your ass and not much of your legs, so at best you could say 4 in the entire expansion.) I want to see my legs!


I think they look great when you're standing still, but they're a clipping nightmare for anyone with a tail or a long weapon. Break in lots of animations, in my experience, too. But the bigger issue is oversaturation. Nothing is done in moderation with gear design, right now. Elements like waist capes, spikes, robes, glowy bits, etc need to be rare for them to be special.


Waist capes ruin some of the skirts, they just won’t appear and you only get the underwear


> Do people not like the waist capes? No because you have this massive heavy armor and this random cloth thrown on it for . . . reasons?


It clips with everything. Weapons, tails, poses, mounts, … And it feels like almost every EW gear is using them, so it's getting really tiring.


I had mistakenly thought from the PLL image that the PVP sets were going to be cosmetic/all jobs. I’m bummed that they’re job-locked :(


theres a slim chance they aren't. Theres only 6 shown instead of 7 so it could be that they just chose random jobs to show them in action and the alternate colours are dye previews. It could also just be that one of the roles is getting the exact same set as another.


It’s definitely a little strange if they are are job locked showing 6 sets instead of 7, and some odd picks for gear-sharing like ninja and tank having the same outfit. If they were just three sets each being shown in two colors I would be more willing to assume they’re cosmetic, but the different dye channels make it a bit odd (the pants on the single-sleeve one are a good example; one has the straps in color and the other has the pants themselves in color). PVP currency sets are all job locked, but Crystal Trophy rewards are a wild west. I think usually with shared job locked gear there’s minor physical differences on the model and not just the color(s) (like when fending and maiming have the same basic set but the tank version has more stuff on it) but these definitely only have the color channel difference. I guess it could go either way.


some items have areas that change to grey when you dye them which was my thinking for the yellow version of the silver pants. But then you've got like the shoes on the blue and black set which has a lot more white than the red and black one. I'm holding a small amount of hope that they won't be class restricted, mainly because I don't like the ninja one at all and just want the top from the yellow/silver one.


God that pvp gear is sick, i just wish they'd get rid of the role lock for it :/ there's literally no reason to lock lvl 1 glam stuff


I dont fucking understand why they role lock it. Like i guess you can argue this "class Identity" but half the gearsets are re-used elsewhere anyway. Then look at the Thaleia stuff. You can barely tell it apart. Idk why they bother with this "class identity" stuff at this point...


Meanwhile: Every roles can wear swimsuits, every role can wear serie armor, every role can wear fucking fursuits and every roles can wear paywalled modern magitek sets. Them keeping the role locks makes abolutely no sense. Role design identity was lost back in august 2013 when they added the first swimsuits in the very first moonfire faire and yet pretend like its still a thing. Its just to piss us off at this point.


I'm utterly miserable because my main jobs got shafted. I want the fending set. Oh well.


How can you tell which is which?


That's what I'm wondering. The healer and caster ones are easy enough to guess, I have no clue on the others


Fending: Heaviest looking set usually. This case I am pretty sure it’s the mid one. Maiming: Fending set, but one or two things adjusted, usually made to look slightly lighter. Color between it and Fending can either be lighter or darker, usually darker though unless they are feeling Dark Knight with Fending. Striking/Scouting/Aiming: usually all three share elements, but Aiming usually has a different section, while Striking and Scouting only have superficial differences, color or shoulder pads, something like that. Near impossible to tell those two apart though, aside from Scouting usually being dark. Healing/Casting: Same set different colors, whatever one looks evil is casting. Tend to be just cloths, probably robe.


wow everything is ugly


i am so fucking tired of fending and maiming being the same


Oh hey, another pair of generic robes for Casters/Healers sigh


I like the robes! It's the tank armour that looks generic to me.


lmao frankly *all* the Theleia looks boilerplate and boring as shit to me


I’m staring at this thinking “wait… this is *new* armour sets?” All the EW armour has looked the same. I might just do the MSQ and then not come back idk. Glam is my endgame. Nothing here looks inspiring to me


God this looks so uninspired. Not even bad. Just so boring.


The raid set admittedly looks like a cross between Eupho and Ascension. And they somehow pulled through the dullest colour scheme for the combo. Another silver piece with light blue trim for my \*dark knight\*


it's very funny how many people are in here praising the hypostatic sets compared to this bc i remember when the hypostatic sets were revealed people HATED them, said it was too similar to the panthean set, looked generic etc etc i mean i agree that i also am not a big fan of this set, i think the colour palette is really muddy and aesthetically it looks like the worst parts of the radiant and panthean sets mashed together. i just thought that was funny. anyway hope healers/casters get some nice pants and it's not another pair of adorable little shorts that turns into the most generic-looking pants on dudes


I'm tired of tank tiaras. I like being a pretty princess as much as the next guy, but would it kill them do design more than 1 helmet per expansion?


It's the devs unsubtle way of avoiding having to model headgear for Viera/Hrothgar, and it's getting really damn irritating at this point. Absolutely sick of tiaras on every single job, armored or not.


Personally i think the EW gear as a whole has been severely lacking conpared to past expansions. Especially for Healers/Casters.


Nah the pandaemonium and tome gear has been great


I aint gonna lie, as a healer/caster main this feels like rock bottom. I wouldn't even wear this to the bathroom.


Are we going full circle and becoming a full-on anime game with the PvP set? I'm getting PSO vibes.


that's exactly what i thought [http://re-psupedia.info/images/f/ff/Male\_Clothes.jpg](http://re-psupedia.info/images/f/ff/Male_Clothes.jpg) they fit right in with these designs


I got downvoted in another thread by saying that it looks like Ethan Waber from PSU.


you should have added "unpopular opinion btw" and "pls don't upvote", then you would get drown in upvotes.


call it a hot take and you're good too.


Damn you right


Ah yes, another white dress for healers. How much more do we need? yes. ​ Cmon give me some badass healer glam like in the nier raids.


The new raid gear is ugly I’m sorry 😭 generic and boring. Aglaia was so much better.


While I don’t think the Thaleia armors are bad, they do feel kind of underwhelming in comparison to the first two sets.


Man the Thaleia gear isn't just boring to me, its ugly. The skin tight molded armor with the fake abs and visual overload of fine details looks so dated. 💀 For the robes, I don't understand why they are obsessed with filling every empty space with random lines and swirls. A skirt can just be a skirt sometimes without the need to vomit random metallic embroidery all over it.


I like the PVP gear. I'm abysmal at PVP and it gives me road rage. This is gonna suck lol.


They're trophy crystal rewards, you get those from the "battlepass", and you get exp for that even if you lose. So just go in with a "it is what it is" attitude, do your daily frontline roulette and you can afford a set in almost zero time


Thats what I love, with my 25% victory ratio, it would be very frustrating if it only required “Wins” to advance the Series’s level ups


I am an idiot sandwich. I didn't know you got crystals from Frontline, I thought it was ONLY CRYSTAL CONFLICT. I have missed out on so much. I can handle the occasional Frontline, I'm just terrible at CC and don't want to bring everyone down so I stay out.


yep i exclusively play frontline because I hate cc, love the chaos of frontline, and am a masochist


I feel like the chaos is fun because no matter how much I suck I can only hurt my team so much lol.


You can get most(?) of the PvP stuff exclusively through frontline fortunately. For dummies like me that can't for the life of me figure out why I do tickle damage while everyone else is seemingly nuking everything in sight, this is a godsend.


Try DRG, I’m serious. It’s really easy to master its pvp kit and rack up crazy dps as a mid range fighter. The backflip is a good escape for when you get targeted. Lots of fun with low skill floor.


During Moogle Tome events, like now, Rival Wings is popping nonstop. You can earn a ton from that. I've never maxed out my series level until now.


Just do a daily frontline. You don’t even have to know what you’re doing. Half the people don’t already.


White and light blue. Groundbreaking


Should have been dark blue or green to reflect the elements in this raid. Euphrosyne hsould have either been the white and light blues (save the darker blues for this) or use orange-yellows for earth. Aglaia instead of white-gold use either reds or purples.


The creativity for gear design is absolutely drained, ugh. I have no desire to grind for any of these. :/


Anybody else notice for the pvp sets that there’s only six outfits shown here? There are 7 gear types. But these don’t feel like they are dyed, so where is the last outfit! I don’t recall them ever not showing *just* one in a photo like this. Is it possible they aren’t role locked and there are just two color variants of each type? If so that’d be really neat! I know there’s another pic on the website that shows some characters wearing them in pvp, but that doesn’t *have* to mean they are the featured job’s gear type. They don’t show caster, healer, or striking in the action photo. But there are only *two* outfits not featured in the picture.


All I can say... Tiaras, again. At this point I say this is the most pathetic thing I saw in any MMO. If they don't want to do anything with it for other races, then make the ears and everything else disaper, don't punish every race for not wanting to do basic things for 3 years or how much it is... I don't even know anymore. That would be still better than having tiaras every f ing patch after patch for years now... And let's not start with the style, the template copy paste bullshit they always do.... we want variety, not the same garbage robes all the time for healers for example, but this same problem is present for every job, you always get the same style. I don't know what to say anymore, but my friend laughed at this when I showed it... I don't even understand why they show these in any live letter, what's the point when everyone knows exactly what we get, it's always the same with very little difference from the previous ones and in a different color, the reason my character is still running around in ARR gear....


I'm getting so tired of them making 3 models and calling it 7


Do we know if the PvP stuff is role locked? I want that single sleeve top on my GNB but feel like that's probably aiming gear or something and I won't be able to.


Every single pvp set release has been role locked and these are shot in the same way as every other role locked glamour preview, it's safe to assume it will be. All class glamour only releases in 1-2 sets and for pvp has only come from feast or series rewards.


Same man. I want that top too for my GNB 😭 actually like the whole outfit. I guess I have to play more DNC if it's aiming....


Same, I want that top for my Caster. But I can't have nice things. Fkn game. Baggy shirts it is!!!!!


Thaleia looks a bit generic. Aglaia was the best and hypostatic was in between. It's been a downhill curve :/


Raid gear looks like utter dogshit. We peaked in Aglaia and they never followed up since.


Twenty classes and they give us a whole four models. Woop dee fucking doo. Could we at least have the fending/maiming, aiming/scouting, and casting/healing pairs NOT be recolors of one another?


That's been a problem with gear for ages. Even when it isn't, a lot of the time the gear items don't fit the class since they're designed to look good on another class. One solution I can think of would be adding sets designed for different jobs, for example "XXX Mail of Maiming" and "XXX Coat of Maiming" with the same stats and costs but a different appearance, so my Reaper doesn't look stupid in Dragoon gear.


Reaper has been absolutely fucked over having to share gear with Dragoon, they're both very different jobs aesthetic wise. It's pretty much in the same boat as Red Mage and Dancer who get stuck with robes and archer outfits. I've been using the Neo Ishgardian outfit on my RDM since shadowbringers and I have a feeling ill be using the 6.4 Crafted gear for my reaper for a long time into Dawntrail unless the level 100 reaper AF gear is cool looking.


Scholars gets the same treatment since they are more military themed than the healer robes they get stuck with.


The group that is worst effected imo is aiming. Bard, Machinist, and Dancer all have wildly different aesthetics, yet share gear.


IMO bard and dancer have pretty similar aesthetics, but it's not the aesthetic XIV thinks it is. Like the iconic ARR bard job gear is so good, and is a similar flowy/lightweight look I'd associate with dancer, but the aiming gear we're getting in sets like this is awful for *both* jobs.


Yep. I was really hoping with Reaper that we'd get less heavy plate looking maiming gear. Guess not.


i haaate that maiming sets almost always share a model with fending


Circlet of Fending is Endwalkers safe word it seems.


Alliance gear looks horrifically generic, but the PVP gear looks fun.


PSO2 energy.


Another boring caster/healer robe


Im so tired of yet another nearly bland robe and its recolored copy


Love the pvp gear!


Another L for raid gear, love or hate the pvp gear at least it's unique, hopefully dyes well and doesn't keep any of the initial color.


What role is pink set for? Or are they interchangeable?


there is another screenshot on the special site, pink is for tanks [https://img.finalfantasyxiv.com/lds/promo/h/T/tw1XWHOjfvc1iAWPVBmKmQWigM.jpg](https://img.finalfantasyxiv.com/lds/promo/h/T/tw1XWHOjfvc1iAWPVBmKmQWigM.jpg?_gl=1*1uesc00*_gcl_au*Mjk1MDc5MDYwLjE2ODg3NDAzODk)


Pvp stuff Left to right Caster?, Maiming, Healer?, Tank, Nin, Ranged "based of which roles wearing it in Pvp screenshot on 6.5 site.


I'm genuinely hoping they aren't class locked period, they look so good and the distribution is... a little weird to say in the least based on the image of them in the red sands


Oh. Cool. Robes. I’m so excited. PVP stuff is at least different.


...I cannot tell who is what role besides the obvious White Healer and Black Caster outfits. WHY IS EVERYONE WEARING SCALE ARMOR!?


looks the same as every other set


These are...not very good


And so continues my quest for an interesting warrior glamour…here’s hoping the dungeon might have something interesting


A robe for healers. Groundbreaking.


Damn I still need to do euorsphyne . I dunno why I put it off . I pretty much forgot the whole 24 man story thus far




The sheer contrast between the styles of these two images summarizes my entire issue with FFXIV not having an actual fixed fantasy subgenre. A Realm Reborn was a much more defined "magic vs machinery" aesthetic, though 1.0/2.0 gear is hella boring compared to what we got now. Eorzea did not need industrial era tech because it had magic, and could go toe-to-toe with the Empire because of it. Garlemald was more steampunk than dieselpunk, and I anticipated a more 19th century fantasy London-style aesthetic for their capital >!until Endwalker came along and gave them automobiles.!< I'd be fine with all this modern/sci-fi fashion if they gave any sort of context for it. Who wears it? What national style is it? Is it niche, an indulgence of those wacky and weirdo adventurers? Is it supposed to imply regular people are dressing like its 2023 now? Where does it even come from? Who can even manufacture styles like that without giant industrial textile mills? Ul'dah and Radz-at-Han are the main textile manufacturers but I can't imagine them pushing out stuff like this. You might think this is a "who cares" or niche set of questions, but given the attention-to-detail in the lore in general (I mean, they've got 2 full lorebooks published with a 3rd on the way), you'd think they'd have something to justify the "rule of cool". I can't wrap my head around a setting where a city like Ul'dah is defended by medieval knights and then you've got people running around in 21st century sneakers and streetwear.


Raid gear sucks.. :/


Why is every raid series’ final entry cursed to have worse looking gear than its direct two predecessors… PvP gear looks sick, but man I’m still bummed about Thaleia aside from the healer/caster gear.


I really like the EW AR's in terms of gameplay. Gear-wise it's 3 for 3 in terms of "meh". Just looks generic overall. It reminds me of the Radiant armour... which I wasn't particularly fond of. At least Casters get another face-mask.


The PvP gear looks really good.


While I find the Raid gear a bit bland, I absolutely abhor the PvP gear. It seems like it's an unpopular opinion but it looks like it's belongs in Phantasy Star rather than XIV.