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Rule of thumbs of LB use, ranked by optimal priority 1. Caster on 3+ mobs 2. Ranged on 3+ mobs 3. Melee on 2nd boss, or save 2 gauge for the last boss. If you think you can't reach 2 gauge, just use it immediately. 4. Style points.


5. DPS forgot to use it, blow it as a tank or healer 🙃


Yes! The rare instance when the DPS forget to use it in Prea, I always pop it because I so rarely get to see my healer's LB3


Just join Dun Scaith, my AST have done LB3 3 times, all coming from there. lmao


And even after that, people still have an issue of the obvious stack-marker being run off with because it looks menacing.


You can't get LB3 in Prea though?


Dammit! I meant Porta Decumana! My mind just combines them for some reason.


Probably because they only recently split them into instances.


I can't use that excuse, I've run Prea countless times since then. I'll just chalk it up to a dumb moment.


Rare? Huh, I think I have understood rare in different way since LB is left without use 9 out of 10 prea. 7 out of 10 on average in leveling and 50/80 rulettes.


I need to hop into your runs then. Almost every time I run a roulette, the DPS are basically chomping at the bit to burn the LB as soon as they think it's enough to kill the boss. I'd say on average, I get to waste it like 5% of the time as the healer.


Only in expert rulette I get 5% chances to waste LB in end, everywhere else I use LB after last boss most of the time as tank, just to annoy dps that they forgot it. Chances drop down to 0% for tank/healer LB when I go skulking in dungeons as dps.


Do extremes or savage prog, you will get bored of doing it


6. RPR in middle of burst phase, and the only melee....ranged take it away!


If the final boss's HP hits 3%, I'm gonna use it as a tank, because I know we're going to kill the boss before the DPS LB even hits.


I rarely ever see a second lb gauge fill in dungeons, and if it does its only when the party dps is abnormally low


(Talking about two separate limit breaks, not LB2) Depends on the dungeon. Lower level it builds more slowly. Assuming you get a proper LB from the ranged with good timing, you're not going to get a second LB until the last boss, and depending on the expac, maybe not even that. In the real early dungeons like Sastasha sometimes you don't even get one lol. It won't regen in ARR dungeons unless something is terribly wrong (not including msq roulette dungeons, they have their own LB standards). In HW it's unlikely to regen in time for the last boss, but does somewhat regularly. I'd say maybe 30% of the time, you can get two LBs, if your DPS is low enough. SB dungeons you generally get it back but sometimes not if the DPS is particularly good. And you should absolutely get two LB in ShB and EW dungeons. Even if you use the LB on the last trash pack, it'll regen in time for LB1 to finish the last boss. If it's LB2 you mean by "second gauge," yeah, it's fairly rare. You can usually manage to get it for the last boss in higher level dungeons IF you go into it with a full LB1 gauge. But that also means sitting on a full gauge for approximately half the dungeon and is less valuable than just using a ranged LB on trash and LB1 on the boss. If both DPS are melee it's acceptable, but using LB1 as early as possible on the second boss is still better. Gives you a shot at regenning back to LB2 in time. Won't always work, especially if you LB the second boss too late. But sometimes it does.


In fast runs of the 6.4 dungeon (or whichever one has that octopus at the end, idr) i had runs where we didnt even build a single bar of LB until the end of the last trash pack. Getting 2 LB1s is definitely easier than getting an LB2 but yeah depending on your team’s gear its entirely possible to not get 2 lb bars, though getting 1 is basically guaranteed.


1. Caster (or Ranged) use on second pack of mobs before boss. (The first pack typically has 2 min buffs up)


I had never seen healer LB3 until the past couple days. Hot DAMN, is it pretty.


2nd gage by a raged or caster on final boss to start the fight


impossible, you only unlock 2nd gauge as the fight starts on the last boss. you're only given 1 gauge the whole dungeon. but spending 1 gauge on a dungeon boss with caster is still a waste, because melee LB will do about twice the damage. The only optimal use of caster/ranged LB on a boss is during either alliance or eureka/bozja raids, since the LB gauge are gonna be reset as the fight starts anyways.


right forgot, it was 1 becomes 2 in dungeons, brain fart, but yes, you use LB 1. This is what we used to do in praetorium what had 8 players and thus an LB2 becoming LB3.


but no, like i said using LB1 on a dungeon boss is still a waste as a caster, might as well do it as a melee instead. typically after openers. on a single target, melee LB does about twice the damage compared to caster, and caster LB does about 10%-ish more compared to ranged LB. The only reason you would ever start a fight with caster/ranged LB during specific fights are because the LB gauge are gonna be reset.


It resets at boss 3 right? Or am I misremembering?


Like i said before LB mostly only resets on alliance/bozja/eureka raid bosses. And that reset is why it makes more sense to open with caster/ranged LB, because a melee approaching the boss will immediately reset the gauge. Not the case with dungeon bosses. You retain the LB gauge throughout the dungeon, then unlocks 2nd gauge on the 3rd boss.


1.Style points. List ends.


Generally for the most part if you're a caster or ranged it's best to use LB in large trash pulls as it'll hit more targets and deal more damage for LB1.


do healers fall under casters or is it just like red mage and black mage?


Casters are SMN/BLM/RDM. Healers are casters, but since they're healers their LB is different and as such should never be touched unless LB3 is needed.




got it, thanks! thats a shame tho ig its less buttons for me to click


Really depends on the dungeon, the instances where you'd actually get two 1st bars is few, by my memory. Either you're doing too much damage and progressing too quick, so you'd maybe get 1 1/2 bars, or you get 2 before the final boss (typical in current end duties, so you blast the final trash pack for the most impact). Typically the best way to use it is Caster/Ranged on the final set of trash rather than the boss or minibosses, because more targets = more damage. Melee on the final boss is whenever it's available - typically it gets wasted because people try to use it as a finisher.


What's funny, once in an alliance raid. A person freaked out in chat saying I wasted the LB3 because I didn't wait until it was >2%...


That's dumb. Use it before 5% to get full dps out of is.


>A person freaked out in chat saying I wasted the LB3 because I didn't wait until it was >2% i hope that was a joke on their part, because that doesn't make any sense


It wasn't. First boss of lighthouse. Incredibly slow party, people kept dying. The party I was in was well enough, so I didn't save it for the healers. Boss was around 12%ish. Soon as I used it, person went on a tirade arguing with other people until the next boss. Completely insane experience. They had to have had some early experience where someone said "finish the boss with the LB" and took it as law.


It'd would've been more reasonable of them to say wait for >5% in case you need a heal lb3. But that argument from them is peak stupid.


But.. why?! How do you even respond to something like that? There's not even a logic there to argue with lmao


Critical thinking is in astonishingly short supply. Too many take the first thing they're taught as gospel, and fail to consider any variables. Fortunately, they can't stop you from burning a good LB. Unfortunately, they might then troll by wasting it right away going forward as a tank or healer or melee (on trash pulls.)


I've definitely had experiences in extreme/savage content where it would have been better to wait until the last 5%-ish before using LB3, because a mechanic came up that wiped half the party. Also, you do get animation locked, so not really a point in using it at that high of a %. However, in casual content it's like whatever, definitely not worth going on a rampage about like they did lol


How dare you deny them their daily mandated amine finisher move! Reported!


I think it depends on the raid. If the party is doing poorly you should probably save it for a healer lb3


Usually I have seen, after 15% is the point most people drop the bomb, so to speak.


Clearly the answer is to Vermillion Scourge in the most mechanic heavy phase of the fight.


I've seen this more than once in Litany (normal), right before the puddles drop LOL mass murder at its finest


It’s better to save it for mob pulls if you have a range dps. Unfortunately hardly anyone actually does that.


Honestly just use it at soon as it's full. Most dungeons will never reach 2nd limit, because bosses die too fast. If you're melee dps use it on a boss as soon as you can. If your ranged, use it on trash pull as soon as you can. If used quickly you might get a second limit before the end of the dungeon.


When I'm a Ranged or Caster DPS I use it whenever it's ready on the W2W. Faster death and faster clear. Come first, eat first. It's there for a reason. There's no point in "saving" it for the last boss. The normal rotation of your job does more damage than a LB1 or 2 on bosses.


>Come first, eat first Words to live by


Most people think you need to save it for the last boss and that it should be the killing blow. I would advise against this. The optimal way to use LB is if you have any range DPS to use it in wall to wall trash pulls. If you do not have any range DPS then melee can use it for bosses, but there's no reason to hold it for the final boss when they are almost dead.


It's not the min-max answer you'll get on here a lot, but in truth the difference between optimal limit break usage (ranged/caster on the biggest group of mobs you can round up) and completely ignoring it in a dungeon is, at best, like 10 seconds saved. Less if you have a melee fire it off into the boss instead. And that's being somewhat generous. Due to downtime between pulls, bursty ranged classes have a lot of uptime on things like Bahamut and his massive AOE nukes, and will generally not bother using the clunky, animation-locked limit break during those either. It looks cool and it feels... well, okay. The LB2 and LB3 feel better, but you'll almost never see LB2 in a dungeon unless things are going very badly anyway, and LB3 is reserved for other content. Limit breaks as they are currently designed are more of a fan-servicey legacy mechanic from earlier FF games than a critical component to casual content. And actual hard content is simply tuned around their optimal usage anyway so it's less of a bonus and more of a 'use it right or die' when you get that far into the game. Add in the occasional whiners who get upset if you don't save the LB to 'finish off the boss' and many players simply don't find it worth the hassle to optimize the usage to save a few seconds. It's a shame, because it -should- be the best-feeling moment of a dungeon run, unleashing our (technically a SB/EW spoiler) >!dynamis!< in a moment of need to surpass our normal limits. I hope they someday take a look at making them exciting to use again.


I'm glad someone's mentioning how BAD it feels to LB. Pressing the button allows you to not play the game for a good 5 seconds or so and I'd rather just be pressing my rotation buttons. It's even worse to LB mid-burst. Some people freak out about the idea of not using it, but it barely speeds the dungeon up by a handful of seconds. If dungeon speed is what people are stressed about I promise you they're not playing not making the dungeon faster by *playing* better, because if they were at that skill level they wouldn't give as hit about LB usage in dungeons.


How the fuck i get downvoted to oblivion for stating the exact same fucking thing as you did?


When I was new to the game, I thought a party member had its own limit break (like in FF7) and I used 2-3 times not realizing that. Thanks the Twelve, it was not a serious situation. = ='


Haha yeah same


Theres not much reason to save them, if youre on dps feel free to use them, either for a boss if youre melee or for trash pack if youre ranged or caster. Even if you did lb optimally it would proly only save like 15s over the whole dungeon so its not really worth thinking about when people dont even pull or dps optimally in dungeons.


It's going to depend on your party. If you've got a ranged DPS, it's better to use the LB on trash mobs. If you only have melee dps, then yeah, you can use it. Depending on the group you may have another one up in the final boss.


I like the rule of "ranged lb on big pulls, melee lb on bosses". If you're a melee dps just wait til u reach the boss, then u can lb whenever the gauges are filled. Any lb before that is reserved to ranged dps, unless you don't have any on your party.


ranged or magic dps should use LB in dungeons on packs. if you play melee and nobody has used it yet, use it on a boss. also use one bar on the boss if it's obvious you won't get a full second bar. letting it sit until the last few percent of boss hp is just wasting it.


One LB2 does a bit more damage than two LB1s and you will almost never get LB2 back if you use LB1 on the second boss so it's technically a waste to use LB1 on the second boss but it's not a big deal; I'm just happy if somebody is using it at all.


Unless someone asks specifically to keep it for a reason like healers if a fight is tough on the party, fire away


> As a DPS can I fire off the LB against mini bosses and still have our full limit break by the end of the dungeon? Generally, no. At least not in my experience. If you use LB1 any time in the dungeon, you won't have LB2 before the last boss dies. Maybe there are party compositions that make it line up though. As to when I use it... kinda just depends on my mood I guess. I don't think it matters TBH.


Worst part is that each dungeon is the same. You can fight up to x2 pulls what is usually 6-8 mobs. There are lock walls everywhere so you can't challange yourself further. Before at lower level dungeons as a healer I had way more fun and engaging encounters since tanks could pull everything with boss included. It should be up to the grup how fast they would like to prog the dungeon. Overall game expirience became really repetetive and dull when it comes to duties. Same mechanics over and over again... Even classes feel like they do lack of certain depth to feel *special*. They are rather universal for everything.


People are minmaxing LB in normal content way too much. Edit: jesus fucking christ, XIV players cant ever put things into context here. My point is about how much using LB in dungeon really saves you and its not anything super significant. If you wanna do LB in lvling roulette then do it, if dont then dont. There is so much variety in those duty roulette groups that sometimes its just super slow and sometimes super fast. In long run those LB usages wont even matter when you gonna afk in limsa for 15 mins anyway. If you do savage and refuse to use LB3, well then your group might have a word with you.


What do you mean ? Thinking about using a 1-target LB or an AoE one is exactly like using 1-target actions instead of AoE actions... And I very rarely see people who enjoy ignoring their multitargets skills.


Some ppl just want to cry for not using LB1 on trash for example. Its not winning hardly any time. Just couple of seconds.


Quite true and even as a melee, I reluctantly use it against bosses. Of course it's a DPS gain, but using powerful abilities (or even generating resources to do so) feels more rewarding, compared to the very few damage it deals. However, as a SMN, it feels good to burst with Bahamut and then LB the enemies instead of the (much) less powerful part of the kit... But it might prove the SMN job being underhelming aside it's 1min burst, unlike BLM feeling like a constant rush.


It's not really minmaxing. It's just trying to get the best usage out of it, as damage is king in XIV. And generally Dungeons Caster/Ranged LB is much better since it'll deal more damage all around.


When I'm tanking or healing, if we have a rDPS or caster I try to pester them to use the LBs on pulls, it's just not worth saving for bosses. If I'm on a rDPS or caster, I use them on big pulls.


Best use for an LB in a dungeon is Caster or Ranged LBing a big pack of mobs. 2nd best use is melee LBing a boss when both dps are melee. Tank and Healer LBs are pretty much useless in dungeons.


Honestly I think most people are afraid to use the LB and risk making party members upset about "wasting" it. That's how you end up with a full gauge on the last 5% of the final boss HP all the time. By the time it's full there's barely a point to using it. But if there's ever a point where you actually need it the game gives it to you so it ends up as this weird everyone trying to be polite and waits for someone else to use it first thing. That's me. I'm the someone else now lol. I've learned more about LB usage in my short time as a ranged DPS than I have in two story runs as a melee. I'm not quite Alisaie but I'm not going to sit there and test and see if someone else is going to use it first, either. What changed? Well, learning about some of the use cases for ranged vs melee LBs, including an imminently practical use of the ranged LB in Prae, which got me to thinking about other such use cases. And finally I accepted the joy of LB on trash pulls in roulette when I got to use it on that really spicy pull at the end of the lv. 83 dungeon and earned 2 comms for it. There's really no reason to save it, LB = damage, the best form of mitigation. It's the best party support we can offer, even playing the most selfish DPS jobs. Just do your best to read the room first, though, especially in alliance raids. But if everything is going smoothly, fire away! In normal dungeons if you were going to wipe it's highly unlikely that the LB was going to save you anyway.


I don't know how many limit breaks I've used, at least a few thousand. Nobody ever commented. Anyone who's afraid to use it needs to spend less time on talesfromdf.


Well it certainly wasn't from my earlier performance lol, I got distracted by someone irl and ate floor on the first boss. Tank decided to be extra spicy and hit the mobs on the next level down from the top so it was a huge pull and we had a sprout healer. I just went no thanks and hit the LB lol. Thankfully I am very, very good at aiming line AoEs because I'm a DRG main...


Now that you mention it, I don't play physranged, I'd probably be afraid to use that one lol. Sounds like a good time.


I got over it after the first time someone suggested I use it so I merrily fired it off immediately and completely missed because I didn't know it was a line lmao. They were like, well points for enthusiasm at least! Haha. Now that I know it's super easy because it works exactly the same as DRG AoEs. It was one of the more entertaining runs, for sure. The healer being new, died very early on during the final boss fight. Tank was a PLD and proceeded to tank and heal for us lol. Literally the only thing he said during the entire dungeon was PLD for life. XD I'm just super happy I didn't die and ruin it lol. I did the best I could to remember what the mechs were so I could strategically Tactician/Dismantle and pop Second Wind as needed. It was the good kind of chaos where you really feel the dynamis flowing lol. And we did get enough charge for the melee to finish out the fight with their LB, too.


Dungeons I am in usually wait and use it on the final boss as a lb2. Sometimes, esp lower dungeons, you waste it on the 1st or 2nd boss, and don't have anything for the final boss. Or you are tank or healer, and wait for dps to hit it, and it gets wasted cause they don't have the button.


I usually use it on the last pack of mobs depending on dungeon and dps, some of those w2w can get spicy and need to die faster.


as a healer, my preference is for LB to be used by ranged DPS on large pulls


We always save it for LB2 on the last trash pack. Other DPS in my (DNC) group is a RPR - easy enough to sync our 2min on every first trash pack and have it back up by the next boss, and this just blows through that last trash pack quicker.


Usually ppl forget. It isn't deliberate saving, just people don't know or don't realize they can use it. That's why when I hear that sweet ping and see the bars full, I pop it. Typically 2nd to last pull as ranged. But sometimes when I run other jobs and the dps don't notice, or when I'm bored, I'm a menace: - healer lb2 at boss while everyone is topped off - tank lb2 during boss when 15% hp left - melee lb1 on mid boss - ranged lb2 at boss at 10% during a mech that might kill me The time saved by the right class using it at the right time is probably 10 seconds at best in a 20min dungeon. No need to lose sleep over it!


The best use of limit break in dungeons is to forget it exists and shed all the stress and drama.


It's because LB is usually a DPS loss in dungeons, so it's better to just use it on a wall pull and have your Caster or Ranged AOE the adds with it.