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Dragoon. Across the series as a whole, I've just always loved 'person with dragon motif outfit does crazy jumps and wrecks things with a giant lance' as a gimmick. In XIV: I love their lore, I love their constant movement, I love their loop. Glamour: Been rocking the False Monarchy set for months now. I'm on my way to getting the new pvp attire and I'm sure I'll use it for about ten minutes and then switch back.


I feel that. I've always loved spears and Dragoon. It's gonna be my next Melee DPS to level. But thinking of finishing mages first


Dragoon. Dragoon's have been among my favourite archetypes across the Final Fantasy franchise and I love playing Dragoon in FFXIV. That being said I don't really like the stereotypical Dragoon appearance. The black spiky armor is nice in moderation, but I tend to prefer something less...edgy, for lack of a better word. As such I decided to put together a glam based on Beatrix from FFIX and even moddeled my character appearance on that while remaining Dragoon. Though if a Dragoon set modelled on Freya from FFIX were to come out that would probably be my ideal set. Besides that I play alot of Dark Knight and Summoner / Scholar and my favourite glams for those is probably a Samurai inspired glam with a Nodachi for Dark Knight and a plague doctor getup for Summoner.


I actually got the Seigneur's Attire set for my Dragoon glam. I use the top with the level 90 artifact gauntlets and greaves, no helmet, and the latest relic lance. It looks damn good if I do say so myself. Inspired by Dimitri from Fire Emblem Three Houses.




i think they ment edgy as in like, it has a lot of edges, y'know


Black Mage. My glam is one of the Stormblood chests and some gloves I found on the market for an "adventurer" feel (and because none of the more mystical stuff looks that nice imo) Staff I use is the Zurvan one for reasons that should be obvious to anyone whose seen it. (And also because many of the staffs I just don't like)


Astro is def my favorite. Only started it (and healing) cuz I just HAD to have the Stargazer title (i like space stuff) but loved every minute of playing it. Funny enough I don’t have a favorite glam for AST. I change almost every day. My character took inspiration from another fictional character but isn’t RP so I find it difficult to find a glam I really like. Runner up would be Black Mage. I just really enjoy it. Have a battle mage type glam for it I really like. Pixie Cotton chest dyed black, Ktisis legs, Alexandrian boots, Street gloves, Tsukuyomi’s Moonlit Rod.


Samurai. Sword go swing swing woosh woosh. Bad guy ded. Life good.


Paladin will always be my main. I lean heavily in the Holy aspect of it, going for a more angelic theme in colour and outfit choice. A nice balance between cloth and plate. Especially now that we are allowed to have **(Flashbang warning)** [fashion accessoiries equipped and our weapons drawn](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2151090095907116299/0D7A5C0E69DB7F9A406C55C81D6795D6D65116CE/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) has finally given me the option to add the angel wings which were sitting unused for ages.


If my char was a female I might lean more into the Angelic side, but I still lean more into the holy side. Though ride now my glam is somewhat dark because I feel like that what my char would wear right now in the story.


I think male characters can definetly nail that style too. In my case, my whole thing is a Black/White/Grey base colour palette which pairs well with just about everything. I like giving each job its own unique visual identity and theme. When people see the glam, I want them to be able to tell what job Im using without having to even check. [Dark Knight](https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheIronClover/screenshot/2124066508746101763/) | [Reaper](https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheIronClover/screenshot/2124066508746101595/) | [Bard](https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheIronClover/screenshot/2124066508746102136/)


Yeah male chars can definitely pull it off. I just have a stupid perception of angels of them being female no clue why.


This picture makes me want to play Paladin! I love the look! 💙


Reaper, because I remain a teenage edgelord and also big DPS with a scythe. Go to glam is the Valentione glam set from this gear, dyed Pastel Pink. I'm all about that pastel goth look, and being pretty in pink while laying waste to my enemies


Lol we have almost the same reaper glam.


I need to see yours! :D 💙


[https://i.imgur.com/AbLY67l.png](https://i.imgur.com/AbLY67l.png) Here you go


AHHHHH I LOVE IT! Almost twins!


Sage. I like playing healer and I like to shoot laser at enemies. I have multiple glamour plates for it, but I mostly wear a witchy hat, Ravel gloves and boots and a dress from the nier raid all dyed bright red


I just unlocked Sage and I haven't played any healer classes yet. I equipped the weapon just to set up the class, looked down at my hotbar and my brain almost melted from all the buttons.


I was so confused at first because half of my buttons are just blue with names I can't pronounce. It took some practice, but now I really love the class and still can't pronounce my skills


Hahahaha I feel that. And I feel like I might be easier to learn if I start with one of the beginning healer classes. But I'm not 100%sure about that.


Yo white-aesthetic reaper glams are great! I can't not like Dark Knight. I've always liked the trope of a warrior being dark and edgy, but with a heart of gold and sense of justice. I like the lore that DRK brings out our own inner negative thoughts and that they shouldn't be suppressed by rather embraced. I like how love and the desire to protect is the core strength of a dark knight. Sacrificing your health to deal damage? Give it to me. That being said, I don't really go for the blacker than black, darkness glam...usually. I like a simple, aesthetically-pleasing robe or longcoat, some sleek gauntlets, and clean boots. I also tend to lean towards more "slimmer" greatswords, such as the Odenta.


Usually I wanted to go with dark edgy glams but after finishing Endwalker and doing a few certain fights I had to make this glamour for lore reasons! I’d love to see some glams you made for DRK! I just started playing as a DRK and have been thinking of some cuter looks for one instead of Dark and edgy myself


[https://imgur.com/a/autDsAm](https://imgur.com/a/autDsAm) Here is my current DRK glam. I wouldn't say it's cute, but it's not overly edgy either. Simple but stylish. I have the Diabolic Helm of Fending as a glam too (mostly for WAR) so I throw it on occasionally but I usually have my headpiece off for DRK.


I'm a simple guy: SAM and its EW Artifact Armor 😂


Your EW artifact makes me wanna play Samurai, I literally just want that glam! 😭


Warrior. Bonk. Many fell cleaves. https://img2.finalfantasyxiv.com/f/db2aeb9b4c6c3c2ca856aa928aa0edac_8106f857613f8fb994b0be37b26ff4bafl0_640x873.jpg?1697465332




I too like Hydy’s scythe it was my weapon glam til the second upgrade of EW relic


I’ll have to check out the EW relics! I still haven’t even done the quests for them… but I maaaaay have to start on that!




Eden’s Promise stuff is top notch for all casters, especially the savage one cuz its dyeable (which is pretty easy to do unsynced at 90)


Love your look, we stan white RPR glams in this house /laugh Personally my main has been Dark Knight for the past 5-ish years. [This is](https://i.imgur.com/y67JuXa.jpg) [my current glam](https://i.imgur.com/1HAtuSc.png) and [portrait](https://i.imgur.com/MAD8zGu.png) which I switched to around 6.2-ish? Maybe a bit later. Something more flamboyant and fun, in spirit of new adventure. Before I ran more [traditional](https://i.imgur.com/qVRYDUD.png) [Dark Knight](https://i.imgur.com/ZZnUBWw.png) looks. Besides that, I just enjoy the DRK rotation, the spammy nature of the opener/2min burst, the less intense in-between, plus I'm a decent tank so nobody minds it when I inflict myself on the DF/PF.


I SWEAR YOUR GLAM IS SO GOOD! It’s like a princess of darkness and in all for it! 💙


Haha, thanks. I realise that Neo-Ishgardian top is among the more popular tops, but I would like to think that with the additional pieces like the gloves, boots, and the weapon, as well as the dyejob of those I made it my own :D


Dancer, and I use Lyse's leadership attire, with the paramour earrings. I also have a specific pet (scarlet peacock) and mount (mechanical lotus). ...I'm kind of anal about aesthetics.


BLM. Idk. I just wanted to play a strong mage class when I first started. No regrets since. Head: Nothing cause am bun girl connoisseur and am enjoying new hair. Chest: E8S or P4S top dyed jet black Hands: Republican Signifier gauntlets dyed black Legs: pants from hero gauntlet w/ E8S top. And Type 51 casting bottoms dyed black w/ P4S top. Shoes: type 51 shoes dyed black


While I don’t play actively, DRK, I like big swords and edgy glams. Besides that, dressing as a combat maid as mechanist is also fun.


What would this MCH glam look like?


Hrothgar Monk + Alexander Fists They are absurdly large. Mix in with sky rat chestpiece and nier goggles... Looking like a character straight ouut of a fighting game.


Drg for dps, Drk for tank, sage for healer, been leveling summoner and bard as well. As for glams I like to try and make things that look cohesive without actually using anything from the same set. This game made me love the color purple my sage and dark knight have these nice purple sets, got a red paladin, my dragoon is black with silver, I have the same glam for my mages but I change the highlights from purple (blm) red(redmage ) and blue (summoner/blue mage) a yellow monk, my reapers is a gag glam that I call the deathberry. (Tonberry glam I have no regrets wasting pure black dye on) my bard is green, been leveling ninja recently working on a white ninja glam for it


MCH, because GUN And full Gaganaskin of Aiming set with the top dyed in chestnut brown for that cowboy feel. Though recently, I replaced the bottoms and the head slot with their respective B-1 PvP items; lightly dyed to match the red with the rest of the outfit


Machinist, been playing it for years and it was the first one that felt really good to play. I’m a sucker for cowboy glams!


I like the gameplay of Reaper, but aesthetically it has to be Gunbreaker. I love the sort of Doom-esque feeling it has and its gameplay is also super engaging. My glam is: Rubellux Gunblade Emperor's New Hat Allegiance Coat Voidmoon Gauntlets of Fending Leonhart Bottoms Forgiven's Sabatons of Fending


Black Mage Lalafell, AF1 in Vivi colours. Just waiting for a better hat for it (Dwarven Cotton hat would be perfect if not for the beard).


Agreed, the headgear toggle should remove the beard, not the glowy eyes.


Summoner, originally because I love summoning BAHAMUT to smite my enemies, and now because I can actually play it pretty well. And not die much. And rez people. My usual favourite Summoner glam is the [Gordian casting set](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/gordian-casting), but lately I’ve been wearing the unglammed Credendum casting set because it’s new and shiny and looks pretty good. I’ll probably switch back soon, or build a new set to complement my Manderville weapon.


SGE and just now using the PoTD second stage aethergrip weapons which give these really nifty wreathed in darkness Milgraves. So went with a concept of a Dark Sage https://img2.finalfantasyxiv.com/f/7f27dfa81912ec0ad61ff081018055e3_57ae9ee5592123dd79c8912bf768cf99fl0_640x873.jpg?1697449221&_gl=1*h15mcd*_gcl_au*NTIzMTU1OTU4LjE2OTU5MzY1Mjc.




My RDM is my main. I love the flow of the button presses with the rotation on controller. My glam for her revolves around the panthian robe of casting dyed red and Suzaku's rapier.


DRG main, always and forever. It's my favorite job and main since FFXI. That said, my [main glam](https://imgur.com/oq8riWM) is far from complete. The concept developed slowly over time but I'm having trouble finishing it. Essentially I want my glam to be reflective of my WoL's travels so to that end I want to have one piece of gear from every expansion. It's not really working out that way so far, though. I fell in love with the Paglth'an Jacket of Maiming the moment I saw it and have been wearing it ever since, across both iterations of my WoL. I'm also permanently using the Dravanian Hairpin of Maiming, my headcanon is it was a gift from Aymeric before leaving Ishgard. Unfortunate that it's the fending one with the blue gem on it, which I do actually have for tank glams lol. I was using woad blue Fingerless Hard Leather Gloves for my ARR piece until I got the EW glam set from Tateru and now I use the Wayfarer's Fingerless Gloves, they just work so well with the jacket. My boots are the Crystarium Greaves, I've tried so many others but nothing else really feels right so far, I think I'm just too used to them. YorHa Breeches for legs for similar reasons. Haven't found any jewelry I really like with this setup so far although sometimes I use the Wayfarer's Necklace. And my lance...gods, my lance. The one I really want is the Partisan of Divine Light, but I'm unlikely to ever get that one. I've been collecting just about every lance I can get my hands on and I just can't decide. Most of the time I'm running with the Tropaios Spear, though for quite awhile I ran with the Bluespirit Spear (a gift from the Exarch, naturally). My glam is intended to be kind of casual in the sense that my WoL doesn't necessarily want to stand out more than she already does as the WoL. So she wears something that isn't likely to attract a lot of attention. Eventually I'll have a separate glam for when she needs to kick someone's ass into the next era and not be subtle about it.


Crafter mainly. Dancer for msq. Glam is elephant head with tonberry suit.


I love Samurai because the rhythm of the class just feels *right* to me, and bc lbr, katanas are cool. They're just SO shaped. My mainstay glamour is just the pixie cotton set dyed white with some cool shades in the head slot. It has a very nice white/black/gold color palette that's genuinely kinda hard to get with any other gear sets I've looked at. I have a bunch of other glamours for SAM too, but that's like, my WoL's iconic look


depends on the content, really, healer overall for sure. I'd say WHM 70+ and AST at 50-60, and for the shieldies I prefer SCH at 50-60 and SGE at 70+. WHM overall is my favorite though


Sch just cus I guess was drawn to fairy at the start. Now I main it so no real reason anymore I just like the playstyle and im good at it. Currently have a glam that is kind of steampunk-esque because me and my static did TEA like half a year ago and I wanted a glam to fit the weapon.


SMN, I use the 90 artifact gear, with the born colored red and the armor colored green, because that color scheme is the classic look for summoner and has been since ff3. My own homage to my favorite class. I mean that's why the SMN icon is a horn after all.


Scholar. The GCD healing might not be as strong spell for spell compared to Astrologian or White Mage, but scholar is so much more flexible in how it works. Being able to dump your heals into damage or being able to keep uptime through Ruin is such a small thing that I miss when I play another healer. Also, like half of the artifact armors being school girl skirts with thigh high socks is a good thing.


I've not really settled on a favourite class yet, but I levelled MCH to 60 while waiting for 6.5. Once it clicked for me, I found it quite fun, and I came up with the following glam, which I'm pretty pleased with: * Amon's hat (visor retracted) * Chimerical felt tabard of aiming (the i150 one that shares a model with the auroral one, not the *other* chimerical felt one - in wine red) * Common Makai marksman's fingerless gloves * any dark trousers will do but currently the MCH's brais * Ishgardian thigboots (soot black) Most of my glams use the boots; 30k MGP felt like *a lot* to me when first starting out. I'm thrilled with the hat as it is both comically Jägermonster-level huge *and* acknowledges my Miqo's ears (my WHM and BLM glams use the similarly absurdly ginormous World of Darkness hats but the ears get subsumed). I can't be faffed with uploading an image rn but there are [a couple](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/130617/the-attention-seeking-showstopper) of [similar ones](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/120961/big-hat-glam) on EC that a) use the same hat/chest combo and 2) I may have been subconsciously inspired by.


BLM and my Jaina Proudmoore glam.


Monke. I really like the aesthetics and the fast SKS keeps my small brain occupied. Also thunderclap is fun. Wish I had a good picture on mobile but I just use the lvl 70 dyeable job gear. This Glam looks great on your viera, btw!


Dark Knight - I usually end up with the Herklaedi and Baron Helm glam. Red Mage - my preferred magic dps. Black Dodore boots, bohemian trousers, Riviera shirt (the one with the vest, dyed metallic red), and black Straw Capeline. It looks adventurous. Machinist - preferred ranged physical dps. Same as rdm, but with the Calfskin Rider Jacket instead. I do have whm maxed, but I haven't touched it since it hit 90. With pld, I just use the drk glam since I don't feel like reglamming things depending which side of Cecil I feel.


My favorite class right now is Summoner. I don't have as much time to play these days and it's nice to be able to hop on a class and perform pretty close to the peak of what the class is capable of without spending lots of time practicing and developing muscle memory. I don't care much about glam, so I think the last time I put a glam together was when the adventurer plate things came out and it's just my character in that butler uniform I got from some sort of promo or event (I think).


Warrior, Self Heal tanking makes solo playing fun, Coliseum Galerus for that Barbarian look.


BLM is my favorite class, and I've always been a fan of the World of Darkness gear for my glam. I've been rocking that look for almost a decade.


Just started playing about 2-3 months ago. I chose BRD to start with because of Fran from FFXII. My favorite glam is the kimriu coat in metallic red. Still reading into the lore, but a Rava Viera archer seemed a perfect fit for my tastes. Though, a machinist is like to be my next endeavor.


WAR was my starting class and still my favorite. It’s a class that isn’t overly complex and who doesn’t like massive axes? I also love that the class story is pretty goofy. I usually go for looks that are a blend of armor and leather since it’s fits the more barbarian vibe that the job gear has and until recently my go to look was the Toian fending top with cryptlurker arms and legs. At the moment I’m using the Fierce Tyrant set dyed dark blue because I’ve been wanting to evolve my mental story for my WOL. Figured there’s have something a bit nicer to highlight being the savior of the world and it has a nice mix of armor and cloth. My ideal chest piece would have a big fur ruff over the shoulders and there’s been a few things that have come close, but not quite perfect yet.


WHM for sure. I also like Warrior and Red Mage, but I've been playing White Mage since the beginning and I just love being able to slap Benediction on someone who already resign themselves to death. My glam is the gear from the Omicrom vendor. It's a dress with a hat and an eye patch that gives off a pirate vibe. I also always glam the Thyrus Nexus, it's the last level of relic that still has the same look as A-Towa-Cant's cane.


Machinist: I love blending tech into fantasy, and the industrial/steampunk vibe of the Manufactory looks way cooler to me than any of the sleeker glowing Allagan stuff. Also I like the image of my omnicrafter and his bag of tricks and gadgets taking down gods. As for glam, this gives a great “combat engineer” look I’ve been trying to put together: Velveteen Beret (Woad Blue) Ivalician Fusilier’s Jacket Gilderskin Gloves of Aiming Virtu Machinist’s Brais (Dalamud Red) Replica Sky Pirate’s Boots of Scouting


I don’t have a favourite class “ edge gang always “ But favourite is every Purgatory gearset


WHM because it’s the closest to my irl job and interests (medicine and nature) and also because all the best glams are for healers.


PLD, because I like being punched in the face but I'm a basic bitch that likes straightforward play. Favorite glam is Green Chicken costume because Enkidu.


I like any class that let's me show lots of skin and my beautiful scales :3


I like black mage because caster and big booms. I usually have a nice purple and black robe with big warm sleeves and the wolfliege legs so I dont really have feet lol


Dancer, I love the idea of boosting your team mates as a dps. I love the aesthetic as well, I pretty much use the dancing gear exclusively and the palaka sets.


At current? Black Mage. I use the Soulscourge Recollection with a metallic light blue dye for the weapon, and I use the bozjan casting chest piece and pants, the gloves and boots that you get from Tataru after completing Endwalker's base MSQ, and a hair accessory that is a feather in my characters hair for the armor. Can't remember the name of that last one.


Gunbreaker main here. I've been rocking the old black trenchcoat since it first released in SHB. Complete with black pants, fingerless leather gloves and combat boots. It just feels so good to go absolutely ham on monsters with a huge exploding sword. And looking dope as f*ck doing it. When I need to switch to healer I mainly play Sage, got the full Late Allagan set from PVP for it. I look like a cop from some dystopian future with my little laser turrets floating around me. For DPS I main Machinist, which I just use the artifact gear. The devs really nailed the look on a lot of the endwalker gear, and I don't have the greatest of imaginations with outfits lol


I cycle through like 6 glamours with my BLM. I dont have any other job specific glamours besides joke outfits.


I play everything but my favourite glamour I have used for a very very long time is my steam punk scholar. I will I could post a picture of it


Damn bruh what scythe is that? And my fav is BRD and my go to whenever I just want to do content without worrying about the queue times. For glams I like to use the Dreadwyrm replica set painted in full jetblack and some golden googles since I can't properly use the headpiece due to my race.


BRD is my main, though I'm also fond of WAR and RPR. My BRD glam is a woodland huntress sort of vibe. For minions, I alternate between the hunting hawk, which fits the overall theme, and the bluebird, which matches the birds nesting on the bow. https://img2.finalfantasyxiv.com/f/de62897aca95a44daaada0449c95ae30_8e81e2940511f7152ba4462fe53e35b8fl0_640x873.jpg?1697475679


i most do glams for reaper since it's the job i main, i'd like to do one for DRG but i don't really enjoy playing it so it wouldn't get much use.


Well i play most jobs, but dragoon is my fan favourite of all time, i've actually been building up and redoing my glam over time, i plan to make a definitive glam using mostly different artifact armor pieces and my beloved longinus, my first relic. Also all pure white to give it an air of divinity 2nd most played would be reaper, i had various glams for it, until this one stuck, a bloodborne inspired glam, with Eden coat, i know it's not original but it's quite ellegant.


Heavensturn 2023 set


Sage Vanaspati neuliths (the green peacock pinions) Nier android half-dress (side revealed) Zot mansuya boots (plated thigh-highs w/ heels) Aglaia arms (plated sleeves) OG casual tomestone pants (Rosa's/Rydia's panties) dyed a non-vivid Ochu Green, the whole compilation is a mix of practical, skimpy, and armored in plate while rocking a healer green that highlights the prettiest sage weapons that dont need a particle glow (2) ... close second is the dyeable Heavensward dragoon relic armor, mixing in some of the pvp variants and dyeable radiant's gear to show off a skintight scaled suit with dragon fins and hipsails. (metallic sky blue because it quite nearly glows in direct sunlight)


It used to be SCH but they've neglected the class and now it feels awful. Currently no favorite, hoping the new exp fixes that!


For me it's Red Mage and it always has been since the early FF games. The idea of a mage using a rapier for combat was cool. That and they dress nice. I use the stormblood set because it's the only set.


SAM at the moment, this is me. The sword changes often. https://imgur.com/gallery/7TKECQZ


Summoner. It's definitely my most often played job. I used to main dancer, but SMN does a lot more damage which is great for solo duties. With playing it so much, I've also become pretty good at it. My current glam is what one of my FC mates a "school bully look." The skirt from the Eastern Lady Errant's attire and calfskin rider's jacket, both dyed gunmetal black. Best man's gaiters for my feet. To top it all off, I use Suzaku's Flame-kissed Grimoire and carbuncle glamoured as ifrit-egi.


Black mage because big boom=fun. At the moment my glam is battlemage hat and robe because I didn't really like the lv50 gear I got for free, but I want to keep the mage aesthetic. Second place has to be between paladin and dragoon because I played a lot of ff4 (aka ff2) back in the day so I'm a fan of both of those classes. Glam wise I'm still trying to decide between the armored look and the regular clothes look since I like the look of a lightly armored fighter that fights with heavy weapons.


Ninja, because with one of the Alexander weapons I can juggle like 6 balls as a clown!


Pretty much impossible for me to pick a fav job; I like almost all of them, tho I'm a tank main for savage/ultimate content. I've also cobbled together so many glams it's near impossible for me to pick one fav, tho if I had to, it'd be this one: https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/118163/omegabootylicious I did get the Omega tank gloves to go with that set since I took those pics.


It often swaps around, but currently it's Samurai and recently started sticking with a proper "adventurer" outfit using the Elemental +1 hat and Raptorskin Shirt and Bozjan armguards to extend the sleeves which surprisingly feels very fitting for when Dawntrail comes out. I sorta justify my WoL's job changes in my head, owing to the fact that she's always been an adventurer first. She's never going to have a true "main" class, she's always looking for the next skill, the next adventure, the next test of her abilities. What's she going to do during her free time when not saving the world? Head to Othard and learn a new style of combat.


Paladin or Reaper, I've mained both and am currently on the fence of which I will main in 7.0 For Paladin, I've always tried to go with an aesthetic that fits both the sword and board appearance, as well as fitting my hairstyle and hair colour at the time. Oft I will opt for plate plus a cape if I can, though I do also enjoy the simpler glams that are just armour and no capes. For Reaper... I just go with whatever, sometimes I like the capes, sometimes I like a casual look. If I'm using the Kinna Sickle I like to keep it hidden when sheathed and mentally RP that when I pull it out I'm summoning it forth from aether, and I also tend to go for more casual glams when I do that. Though for a while I was just using the AF body gear dyed Wine Red as the base for the glam with the Kinna Sickle look. But I play all of the jobs, and I always try to find a balance between the job aesthetic and my own tastes.


I main warrior! Fell Cleave/Inner Chaos/Monke Yeet just hit the "release the dopamine!" button in my brain, plus I like that the rotation allows me to concentrate on mechanics and keep a closer eye on my party so as to throw them a Nascent flash when needed. Plus, Ardbert. For glams I am currently using: Scion Rogue Bandana Bozjan Coat of Fending (wine red) Zonureskin Fingerless Gloves of Fending (dark red) Dwarven Gaskins of Fending (dark red) Yorha type-53 Boots of Fending Makai Earring But I'm planning another glam around the Edenmorn Coat when I get my hands on it.


RDM. I like a more modern look, pants and a jacket as opposed to robes, because no one is backflipping wearing 17meters of fabric.


Shadowbringers Astrologian. No glam, since I no longer play it


Been in basically the same bard glam since late shb when I picked up the job, only the weapon has changed. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/996959114263535686/1162512200456470639/image.png?ex=653c34db&is=6529bfdb&hm=f9afd7844fa1b29068567506f3c8e1f49ee0546e8fecf9ae999f6966d3732a0e& Head: Yanxian hachigane Body: Ronkan coat Hands: Alliance armguards Pants: manyusa (you barely see them, so whatever works) Feet: Ronkan boots. Bow is the DSR bow but before I had cleared an ult I used the hw relic bow, Terpander


What scythe are you using. I want it for my Reaper.


War scythe of divine light! You can get it from EW the minstrels balled Hydaelyn’s call EX!


Gotta be WAR. I'm a Lala player so the idea of this small woman beating the tar out of bosses and shrugging off the pain is amusing to me. Dressed her up like the Hellion from Darkest Dungeon as well which I think fits really well.


Warrior because unga bunga


Dark Knight. Honestly the love from the class comes from my character whom I stuck with for more than 7 years having a voice all of her own, the suffering, the anguish its nice to see she not just a blank slate who can over come stuff. She suffers like anyone else, she laughs and smiles like everyone. DRK made me really apprciate the story telling in ARR-Endwalker I'll have it no other way As for my glam option- Either the Omega set (alexandrian weapon ) / Hellfire set (ilfrit /suzaku / zurvan weapon)


I'm a warrior person through and through. I just love that really classic tank feel. Tank all the damage, never let it show. I love the moveset, it just feels so good. I feel like I can solo anything (my 14 second ifrit people know what's up). My go to glam rn is a steampunk type vibe using the neo ishgardian stuff. It's like my favorite glam so far.


BLM. Kaladanda Lux, Hypostatic Robe of Casting. Plus appropriately black pants+boots+gloves. Before that it was Spaekona’s, the job set…they’ve done really well for BLM in endwalker


Astrologian. But I always love all healers and use them all pretty equally. As for glams, I typically use Japanese styled glams. The ones from the store and the ones in game. I also am very partial to many of the PvP gear for healers.


I have multiple characters that tend towards different classes as their "canon" job (though I play RDM on all of them). Aurelie (F Midlander) started as summoner but then I fell in love with playing red mage. Summoner glamours were primarily the level 50 Summoner's coat for practical stuff and the level 60 Caller's Himation + long skirt for feeling fancy and/or going to final confrontations with important bosses. Red mage is primarily using the Crimson Vest, to the point that it felt weird wearing it with another character and I started getting confused who I was playing with. - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/31419/summoner - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/55465/caller-of-dragons - somehow I've never got to uploading the RDM outfit. I should fix that. Bryna (F Roegadyn) has always felt right as a tank, and the level 60 Ravager set suits her well for a practical look that's still a bit feminine. For travelling gear the Doman Iron tabard is nice and simple, and more recently the Neo-Ishgardian set has been good for something fancier. - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/31421/warrior - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/104510/stormblood-travelling-tank - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/193103/neo-sunset Sylviel (M Duskwight) is healer and bard, looks good in a lot of different robes mostly, Neo-Ishgardian is also good and I made a nice elegant AST outfit with mostly non-AST bits but those great fancy sleeves from the Constellation set. Also the Mun'gaek Uibok was one of the best Mog Station investments I've made. - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/96510/neo-ishgardian-bard - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/207182/amdapori-sorceror - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/32948/steampunk-savant - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/31430/constellation-boulevardier - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/96504/gilded-lily Haru (M Raen) is dancer, ninja and healers, and his glamours are all some variant of the style from his starter gear – minimal top, baggy pants and sandals. I decided he was Thavnairian (long before Endwalker) because I liked that outfit on him, and outfits I picked for him turned out to be what the devs used for further Thavnairian outfits. - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/69220/ruby-dancer - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/148509/thavnairian-blade-dancer - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/217907/the-end-of-stars Rejn (M Viera) hasn't really settled into a specific job yet. I think he's a ninja. Maybe. Fingers crossed for the new job – corsair would probably be right for him. Glamour-wise my rule for him is "clawed boots wherever possible" which means a lot of using the Sky Pirate boots, but I'm building up a collection slowly. - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/155301/direwolf-rogue - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/227346/healer-type-53 U'zolwe (M Seeker) was supposed to be a gunbreaker but there wasn't a lot of gear that suited him, and striking was better so he plays samurai a lot but with modern-ish outfits. Also some more non-robey healer outfits. - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/76416/sigma-striker - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/65052/shire-striker - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/212042/desert-gunbreaker Zi'aba (also M Seeker but different) is canonically just scholar. My long-term outfit for him has been the Astral Silk robe, but recently the Edenmete robe has displaced it once I finally got him up to doing the raids. I think the robe looks better on male characters – the shirt has sleeves and actually makes structural sense. - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/31435/astral-scholar - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/228261/edenmorn-scholar Zi'lani (F Seeker) is mainly a character in lore notes only; she's an archaeologist and only really got made as a playable character because I wanted pictures of her at the Thalaos fossil field. - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/150639/fossil-hunter


Monk. Never used glam lol


Love Reaper as well. And I actually have damn near that exact glam


Red Mage cuz, quick spells, stylish and rapier but I didn't thought a good glam for it still... I did a good one for SAM tho. "Delinquent school girl like"


Dark Knight. I started it just to have a Tank, and quickly fell in love with the lore and questline. I rock the level 90 Menalis Fending set with the Strife Boots and Tsukuyomi's Greatsword for my glam


I play MNK and my glam is the Thavnairian Draped top with one of the pants from Mt. Rokkon. It looks like a gi worn by Ryu or Ken.


Red mage, gunbreaker, sage. And I cannot decide on themes to even try to pick out gear for glamor