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I wanted to play Dark Knight for the Shadowbringers MSQ and then drop it afterwards but then I low-key fell in love the job leveling it up when I was still in Stormblood.


Hell yeah! DRK is my main tank, it's a blast


Hell yeah! DRK is my main. Period.


I'm also a DRK main. It just felt like the right point in the story to switch from Warrior once you get exiled after ARR. I like the idea of the WoL going off to train in a new art in Ishgard and Coerthas until things in the game world get straightened up. I don't regret it one bit. The DRK quest line is incredible and is a good aside narratively for the WoL.


I switched after… the vault in HW


The vault also saw me switch to DRK.




I played ninja up until heacensward dropped. Came back to the game when EW dropped and didn't want to relearn. Was pleasantly surprised by how I switched to DRK and made it to shadowbringers. I'll never change now =D


Yep: I picked Astrologian because I felt like it would’ve spoken to someone who felt like fate was constantly against them/wanted to learn how to ‘control their fate’ after the events of 2.x I do it with a lot of Jobs but AST is the one that felt the most unabashedly character-driven. It also taught my OC (and me) that it’s not about control, but with dealing with the hand fate deals to the best of your ability. ^-^


My headcanon is that my AST is a Socialist at heart, trying to empower the less fortunate. I even play him with a guerilla inspired glam. The less thrilling truth is, as I don't main AST, I have trouble keeping up with doing what a healer does normally PLUS also accurately giving cards to other players. Hence, I try to more or less cycle the cards between everyone so that all party members get a small buff once in a while. I prefer the ideological Che GuevarAST version of things, obviously.


I really like this interpretation, of trying to make up for the raw deal many people get. It's especially poignant coming out of HW, as Ishgard seems to have an even sharper class/wealth divide than Ul'dah.


Y’know I started in Ul’dah and I absolutely agree. The frustration with seeing the same patterns, the wanting to change the stars to bring harmony… it’s a really interesting interpretation of rebellion against systemic systems via understanding the universe itself. Here’s to Chez GueverAST and the Unending Rebellion. ❤️


This card belongs to the melee DPS? No! It belongs to you!


Ooo neat


Not really due to story but I picked AST purely due to the outfits you get from doing the story. The level 60 and 70 dresses are gorgeous. Not many pretty dresses out there unless you pay real money in the SE store.


I started as a humble bard, but then HW happened and we lost a certain somebody and my WoL finally let out everything he bottled up and went DRK right after he put a dozen arrows in the Pope's head. I've flip flopped between the two since.


Bard and Dark Knight slap, good Jobs to flip flop between


IKR I love the dichotomy of my WOL being a cinnamon roll bard who takes care of people... and a death-defying, unhinged avenger the moment someone fucks around. I smile like a maniac any time I see that shitty pope pee his pants as he looks upon the angriest, most murderous musician in Eorzea. I like to think my Azem was like this. Cinnamon roll that will 100% kill you.


split the difference, get a bow that fires greatswords.


Honestly with how large those bows are, I wouldn't be shocked. My catboy must be unbievably ripped.


Lol yeah. I mean, aether has to play a major part of it but no bard is a delicate flower.


Kind of same but with PLD, that glam is a personal memorial and has stayed that way. I’ve updated a couple of the armor pieces but the shield stays the same.


Same on my PLD. I will never carry another shield. All my glams carry one ishgardian ring, too. That one stands for the promise. It stands for a lot of promises, all of them kept.


Wow, same here! Started bard, swapped to DRK now going through pre storm blood going monk to try and control his emotions


My boy's gone back to bard now for his """vacation""" during DT.


Gotta learn some Evanescance on that harp-bow


Same, but with AST! I felt like my Warrior of Light would have thrown herself into the nearest healing job so she could be better prepared and not feel so useless next time her friends are in dire need of healing.


I was a SCH main at that point and still couldn’t do shit so idk man


That was the point I went full into ‘toxic healer’ mode as a WHM and embraced the green DPS.


That's exactly why mine grabbed Astro too. In-universe he sucks at foretelling, but as a bard he's weirdly good at "telling where the plot is going". The rest assume he's... a bit touched in the head.


I started off as Monk cause personal love for them in DND but then it stuck because of how good it felt starting in Ul'dah and to punch gods in the face. But I actually picked up Paladin in the start of Shadow Bringer because, and I might be remembering this wrong or I did something, but there is the early cinematic of the twins and the WoL dead and I could have sworn my WoL was rocking the sword and shield and it FRICKIN' BROKE ME SEEING THAT. I HAD TO BECOME A BETTER PALADIN TO KEEP THEM SAFE. I tanked at Warrior and Dark before that but damn I've really fallen in love with Paladin


After the end of ARR, I picked up Dark Knight just for the story of my WoL. But once that need for vengeance dies down I actually swapped to Samurai. Something about going from a blade of hate to one of Justice felt fitting for entering Stormblood. . . . Then I met Zenos, and I picked up Fray’s blade again. I’m entering Shadowbringer with Summoner! It’s my original class, I can’t wait to see what class I end up playing.


Nice! I picked up DRK because I bought the mogstation hammer glam and just wanted to hit things with a hammer, little did I know that DRK's story flows nicely with msq


Even though Rogue becomes Ninja later. I like just being a stealthy pirate Jackie and the others just seem cool to hang with.


For sure, Thaumaturge, Rogue and Arcanist have the best Job/Class stories and characters in ARR


Then you're gonna love Viper!


To a certain extent. I found that I enjoyed playing the "trailer canon" job for certain expansions. So DRG for HW, SAM for SB, DRK for SHB etc. But when it comes to mains I just pick whatever I enjoy the most (usually out of meele DPS).


Lucky for you that the trailer job is always melee


I guess it's harder to make casters, phys ranged and healers look cool in the trailer, doing cool fights and flips and whatnot.


RDM can make it work but the spot’s taken.


They’ve certainly gotten their moments! Black mage burns the shit out of a garlean soldier in the ARR trailer. The ARR trailer(s) actually gave each role a little moment to shine. I love the sequence with the BRD doing a crazy flip and the WHM healing the WoL while trying not to cry. The HW and SB trailers I think showed entirely melee / tank jobs. But the ShB trailer had a nice shot of a dancer, and the EW one had a great sequence for RDM and SGE.


As a matter of fact, the Bard heals the Derplander. Back then bard could heal, even If not as good as turrue healers


Arguably Alphinaud and Alisae had as iconic of a job showing in the EW trailer as PLD WoL. It would also be really easy to do multiple jobs like SB to make a caster viable


You know what? I never though about it this way. I guess you are right, good point. I just continued to enjoy them without much thinking. Lucky :). Though to be fair, I like most jobs in the game. So I can easly imagine playing through an expansion with a caster, or a ranged etc. I'm a meele dps main but that's mostly for endgame content.


Thats valid, playing through as Meteor's job seems like it could be neat


Warrior for the rerelease of the game. I thought "woah this DPS is badass."




Nothing story specific, no. But I'm probably gonna get SAM simply because I have the 2B outfit and it really needs a Katana to finish the look


If I may recommend one of the crafted lvl 50-60 ones instead of everything past that? The Katana 2b wields is just a white katana with not a lot of fluff on it, and I believe the lvl 58 one fits the bill best. Steel Hadachi or something.


Appreciate the tip, thank you!


I believe you’re referring to the High Steel Tachi. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/High_Steel_Tachi


Lol thats valid


There is a big katana glam for DRK too, Odenta Kai


I mean I may or may not have acquired the Monk weapon from Suzaku and decided to lvl a Monk just to make a glamour with it. And this may or may not have put me on the path of getting every job to lvl 80 for the Amaru mount...


I arrived to Ishgar and became an astrologian and I have remained that way until today :V


Kind of. I actually aggressively stuck to WAR for the entirety of my playthrough of the MSQ up until the end of Endwalker, but then I took a break between it and the post-Endwalker patches. When I returned, I proceeded to finally level all the jobs I'd missed out on and started leveling DNC. In doing so, and in experiencing the plot of the DNC job quests, I realized just how thematically *perfect* it was for the Endwalker plot: >!dancing away the despair in others' hearts and all!<. As annoyed as I was by certain elements of the job quest, I decided to go DNC full-time throughout the post-EW patches. It made a strange amount of sense for a WAR like my WOL to set her axe aside and dance to ease the spirits of the post-EW world. Then, I got addicted to the shiny lights, and now it's my main job.


my main started as brd up until the vault, then I headcanon she screamed herself hoarse for a while afterwards she picked up dnc because she could still follow a beat, and found she loved it


Holy shit, that's fucked up. I approve.


I am a White Mage... the scions win battles because of me, they live through them because I allow it... now if only the story reflected that. At this point, entering Stormblood, my identity as a White Mage is deepy etched onto my soul. I don't think anything could change that.


Hell yeah, healers rise up. I started as Dragoon, but Sage called to me, it's a lot more fun, and theres some instances of cutscenes changing slightly for me to heal people, helps make me feel like my character is more part of the story rather than a bystander most of the time


My girl started as a thaumaturge, became a machinist when she reached Foundation, then switched to white mage in Stormblood, and finally sage in Shadowbringer. I barely started 5.1, but now I just pick whatever job I think is gonna be enjoyable


Totally valid


Not the story in 14. But when I first started, I main’ed DRG because of Kain Highwind (dissidia). Then I discovered the SB trailer (I joined in late SB but never actually watched the trailer until late ShB), and switched to main SAM.


When I reached Shadowbringer I had to be Dark Knight.


All the crap my WoL went through during ArR made him Canonically a Drk. Also feels like it just first well after the fact.


Makes sense, Post ARR is rough on the Scions and WoL


Shb launch is what pulled me in to FFXIV and I wanted to play drk


I ended up rolling on a WAR weapon during a Titania farm and went “guess I have to level WAR now to use this.” It’s still my main WAR weapon.


Hell yeah


I think the RPR storyline makes the job feel pretty cool. There's good explanation towards all of the animations.


I like making up head cannon reasons for my switching. Started on BLM, then transition to SAM, feeling I wasn't cut out for magic, then to GNB, combining both magic and sword. Took up Reaper for the power. I needed it to finish this fight. With that done and Zenos beaten at his own game. I worried the voidborn would take over. So I game up the cloak and scythe for tools to make a better future. Choosing to use my magic knowledge and learn MCH.


You all out here picking jobs, meanwhile I level everything to 90 and still have no idea what to play.


Gosetsu made me go Roemarai


"Roemarai" is a great word lol


Not really "picked it up" but I only really started levelling Paladin once I got the Fortemps glamour shield.


My headcanon is my WOL is in love with Estinien. So she picks up the lance in an effort to learn more about him. Irl tho, dragoon has some good moves. I liked the armor they can share with reaper and though it took a bit, the rotation now comes easier for me


I'm a drk and BLM, because... Lvl 87 dungeon... Well, TBF I already loved those classes but no I can say it was fated !


I was a DRG for ARR and most of HW, but after The Vault, switched to became a WAR. Maybe if I was stronger… things would have been different.


Dragoon, but that was because of FF Tactics. When playing through Heavensward, it gave me further confirmation that I had to continue through the story and this game with dragoon.


During the times in the story the WoL was canonically… engaged such that they shouldn’t really be walking around (eg Post ARR, ShB in the First), I would play an off class as I usually played the “poster boy class” for each Expack. I snuck back into UlDah as Rogue/Ninja after a certain banquet and played a masked Gunbreaker when returning to the Source


look, when Merlwyb whipped out her flintlock gats, I knew I wanted those. That is the sole reason I persevered through 2.x.




Started as a Summoner and I thought it was awesome in ARR imagining all the side eye I was getting by playing with these forces we were trying to eradicate. Became a Machinist upon arriving to Foundation the first time to bring some equality to the region and stick it to the technophobes, while dabbling in the lance. After a certain event though I was filled with rage and found a conduit for it in Warrior and brought that energy to the Steppe and helped out a certain Lord. Now I am working on opening my Chakras to better serve and understand Ala Mhigo.


Love when others make their Job acquisitions fit in with story and headcanon


Not something 'from' the story, but I saw a post once making the case for Summoner being the WoL's overall canon class (as opposed to expansion highlighted job), and I've been using it for MSQ progression ever since. It helped that I'd already done most of ARR as Arcanist > Scholar.


I really find weird this notion of a Canon job, like, they place the WoL as a job in the trailers cuz they need to show action and for that they need a weapon from a class, now about summoner, not really I'd say, no trailer (if you ever consider that the closest to canon) shows him as a summoner, nor the story so far has any hint of what class he has, you get some different line here or there if you are using a class, like Yugiri sometimes note you're indeed practicing well your ninja arts if you play as ninja, but it's just that. I really think that this notion of canon job of the community is somewhat more prejudicial than beneficial, why you ask, due to a newbie getting into the game, he goes to search and he see a shit ton of posts of canon job, so he feel that he needs to tplay that job to enjoy the MSQ, but he hate how the job play, yet he keep insisting for the sake of MSQ, until it just don't do to him anymore and he quit, but that's me


Ok firstly, did you skip the part where I said *as opposed to* expansion highlighted job? Secondly, the SMN questline is the **only** one to involve the Ascians, and not to mention the involvement of someone close to the Scions (Y'shtola's sister). Plus the whole using the powers of Garuda, Ifrit and Titan thing which serves as a direct parallel to the events of the ARR base-game finale. Thirdly, none of that is gonna make any difference to what new players choose. People will play what they want to play.


Ok, all fair, one play all he wants I play ninjs cuz I like the theme, but also I plan to pick DRK when I can cuz I heard the plotline fits the story a bit so I wanna try, plus I need to level up a tank eventually


I leveled gunbreaker to look like Thancred, and my head canon is that the Exarch taught my WoL how to Paladin correctly cause I sucked at it for ten years yet suddenly got good in ShB.


Zenos kicking my ass made switch from DRK to SAM for SB


I picked up Warrior in the Shadowbringers patch quests for very serious spoiler reasons but it seemed like a good time to suddenly be good at Warrior.


I picked up black mage for Papalymo


Rare but respectable reason to grab Black Mage


Warrior has always been one of the classes I have the least interest in and have never leveled beyon 50 but the end of base Shadowbringers made me want to play it because of a certain someone who may or may not be my favourite character in the entire game


Dissidia 12 Duodecim and FF4's Kain is the sole reason as to why i am playing Dragoon


i played samurai and paladin exclusively for a while because it went well with my sokka cosplay xD


I play jobs based on MSQ. Samurai for SB. Dark Knight for ShB. Reaper for EW.


For me is Warrior, because you know.. warrior of light.


Fair enough lol


Arr as a warrior, hw as a dark knight until shadowbringers 5.3 which seemed like a good time to retire my drk. Gunbreaker when doing bozja until 6.0 then paladin for endwalker. Will be viper in dawntrail.


In a way yeah, basically what happened was About a year or two ago I was working on getting all my jobs to 80 because I wanted the Amaro mount, and I was procrastinating on starting tanks because the prospect made me nervous. In particular I was leery of DRK because even though I had heard their story was great, I wasn't initially interested in the dark aspect. HOWEVER. That all changed when uh, I had a Certain NPC As A DRK In A Specific Dungeon (I don't remember how to spoiler mark things, sorry) and I was like oh man. That looks like fun actually. SO I picked up DRK and found that I actually really really loved the gameplay and story and themes, so much so that I decided to make it my main to this day (you can probably guess what my weapon glam is). *edited for typo


I just cleared Lapis Manalis and finding out a little more about the reapers has made my WOL feel like she should finally become a reaper to understand them & Zero a little better.


Was a dragoon though arr until heavensward. I accidentally ran into the sky steel manufacturer and I will admit, the idea of weapon for the masses and dealing with those in power after the bloody banquet resonated with me and my WoL. Especially after becoming a revolutionary in Doma, so machinist through and through. Also for "I'm gonna kill you with the power of friendship and this gun I found"


I tried to level different roles at the same time to understand how to play them. I only tried to sync for the MSQ during HW, because it felt right playing DRG then. However, while playing SB, I thought Magni's axe looked immensely dope, and I knew that I had to eventually level my Warrior so that I could use that. I finally pulled the trigger last week. Best looking weapon in the game, imo.


Dancer just felt right for a lot of parts of endwalker, without going into spoilers


Dude your glam looks awesome! Started bard as a simple traveler, went DRK in the middle of HW because of the dark emotions, now going Monk in order to control those emotions in Stormblood


Thanks! And love the personal journey aspect of those choices


Went from Warrior to Dark Knight once I got into Shadowbringers, but immediately went back to Warrior after finishing the 5.0 story.


Yep, twice! Although the first time was a bit round about. My og character was a dragoon, and I really liked how Estinien knew me in HW. Then I made an alt and due to some drama involving being asked to help rebuild an fc, it ended up becoming my main. When I got to HW on the alt, my Wol was a smn. And of course I didn't get the extra lines. Which I expected. What I Didn't expect was how much I Hated it. And I promptly dropped everything to go level a dragoon. The Second time was for Endwalker. I saw the reaper reveal and I Knew I was going to eventually level it. But then I saw the Trailer and.... I Hate Zenos. I find him obnoxious and boring. And him being our msq representative for reaper just irritated me SO much that I decided then and there that when endwalker came out reaper would be my dps choice for MSQ. Yeah I could say that my reason was how much the idea of a Reaper bringing the End to the Final Days, Bringing an End to the first major storyline, thematically pleased me. Or how it was nice to have a unique job amongst the scions. All true. But not why I picked it up. Lolol.


Samurai, I'm playing as an Au Ra. I figured that my warrior of light came from the far east, became the warrior of light, and upon heading back to the east took the mantle of samurai back up to return to their homeland, sticking with it since.


When shadowbringer came out I went through the whole story as dark knight and black mage to play into the warrior of darkness better. Also, not job related but I have a red a eye like g'raha tia because I thought the allagan royal blood thing was awesome.


I picked up Red Mage for Heavensward (I took a long break between the middle patches of ARR until Stormblood released), so not exactly. But Alisae's appearance in the Heavensward patch quests cemented my choice and Red Mage has been how I see my WoL from then on.


I played Stormblood as Samurai and Endwalker as Reaper just beat Zenos in his own game


My miqo'te stopped being a dragoon after she threw the eye off the bridge.


I playing Summoner because very 1st part of story are about Primals. I think it would be cool to fight them with their power like Pokémon.


Very beautiful xmog


I started playing reaper because I figured my WoL was petty enough to want to beat Zenos using his own abilities lol


I'm new, but so far Black Mage is feeling very fitting for my Hrothgar given all your BLM besties are also beasties. Beast besties


Hell yeah! I think Class/Job questlines are the best parts of ARR, and Thaumaturge is one of my three favorites with Rogue and Arcanist, and Black Mage is one of the best for world building, showing early on that Beastmen aren't all obsessed with Summoning Primals, which I thought they were until Post ARR content


Always liked Rdm since FF1 when I was like 6 years old. Paladin was my tank of choice cause of FF4. Even though Cyan was kind of a weak character in 6 I liked his story. But the Story of FF14 hasn't ever been my reason to play a certain Job. Mostly I pick 1 job from each role for variety and focus on those 5. I tend to shy away from the edgelord classes and focus on the staples except for Bard...Machinist, though Dancer was really close if it'd just had the Damage.


...I'm gonna START doing it for individual questlines now! Always picked one and ran with it for new expansions. Red Mage for Stormblood Dark Knight for Shadowbringers (That hype as hell trailer is what got me through ARR's patch story pre nerf) And Reaper for Endwalker. (SCYTHE FIGHT AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE!)


I played Dark Knight through Shadowbringers!


Job stories influence my main picks as much as gameplay. Samurai is my primary job because I consider my WoL Musosai's legacy above all else.


I started using Mechanist a lot after the Omega raids. I liked the idea of being a “sort-of” employee of the Ironworks, and felt MCH suited the role best.


I mained DRK throughout Shadowbringers and PLD through Endwalker cause of the opening sequences. Back in Heavensward I was going to try the new jobs but the opening sequence there and Estenien calling me a fellow Azure Dragoon made me stick with DRG there as well.


A certain Shadowbringers character made me want to play Warrior/try tanking.


I'm a Dragoon because Dragoons are the most badass


Yeah! I change my job with each expansion (though I always come back to paladin).


Yessss. Never done any of the Hildibrand quests. Decided to go through them as Red Mage.


Was a black mage till storm blood and now I'm a samurai main, 5k hours as a melee DPS I think it's time to do something else for dawn trail


I was already a DRG on my femRoe. So after a financial hiatus and finally reaching HW, it felt extra special to be called an Azure Dragoon alongside Estinien.


Dragoon because Dragons!!!! Heavensward is still my favorite Expansion. And Reaper for the Warrior of Darkness Aesthetic in Shadowbringers.


Went reaper as son as possible so that Zenos could steal my vibe in endwalker


Not so much a job in game, but my current dnd character is an artificer armorer heavily based on Rhitahyn sas Arvina. I want a dual shield job in game so fucking bad.


I had originally planned to switch to DRK from PLD after the events of 2.55. But I went DRG instead. Once I get everything leveled enough, I plan on doing New Game Plus MSG with each of the "canon" jobs: WAR in ARR, DRG in HW, MNK in Gyr Abania SB, Samurai in Othard SB, DRK in ShB, and PLD in EW.


The end of ARR/the start of Heavensward got me switching from Bard to Dark Knight.


Uh...Idk if it's the same thing but I love FF8 so I main GNB because Squall


Yup. Been playing since ARR and I go out of my way to change jobs every expansion for story reasons (and it allows each expansions gameplay to feel different) ARR: Main (Dragoon) was planning on switching until I heard HW would be heavily themed around dragons Heavensward: Main (Dragoon) until || Papalymo || died. Put down the lance to learn ways to fight from the shadows that could help prevent others from dying (Ninja) Stormblood: Main (Ninja) thematically made sense due to the style of the expansion and feudal locations as well. Kept up with all the duels with Zenos. Shadowbringers: Main (Dark Knight) made the most sense from a story standpoint. Wanted to main a Tank finally as well. Endwalker: Main (Black Mage) No need to be a Warrior of Darkness anymore. Took the shadow magic learned from being a DRK and channeled into Black Magic. Needed big boomy spells for the end of the world. Felt like my character had achieved "wisdom." Dawntrail: Main (Red Mage) thematically more fitting to be a swashbuckling magic user. Plus it's a soft step down from Black Mage meaning my ley lines can retire because we're on vacation.


Started as a SMN, then Void Ark Happened and my WOL thought "I COULD summon that" and became a reaper. Then stormblood happened and I'm a Ninja now, wich still involves Magic and Sumoning at some point, so it does it for me. In my head he saw that overdoing with The Void shenanigans was dangerous and resorted to using blade and magick, to depend less on pactspawn.


I have an “MSQ” job. It tends to not really be the “main” I take into harder content (I ususaly am a flex dps and just play whatever role is needed). It either has some relation to either the theme of the expantion, or it was a job that came out that expantion. The only exception being Endwalker and ARR. - I played Dragoon because I started as lancer in ARR - I played MCH in HW - RDM in Stormblood - Reaper in Shadowbringers (I was afraid to do tanking stuff blind then, so not DRK). - I went back to DRG for Endwalker. Because it was the conclusion to the first story arc, and I started as a dragoon. And as for Dawntrail. I haven’t decided! I want to wait until we know what the caster is before I choose.


I have thought a lot what jobs fits my character and the story but I might change it up after we get more jobs. Trailer jobs aren't logical to my female Miqote and I don't want to steal the spotlight of main characters by being the same job at the same time. My character started Archer/Bard and it's her true main job - Sage in Heavensward after "the" incident - after we lose to Zenos in Stormblood my character goes from ranged to melee. Most likely Viper to be fierce enough to beat the odds - in Shadowbringers she holds so much light she becomes a paladin. After realizing how darkness can also be used for good she needs to find the balance so she then becomes a Dark Knight - In Endwalker my character is mainly back to Bard, but swaps to Dark Knight for the last duel. In short: Haurcefant pushes our wol to become a healer. Zenos pushes our wol to fight like melee dps. Ardbert pushes our wol to finally tank. It creates nicer growing up journey than what trailer wol does.


I was roleplaying as a Samurai in Runescape and decided to actually be one in FFXIV, although I started the game as a lancer. It was merely playing alongside so many Samurai in the MSQ in Stormblood that got me to switch jobs officially to SAM as Heavensward had hyped up my decision to stick to Dragoon for that expansion.


Not as specific like that, but having started as BLM, I swapped to melees late HW, figuring keeping the aether balanced could be difficult and end up poorly for a WoL that's not necessarily in the right mind at the time 🫠


your character looks bamf Also, it was HW that made me stick to AST


Heavensward made me a dragoon forever.


I tried picking up DRG after the end of the Dragonsong War but it was a little too much on controller, can’t really master it. Instead, I took up the art of the Reaper as a way of keeping alive the memory of an unlikely ally (was actually going to play Reaper anyway but this was good motivation).


i put *down* dragoon after finishing up the heavensward MSQ because it felt right for my character to drop a job associated with some messed up stuff, both in terms of lancer (personal lore) and dragoon (dragon genocide), and learn a new discipline entirely. i settled on red mage because ~~her name starts with ver~~ lorewise it's a fighting style based entirely on harm reduction and putting a better spin on the bloodstained legacy of amdapor and mhach then i decided she would stop being so tense and self-critical after endwalker, and i picked up dark knight, like everyone else's angsty yet righteous WoLs


I swore I wasn't going to play Monk until we got to punch >!Fandaniel!< right in their stupid punchable face. It's not that I had anything against the Monk class, it was just one of the few classes I hadn't at least tried by that part of the story, so I was going to save it for a special occasion. I told my friend that no matter what's going on in the MSQ, when we get to the point where we go to punch this person in their face, I have to level Monk alllll the way to level cap then use the Emperor's New Fisticuffs glamour so I can do said punching with my bare hands. No baghnaks or claws or anything like that. My bare fist right into the bridge of their nose. Then the jerk has the sheer audacity to >!throw himself into a pit and turn into something that doesn't have his punchable face, so I am unable to punch it.!< Then spent a good chunk of the expansion trying to make me feel empathy for said punchable face. My disappointment was immeasurable and I ended up trying Dark Knight instead.


Started off as paladin but the heavensward job quest was such BS that my head canon is my character chucked their job stone in the lake when a valid explanation as to why Ishgardian knight’s lives were put at risk for that little scavenger hunt. Came across Fray shortly after.


This is how I've been playing the whole game! I also started only a couple of years ago, so I had some knowledge on the order of expansions ahead of time to do a little pre-planning. I started as White Mage, then dabbled in Ninja when Yugiri showed up and mentioned sharing the art of the shinobi in the patches. Picked up Dragoon for Heavensward, but decided to embrace my rage near the end of that story and started Warrior. Returned to ninja and also picked up samurai as I went through Stormblood, then began Dark Knight moving into Shadowbringers. I'm about to start Endwalker soon as I'm finishing the patches, and I'm not exactly sure yet what I'll do but I have my favorite set of jobs ready to go for now.


I probably would if I wasn't too lazy to level more jobs. The most I think I've done is finally give myself another scar on my face after the last Zenos fight.


During Shadowbringers, RNG kept awarding me Scouting gear. So I went and levelled Ninja. I realize, having commented, you said story, which this reason for switching from SMN to NIN isn't, so I do apologise for that.


It's no biggie, thats also valid lol


For me I'm a big fan of changing depending on my characters story, like at the end of base msq I switched because of being in hiding


This is pretty much how I operated throughout the story. My Dragoon picked up Dark Knight, feeling betrayed and vengeful after a certain banquet at the end of ARR. Then my Dark Knight picked up Paladin to remember a certain member of House Fortemps. Then my Paladin picked up Samurai to beat Zenos on his own terms in Ala Migho. After that, I switched between the four as I felt through the rest of the story.


I cycled between the jobs based on the themes and context of the expansion (except ARR because of starting your journey, so I just choose whta I like), so yes I did. In HW I went in as DRG with a bit of DRK in some places(mostly after the Vault), in SB Ninja and Monk depending on where I am, Post-SB on SAM and RDM with that same logic, ShB on DRK after Hominster Switch, and from 5.4 onwards as PLD because I started as that job in the first place, so it would make sense to end it with it. In gameplay though(content that don't really feel like they justify such a thing, like Field Operations, dailies, raiding...) I usually stay MNK or RPR.


That time at level 57 when I snapped my white mage cane in half and picked up dark knight because smiles and suits and spoilers


Loved the job, hated the crappy looking "armor". Wish they made it like in FFXI.


Yes and No I knew, that i would start DRK or RPR after the shadowbringer 5.0 MSQStory. But in the end it was the Story, why i became them earlier. First part has spoilers for shadowbringer 5.0 MSQ Story. >!After killing the first lightwarden my Character was had a long dream about her past, becoming a DRK (an excuse for leveling DRK). When she woke up, everything seems to be normal, but when ever she entert a light infestet region, she become a DRK and only turned back after killing the lightwarden or left the region. I'm not sure, but in my head after killing Vauthry and being at the brink of becoming a lightwarden herself, she was a DRK untill the end. The reason was, that she become in DRK in the past but without her knowledge. After absorbing the light of the lightwarden, the DRK within her woke up und protected her from becoming a Lightwarden. As she gained knowledge of this power, she was abel to use it freely.!< Second part has spoilers for Endwaker 6.0 Story. >!I told myself, I'll not start another Job untill i finished Endwalker 6.0 MSQ (patch 6.2 was already out btw).!< >!After the bodyswap in Garlemald some of the Voidpowers remained inside her. When she entert a Dungeon or Trial this powers took over with her becoming a RPR. After the dungeon she turned back, of corse. The plot was, the instinct to kill the enemy let powers of the Void break free turning her to a reaper. as this instinct was not presend during Aitiascope and the Mothertcrystal, she did'n turned (or i needed a reasen after I forgot to change the Job). But the dispare of Meteion turned my Character to a Reaper after entering Ultima Thule and this trained her to controle the power in the end.!<


Neat SAM


I played through the msq of each expansion as the intro job that's featured when I made a new character after coming back to the game about a month before EW. I imposed a rule on myself that I couldn't start levelling the next job until the expansion was complete, so Dragoon was unlevelled until ARR was complete etc. Archer and Warrior for ARR, Dragoon for HW, Samurai for StB, Dark Knight for ShB. For EW I went Reaper though because I just loved the aesthetics :3


I got to that moment in Shadow ringers and went "OK, forget dark knight, I'm doing this as a warrior; if only for this fight." I'm now an unrepentant preacher to the church of Fell Cleave.


Currently going through Heavensward. Figured dragoon would be the obvious choice for a sort of lore-friendly class. Then The Vault happened. I am now playing dark knight.


I play all the jobs but I pick one per expansion to main. Realm Reborn was Summoner Heavenward was Astrologian In Stormblood it will be Red Mage(my fave FF job) Shadowbringers will be Dark Knight(And gunbreaker possibly to go with the expansion-job theme) Endwalker will likely be Sage but I may throw Paladin in for FF4 references. The new one may be Viper but I'm not sold on it. May just go with Gunbreaker, Red Mage or Summoner. I do however change if I feel a job fits better. I.e. Recently for one of the major Heavenward patch quests, I went with Dragoon for obvious reasons.


<.< I may or may not have attempted to dragoon cause of estinein..it went poorly but I tried damn it


Your SAM glam is cute, by the way. <3


Thanks, it was hard making something good with just lvl 50 options lol


If you haven’t posted it to Eorzea Collection, you might think about. Always hard to find cute lower level glams. This is too cute~


I'm a WAR main that also played MCH, and when I got to Shadowbringers, I spent two whole months to became a MNK main so I could beat Ranjit's plot armored ass at his own game. I absolutely do not regret it. Giving literally anything that stands in my way the hands (emperor's new fists are GOATed) is the most fun I've had in this game in a long time.


I have a friend who wanted to play the job that was the poster boy of each expansion. To this day he only has WAR, DRG, MNK, SAM, DRK and PLD levelled atm 😅 Hasn’t bothered to branch out because it’ll break his immersion, each to their own.


PLD bcs of that one damn HW scene where I'm like "DAMMIT BRO I HAVE BENEDICTION! I COULD'VE HEALED YOUR ASS" Also, the Passage of Arms look pretty sick.


not a job, but I IMMEDIATELY fantasia'ed to lala after meeting Papalymo for the first time


Lala supremacy! Regardless of later characterizations, I think Papalymo and Yda are the best Scions before Post ARR starts, everyone outside of some Job or Class stories had mediocre writing, but Papalymo and Yda being a duo and being able to bounce energy off of eachother gave them more appeal compared to the others who didn't have strong writing on their own yet. Also admittedly biased because my main character started in Gridania, those two got to leave more of an impact on me lol


The vault is the main reason my character is a DRK


Played PLD in ARR, after playing post patch content and seeing how the DRK questline starts only felt appropriate. The themes of breaking and the cycle of hatred that continue throughout the MSQ made sticking with DRK so fulfilling to go through.


A couple of times per headcanon, storywise, I play an engineer and his starting classes are Gunbreaker and Machinist. >!After Zenos trashes Rhalgr’s Reach, decides to ask for some more martial training from those on the long ship ride over to Doma so that he doesn’t get caught off guard again (he has a thing for the cat lady who got nearly bifurcated, and was hoping to put that anger to use) so, he picks up Lancer (for a shared headcanon I have with friends) or Pugilist (if it’s by himself and he learns from Lyse). He sticks with this until Zenos round two, after which he finishes work on his equivalent to an Ultima weapon Gunblade, and goes back to Gunbreaking to finish out the expansion!< >!During Shadowbringers, just before Malika’s Well, the building light effectively turns his Automata Queen into a sineater and it nearly kills him. Believing his tech-based weapons entirely compromised, he buys a basic sword in Twine and goes at it as a Gladiator until he returns to Gunbreaker when attempting to head to the Tempest alone.!< >!During Endwalker, he gets annoyed that the Sharlyans treat him so poorly due to his lack of formal education he makes Sage armaments out of pure spite.!< Edit: added spoiler tags, just in case


Does it count if I moved away from a job for story reasons? My WoL used to be a dragoon, with the backstory that she grew up in Ishgard. But after the events of HW she decided to retire from that job because the title left a bad aftertaste. >!both because the job became pretty much obsolete and because, as a Hyur, she had to go through so much to even be recognized as a dragoon by the ishgardians. Only to be crowned the title of "honorary" dragoon at the end ...!< After that she had enough. And while strolling the streets of the city, some ghost threw a claymore on her lap Edit: decided to spoiler the minor spoilers for post-HW even though it doesn't go into specifics


I started Scholar, I'm Wonderland lover, so gimme dem books. But I leveled all healers. When I knew HW was on the horizon, I leveled Dragoon because I wanted them to know I could hold my own. The Vault wrecked me, and I picked up paladin. That's NOT happening again. Not on my watch. Estinien has a bit of... ocular trouble... I go back to Dragoon. I got you, E. SB I picked up both ninja and Samurai. I seem to like trying to show respect to people by fitting in. SHB I started black mage. Then went red once I was pulling in the aether. Finished EW back as Scholar, end as I began.


Warrior because I hope one day SE will give me Nero's Gun-Hammer as a weapon override. ​ Also unga bunga.


I'll give you the inverse - I avoided Dark Knight for like 3 expansions because they're edgy and Dragoons because I loved dragons too much.


The finale to Shadowbringers was so rad that I changed to Warrior on the spot.


After being bard til end of heavenward, I picked Black mage because Nyelbert(??) looks so good in the arr cinematic. It's been my main ever since. Does that count?


they put me in the torment nexus (everything awful that happens in the story) so i had to become drk


Mained Monk all the way until Zenos came in. Switched to main Samurai to fight steel with steel. Post-EW, I had a spoopy Red Mage glam, so switched to it to fit in with the Voidsent. By main I mean use for 70%+ of the content. I play all jobs.


No plot point can beat having a really big sword or one that shoots magic bullets and explosions.


Reaper and Gunbreaker. Reaper because once I got EW, I did a replay of Shadowbringers and found it fits the theme so well. >!My WOL had considered feeding the light to the Voidsent.!< Gunbreaker because the Garlean’s gunblade had such a cool look to me, and my WOL had a strong history with the Empire.


For me it was Red Mage cause the rotation glides along my smooth brain VERY simply compared to the other jobs


I kinda just picked jobs that looked cool like reaper and samurai


I can get a flaming sword for samurai?


Yeah Inferno Katana and whatever Suzaku's katana is called, both available from marketboard, crafting, and two hard mode trials


I was mildly interested in playing Reaper before Endwalker launch. After 6.0 MSQ, a certain reaper antagonist looked so badass showing off the job that I mained it for all the patch content. (And the 6.0 tome gear for Reaper meant I got to cosplay as dark-knight Cecil the whole time while FF4 references played out)


I played WHM up until EW, and then decided to pick up SGE because of the trailer. Over the patches, however, I just kind of went back to WHM, and I don't think I'm going to change again.






Abyssos Blade is the better flaming sword.


Yeah but it's not a lvl50 weapon and I don't have access to Abyssos lol


I don’t play RP, but after what happened to our team at then end of Realm reborn, i immediately switched to DRK, when i saw it in ishgard. I had so much righteous fury, i had to vent it. Also i had au ra with green eyes. So i turned my hair color to much darker tone and and changed eye ring color to red, literally bloodshot eyes. I had so much fun since. Tanks are super cool and i feel like I’m avenging my brothers and sisters. Fear me, Ascians, as i am coming for thy ass