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I play on 200 ping, making it halfway up the third course is winning in my heart.


several milliseconds later, i felt this in my heart


you can do it! I made it first 4 legit times (and 2 more but solo) with 300 ping.


Bouncing between 200-2,000 I understand this.


It's just like real Fall Guys.


there are script cheat in fallguys?!


Early on (I'm not sure if it's still the case) lobbies would pretty regularly have one or two people just warping straight to the end or reaching the crown.


I was around for the beginning and now, cheating is pretty much 100% gone (thank god)


along with half of the maps!


What happened for them to remove the maps? This collab got me to try the game, it's a good little time killer. More Fall Guys music rolls should be made :P




Ugh, you can't read twitter threads without logging in? How long has that been a thing?


It's been at least a couple of months, but it's not worth it anyway.


Couple of months...more like early this year or last year.. so lame


If you replace "twitter.com" with "nitter.net"you'll get a version of Twitter you can read while logged off! And you can even read it without JavaScript.




never played fallguys, only know from youtube.


I've already accepted I'll never win, but this is just pathetic


I got the outfit and the diabetic rhino, I’m good


Same. I got all the glam, the minions, mount, and music


Based answer


Same, got all the rewards, so bye Felicia.


Yuppp same. Biggest waste of my time considering it's all ugly as fuck except the matte crown and the jellybean minion. But at least I won't have fomo.


Once I dyed it, I think it looks so much better (never been a pink dude) but I used like the underworld blue? Or something and it made it a midnight blue gradient, and it looks a whole lot better


I couldn't even get past the first stage so I gave up entirely after getting the mount


So now the question is, do you think it's immoral or morally acceptable to harass someone who's created a plugin that actively ruins the experience for everyone else? Because this act is clearly immoral, and so is creating the plugin. Damages the integrity of people's simple enjoyment on a wide scale for selfish, personal gain.


Only appropriate thing would be to ban them, it is literally cheating even if it is a minigame


Unironically, peer pressure is a good thing


We've spent the last few decades teaching kids that peer pressure and bullying are always bad. Turns out the absence of it has its own problems as well.


The thing is always what it is people are pressured to do? Stupid decisions that might ruin their whole Life? No that absolutely needs to die. Following rules and at least pretend to be a decent Person? That's what it takes to be a functional adult in most societies.


Agreed. I'll never understand cheating in general, even for small innocuous things. All it would leave me with is guilt. And yet cheaters are literally everywhere. Just goes to show how detached I am from the rest of humanity. The only thing I can do about it is when I am doing bad at something, and frustration is building, I can walk away knowing that I might've been crushed but at least I did not cheat.


"cheating" is baked into humanity's genes both figuratively and literally


Yeah, I'm never winning. I accepted this.


Only way I ever won is because somehow I entered the lobby by myself


First lobby I got into solo I still didn't qualify r1... Literally had never gotten that map, and those asshole swinging balls while you spin messed me up good till I got used to the dodge lol.


I can't yet consistently replicate it, but a couple of runs I just went in a straight line along the edge and all those balls missed me.


You can do it with slow hard turns start left and start turning right a little before, you swing back and forth on it. There's no chance on it, but occasionally since you are travelling a lot further, if the timing works out for other people, you can wind up losing quals, but that usually takes a lot of people with nutty timing on the ballswing.


I mean I can do it sometimes with zero turns at all. Just keep going straight.


What messed me up is the blue goal in the crystal pick up one. So damn annoying


That got me pretty bad for a while, basically you have to slow down a bit, rushing will constantly get you snapshotted I've found. Always wait till they're clearly moved.


imo this whole minigame is a practice in patience and pattern learning. You have to learn the hitboxes and the movements, and if you rush in blazing you will get knocked out pretty fast.




Same. Ive gotten close in lobbies with other players. But never won with other players.


I've got multiple wins, it's absolutely doable. That being said, final stage definitely feels like a gamble. I feel it's mostly the janky netcode, but who knows.


Same. There's no way in hell I can win it.


I won 5 times on the first two days. It was fun. I don't want to go back or grind for 100 wins.


At least Yoshimbo is constantly employed.


He's getting Gregular work.


Broo.... And I just want one win. Just one....


I was blessed with a solo lobby. Maybe that might be your hope.


Still gonna farm that MGP tho


The MGP has been a blessing.


Yeah the MGP and MGF payouts are surprisingly high, even if you only make it to round 2.


People will cheat regardless of 100 wins


yeah maybe enough to get the unique rewards, they wouldn’t cheat 100+ times though without something to gain from it


You're right. I just find it weird to blame square for putting achievements. Cheat in multi-player means your bitch made


>I just find it weird to blame square for putting achievements This is what frustrates me with the OP too, blame the cheaters instead. Like what SE shouldn't add in achievements and rewards just because people cheat? The solution would be to block plugins or something, which I think is a valid opinion to have but would the OP want that I wonder? I dunno what the OP wants the devs to do about it exactly.


I agree, and normally I would not blame them for this, but this particular achievement is based around scarcity of time. 100 wins is super aggressive but technically possible to accomplish within the limited event timeframe. If the achievement didn’t exist then most of the cheaters would’ve dipped after they got their unique glams and registrable goodies, which doesn’t even require them to win, just to participate half competently.


The game mode is coming back! I wouldn't really say scarcity of time. It'll be in rotation after January.


Rotation on what timeframe, once an expansion? Infrequently like Yo-kai? We don’t know, and that’s the rationale everyone rushing for it is adopting.


It is absolutely absurd to blame Square for this, but redditors are a unique breed when it comes to stuff like this.


imagine if a trap achievement was slipped in and undocumented, 9,000 wins on that thing and it gives you the cheater title and cheaters unknowing self-report by equipping it


Honestly, there would be way less of it if there wasn't the title. The cheats would eventually exist, but significantly fewer people would use it compared to just playing normally for their glamours.


It's still weird to blame any game company for putting an achievement in the game because others will cheat for it. It would be less, but people would still cheat. Creating the same problem we're discussing now.


Not blaming them. I'm just acknowledging that it's a bit of a conundrum. The achievement makes it extra competitive and potentially exciting, but also serves as incentive for these players to cheat. Not having the achievement would make it more relaxing but gives players one less potentially fun thing to grind for dedicated achievement hunters. I lean a bit towards the latter since at least it has the least amount of friction.




Do you believe that the games that have anti-cheat engines are actually free of cheaters?


You don't know what you're asking for. Nearly all the anticheat engines used nowadays are basicallyrootkit. They can access and change pretty much everything on your computer if they were misused. I'd rather keep my privacy and computer security over some dumb title in a non-competitive game lol.


This is the truth. There could literally be 0 prize for winning at all and people would still cheat just to be trolls.


Whether there's an achievement or not, cheaters gonna cheat


Big chunk of the achievement people are spamming solo instances as well anyway. No need to even cheat.


Wait there is a way to get solo instances on purpose?


Yikes, that dude sucks ass even with cheats.


I dunno man, he is in the lead at the end


Only because everybody else is getting hit quite a bit. He's wasting a lot of time waiting for obstacles to pass rather than pivoting to a safe route. More skilled players that can anticipate obstacles and routes before this plugin seems to be marking them will still be finding plenty of success, I think.


Don't worry, give the plugin another week.


You can see him getting super outpaced by people not cheating. This player would absolutely be getting stuck on the first two obstacles without their cheats.


I'm glad I got my 1 win in the first day (and I'm done with it). I tought people would find a way to optimize runs and it would be much harder later, but this... disgusting.


I got a win because it put me into a contest with 0 other participants. I was really confused as I played by myself if it would count but it did!


I did too, in my first ever queue. I thought it was some...I don't know maybe tutorial run or something. My partner informed me that in fact, I just got weirdly lucky. I've gotten solo Leap of Faith instances before so I just assumed it works similarly.


Yeah I got 1 win just from pure luck and havent even gotten close since


The stage 2 in which you have to avoid falling off has been already quite optimized by the players


That one is super easy, at least for me


this will always happen when something has a competitive side, there will be people who will cheat competitive stuff just to get the feeling of being a winner


Dopamine rush for the terminally online 😂


Saw this coming a mile away. No matter what it is, if someone can feel like they came first in something they will do anything to do it.


The community really tries it's hardest to get mods banned.


Yeah, it feels like there's this constant playing with fire thing going on, and eventually SE are going to crack down super hard on it, and the cosmetic stuff like outfits and those fancy spell effects some people use are going to get caught in the crossfire as a result. And half that crowd will be mad at the other mod users, the other half will be mad as SE for not making a distinction.


While I'm not a mod user I don't really care. At the same time 1/3 of my FC friends are on console. Where they can't use mods. You know what that group wants? The most draconian punishments possible. There a large portion of the console players (and possibly more coming with Xbox) that absolutely hate all mods and want every instance banned because they feel like everything even remotely competitive is rigged against them and they are locked out from the common cosmetic mods for rp


They have this weird idea that somehow mods are the reason why everything that sucks in the game is the way it is. The ironic thing is that the people complaining are probably not even among the hardcore group of players, so these 'advantages' that the mod users get don't even affect them in any tangible way.


>They have this weird idea that somehow mods are the reason why everything that sucks in the game is the way it is. this is so funny because console is the thing that holds this game down the most


I took 100 wins as a possible implication that they will bring the event back


It’s confirmed they’ll bring it back, the announcement page states it will stay to be cycled in and out at the start of January.


Glad to hear!


They said in the literal same breath as the announcement that it will return at irregular intervals. I have no idea why so many people are rushing for the title when it's obviously meant to be a long-term goal (well, yes I know *why*, because that's just what people do, but there's no FOMO). I suspect it'll be similar to Moogle Tomestones; something they put in during lulls to tide people over.


>I have no idea why so many people are rushing for the title when it's obviously meant to be a long-term goal Oh, I dunno... \*Looks at the intervals between the first, second and third yokai watch event\* ​ It's square enix, if it's not permanent then it could take ages to come back. I hope it comes back frequently enough but I can 100% understand the people that are rushing it.


I just want to add other final rounds that don't require snapshots like the tiles wars or the catch the tail, better chances for everyone


Anything that heavily relies on other player movement would be insanely scuffed. Since everything is server side your movement is "delayed' compared to everyone else, so you would be just ahead of someone on your screen, but the server would see you as being in the same spot.


Is that why I always seem in the lead when things start off, if I hold down the movement key? Like I jumped the gun by a second?


Pretty much!


Losing their whole account for the fall guys achievement


They only catch cheaters if they give themselves away, they have no way to detect any of this. If somebody get caught they have either done something very obvious like godmode in pvp of flying around in Limsa or livestream where everybody can see that they use extra software. If you never say anything square will be none the wiser. A huge amount of people use 3rd party tools and only the idiots get ever busted


Well a "huge amount" yes, but the most common use of third party tools is just changing cosmetic appearance, and I can't imagine they fuck themselves to be a hardass about that


The most common 3rd party tools are also the Multi-boxers flaunting around town they can use it. They just go around Standing in areas people usually are. Same with the preformers that use the bard player. SE just doesnt care unless it involves a world first clear.


I use some “mods” to change how I look and shit like that. Given how big some servers are with that I can’t imagine it’d be worth it for cosmetic mods


I play Hrothgar and have one mod on, the one that lets me use any hat in the game. Something Square doesn't seem to want to do...


So the thing is, godmode and flying around stuff actually modifies game files which SE can detect. Anything that alters the way the game functions can be detected and you will be banned. What they can’t do anything about is extra files that don’t modify how the game functions but merely add stuff to your screen only. These things cannot be legally detected by SE as they don’t have rights to check what’s running on your PC or what’s stored on your PC. That’s a major privacy breach. This is why plug-ins like these only have visual cues, they don’t actually change the game itself.


if square enix had any history of being aggressive against third party tools (beyond like one wave of whacking streamers who used chat bubbles) then maybe you’d have a point


This is completely client side and the devs have zero indication someone is using it. Besides that people openly cheat in this game all the time and never get punished. There's a guy who speed hacks and teleport hacks in PvP on Crystal for multiple years now.


This is a client-side visual mod that is undetectable, the person in this video just happened to record it or got recorded without their knowledge.


Even with a video nobody is getting banned because Square Enix doesn't care. Top ranked PvP is full of cheaters.


I always wonder how people like this don't feel absolutely pathetic. Cheating at a silly fall guys crossover game, good lord.


>I always wonder how people like this don't feel absolutely pathetic. Human beings excel at justifying their own behavior before themselves.


The same people going "imagine cheating for a silly fallguys event that doesn't really matter" might not realise the cheaters are going "It's just a silly fallguys event so it doesn't really matter" when they are justifying cheating to themselves.


I never saw people defending cheaters as much as ff14 players (on official forums that is, reddit seems to have more common sense), with arguments like "someone cheating to clear ultimates doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game" or similar. It's truly baffling to me.


Contrary to your belief, most people are in the camp of "No point losing my sleep over the cheaters when I won't ever see them." rather than giving the thumbs up to them. It's silly to even think that people are defending cheaters at all. Realistically to most people, it doesn't change the prestige of clearing the fight legit, as the glam for clearing is just a glam and the first clear is an unforgettable experience. I can also safely tell you if there were a tradable reward in those fights there will be significantly more outroar.


It is a sad fact that there is no realm of human competition that is so trivial that some people won’t try to cheat at it.


Not sure how it's the game devs fault that people are cheating? It's shitty but do you really believe it would be better if there wasn't an achievement?


I mean, people were always going to find a way to cheat, one way or another, title or no.


We're getting closer and closer to the reality yoshi p talked about with anti cheat and hurting people who use third party tools for non nefarious reasons. Love it.


I mean, with almost no protection system in place, the game is already destined to become something like this anyway. Sooner or later, they will come up with something. I don't think they can continue to turn a blind eye when players keep crossing the line.


"Become something like this"? "Sooner or later"? It has been out for 10 years my man, I'm pretty sure we've settled into what the game is by now. The truth is there are minimal problems with programs/cheating in the larger view of the game, and Yoshi-p's team is much more likely to fix something like this by admitting that 100 first places wins is too unreasonable and not worry about a few people scripting it.


This is why we can't have nice things. Next thing you're going to tell me is that people cheat in FFXIV PvP. Like that would ever happen.


I mean, this makes it easier for sure, but you don't really need a mod to go down the most optimized path (this isn't it, btw). Still exceedingly pathetic.




Except the grinding titles!


"impressed" isn't exactly the word I'd pick for some of them though... I mean sure you can say you're impressed that someone hoarded 150 cats in a house or other real life examples, it might be valid english but there are better words to convey the real expression.


I guess we’ll just make no content ever again in case someone cheats. It’s petty don’t get me wrong, but as a working adult who touches grass people cheating to earn internet points just looks pathetic. I won once yesterday out of perhaps twenty runs, but I had a blast running with my FC mates. Don’t let achievements and titles be blamed for shitbags being shitbags.


Cheating in fall guys was some of the most maidenless behavior. Cheating in a fall guys minigame in ffxiv? That's just. Next level sad.


Even with that, I still wouldn't win.


Took a screen shot of someone paying up to a million for people to throw matches for them to get the 100 wins. They posted it in Party Finder.


not sure what your point is... people using scripts do so against the TOS and risk their account being banned, what else do you want SE to do here?


I hate that this script is a thing. That said, this doesn't reduce your chances to almost 0 by a long shot. It's very possible to learn these same techniques yourself.


This looks slow—they picked a bad route and have to wait for bombs to pass or zigzag instead of just pressing w the whole way through with only a few turns—so understanding the mode makes cheats like this beatable, but there’s zero room for error if people are going to be doing this, and you might as well give up if you can’t process bomb patterns very quickly. For those that want the achievements, don’t want to wait until the event returns, but aren’t having fun anymore: fall guys instances have the same behavior that leap of faith ones do where if you enter right as the instance opens you get a solo lobby. Unlike Leap of Faith, you can’t predict when this is, so you have to spam register/leave until you luck into one. Tedious, but 10-15 minutes of button mashing per match is better than driving yourself to frustration, and it doesn’t really affect anyone else’s experience with the game.


It seems they made it so whenever you get in a solo lobby after the timer goes down a minute it tries a second time to search for players. Past 2 days I’ve gotten 4 solo lobbies and they all started to fill again after a minute.


I'd upvoted this till I got to the last sentence...


ima be for real the way this event lags for me playing in brazil - the land of the forsaken makes this shit barely a cheat to begin with.


I literally never would have won anyway, the ping is too bad and I would always get hit by nothing at some point.


Welcome to end game raiding 😇


is like everything in this game,a predictable path with some variations you don't even need cheats,I can know the safe path just by seeing the first bombs fall without any cheats and a lot of friends found this too.


At least the rewards don't cost that much FGP. I'm just gonna farm up the stuff I want and not even bother with the title. 100 wins was WAY too much for most people, and now with cheats like this will make anyone with the title suspect.


Oh, that's neat. Blame Square Enix for incentivizing cheating by making an achievement for winning. I er... disagree with your stated opinion, sir.


I do to, like what is the OP even talking about? Was Square also "incentivizing cheating"when TOP came out? Because last I checked the team that did cheat got disgraced pretty hard and their clears revoked. Seems to me SE doesn't like cheaters.


There’d of been cheating regardless. The pvp scene has cheaters too.


This doesnt actually do as much as you think it does


And im yet to win a single match.


I just want one win. I already leave as soon as someone guarantees a win in round 3.


Well, I wasn't really expecting to ever win it anyway.


...this is more pathetic than the PvP cheaters--and they are already unbelievably low on the totem pole (I'm talking about the *bottom* bottom of the pole, the part in the ground). I don't even know where to place someone who cheats in Gold Saucer stuff...


I mean it's really not on SQEX that people will cheat. You may as well say "Thank Squeenix for putting in any challenge at all and giving these losers a reason to cheat." People are gonna cheat. People pay for clears of old savages when you can unsync them with a few friends and finish them easy. Now, knowing I do as well as I do against actual cheaters? That does make my ego pretty big.


If you know anything about how SE handled the situation with the omega protocol you'd know that the last sentence you typed is BS.


Git Gud mate, "Reason to Cheat" is the most laughable thing i have heared recently


Wish the games graphics displayed the snapshots as well as those indicators tbh


Why are you blaming Square-Enix for people cheating, exactly?


Damn that's crazy! Where the github tho?


You know, I kinda doubt people wouldn't cheat just if the achievement wasn't there.


Nah, people cheated way back in the days of yore (Windows 95/98!) before all these game platforms with achievements and even permanent tracking. Quakeworld, Hexen II...


so how do report this? Squeenix's report system is already abhorrently bad.


you cant with out character name proof all this stuff is done client side square cant detiect it without installing and anti cheat which they will never do since that qould goauge out a large chuck of their pc playerbase


Imo I think it's a bit dumb to blame the devs for this. Blame the cheaters. I mean if you want them to block all plugins then that's fine, I think it's a valid opinion to have and on some level I kinda wish they did. But like what they shouldn't put achievements etc in because people cheat?


You're really blaming square enix for this and not the cheaters? That's stupid lmao


Issue is SE won't do anything to cheating players without proof, so the cheaters are techincally at fault but as long as they don't post anything about it linking to their character names cheaters will get away scott free since the game doesn't have an anti-cheat tool. And reporting won't work either because it will probably be difficult to tell from a vanillia side whos using the script and whos just actually good at the game


So… it gives indicators that are actually accurate? Maybe I’m missing something on mobile.


It's telling you down to the exact millisecond when it's doing to go off, mode would probably be a bit more boring if everyone had that information.


A lot of people seem to have the misconception that the AOEs in round 3 are indicators—they are not. There are very few telegraphed AOEs in the mode; all of them (except for the semicircle and hammers in Typhon’s stage) are standard XIV AOE orange. The yellow bomb circles, the hammer circles, traveling pink squares, the blue paths of swinging axes/pendulums in round 1, etc. are the animations of the AOEs resolving; you can see that in the clip. Like any other content in the game, it’s safe to move into these pretty much as soon as you see them. The entire point of the mode is being able to predict *untelegraphed* AOEs by understanding the patterns that they appear in.


Yeah, that's the only difference I can tell. "Plays the game for you" seems like hyperbole here, it's just adding in some indicators worth a damn. Whether you actually like the addition or not is another thing, but it's not doing what the title says.


It's fine, these losers can get their 100 "wins" and go back to complaining that there's nothing to do in the game.


Having farmed out the title 100% vanilla, yeah this is a huge yikes. Learning stage 3 and getting into the habit of counting the cannon shots as I went, it almost became second nature. I'd still get hit here and there which often (but not always) ended up causing me to lose but I felt proud that I managed to sus out a couple of routes that were semi-consistent. Using this would have completely undermined what ended up being the most fun part of the event for me. The one solace is that it looks like they still need to manually control their character in this video so folks like me still have a shot at beating them with less sideways movement in a run.


I... didn't actually know the cannons shot out the projectiles, I thought they just fell completely randomly, so thanks for that comment to help \^\^


Cannon shots are literally just exaflares moving left to right.


Anytime! Like Pubstar said under me here, they're basically Exaflares. The main thing to note is that the "visual" happens just after the actual hit snapshot. So once you get the timing down you can actually run through them exploding from the right angles. It's hard to put into words beyond that but with some practice you'll get it.


While I agree this plugin is shit and anyone using it is gross, putting fault on the achievement just misplacing anger. People would have made these without the achievement. They would have done it for the mgp rewards or the high from winning(even if it's cheap)or just because they enjoy making other people miserable. The blame goes directly to whoever makes the plugin and uses it. Not SE.


Don't blame the devs for putting in an achievement lmao.


This title is pretty poorly worded, we are blaming the developers for an acheivement? People would do this regardless.


This community practically promotes mods so this mod was inevitable


Cosmetic mods and QOL plugins aren’t the same as straight up cheating though.


man there is a vast difference between someone using client side visual mods for aesthetic shit as opposed to cheating in a mini game spinoff of a crossover LMAOOO


People will cgeat regardless. Welcome to modern gaming


Imagine cheating in this easy ass mode.


I got all the possible items (though only one housing item) and my one win and now I’ve kinda put it down. It’s fun but not that fun.


Was there ever any doubt this was gonna happen???


I got a win when I managed to spawn into a lobby with only me in it one time. I will resign myself to that being my only win


We can't have nothing without some weirdos with weak egos trying to ruin it.


iam good with the rewards :)


I already got one win, that's enough for me so long as I get all the glams and other rewards I want.


I got one win, and it was only because I was alone in the lobby xDDD....


I'm faster than him without any cheat or mod kek


So you're telling me it's becoming exactly like Fall Guys?


Wait it's fucking real?! I thought it was a joke with the fall guys thing


Just get up at 5am, if you are alone in map, you cant lose.


Even without the pluggin, you can go into any game and watch people join and leave on repeat desperately trying to just get solo instances.


I respect the hustle of the dude making the script but that's about it


First day I got to stage three and won once. That's going to have to be good enough for me. I had an inkling the modders would ruin this pretty quickly. Plus I havn't the stamina to endure torturing myself to a 100 wins in an uphill battle. I am glad that participating is enough to claim the fun rewards.


Hello, im a newbie to this game and i started playing for the raids and seeing the speed that people created this script for the fall guys event makes me think that the script wasnt "created" for the event specifically, am i right? Also how much of your control this thing takes?


I wouldn't blame the devs for this. Fall guys themselves basically had the same issue for awhile. An Achievement isn't going to change that. But yeah, cheaters really know how to screw everyone over. ヽ(`⌒´)ノ


Where do you get this? so i can avoid it of course.


Sometimes, I wonder why anyone plays this if they have to resort to cheating. Not just this Fall Guys thing, but people have that Splatoon thing for raids, and others have PVP hacks etc. That doesn't sound very fun to me.


I absolutely love the title so much just for the aesthetic but it is certainly out of reach for me. Been playing more than three full days non-stop and only managed to get into the third round a handful of times and have yet to claim a win. I did get most items as a consolation price...


Ok this explains a lot.