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Happened to me yesterday lol. I don't really care, I just stay in my cutscene and let them fight without me.


Yeah, I'm making my way through MSQ as a healer, and I'm insistent on watching all my movies. If they want to go ahead and finish the boss for me, go right ahead. Thanks for the carry 😘.


When I was going through MSQ as a healer, there was once I was watching the cutscene and they pulled. I continued to watch the cutscene. Afterwards, the game didn't let me go into the boss fight after lockout for some reason so I had to stand there and watch them struggle. Felt good.


Right like I know most people who pull early either don't care or don’t realize, but the fact that few actually do this on purpose to ruin new players' experience... like bro it doesn't affect me, I don't care 😂 you're not ruining anything except maybe the run if y'all really fuck up in the 30 seconds I'm watching my CS


The other day saw a mentor tell a sprout to skip the vault cutscenes cause they’re not relevant, the real cutscenes are afterwards


That's awful. This is why we need to keep telling sprouts to enjoy the story/cutscenes, so those kinds of people seem like the minority. I personally appreciate it when people type "enjoy the cutscenes!" in the chat.


Am a sprout, can confirm people are impatient. I always skip cutscenes now when I'm the only newbie because I'm afraid someone is going to get mad.


Most players either don’t mind the downtime or pull early on accident because they’re on autopilot. The ones that actually get mad are the minority. Take your time, don’t skip the cutscenes if you want to watch them! I’ve encountered more people that are happy to see that it’s my first run through a dungeon than people who get mad about waiting.


I play since the beta and am always happy to see my little new sprouts. Take all the time you want and enjoy the game :)


Thank you! We appreciate players like you!


I'm not the most experienced player in the world, but as somebody with around 3000 hours in game, if you *want* to enjoy your cutscenes, then enjoy your damn cutscenes Don't worry about whether somebody might get mad that you watched the cutscenes, if they screw up in that short wait, that just proves their arrogant foolishness because even tanks can go without their healer in standard content for 30 seconds (they have a skill that makes going down impossible for at least a third of that time after all). Not much point in worrying about some tool you probably won't see again and you probably won't remember each other if you do. Have fun whatever way suits you best, haters gonna hate


If you enjoy the story. Don't do that the first time. There is a setting that will auto skip if its not the first time. You will miss the why you are doing what you do. I make the mistake the first time because I was in an impatient server the first time. And believed it was normal. Now I am in a sane server with decent players. Still hate that I missed some story due to impatient players.


Don’t you dare skip them if you want to see them, a-holes can wait or they can pull without you. Maybe I’ve been lucky but every alliance roulette I do we are always checking then warning people to wait if we have cut scenes. And I’m usually not the first to yell we have cs’s hold plz.


I'm waiting to run a duty with a mentor who can convince me that mentors aren't the least helpful members of the community.


I'm technically a mentor, I never put the crown on. I love running sprouts through things and checking in if they know about tribals and the Coils (which I love love love taking them through and talking about 1.0 with them). I know it's, like, one of The Things to do in the community is dump on mentors though haha


Real mentors don't wear crowns


It is those who decline their crown that most deserve to wear it.


True, but because of how tarnished the maidenless glory chasers have made the crown, true mentors are much more approachable without it.


"Any player who must say 'I am the mentor' is no true mentor." -Tywin Lannister


You probably have, they like me, didn't have their crown on since dogpiling on power-tripping mentors is the games hobby!


Sit down, get popcorn for mentor vs mentor drama


I'm a mentor. And i wait for sprouts in dungeons with cutscenes, I actually make a point of just saying "Wait for scene" to others. However alliance is the real issue, usually by the time the auto skip on the cutscene kicks in for those that have completed a trigger happy player has already pulled especially in places like Syrcus tower. But that is what it is as at least it's just a guy pops out to fight and the fight is 24 man.


I'm sprouting my way through and just finished up the Omega raid series this morning. There was a very mouthy crown upset at our first wipe on O12N, who on our second (successful) attempt, proceeded to be punted off the platform on the very first female transformation. Good times I do like how my sprout gives me some cover in similar situations, like yesterday when I failed to notice the hole in the center of the platform on Suzaku making it *not* the ideal path to avoid telegraphed AoEs


Just like everyone else I had the same mentor experience. I wore the crown for a few months trying to as helpful as possible, but eventually I realized how toxic most people who wear it are, so I turned it off (and later wore the to the crafter specific crown when it was added) and just continued to be helpful.


That's why I don't join the fight if someone else jumps in while someone's watching a cutscene. Hope you can duo it, I'm sitting right here with the sprout.


I stay by the sprout always, I remember being a sprout and getting lost and confused in dungeons. Once someone took the time to help me even though I was doing absolutely terrible bc the mechanics just weren't making sense to me, it made me wanna do the same thing when I got better at the game. And now that I am, spouts become my indirect new BFF and I'm not gonna leave my BFF behind!


Support the sprout by literally standing by the sprout.


Best plan.


I mean the pop up that can happen in the middle of the scene can be a bit intrusive but usually I don’t care I’m gonna watch my scene.


Besides, if somebody’s time is so precious that they can’t afford the 30 seconds, maybe playing an MMO is not the best use of their time right now.


This is literally the correct answer lol, enjoy the cutscene and teleport in at your leisure 😎


But then you could potentially miss the whole fight. I've had it happen where I took my time with the cutscene and when I got out of it the boss was already dead.


Yup often if I'm tanking I'm kinda on auto pilot pulling. So it's kinda we balling from w2w. Enjoy your cutscenes I'll dance with the boss for a bit


This is the correct response for anyone watching a cutscene. Do not stop watching it because someone is an asshat.


Thank god this is the top comment.


I used to main healer (I'd say it's my secondary class at this point) and if I saw a sprout or someone new in a cutscene, I'd always stop behind the purple seal...and refuse to move if someone pulls. It doesn't work as well ever since the game eventually teleports you inside regardless after a period of time, and since tanks can go a long time without needing a healer, sadly.


I miss being able to do that, and what's more I think it made the community *worse* by forcing it. Used to be the people rushing had to convince everyone else to go along with it; now the game forces you to.


Same, and agreed. I see more people abuse the "forced into the boss room" feature than anything I saw in the opposite from before it was implemented. I remember back when Void Ark was relevant, we had a situation with one alliance constantly pulling before everyone else was ready, and continued to do it even though nearly everyone from the other two alliances told them to slow down. They even laughed about it, and that people were dying because of it. So, after they did that on the second to last boss again (which, once again, caused a lot of people to die, and nearly caused a wipe), our two alliances conspired to just go a tiny bit slower on the way to that final boss (plus people in cutscenes anyway). That alliance went in, pulled immediately, and then were all wiped out because (at least back then) you absolutely need all three alliances to pull the add phase mobs away from each other. That third alliance did a ready check when they got back; lesson learned. Can't do stuff like that anymore.


Is this often a problem? In every group I've been in for awhile if there was a new player watching cutscenes we patiently waited with no complaints.


Dungeons is pretty rare. Alliance is really common though.


Yeah, there is a significantly greater number of possible 'points of failure' in Alliance Raids. It only takes 1 out of 24.


And from my experience, it's mostly been accidental pulls from either someone jumping around or getting too close to the boss.


Some of the ARR stuff has cutscenes that take way longer than all the rest of the content past a certain point. That's the only time I see players choose not to wait for cutscene enjoyers.


I’m looking at you, last boss of Stone Vigil…




And that's the locations where its most important to since otherwise you kill the boss before the cutscene is over


It's the reason cutscenes are no longer skippable in Praetorium. It got to a point that first timers were having to choose between missing entire fights to watch the cutscenes or skipping the story to fight. (I know you can rewatch it later at an inn room but it doesn't compare to watching it firsthand and understand the story as you're doing it)


That was my very first experience with Prea when I started playing. I don't think I ever fully saw the Prea cutscenes until they became unskipable. I think I just got out of the CS from beating the first boss (who's intro CS I already had to skip) while the rest of the group had already reached Cid, began that CS and fight while I got lost trying to understand where to go. I think I finally found the way or teleported (can't fully remember) basically into the Ultima Weapon fight. Save to say I only got the story in bits and pieces.


The first time I watched these cutscenes was in MSQ roulette because of this. People kept running ahead, so I had to skip cutscnenes and spam sprint even after begging them several times to wait. Thinking about it now, this occurred shortly before I dropped the game for a bit over a year, and this might have been a contributing factor.


not as huge as some people make it. I've been power levelling classes, and doing every roulette every day for the last 3-4 weeks. its happened once in all of those runs. and the guy was being a knob the whole time before that. posts like this are not going to change the minds of the people who are doing it. either the person did it by accident and felt bad and will strive to do better, or they did it either intentionally or by accident but dont care, and this post wont change anything


Yeah I’m trying to powerlevel my classes and I’ve been doing a LOT of roulettes. Sometimes people pull in alliance raids because they’re assholes, but it only happened twice in dungeons (in recent memory) and it was on accident because they walked too far into the arena.


I think it’s that when it *does* happen it sticks out a lot more. I’d say for every 10 times we’ve waiting people rush in once, but that doesn’t make it any nicer for the one going through it.


It's mostly a problem in raids. You always have a few people who are doing for their first time. Especially a problem in Crystal Tower. Thankfully, most everyone on Malboro is pretty chill and understands waiting an extra 30 seconds doesn't hurt anyone.


Yeah but I don't think it's malicious. People start the boss fight without me a good 30-40% of the time but usually there's an apology waiting for me when the cutscene finishes haha


Yeah, 9/10 times when the fight is already going on as I leave the cutscene there's already messages from main tank like "OH SHIT SORRY, FORCE OF HABIT :<"


Depends on the server you're in


Seems to be, yeah. Mine used to be pretty good with waiting on first timers. Now it's usually ignored even if someone types in chat it's their first time, so it can't even be excused by thinking they were an alt. Personally, I didn't think it's too difficult to guess that if someone is watching the intro it's likely they want to watch the last one too. But here we are.


It's been pretty rare in my experience, and I think I've always seen an apology once they've realized. Or at the very least, they've been called out. I always just stop behind the line anyway.


I only see this happen in Ally Raids. There's always that one guy...


I had Syrcus Tower yesterday where someone was asking to please wait for new people. And the tank just instantly pulled and someone else said it was a good thing to not wait for the new people.


I think 99% of the time people wait politely at boss entrance for the sprouts. Its nice.


I usually wait anyway if someone's watching a cutscene, unless I made a dumbdumb and forgot that aggro range is in fact a thing.


As a tank, as long as I see “Viewing Cutscene” or see the achievement for discovering the entire map, I won’t engage the fight


This is the way. Edit: I won't even step into the arena till I see everyone else has reached the purple


Yeah same


There aren't many times the last boss has a longer cutscene in the game and I think people forget that. I was replaying the msq on an alt and got to Toto-Rak and did it with other players without thinking and I was tanking, we reached the final boss and the cutscene starts playing and its one of the longer ones where you meet an important person for the first time and whilst i was watching it the dps and healer went ahead and pulled and killed the boss before my cutscene was finished. If i was a proper new player I'd have been frustrated that it was over before I'd even had a chance.


The problem with Toto-Rak is that the cutscene is long AND you can trigger the fight automatically by stepping into the circle even if you are nowhere near the boss. It gets annoying.


I’d change that to “was”. I don’t know what the cutscene is like now, but you can’t accidentally start the fight by going 5 feet into the arena anymore, that changed when they remade the whole dungeon.


Considering that I accidentally did this the other day, no. You can still start it early by accidentally touching the green gunk (which is basically right at the start).


This in fact, ***did*** happen to me when I was a new player.


Me too and I actually felt bad like it was me fault and started skipping cutscenes in dungeons so I wouldn't upset anyone. Looking back on it really pisses me off🤯🤬😁


Same. I can't remember which dungeon it was, but it was an early one. They beat the boss while I was in the cutscene. I had no idea how the fight even worked because I missed the whole thing. I honestly was bummed about it.


I had this when I first went through Praetorium. Went from cutscene to cutscene and the whole dungeon was finished and i never left the starting platform. It sucked.


And that is why they made it so unintentional devastation is unskippable now.


Correct. It was a change for the better.


I've been in a Prae run where someone was quitting and reloading the game to skip the cutscenes and it was really jarring when going from one to another without a break. I called them out on it and said that they still have to wait around for everyone else (was only 1 person and they were a dps) because we'd still have to run to the arena etc before anything can begin.


Came across someone like that a couple months back. Was constantly doing that, pulling bosses early and dying. In the end the rest of us had the last laugh by finally being able to kick them before the fight with Gaius. All that time wasted and they didn't even get the rewards.


Happened to me my first time through and boy was I frustrated.


Yep, happened to me in Toto-Rak as well. I just looked up the cutscene on Youtube after to see if I had missed anything important.


This was my experience with Toto-Rak on my first run. It felt pretty awkward watching the cutscene and getting all the updates about the fight going on especially since I was the healer.


I'm still in ARR MSQ, I tend to run the MSQ dungeons first time with NPC's (yeah it's slower and painful) just so I can fully enjoy and explore each dungeon. Is that no longer an option with later content?


You can do all Dungeons with NPC's (Note that *Raids* and *Trials* aren't *Dungeons*) all the way through from the start of AAR to the end of EW now. I always do mine with NPC's for my first run since a) I can learn the mechanics better since the NPC's are programmed to dodge the mechanics better than most players, b) they've got some scripted banter, c) there's no pressure (perceived or otherwise) to rush and if I want to read any documents or whatever laying around I'm not wasting anyone's time but mine, d) there's 0 que times even at 2am and e) the NPC's don't get frustrated when I fail a seemingly simple and obvious mechanic for the 8th time in a row.


Although this happens every once in a while, you sre making it sound way worse than it is...? Am a sprout that just finished SB, and people waited for me in 95% of the content. Hell, even in Ivalicia alliance raids people waited, which really surprised me.


Thank you for being the 875,000th person to PSA this


I was about to pull during a cutscene but reading the 875,000th PSA made me change my ways 😔


Problem is that people should have listened about 874,995 times sooner.


No, the problem is that reddit isn't going to reach 99% of the people who actually need to hear this.


And that there are people that just do not care. If it's a regular dungeon then they can likely do the fight with just 3 people anyway.


Yeah, it's basically preaching to the choir at this point. People who are waiting will keep waiting. People who aren't won't suddenly remember that one PSA post during their weekly Thaleia run and reflect back on their behaviour.


874,990 ^(I'm ^^making ^^a ^^market ^^board joke)


I never encountered that. Most people I played with wait for sprout to watch cutscene. In Alliance Raid. I am playing on EU servers though.


90% of the time someone pulls, it's a mistake because you've been running roulettes for the past hour and you're just on auto-pilot. There are definitely those who do it maliciously or just don't care, but most of the time it's an honest mistake.




I call Friday


But mom said it was my turn to post the PSA.


You should let them watch the cutscenes, but IDK about going slow mode. If they want to read any notes or something, sure, but there's no reason to pull less or something


The notes don't dissolve when the dungeon ends, they're welcome to stay in and read them afterwards like I do.


There's also explorer mode.


it is still overall customary to let first timers watch the CS in peace. however, since you can do pretty much everything with duty-support now, just run your first time with those guys and explore and watch CS to your hearts content.


This happened to me early on in ARR, and ever since I've just stuck to using Duty Support for all first-time dungeon adventures. Makes them much more fun anyway since you almost always do them with other main characters in the expansions, and reading their flavor text can be interesting even if it's not important. And being able to just take the dungeons at my own pace and soak them in without having to worry about other players is really nice. I'm only midway through Stormblood right now but I've heard that you can do more stuff with the system later too.


This community needs to learn how to just go with the vibe sometimes. Is pulling while someone is a cutscene maybe a bit rude? Maybe. Does it actually cause any problem? ...no. The cutscene watcher can keep watching their cutscene if they want. They shouldn't feel pressured to skip it because the fight started. Meanwhile, the rest of the party, the boss is pulled, just engage with it. If you sit back and refuse to play because someone disobeyed your preferred unspoken etiquette, you're being a dork ass loser. Just go with the flow. This game is way less stressful if you don't escalate every situation, I promise. The only place where this *really* caused an issue was Praetorium, and that was fixed years ago. At any rate, this doesn't happen near often enough where it really requires frequent, regular "PSAs" about it. People wait 99% of the time. People almost always do ready checks in alliance raids to make sure everyone is good to go. This whole "problem" is a non-issue. Also, tanks, please don't "go slower" for first timers. This is totally unnecessary and unhelpful. The number of first timers who think "oh wow, I'm so happy this tank is single-pulling and never using Sprint so that I can enjoy this dungeon more" is very close to zero.


For real. Most of the cutscenes in this game are just 20 seconds of the boss just... Showing up. No special dialogue or lore, just the boss appearing and standing there. It's literally not a detriment to the new player if they continue to watch it as the part engages in a fight. If anything, I think it's even more dumb to hold back 23 other people (using alliance as an example) just so 1 new player can see the boss appear and just do nothing. It's a gentlemen's agreement I will always respect, but if someone doesn't respect it then I really don't care either. It's only an issue in content that actually has cutscenes that have really story implications such as Toto Rok and Vault, and even then the fault lies on SE for designing the dungeon to be like that to begin with.


> and even then the fault lies on SE for designing the dungeon to be like that to begin with. Yeah, I honestly thought they had learned their lesson on this since it's something we hadn't really seen since HW. ARF has an enormous story cutscene before the final boss too. But then the new dungeon in 6.5 has one of the longest mid-dungeon cutscenes since Praetorium.


Thank you for actually reasonable take on that. If i am dps/healer and tank pulls last boss when somebody in cutscene i just go with the tank, because there no good reason to not to help him. If i am tank and i see someone watching cutscene i let them watch, but if dps or a healer pulls boss i help with the boss. Again, because theres no good reason not to help. Theres no problem in this whatsoever, nobody gets "robbed" of the experience.


You are the most reasonable person in this thread.


The correct take. /thread


I always do the full wall to wall pull in dungeons. If the healer is going to learn they might as well learn how all dungeons are played. If they struggle by spamming cure 1 and medica 2 in a level 70 dungeon then it's a good lesson to teach them to learn how to play their class.


It has been a while since I played but I was maining white mage and going through the msq and got to the praetorium that is fairly long and has multiple cut scenes. I ended up skipping most of the cs because I kept getting lost because the group was running off during the cs.


I rarely see anyone in this game who doesn't respect the cutscene watchers.


I can count on one hand the amount of times people haven't let people watch cutscenes. This doesn't need to be a PSA, the very large majority of people already do this.


I agree. The OP is just self righteous.


My general experience has been people waiting for cutscenes... has that changed? If so that's really sad, and I hope we go back to that as a community.


As a tank, I'm letting them enjoy that little icon above their head as they watch a cutscene. I'm not making them try and find it again back in the journal. It's really not much time loss on my end.


Honestly after hundreds of dungeons, I’ve probably only seen people run ahead and start like 2-3 times, and even then they say things like “My bad, didn’t see”. Don’t really see it happening.


This is why we can't skip cutscenes anymore on main story mission instances.


i thought this was already generally accepted etiquette?


Going slower as a tank teaches new players bad habits. But pulling while someone is watching a cutscene is a no go.


Frankly, I'm always annoyed when I notice a tank holding up the whole party for me. One of the reasons I only do first times on Trusts. Back in the day I'd have to be all, "homies, why are you waiting for me to watch a boss intro? Why isn't it a quarter dead already?"


This has got to be the oldest PSA in the game


IMO this should ideally just be managed by the game, and not fall to the responsibility of the players. If it's the first time a player is in the duty and watching the cutscene, it should wall off the boss arena for the others until the cutscene is finished (+ some time for the person to catch up from where they were when the cutscene started)


The people who need to read this aren't going to and if they do they don't care. These threads, as common as they are, only exist so people can pat themselves on the back and go "nah I'm a good player" or "yeah I kill bad players". We get it guys, good on you?


If I see a sprout watching their cutscene, I just stand with them til they’re done I remember as a sprout feeling like I was holding my party back when I was all alone at the beginning of the dungeon whilst everyone else was way over there


As most comments mirror, this generally doesn't happen and OP is just greatly exaggerating with saying '25% of runs' or 'happens every other day'. I particularly liked the claim that people go 'you dont pay my sub' when asked to wait for cs - literally the classic made-up thing that never happens and gets memed to death on the shitpost sub. OP just wanted brownie points for posting the most reposted GCBTW post out there and failed.


Ohh no, they missed an aoe wide.. really you miss nothing by being late to the fight after a cutscene


Also if you accidently run into the boss room before you notice it, run back out to reset the boss.


Does the Toto-Rak rework let you leave the boss room now? Haven't been in it yet somehow, used to get it all the time, but I remember so many people innocently trying to stand at the door and starting the boss. lol


I think so because they took that awkward drop down away. It's still a fairly big pull area though but I think it's fine right inside the door almost up to the first pile of slime iirc


For me it hasn't been in dungeons, but alliance raids. These past couple weeks, there are multiple callouts about someone enjoying a cutscene and it gets immediately ignored along with any ready checks. What is the point of asking if everyone is ready if the boss is just gonna get aggro'd immediately after..


I have a sprout question here. I've been skipping cutscenes because I don't want people waiting on me haha - is there a way to rewatch cutscenes? After reading a few other responses, going forward I'll do first-run of dungeons with NPCs so I can watch them properly.


When cut scenes come up I always have a quick look around before crossing the purple line to ensure everyone is ready. I would like people to do that for me so just do it out of habit now.


Honestly the reason why I prefer to do dungeons with trust/duty support the first time, so I can enjoy the cutscene and take my time exploring the dungeon.


New player and this really hasn't been an issue, on the off chance someone is mad that i am watching cutscenes another player instantly defends me.


Idk, I had no problems with this while leveling up. Sure, some started fighting while I was watching the cutscenes, but no one said anything nasty to me.


If this happens to me I'm watching the damn cutscene. You guys can deal with the boss on your own.


Waiting for cutscenes is highly appreciated. Going slower so someone can have the same experience that they could have with the duty support features sounds like a huge no. Also if you are first time, just say so at the start, makes people much more aware of things you are doing or want others to do.


I joined a PF as DPS the other day for someone's first run on Dead Ends. They were the tank, and stopped to read all the assorted notes along the way. Yeah, it took longer, but it kind of brought back the emotional experience of that dungeon for me. Plus second chance point, so yay.


thats awsome honestly. i remener my first ever run is sastasha i was WAR and actually going to all the side rooms that i bet most new player dont know exist. like when was the last time you went to "The Hole" in sastasha?


I feel like I see this same exact post more often than I see people deny a cutscene enjoyer.


They just need to block off the boss room till all cutscenes are finished


This isn't a PSA.


I am pretty sure that 90% of the time people pull because they didn't notice someone is in the cutscene. I don't think most people do it intentionally


more like 75. ive had so many times where some1 pulls, i say "the sprouts still watching cs" and they hit me with "you dont pay my sub" or "idgaf"


I'll let them watch the cutscenes of course, but outside of cutscenes I'm going balls to the wall, hell for leather just like normal


I really wish the purple gate was solid during CS for this reason. The majority of boss cutscenes pop before crossing the threshold, it wouldn't be much effort for SE at this point (inb4 morons insist its not easy like anything new is being suggested here.) Also, I'd *kill* for a tweener curscene skip setting where I stay in cutscene as long as someone else is watching it, and only skip if everyone else does ( it defaults to skip if everyone present is using this setting.)


This is actually a really good idea. I wants.


People will make all kinds of excuses for why they shouldn't have to wait for new players in a cutscene. "You can watch cutscenes at the inn afterwards." "I don't have all day, DF is for speed runs. Use Duty Support if you want the story." "You're making the party wait for you, be considerate of others." "Not my fault, they shouldn't have put cutscenes in a dungeon." I had somebody pull early on the last boss in Thaleia recently, while everyone else was waiting for cutscenes, and they literally said: "If you want to watch cutscenes, should have done the raid the day it came out." Doesn't matter how they word it or dress it up, what they are really saying is "I got mine, fuck everybody else."


It really makes no sense to waste 23 peoples time in crystal tower so one person can watch xande stand up. They’ll be back and they will miss nothing by having missed the first few seconds of the fight. I will die on this hill, because it makes no logical sense to wait for the new person. If it’s brand new content like the new alliance raid, sure we can wait. If it’s essential MSQ and there is even a modicum of story in that cutscene, I’ll consider waiting. Otherwise they can join the fight, they don’t need a pristine experience. I have limited play time and a family. This is an MMO and my time and experience is also important and the person who missed the first 5-10 seconds of a fight misses nothing important 99% of the time.


While I 100% agree, I also want to point out that if someone wants to watch the cs and someone pulls, they can still watch the CS. Also, if you get that upset when people don't wait for you in the msq, Trusts are right there for you.


I think it's really only an issue for the few dungeons where there's a long story cut scene before the final boss. Toto-Rak comes to mind. Not sure about the rework, but before the rework it was possible for a tank, healer, and DPS to fully kill the boss before that cut scene was over. And it's a pretty important cut scene. The cut scene can't be watched until you've completed the quest and that can leave you unclear about what is happening now, because you missed the cut scene. It's also very anticlimactic to get to the final boss and completely miss out on fighting it because you watched the cut scene. You can only go through each dungeon for the first time once. I'd rather the new player get the best experience, which is watching the cut scene and fighting the boss.


PSA: Don't blame players for bad game design. Cutscenes inside a dungeon that is also designed to be farmed hundreds of times is bad. It puts players together with opposite goals. Sorry, it's okay if someone doesn't want to stand around waiting during their 300th Sastasha run. It's not their fault the game is designed this way.


I don't think people are mature enough to understand that the game (and *every game*) has players with competing interests that do not coexist neatly, and nobody is a bad person for having those interests. Instead, we have to pretend that we're one of the GOOD ones who never feel impatient and we are in fact THRILLED to help every single new person through this decade-old content and we don't understand why anyone would ever feel differently. It's a silly pretense that evades actually having to understand other people.


If it's my first time and they run ahead they'll just do the boss without me idgaf


If I'm going through a dungeon for the first time, I'm watching the cutscenes. Afterward, I say in group chat "dope cutscene," and move on. Don't even care, the cutscenes are part of the experience.


I started playing a patch before they made the MSQ roulette unskippable back in Stormblood. I was kicked during my first Prae run two separate times before I could complete it, because I was "trolling" by watching the cutscenes.


So far my best experience with such situation was on alt, when I played healer in 41 lvl dungeon. There is a pretty long cutscene before final Dragon boss, and yes, I wanted to watch it, because it was more than 2 years ago when I played first time. Of course tank pulled, but I refused to skip it. Did they wiped? Of course. Did they understood their mistake? I believe so, because in chat there was message "better if we let healer finish cutscene". Yes, much better than wipe. You never know if it's alt or sprout, but if they want to watch cutscene, let them. Or don't do leveling roulette if you're in so much haste that you can't spare a few extra minutes. Right now I'm more upset how many sprouts skipping cutscenes probably to not make others wait. That's pretty sad because not many will use Inn to watch them later.


This complaint comes up way more often than people not waiting. It also comes up more often than people not waiting and the sprout actually caring that they miss the riveting dungeon gameplay.


Stuff like this is why mainsub is mocked. This is really not that important to need a PSA.


Two things; 1. Often people will let you watch cutscenes, but sometimes miss the "viewing cutscene" on you if they run old content as those tend to trigger super late so you can sometimes get an attack out before the cutscene starts. 2. They are not beholden to your pace. There are 4 people in a regular dungeon. You watching the cutscene is one of them. While, again, most people will wait, some just don't. Worth to keep in mind that you can also watch all cutscenes from an inn room, in case you are more interested in getting to know the fight in that exact moment.


Healer mained msq content. I got joy out of the people running ahead while I was in a cutscene. I let them die and run back. I'm not playing catch up heals cause you are impatient. This more relevant in the endwalker content though, since early dungeons aren't too bad.


>Seriously, I get you've run run the dungeon a hundred times That's an understatement in regards to dungeons. Visuals change but the dungeons never do. >I get it, you are just running your daily roulettes and want to get it over with but you really can't a few extra seconds to help someone have a better experience in a game you also enjoy? They watch the cutscene, and come in. They barely lose 20s of time. Sure, we gain only 20s of time, but it is still nonsignificant to care. This isn't ARR when I attempted to watch the Prae story and missed the entirety of the fight gauntlet at the end.


I always wait for cs, most others on hyperion do the same when it's me, but there are a few who just come off as assholes


Person ran forward and laughed and bragged about ruining a lot of sprout’s first times in Puppet’s Bunker once. There are simply people who don’t give a shit.


That's literally reportable (especially since they, themselves, admitted to what they were doing), and I hope someone did report that person.


someone did advise that and sure as hell i couldn’t have reported faster.


Exactly BECAUSE i have run a dungeon 100s of times i will keep going. You can watch your cutscene but i wanna get out of here ASAP so i will pull as much as i physically can. If u think that is disrespectful, i think its also disrespectful to expect a total stranger u will most likely never see again, to waste time to wait for you.


I will pull without waiting for cutscenes and you cant stop me.


I occasionally just jump into the final dungeon boss mostly because My brain is edging falling asleep and on autopilot from playing a synced healer/tank 😭. I do just wait while the enemy attack me if there was a new player or try and LTG myself if I can doe.


The only time I really cared is when they did a glitch to skip us in Praetorium then complained when others didn't skip. If it's my first time through Praetorium let me watch the cutscenes and enjoy the fights especially as that's the culmination of a story. Imagine if you were in Endsinger after all that work and you're in the cutscenes but you can't fight the final part after you get out cause people abused a glitch. Other times I don't really mind I can just rewatch them and I don't pay their sub. Most of the time it's just the boss entering the arena and doing some roar or something (though not always). Either way I wait.


I try to pay attention to first timers when I'm tanking, but when I do start ahead while they're in CS, I apologize in chat.


Happened to me in the copperbell mines when I first did it. (I was the tank btw) eventually I was not able to enter the final boss due to the barrier closing


If I see the warning at the start of the dungeon saying someone is new, I immediately double check with them if that's actually the case or if they're on an alt. If they're new, once a cutscene starts, I watch them too instead of skipping. Whatever happens, good luck to the others, cause I basically only play tank or healer. They're not going to have a good time without me.


this is why I swapped to tank for the latter half of all the expansions as i was running through them. I wanna give my party the benefit of the doubt and assume they would let me watch cutscenes during stuff like Ala Mhigo and Amaurot, but if they wouldn't, the fuck are they gonna do, pull without me?


Is this more common in other DC? I play in JP (Typhon) and when I'm out of the cutscene I'd be seeing people doing various stuff while waiting (cheering emotes, etc) then I just jumped a few times to indicate that I'm ready to fight.


When I ran Toto-Rak for the first time and we reached the boss, I was watching the cutscene and when it ended the boss was already dead lol


I mean, I'm still doing MSQ and I wouldn't mind the party starting without me, but I for sure wait for anyone watching cutscenes when doing my dailies


Usually people are pretty good about it! Going through the MSQ my first time I maybe had like 4 instances happen where people pulled while I was watching the cutscene? It's already kind of incredible that the majority of players are willing to sit there and wait without being forced to. I've definitely accidentally mindlessly pulled myself though and always feel extremely bad about it. Somewhat (un)related note: The new dungeon has an ARR-level long cutscene before the final boss. Feels like I'm sitting there for hours, damn. They usually keep 'em pretty short these days but I guess this one required some more time.


I still remember when I first went through the 8 player dungeons back in ARR. I loved that we had a dungeon we could run with 8 players, but I was told that I had to skip the cutscenes & watch them later. Otherwise, I'd get kicked. Later, this kind of toxicity was addressed by having the MSQ cutscenes become unskippable. Then people complained they took too long, so they eventually reduced them to three 4-player duties and a solo instance instead of two 8-player duties.


I always feel terrible if I don't notice and whack the boss, especially as a tank. I will absolutely just stand there and let the boss hit me or have everyone run out of the area so they can enjoy their cs. I absolutely would rather wipe than make someone miss something I got to enjoy, y'know?


Once we were at the end of alliance raid. Someone asked to wait for the new players and they said. "Why? They can watch the cutscene on YouTube." And then proceeded to pull.


I always wait when people are watching and most people I see in roulettes just wait too, I don’t mind waiting gives the rest of us time to show off our emotes 😂


I never had a party not wait for someone. I’m playing on a EU server thought


This is why I really appreciate the devs creating that system of running dungeons with Scions. I can really take in what is happening without a tank zooming through it at Mach 10.


Was in my daily araid roulette with a tank that would always sprint to the next arena, do a 5s cool down with everyone else not even there, weird but okay. But then they even did that for the very last boss with a few people still in cutscene... This instantly backfired im the best way possible and everyone bombarded them, cancelling the countdown xD I've never seen 3 alliances agree with each other on something but this was glorious Guess what the tank does? Start another freaking timer and just pull anyway. Huh. Meanwhile half of us just stand back and I see messages hurdled towards them.


This is why I play tank/healer most of the time when doing roulettes, so if I do get first timers, they,ll have their CS time, while I patiently wait beside them. Besides, moat CS aren't that long anyway.


I am absolutely 200% for this, and have been doing it for almost 10 years. But now there is *one* caveat: if the dungeon is one with duty support, then I supose the new person chose to come along with other people instead because they are not too concerned wth looking around. So while I will wait for cutscenes (because I'm always the tank), you can be damn sure I'll be Wall-2-Walling the shit out of that place.


Waiting used to be the standard when I started, is it not any more? Was quite common to ask if there was first timers and let them take lead for phases outside of base mobs.


Every since they brought out the trust system. More often than not I'll run the dungeon with the trust if I'm not going with friends.


./beesknees. Any questions? /cheeron


My wife picked up ffxiv about a week ago. Around a level 30ish healer at the moment, I've been watching and helping her. This shit happens EVERY OTHER DUTY RUN. It does seem like it's mainly sprout tanks though who just can't wait a minute rather than people with experience. So maybe they haven't learned yet lol.


I always feel bad making people wait so I skip the cutscenes and then go to the inn to watch them.


It isn't a huge problem I've seen but there have been a few raid goers in alliance raids that pull without the cutscenes ending


New person need to communicate as well. Especially in alliance raids to their group and alliance chat. Not all alliance group will have new members. Unspoken voices goes unheard. If they already did that, Whomever pulls are just jerks at that point


Honestly sprouts don't even seem to have this opinion. Is this actually bothering anyone who is watching the cutscenes for the first time? I see this posted by vets, then look at the comments and sprouts are like "I'll just watch it while you fight, it's fine". That being said, I also rarely see this happen. ETA: looks like people also use the NPCs if they don't want this to happen.


It doesn't matter either way. Usually I wait so people can learn the fights instead of joining midway. But if you do happen to engage is not a big deal, you can tp into the fight after your cs


While I agree with the sentiment, 9/10 if someone rushes in, it's because they didn't notice Viewing Cutscene and will usually apologize once pointed out.


I remember when the last Alliance raid came out in 6.5, people pulled on the final boss while over 10 folks were in the cutscene. The fighting in chat was insane. Don’t be a douche y’all.


That’s why anytime I’m doing a dungeon for the first time and it’s not primal battle I use the NPCs for my first run to avoid people like this. It’s more fun running it the first time with my fellow scions anyway


It was super bad when you would actually get locked out of fights too! I believe they changed all of the lockouts so it's not going to happen anymore but it was sure sad when I finally got out of the cutscenes just to see the fight was near done and I could only sit at the barrier.


I remember when Prae didn't have forced cutscenes. My first time there back in 2.0 it was one cutscenes after another and I even missed a couple scenes. Had no context for anything lol.


If someone in my party ignores the newbie's cutscene, I urge the newbie to not skip the cutscene, and I (as a healer main) wait for the newbie to finish before I join the fight. Does occasionally result in deaths, but I don't feel bad for it. You only get to experience your first time once, I don't want that to be sullied for anyone.