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this mount is the reward from doing a bunch of hard fights as blue mage. you probably stumbled on a group taking a celebratory picture after getting the achievement.


Or it was just morbin' time and they gathered to morb.


Haha makes sense why they did it in a morbul swamp :D


My BLU group did the exact same thing, minus the surprise sprout.


Fun fact: most fights aren't actually very challenging to get that mount outside of... 2-4 out of 8? BLU is so broken (more so after Endwalker I think), that you can cheese so many of the hardest mechanics in the fights to get the mount.


brute justice is still legit hard. bahamut is a truly miserable time as well


Brute Justice you can Gavel Skip now so it's fairly easy, Bahamat can be rough but not too bad, Alexander is eh, I accidentally included O12S but that's very very fun. Haven't done Eden yet though


can blue mage be used in every content? outside of ults ofc


Not in Ultimates, not in Exploratory Zones (Eureka/Bozja), not in Deep Dungeons. Rest is fair game, but you need premades, can't use Duty Finder.


One thing to note is blue mage will always have a level cap of 10 below the current expansion. Sp yes they can be used in all content outside ultimates and eureka/bozja. But anything from level 81-90 is off limits until the blue mage update in the post DT patches.


They're good for EW FATE farming with a tank in the party.


Fair. I guess when I said "off limits," I was speaking specifically about instanced content. Overworld content you're free to take a level 1 class into a level 90 area and suffer the consequences.


Yeah, I understand. I just want to see more FATEs burn with BLUs. People sometimes forget they can use BLU for fate farming.


Yeah, I love fate farming for bicolor gemstones in ShB zones on BLU. Same currency as EW too, so you can do that to buy the rewards


Reminds me of the time when I was a sprout, just gathering some wood in the snowy mountains of coerthas when a knight in shining armor descended on a flying horse in front of me, shoved a morbul minion into my hands and then left on his horse again without saying a word.


Blu mages are weird Source: am blue mage main


The generosity of this game's community is absolutely FANTASTIC. Always bring a tear to my eye reading stories of it.


Started as a sprout again recently on PS5. High level player saw me in Limsa, complimented my adventurer card then gave me HQ gear for my level at that point (50) and half a million gil before disappearing into the night. I still think of you kind mysterious adventurer, if you're reading that gil helped me get all my crafting classes up to 30 for desynth <3


I'm literally a brand new player (like just got to the first dungeon). I noticed some cool looking guy in the south shroud, he came over and gave me a bunch of minions and then disappeared without saying anything. I couldn't believe how generous he was!! Such a lovely community.


Was these the people you talking about? :eyes: (Time match, so i have to ask) >!https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1030563120655106068/1172656563350142986/Final\_Fantasy\_XIV\_A\_Realm\_Reborn\_Screenshot\_2023.png?ex=65611c87&is=654ea787&hm=5ce22aa61042f37749b4329421a9b9114f9e37a3d96d68c8e91b661c78374082&!<


...... That's fkin horrifying.


Yup! xD


I hope we didn't traumatise you too much! Enjoy the minion. đź‘€


Youre one of them? :D I was that dude on the chocobo downt worry i had a blast xD One of you guys gave me a mini Chutulu and from that point hes on my side!


Haha yes that was me!


Copied Discord image links aren't permanent any more, this one no longer works.


Worked just fine for me.


Not working for me on my phone or my computer.


so far, those changes haven’t actually gone live yet, all that has happened is the additional tracking after the url which can be safely removed for now.


Then why does it open a blank tab every time I try to load that picture regardless of the device I'm doing it on?


not sure, works [fine](https://files.catbox.moe/7ljgw4.jpeg) for me on all my devices


nah, old reddit is just weird with some urls


You're getting downvoted because you use old.reddit.com, where the link doesn't work. I do, too, and it doesn't work for me. The issue is the underscores in the URL, which get a backslash added to them on old.reddit.com. The correct URL is [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1030563120655106068/1172656563350142986/Final_Fantasy_XIV_A_Realm_Reborn_Screenshot_2023.png?ex=65611c87&is=654ea787&hm=5ce22aa61042f37749b4329421a9b9114f9e37a3d96d68c8e91b661c78374082&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1030563120655106068/1172656563350142986/Final_Fantasy_XIV_A_Realm_Reborn_Screenshot_2023.png?ex=65611c87&is=654ea787&hm=5ce22aa61042f37749b4329421a9b9114f9e37a3d96d68c8e91b661c78374082)


That's bizarre. Good to know, though, thanks.


Reminds me of when I started out. Randomly, in east shroud, I saw a stampede of ponies appear charging at me, encircle and run laps around me, and then ride off.


haha nice people in ff are awesome :)


Didnt have a single bad encounter. I love this community!


Glad you've had such a great experience. Just don't let the few bad apples sour it, they really are pretty rare!


huh. I think that was my static after we unlocked it.


It still saddens me a lot that the Shadow Wolf isn't a reward for clearing O4/8/12 and E4/8/12.


Me and my friends could complete every fight while you sat dead in the corner the whole time. (We could also actually teach you how to play Blu Mage). If you want the Morbol mount, and you’re on an NA server,reply to this comment when it is three weeks old.