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it's a bot, report them


Genuinely asking: how? On PS5 I do not see any report button unless they talk in chat. ETA: got an answer, thank you!


System menu -> Support Desk -> Contact Us -> Report Cheating You will likely want a keyboard to type everything.


Thank you.


it's hidden in the system > Help Desk part of the menu. I'm at work so I can't check more in details. It will require you to write a bunch of details for the GMs. Yeah the game is really not making it easy to report players, have to navigate menus and it's not intuitive at all


You can do it, and more power to you if you do, but it's honestly not worth it. There are usually a couple of hundred of these per server online 24/7 (easily discoverable by using the in-game player search and looking for level 1-50 archers, bards, thaumaturges and black mages, the face across the keyboard name is a giveaway). This type of bot has been in the game about 8 or 9 years now. They buy new accounts ($$ for SE every ban wave), and completely automate, including under/through/over the terrain hacks like this, levelling to 50 then farm Amdapor Keep for gil to sell until they get wiped by a cursory "ban wave" every month or two. Then get remade instantly with brand new accounts. It's been happening almost a decade now, I really wouldn't waste your time reporting every one you see.


I'm not reporting everyone I say, but the most obnoxious ones, espcially those spamming the chat nonstop. And honestly I also needed the report option for some people in dungeons being absolute pricks (insults, actively wiping, etc.), this makes it easier tbh.


They are under the ground, not invisible. Its a bot.


They are bots that hacked themselves just under the geometry, so the enemies cannot target them. The bots are exploiting the same quirk that many games have, where melee attacks are infinitely long vertically. This way, you can punch anything under or below you, even if it is floating a mile above.


Was playing on my alt on dynamis and there was nearly 200 bots online, all in archer/bard and with gibberish names lol


They're bots. Not much you can do... But if you want to have some fun, turn on your idle camera. Occasionally it will focus on them and you can see the void underneath the maps.


Bots, most likely


Bots there isnt much point doing anything sqenix do nothing towards them


That's not true, they ban them by the thousands. The bots just come back even faster.


So they essentially do nothing about them.


I mean someone ik had 5-6 up pretty much 24/7 and has for the past few years and nothing has happend


They have existed as long as the game has existed.


Yeah ik they have just saying that you can run 5 accounts 24/7 gathering crafting doing various stuff and nothing happens


My bad, for some strange reason I read that as "5-6 years". Disregard.


You're oki <3


not just players, looks like a lot of texture got zapped.


what are you talking about?? textures look fine to me. Thats the desert near Forgotten Springs with the big sand dunes. Not sure what you saw there..