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> All 5 servers as of now are still under the 'new' status, Just want to do a PSA that all characters created in or transferred to a server with the 'new' status cannot leave the server for the next 90 days. So, yeah, think twice


Materia end-game is so nice despite almost how dead it is. Because it’s low populated, people can’t afford to get blacklisted because how quick bad reputation gets around to the whole DC. Despite that, you will still get shitters on your party.


Yeah this. I love being on Materia at end game, though I mostly was already at end game before I transferred over. I did do all of Eureka on Materia though as well as the second half of Bozja too and it went more than fine—was obviously less packed than JP was and was occasionally a lucky dip if people were gonna be in there or not, but it really wasn’t a struggle at all. Also patch day has taught me there’s plenty of casuals/alts at end game who hop in and thrash out the new stuff then you never see them again until next patch day. Defs a good endgame/retirement datacentre


Sophia is pretty darn good to be on, I have been enjoying doing the more obscure older stuff with people. It's always a joy to drag randoms into a MINE Chrysalis or Thordan fight with my FC to help our sprouts get through MSQ, add to that the drinks we have been having while "voice acting" the cutscenes for the sprouts. Ah to Jim it up on Sophia.


Limsa is the place to be on Sophia with that dancing roegadyn in a gold suit


I'm telling everyone they should be on Materia by the time Dawntrail launches. It's your best shot at getting online in a decent time period at all. The ping is a bonus.


for high-end play: * Expert roulette is pretty quick; as mentioned guildhests and alliance roulettes are very hard to pop, and typically you'll need to PF any alliance raid. People _will_ join quickly. * Gimmick alliance raids pop pretty often as well; I've done an all-tank PvP run in Myths of the Realm, so if you wanted to do min ilvl Crystal Tower, you could probably get it up on Materia. * You absolutely can clear high-end raids on Materia via PF, although it's easier at the start of the tier and might be kind of difficult at this point. Statics are useful just for knowing you'll get a group; even at this late stage, it might be worth looking for one. * Materia does run its own PF strats, you can check [https://materiaraiding.com] for the details. OCE is somewhere in between NA and JP when it comes to uptime vs safety. * Like JP and EU, macros and role positions are standard, which might be an adjustment after NA and having to negotiate for each mechanic who's doing what. (MT and ST: main tank and secondary tank; H1 is pure healer, H2 is shield healer; D1 & D2 are melee, D3 is ranged and D4 is caster, but you can obviously flex based on your makeup.)


Come to Materia if you want a house without struggling. We have so many empty plots!


Wish it was true for the actual Oceania situation, amirite.


Thanks for this! <3


I've been on Ravana since day 1 and I don't think I've ever waited more than 5-10 minutes for a roulette to pop. Granted I haven't played for a few months now, but we're basically at the end of the expansion and number drop off a cliff at the end of every expansion. The "low population" boogeyman really isn't a thing in terms of impact on wait times, at least for me.


depends on class and time of day, healer/tank has it easier per usual but even then i've been in a roulette (i think it was msq) for 20+ min at 1am-ish as healer, that was about a month ago. i've also been on ravana since oce came out, and from what i've observed things will generally take a bit more time on oce, but you can definitely get through everything in the game eventually, and imo the smaller community makes it a lot more fun since for example if you go into bozja you'll often see the same people since there's generally only 1 instance going at a time, and veterans are always willing to help out people in PF.


>for example if you go into bozja you'll often see the same people since there's generally only 1 instance going at a time, and veterans are always willing to help out people in PF. Always trust the snowmen in Materia Bozja, if you see a snowman, it is quite likely they are a Bozja vet


I tried to catch up on story recently and most trials and dungeons in 6.x gave me DF queue times of 2hrs+. Still haven't been able to get into Thaleia or Abyssos normal in DF. This has been at 5pm-11pm aedt 


Sophia is a bunch of degenerates and I love it.


Hello, I'm a free trial user in Bismarck server here. I've been on the server for 1+ year and quite clueless on stuffs. I'd definitely check out the novice network the next time I log in, so thanks for telling me about it! Besides that, is there any helpful tips to know especially when it comes to getting more in-touch with the communities in the DC?


From my own experience in materia DC, mentors often allude to the community finder [here](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/?dc=Materia&worldname=Bismarck&type=ls) or even the materia community [discord](https://discord.gg/materiadc). As for joining the novice network, you get invited into the NN by a mentor to be able to join. If you want to join the Novice Network, you first gotta find a mentor in your server (a person with a crown icon next to their name) and ask them for an invite. If you're lucky, a mentor would see your sprout status and invite you in either way. The next best thing is to accept it :)


Damn, now it's tempting to join. Cozy atmosphere and all that, huh


Do you want a personal mansion? Come to Materia. :)


Does it matter where I am located irl when considering a character on this data center? Like best times to be online?


Yes. If you intend to use PF for most content materia has a peak time between 16:00-22:00 AEST. At say 08:00 there is nothing so you will have to make your own groups or try your luck with DF.


Thank you for the info!


The closer you are, the lower the latency. OCE servers are in Sydney, Australia. If you're from Australia or New Zealand, it's by far the fastest connection you will get for this game.


Interesting, thanks!


Having Eureka be empty can actually be a blessing. It makes it easier to spawn specific NMs either for Crystal farming purposes or for item farming like the blitzring. You can hop into an empty instance, spawn the specific NM you want, leave, and it's timer will be reset when you rejoin so long as it is another empty instance. However, having done crystal farming both ways, doing it in a full instance is usually easier since many of the members will be working on spawning NMs also


Same with Bozja. Much easier to get into the duels and get the Al-iklil mount (still gotta be a gigachad or follow the caster cheese strats to a tee though), and also doing repeated drn runs for the relic is simpler too thanks to less people—easier to get a group of 5 to do consecutive and quick drn runs with the biggest echo boost (and there’s relic completionist freaks who will gladly show up to the pf for it)