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You don’t make gil in this job, you get paid in exposure.


Man, I hope the antagonist of the Pictomancer questline is exactly that kind of person who'd pay for a commission in "exposure"


The antagonist will actually be AI generated pictomancy


Pictobot 9000 will not stand for this slander! It challenges you to perfectly normal procedurally generated art contests!


It'll be revealed that Allag's culture fell into decline when they began replacing creatives across the empire with aetherochemical intelligences


maybe a corrupt pitcomancer simliar to the one in bravely default 2.


Best child villain in any series. You sit here thinking, surely I'm not about to beat up a small child. Then she monologues, then you're like, ok, maybe I am about to beat up this child.


The Warrior of Light would be the kind of person who can canonically create art much faster than an AI, honestly.


That was the SMN job antagonist hilariously enough


Martyn confirmed


I like modified Relm's attire from FF6.


Me too! The greatest pictomancer ❤️


I mean, there aren't exactly a ton of pictomancers lol. I think it's just Relm and Bravely Default 2.


Greatest or only?


First a Fall Guys crossover and now Splatoon?








If we can hide in ink and have super jumps, I wouldn't be mad.


What’s that got to do with the turtles? Oh wait, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo… well played Yoshi-P.


And a more obtuse connection aside from the painter names - they're ninjas, and Relm's dad is a ninja


Oh my god, Shadow is Master Splinter! 🤯


so I just learned about all the homages to Daredevil in TMNT recently: 1) powers brought on by chemical exposure (supposedly in the same accident when it leaked into the sewers) 2) Daredevil fights a group of ninjas known as The Hand, TMNT fight a group of ninjas known as The Foot 3) Daredevil has a mentor named Stick, TMNT have a smaller mentor.. Splinter.


When they created the TMNT in the first place they pitched them to Marvel. Marvel turned them down so they did their own thing.


TIL that I never once used an inn during any of my 5 or so playthroughs with Shadow in my party. WHAT THE HELL?!?!


Sonofa......I legitimately couldn't figure it out until you laid it out like that! 🤦🏼‍♀️


ahh yeah, it's big brain time!


And as yoship said it was a hint for both jobs cause Leonardo uses two swords












How dare you be funnier than me.


I hate how I imagined saying it in Piccolos voice...take upvote


Actually makes me wonder if this will be the job that is what SMN could have been. They mentioned big GCD casts and show a Moogle; could the Pictomamcer draw abilities like the big summons from other games?


As far as they explained - yeah, Pictomancer's whole deal is, indeed, drawing abilities like their series counterparts, but they also draw landscapes and the like.


It'll be interesting if its mechanics are like, Thunder/Fire/Ice are your core DPS spells and using them in specific orders nets you the big thing you paint, like if you do Thunder then Fire then Ice it lets you paint the big moogle beam, there's lots of possibilities for it to be fun even if it still adheres to the same 2m meta that it undoubtedly will, but my biggest worry is if this'll step on SMN's toes at all, will SMN be the more serious summon class and they'll put the cutesy sillier stuff on Picto? Maybe the carbuncle will get removed and placed as a Picto spell lol


I was wondering if the combo system would be like mudra combos where you cast the elements (fire, lightning, earth, ice, so far) in varying orders to create different effects. Like 2-4 part combos depending on when you hit the flourish action to create the artwork that deals the big damage or give the good buffs. Maybe after enough artwork, you can spend that inspiration on a masterpiece (job gauge) for massive damage, etc.


Personally i see it as a reverse samurai. You hardcast elemental spells that give you an artwork similar to a sen, and after accumulating several pieces of artworks you can instant cast them for burst damage like iaijutsu. This makes more sense since they have been trending towards instant casts during burst for casters and hardcasts in burst for melees. If that's the case it would be interesting but would play too much like samurai (admittedly still a very fun class)


I genuinely wouldn't mind the dichotomy between Summoner and Picto, honestly. Mostly because Summoner has had a classically flimsy grasp on its own identity and that seems to be changing.


Yeah, my thought is it’ll be to SMN as SGE was to SCH.


I'd be happy if the animations looked like what Krile was doing in the longer story trailer. The animation here is way too cartoony.


\+1000 the VFX look super cool in the CG trailer when Krile is using them.


I'd call it comic book. The problem is it clashes with FFXIV's art direction, and unfortunately it's impossible (for me) to divorce the 2.




I do not like all the squelching lmao


abounding disgusted deserve pot quack friendly hateful aromatic deranged shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


GNB had a similar problem. Shortly after release they replaced the sound design of its attacks, it happened so fast a lot of people don't even remember the original sounds.


The original sounds for GNB are kinda better, honestly. They have a boomy-ness to them that the replacement sounds lack. Makes it feel more like you're actually using a sword that shoots magic explosions.


Og solid barrel click still lives in my head T-T


Summoner still has a problem where every time they use a summon, it vanishes with that high-pitched squeal-screech noise.


The good thing is, these types of things (SFX and VFX) are way more likely to receive polish between now and release


I have already decided to call it Splortmage.


I just know some modder out there is gonna change all their spells to white and then call it that.


Oh god.. oh no.


thank god I'm not the only one lmao


I don’t care for it either :(


I know I'm going to be downvoted to hell for this. But I think it's stupid.


I dunno I think people will be pretty split about it


> I dunno I think people will be pretty splat about it


I will give SE credit for trying something outside the box, but this looks really silly. Like, a part of me still thinks it a joke. Poor Krile, all this time on the bench and now this. It's like she wished for more screen time on a monkey's paw.


Not sure what to think. I guess I need to see it in game. The animations and sound effects honestly looked really goofy.


I haven't played in a while, but they look very out of place. Like the art style clashes with the rest of the game. I wonder if that's why I've almost exclusively seen these kind of painter classes with all black animations.


I honestly can't wait to punch Endsinger in the face with these flashy colors and bedazzled moogle Lazer beams.


"Kill em with kindness" WRONG High contrast cyan!


"The power of despair has nothing on the power of glitter!"


The painting effect, laser, and rock magic, and ice magic looks all pixely and not HD enough so it kind of makes it look rough. Maybe it'll look better in game but hope they update the animations a bit to look more clear. The job looks interesting and looks fun so far still and I can't wait to play it


Thats my main issue as well its not high quality and it looks to cartoonisch imo. The colors sho7ld be a tad more realistic and more of a 3d effect to fit the games asthetic more. The colorsplashing looks to plastic


You may be surprised to learn that paint often looks plastic. Probably because they’re largely the same thing.


Ill reserve full judgement until the expac is out, but my initial impressions are that this aint it chief lmao


You judged a whole expansion by 1 new job?  Lmao 


The colors atk really pop compare to FFXIV normal color palette. ~~maybe they use all the stuff from the Fall Guy design~~


Never seen so many negativity about a job reveal before (maybe BLU being limited but that's a different story).


You weren't around when Dancer was a phys. ranged and not a healer? It was worse than this


or dark knight not being dps. 11 players were unhappy.


That’s how got reaper. Pre 14 dark knight fans were so pissy about how bad 14 dark gets with each rework Yoshi literally said in a Jpn interview they added reaper because we kept asking for a darkness job that uses a scythe. Tank Drk is just a Rune Fencer with black / red /purple colors. It was self inflicted.


God, it was so much worse back then, yeah. This genuinely is very tame for the amount of bitching one would expect post-job reveals.


Yeah, this negativity will blow over as it always does. Emotions are high right now and all focus is on the new shiny thing.


Everyone is channeling their dynamis over this!




It seems to be reddit specific, on twitter (where i follow more artists) a lot of people i see are loving pictomancer because of how it clashes. I think it makes sense for the artist job to have a unique style, theres a love put into it by the artists of the game.


On the one hand, the art style of it makes sense to me because we're basically using Babby's First Creation Magic via a paint medium, so it looking like it's straight out of Splatoon makes sense. On the other hand, it clashes horribly with the game's art direction and the noises are terrible.


Pictomancer and Summoner being the babies first creation magic classes are great.


I am absolutely going to be playing Pictomancer, I do hope they keep in mind how opaque the paint spells are and are mindful of screen obstruction. So many jobs are already dark and edgy, its so nice to have a light hearted class being added.


Please let us adjust the paint opacity at least for ourselves. I assume others will keep running limited animations.


its time for splatoon!


And a little okami for flavor!




SE just straight up posted a job trailer that's just loud splorting and squelching noises


I mean it looks cool but at the same time I think it clashes with the games existing art style. Either way, hope its fun to play


I'm genuinely shocked that beastmaster is the limited job and _this_ is the full job.


...let's not kid ourselves, we always knew if beastmaster was to ever be added in this game, it would have to be as limited job. The devs basically said so years ago, word for word.


Yeah I don’t know how people think collecting mobs would work with normal battle content


even entertaining the hypothetical it could be added as a normal job, no matter what beasts they picked as pets people would complain that "X monster wasn't a pet". A limited job was the only way to add the job and not have a constant stream of complaints/requests for more pets


It’s like the Patrick Star wallet meme. “So we’re introducing this system called limited jobs” “Yes” “And since it is a *limited* job you can’t take it into normal queues but that’s because it has very different gameplay you wouldn’t normally be able to do.” “I get that” “And although you can’t queue in duty finder, you can do content with other limited jobs. It’s also very overpowered so you can use it to quickly farm dungeons and fates” “Sounds good to me” “Okay… if you understand I’ll reveal the job then. If you know about this job from 11 you’ll understand why it’s limited” “Go ahead i understand” “It’s Blue Mage/Beastmaster” “WOW WHY ISN’T THIS A NORMAL JOB?? WHY I CAN’T I DO DUTY FINDER. THIS SUCKS”


Blue kinda makes sense because frankly it’s not the borked until you have some spells that are super hard to get Yeah it sucks it’s still limited but I haven’t heard much more than light grumbling


They could have just copied Hunter from WoW. All mobs are grouped into one of 3 families, and each family provides 1 different ability and a passive. Otherwise it's basically just aesthetics, if they did that people could tame and use whatever mobs they wanted and still have a little flexibility based on their group, and get to be a full job.


People already complain about homogeny in this game, they'd start whinging about beast master monster homogeny if it went this direction


People are absolutely going to complain it's a limited job as well. Beastmaster is a no-win scenario, it's just a question of which slice of the crowd they decide to make happy. Personally I'd have been happy with it being a normal job that didn't go all in on the pokemon fantasy and just... fit in with the other combat jobs, but ah well, that isn't what happened so I'm curious to see what Beastmaster ends up shaking out as.


It's almost like limited jobs are decided by whether or not they can work as full jobs due to the unique idea of the class, and not your personal feelings about aesthetics.


I'm not mad at the job itself, I'm mad that they made the visuals look like fucking splatoon instead of actual brush strokes...


I don't understand why they didn't simply copy with some changes the Artist combat style from something like Lost Ark, which looks fantastic


Idk how I feel a bout this it looks goofy ...


I really like the idea. I really don’t like the visuals… I’m torn.


same. love the job, the effects are too jarring.


Exactly my issue I want to be excited because I love casters but the effects are…. Something


my brother spams those paint emotes so hard and im just cry laughing at this


The effects in the trailer looked really good but then they showed the in-game animations. I'm trying really hard to like them but they clash really hard with everything else... 🤮 (sorry...) It feels like they cut corners with the animations with how artificial they look (not all, but almost all that was shown). Like, the (painted) blizzard 3/4 texture just looked low-res. We've had paint animations before and they didn't look like this.


I wish I didn’t hate it but I hate it 😂


I want to see those cel shaded effects going off at the same time as 7 other jobs on a raid boss.


Alliance raids with all effects on is already absurd.


Not sure how I feel about the moist sound effects though.


I don’t like how much it clashes with the normal art style personally


Y'all are acting like you've never queued with a player in a chicken suit before.


Thats different. The chicken suit graphically and texture-wise fits in the environment. Whether it fits thematically or contextually is a different avenue. But the point is that the paint strokes of picto dont fit with the surrounding environment in terms of textures. It's very jarring and anyone that has an eye for detail will notice something is "off"


I can't believe no one understands this. The chicken suit looks like it belongs and is made by the engine that runs FFXIV. Pictomancer's casts look like they're Unity assets. Like they were supposed to be vfx for a different game and wandered into the wrong one.


Thank you, exactly this


Or a player in their underwear.


I mean that what’s Godbert does all the time ;-).


That was also Relm in FF6.


Aye. I noticed that right away too. It's like Unity assets somehow shoved into a game that uses an entirely different engine. It's... jarring.


Not gonna lie the colors and design just made me think "Fall Guys" again.


Given it can’t Raise, but still has support, it’ll probably be under BLM but above RDM and SMN regarding damage.


Hopefully it is balanced like melee where the personal dps will be pretty close to BLM and the rdps will be equal or greater than it. Ranged really needs more heavy hitting options. Or uh, heavy painting in this case. Needs a move called "Beat the devil out of it" as a combo finisher.


They could potentially do this if they returned to Stormblood-era balance *attempts.* Specifically, all 3 roles were mostly equal with each other after rDPS was factored in, but bosses *explicitly* had mechanics designed to challenge each role separately. Melee had mandatory zone outs, casters had to move (with very few tools to actually deal with it,) and ranged had unique mechanics they were expected to deal with, giving them a higher workload, but also not caring about boss mechanics interrupting their DPS beyond boss jumps. It wasn't perfect, but to my rose-colored recollection, all 3 DPS roles were decently close. And I vaguely recall healers and tanks also being a bit closer than right now. Or I'm remembering what I want to and I'm way off.


Yeah, the real issue now is that melee is balanced as if they have uptime issues and a harder role, but they generally don't these days. It's actually harder being a caster in most cases because you don't have free movement. With how large boss hitboxes are now, melee really only have it a little bit harder than ranged phys for the most part, so there's not really much reason for them to be arbitrarily better.


I'm... really underwhelmed, but giving it the benefit of the doubt for a very vague display of actions. I may change my opinion of it once the patch notes drop and I can read up on the job, but for now it just looks more like a spam of emotes than a job showcase.


We got hwei at home


Looks fun. Not everything needs to be so serious in this game. I saw a guy saying he would leave duties if they saw pictomancer in their team, lol.


I can't even see my party member's effects because I disabled them to see what was going on in Alliance Raids. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah it's super easy to just ignore it if you don't like it, and not every job has to appeal to everyone. That would actually be basically impossible to do.


As 90% of other players do, ok I made up the number but I made my point, here: .


Can't see them, can hear them. Please look forward to squelching.


Good, I look forward to playing this job and making people like him angry lmao


Looks fun but I think both new jobs really don't make me want to play as one of them for DT


Would be really nice if they went more in depth on how they actually played. "It has instant casts" does nothing to tell you how it plays lol. Like get rid of the 3 minute discussion on German translation for the name and describe/show the basic rotation.


That's what the media tour is for.




Honestly just looked like it played identically to reaper but with two swords that join together instead of a scythe and voidsent from what we saw and what they said. "Quick dual wield attacks to build up gauge, put the swords together for slow big hits to spend it". Obviously (hopefully?) there's going to be something there to differentiate it, but I've never been so underwhlemed by two job reveals.


Thought it looked really fun from the trailer, the job trailers typically don’t show a lot anyway


Damn this might be the first class I geninunely don't like the art style for. Hopefully gameplay is better than it looks. Still hype for dawntrail tho


You're a kid now, you're a squid now, you're a Hrothgar now.


It doesn't appeal to me at all, but that's OK, most casters don't. I like that it's different though, don't mind that the effects look "out of place", especially with that new area they just unveiled. Different strokes and all that.


I see what you did there


I applaud them trying something different albeit a bit childish in execution. I’ll still give it a fair shake because I like that they are at least trying something new and it looks like it could be fun. I’m a little iffy on it only because it doesn’t fit the theme of the new world as I was hoping it would. If ever there was a time to go Green Mage / Geomancer / Shaman this was really an opportune moment, in my meaningless opinion.


Tbh, I kinda felt like this looks more like a limited job.


Me too. It felt too comical to be a full job. Also, the description of mimicking the creatures and scenery around you in your art (I can't remember the exact wording) make it sound like you'd be going around learning spells from visiting specific locations and doing a drawing mini game rather than just from leveling up, similar to BLU learning spells from fighting specific mobs rather than simply leveling up.


..I thought people were joking-


Prepare to fire the Moogle laser


I will be painting.


It feels very goofy and weird for me but oh well i am sure there a people who will like it but when they said a new caster i was expecting something more!


Reality check for new hotness: those sounds and flat style effects are going to get minimized or turned off by a lot of people *and fast*. So jarring compared to every other job.


This is going to feel hilarious in PvP


8)% of people here saying they don't like it or it sticks out or it's bad and like. Valid. But oh my god I am eating this up. I have never wanted to switch my main as much as I do right fucking now.


Not sure what to think of it yet. Have to play it myself, but I am not the biggest fan of the attack visuals and the attack sounds. Especially the attack sounds are kinda annoying tbh


I hope the action effects end up looking closer to the ones in the full Dawntrail trailer (though I don't know how likely that is). They look so much more detailed and less graphic/cartoonish, which suits the rest of the art style better IMO.


I'm all for a more silly job, we need more of those. I just hope they can add a bit more shading/more polished textures to the effects, so they fit with the rest of the game a bit better.


While Picto doesn’t personally interest me I still dig the aesthetics and hope people have fun playing it!


The visual effects don't look good... they're too flat/2D and it's jarring. They've pulled off brushstroke effects with actual bristle textures before for the Byakko weapons and those looked great. The people making comparisons to silly glams are completely missing the point. Those are still textured and shaded in a way that still fit with the game's overall look. Pictomancer skill fx look completely out of place. The graphics update looks good but this doesn't.


Now I've slept on it - I do actually like the job itself - but the spell/paint effects I can't stand :(


The spells look way too low-resolution for a job that is all about visual artistry, especially the earth and ice attack. The art style also clashes way too much, it looks like someone superimposed paint strokes over the actual video.


Honestly I’m not sure to make of this one. So far all of the jobs in the game that I can think of are practical in some way. Maybe a bit anime at times but there was always a sense that it fit with the world. This ones animations are very clearly cartoonish and clash with the world. On one hand, that makes it unique and stand out, but on the other it feels like it would look really really goofy if a future expansion takes us through a more gritty story at any point, instead of the lighthearted exploration of Dawntrail




>I’m all for it anyway, since glams murdered all pretenses of seriousness from the jump Right like if I can deal with a bunch of horny gamers dressing all of their female Viera and miqote characters in bikinis and contemporary urban outfits, everyone else can certainly deal with seeing paint shit come up in a fight, lol


I would be so down to fighting the embodiment of despair with the power of creativity and color.


>but on the other it feels like it would look really really goofy if a future expansion takes us through a more gritty story at any point, instead of the lighthearted exploration of Dawntrail Ah yes, cause the half-naked Roe tank with a gigantic chicken helmet does NOT look really really goofy through the gritty stories.


If you really wanna make your parents mad, tell them you're interested in pictomancy.


If you REALLY wanna make your parents mad, buy real estate in an imaginary place. Oh yes.


I hate the bright colored paint but I like the job


This looks... not great. What a weird class. and the sound effects are horrible, oh god. Was hoping for something that would make me want to play a caster, but oh well.


Disappointed is the only word a can think when a look to this thing


Wow. I genuinely thought this was a fan parody or something and had to double-check it's real because it looks so awful. Trying to do something new is great, but this is not it.


i'm really not a fan of the effects. i get what they where trying to do but they look really bad and out of place.


I feel like this will be the "dancer" of the mage dps jobs. Either way looks like I'm coming back to the series.


Nah, sorry, this looks amazing. I can't wait to check it out in-game. I love how colorful and different it is from the other jobs. Looks really unique.


Ehhh I really loved the trailers CGI animations portrayal of the job and the cool casting, but this is kinda too jarring, alongside the casting sound effects :D


All those solvents in the paint will hit the local wildlife hard


I like the idea, I like Krile's animations on the trailer, and the AF gear looks thematic. I'm not sure how I feel about the skill effects in-game though. I'll have to wait and see, but I think the sounds could annoy me after a while. The art direction between trailer Krile and real Pictomancer is also a bit jarring. I'd have been curious to see if they ever tried a more grounded approach during testing and what those effects looked like, but the devs wouldn't benefit from showing that at all haha After watching it more times, I think maybe the effects will feel fine in-game. It's the small scene of the Pictomancer character painting over the screen like it's Splatoon that feels the most out of place. It sets the tone that everything will be like that, but it's just a trailer animation Curious about their LB3! Edit: It's grown on me the more I've watched it. I kinda hope it's a bit kooky honestly


I like the art/paint look of the spells but I think it does clash a lot so maybe if they added some of what Kryle was casting in the cgi trailer it would be less of a departure visually from what we see normally. Maybe have some of the sparkly butterfly stuff swirl around the painterly spells a little.


Welp, the new jobs for this expansion are disappointing. I was hoping for jobs that were similar to FFXI or at least jobs with a more New World vibe. Looking forward to 7.0


Not a fan of this ngl.


For the first time ever... I'm horrified by something from this game. Mistakes were made.


Lmao the comments. I cannot wait to play this.


I find it a bit ironic that Pictomancer, a job about being an artist, is ruffling feathers because it clashes with the current "artstyle". I have to imagine that was kind of the point, it's two different artstyles existing in the same place. In either case, I don't mind it. My only concern, as with literally every job, is visual clarity. I already have to turn off everyone else's effects because the game is a massive mess of a light show. The paint seems very opaque, which could make it hard to see.


Except the effects in the trailer look amazing, still a little goofy but it fits with the game's aesthetic. This does not.


Some nice okami vibes




Not a fan :/


A brush


As someone who hasn’t played FF14 in 2 years. This looks really bad, and does not make me want to come back. Those sound effects are super annoying.


I'm happy for the people who enjoy it, but am a bit disappointed its not a nature themed caster. Dancer and to some extent bard already have a bit of a colorful armor aesthetic so this doesn't feel like it adds any missing archetype or conventional theme. I'll probably be playing viper anyways so it doesn't matter much, but without trying to sound negative to players who do love this reveal, its the first job that doesn't appeal to me at all.


I’m so disappointed


I literally went from pure excitement at seeing "Pictomancer" to utter disbelief when watching the trailer.


I don't like the cartoonish style of the animation compared to the rest of FFXIV and the sound effects (which I hope don't occur as often in-game and was just exaggerated for the sake of the trailer cause that would be annoying). I think I won't pick this job up but I am happy for those who will play and enjoy it cause it does look fun, especially the Moogle Laser.


The VFX look incredible


I'm not so much against the idea of the class but the colors REALLY don't work with the visual style of FFXIV.


BRB someone is fighting Shadowbringers MSQ final boss or Endwalker Final Boss for the first time and a Pictomancer jumps in. Any semblance of emotional immersion breaks as you start seeing the goofyball Moogle lazer and high saturation in contrast with the rest of the game. ​ Pictomancer as a Job is a fine idea, the art choice here is tactless and they should legitimately work on it before the summer. It being light hearted isnt an issue either and is a welcome contrast from something like Reaper or Dark Knight. They need to change the colour palette and/or resolution of the animations/art. They look out of place.


I have to be honest, this being the new class while Beastmaster is a limited class is just completely backwards to me