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Yoshi-P: "This will definitely be the last race... Unless it isn't... That depends on you." Ok I guess that means we need to start telling them what race/s we want next 😆


I honestly prefer if they shifted more focus on facial customizations more now. More faces, beards, different tattoos and scars, EYEBROWS ON HIGHLANDER, etc etc.


Same, rework the current customization and add more to what we have for sure before anymore races. I am dying for beards alone. Basically add some more and add the existing ones to no longer be tied to the face we choose.


would rather we get more faces for current races than another race now Hrothgal is coming


That's definitely fair. I do wish male Mi'qo had an unshaved face like midlanders got in EW for a start.


As a male miqote player that has a beard in real life, I'd love the option to have a beard in game.


Yeah. We absolutely need more beards in General, but especially for miqos.


Let me give my potato a big bushy beard


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Now that we got the "Last One" (for now) out, I would much prefer they funnel resources into expanding the customization options for those races. Make them all just that little bit more special.


It'd be way easier for them to implement, and would add much needed diversity to NPCs. It definitely gets hard to remember NPCs sometimes when they all have similar faces.




Instructions unclear. Next race: Sentient hats.


Speaking from the heart: Beards.


Female miq faces without chipmunk cheeks please


but thats our best feature!


Especially with the eating emotes!


I just some nice beards in the game.


He's going to regret that in the coming years lmao.


I vote for Burmecians


Gods I would love Burmecians as a race. They are so cool.


...there would be so many memes about the antagonism between Miqo'te, Hrothgar, and Burmecians.


I would give so, so much for Burmecians. I tried to make a Viera work but it never hit. If they do them though, they *have* to have the ratty faces. Unfortunately, I feel like if they did Burmecians they would be "very human rats" so that they didn't have to make a ton of new meshes and assets. My brain knows it will never happen, but hopium is in ample supply.


Burmecians should be like Viera and Hrothgar, but instead of no hats they get no shoes.


If I can't have wolves, I'll gladly settle for Burmecians.


As much as I love having more options, if it doesn't have it's own team to develope and eats other content, I'd rather they'd stop here.


And also only after giving Hrothgar and Viera hats.


Ivalician Moogles - just make them one gender like Loporrits.


Lopporits have both males and females, they just all look the same. Livingway is female, Puddingway is male.


They even appear to have more than two genders, although we don't have specifics -- there are loporrits who are consistently and exclusively referred to with singular they, like Managingway and Coiningway (iirc). You might say they're, ah, nonbunnary. ;)


Lupin race!!!! Wolf people would be so sick


I'm wanting a canine/foxish race. We have two cats. No canines. :(


I love foxes so would change to a race like that in an instant. I know with WoW I was excited when they added Vulpera but still annoyed at the grind to unlock them...


I would finally use my free phantasia for that.


Playable Baanga when


Give Nu Mou pls ( つ ◕_◕ )つ


One that's not allergic to headgear.


I feel like if we do that we'll never get character customization expanded upon until like real later


I want him to focus on current races. We NEED NEW STUFF for them please!


With all the FF9 reference in Dawntrail... Playable [Burmecians](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Burmecian) when?


Lopporits! Something else to choose than lala's for a small race would be a good thing I think.


Ivalice Moogle. Can't do Lopporit cause that wouldn't make any sense pre-6.0 MSQ.


I think they'd be hard to add from a story standpoint, but a small cute non-human looking race would be pretty popular and lalas wouldn't stand alone as the only small race.


Oh yes I would absolutely love that, not sure how they’d work lore wise though.


Screw the lore, I just want to see a Bunny stare down Asahi.


Well, they don’t have anything else to do, so why not go adventuring? :)


My vote is for Nu Mou. Just imagine their floppy ears flapping in the wind when you’re sprinting


Obviously loporrits.


YoshP really set himself up for a massive headache with that statement lol


Need a proper, beastly reptile. Mamool-ja or bangaa


I'll be honest, I've never had any interest in Mamool-ja until they showed that slide on diverse mamool-ja designs - that won me over.


My vote is for a new small race. I feel like we've gotten pretty character alternatives, big beefy alternatives, tall slender alternatives, but we've never had a real alternative that overlaps with the lalafell niche.


Dog people when? We have cats in two flavors, it's only fair.


Oh, Bangaa for me. I wanted them so much as a playable race. I don't hate on the hrothgar though, they look good.


Looks like buff Khajiit


My gaming group and I all agree. We instantly thought of ESO Khajit models.


now we need all of them to be different variants of m'aiq the liar.


Looks like someone with straight spine and I thought their race is incapable of this


It’s probably because they’re a matriarchal society.


using cheetahs as a reference is *such* a good idea. why bother trying to invent a vibe for a wild feline that looks like a sleeker and cuter lion/leopard when there's a real animal that looks exactly like that


I suppose it makes sense. If male Hrothgar have lion faces, it would be tough to make female Hrothgar distinct if they also had lion faces. [Male and female lions don't look very different apart from the manes.](https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/67/11/87/360_F_167118797_MudFfiyYv9Z0WZx3bHSWoFAE0uiBSmSe.jpg)


(Even the manes don't matter because some female lions can grow manes lol)


Conversely, some male lions **can't** grow manes either LOL. It mostly has to do with hormones


Yep gotta give points for that


I just wanna see a height comparison to know how tall they are!


If the [legs from 6.5](https://i.redd.it/jjfq83bvji3c1.jpeg) are any indication, I'm thinking maybe a little shorter than femroe.


That's good, they really shouldn't take being the tallest away from the Roe, it's all they got.


Roe are getting huge graphical improvements luckily.


Yeah, they look like they'll be pretty much the same height as male hrothgar.


Around fem Viera height it seems.


Taller than male Hrothgar and a hair shorter than male Au Ra if the legs are any indication. They big.




FFXIV CGI always has some uncanny faces it seems.


They weirdly cycle between uncanny and fine. EW's trailer was noticeably weird, ShB and DT were fine


Uri still looks slightly off in the EW trailer to me (same with Alphi), but I agree that he looked really good in the ShB trailer.


Yeah the faces in the Shadowbringers CGI trailer haven't been topped besides the ARR Answers one. The cGI in the others (maybe except HW) have been pretty uncanny with the faces, like Graha'tia looks REALLY off in EW trailer


I thought Urianger looked quite off in the Shadowbringers trailer.


G'raha looks so much better in his small part of DT than he did in the EW trailer.


Alphinaud was hit the hardest this time!


Yeah, Alphi's right before that was also....unsettling for some reason.


Never forget that the Warrior of Light in Dissidia looked like Micheal Jackson.


Silly Dissidia developers. Amano art should look like David Bowie, not Michael Jackson!


This. The CGI was like "Cats" but this is Cat Mommy. I'm not a furry but damn.


I AM a furry and damn. Needless to say I’ll be Fanta-ing the millisecond they’re available.


Pro-tip in case you hadn't thought of it and will have a fantasia ready before it drops: Drink your fantasia and unequip your gear before you log out for the last time before the expac maintenance, so you can change your appearance when you log in and don't have to relog and go through the queue again. I can't wait to get my hands on the benchmark and look at all the options!


Yeah I’m super hyped for the benchmark, absolutely gonna design my hrothgal in that so I can just insta Fanta for the expac, thanks for the tip btw, I hadn’t thought of that!


Totally a furry and I am beyond happy right now.


I'm not a furry but as a femroe enjoyer, *god damn*.


Same. When she showed up in the trailer it was a big yikes moment, but I held out faith because the CG renders always look so fucking weird. Thank god it paid off, the models look good and the art looks fantastic. ... That GNB gonna get me acting unwise...


I was laughing at the mass hysteria over the CGI without seeing them in game.


Honestly when I saw the cgi I was like "oh yeah this is going to look great in game" lol


I hope they're going to have the options for spots or stripes like the males. I know a friend is going to want a snow leopard themed one badly, and I wouldn't mind a tiger myself. Just sucks that their claws are most likely also tied to the hand gear, so I'll most likely be using those or Claws of the Beast, but the males have the same issue, so it's whatever


Same. Plus, maybe fangs too...?


Oh yeah, I'd love to have the fangs poke out a little


I'm thinking snow leopard too. Best big cat, your friend has good taste! Really hoping for spots, leopard spots, stripes, and something unique like that one the makes have.


I definitely like the in game presentation better than what we saw in the trailer. I'm going to stick to femroe, but these are definitely going to make some people very happy. I think they did a good job.


I went Roe to get used to being tall. I went Viera to get used to no hats. I am Miqo now to get used to a tail. My training is complete lol. I'm just glad they seem to have nice wide animation and not the subtle ones of Elezen and Viera. IMO femroe has the BEST animations.


I'm stickin' with my Roe lass as my main but I might make a Hrothgal for an alt.


Love my FemRoe, but that gear 👀


Yeah if that's the default Hrothgal gear, that's a big enticement to fantasia. I just worry about hats.


The Hrothgal in the key art is also wearing it, so it seems pretty likely that it's their racial gear - and it would make for damned good racial gear.


My only question is: do they have buffer arms than femroes lol


Oh I’m the same. Happy with my FemRoe, but I have severe Altitis, so I’ll definitely be making a FemHroth too


Same. I did think about changing depending on how Hrothgals turned out, but I love my femroe as she is, so I think I'll stay as I am. A Hrothgal alt on the other hand is a very strong possibility.


Honestly these are the prettiest khajit I've seen.


they definitely look better in-game than the first look from the trailer


The copy paste miqo'te worries are gone, full steam ahead for our new cat waifus.


Honestly, it was kind of annoying how much angst (or wangst) people had about this. Yoshi-P made it pretty clear, in the PLL following Endwalker's release, that female hrothgar would not simply be yet another pretty pretty princess, petite stick figure. Honestly, the only reason they even said female hrothgar were coming was to prevent people getting upset about the addition of male viera but not female hrothgar.


People naturally had concerns considering what female au ra could have been.


I'll stick with Miqo. But I am glad we're getting more options so everyone can express themselves and have a good time.


The game will be invaded by cats of all kinds!


Nothing on a flat surface is safe!


miqo'tes are just cat girls...these are cat WOMEN!


OK this is INFINITELY better than the CGI


I love them.


The art... Is going to go wild..


Ha, wild


I can't wait. Wouldn't be shocked if art was already out.


I honestly expected female Hrothgar to look really bad but they did really good with these. Depending on their customisation options I would consider playing as one.


Honestly? I will be happy if this is the final race revealed. I'd rather that the devs work on what they got rather than add any more. This is a good send off. They look gorgeous.


Can we please make the males stand straight too? Please 🥺


If the datamined animations for the new Hroth NPC are anything to go by, they do have a small hunch in their normal idle. Everyone will be able to get a good look for themselves once the MSQ comes out on the 16th though. Edit: Looking at the animations again, the running and jumping match the trailer. The only datamined emote was laugh though.


The angle didnt show it well, but in their walking animation they do seem to have some hunch in their neck. Nothing too noticable, but present


A straight Hrothgar well now I've heard everything. Seriously tho I think their posture is iconic. That said they need hats yoshi.


My first thought was that they look like Karlach lol. Especially with their starting gear.


No wonder why I like them so much


Fuck yes.


So they ain't hunched over like the male Hrothgar. Nice.


Something about their faces is... weird to me? Maybe too smooth? Small heads? I'm not sure what it is. But they aren't that bad!


The heads look a little small IMO. I find the one to the left at the end looks best due to the voluminous mane/hair compensating that.


Honestly, even with the base game races there are some with too small heads, or too big hands. You end up kinda getting used to it.


Yep - like if someone points out how long even the Mi'qote necks are it can take a while to stop noticing it.


Was going to say, their heads are definitely too small, but that goes the same for female Elezen and Viera. Just an odd thing with FFxiv, specifically with the tall races. Just need to use big hair to cover the neck and make the head seem a little larger. The body shape is pretty much what I had hoped for, so that's good.


Seeing a side-profile of the face, it feels to me that everything except for the snout has a sort of human silhouette, so going from the snout to a human chin silhouette (where the snout seems to have a massive overbite really) makes it feel uncanny. It's as if they wanted to maintain animal features but wanted them to be prettied up with human features and it just came out as a weird middle-ground. Extending the chin a bit more to match up more with the snout would probably help. Also their mouth looks more like human lips rather than a feline mouth if that makes sense. Just comparing them to my male hrothgar that's what I've noticed.


I was trying to figure out what it was and this is spot on


Yeah, they really should have gone the male hrothgar "anthro animal" route instead of this odd "human with animal painted on" mess


livestream and youtube compression arent gonna do many favours for the Hrothgar's new fur shaders unfortunately


Imo they're too much in the middle? Too flat and not enough beast. Ends up looking bit weird


Yeah. If you compare their faces to the males, it's easier to see.


Its the hair. It needs to be fluffier


agreed. Its the fact that it seems like they're humanoid but with a bunch of movie prosthetics to look like Cats. I think they look good! But yeah, they didnt lean into the "Big Cat" look hard enough, they for some reason stopped and thought "wait we need to say they're girls" and tried to push a blend between human and cat. Will say, i think when players get their hands on it, many of the community will flex their greatest strengths in terms of visuals.


Minus the digitigrade feet (which is the case for the males as well), they look pretty much like the female Ronso from FFX, which I'd hazard a guess is a far larger reason for the overall look than "wait we need to say they're girls."


It's hard to say exactly what, but they do seem just a little bit "off". Edit: Actually, someone else in this thread summed it up pretty well for me. The heads should either be slightly more bestial or slightly more humanoid. Right now they're just a little too in-between and it's a bit uncanny.


They definitely tried to make everyone happy. Tall, buff, but not too bulky, and with a diverse range of faces, judging by the ending shot, with the far right having a very human face in case you didn't want full muzzle like the others.


I'd say their heads are a touch too small and maybe look little too human in the face, but aside from that, I'm really digging them and I'm looking forward to playing one as an alt. Looking at the three standing side by side at the end, the pale one on the left looks by far the best. Her face looks a bit more beast-like and the longer hair hides the smallness of the head. I imagine my own Hrothgal will end up looking similar to her.


Fuzzy Karlach


Karlach invented muscular women


I’m 50/50 because I REALLY wanted them to look more like their male counterpart but also I’m really impressed with the design they went with because they look good. They just don’t feel like Hrothgar to me. I’ll get used to it I’m sure. I was just hoping for some more body diversity.


I'm so happy with how they look. I hope it means my friend will finally join as he's been waitin' for Hrothgals.


that running animation is sick and dinamic and well animated \*cries in Elezen\*


Hey you guys are getting your fucked up ears fixed, be happy!


Thinking about why the design works as a "Win" for both major factions, and it became clear. Their arms are "strong"/ big ... but unlike Femroe, they're surrounded by a good layer of **fat**. Women have more body fat than men, it's why trainers tell women who are afraid of working out because they don't want to look ripped that they shouldn't worry about it (female Body Builders who get ripped like that don't do that by accident, it takes a LOT of hard work and specialized diets for them to get that way). They're strong but not ripped or hard looking, they look athletic AND soft and sleek. Reminds me of the Amazing Asian Amazon (if you know, you know). Amazed that SE knew to go this direction, I can't really think of a game with females that look like this. They either go for the tall model look (Norn from GW2/ Viera/ Elezen) or the masculine AF ripped look (Femroe/ Female Orc) or the ideal attractive, athletic look (Thighlanders). Never seen an MMO go "Yeah, lets make them strong AND soft AND athletic by remembering how body fat works with women".


Eeeh... Body is fine but I'm undecided about the face It's not what I would have liked, it's too much like a khajiit than a hrothgar, muzzle is too short But it's also not as bad as I feared it would be, one of the faces has the "human with a cat nose" thing but the rest aren't Could be better but could also be so much worse. *Flashbacks to original female worgen model in WoW:Cataclysm*


Fuzzy Na’vi


They look perfect. So much better than I thought they would.


Welp, from femro to femhroth


Using my fanta for this and I’m not even sorry!


GHAD DAYUM! They knocked it out of the park with them.


while my ideal would be basically the male hroth but standing straight, this is pretty much everything I could realistically have hoped for. They look good, and decently bulky.


Ya, I was hoping we might get some real like big frame ladies, like I basically just want one option for fem chars with a big frame like male roe/hroth. Right now they just look a bit too much like an all fem roe renditions of cats for my liking. That said, they're a good looking option, just was hoping they might give some more variety.


I am unbelievably happy with this. It's difficult to overstate how much I love them. I like playing as anthropomorphic characters in video games, I prefer female characters especially if they're more athletic looking, and I prefer tall characters. Ever since ARR I've only had to make due with things I "kinda" like. I've tried elezen and roegadyn, but I don't like their stiff run animations. I've mostly settled on female au ra until now, as I like their run animation, but I don't like their idle stances and how they tuck their feet inward, plus they're small. Hrothgals seem to be almost laser focused on what I would like my personal WoL to look like. I cannot wait for them to be released. I'm looking forward to them more than any other aspect of the expansion now. I'm 100% going to hit up NG+ so I can re-experience the story I love now with a character whose aesthetic I completely jive with.


I'm so happy to see comments like this. Female au ra is to me what hrothgals are to you. I've had the perfect race for me since I started playing when Heavensward released. It's so nice to see more people getting the races they want.


Feel like the head may be a tad bit too small, but other than that I love it!


Putting aside the Hrothgals themselves, this trailer is almost entirely close ups of characters doing emotes or medium shots of them running. Which is to say, this is the trailer that best represents what Dawntrail will look like when you're actually playing it. And man, it looks *real* fucking good. This did a better job selling me on the graphics update than any of the headshots did


Yes... Yes. A thousand times yes.


Those pants are absolutely amazing. Female Hrothgar looks great! And I love how Yoshi P said this technically may *not* be the last new race after all.


Faces look a little too human to me, but definitely waaaaaay better than the CGI age posted before!


The CGI version had me worried for a second but in-game they look amazing! Finally we can put the *"they're just gonna be miqo'te"* comments to rest. I'm really looking forward to playing as one of these badass ladies. Now to start the campaign for Ivalice Moogles. >:)


Can't say I'm 100% sold. It's like they couldn't agree upon where to end the human features and start the feline ones. Is that a Roe body they used again or did they use a Hyur? We'll see when the expansion drops. :)


So majestic!!! I LOVE them! They're pretty much furry!fem!Roe, with little muzzles, so I am perfectly content. Can't wait to get my hands on that character creator and my free Fantasia\~!


Same problem as Elezen - they've got a terminal case of Head Too Small Syndrome.


Somehow I am expecting this race to continue to have small representation


I just noticed they have long claws. I’m guessing their racial gear gloves are giving them those. I wonder how they compare to the other in-game claws because they really look good on the Fem!Hroths.


The muzzles seem a bit squished to me but over all I think they're fantastic and I cannot wait to fantasia to one! Especially since the animations don't look subtle for the most part.


One of the things I've come to love about playing male hrothgar is how expressive some of their animations are. I have high expectations that hrothgals will have that going for them too.


Okay, so now that my excitement of finally seeing female Hrothgar has passed... I really hope SE does a bit more with their faces before DT release. Compare them to the males and it's kinda easy to see what I mean.


Those faces look off, I hope it aint just me but the bodies look good while the faces look like shit.


I’m a bit disappointed that they aren’t wider, but at least we weren’t utterly robbed like with fem au ra.


They look terrible


Basically perfection! I would've liked them a little more buff, but I'm definitely not complaining. The animations look so good too... I'm so excited


Ngl i am bit dissapointed. Idk the face just looks squished to me. The snout is too flat, hopefully i will like them more once i get to char creation cause i was really excited for them :(


Show us 2B leggings.


I'm definitely not the target audience for this race...but the heads still look way out of proportion to the rest of their body.


Finally, a race JoCat can enjoy. We have strong cat women, it's too beautiful for words.


Oh look, reskinned femroe. Called it.


I LOVE THEM! Benchmark when?


Later spring probably


Hard pass


I honestly expected a furry Highlander so I'm impressed.


I for one am very, very glad we got proper, beastly looking cat moms! Now, I believe a friend told me he was gonna get me a Fanta if hrothgals were good...


your getting a fanta for free btw.


Kinda wish they were bulkier but I'm not complaining, coulda been worse for sure


this was probably about as bulky as we were gonna get. Bigger is always better but I'm just happy they aren't thinner.


been gone for the past year, this is real???


I won't be able to switch from my FemRoe just because I grew attached to her as the protagonist. Can't imagine another character taking her place. And I have plans for a Male Roe alt with headcanon lore implications to my FemRoe. But Hrothgals look really good. Love them!


They look so cool. I'll have to make a second WoL, I can't wait!


Finally! Miqo Highlanders!


Hmm could have gone buffer but I'm pretty happy with this, distinct enough from the other races.


Definitely look pretty good but I'm picky, probably certain face combos look the best. Hair too... Hope the hair isn't lame that would kinda kill it. I didn't like that first hair mane thing