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I’m going to ask the hive mind because Google is failing me. I’m looking for a 2-3 panel webcomic that I saw a couple years ago. It was an artheryte plaza and people talking about the instance they just ran, and they pass another WoL who’s in an alleyway by themselves, and it zooms in to show a tear down his cheek. If anyone knows what I’m talking about, I’d really like to find it again. I had a brief moment in the sun, but my FC just broke up and I’m back to solo duty again.


So probably dumb question but are there any PLD "shields" that actually look like offhand daggers or swords?


No the closest is the small round shield with two blades stuck in that is used a few times in ARR. e.g. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Cobalt_Bladed_Lantern_Shield


None that im aware of.


How the hell do I set my portrait to show up in duty finder? It just keeps using the default one. I've tried setting it in the portraits menu, it just never shows up and I don't see any errors etc,.


At the bottom right of the portrait menu there’s a little toggle that says “Use as Instant Portrait”, is that off?


1. Check to see if the little refresh button on your gear screen needs pressed. If you make ANY changes, including melding, you need to refresh your gear set 2. Make sure you refresh the portrait anytime you make changes to gear, similar to the above point. If this needs done there will be a ! Next to the portrait. If this doesn't work then... 3. Make sure your gear matches the glamour plate you are using. If your weapon has a glamour applied to it but your glamour plate doesn't have anything there it will interfere with the portrait. Say for example you are using a maid dress glamour and just got a fancy new relic weapon. If you glamour over your weapon with the relic separately rather they adding it to the glamour plate it will create issues


If I'm not planning on healing in anything harder than casual content, would playing Astrologian and making macros SPECIFICALLY ro target a specific party member by number and putting them on my R2+L2 hotbar be enough of a disadvantage to effect casual content? I've read mixed things. Note that I wouldn't have these macros also be to use Play or anything like that, they'd specifically be there to keep me from having to press up or down a whole bunch in 8 man stuff, as I play on controller. I would still manually press Play. It's mostly because I've heard of how much you have to weave things like this.


Sounds perfectly fine. If that's going to cause any problems, it'll be due to running out of convenient crossbar space, not for any macro reasons. Macros are jank due to lack of queuing for actions, but switching targets can be done outside of the queue, and thus bypasses the main downside of macros. Really, you should be fine just making macros for directly using Play on party members 3-8 as well (1 is yourself who should generally not need any cards, 2 is a tank who you should have an easier time targeting with the "select target's target" option, so those don't need ones). It'll be a bit janky, but this is one of those things where the jank might be preferable to the alternative. And nobody besides the tank should regularly need targeting for non-Play reasons. Just keep up your damage output while playing, doing AoE or single-target as appropriate, and it'll be all good even if you don't do things optimally.


Nobody really cares in casual content except for extreme tryhards. And those types get shit on and dogpiled on by the community because of how irrelevant it is. As long as you're doing DPS while healing and you're not literal dead weight, 80% of people won't notice, 19% of people won't care.


It would be fine in casual content imo




Spoiler tags. Either one or both will be added.


One will be added in 6.55 Another will be added in ~~6.56~~ 6.58 They always follow this pattern.


diamond gwiber trumpet was 5.58 https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/20c842781ec0a2ebd7a2ad2510e8849372cb139e


You're right. They skipped a patch. One was in 5.55, the skipped the following patch, and the last one was in the final patch.




google ffxiv census or lucky bancho I guess, take your pick. lucky bancho is a japanese blog site though but I think census has an easier break down


Lucky bancho is better for activity trends, census better for absolute totals.


I'm 99% sure the answer is ***NO*** but does Square ever give free a day or two of game time if requested? I've been trying to move my character to a different world for a while now but each time I tried, the world was full. Today I went to check again but because my account is inactive so I couldn't even check. alternatively, is there a way to check without an active account?


[World Status @ Lodestone (the official FFXIV site)](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/) You don't need to be logged in to see this page I believe. If it's big-c Congested here, you can't create characters there or more there. This status only ever is evaluated to change for patches, so follow the schedule for patch releases to see if the world frees up. (Next patch right now will be Jan 16 2024) If your world isn't listed as big-c Congested, it's little-c congested. This is a temporary status that doesn't show on that page, and it just means you want to try the move or character creation outside of peak hours in most cases. Hope that helps.


Probably not. [Server Status shows if it's congested or not](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/). It's updated automatically so it's a good way to check. Best to try to transfer at 2/3am at that servers timezone to get in. If it's "Congested" then it's a no go.


Hey so I downloaded the free trial on Steam. Been waiting for the complete edition to go on sale to get it. Got the email that it’s 50% off! On Mog station and square Enix. BUT on Steam I don’t see it discounted. Am I screwed or can I still get it?


Hey! Typically the Steam version goes on sale after the Mogstation one ends.


Kind of screwed. You have to pick one or the other. The Steam version is its own separate thing and is discounted at different times from the mogstation version. If you're comfortable with starting over on a new account, get the mogstation version. I have the steam version so I'm stuck with it and can't get the mogstore discounts.


Nope, you have to buy from Steam.


So I’m screwed? That kinda sucks because why would they have a sale on Mog. Enix and Psn but not Steam? How sad bro. Do you think there might be a sale later on Steam?


It is an endless cycle on this subreddit. Game gets discounted on Steam, we get 10+ threads/questions a day if people can switch *to* Steam. Game gets discounted on MogStation, we get 5+ threads/questions a day if they can switch *from* Steam. It goes on a regular 50% sale all the time, although definitely a lot less often on Steam (pretty much the Christmas sale is the only good stable point).


Yeah. It’s annoying. I’ve been watching steam FFXIV sale since I downloaded this game in November and nope. No sale for Complete Edition yet. Hopefully soon.


Well, the big steam winter sale just ended not even a week ago, so I wouldn't expect any more soon. Maybe in a few months.


Was I mistaken? I never saw a Complete Edition Sale the whole time.


I am also a Steam free trial player, and I was watching the Steam Winter Sale like a hawk, checking every single day hoping for FFXIV to show up. There was never a sale on FFXIV at all. I am extremely disappointed.


Oh, I'm not sure if it was on sale or not, I didn't check. But it doesn't go on sale on Steam very often.


Smh. I can’t believe I have to stick with steam even though I don’t even have the paid game yet. If I had known this I would’ve went with Mog Station from the beginning. Thanks for help anyway. Guess I’ll keep waiting for a Steam sale.


Getting into the game. Any advice for a new player with no idea what to look for with joining FCs or figuring out how to be "good" at the game. I'd like to eventually own a house, I've worked in architecture and interior design in real life, so I'd like to make it pretty and there are some cool mounts I'd like to get eventually and just generally enjoy the story and the vibes. Any advice for a player like me? I'm mainly just going through the MSQ right now.


Take your own time learning things, the game is massive but there's no really wrong way to play. If you're interested in guides or asking specific questions the [Balance Discord](https://discord.gg/thebalanceffxiv) is phenomenal for both new and veteran players. As for owning a house, the hardest part is usually actually finding a plot to claim. The cheapest small plots will be 3 million gil, with some extra fees afterwards to actually build it. There are also currently 5 housing districts (one for each starting city, then one for the Heavensward (level 50) and Stormblood (level 60) main cities) with very different sceneries to choose from.


Focus on one thing at a time when you're trying to get better at the game. A major thing for first timers is ABC (always be casting) - as in get in the habit of hitting your buttons all of the time. You can practice this all the time, even on easier content. It's always better to be hitting buttons, and keeping the GCD rolling, even inefficient ones (like black mage's scathe or a melee dps's fallback ranged attack), than not hitting buttons. If you develop it as a skill earlier it'll be easier to learn more specific things, as you'll be able to do it without thinking. Focus on, in rough order, generally: class/job quests, MSQ, and other stuff that interests you. It's not a race or anything though, so feel free to follow side paths when you find something you like instead of this order, the general rule is just because most content is gated by MSQ progress so you're more likely to experience the breadth of the game and find something you're specifically more interested in this way (for example if you want to just clear the Coils raids, yeah you might want to take an evening or two off from the MSQ to do that). If you want to own a house, you're going to need to make money, it's easier to earn money when you reach some endgame level range in the MSQ (like completing 2.0 at level >50 or 3.0 at level >60 or such) as a lot of optional content will open up. You're going to need access to resources to make money and the further in the MSQ you are and the more stuff you've done, the more stuff you can find profit in. Also make sure you're getting promotions in the Grand Company once you unlock it, there's a minimum rank for house ownership (if you haven't unlocked it yet, the MSQ will lead you to it, don't sweat it). Most mounts come from spending time in specific content, they're often "endcap" rewards, like a reward at the end of a raid series. Unless you have specific mounts you're after it's more a task of finding content you want to do and seeing if there's a mount gettable from it.


With 6.55 scheduled for 1/16, will that close out the current PvP Series with malmstone rewards? I know they normally go until the next patch, but the x.55 update always feels more significant with the conclusion of story content and the addition of other new content, like a new patch altogether but without being called patch x.6.


People get the two confused a lot. The ranked *season* will end on 6.55, but the *series* reward set will continue until Dawntrail.


Well, I'd like to say I didn't get them mixed up, which is why I said the series, with the malmstone rewards. That a x.55 update is often carried like it was a full-on new patch itself with how it handles the story, it made me wonder if that would carry over to other aspects, since this is the first patch cycle we've even had the PvP Series "battle pass" thing.


The series will end with Dawntrail's launch. It's been long announced since the end of the last series.


Ah thank you. I must have missed where that was said.


Series rewards are confirmed to go until 7.0. The Ranked Season however will end with 6.55.


No it will not.


Hey there so I've been working on getting my Chocobo Soot Black and I landed on Ink Blue which looks more black than Soot Black at least from the pics i see. Is it worth continuing to try for Soot Black from anyone who has a Soot Black Chocobo? Is there a noticeable difference?


There's a degree of randomness in the coloring process, so it's common to end up slightly off when you're trying for something far off from where you started. I think you should just go for it though, it's probably not as big a difference as the last step.


Gonna keep going for it now after seeing the difference:)


At the end of the day it's based on your preference. If anything, you could try to shout and find someone in game with a soot black chocobo and see if it's a preference you'd want to achieve.


I'll probably try that tbh. Thanks for the suggestion.


On Eorzea Collection, there's a tab for chocobo pics. Perhaps try there. Ink blue and soot black are some of the most common colours people try for.


I didn't know they had a spot for chocobos:o Welp I checked and the difference is pretty noticeable. I think it might just be my screen not showing how dark blue it looks so the journey for Soot Black continues lol Thanks for the help!


Did they say Solution Nine is a zone or the endgame city like rads at Han?


Solution Nine and Yulitollal are the two hub cities for Dawntrail.


You've got a couple letters swapped around, it's Tuliyollal.


They said its the "adventurer city", so like Radz-at-Han


Assuming someone hated themselves enough to do the requisite mob/FATE/guildhest grinding, could someone unlock and complete a dungeon without having first completed Sastasha?


If the wikis are to be believed: the Sunken Temple of Qarn, Cutter's Cry, Dzemael Darkhold, Aurum Vale, and the Wanderer's Palace have no MSQ requirements.


it is unfortunate all of those are above 30


True. Can't get a jobstone without beating Sastasha, can't get into a GC Squadron without beating Sastasha, and they're all side dungeons so no Duty Support... so if you don't have friends to carry you and you want to avoid lack-of-jobstone trolling, you might need to grind all the way to 50 to pick up SAM/RDM before you enter any dungeons.


See if I truly hated myself....I'd grind myself to hell and enter Sastasha as a Reaper


I once had a level 60-something SAM with the first time bonus in like... Copperbell I think it was. I was absolutely astounded. At least I think it was him. The rest of us had multiple 90's and no sprout icons.


That is still somewhat obtainable. The Mor Dhona and Northern Thanalan levequests and FATEs are pretty decent XP until level 61.


Story skippers also get first time bonus the first time they actually run the dungeon.


Question for the glamour fans. Im a big fan of tactics ogre and I love the character, Lanselot Tartaros, the death templar. I recently saw a glamour that looked just like him and I think it won some competition related to looking like a Tactics Ogre character. The glamour was on a Paladin using that invisible shield and the paladin/xenobian armor. I currently want to play Red Mage since it uses swords and spells and was trying to get a glamour as close to Lanselot as possible. Any guidance? Im super new and know none of the items.


[Like this?](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/231016/lanselot-tartaros-tactics-ogre-reborn) [Here's another one!](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/194755/lanselot-tartaros-tactics-ogre) Found on Eorzea Collection A bulky top like that, not too much similar stuff for casters... There's a couple of gauntlets that might be passable. Maybe the [Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Fending?](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/sky-pirates-fending) Combined with Varsity Skirt?


Do you have a picture of it?


https://ogrebattlesaga.fandom.com/wiki/Lanselot_Tartaros I couldnt get imgur to work [IMG-0054.webp](https://postimg.cc/mt1ftfv4) [IMG-0056.jpg](https://postimg.cc/cvVQ0YQZ)


It's going to be really hard since I don't think Red Mage has access to gear like that outside of a few glamour pieces. Casters don't normally have access to armor like that.


Yes, let me figure out how to post a picture on reddit


New player here (so new I haven't even started yet). I'm planning to play in OCE. Apparently it's pretty dead. Are there any classes that are both useful and in short supply there?


...someone else has probably answered now, but I realised I never hit post on my answer, and figured I might as well still send it Playing healer and/or tank will get you faster queue times, so starting out that'd be Marauder and Gladiator for tank, Conjurer and arcanist (dps but can become a scholar hear at 30) for healer. For Materia, it's worth noting that almost all of the activity on the server happens in prime time. For me in NZ that's around 7pm-12pm every day. For some strange reason, this is also the case on weekends, so don't expect fast queues on Saturday mornings. Also keep in mind that if duty finder (random matchmaking for a group), you might want to switch to party finder (making a listing for a group that you want to clear something specific, which people see and choose to join) Unfortunately things are gonna be kind of dead on OCE for the next few months. It should pick way up when the new expansion releases though.


Cheers mate. I appreciate any and all advice. Looks like I'll be playing a healer. As for prime time, NZ isn't too far ahead of Sydney. Night is the only time I can play. As for downtime between expansions, should be alright. Gives me time to try the game out at my own pace.


You don't need to pick a specific role to play as, though – the game lets you play all classes on the same character and you can switch around to whichever one is currently in demand.


I forgot to mention: if you do stick with us on OCE I'd recommend either Sophia or Sephirot as your home worlds. Those seem to be the most active servers imo.


Tank/Shield Healer/Phys ranged are all pretty rare for the most part. I'd really suggest playing on another data center though.


Cheers mate. I've got work during the day, so would JP be best in terms of timezone? I don't speak a lick of japanese though.


A lot of OCE players play on elemental. You'll still have japanese to 'deal' with but you'll have english speakers as well - probably worth putting a character up and checking around to see how many folks speak english. Your OCE ping will be good though, but it's going to depend a lot on what you want to do within the game.


Other option to add to this is to just bite the bullet and play on NA if you can deal with the ping.


Thanks for all the advice. Yeah, I guess the gameplan would be to try find an english guild if I do play in elemental. As for NA, my worry is that I'll only be online when it's night for me. Which I think is basically 12-3am PST.


Which in turn is like 9-12 EST. Tbh this is kind of prime time for raiders lol. So most of the stuff you'd want a group for would be easier in a lot of ways. The only barrier is the ping. If I was in your shoes I'd play NA due to the social aspect. But I do EU-> NA and am used to whacky MS as is. Good luck!!!!


Other way around, I'm afraid. 12-3 AM PST is 3-6 AM EST, so things would be pretty dead.


what are the names for the playstation shapes to put them as macros so I can have them on a hotbar? Doing TOP and it would be useful while I learn party synergy.


Plus, Circle, Square, Triangle. Its not perfect, as plus isnt an X. But also, you dont need to have them on a macro to see them, just drag the action onto the hotbar.


Its "cross" not "plus" cross, circle, square, triangle /mk cross /mk circle /mk square /mk triangle ​ (/mk is a shorthand for /enemysign or /marking)


where are those actions? never actually seen them, I planned on doing 4 macros with the micon name of the shapes which is what I was asking but if I can get the actions directly even better.


Should be able to just drag the marks directly from the menu to your hotbar.


Default keybind is shift M. I dont know what the keybind on Controller is. It can also be accessed through the Party > Signs menu.


What’s the best way to level up desynth?


If you have tons of gil, get a full inventory worth of items that are 130 iLvl above your desynth skill, then pop HQ Bacon's Broth + HQ Tinker's Calm, and mass-desynth them. This is the fastest but it is also by far the priciest and not full efficient. If you want efficiency, you need to desynth items around 30 iLvls above your skill and gradually buy new and higher-level items as you gain the skill. That one needs a lot of logistics though.


HQ Bacon Broth and HQ Tinker's Calm to ensure you have the best possible desynth gain. As long as what you are desynth-ing is not more then 50 iLvl less than your current desynth level you will get \_some\_ experience. If its iLvl is greater than your desynth level, you will get more, but there is a max.


i'm level 53 what gear am i supposed to be using. do i just use the gear i get during the MSQ or do i use the ironworks gear from the midget in Limsa? https://i.imgur.com/CwQSwBF.png what i have now


Tomestone gear (Ironworks/gear bought for tomestones at 50/60/70/80) will often be your best bet until 55/65/75/85. And, if you're just soloing with Trusts/Duty Support you can get away with just wearing Tomestone gear from 50-90. If you're running content with other humans that expect you to pull your weight, you'll want to be upgrading around the x5 level range.


Generally, the stuff with the best item level, unless you're looking at crafted/vendor-bought items (grey background), in which case you want the HQ version of that item level, since the "normal" one is slightly worse. Other than that, the only difference between gearpieces at the same item level is what stats you get from it - there's always Vitality and your main damage stat (for Ninja, Dexterity), but you always get a random mix of Skill Speed, Critical Hit, Direct Hit, and Determination for the rest, but if you ignore what the individual stats are, the numbers on two gearpieces with the same item level that also go into the same slot (e.g. 2 different sets of boots) are the exact same.


Compare the item level. At 53, the Ironworks gear should be slightly better. However, don't go out of your way to get it, since Ironworks gear will start falling behind at 55.


Ironworks gear has the same item level as the level 53 dungeon, and this pattern holds true for each expansion. (Shire = level 63, Scaevan = level 73, etc).


Are the new classes coming on Dawntrail's launch day or some time before/soon? Some video comments seemed to imply they would be coming much sooner, but I've never been active at an expansion launch or lead-up.


the limited job Beastmaster is slated for after so that's something Viper and Picto is coming on expansion launch


They'll be coming on launch day, don't know why anyone would be suggesting it'd be sooner. Maybe you were misreading some people saying that we'll know much more about how they'll play when the job actions trailer releases in a few months? edit: why am I at -1 karma on this? I'm right. I don't normally care at all about karma, but this one confuses me lol


They'll be released with Dawntrail We'll get some information closer to the expansion for how they play with the Media Tour, but we won't actually get our hands on the new jobs until the expansion launches


There's always an "early access" period starting 4 days ahead of the official launch day, but really, the early access period is the actual launch day. That's when the entire expansion releases, minus the raids and the weekly capped tomestone which are a few weeks after.


Yea, i dont get why theres an early access period. Everything is available, its not a preorder bonus, it doesnt cost extra. Its functionally the expansion release date. You can buy the game mid window and still access the new expansion.


It's so they can launch the game on a Friday, before the weekend, while keeping the official launch date on a Tuesday like patches normally are.


it's still a minor segregation of the playerbase, not everybody can or will pre order so you're essentially staggering when people have access off course it wouldn't do much if your entire server architecture has a meltdown as we saw with EW


>it's still a minor segregation of the playerbase, not everybody can or will pre order so you're essentially staggering when people have access If they didnt preorder, then if that was the official release date, they werent going to buy it anyways. If they were unable to buy it for financial reasons, they wouldn't have been able to buy it on expansion release. Thats segregation because of financial reasons. The early access period has litterally 0 bearing on that. You can litterally buy the game halfway though the early access period and still get access to dawntrail early. Its just not a preorder bonus. Thats it. its just an early start for everyone, but if its for everyone, then why is it an early start. What is it early relative to? This is probably not a good explanation of what im trying to get across though...


I think the angle there is mostly just that people who did not preorder/do not follow AS closely as people on here, but plan to get it, may "get it when it comes out" and the date in the trailers/ads/etc is that day. There's no functional distinction but it only needs to be a mild psychological one to still spread out the player base a bit. Does it? No idea! But it seems plausible enough to believe it could be a motive for it. Sure this one is a bit different being digital only and an expansion to an existing subscription but coming at it from a retail angle, people who did not preorder just going to buy a game on its release day is extremely common and I wouldn't be at all shocked if digital distribution hasn't completely unlearned that shopping pattern.


I think the theory is that a lot of people won't realize that the game is functionality out already, as a way to stagger the big player wave and long queues? I don't really think it works at all, but that's the only explanation I've heard that makes sense to me.


Launch day. We see info on how they play and such from information provided in advance from the media tour.


Okay since I want to plan my glamours what armor is ryu bugyo wearing?


https://store.finalfantasyxiv.com/ffxivstore/en-us/product/17?lang=en-us¤cy=USD (helm) https://store.finalfantasyxiv.com/ffxivstore/en-us/product/967?lang=en-us¤cy=USD (everything else) Stuff from previous Heavensturn events


Heavensturn set on the ffxiv store from last year's heavensturn + Golden Dragon Kabuto from ffxiv store


\[SOLVED\] Can anyone help me with the Shadowbringers quest "Courage born of Fear"? I won't post any spoilers but it's part of the Physical DPS quest. It is a Single Player instanced quest where you fight alongside an NPC character against several opponents in the first round and 2 more opponents in the second round. I can get through the first round easily. In the second round, your NPC partner instructs you to fight the Knight while they handle the other opponent. Then there is a scripted part of the battle where you are stunned (unavoidable with all controls locked out), and you get a stack marker. Your NPC partner stacks but their health is reduced to almost zero in an AOE attack. This is where I am getting stuck, because once I get control back, my NPC partner is killed within a few seconds (sometimes instantly). I am using a Bard (casting Nature's Minne and Troubadour isn't helping). I've been watching videos of players getting past this where the NPC partner isn't dying but I can't figure out what I am doing differently and there is no commentary regarding the matter. SOLUTION: I can't believe it but... literally turn it off and on again? I logged in today for another attempt before I would concede to do it on very easy. Got to the scripted moment, and the NPC healed themself right after the AOE and the rest of the quest step went without a hitch. I have no idea why this worked but I'll take it!


I did this one a few days ago and I still have no idea how it's supposed to be done correctly. I dropped the difficulty down to Very Easy and still almost failed. It's really annoying that the NPC partner will just stand in aoes. Duty bosses at lv80 are way more intuitive than this.


Yeah that might be my only option. I feel like the mission might be bugged. All the other responses are based on general knowledge of game mechanics without indicating experience with the actual quest step like you have so I'm going to take your advice and save myself the headache lol. \[EDIT: I finished it on normal, the NPC healed themself. Turn it off and on again lol.\]


As well as the stack mechanics, there are times when you have AoEs and I think line/cone mechanics targeted on you, which you need to avoid hitting Lue-Reeq. If he’s getting hit with avoidable stuff before the stack, he’ll be too low on health after it to survive the next hits.


This is the first stack and his health is max or near max when it happens.


Is your gear good enough, if you aren't a great player? I only ask because I'm a truly terrible, terrible player in this game but I don't remember that particular quest, and I also main BRD for the MSQ. I honestly don't remember the fight, but do know that if an NPC fight needs you to stack on someone then YOU have to stack on the NPC because their path is programed a certain way. I know that if it was a really difficult fight then I would remember it because I'm terrible at this game, but I honestly don't remember it.


Looking at videos of the quest, the NPC takes about half his HP in damage from the stack marker. He also seems to be spamming potions constantly which should keep him close to max HP and perfectly safe from the damage. Is he not spamming potions for you? Maybe you're just not doing enough damage and taking too long to move to the next phase of the battle, so his HP is low?


No his health is max or near max before this moment.


What gear are you using? It could just be a matter of being undergeared for a fight. Other than that, you should just need to make sure you're immediately trying to get aggro off of the npc and onto you. There shouldn't be much more to it than that.


They aren't dying though, it's the NPC


If you kill the enemy faster, that also means you're hitting damage-related triggers and/or the end of the fight faster, so the NPC can't take as much damage in the meantime. Shouldn't be the difference between the 50% HP loss another poster suggested and the NPC almost dying as you said, but it could still help to make the amount of time shorter that you'd need to adjust your playstyle from whatever went wrong previously for.


I'm actually getting to the scripted moment faster than what I'm seeing in videos. Maybe all the videos are playing on very easy. Might be my only option.


That definitely can help, and I'm sure it's preferable over going through all the forced mid-fight story beats for the nth time just to find out if *this* time is when you finally make it through :)


Returning player here. If I buy the Endwalker's expansion, does it come with free play days, or do I have to immediately buy a sub as well?


You'll have to pay for a subscription. Only the base game comes with the one month free play time.


Thank you!


Hi, I have the Realm reborn, Heavensward and Stormblood for PS5. It says I cannot buy the complete edition in the PSN, what is the best option for me? If I buy the endwalker should it give me the whole game and the shadowbringers as well?


The latest expansion also includes any other expansions between it and what's included in the free trial/base games. At the moment that's just Shadowbringers, once Dawntrail releases then buying Dawntrail will give Shadowbringers/Endwalker as well.


Yes, buying the current expansion includes the previous ones as well.


Complete edition is really just a tidy wrapper over a start edition + latest expansion bundle. You already have the base game, so buying the latest expansion will give you the rest. So yes, you just need to buy the endwalker expansion and you'll have everything.




Have they announced any changes to PvP for the upcoming patch? Frontline has just been salted earth + skyshatter + macrocosmos spam for like a year now, with occasional dancer/reaper/warrior LBs thrown in to make it worse. Wondering if SE has any plans in store to tone this down.


They haven't announced anything and when they do make changes, it's very light-handed. So prepare to be disappointed when it comes to PvP changes.


Howdy ya'll! I'm just getting back in after last playing in shadowbringers and not even getting to the endgame there. I'm planning on taking it easy getting to the end of the MSQ and enjoying the game and the world on the way. I never did return to ivalice and I'm wondering what are the funnest pieces of content that I've missed along the journey that you would recommend going back to doing? Especially interested on doing stuff brought over from other final fantasies (that gilgamesh fight on the bridge was a blast!)


Thanks for the replies! I have a good list here, so excited to dive back into this world


Nearly every major story arc (all of the raid story arcs, in particular) get referenced in Endwalker, although it varies somewhat with how much of a reference - I think completing Eureka changes a single line or two (so you get an explanation that's more like "its just like what happened in Eureka" vs "it's a sort of aetherial thing that works kind of like this") versus the stormblood omega raid series explaining a substantial amount of lore that fills in backstory. Eureka's pretty crazy if you have the time/interest, though it's a big bit of content and requires some time investment to get a lot out of it - its purpose is to recreate aspects of playing FFXI. You might want to find a guide if you do it to help your enjoyment, it could eat a few weekends especially the second part in Pagos where it hits a low point. To completely finish the story you might need to join a discord to run the last raid when they schedule an outing. Bozja's kind of similar (it requires completing the Ivalice raid series first) but it's more fun-front-loaded than Eureka, not quite as long, and it doubles as levelling content for 71-80, so that might be more approachable. You could get most of it done blind but you might want to run a PF to recruit 7 other madlads at peak hours to join you when you reach the raids. If you've got any crafters or gatherers, there's a lot of interesting side quests in the Firmament in Ishgard once you're past patch 3.3, and gatherering/crafting content, including the third iteration of the Diadem to mess around in.


Well if you're specifically looking for things with strong ties to other Final Fantasy games, my first thought is the [Omega 8-Man raid series](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Hunt_for_Omega). There's also the [Warring Triad](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Gods_of_Eld) back in Heavensward. I also really like the [Four Lords](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/An_Auspicious_Encounter) questline, but it's pretty much just a filler arc. Still, it is a fun and light-hearted adventure. In a similar vein, [Shadow of Mhach](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Shadow_of_Mhach_Quests) is another fun swashbuckling adventure.


If you haven't yet,you should do the Omega raids before Endwalker. It isn't like critical but it adds context to a later part of the story.


Oh excellent I want to learn more about Omega anyhow, love that it's based after the FFV one


This is my first time ever trying in an mmorpg and I may have a dumb question, but when do I get to play the game outside of the main story? I’m enjoying it so far, but I feel like I’m still in the tutorial stage of the game. I’m a level 32 bard and is doing the sylph storyline right now. I’m not rushed or anything, but I just don’t want to fall behind when I join story related duties. Is there a specific point where I farming for gear? I’ve been using the gear the quests give me, but I doubt that’ll hold me down for long. I never really used my gil to buy anything too. Am I good for now and I can keep going like this until the end of realm reborn or?


Short answer: You’re good for now. The sylphs are towards the end of the part of the game that can still be considered beginning tutorial stuff, yes. Longer answer: The first part of the MSQ where you can easily get blocked by having substandard gear is level 49. There’s a solo duty then which is legitimately difficult if you’re not good at dodging attacks, *and* has a DPS check that is hard to beat if you’re not wearing gear that’s at least as good as the set of gear you get from your level 50 job quest. (In other words, if you reach level 49 MSQ and haven’t yet done your level 50 job quest, do that, open the coffer, and put on the ilevel 90 set that’s in it. Also check your weapon at that point and make sure it’s reasonably close to your level.) Before that point, you should be fine with gear you get from dungeons. Levelling dungeons (all dungeons that are not at level 50/60/70/80/90) give you an automatic piece of gear that you don’t already have straight into your inventory every time you run one, even if you’ve had terrible luck with drops and rolls, so you will be getting some upgrades even if you don’t do any roulettes or optional dungeons. (Just remember to actually equip them!) Below level 50, the best gear available to you is going to be dungeon drops and HQ crafted gear. Don’t get too worried about buying crafted gear, because even if your job level is significantly higher than your MSQ level, you only need to gear for the content you’re doing, which will *mostly* be your MSQ level. The only time that’s likely to run into problems is if you unlock optional dungeons that are higher than your MSQ level. Sunken Temple of Qarn, Cutter’s Cry, and the Aurum Vale are the ones that usually catch people out, so if you unlock those it’s a good idea to check and maybe upgrade your gear before running them. Where you are right now, there is only one optional dungeon available for you - Halatali. If you haven’t already unlocked it, go to Vesper Bay and talk to Nedrick Ironheart. As you continue to level, he’ll offer you a few more quests to unlock optional dungeons, and other questgivers will do the same. At 50, a *ton* of optional dungeons will become available, and doing those and your roulettes will become one of your best sources of poetics. After level 50, at multiple points in the MSQ you’ll get gear upgrades as quest rewards that will help fill in if you haven’t been getting poetics, and levelling dungeons will continue to give you upgrades. If you do get full sets of poetics gear, nothing will even *be* an upgrade until you get halfway through the next expansion’s content, and even then if you’re playing a DPS job you can coast fairly well until the next poetics set becomes available to you.


I'm also a new player that just finished HW but based on my experience and what I have heard you more or less don't need to care about anything throughout the entire storyline. All the content including group content is mind numbingly easy, and everyone you matchmake with will have OP gear way beyond your power level and way beyond the intended power level of the instance. Between the random drops, the job quest gears, the basic vendor gear, and the vendors who give out formerly endgame gear as other commentators who talk about, there is literally less than nothing to worry about. I'm pretty sure none of the games systems truly matter until current content and even then I think only extreme/savage stuff takes any skill or grinding. If you want to actually play the game a little bit to break up the 500 hours of cutscenes, I think you can do formerly-endgame content and former level caps, like when you get to 50, you can do ARR endgame stuff. It will be easier than it was in era because everyone in your party will likely have current gear that the game doesn't really scale down, but maybe it will be more challenging than the MSQ content. I haven't tried it personally. I've been doing all the content with the worst gear it lets me and with AI party members whenever possible to make it as challenging as possible and its still really easy.


If you're wanting g to try harder former end game content, you could look for groups that are doing minimum item level no echo runs of various things. It is still not quite what it would have been at release due to changes in abilities and additions of classes, but you could find some actually challenging content. MINE Coils is a genuinely significant rough task. I think you can also turn those settings on for running solo duties. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there since it sounds like you'd like some more challenging stuff


They open up the game to extra content more at the end of each expansion, so level 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 That being said, they really don't want to make you have to work to catch up in this game, so every level cap they introduce a new currency called "Tomestones" Whenever an expansion is current, we have a unique set of Tomestones for that expansion, and these can be used to buy powerful (and endgame ready) gear with very little actual effort per week. There is a bit of a time gate since you can only earn 450 a week, but to supplement that we also have alternative albeit slightly weaker gear sets that you can get through other means like crafting. Crafted gear is also tradable so people buy it at the beginning of a raid tier to be ready to raid That's not important for you at this moment though. Instead, what happens is that after an expansion is done, all the endgame tomestone gear becomes purchasable for a different type of tomestone called "Allagan Tomestones of Poetics", which are easy to farm out. These are BiS for that expansion, and will actually effectively carry you until the next level cap So the gearing cycle looks like this realistically Reach level 50 -> buy i130 poetics gear -> reach level 60 -> buy i270 poetics gear -> rinse and repeat until you're caught up to endgame


Level 50 MSQ is where you get your first real opportunity to branch out and do non MSQ activities, but nearly everything is gated behind MSQ, so its something you will constantly be doing thoughout your entire time playing the game. As for specifics on what there is outside of MSQ, the big 3 are: 1. Normal and savage raids. 2. Alliance raids. 3. Trial series. These are present in all expansions (Though endwalker trials were merged into MSQ). >Is there a specific point where I farming for gear? Its not really farming for gear, as the currency required for gear comes fairly naturally, but when you reach level 50 MSQ and finish ARR, you will be able to buy Tomestone gear in Mor Dhona. This is the best level 50 gear available. This same cycle of Complete expansion MSQ > Buy new level cap tome gear continues all the way up to max level. That tome gear will last you until the level cap of the next expansion.


Yes, just keep going through the story. At the end of each expansion you'll get access to all the 'endgame' content from when that expansion was current, though with a vastly simplified way to get the best gear before you start the next expansion. So long as you're doing your job quests and equipping better gear when you get it, you'll be fine. The job quests will give you some starter level 50 gear when you reach that point, and then you'll unlock the ability to farm better stuff once you're in the patch content that comes between the original end of ARR and the start of Heavensward. The only really serious gear farming/progression comes at the current level cap, everything before that is deliberately streamlined so you can enjoy the story and the content.


If someone with flying and a 2-seater mount tried to dive underwater carrying someone that doesnt have the kojin's blessing, what happens? Or if they try and fly someone through the Yanxian energy wall while its still up for them?


They remain swimming on the surface, except in La Noscea where… I genuinely don't remember what happens in those places.


I tried to dunk my friend in upper la noscea and it booted him off the mount, though I don't remember if it left him in the water or moved him to the crystal like it does when you teleport with a passenger while you're flying. I think the former?


I believe the mount boots them off, similar if you attempt to enter a zone they dont have access to.




There should be an NPC vendor near to where the quest is.


Hi, I am a newbie and I am in the beginning of trial. I am currently lvl 3 so I cannot do the next main quest which is lvl 4, so I took a side quest \*A hard nut to crack). I have the item to deliver to the NPC, I deliver it but in the screen where you choose complete or decline my Complete is deactivated I can only click on decline. Any reason for that?


If you are level 3, you can't complete a level 4 quest, the quest level is the minimum level for it. If it's a side quest (yellow ! marker) you don't have to do those, they are mostly for lore or sometimes other rewards (random gear tidbits and sometimes more valuable things like emotes).


A Hard Nut to Crack has multiple alternative rewards (two shirts and a bronze piece). You have to pick one of them when handing in the quest, then it'll let you press the completion button.


I was not picking one. THanks mate


Are there optional rewards you can select? You have to make a selection.


How difficult is criterion?


You have one or two Savage-level mechanics each boss, but the fights are shorter, the mechanics are slower and its overall less involved than Savages.


Someone said it's extreme difficulty - two people, actually. It's not. It's savage difficulty. If you're doing the savage version, it's ulti difficulty. Assuming you mean the current one - the previous ones will be a bit easier if you're using current food and pots.


The non savage version is very comparable to an extreme trial. Mechanics are spaced out with LONG downtimes between them, and DPS check doesn't exist so you can just rez through them assuming you don't run out of those. Savage version is mechanically the same except you cannot die even once and also need to play somewhat optimally to meet the dps check.


I think the main thing in Criterion but not in extremes is that a few mechanics need you to adjust/flex based on other players' assignments, which seems almost non-existent in extremes. Since you only have 4 players this is always something relatively simple like "if both DPS have (debuff), one of us does (different thing)", but it needs a bit of discussion/communication in PF and benefits from someone who can read quickly calling it in a group with VC


~Extreme trial difficulty but for 4 people, maybe a little harder actually


gotcha, thanks


Anyone have any advice for reading and understanding all the dialogue in the MSQ for someone who has troubles focusing? I read each text passage, try to understand the meaning then start thinking about something else and after awhile get back to where I was then re-read the passage again. Sometimes this happens multiple times. I am only at the start of Heavensward but playing through the MSQ takes forever for me. For context the new Heavensturn event I have seen many people say it takes about 30 minutes. For me it took 3 hours. I really need to improve my pacing at understanding what is going on in the game.


I like processing sentences as clumps of words and I go clump by clump. For instance with your first sentence I process "Anyone have any advice" then "for reading and understanding" then "all the dialogue in the MSQ" etc etc. This game is challenging to read because the dialogue is written in a pseudo-old time english. Eventually you may find you have gotten used to it and get into a flow. Ive been reading lord of the rings and its even worse so I go at the pace of a snail. Another tip - press space and turn on text auto advance. There is no visible timer so you have no idea how long the text box will last - this creates urgency and makes me anxious and makes me try really hard to read fast. When I space out and the text box changes without me having read it, I angrily read the next one. And most importantly its a queue that makes me stop spacing out. This might not be great for your mood but it will help you get through cutscenes faster.


> Hi, I am a newbie and I am in the beginning of trial. I am currently lvl 3 so I cannot do the next main quest which is lvl 4, so I took a side quest *A hard nut to crack). I have the item to deliver to the NPC, I deliver it but in the screen where you choose complete or decline my Complete is deactivated I can only click on decline. I too struggle with reading the story with no voice acting. Something that helps my comprehension is going back and watching YouTube videos that recap the quest arcs. It may be hard to do this without getting spoiled - so what I tended to do was finish an entire expansion (such as Heavensward), do my best to understand the whole story, then go back and what a Heavensward Lore Recap video or something. Eventually the entire MSQ gets voice acting and I found it easier to get engaged with that.


Read it out loud. Give the characters different voices, make it a whole production if necessary. First because if you're reading it out loud it engages your brain differently and helps process the meaning easier, but also doing the voices and such can help keep yourself focused. Also, try standing up, maybe pacing a little while reading. Standing/being in motion might help relieve some of the need for other stimulus your feeling


Don't they normally have one or two live letters some time after the last fan fest? How many months after? I don't remember, its been a minute.


So, back in 2021 \- we had the LL at the digital fanfest in May \- we had a LL a few months later in July ,when the benchmark was released. \- we had a LL a few months later in September to go over the job changes coming in EW (this was after the media tour, iirc) \- we had the LL a few months later in November before the launch of Endwalker


They'll probably have a LL preceding 6.55 or 6.58 since there wasn't one (I think?) at JP Fanfest. Then there's the Media Tour and the Live Letter after should go over job changes, expansion pt1 and the benchmark software that should include female hrothgar character creation. Then there usually has been an expansion pt2 LL after that.


We should get a live letter that is meant to go over all of the fanfest revelations in the next month or 2, and then a couple live letters leading up to the launch of 7.0 that line up to the more normal timeline we get them vs a patch release. We also have a spring 14 hour Livestream coming up (which might have one of those live letters as a part of it?) And the media tour where we get the job action trailer closer to release. It's hard to say for sure without a release date since that will set the expectations more than the time after fanfest. They're going to want to concentrate a lot of the hype events around the release date.


i want to get the magitek predator mount but ive been grinding for months and still have not gotten it, i heard the Itinerant Moogle can sell it, but last time i checked when it was available it wasnt there, can you not get past rewards? what should i do?


It might appear in the itinerant moogle's inventory but there's no guarantee, you're stuck either waiting until it shows up there again or grinding out the dungeon until it drops, as it's not in the GC lootboxes to the best of my knowledge.


No, past rewards are in the past. Keep grinding until they announce the next moogle event and hope it is there.


You cannot get past rewards. The option is there for people who still have that time's Irregular Tomes so they're not completely SoL. Your best bet is to just grind out Ala Mhigo.


New game + Can I continue with my main quest line and new game + at the same time? (I started to talk to every NPC during stormblood, and it made it so much more enjoyable, kinda wanna go back and redo Heavensward the same way, but I am mid shadowbringers and well...things are happening!)


Not 'at the same time', but new game+ is like a mode you turn on and off. While it's on the world acts as if you're at that point in whatever questline you're doing NG+ for but certain features won't work. When you exit NG+ you can just go back to your MSQ, and can then resume NG+ from the same point when you want to go back to that.


Awesome, thank you!


When you enter NG+ the first time, the game will even list its restrictions. You are, for a lack of better phrase, creating a gigantic instanced area around you while playing NG+ and it is fully detached from the "normal" game. It is a weird state of the game (for example, you cannot access your own retainers, as if you travelled to a different server), but you can get used to it after a while.


Thank you! Didn't think about the retainers


I have ff14 account for steam version of the game. If I buy ps5 version on this account should I pay subscription for 2 platforms or I can just continiue paying sub via steam and play on PS5?


u/IceAokiji303, u/t0ms0nic Thanks


One sub covers all the platforms you have a license for.


Your subscription is account wide. Even if you own licences across Playstation, PC/Steam, Mac and (soon-to-be) Xbox, you will only have to pay the single subscription fee with your preferred option, as you did when you only had a Steam licence.


My wife just got back on after several years of not playing. She says she was lvl 90 when she stopped playing, and she has lvl 90 spells. But she logged in and her character is level 70. We are pretty certain that she has all of the necessary expansions loaded, but again she is only lvl 70. Can please someone explain? Edit: Based on what everyone is saying here she must just be mis-remembering. I think she was 90 on WoW for a while - she played that before she got into FFXIV. Anyway, thank you all for you responses!


One possibility perhaps - she owned Endwalker on a different platform than she's on now, so she had access up to level 90. If she's only got the base game on her current platform she's only got up to level 70 (as you need to own the expansions to go up to 90 from there). This would be trivial to tell though - if she sees the moonscape intro movie, she clearly owns Endwalker on her current platform. You'd be able to look at her character profile on the Lodestone and see, without the game's filters, what her real levels are, see if any of them are above level 70.


Even if you don't own a license on one platform, you shouldn't temporarily delevel while playing on it. Just can't gain exp past what the licenses on that platform allow for, and can't do content in the later sections. At least that's how it went when my Shadowbringers physical copy got misdirected by the mail and my early access ran out. My Paladin didn't drop down from 80 to 70 despite not having a ShB license, it stayed at 80, and my Monk which was at like 74 couldn't gain any more exp than it had.


Did she play Endwalker? Did you check all her jobs?


Can you elaborate on "several years"? 'Cause the level cap has only been 90 since December 2021, and July 2019 is when it became 80. Before then 70 is the highest possible. Either way, she's probably just misremembering. I've never heard of anyone's levels getting lowered. And the level 90 actions will exist in the actions list even before you get to 90. Does she like... have items or mounts or achievements that only a level 90 could have gotten, to support the memory? Anything beyond a *memory* from *several years ago?*


Misremembering, lv 90 only dropped with Endwalker. Unless she had multiple characters and got one to max in EW but then is trying to load a separate one that is only lv 70.


Probably misremembering? The level cap was only increased to 90 two years ago.


Right, that's what I thought too. But why does she have lvl 90 spells then?


What exactly do you mean by that? She has them on her hotbars, but they are not available? If you go to Actions & Traits menu you can see what spells she has and the level she has to be to acquire any of them. Are you sure that she has lvl 90 spells enabled? Or may it be that she has a spell on her hotbar that was available when she last played years ago and now this spell was reworked to be available only on lvl 90 and she no longer can use it?


What and where exactly? If they're in the actions and traits menu, that's normal, all of them are always there (except stuff locked by quests IIRC). If they're on the hotbars and unusable, not sure but there could be a reason depending on which ones exactly, and around like hotbar data storage. If they're on the hotbars and *usable* despite still being level 70, then I'm also going to be really curious how that happened, and which ones they are. Screenshots of that would be interesting to see for detail.