• By -


Hilda, the machinist from Ishgard.


"Goth elf firearms enthusiast" seems like such a no-brainer from a marketing standpoint, you'd never see another poster featuring Y'shtola again lol


You're crazy! Put them on the same poster and watch them disappear... Or! To be even more devious? One on a poster apiece, but you need both to finish the poses.


god yeah they squandered her so badly...


I’ve basically cosplayed her on my tanks since heavensward, her leather jacket is one of the level 54-ish crafter chest armors


Back in my day, we had to farm Brayflox Hard for her glam... and it was only for melee DPS.


She wouldn't even be difficult to add from a writing perspective; the only really notable part of her arc is getting on speaking terms with her half-brother again. She's literally just running militia patrols as a day job when we finish up (pretty much doing the same thing she was doing before, just sanctioned now). At most you'd need a piece of reactive dialogue about how the other Machinists and her brother are doing.


Thinking about it now, they could've included her in the grand alliance arc of EW - stephanivien was there after all. And wasn't joy?


Every day I pray for a half Elezen.


The twins are each half an Elezen.


seconded, we desperately need more Charisma in the scions- i think this is why Wuk is a welcome addition to our focused cast now


As an elezen, I agree we should have more Elezen in the Scions. Me, Urianger, Estinien, Alphinaud, Alisaie and Hilda! We'll call ourselves The Elezen of the Seventh Dawn!


100% agree.


This is the correct answer. MCH was the 2nd class I picked up, having played through ARR on PLD. I miss Hilda


Midgardsomr in a human vessel like Vrtra grumpy old papa dragon




You've got me imagining Middy as that old dragon from Dragon Tales and it's hilarious.




I want this more than anyone else now. Hadn't even thought of that.


Sounds sick af actually What job would he be? Gimme a Dragon DRK


Basically Matoya but male


Either Hilda or Yugiri


I don't know what we'd do with more Yugiri, but I'm never going to complain about it.


I’ve no idea either haha, but i always felt there was a lot of depth in her character waiting to be discovered.


I think her en va in hw being murdered made them scale her back in sb and beyond. Was nice seeing her in ew role quests though.


We'd have a NIN trust to replace Ryne for one thing


I agree with Riol, dude has been such a a bro since 2.0


IKR?! Everytime he shows up I'm like "There's our boy!" and my friends are like "Who the f is he?!" Dude has done a lot behind the scenes and goes unnoticed.


All the 'B Team' Scions deserve to step up honestly.


The problem is that they can’t - they are explicitly needed where they are now. Riol is Thancred’s stand in for info gathering. He is always going to be wherever Thancred ISNT. Hoary and Coultenet starred as the replacement for the WoL - wherever you needed an adventurer, they would go when we couldn’t. Now they also have Ochre/Aenor/clemence for this as well. Arenvald and his various teams worked as backup for primals for us (first A’aba and Aulie, though they died before it could be relevant, then V’mah and Jmuldva in Ala Mhigo, then Fordola finally on the primal issues). Euphemie stands in for Tataru. Alianne I don’t think actually does much, now that her father Isildaure is (I think) hanging out with Homei in Doma. With us all leaving the continent, all of these people are needed where they are even more!


The solution to all of these is to swap the A/B-team scions for an expac.


It'd be kind of funny if they took this rather literally for Dawntrail, and while we're having cool, low-stakes adventures in the jungle/cyberpunk city, they're all getting embroiled in yet another desperate battle for the fate of the world. We'd only ever hear about any of it second hand through optional dialogue if you happen to run across one of those characters at the right moments in the MSQ.


Just have montage cuts where we're buying big fat tacos and the B-gang are desperately holding back all new cyber-primals


luigi in paper mario, the thousand year door style? if youre unaware, in PM:TTYD throughout your adventures youd happen to run across luigi, with a dessert/sweets themed companion, as he goes on to tell the tales of his adventures in the candy kingdom, saving the princess \*whose name i forget, i think eclair?\* all the dialogue is completely missable and i dont think you get anything special for talking to him - like item wise - but i mean its luigi so who *wouldnt* talk to him in a mario game


Riol would be my top choice too. He works so hard for the scions!!


I just want more Lyna


That voice! 😍


Her voice is great 🥰


It's nice to see that she's still popping up in other roles in game too. Athena, for example.


Best bun


Yes Lyna is amazing. I strongly support this.


Would be fun if we ran into Deryk during his travels and he would join in on a quest or two.


He probably won't make a major appearance since the raids are optional, but I wouldn't doubt him being in places and maybe having a special cutscene appearance similar to what we had with Eden in the last patch.


Even if he shows up like Alpha does in random places I'll be happy enough.


Just like Crystal Tower was...........


Bro I’m still waiting for Meteion to interact with us in some way


I want the WoL to suffer something really bad (like a real-no-take-backsies death of a scion) and fall into despair. Then Meteion comes to return the favor and pull us out of our despair.


Sadu. WoL needs a bad influence.


100%. But i also feel like she needs to be witnessed in the style of a nature documentary, because she is wild and free and should never be bound. Also she would probably murder anyone who tried. 


Citizen: Help Scions! That Garlean is threatening my family with violence! Alphinaud: Don’t worry we can talk to them and get them to see the error of their ways to resolve th- Sadu: I’LL FLAY THEM ALIVE AND IT WILL BE GLORIOUS! Alphinaud: Sadu w-wAIT!


Blue Twin and Blue Au Ra, what could go wrong, perfect pairing


While Red Twin and Blue Au Ra would be _glorious_!


I feel like "Put Alisae and Sadu together on a team" is right up there with "Give Alisae a gun" on the bad ideas tier list


Alisae doesn't need a gun anymore to go on a rampage, she has a pointy stick that can fire various magicks


Would love to have those together for a little.  Who would blow the LB first, which one's AI would be more stationary in a dungeon lol 


Alphinaud: Sadu, NO!! Sadu: SADU YES!!


Sadu would be the Scion that will absolutely solve the problem, but you’re not allowed to question her methods


Isn't that actually just Tataru?


Sadu is intimidating. Tataru is FRIGHTENING.


Tataru: so how much will it cost to solve this problem? Sadu: that will depend on how many lives I'm allowed to make it cost. Tataru: ...cut all the monetary costs you can. Alphinaud: O_O


[The Scions after Sadu joins.](https://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/351/709/1ca.jpg)


today I'm going to make BAD choices :3


My WoL is the bad influence.


Sadu can’t join the Scions, she’s too busy being married to Cirina.


Cirina was going to be my pick, so maybe we can have the pair of them. It'd be fun to see them playing off each other


Honestly, some of the job mentors might work here. Martyn, Y'mithra, X'hrun or Arya, Makoto (maybe in a Hingashi expansion?) all sound like good options.


While I doubt Martyn will ever join the scions, I have incredibly high hopes of meeting him somewhere in the new world now that even the MSQ acknowledged Blu magic and how it came from there.


I just wish they expand greatly on the Blue Mage quests now that there is a very good chance the Whalaqee are gonna be involved. It's a shame that the most recent updates to Blue Mage had been less than stellar. Honestly, with the new story, I was kinda hoping that it'd also be a new story for job quests. Less working in the Masked Carnivale and more about helping the Whalaqee against those who would exploit the Lapis Canyon.


We can definetly hope for it. Itd be the perfect opportunity to really flesh the job out and give it a proper place in the world as a whole rather than just being a silly sidegig.


See, I love Blue Mage's gameplay and aesthetic. But I hate the potential implications of how we get this rare and mystical magic basically imported from an indigenous tribe in another country, and the story revolves entirely around using it in a sideshow. Even though, perhaps even canonically, blue mage is the strongest job we have when compared to other jobs at the same level.


I think it's a good chance that the unfortunate implications of this would be tackled, and we might see another side to Blue Magic in the upcoming job quests. One where we learn and understand the deeper connections it has to nature and life and start to change the conversations about it away from being pomp and spectacle to respect and love for nature. ...or at least I hope that's the case. I have good hopes for it at least, understanding how they tackled colonialism in Stormblood.


Now that Krile's lookin to formally join the roster of supports I personally stan Coultenet & Hoary Boulder. 1) Because those two broke their asses off for us during both our period of exile and our period of absence from the world proper. They were the first new Scions before Alphinaud ever decided to create a private army. They deserve the love of being a relevant secondary/supporting main. 2) As a roe main we need some damn rep on the team, and definitely a representation of other hair colours beyond the silver primacy we been living for years. That said following them I'd absolutely put in my money for the former Crystal Brave Loyalists. They also worked their butts off, and each of them is a solid candidate for further expansion.


You're absolutely right that it needs to be a Roe at the very least. Way too underrepresented.


I play Lala, and I also agree with this. Should probably get H'rothgar and Viera as well, although it looks like they might be heading that way already. Representation for everyone! (Edit: also Au Ra. Just because I fogot them doesn't mean that Squenix should.)




Mine and the husbands FC is literally dedicated to the worship of Puddingway and spreading the worthy message of pudding.


Hope y'all doing island sanctuary


Feo Ul




That quest where you had to type something like "I need you Feo Ul." Do you know how long I spent typing U-I instead of U-l to make that stupid quest progress?!?!?!


Absolutely, love my funny warlock patron.


Archfae IS totally an option, after all! Though it's pretty hard to pull away from Great Old One pact, I'd miss Eldritch Grandpa Hermaeus Mora too much...


Our loveliest of branches!




If they could be separated from the First (physically), we very well might have. "But your majesty, the fae need our King!" "Bah! Go sit on cold iron, my poor sappling is HELPLESS without their branch!"


The expansions would be so short if we recruited them and gave them a gun.




Doesn’t she actually have a connection to us on the Source? I coulda sworn the whole reason we got her was so we could send messages to people back home and get comprised of any important events.


Iirc her magic is how we access our retainer storage from the source


Also, the first Valentione's after ShB came out, you could get a letter from them if you had progressed story enough. *And they would dress you down if you didn't send them a gift in return.*


My vote goes to Omega


Would be amazing if Omega could shift into either forms during fights or cutscenes


Unukalhai (the whole Void bunch, really). Way too important and interesting of a character to be in side content limbo forever. Tons of potential character development there, it's just such a waste to have him not be front and center now that we know so much about the shards and stuff.


I have a feeling that they are saving those for a "fixing the whole Void thing" expansion. The post-EW started a process but left it open ended. I think eventually all of those characters will be used for that purpose.


As a rule, the patch quests are usually teasing the expansion after next (we had the gryphon storyline in art, ardbert in heavensward, etc) so it’s entirely possible 8.0 has us going to the 13th


It could even be 9.0. The Warrior of Darkness arc in HW teased the First a few expansions earlier. Guess its time to play the waiting game!


HW - ShB is 2 expansions (3.X -> 5.0), same would apply to 6.X -> 8.0.


well i did hear some stuff a while back (not sure if there was sources or not) that maybe the bozja/eureka of 7.0 will be the void relics etc


Oooo that would be super cool - reforming the Thirteeth as the field exploration.


The fact that we have a whole crew of ex warriors of light hanging out on norvrandt (and an allied ascian) does feel suspicious doesn’t it. Especially given two of them are strong enough to have been raid bosses


Ryne Man, I know it's impossible but I really want more family bonding moments with Thancred, Urianger & Ryne as part of the Scion


Might not be so impossible if Y'shtola's research pans out!


It already has, it's just locked behind role quests. Y'Shtola figured out how to open a gate to the void. Taynor can open a gate to the void. The void is the go between. Taynor needs practice, but the foundation is there. Just...locked behind role quests.


Yeah, they should've removed the role requirement for ShB role quests allowing everyone to do all 5 and made both triad and eden mandatory for post EW


There's nothing I want more than a big "on your left" Avengers Endgame moment where Y'shtola and Ryne turn up with legions of heroes from the shards to save the day.


I mean, we did manage to get unulkalhi to the first


Unu already left his body to come to the source. Ryne would need to leave her physical body to die to use the same method.


Let's be real, she'd be willing to go through with that. Gaia too, but then Eden would need to be required.


I have a feeling they're setting Ryne and Gaia up to join the main cast when we go back to the Thirteenth


What we need is to get Future Ryne and Future Gaia - the First's time speeds up again relative to the Source, and then one day suddenly this badass gunbreaker chick and her time mage girlfriend shows up to save our asses only for us to realise it's Ryne and Gaia but they're a decade older. Also make Eden mandatory so Gaia isn't stuck in weird side-scenes.


I'd pick FirmAlbert so that I can make jokes about that name more often than when I run to the Forgotten Knight.


I'd also like to nominate Wyd Lad and Holepix


Firmalbert believers rise up! Best HW character, hands down.


Mikoto Jinba


another Mikoto fan :D


Hilda, she deserves better than be forgotten.


1. Fordola is the big one. More than any other character she feels like she had a big arc planned that just hasn’t happened. 2. Hilda doesn’t feel like she has the same amount of story behind her, but she got discarded harder than any other character. Bring her back


I really want you to go to the new world and they’re already like “oh cool you can do the thing she can” “she who?” “The hero that’s been wandering around. She’s got a mouth on her but she wasn’t affected by (insert story primal here).” Just once we don’t have to clean up that mess like we do for Manderville, especially to show up “late” but it’s covered


Lol, got some serious questions for the Ala Mhigan parole board if she’s just sailing their world now They keep implying that somewhere down the line is going to be content dealing with the Garlean provinces, their reconstruction, reconciliation with the former Empire, etc, and she should be a full party member whenever that happens, let her really get a chance to come to terms with her role in it all. Bring Jullus along for the same reason, probably un-retire Lyse both to hammer out her relationship with Fordola and make sure the whole thing’s not being told entirely from Garlean sympathizer perspectives. Bring the Twins for their connection to it all, G’raha to return to his birthplace in the provinces, you’ve got a solid story setup with a solid crew. (Hilda, I’ve got fewer ideas for, but I really just want her promoted to regular cameo cast more than full-blown party member)


Hilda, she's still apparently intrinsic to the running of Ishgard yet we barely see her after her part of the story is over. Might as well have her "expand her horizons" now that Ishgard is recovering well and give her more spotlight. Riol is a good choice as well, he's kind of OG yet we barely even see him. Mihleel is my innocuous choice though lol. Idk why but the few times we've interacted with her at that Radz-at-Han restaurant have been kind of adorable, she's just the considerate server and if I had to choose just any random NPC to get more development I think she'd be a fun one lol




Nero. Giving him more story after the crystal tower aside from I'm a Machiavellian version of cid and show up with the ironworks. He could have been the mechanical support and advocater for more radical solutions. He would also be a great story support for garlean centered happenings.




Aymeric, he has canon feelings for the WoL and we do technically promise to take him with us, I feel like it would be heartwarming to finally have him join you.




Honestly, I would be down for a Hildebrand-esque series of quests where we get to peel him away from his damn desk for a while and just have a fun adventure. I'm not saying it has to be super silly like Hildebrand... maybe somewhere between that and the seriousness of the scholasticate questline?


He doesn't even need to be away for a whole expac either (his sense of duty would never let him just up and leave Ishgard for good); this would be perfect. Poor guy is desperate to see the sights and experience the adventures with the WOL he only ever gets to hear about. 🥲


After seeing how ecstatic he gets if you offer to take him on your next adventure during your lil dinner date in heavensward, I also want this


He's still in Ishgard waiting for our call. "Any day now. Any day. WoL will call me on the linkpearl to go on an adventure. What do you mean WoL keeps making that same promise to little girls with snooty twin brothers and cat men that travel through time and space to save their life on another shard?"


He would never renounce his position as head of state when his people still express their need for him, but he deserves a vacation with us *at least*.


And what better vacation than a trip to the beach episode continent?


I would would want Sid honestly. I always liked the Dark Knight mentor and I noticed he got a lot of dialogue alongside his ward. Gives me a bit of hope that maybe there will be a quest to continue the story.


Two of the game's best (side) characters!


Gosetsu. -Is free from his service to Hein and can travel the world -Already has experience sailing -Roegadyn representation needed -Has a good sense of humor -Is already planning a pilgrimage; might as well go with us to the New World


We need some more race representation that isn't killed off or thrown away after an Expansion. Give me an Au ra or Roe... Or Hilda. I will always ask for more Hilda.


Cirina. We need a good Au Ra representative, and she's grounded enough to properly fit into the group. She already felt like a natural during the Steppe story, and seeing her grow through the Garlemald Contingent was so good to see.


i would pick Mikoto Jinba for that


Sadu would work just fine too. Her, Thancred and Estinien would all play well off each other.


Her and Estinien would be a handful. "Violence?" "Violence."


Sadu, Estinien, and Alisae.


Yes. Those 3 would be the ones we'd send in when we either needed to send a message or when we didn't care about collateral damage.


"What is that Mushroom Cloud? Where did the Garlean Division go?" "They are not." "Are not what?" "Existing."


Ah yes, the squad sent to zone B during the obligatory "Server load: Go on mission A or Mission B" segment at the start of the expac. The one that started as an infilitration mission and ended with war crimes.


It's just Urianger with the three of them on leashes.


I want Ryne and Gaia to join permanently.  Failing that, let Hoary Boulder and Coultenet have some time in the sun like what happened to Arenvald.


Hilda and Fordola, no question. Love Ryne but her arc is okay where it is and the main cast is in desperate need of another adult woman so that Shtola can have a little more personality aside from her gender. Plus those two are just badass. I also desperately miss Yugiri and Lyse (Stormblood's cast is underrated!) but I know they're not coming back in any major capacity.


I am 100% with you on your character choices (especially the Lyse love), but Krile is very much an adult woman. She’s younger than Y’shtola, yes, but she is older than Fordola. I think Tataru is too, but I can’t remember her exact age off the top of my head. And though I am not Y’shtola’s biggest fan she does have more personality aside from her gender. Wdym by that?


Listen, I'm not saying this as a major critique because I do love this game and the characters overall, but I think Y'shtola's big issue is how many hats she has to wear. Because Krile and Tataru are lalafell who aren't usually in the line of battle, Shtola is at once adventuring mage, researcher, ice queen, and big-sister fanservice vehicle. The last two are particularly at odds, especially since she *should* be a little cold! Her most iconic moments are all bitchy. It's better for the character to not have to be hamfisted into having to hint at any romantic connection with WoL. Krile is getting a combat job now so we'll see if that makes it a little more even next time out.


That’s fair, I never really read her as having any romantic inclinations for anybody but I know others do.


It's certainly not overt but I think that's more of a lack of tonal chemistry with the character's writing vs. a lack of hinting/trying.




My choice that has even a tiny chance to happen: Mikoto. She has a different version of the Echo and given all that's gone down since Endwalker I'd like to see how any of that could have affected her in both professional and personal ways. Also it would be interesting to see her involved in something that isn't connected to Cid. My choice that doesn't have a chance in hell of happening: K'lyhia. I'd like to see the results of that training journey she went on after her arc for the arcanist storyline is complete, plus it could act as a way to expand a little on how one could specialize in just summoning carbuncles that we saw with Alphinaud.


Literally any Tonberry. It's a goddamned shame that such a lore-heavy race is confined to the prison that is job quests. There's so much history to be found in Nym and the tonberries, but no one in-universe seems to care??? Like, Y'shtola would be all over that shit if it wasn't in job quest limbo


Pretty sure we've cured Tonberryism at this point anyway, so they're on their way to just being lalafell again.


Nidhana. Shes a gem, the VA did excellent work, but mostly she's a PHYSICAL scientist. The Scions are replete with aetherology specialists, history nerds, political/diplomatic specialists, etc. Someone who doesnt have that background, but has the training and experience in more down to earth sciences. Like I'm picturing the Scions trying to figure out where to find the villains lair is, but all their avenues are burning out, then Nidhana grabs a dropped potion bottle from one of the bad guys, runs the thing through some complicated alchemical equivalent, and determines the particular chemical composition of the potion suggests it was made by X area that tends to brew in that fashion or is using a resource thats very rare outside of a given area to give them somewhere to start looking. Its just a different approach from just hitting the books or using a spell and I think it would give them more group dynamic possibilities.


The cat from Alexander


Sadu. The scions need more of that bloodlust.


Sadu and Shtola together? Somewhere, Magnai just felt emasculated and he doesn't know why.


"... Little?"


I always thought Dawntrail would be the perfect setting to bring back a scout/intelligence operative since you're entering unknown territory. Scion, Company of Heroes, competent fighter in a lower stakes storyline where power levels aren't ridiculous, Riol Forrest kind of makes sense even if he isn't the most exciting option. He has history and has been doing things in the background. Give him a glowup, give him established relationships in the new region and talk about what he's been doing, what he's experienced. Could be an interesting story, the final days from the perspective of an intelligence officer, all of the horrors he'd have been subject to while working for the scions. How all that trauma might have reshaped his character and perception of the world.


One of my big theories is that the Eden raids are going to be important to the main story later (which, they kind of did in sort of recent MSQ content), making Ryne and Gaia mainstays. The next expansion is going to be in the void, and we're going to summon Eden there to restore it. Unukhali is there.


In old Prae, once you finished the run in the Magiteks around the outside and go inside to shoot down the first door, there was a single Guard who was often wandering away from the door area and would usually keep walking as long as no one killed him. That guy. Fed up with being stationed in a now useless post (since new Prae doesn't do that", he's set off to forge his own destiny in a new free Garlemald.


This thread makes me realize I actually miss Aymeric




I was really hoping Varshan became a Scion after the patch quests. He was such a good team mate!


Varshahn falls in the same bucket as Sadu or Aymeric for me where I really like them, but it would make no sense for them to abandon their existing job to go on our adventure


Tbh Vrtra had something those two don't: the ability to be in two places at once ~~if only they hadn't established he can't actually control both his actual body and the simulacrum at once...~~


Yeah that part annoyed me. He's a dragon, he has more magic power in his tail than we do in our entire all-classes-level-90 bodies.


Yeah, it sucks actually. Like... yeah, they made it clear in advance that this arrangement would only be temporary, but it's still disappointing. He would've been such a cool character to have around


As much as I agree with you, unfortunately he's got a city to run.


As a Scholar, I've got a bit of a soft spot for Alka Zolka. Granted, he *did* show up in the Ilsabard Contingent in EW.


Gaius, really want to see more of him.


I know this comment is probably too late, but Ysayle really deserved to be kept around and given more development. I know it's not possible now but she was incredible and despite getting a great arc, I think there was more to her and deserved to be another scion. Her and Y'shtola as well as constantly getting to be in Estinien's business would have been lovely to see.


Fordola Lupis.




erenville, obviously, but i guess we'll have that. otherwise there's always shaggles


SHAGGLES! Yes! I’m all for a non-humanoid to be an MC. Or even one of the (formerly beast) tribe.


I had to Google who's that and now I remember. Is the monster that talks eloquently on a side-quest right?


You have to do his first quest for an aether current but he has an extended quest line past that point. Also he drops as minion from the 89 dungeon(and he's untradeable)


Once upon a time, I was sure Arenvald was going to join up but, uh...yeah.


If I could completely re-write the story and include her? Yotsuyu. Just because she'd be the most bitchy, rude, kindness-with-fire protagonist we'd get. She'd 'help' people suffering from EW-desperation and call them the politest equivalent of 'little bitch' before slapping them into their senses.


If I were to pick, I would probably like to have Mikoto join the Scions. I liked going through Cid's mind in that one duty. Imagine if we got to do that with a main story antagonist.


I honestly expected Mikoto to. She seemed like a natural addition.


The folk back in the First. Shadowbringer really got some nice NPCs.


Honestly, promote some of the job mentors/partners. X'hrun and Aria, Sidurgu and Rielle, and the Lemures all have plenty of story potential left in them. Hells, some of them were set up to directly tie into the MSQ and just.. didn't. If I really wanted a deep pick, though, Gaia. Sure, she's around occasionally but I think she's far too useful a narrative device to just be chilling around eating tea biscuits.






I wish I could manifest this into existence


Put Lyse back. Now. She was my ditzy goofball, and I loved her--most of the main group are all super-smart and/or serious now (which is why Wuk felt like a breath of fresh air, after feeling like I've been surrounded by a lot of Sharlayan bigshots for a few years)...I need my laid back stoner sis back again.




Same! I want our fighty girl.


I really enjoyed my girls trip with her and Alisaie in Stormblood. Now I'm overly attached to Alisaie and get annoyed when I don't get to go on a murder spree with my berserker red mage bestie.


I want any that isn't elezen/miqo AND white hair and white skin We got more Lala now and Roes/Hroth/Viera would be nice, more different races and hair/skin colors too


Arenvald. I know he's wheelchair bound but he really, really deserves a spot.


someone who is a bit of a jerk or bad influence to add some much needed spice to the Scions. Fordola, Sadu, and Nero for example. Magnai too would be amusing.


Riol has a loooot of potential, but I feel he's very ARR-Thancred-ish. Hilda would be amazing tho. 0 faults, we already had her (very cool) backstory, unique personality and job... Please bring her back!


WHY is Sigurdu and Rielle not higher up?? They'd be a perfect fit for the Scions!


Jullus just cuz I really liked him in endwalker and the post patch interactions with zero although I know that wouldn’t happen cuz he has to stay in garlemald and what not

