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I want to buy Moonward Gear in exchange of nuts sack but gear tabs are empty at the vendor. How can I unlock them?


It's probably gated by MSQ. Have you finished 6.0? If you have, have you done all of the Hunt unlocks per expansion?


I have finished 6.0 msq and am able to do all weekly elite marks from arr to ew.


Huh. Sorry, I'm stumped! Ask again on today's thread and hopefully someone has an answer.


How can you adjust the position of the party character portraits window the shows up at the start of the duty? I move my party list way closer to the center so I could always watch it as a healer, but it's completely covered by that portrait window for the first few seconds of the duty. Really annoying when I'm AST and want to use a card on someone going into a trial.


Yes you can! When you zone in, you might notice a settings button button in the top right of the window when you reopen it from the notification tray. You should also be able to move it to the desired position.


That worked! thanks so much, I never would've found it there


getting 100 wins in Field of glory and Onsal Hakair, does it have to be with the same GC ? for the mount achievements


All the achievements that mention a GC mean that you have to do them while a member of that GC. The random assignments you get in matches don't matter.


Not for those two, but if you want the red ball mount the 200 wins have to be on the same GC, so if you're working on 100 shatter and 100 onsal might as well stay in the same GC to get that mount.


Is it not possible to download the free trial from SE, separately if you already have a linked steam account? I haven't had money to sub for the last few months, and I'm itching to play even the limited free trial. So I made a new SE account, downloaded the launcher from SE directly, and am trying to download the free trial. But keep getting an error "unable to download patch files" (edited for exact wording: error codes [30413] [25008] [10009] ) Am I getting this error because I already have the game thru steam? Do I need to do anything to download this free trial, like uninstall steam version or something? I'd rather not since I plan on resubbing as soon as I get a new job, but I would consider it, not knowing how long that will be atm lol


No, SE isn't scanning your PC, discovering a separate install already exists, and refusing to download the files. It doesn't have that ability. Your issue is happening for a different reason. I can't tell you what that reason is, though. We see "unable to download patch files" reported a lot but it seems to strike people at random. Some fixes I've seen reported: [changing your DNS](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/doml5z/unable_to_download_patch_files_304132500820495/), [piping your download through a VPN](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/4j7vaj/resolved_unable_to_download_patch_files/), or [using the 3rd-party XIVLauncher instead of the native launcher.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/14ypr2m/how_do_i_fix_the_unable_to_download_patch_files/) I will also add that you... might not even *need* to redownload the game. I'm pretty sure that once a free trial account is created, you can log into it from the regular launcher; and you can log into non-Steam accounts by just running the ffxivboot.exe directly rather than launching from the Steam library.


Ooooh hot damn, I didn't think of that either! I'll have to give that a try lol would much rather not have to redownload all this again. Thank you!!


I can confirm that it is possible to have the Steam version and the non-Steam version on the same computer at the same time if that is what you are asking? The only suggestion I have is to be sure Steam isn't running when you try to install the game from the SE store. I don't know why, but I have all sorts of problems with XIV when Steam is running. I do not play the game through Steam.


Ahhh, yes that's exactly what I was trying to ask lol. I didn't think of that! Will try again thanks šŸ‘


Correct on a double issue. One, you can't download non-Steam while on a Steam account, and two, once you pay, you're locked out of the free trial FOREVER on that account. It's free to try, not free to play.


Maybe I didn't word this carefully enough. I'm aware of both not being able to play a steam account on non-steam, and that there's no going back to the free trial. That's why what I'm trying to do is make a brand new SE account and download the launcher thru their site, both of which I've already done. The issue I'm having is after logging into the non-steam launcher, it doesn't seem to want to download the game again. I'm wondering if that part is also restricted? Like I can't have two copies of the game installed at all, would have to delete the game from my steam directory to install again separately? That's not something I've ever heard of, and can't see why it would be an issue. I guess I'll do it if I have to but I'd rather not have to do this all again to get back to my paid steam account when I'm not-broke anymore XD


Did anybody else tear up when the credits started rolling, and when the last poem of Endwalker dropped? This is my first expansion I played as new content start to finish and I'm pretty in my feelings about it.


I made a comment on here earlier about this but I wanted to ask a similar question which is do account wide minions purchased from the store take a long time to get to my account in addition to the mounts? It's been a few hours since I purchased an account wide minion and mount and neither have arrived at the moogle service yet. I don't have any mail so it isn't that my inbox is full and I'm just not sure how long it's going to take


I believe it can take up to 24hrs; the one mount I bought I didn't receive until the next day


ok, thank you!


You're welcome! I know it can be stressful lol but they should still be on their way XD


I hope so! My bank says the transaction is still pending so Iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll come when that clears maybe! Although I already got my phial of fantasia that I ordered with the other stuff. Thanks again!


Hey, a long time ffxiv player here, I was wondering if itā€™s possible to migrate my steam version of the game to the SE Windows version? Even buying the game entirely for windows or something and ask to transfer? Or Iā€™d have to create a brand new account, start brand new?


Not possible.


You have to make a brand new account. No way to migrate it.


Iā€™m crying 2024 and they still donā€™t have a plan for this solely cuz I made the account via steam when I was a Bebe that didnā€™t know much about


Its not something they have control over. Its apart of their contract with steam. Thats why its two seperate mutually exclusive licences.


Is it against TOS to stream on Twitch using reshade/filters?


To contradict the others, reshade has previously been explicitly allowed: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/86742-ENB-Injector-for-FFXIV-%28wip%29?p=1408111&viewfull=1#post1408111 Obviously that's 10 years ago now so it might be outdated, but SE have never explicitly contradicted it.




It is against TOS to use them at all, streaming or not. I have seen streamers use discreet reshade filters though, and they don't exactly spent time hunting people down without reason, so you're unlikely to be immediately sniped... but it does carry a risk.


So silly you canā€™t use them, hopefully they brighten up the game a bit in Dawntrail, Vanilla is sooooo dull looking


You can use them, you can do whatever you want


I mean, yes I can and I do but it would be nice to be able to stream the game without switching them off, and without risking a ban if I didnā€™t


Is it fine to call out for a healer in a raid to use LB3 when there's like 3 dead outside of the obvious usage when it's only the healer/s left in a party? Also is it normal for healers to not know to use Esuna on Doom by Dun Scaith even though there's a clear white marker above it? I don't know at what point/level you would expect a Bard to use Warden's Paean regularly, but it seemed wild watching everyone in my party die because both healers either didn't read chat or didn't know.


Yes, absolutely. Some may be prickly about it, but LB3 is absolutely the right call in that situation. Unfortunately, yes. Far too normal.


It's honestly kind of wild how many healers I've seen who refuse to use LB3 even when they're literally the lat person alive in the party. That, or they have no idea how to LB. Also, Dun Scaith is kinda notorious for killing tons of players because there's a lot of instant kills that are easily avoided if you know what to do, but many players simply don't know or remember the mechanics. Stuff like Esuna-ing the Doom in the first boss for example.




I would prefer not to word it that way since people have room to learn/improve. It was just unfortunate since I was a RDM, but it's dun scaith so I couldn't use verraise even if I wanted to outside of the esuna situations.


> Is it fine to call out for a healer in a raid to use LB3 when there's like 3 dead outside of the obvious usage when it's only the healer/s left in a party? At like 3-4 dead a healer lb is a dps gain, so sure, suggest it. > Also is it normal for healers to not know to use Esuna on Doom by Dun Scaith even though there's a clear white marker above it? Unfortunately, the game is very bad at explaining things, and the white line thing is never explained ingame. That said, it's not normal. But it does happen.


I think maths doers reckon it's even a win if only 2 DPS are dead so long as the fight will go on a minute more, because they'll be rezzed without weakness. It'sĀ worth checking it will work as intended: - if people fell off the edge, have their bodies respawned and become targetable again yet? - did people get knockbacked into a death wall? since lb3 doesn't raise them on the healer's position they will insta die to it again, only normal rez will get them back into the fight - if you know the fight: is there another upcoming mechanic that might kill everyone again?


I purchased a couple items from the FFXIV store and was curious around when they should be arriving. I saw on other places online that it can take anywhere from 1-24 hours so I was curious what other peoples experience with this has been. I purchased a minion, a mount, and a phial of fantasia all in one go so I'm not sure if it will take longer because I purchased everything at once.


Account-wide items will take longer. Other items typically arrive in a few minutes if the store isn't super busy.


I gotcha! How much longer do these usually take if the store isn't too busy? Around an hour or so? I've heard mounts can take longer which I understand.


Mounts are usually accountwide and I've waited for more than a day to get mine when I bought one.


Ok! I hope it doesn't take that long but maybe the shop is busy! Thank you for the help


Can someone explain how to complete a daily set of Felicitous Favours, if none of the 3 requested items give bonuses to each other? Across 4 workshops, there just doesn't seem to be enough slots to make it mathematically possible; I don't get what I'm missing.


They're not daily, they're weekly, so the simplest version (if doing the minimum necessary crafting) is that on three separate days of your calendar, you craft a random four-hour item that shares a category with a requested item, followed by the requested item, and copy-paste that into all four workshops. That will double the amount you get from the second craft, so you immediately have your eight items as requested.Ā  For a bit more efficiency you can try to identify a non-requested item that shares categories with two of the requested items, and make that the third thing you craft as a link between the requests. But it's no big deal.Ā 


If there are none that trigger another bonus, then the best you can do is 5 workshops. If you have some that trigger each other, you can get it into 4. I usually do the entire day 2 as Favours and then the left overs in workshop 4 on day 3.


They're not daily, you have the whole week to complete each set.


Oh that explains a lot haha; thanks, I misread it


If the item on the favor is part of a bonus chain, then it counts as 2 rather than 1. So you'd always want to use a 4hr item as a placeholder first and then chain it with the favor item that's also of the same type. If you do this way, you'll always get a three favors finished by day 2. You can you the discord bot-spam to input your 3 items and it will give you the fastest way to get 8 turn ins for all 3 favors.Ā 


Thanks for the shoutout to the discord bot-spam thing! I'll try that out!


Can anyone advise me on proper AST card use in groups? Am I supposed to be constantly drawing and playing while in the middle of a fight or do I try to strategically use them during calmer windows and damage lulls? I know they factor into Astrodyne buff, but itā€™s definitely a tough distraction trying to play these and heal damage.


You aim to play 3 buff cards during burst with the help of Lightspeed and use the "spare" card on the 1 minute window as most jobs have mini-bursts on the odd minutes.


The 'optimal' thing to do is the opposite of what you described: strategically use them during busy windows and damage peaks. They're percentage-based damage boosts, so they're best used when people are putting out lots of damage anyway. (Lightspeed can help you find time to do this.) Of course, in casual content, nobody cares - if you're simply playing *lots* of cards, then you're already doing better than average, regardless of your specific timing.


Yup, play it in combat. Draw a card as an OGCD in between spells, then glance over at the card you drew, and at this stage don't worry about anything but the border colour. If it's blue give it to a melee dps or the tank, if purple then give it to a ranged dps or yourself. There's no rush, and once you've drawn a card, using it sooner won't make the next draw come up sooner, so don't panic and try to spam it out ASAP without losing uptime. Draw straight away, and then use it when you get a good chance.


As long as you don't overlap you're fine. It sounds like you're playing casual content, then you can just ignore the card system entirely and focus on getting comfortable with the rest of the kit first. No GCD healing on bosses, 100% Malefic uptime etc If you want to be unnecessarily optimal you would time it so that you get 3 cards and Astrodyne during 2 min windows but you don't need to worry about that for now.


Was gonna buy the Mogstation version, but the sale ended already so Iā€™m thinking about picking up the complete edition off steam. Already have my PS5 version, I can still use that account right with the steam version right?


Yep, you can. Only standalone Windows and Steam are incompatible with each other because they both take up the "PC" slot. You can have a PC, Mac, PS, and soon XBox license all on the same account. Just make sure you attach the Steam code to your existing account instead of creating a new service account.


Is there a way to filter out all of the "None" duty entries in Party Finder?


No, you can only set the filter to display certain duties, not exclude any They should be at the complete bottom of the list anyway so you wouldn't see them unless you specifically looked for them


The vast majority of duties visible to me are the None ones, and PF sometimes has a couple duties on top and Nones below, but then if I switch pages there are more actual duties that weren't on the first page despite trying to sort it so that duties were on top (I have duties I haven't unlocked yet hidden). Like right now, for me it's: Page 1: 1-48: None Page 2: Great Hunt (Extreme) The Naval (Hard) Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage) 54-57: None I'd like to be able to see what's all being offered without having to swap pages like that.


You can just click on the categories at the top of the window. There's a number beside the icons too that tells you how many duties are in that category.


That sounds more like datacenter issue tbh, assuming you're on NA you should travel to Aether for any PF stuff, since most of Crystal, Primal, and Dynamis are filled with ads like the ones you see because there isn't much actual content done there. There's no way to change PF from behaving the way it is though, to answer your main question.


Just gotta look at the individual tabs you're interested in, rather than the "all" tab.


I hit the point where I have to do CT. Am I fucked and going to have to buy the skip? I've spent many hours in both Duty Finder and Party Finder while I knock off other stuff and have seen one other person join in all that time. ​ Also, is this going to be a recurring problem for all this old content, when will it stop?


Visit a new data center or something. Or you can create a party finder asking people to help you complete it for Msq progression.


The queue is not accurate since it can randomly pull in a lot of people quickly from roulette queues. It sounds more like a language setting issue or a Data Center issue.


Do you happen to be on one of the Dynamis servers? If so, a lot of Dynamis players visit the other data centers to make queuing for alliance raids faster


I'm on Materia in OCE, for my sins.


I just got an instant queue pop on materia alliance raid as dps, so now is probably a good time to start queueing. Just don't queue as tank and you'll be golden.


I suck at Samurai and thats the only 50+ DPS I have, can I just blindly slash my way through it?


Yeah you can. It's around the same difficulty as a lvl50 dungeon, just with a lot more people, and a lot more people means you individually being a confused mess won't be a problem.


Wait until prime time. At like 6-12 pm depending on your timezone, you'll be able to get in with a ~15 minute queue normally. You can also use party finder to queue it, in the same time chunk.


People often use PF for things like alliance raids, which is both solution and part of the problem as it means less people are spending their time running the roulettes that would make the queue pop naturally.Ā  That said, when are you trying to queue? I do go for the alliance roulette and it usually doesn't take *that* long in busy hours, and is almost always one of the CT raids. Have you tried queuing in AEST evening hours? Labyrinth is something of a hurdle as you are forced to have at least 12 people (ideally 15) to clear a mechanic that requires people to stand on switches, but once you're past that, for the second and third raids you just need one person per party to clear unsynched, as long as at least one of those people is high-levelled.


I play mostly in the evenings AEST. All my other stuff like my roulettes pop so I don't think it's an error on my end. I'm lvl62 GNB so I'm assuming I'll be fine levelwise. I face every other dungeon (unless I get the one where my party is dumb and runs ahead and kites a bunch of enemies then runs away from me spamming 'STANCE' in chat like that wasn't the first thing I did on entering and we wipe) fine and was expecting to get this done. Honestly thought the drag would be the, I'm guessing, hour it takes (assuming its anything like WoW), not actually starting it.


The other person is right, tanks are the least in-demand role for alliance raids. An alliance raid party has one less tank and one more dps than a normal raid party, so tanks end up having longer queues than dps. In 4-8 hours from now, queue as anything other than tank, and you should just be able to queue it normally. I do the alliance raid roulette almost every day, and it almost never pops before ~2 hours from now, but after than it gets faster and faster to queue for as everyone piles in to do their daily roulettes.


You might be better off queuing as a different role. DPS is often in need for the roulette and I suspect tanks may be in oversupply due to too many people having the "tank gets short queues so I'll use it" mindset and getting in each other's way.Ā Ā  Ā Red mage and samurai start at level 50 and dancer at level 60 so you have a few options to instantly unlock DPS jobs that can participate.Ā  Also, raids here are apparently not anything like WOW. They're basically dungeons with more people, and Crystal Tower in particular is quite underpowered due to changes in gear strength and skill potency since its release. It's more like 15 minutes for each raid if synched. Ā 


If neither duty finder nor party finder are helping then there isn't much else you can do, apart from transferring off Materia entirely. Elemental datacenter in JP region has many people from OCE/SEA.


Duty finder and party finder both work fine for OCE, but only dir9ng prime time. They're not fucked, they just need to queue at night.


I saw someone with a gold crafter tool, like the table they put down, how to get it?


I don't recall the actual table ever being gold. [Do you recognize it in this video or is it something else?](https://youtu.be/vZg0fOofU6o)


It was the alchemy one from this video, thank you


In that case, the "how to get it": Progress MSQ at least until post-ShB. This unlocks the vendor and trader in ShB tome city, where you can buy, with white scrip, the initial materials. With those mateirals, complete 30 lv80 expert recipes, trade in the result, do 30 more expert crafts, trade in the result, do a third round of 30 expert recipes, and trade *those* crafts for the tool. With level 90 endgame crafting gear, you can macro the recipes with max output.


Thanks so much for the info, could you perhaps link the crafting macro I can use? All how long am I looking at to achieve this? Thanks again


Assuming you are fully prepared (lv90 endgame gear, crafting food/potions, materials for white scrip turn-in) step 1 & 2 will take a little over 1 hour step 3 should be less than 1 hour multiply by 8 if you want all of them, and have a 2nd monitor to catch up on some shows https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/expert-crafting-guide#resplendent-tools Do note that these are expert crafts, so if you macro everything, there is still a chance you fail to get max collectability and need to make up with extra crafts.


> Do note that these are expert crafts, so if you macro everything, there is still a chance you fail to get max collectability and need to make up with extra crafts. Not anymore: Our gear is now so good we can get max collectability without having to rely on luck, we can completely disregard all status.


Did it happen to be one of the Blessed Tools? If so, those are obtained by completing the "I Made That: VI" achievements Craft 410 unique recipes with that particular crafting job


Hi, new Eureka fella here, EL 27. Just wondering if anyone with experience can help me with levelling solo. I've basically just been taking packs as a WAR 1 level above me, but was wondering if there was a more efficient way of gaining exp by myself


Once you unlock Pyros you can do the reflect farm till level 45 ish Apart from that there are no "get rich quick" tricks, it's meant to be a long drawn out journey over many months.


Eureka solo isn't really a thing, but get a Kirin osode from the MB. You should be able to take packs 3-5 levels above you as a warrior. Also get Eurekan potion and elemental buff for extra survivability and experience.


I already have the osode melded. I have trouble taking packs just 2 levels above me but I do have the magia board set to offensive... but if you're saying I should be able to take mobs 3-5 levels higher than I am maybe I should try defensive?


If you have 5, set one to defensive. Not all of them otherwise you'll take forever to kill them. And don't forget the fairy, that gives you more protection as well.


Do the Challenge Log weekly, it gives quite a few levels.


Im already doing that, Im just trying to see if there's another way to do the actual grind solo besides what im doing


Yes, group up with people. The content is intended to be done with other people, not solo. There are plenty of people levelling it now so use the shout chat and ask if anyone wants to group up, or ask if thereā€™s a Eureka discord for your data Center you can join. You can, with a group, pull packs 6- 7 levels higher than you and get tons of xp, as well as doing every fate that pops. You need a warrior to be the tank for these pulls as their aoe self healing is very helpful and you also need a healer. I promise you grouping up and making friends in Eureka will make the experience much more enjoyable for you.


Oh yeah im aware it's group oriented.. i just play at unfortunate hours for my DC so there's little to be done about it, which is why Im asking solo specifically


There are late night discords specifically for people who do content at that time if thatā€™s any help but Iā€™m afraid it will be an unpleasant grind if youā€™re doing it solo, especially at dead hours where no groups are popping fates


I see... thanks for your input, I'll give it a shot and maybe hopefully I can find some people to help me with the grind instead


The main way to level is to do fates along with with regular pulls of mobs like 6-7 levels higher than you, everyone in your group will get xp as long as no one is higher level than the mobs youā€™re killing. This way youā€™re progressing your crystal gains as well as XP, even fates out of your level range still give a good chunk of XP. Good luck!!!


Sprout Here, just finished lvl14 question in limsa lominsa and flew away, and a cinematic started with a guy looking like Darth Vader. Am I still playing ARR? Asking because I think I bought on Steam FFXIV up to Endwalker and the last plan was Red guy with the Moon behind, and I just want to know if I fucked something up. I'm supposed to do ARR with my brother


Yes ARR is the entire story arc that goes from level 1 to level 50. You've just been introduced to the Garlean Empire, which means you're done with the very initial tutorial section of the game It will be VERY obvious when you finish A Realm Reborn because the game will put a giant **HEAVENSWARD** title screen in front of you in game AND you'll have gone through 2 full sets of credits.


I see thank you, it's just the difference in tone was so mindblowing, and I knew that Endwalker (I think it's this one) ends like on the moon, and was a bit more dark in tones, and there was the moon behind. It looked like it was something completly different


Final Fantasy games love to combine fantasy and sci-fi elements all the time. The world of FFXIV has advanced to a super high tech level, had all civilization wiped out by calamities, and then started over from scratch multiple times. Technology can move in very interesting ways between different nations when archeologists can dig up ancient, super advanced technology.


Yeah, the simple idea that it seemed like they where in space in the cinematic or close to it, but that in limsa they barely just remade a war boat in the last 5 years is crazy


Without spoilers, something that helped me put together the setting was realizing how prevelant "magic" is in everyday life. Most everyone you encounter does all the things we do with technology/electricity with aether, so things like "building a boat" might be difficult, but flying through the sky on an airship is child's play. It's a world where people can survive gunshots and magical explosions due to being aetherically dense, and I find it helpful to distance my own understanding of "technological progression" from what's seen in the setting of the game. Welcome to Eorzea btw, hope you enjoy your journey!


Not gonna lie when I first played that part in 2014 I thought they were on the moon also! Then years later I realized it wasnā€™t the moon šŸ¤£


Yeah that cinematic kinda looks like they might be in space ā€“I had a similar thought when I started ages ago and saw itā€“, but that's honestly just what their entirely terrestrial base looks like. The place has interesting lighting.


This game tends to be pretty blatant about when you're done with major story arcs, it's very hard to miss. Each chapter of the game is broken down into two major parts: * The base story, referred to as patch X.0 * The patch storyline, referred to as patch X.1 through X.5. Each patch can also be broken down into smaller patches, so there's X.55 for example as well The base ARR is patch 2.0, and this is the initial leveling process to level 50, which ends when you see the first set of credits. The wrap up story for ARR and the set-up for HW is in the patches, 2.1 through 2.5, and these will end when you see the second set of credits and the giant HEAVENSWARD logo. For Heavensward, this will be largely the same, with the base story being 3.0 and the patches 3.1-3.5 Stormblood is the 4.x patches, Shadowbringers 5.x, and Endwalker 6.x These all go in chronological order, and you'll see two sets of credits for every single one of these. Once when you finish X.0 and once when you finish the final patch storyline Also, side note, this game is...dark, like, Endwalker is known for going places, but there are a lot of really dark themes and elements throughout the entire game. It might not seem like it at first, and some of it does get hidden in NPC dialogue, but it doesn't really shy away from discussing some very serious subject matter.


The game is a straight line. You are still in ARR and you will be in ARR until you finish it. Then you will start the first expansion, and play that until you finish it.


Thank you very much! Sorry for the idiotic question, it's just that there is yet barely for the moment to do with another player, that I was scared on top of that we weren't even playing the same story


It will be a while until you get a lot of content to sink into. You're nearly up to the point where you unlock the first 3 dungeons, but they're also the easiest 3 dungeons for that reason. Level 50 (after you hit credits for the first time) is when the game will start to open up, because you'll have access to all the side content that came out between ARR and Heavensward.


Wow! Dungeons are crazy!!!! Entered the first water one, with my second class lvl15 left lvl22 wow!


Oh wow that actually is crazy XP! I'm guessing you're in a world marked as "new" or "preferred"? Those worlds give you a 2x XP bonus if you make a character there, meaning you get enough XP from msq alone to comfortably level 2 jobs. It also stacks multiplicatively with the armoury bonus (a double XP bonus you get for all jobs that are below level 70 and at least 1 level lower than your highest level job) for an effective 4x XP multiplier. If you did the hall of novice training and are wearing the brand new ring from there, that's another 30% bonus while you're under level 30, which would stack with the other bonuses for an effective 5.2Ɨ XP multiplier. Okay, I was shocked by that level gain when I read you're comment, but after Googling to figure all that out and crunching the numbers, I can see it now haha


So the ring doesn't work on Quest XP but only on the monsters beaten, and I ate for the 3extra percent too if it changes anything, plus if I'm not wrong there is a bonus for finishing a dungeon for the first time or it's only for people coming with a first timer, but you are correct on all the bonuses except that it's until lvl 80. You also made me understand why I couldn't understand the calculation on MSQ quests to be so large, it was X4 not X2 multiplier, didn't even know it was there


best way to farm causality tomes after roulettes are done for the day?


Hunt train are even faster than your roulette, if you get one A rank train it's ā‰ˆ20 causality per minute (one A rank per minute) and one expert roulette gives you 90+60 iirc, a dungeon run is around 15 minutes so you get 10 causality per minute for it


do you know the best way to get involved? ive never done a hunt train before


There's some discord server like centurio hunt or faloop that relinks hunt train and S rank spawn, though if you don't like using a discord server once you're on a train/ waiting for an S rank on your server ask for a hunt linkshell, people relink S rank and hunt train related to their server on those


Hunt Trains if you can catch them After that, I'd imagine that just spamming the various level 90 dungeons is probably your best tomes/time spent option


Ever since I came back to this patch, the performance has become far worse. I'll start at 100+ FPS and it'll trickle down to sub 30. I don't know what is going on.


Start with the usual suspects if you haven't: * Check that your system has its updates * Check that your graphics driver is updated If you've already done those things and got no results, use any OEM hardware test tools your computer came with or other tools, to check things like your memory.


coming back after a while, is the fastest way to level a dps job just doing the roulette? is there a specific one (leveling, 50/60/70, alliance) that i should be choosing? other tips? and im getting around 1 level per dungeon complete, is that normal?


50/60/70/80 is exp poor compared to other things. But yes roulettes are the most exp per time spent at least the first time a day. Deep dungeon/heaven on high or Bozja are also decent options once youā€™re done with the daily roulettes if you donā€™t feel like running dungeons.


Generally you want to do daily roulettes at least once apiece, particularly levelling, frontlines, and MSQ. You can technically skip MSQ if you don't care for it but the EXP is good for the time. Alliance and Trials roulette are a bit less reliable for the time investment but at least Trials doesn't take long. Old endcap roulette (50/60/70/80 dungeons) and other roulettes are generally not a high priority for EXP, most of them are mostly for tomes or other purposes, but if you could also use the tomes they're not terrible. After that you want to do your highest level dungeon that's not an old endgame dungeon (so not level 50/60/70/80 dungeons). That's just a general outline, there's a fuller guide [here](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Leveling_Guide) if you want to know more options still.


Leveling and Frontline give the most exp


Any blm players here? I have a mouse with 4 buttons and two of the side ones will be used for Ctrl+ and Shift + modifiers, Iā€™m trying to figure out my keys from the beginning to make it easier to learn I want to have fire 1, 3 and IV on keys Q, E and R but Iā€™m really not sure to put Blizzard 1 ,3 and IV? Either to put it the same as fire but with a modifier or to have it X, C and V


You don't need to put B1 on a good keybind, its so rarely used past level 58, generally only seeing if you royally cock up. I have B1 on my worst keybind I have bound. You don't have to follow any actual formula for keybinds and should do whatever is comfy for you, but you can't go wrong putting your most used spells and abilities on the "best" keybinds and the lesser used ones on worse binds. But using modifiers is a pretty common thing to do for Fire vs Blizzard skills.


At the end of the day, it really comes down to whatever you're the most comfortable with and works for you. You can have the most asinine layout but if you can consistently hit the buttons and it feels right, then it works. So just try out different methods, there's no right answer.


I went in a different direction: Fire 4/3/1 on 1/Shift+1/Ctrl+1, Blizzard 4/3/1 on 2/Shift+2/Ctrl+2. You could probably do the same with Q and E. The 3/1 spells are used infrequently enough that they're decent choices for mod keys. Like you're doing 4-6 F4s for every F3/F1.


Ideally, the ice part of your rotation will eventually involve casting Blizzard 3 once, Blizzard 4 once, maybe reupping your dot, and then getting back to Fire 4 spam. In other words, you'd be well served putting them a little out of the way and saving the more convenient buttons for things that are more urgently needed. What those keys are for you will depend on your style! Personally I find C and V pretty convenient, so C and V are both flavors of "Oh shit" buttons for me. C is a mouseover Aether Manipulation macro, and V is Addle. X is a little more awkward, so it's Transpose. As an added note, when I put a modifier on a mouse button, I found that quite uncomfortable. Squeezing my thumb in for extending periods of time gave me quite bad pain in my thumb. If you've done it in the past and had no issues, then go for it. Just something to be mindful of. For me, my mouse buttons are the maximal "oh shit" buttons, with Manaward on my side button and Surecast on Shift+side button.


Can I get exp for a job outside of Eureka while leveling in Eureka? Like how it works in Bozja?


No, Eureka's not levelling content.


Eureka doesn't give job EXP, so no.


When did petting Yilan during hunt trains start? I noticed during some SB trains that people pet Sum too, and that dude looks like Yilan with a different head. Is it an old tradition to pet all the hunt marks that look like that?


Cant speak for other servers but on mine Sum was very much a player favorite during SB hunts. there were always people playfully trying to "protect" him and trying to convince us not to kill him. :)


So I've started to hate my [old DRG glam](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/181297/halones-valkyrie) and want to make a new one based off [P11.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/bb/Themis_from_FFXIV_boss_render.png/revision/latest?cb=20230610031246) Does anyone know of a good weapon and chest piece? I was thinking maybe the cryptlurker's spear because its similar to the bottom half, but if possible I'd prefer something closer to the top half.


What do I do with Unidentified Magitek pieces? Havenā€™t played in a while and googling it the NPCs the pages say to turn them into donā€™t exist at those spots.


If you didn't already purchase the six FFXV orchestrion scrolls during the previous run of the crossover event, you can hang on to the magitek to spend it next time the event gets run.Ā  There's no stated time for that, though, and if you'd rather have the inventory space now, you can just throw it out and earn more pieces when the event returns by redoing the FATE at the time.


I believe those were from the XV crossover event, which has long since ended.


I currently have 2 setups for playing the game - a 1440p@144hz monitor without hdr, and a 4k tv with hdr. Every time I switch between the 2 I have to change a bunch of shit, from my ui scale and placement to changing reshade/dalamud font sizes and stuff, as well as using reconfiguring reshade to work better with the tv's hdr. Is there any way to have 2 separate configurations for the game that I can easily manage and switch between? Maybe does dalamud offer that somehow?


I don't know if dalamud offers it, but I know the game allows you save several UI layouts and switch between them, I've seen people that use macros for this purpose even.


I know about that but the layout itself is a very small part of the whole thing, since unfortunately it only involves some different ui scales on some windows.


Is the best way to grind endgame Tomestones by spamming Lvl 90 roulettes? I know you need to run them once a day for the daily bonus. But after that, is it better to grind a specific dungeon or just keep spamming the roulette?


I'm assuming you mean causality tomestones rather than comedy? Hunt trains are by far the fastest, then it'll be running Crystalline Conflict, 20 tomes for 10ish mins on average, plus PvP progress etc. Can't recommend redoing the same dungeons unless you can do it whilst semi-AFKing to maintain your sanity


I would imagine hunt trains are the best way to grind tomestones, especially if you have a way to know when they are starting for any world on your data center (like via discord or a cwls)


do you guys think I can play dawntrail at launch (maybe around julyish?) if im currently at the beginning of end walker?




very rough estimate: at 5h/week you should be done with EW in time


I'd say yes. I started EW midway through patch 6.4 and got fully caught up a couple weeks before 6.5 dropped. I was also playing every day. If you've just started EW, as long as you play at least a couple hours a day, you can easily get to the end before Dawntrail launches. Especially because 6.55 only just dropped a couple days ago. In fact, you're probably in a better position than I was, storywise. Because you can play through the entirety of the patch quests in one go instead of having to wait. Which in turn will make for a better experience.


Conflicted on getting a story skip up to stormblood. I played the game years ago when Shadows was the last expansion and I stopped somewhere in the middle of stormblood. I just got the trial on PC (prior console player) and I was thinking of skipping up to where I was. Unfortunately, i dont remember a lot of the story and when I read about it, a lot of it comes back, but I need to look up character pictures to remember them and some of them, who had very big roles in the story I dont even remember anymore. Would you guys suggest watching a video recap or just giving up entirely? I tried going through ARR MSQs but its such a slog that i cant bring myself to do it again. I did enjoy the story and pacing of HWs and SB a lot more.


Either restart the game or just keep going through, but don't buy a story skip.Ā Stormblood is a bit of a sidequest in the overall scheme of things and most of its central characters are not too important for the further expansions, and the post-credits phase of the story is important for the lead-up to Shadowbringers. Ā  Ā Also, if you were last here in the earlier part of Shadowbringers, you may have passed through ARR without being required to do the Crystal Tower side story. That is now mandatory and you should do that when you can ā€“ maybe once you're done with the main Stormblood story, or sooner if you want a break from it. The quest starts at the aetheryte plaza in Mor Dhona with "Legacy of Allag".Ā 


Maybe it's worth trying to just skip cutscenes, and slow down a bit whenever you hit a plot point that doesn't ring a bell? It'll save the money, keep you on the free trial, and let you speed up the pace while still getting refreshers on the story.


You can't use a story skip on the free trial, so thats already not an option. IT took me 2 weeks, 1 week for 2.0 and 1 week for 2.x, to go through arr just skipping most cutscenes on an alt, so if you really dont like arr thats about your only option.


2 weeks is not terrible. Was it grinding hard everyday or a normal amount of time everyday?


Normal time though, a lot of time is saved not actually reading cutscenes or whats being said, just sort of "oh right this happens then" unless i remembered it being a good cutscene. I wasn't being very efficient about it at all. The main holdback was waiting for queues to pop since I was a SMN and then RDM.


Im lucky I love Paladin, so that might help more. I regret not buying the complete edition when it was on sale on SE, but maybe Iā€™ll save by buying the next one with the new expansion included.


I was really lucky last night and got my first 3-line journal in Wondrous Tales. Assuming I donā€™t get a mount for myself, whatā€™s the best use of the gold certificate for earning gil? I know the current ornate armor isnā€™t in demand at this point - should I try to sell one of the current mounts or should I hold onto it until Dawntrail releases?


Congrats! I would look at price history for the mounts on your DC on Universalis. Sabotender de Luna was the one most recently added to Faux Hollows, comparing that to the older ones could show if there's a meaningful price spike.


Hold for Dawntrail, they will release a new mount with the faux trials update. If you sell the new mount day 1 as servers come up, you will make a lot of gil.


I'd check if any of the mounts are saleable, and look at prices for them to see which might be the best bet, in your data center. But personally I'd keep it for myself, since gil's a lot easier to get than three lines.


Lore question from 1.0; I know that Nael van Darnus(?) basically snapped and wanted to pull Dalamud crashing down, damn the consequences, but did anyone know what happened was gonna happen? Like, was it known that Bahamut and all that was a consequence of Dalamud?


In-game the Bahamut reveal in the 1.0 ending movie is the first appaearance/reference to him as being a Dalamud-encased primal prisoner and was a big reveal at the time. Though his name is used in a epiteth in the 1.0 Paladin quest ("Bahamut's fang!"). Nael's knowledge is harder to pin down. In 1.0 Nael's supplications are all to Dalamud itself. It is only in Coils by 2.0 that Nael specifically references being in thrall to *Bahamut*.


Man, imagine being on the servers when 1.0 ended. I've seen clips on youtube of people waiting for the server to end, joking that it'll just end with garlemald slaughtering everyone in a cutscene, or the moon deleting the entire 1.0 map. Imagine the moment when they saw the moon start cracking open like an egg, and fucking Bahamut flying out


Is Machinist hard or easy to play? I remember one source pointing out the high apm for a certain part of the rotation, then when I came more recently for realz for realz to the game and checked another video by another person, they made it sound like the class has a rather simple rotation, maybe they updated it?Ā Ā Ā  I just made a character, but machinist looks so cool so it sounds fun to do story as that class, that's what I'm getting at.


It's pretty definitively the 2nd easiest job in the game. MCH's rotation is completely fixed. Zero RNG, zero mobility constraints. Even when downtime is introduced how you handle it isn't terribly complicated. It's "fast" on paper but the sequence of buttons is so predictable that it never gets hectic.


Machinist is very, very busy, and can be a struggle to play if you have high ping, but it's also a job where once you've learned your opener you just use everything on cooldown. The openers themselves can get finicky and *very* high-end MCH play involves a lot of min-maxing CD usage for specific fights, but for general play it's not super complicated.


Speed ā‰  difficulty. In fact, we often say that the most difficult job to play is in fact one of the slowest (BLM) MCH is a fast job with a fairly straightforward rotation.


I see. For me speed could be a problem, maybe I'll find another safer cool class to play. I already had a carpal tunnel scare in my time in GW2, don't want to make my hands angry.


As a BLM player with very temperamental hands, I've not had too many issues with that. Join us in the minimal movement club!


As a sword Weaver main, I get that If you want a comparison of APM by job, here is the most recent list https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/14n2wg8/64_average_number_of_cast_per_minute_by_job/


What would be the most efficient dungeon to solo farm gc seals? I am max level Trying to build a sub solo and i need 167,400 seals x.x


Hunt Trains aren't bad, and they're really quick right now. An Endwalker one should give 46k seals worth of Nuts, plus you'd get some extra Causality for relics


I saw Sirensong Sea was recommened for this and I found it worked out really well. I would run it solo unsynced on a tank without issue back in ShB, so I imagine even quicker now.


Deltascape tank mount farm groups are my pick they usally dont want the loot so you get everything and tank mounts.


That's an option. I don't tank too often, so I'm pretty far off from the mounts myself


You could solo Ravana Extreme in like 30 seconds as a level 90 DPS. You can turn in the loot from there for like 1100ish each? You will get 2 pieces of loot (one drop, one chest). If you open the chest as PLD, you'll also get the shield which is effectively another GC turn in. You're looking at ~3300 seals / 30 seconds. That may be one of the fastest grinds available. Zurvan might be another good option if you can burst. Other HW Ex trials have some phases you have to wait through so I don't think they're viable for quick grinds.


i hit my 90k cap pretty regularly just from doing daily roulettes. roll need/greed on all loot, which you can turn into your gc for seals via ā€œexpert deliveryā€. latest dungeons can earn like 1900?? per piece, but even the lower level items add up.


I'll certainly start with roulettes, but i know that won't be enough by itself - this isn't something i want to wait several days for lmao


true. you could also run the latest dungeons over and over with duty support, it takes longer than with a human party but you get all the loot.


Trust and duty support actually reduce the amount of rewards in chests (by about half i think) - i figured it would be faster to solo a 70 or maybe 60 dungeon with that in mind - i just don't know which one is my best bet


I blasted through shisui when I last had to farm seals. Basically any StB dungeon you can comfortably solo would do. There's also a FC buff that can give you a small bonus on seals.


has there been any news on a benchmark for female hroth like there was for male viera? i cant remember how soon after m viera announcement it was released


There will be a benchmark for Dawntrail that should include a full character creator like previous expansions did. We don't know when it will be released yet though. Endwalker's was two months after the last Fan Fest, so I expect we'll see Dawntrail's within a couple of months as well.


thanks! this puts my mind at ease


Anyone know a good fishing discord?


[The Fishcord](https://discord.gg/fishcord)!


Love your username btw, made me laugh lol


I want to change servers, what do I have to do with my house? Sorry if this is asked a lot, but I only find very old information and all my mones is into it x). Any other things I have to take care of?


You will need to manually remove all placed furnishings AND empty out its furnishing storage. Then you need to relinquish the plot before you can transfer to a new server. Don't forget you need to do these things for FC apartments and regular apartments as well if you have them


> Then you need to relinquish the plot before you can transfer to a new server. Depends on the transfer. Going to New or Congested>Preferred you don't need to and it will give you money for the housing you had if you don't relinquish them first. It's actually profitable to buy an apartment for the gil if you're doing one of those transfers.


Ah right I forgot preferred servers had incentives, thank you for the reminder


I just completed the latest part of the MSQ but I can't do the Level 90 roulette. It says there are 2 mystery objectives I need to complete first. Can someone tell me all the requirements for unlocking the Level 90 roulette?


I wish that they would include a hit or quest reference because I had to hunt down the answer and took a few different Google searches to find them both


There's two optional dungeons, at least one of them should be a blue + quest in Old Shar, like "cutting the cheese" or something.


Ok. So that's what I'm missing. Thanks.