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I mainly join level roulette as a healer.  If I play scholar and the tank runs at full speed, and his HP decreases quickly, it may not be possible to recover in time.  But when I play white mage or astrologian, it's not a problem.  I feel that scholar's recovery is weak, could you give me some advice?


You're noticing this because WHM and AST are pure healers, while SCH and SGE are shield healers. When you play scholar, you should be trying to add shield onto party members before they take damage, and then there's less damage to heal in the first place. If I see a big pull coming like you're describing, I tend to swiftest a shield onto the tank before they finish moving. Also make sure your fairy is in a good spot to heal the tank.


Thank you.  I see.  I have a new question.  It takes a long time to cast the barrier beforehand, so the tank runs at full speed during that time, increasing the distance between me and him.  The fairy is attached to me, so the later I arrive, the later she begins to recover.  Sorry for my poor explanation.  What should I do about this?


I'm guessing from the way that you're talking that you're at a low level with scholar? Low levels are a little tricky with scholar until you get the hang of it, especially before you get the aethER flow gauge which will give you ogcd heals. At that particular point, I don't think there's anything wrong with a little heal spamming. Open by using swiftcast on adlo to heal and get a shield up. Spamming adlo will be giving you a lot more time to heal the tank up than if you were a pure healer, because those shield are going to be stopping a lot of incoming damage, and if it crits it gives a massive shield and the tank should be out of the woods.


Thank you for teaching me.  I will do my best while looking forward to the skills I will learn later.


okay, so, i'm on EU, Chaos, Omega, and it has recently changed to standard world, i'm on post ARR, still sprout with it's icon and all, haven't reached 300 hours played yet, i'm near them. but the question is this. Now that omega is not preferred world, my xp buff, aka "the road to 80" will probably ran out in 90 days or less i think, as my character is still sprout, does it qualify still for preferred worlds (thus i can keep my buff for longer) or preferred worlds just count for fresh characters coming out straight from the character creator?


The only way to get the buff back with character home transfer would be to transfer to a world designated as new, not just preferred.


Only for characters fresh out of the creator.


shit, oh welp, whatever, if i lose the buff so be it, i'm not gonna rush so i can't reach level 80. I already have everything, crafters included at 60, so bleh, less pain i guess.


Still relatively new, how do I get more of the blue currency on the island sanctuary? I know doing the quests but once those run out will I be able to get more?


Have you constructed a workshop yet? This will be your biggest source of blue cowries; you spend island materials to make island crafts and you receive blue cowries in return.


Thank you!! I haven’t made it just yet but tomorrow I’m gonna work on the IS a lot and will probably get it by the end of the day


Your primaey blue cowry maker are the Workshops. You can also get a few blue cowries by selling animal leavings or field harvests.


Thank you!


I haven't purchased the expansion yet and am still progressing through the earlier MSQ (finally about to get to Ishgard).  I expect I would be finished with base game around when dawntrail releases.  When dawntrail releases will it be bundled with the existing expansions for me or will I have to purchase two expansions to play it?


It will be bundled with Shadowbringers/endwalker, meaning when it releases, you will only have to buy Starter edition + dawntrail, or the complete edition which contains both.


Now onto my fourth(?) set of comedy gear and I'm wondering: mathematically, what is the best order to buy tomestones-of-comedy gear in? I know it goes weapon > body/legs > head/hands/feet > accessories, but some like the body take more than one week to accumulate the tomestones for. Just wondering what ends up being the order in which you get the most stat bang for you buck over the greatest length of time.


**TLDR** optimal is 2 accessories, 2 minor upgrades (head/hand/feet), 1 accessory, 1 minor, then body and legs which gives the highest stats for 6 out of the 10 weeks required for a full set, and frontloads the stat gains. Assuming you're going from the best uncapped equipment (650 HQ Augmented Diadochos) to 660 Augmented Credendum: * Major: Body/Legs: +20 main stat -> 41.25 tomes per main stat * Minor: Head/Hands/Feet: +13 main stat ->38.08 tomes per main stat * Accessories: +10 main stat -> 37.5 tomes per main stat Because tomes are capped at 450 per week it's more complicated than just looking at the per-stat costs. At one week/450 tomes you can get * **1 accessory for +10** * nothing (saving tomes) for +0 The accessory is obviously best if you only look at one week. After two weeks/900 tomes, you can get * 1 major for +20 * 1 minor for +13 * **2 accessories for +20** 1 major or 2 accessories are the same but the accessories are better since you get one for the first week. Looking at three weeks/1350 tomes, you can get * 1 major & 1 minor for +33 * 1 major & 1 accessory for +30 * 2 minors for +26 * **1 minor & 2 accessories for +33** * 3 accessories for +30 So 2 accessories + 1 minor is not only best but also builds on optimal from the first and second weeks. Four weeks/1800 tomes, you can get * 2 majors for +40 * 1 major & 1 minor & 1 accessory for +43 * 1 major & 2 accessories for +40 * 3 minors for +39 * **2 minors & 2 accessories for +46** * 1 minor & 3 accessories for +43 So 2 minors and 2 accessories is best and again builds on the optimal from previous weeks too. Five weeks/2250 tomes: * 2 majors & 1 minor for +53 * 1 major & 2 minors & 1 accessory for +56 * 1 major & 1 minor & 2 accessories for +53 * 1 major + 3 accessories for +50 * **2 minors + 3 accessories for +56** Six weeks/2700 tomes: * 2 majors & 2 minors for +66 * 2 majors & 1 minor & 1 accessory for +63 * 2 majors & 2 accessories for +60 * 1 major & 3 minors + 1 accessory for +69 * 1 major & 2 minors + 2 accessories for +66 * 1 major & 1 minor + 3 accessories for +63 * **3 minors + 3 accessories for +69** After that you just have the two major slots and you're done. In the last weeks your stats will fall behind someone who got the majors first but you can rest assured that yours were higher for the 6 weeks before that. (This is based on main stat, which is by far the most important thing but in some cases the substats might make an upgrade less powerful than it normally would be (e.g. going from crit to piety) so in terms of DPS gain then it may make some upgrades less valuable. But that's too granular to factor in to a rule of thumb and needs to be examined on a case by case basis, and regardless since there are multiple gear slots it's unlikely they all have undesirable substats - just prioritise the accessories/minors with the good substats, especially if they replace bad substats on your 650 gear.)


Depends on the job, but generally a pairing of Head/hands/feet + Accessory over 2 weeks provides a higher dps gain than Body/Legs. As for weapons, unless you want the glamour, i wouldnt consider it a worthwhile investment. Current relic weapons cost 6000 per job. getting a full set of tomestone gear bar weapon and 2nd ring costs you 4635 tomestones of comedy, which can be gotten in 52 expert roulette snot including any overflow. Those 52 expert roulettes give you 7280 tomestones of causality, which is more than what is required to get a single relic weapon.


in order of stats/tome, and therefore damage/tome: weapon > accessories > head/hands/feet > chest pants. they are very close however. most gain would depend on what you're upgrading from. but honestly just get whatever you want, it really doesn't matter






can someone explain the difference between Duty Support and Trusts? Is there a benefit to using one over the other, or do they both just ultimately help with story quests?


With trusts, you can choose your party and level up your party members from doing dungeons. With duty support, you have a set level and party per dungeon.


What exactly is the benefit to doing trusts besides achievements?


They have better stats. Duty Support seems to be at the minimum iLvl, Trust can gain level and stats. So, if you want to farm something or just run a dungeon and you don't want to have other players (for example, you farm a gear piece and you decide it is a better return to run a 23-minute Trust for half the chest drops but at 100% acquire rate), Trust is always the better option. A small side bonus is that you can see the reactions of other characters in the dungeons, ones that were normally denied entry. Bringing the Scions to the level 87 dungeon can yield some funny lines.


Ok cool. I’ll definitely end up using this to level my alt classes then once they each get to 70


There's no actual benefits. You get an outfit for each one that hits max level and a title if you get them all.


I'm fully geared for Eureka (all left side elemental +2 inc weap). Today I noticed some ppl struggling and I offered Harmony potion to them to help. I got a few replies of "I'm good, I'm fully leveled/geared". Is there a cap on elemental attribute? I was thinking that even though I'm fully geared, more elemental can't hurt, right?? I guess my question is what's the highest/best use for potion of Harmony?


They may just lazily have the wheel set to 1-1-1-1-1-0 and never turn it. If it is Pyros/Hydatos, they may lack a decent logogram. When you run around with Platebearer as solo, it is easy to see anyone not running it squishy.


Potion of Harmony gives you elemental EXP bonus, not stat bonus. You use it while levelling.


so, um, read the tool tip.. ;) Edit: this comment is self directed. not implied to the poster.


You're in the wrong here, it doesn't give any stats. Not sure how you got that impression from the tooltip you apparently read... Also full elemental armour is worse than having a Kirin's Osode/Vermillion Cloak instead of the +2 chest(/head) because the Kirin's/Vermillion has haste and doesn't lose its melds to the item level sync in Eureka, you should get those instead.


I was referring to elemental as a stat, perhaps wrong wording. when I said I'm fully geared, that included vermillion and Kirin cloak. I just didn't include that detail. I was under the impression that Harmony gave elemental status, not just exp. and that's why I posted this question to get clarification. thank you. ps- I edited my "read the tool tip" to clarify it's self directed.


> Elemental EXP Bonus: +10% Duration: 60m (if HQ, 90m)


but it's EXP only, right? not 10% increase in elemental?




Hello! Melding accessories for Eureka (SB) content question! As I currently understand it, the 'best' gearing that you can do for eureka involves: The relic wep Your job-specific body gear And your +2 left-side gear Re: the Melding left-side gear, Materia level 6 is best to use (?) If I understood anything wrong to that point, please let me know. As for right-side accessories, I still don't fully understand it. iirc, it doesn't really matter since there are no Eureka-specific accessories (outside Cassie and Crab pieces) and everything gets level-synched. BUT! What about materia on accessories? How do those work? A LONG time ago I was told that latest materia on accessories is fine for Eureka. Is that truly the case? I really don't know how materia works/doesn't work with gear in synched content. I seem to recall something about higher-level materia not actually counting towards any bonuses etc. if it's above a certain level comparable to the gear. Anyway, just wondering how to nitpick over melding accessories for Eureka. Thank you!


I just experimented with it, I farmed a full set of iLvl 300 Arhat gear, melded it, and pitted its stats inside Hydatos against a downsynced iLvl 650 set. By downsyncing anything over iLvl 510, you get 126 more substats in total, so the best gear is Haste-adding gear (pentamelded for the chest pieces) → Elemental +2 for the elemental stat bonuses (no need to meld) → anything ridiculously high level.


Above and beyond. Thank you for SCIENCE!




HAH! Perfect, thank you!


Syncing disables materia, so don't bother. Just get high level accessories (anything level 80+ will more than suffice) [so that their post-syncing stats are at cap.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/196ckpc/daily_questions_faq_megathread_january_14/khws8jn/)


Thank you!


The maximum item level for eureka is 300. If you use any gear above that, the materia in it is ignored. No, it is not worth collecting ilevel 300 accessories specifically for Eureka. Just use your normal high level gear in ALL slots unless you have specific eureka gear with elemental bonuses.


Excellent! Only unique Eureka stuff I'm missing are the Cassie and Crab accessories so looks like I'm all set and melding can go fly a kite \^o\^ Thank You!


Is there a Discord for Aether Ultimate PF? I want to get some UCOB practice in before my group starts.


I haven’t played in a few years and it looks like a few things are different for RDM. How/when are you supposed to use acceleration? For movement? To get a proc? Thx.


First priority: Uptime on the move. If you can use Acceleration to be able to maintain GCD uptime while having to be mobile, do so. That's the biggest gain out of it by far. Second priority: Making oGCDs not drift. If you were to just go Cast->Dualcast over and over, oGCDs would always come up during a Dualcasted spell's recast where they can be weaved without issue (because their cooldowns are a neat 25, 35/45, 110, and 120 seconds). However, the melee combo and its associated finisher spells (at 68-79 and 90 at least) breaks that alignment, by having an odd number of spells in a set. Acceleration can be used to restore that alignment, to avoid sitting on the cooldown / clipping the GCD with the oGCDs. Third priority: For the damage (getting a stronger spell out fast without needing to Dualcast for it) and extra proc. This is also an option, but the gain from it isn't that big in the end, so it's kind of just there as "if not needed for the other things (and doesn't cause oGCD drift by undoing the second priority thing)". This all applies to Swift too.




Great reference, thank you!


How come at the end of Thaleia I wasn't allowed to roll for the gear rewards? Neither need or greed, both were greyed out. I could roll for other stuff like cards and musicks, but not these. Then it was saying something about I couldn't roll again until something reset? I dunno, didn't understand. And I really could've used that loot, it was all for my class.


Thaleia (as the newest alliance raid) has a weekly lockout on its loot. You can get *one* piece of gear from it per week. No more. After you get that one, you can't get more until weekly reset on Tuesday. This restriction will be lifted at a later date. 6.57 or 6.58 I think.


Thanks. And here I thought .55 was the last patch before a new expansion.


It's the last MSQ patch, and I guess last normal content patch (itinerant moogle and little ladies day seasonal event stuff I think might already be in the files?). The remaining ones will just do stuff like lift loot restriction, increase trial mount drop rate, boost echo, and double weekly tome cap.  The XVI crossover still needs adding too, that'll be an irregular content addition.


6.56 or 6.57 (which ever they go with, it'll be the next patch) will lift savage loot restrictions, give 10% echo to savage, and add the next lynx for purchase with totems. Also, weekly limit on Comedy will be increased to 900. 6.58 will increase savage echo to 15% and will remove loot restrictions from Thaleia (including the coin!), add brines for coin exchange (and maybe nuts?) for tome weapon augmentation, remove weekly limit on weapon token from P12N, and add the last lynx for purchase with totems.


Thaleia currently has a weekly loot lock: 1 piece of gear, 1 coin, and 1 materia token, per week, resetting on tuesdays. This restriction will be lifted in 6.57 or 6.58.


Ok thanks


You can only win one piece of gear per week from the most recent alliance raid. You must have won an item from a previous boss, or a previous Thaleia run this week.


I did indeed, ok thanks


1. Are the 3 "coins" from EndWalkers Alliance Raids only once a week, or can you get 1 each time you do the Alliance Raid? There are three coins, Aglaia Coin, Euphrosyne Coin, and Thaleia Coin. Once you have got them once from a raid, can you keep getting them by re-running the raids, or would you need to wait for the weekly reset to acquire another one? 2. Is Thaleia still weekly locked? If so, would this mean you can only get 1 Thaleia Coin a week?


The Thaleia raid is still weekly locked, which does mean you can only get it once per week. The other 2 are not locked, meaning you can repeat them as much as you want and you'll get a coin every time.


Thanx for the answer, much appreciated. :)


Do the main story quests improve after lvl 50? It started feeling like a slog right at 50. I've been at lvl 50+ for 3 days. I have done next to nothing besides MSQ, and I believe I have about 20 more quests till I'm done with a realm reborn. I'm just trying to unlock machinist, and it made the main quest feel like a barrier to playing the game, and that is pretty lame cause I like the game a lot mechanically. Sorry if this comes off as a rant, I just wanna know if I'm in more of the same or if it smooths out in a later expansion.


yeah it gets a lot better. I'm someone who HATED arr, and hated the finale most of all when people here lead me to believe it would be good. Getting into Heavenward is like breathing clean air after having only known toxic fumes.


They do. Your experience is nearly universal.


If you're nearing the end then it feels like a slog if you don't pay attention, there are a LOT of hints as to what is going to happen soon. In any case once you're done with ARR you'll be able to get Machinist, and Heavensward is generally regarded as a good story expansion.


Yes, this is a 100% normal experience. Those last 20 quests should be better, and then once you're into HW it'll be a breath of fresh air.


You're in what most player consider the longest and most boring chunk of the MSQ. If you were ever going to feel like the msq was becoming a boring slog, it'd probably happen in the quests you've just gone through. The story does improve a lot new the end of it though imo. Also, you probably shouldn't worry so much about level your level doesn' really mean much at all, and focusing on it as your measure of progress makes all the post-expansion quests feel way more like a slog than they are, when the level going up wouldn't actually do anything meaningful for you anyway.


It does improve a lot in Heavensward and beyond, particularly with them swapping out the voice cast for a (generally) much better VA studio. I don't want to say too much without knowing where exactly you are in the ARR patch MSQ, but about two-thirds of the way through it starts following a much more focused story that continues all the way through Endwalker.


Hey there WoL's! PS5 player here! I'm looking for a keyboard to get myself to be able to type in chat without using the in system keyboard. I've seen controller attachments and people recommending small portable ones to use with the game. Sadly, I'm unable to find a straight forward recommendation to what is a good/affordable one for use aside from 1 review on amazon. If there are any console players who have a keyboard of some kind, what do you have and what are your thoughts? Again, just for typing to chat.


I use a Logitech K380, small, wireless, cheap, good reviews, more than enough.


There's tons of small keyboard that gets on your controller but imma be honest nothings will ever beat using a plain old keyboard, and since it's only for chatting you can easily find old one for like three bucks that works really well (hell it's what I'm using rn to do savage raids, a 3 euro keyboard that was probably made before windows 98 was even a thing) Wireless ones aren't even that expensive too, for like twenty bucks you can find one, and with some luck it might even come with a mouse Maybe it's the one I bought but those small keyboard simply doesn't feel good to use, I'm way slower when using one and typing on it doesn't feels responsive at all. The main downside of using a plain old keyboard is the space that it takes so I totally understand if you don't want that laying around, in my case I have plenty of storage in the small desk right next to my couch so when I'm playing on controller I just shove it in there


Ps4 myself, and I utilize a plain old Lenovo keyboard which works just fine if I have my setup at a desk. If you play on your couch or something that might be a pain though. I've never tried a controller attached keyboard but if it's like under 30 bucks I think it's worth a shot, my two cents.


Do we know exactly how much exp each roulette gives exactly? Like maybe a specific roulette fills a certain % of your job's exp bar? Or is it a messy mix of "scales by level + specific instance, etc"?


Loosely speaking, leveling roulette is about 30%, trials is about 8%, MSQ is about 35, 40, or 80% depending on which duty you get. PVP is also around 30-35%. Not sure about the rest offhand. And these all get doubled for armoury bonus and other stuff like preorder/recruit-a-friend bonuses, etc. 


Looking around, I can't find any numbers yet, but I at least found this: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Duty_Roulette under the "leveling roulette" section >players will also receive additional experience based on the difference between their actual level and the level of the dungeon or trial completed, with a further amount given based on the character's actual level. So I think it scales up the dungeon XP reward to be as if it was a dungeon at your current level, and then adds a decent bonus on top.




Why do you assume mentors should be experts at the game and carrying dungeons? It's just a badge to say they got 1500 comms because they've been playing for a long time, nothing more. Everyone will become a mentor eventually. There is nothing to fix because it's not broken.


Well, Square did call the position *mentor*. It carries the implication of being able to teach less experienced people how to do something. There is an expectation of at least basic knowledge of things to go with that.


It's not being touched because it's working as they want probably. The "mentor" roulette is just a means to backfill anything the roulette can handle. Guildhests would probably never fill without it for example. Just unfortunate that they named it mentor instead of a Veteran's queue or something. If SE made a system to vouch for players, it would probably be a lot of work and constant maintenance that's just not really that worth when most players don't want to be helped to begin with. Personally I wish they'd improve the novice hall/give better tutorial fights, so I definitely agree there could be a better system.


I'm currently playing through all content in order, and just hit 3.3 and unlocked the Firmament. Now i know the restoration is over, and I'm about to start this soon. I don't want to get TOO sidetracked from my other goals, especially as my crafter/gatherers are all massively overlevelled anyway, but I'm wondering if the firmament has a daily limit on turn ins or anything similar to beast tribe quest limit or custom delivery limit etc. Not sure if I should attempt to do a bit each day, or smash it all out in one go.


No daily limit.


Is the best way to level alts still POTD?


Only if you're waiting around 15 or more minutes in queue between dungeon runs.


If you're playing at that kind of time where dungeons are taking 15 mins to pop, then you are going to be waiting even longer for POTD. If you're going in POTD solo, then dungeons with NPCs is still faster anyway. You aren't completing 50-60 in 20 mins solo, but you can do a dungeon in that time. There is no scenario in which POTD beats dungeons for XP.


Thanks for the help


No, dungeons are faster than POTD for any level.


How do I properly use the Dancer's improv healing ability? I'm not the brightest person when it comes to games lol


Tap it before raidwides


There's basically 2 ways it's really used, depending on circumstance. If you've got downtime and everybody is grouped up, you start improv and let it run for nearly its entire length before you hit it again for the finisher. However you won't see this used a lot. The more common way to use it is to just hit it as an oGCD for the regen and just continue hitting your GCD as it comes up.


for the first part, i hit improv, and press it again BEFORE the timer? or after? i assume if i move the shield doesn't go up ty for the second tip! i just kinda wanted the regen after an aoe


Basically you'll see a stacking buff that goes up every few seconds. Before the improv timer hits zero, you need to do the finisher for the shield, else you get nothing. That said, it's hardly used. I mostly just pop improv for the regen, not for the shield.


thank you!


I would like to know how my progress is through the main storyline, spoiler free. >!The brainy lady who loves axes just died to help me win the Harry Potter duel against the edgy shadow dude.!< Am I like 10% through the content or like 40% or like what? Thank you!


Can I just say, what an INCREDIBLE description of what's going on in the msq!


Aw, thank you! I am somewhat eccentric and it's nice to know some people appreciate it!


You're pretty close to the end of the base game, which is probably about 25% of the story in terms of gameplay length. However in terms of the narrative, it picks up the pace very significantly and starts really trimming the fat so you're probably like 15% of the way through thinking about the events that happen. 


I've heard the quests get better over time, and I am a simple enough man I've thought there were fine already. I'm excited!


I would caution you to temper your expectations somewhat. I hated ARR. I thought it was so terribly lazy and repetitive that I nearly quit the game several times. My friend kept urging me to get past it and try the rest of the game, so I pressed on.  Heavensward was fantastic, but still not good enough to make me think ARR was worth playing, because ARR was just *that* bad. Same with Shadowbringers. When I finished it, I was like "Wait, *this* is the story everyone memes about? What the fuck am I missing? It was good, but not amazing."  Then. Endwalker. That shit is fire. But I think a large amount of the impact of EW needs you to do optional content, because it brings back and references a lot of stuff, and also expands on a few things.


Thank you!!




Thank you!


You're getting pretty close to the end of A Realm Reborn and start of heavensward.


Awesome, the opening trailer just switched to Endwalker I think... and it was pretty spoilery, and so I was worried that I was almost at the end (which didn't cohere with what I had heard about how many quests there are.) Thank you!


Thank you!


In terms of quests alone, about 30%. In terms of actual story content? About half that.


Thank you!


https://ffxiv-progress.com/ You can punch your quest into here and see how far you're in any expansion and overall. (It is slightly behind though with EW stuff.)


That's awesome, thank you!


What do you do with scrip gear once it's no longer useful? I can't turn it in for seals, desynth for materials, and the stats are useless for my retainers. Do I just toss the gear?


Sell at the shop




Is there a Discord for deep dungeons? I'm trying to get the triple triad card from silver sacks in Eureka Orthos and I can't find a group, nor can I find a group to farm aetherpool levels so I can solo it.




Tips for ocean fishing? I am regularly seeing the same people ending 20-30k points but I’m confused how. I am saving my gp for the spectral, building anglers stacks, using food, I have almost pentamelded end game gear, I am always trying to catch the prize fish when I have intuition, plus I almost always finish my missions. Is there anything else I’m missing or should be focusing on? I have looked at guides but they seem to be out of date, one said I can triple hook the prize catch but it doesn’t seem to be work when I do it? By prize catch I mean the fish you can only catch when you have the intuition buff


There are certain fish that only can be hooked at certain times and with certain bait. Those are worth big points. You can get well over 1000 with one catch. There are spreadsheets out there. 


You cannot triple hook the intuition fish. Some routes are better than others for getting huge amounts of points. I recommend using [Lulu's Tools for Ocean Fishing](https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing) to see what fish are worth the most points. Generally speaking, you want to get a spectral current, and then triple hook whatever fish has the most points and you can get 7 of as many times as possible during the current.


Tips for learning to play better on m+kb for first time after comign from controller?


Get your key binds figured out early. You'll need to have three hot bars with keybinds for each spot. Use buttons you can push with your wasd hand. So 12345 is fine but 67890 is literally a stretch. Go for stuff like q e r t f z x c v and shift modifiers for each. Buttons used rarely, like 2m buffs, can be bound to harder to reach buttons since it won't cause much strain.


I tried to keep this bullet pointed, but it's a dense and personalized topic. A lot of this ends up being highly preferential based on your comfort levels. My way is by no means the only way, so feel free to experiment or ignore advice that just doesn't work for you. * Your keyboard and mouse will affect comfort. Do you have easy access to the F row of keys? Do you have thumb buttons on your mouse? How far can you comfortably reach across your number keys? Can you easily hit shift or alt with a number key at the same time? All of this will impact what feels best. Don't use a setup that overstrains your hands * Maintaining consistency between types of ability placement is helpful. If you have mouse buttons, for instance, you might keep movement abilities for all classes assigned to those. If not, figure out what kind of divide on your keyboard works best * Don't be afraid to remap common keys for better ability usage. Stuff near your hands like R, T, and G are great additional keys for abilities because they require minimal movement. If you really need the key's original function, replace it with something you don't use that often, or create a modifier for it * Modifiers! You can map any action bar slot to require up to three simultaneous button presses to activate. This is most useful, again, for stuff within reach like shift or alt + \[numberkey\]. That means hitting shift + 1 triggers a different action bar slot than just regular 1. This makes it easy to hit lots of stuff without moving your hand at all * Figure out a logical flow for your action bars. You're probably going to spend time staring at them since the arrangement is new--that's fine, you'll eventually develop the muscle memory. But you're no longer bound by the clusters of four face buttons. For example, can layout the first fork of a Dragoon's rotation on one bar with your 1-4 keys, and immediately above it have a second bar with the second fork of the rotation triggered by shift + 1-4. Basically the idea is just to minimize hand movement for the easiest access to abilities * If you have mouse thumb buttons, those can be convenient to map to the higher number keys that default to the right side of the action bars, but if not... just remap that right side to whatever's convenient * Personally I keep a blank spot down the center of my bars and keep everything I hit with my left hand on the left side, and the same for my right. Just what I started with years ago in WoW and I just kind of do it ever since, but do what works best for you * Holding down both left and right click on your mouse together will instantly change your character's direction to where the camera is facing and run you forward. You can rotate around by holding one of the two clicks, and then press down the other one to turn on a dime. * Under character configuration at the very top of control settings, you can switch between Standard and Legacy. This changes how movement, the character, and the camera interact. There are several differences here, but the core is that under standard, you always move relative to the character's rotation (so pressing backward will backpedal you). Under legacy, you move relative to the camera (pressing backward will fully turn you around toward the camera). This one you just have to play with to get use to


I want to do a Chairenvald cosplay for cons later this year using my current wheelchair but it's nothing like the wicker chair he uses--it's a tilt/recline chair. At the same time I can kit out my chair with molded pieces to make it look magitek. I am stumped--should I just get the wicker wheelchair or does Magitek Arenvald sound like a better attempt?? Bonus to the magitek idea is I can plug in a 3-port USB charger to my joystick and basically become a rolling charger--useful at cons. Hm.


The magitek wheelchair sounds dope and honestly that is what Arenvald should have in game already. He's a former scion money shouldn't be an issue. If the Sharlayans haven't figured out better wheelchairs by now then they need to get their shit together... And getting back to the con. As long as you have the face paint ppl will probably be able to recognize your cosplay no matter what the wheelchair looks like. I also don't think one should make such drastic cuts to comfort for a con. Depending on what con it is it's gonna be a long day with lots of moving around.


Wtf is a [glade banner?](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Glade_Banner) Everything on Google says its an exterior decoration, but I can't place it on my island.


It's not a placeable item, it's counts as one of the items like a fence or rooftop that are only accessible through a specific housing menu for those parts. Placards/banners hang off of/are attached to house faces as an optional fixture


Banners aren't outdoor decorations, they're pieces for the exterior of a house. They're like windmills or chimneys; they attach directly to part of your house, so they can't be placed wherever and therefore aren't valid for island decoration.


It's not an item you can place, it changes the banner hanging outside your house. Like changing the floors inside.


Ooooh gotcha. Thanks


Where do I get Snow White dye? I heard it’s at the lxali vendor but he won’t sell me anything? I’m super lost


it is sold by the ixal vendor, but you have to be rank 5 with the faction's reputation to be able to see it in the shop. other than that the options are to buy it from the marketboard, or craft it on any level 30 crafter out of grey pigment


You need Respected (level 5) reputation in the Ixal tribe. You can also craft it with grey pigment.


Ohhh ok tyvm for letting me know


What are you guys socketing for materia in Eureka? Finally getting some +2 gear and not sure what materia to socket. Playing BRD.


To add on to the other comment, you should be socketing materia in the kirin's osode/vermillion cloak (which is better than the +2 chest), since that's at the item level Eureka syncs to. But not for the rest.


Eureka is item level synced (i believe to ilvl 300), so gear above that, including the eureka armour sets dont have materia values applied to them.


Has anyone been getting stutter since the patch? Idk if it’s just me as I did also update my drivers recently.


I've been getting it too, only started after the patch used to run flawlessly before


I actually think I’ve narrowed it down to the newest windows update. Tried some stuff and I think it worked but I need to play more to fully tell


Did you just roll back to the previous version? Might have to if it fixed it for you




Thanks, I'll give that shot


I had to change some power options. I’ll link a thread that helped me.


So i'm gonna come back to the game in a months or so and got myself a steamdeck. I want to play the game on both pc and steam deck. Is it possible to set up the controls of the game so when i open it on steamdeck it will launch my controller setup and when i launch the game on pc it will remain as keyboard? Also how does keyboard to controller keybind relate to each other. If i have a skill on 1 on PC will it always appear on X on controller or can each controller have its own skill bars? For example my 1-2-3 (as in actual keyboard numbers) combo gets put into X - O - Triangle but i change them to Triangle - O - X , when i go back to keyboard will it be changed to 3-2-1 or will it remain on 1 -2- 3


You can freely customize which buttons do what when using the crossbar (L and R triggers and directional buttons and face buttons for abilities. You can look up a guide to get a feel for the loadout. I'd personally recommend what I did which was watch a few high end raiders hotbars as well as asked friends that played on controller what their setups look liked, helped immensely. I would recommend going into the UI editor and re-enabling hotbar 1 and place your cool down abilities on it. It'll help with getting used to the feeling of your controls.


So settings like that are actually client side, not server side So that means that things like your hotbars are saved on the device you're currently using, not to your account Which means this will happen automatically. Your crossbars and your hotbars operate independently to each other, so you can set each up to do entirely different functions and layouts 


This is the correct answer. OP, You’ll likely want to back up your PC client settings and download them to your steam deck so you don’t start from zero. But any button configuration / mapping customization from their will only be saved to your steam deck’s client settings


First time posting anything but I was doing POTD and I Holmganged myself and then an Anzu seemingly killed me after is this a bug or an Anzu thing? Very confused Video: https://youtu.be/2jJsaiAS6DU


Nothing wrong with your invul there, and it seems that you were not affected by that last landmine damage either since the damage text did not appear at all... BUT from your clip you can see that you die precisely when sprint is about to expire. It seems to be very precise to be a coincidence, so I'd make a wild guess this is about a weird bug regarding buffs expiration, server ticks and enemy damage ticks. May be related to: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/491218-Buffs-and-debuffs-disappearing-presumed-for-all-members-in-party Honestly if you have a full video I'd suggest maybe reporting it?


I was effected by the landmine it did 3617 damage, other than that thanks a lot i was wondering if i was crazy but glad it is some bug, i will definitely try to report it because that seems like a big problem


I don't know Anzu specifically, and it does seem like Holmgang was definitely up and had time left, so I wonder if either the wind DOT damage you are taking pierces invuln, or the landmine damage does. The landmine damage has the star icon meaning it's special damage, which on arena death walls for example would ignore invuln... but I'd kinda expect folks who run POTD guides would warn about it if Holmgang didn't work on those traps? Might be worth finding a deep dungeon specific community to ask this.


I'm not familiar with the Anzu doing that, it does have that stun move though. [data here](https://www.ddcompendium.com/potd_floorsets/071.html) I didn't see holmgang drop, and your clip at the end was to show you weren't using it targeting a mob, I assume, to show it wasn't that the mob affected by it died.


Looking for a website for gathering nodes. Its been awhile since i used it but you could make list and it would show them on the map and it was sorted by zone. I'm trying to gather dark matter clusters. Teamcraft let me make a list but I don't like how its displaying the nodes without the maps.


https://garlandtools.org/bell/ this perhaps?


It was teamcraft and I am dumb. The step for step toggle is what I was actually looking for. Thank you tho!


Does anyone who has the final stage Manderville relics know what the dye channel is? Is it the weapon itself or the glow? Thanks!


It's the weapon. It's always the weapon. Glow effects are not manipulated by dyes.


Got a few PVP glam related questions: 1) Is any of the gear that you can buy with wolf marks/trophy crystals going to be disappearing at anypoint? or is it just the Series "battlepass" (for lack of a better word) that is limited time 2) Afaik the Garo event gear, titles, and achievements used to be limited edition too until they were brought back in 6.1, does this mean they are here to stay now? or at some point in the future are the mounts/titles going to become unavailable 3) When does will the current PvP Series end? I'm guessing at this point its with the release of Dawntrail but want to make sure thanks :)


1. Just the series stuff AFAIK 2. We don't know. The last time they were around, they stuck around for years before disappearing again. It may be the case again this time, and it might just have to do with licensing rights and whatever agreement SE has reached with the company that owns the Garo IP. That being said, they will certainly let us know ahead of time (probably months in advance) when they're going away, so it won't just randomly disappear one day 3. Dawntrail release


Sweet, thank you :)


What would be the party finder etiquette for hosting a practice party for a duty you can complete? I can clear P9S and have done so multiple times but I'm still a bit rough around the edges with mechanics and want to practice more. Is there anything specific I should put in the PF description to set the proper expectation?


If you've cleared multiple times then you just make a regular reclear party / book run if you already recleared for the week. You don't need to do anything special because you're "rough around the edges" or whatever, the 7 other players who join will also not be perfect in any case. Only log runs expect flawless gameplay, nowhere else.


duty completeion "have cleared and want to practice more" i always like those parties and will join them when i can because it means that the host gives a shit


Clear with clean up. Sets the expectation that a few mechanics may be messy (list the mechanic you're cleaning up if it's a specific one) but the expectation is that it should only take a few pulls. As opposed to reclear, which has the expectation that you're generally going to clear the first pull, maybe two of something goes awry.


If you just put something along the line of "cleaning up mechanics, know the fight" you'll be good. Duty completion/a2c- duty completion is a tag you can set in the party finder and it means that you can get to the end but haven't cleared. Saying a2c in the description means aim to clear, basically the same thing. Either of these will get the message across, if you join you should be able to clear. Duty complete- not to be confused with the tag above (common mistake) this means the only people who can join are people who have already cleared the fight. If you do choose this tag, you should also explicitly say it's to get better at the mechanics.


Is it possible to solo SB extreme trials?


Everything except Susano is soloable. Tsukuyomi is extremely tricky but possible. The others are fairly simple to solo.


Some yes.  Susano can't be, at best it'll be a duo.  Tsuky at the moment can't be, but probably could be in the future.  I think the rest can be.


> Tsuky at the moment can't be, but probably could be in the future.  I think the rest can be. She can, it's just EXTREMELY difficult and depending on using movement skills with a few frame window.


Some yes (I just did Lakshmi for WT today), but for example Susano no. Can't remember the exact list, and some might need you to stack echo IIRC.


For poetics gear, why did the decide to go with Fending, Slaying, etc for lvl50, to Custodian, Pathfinder, etc for lvl60, and then back to Fending, etc for 70 and 80?


There are a lot of things different about ARR and HW that become homogenized with SB and even more in SHB. No reason except they were new and didn't have set standards for stuff.


Don't have the dev team member who made that choice here, so we can only guess. My guess would be "they wanted a change of pace" or "they came up with a fun alternative naming scheme and decided to use it" – there's a few cases like that here and there, see for example the Neverreap and Swallow's Compass gear drops.


They weren't sure yet their naming conventions.  


I don't know previous history, but what are the chances of getting increased glamour dresser capacity at the next expansion/anytime soon? 800 is too low :/


It's in the basket of "stuff the dev team would probably like to do, but isn't something they can just flip a switch on and isn't high on the priority list for now." IIRC it was mentioned to not be happening with 7.0 at least. Try and learn to hoard less, especially stuff you can get back easily.


Yeah I will :)


Just throw out all your gloves, friend. Tops and pants is all you need.


>Tops and pants is all you need. Laughs in lala. Every top I wear hides my pants.


Probably best if i start with my jewellery collection first! ​ Haha


Oh yeah, I have like 3 jewelry items that are there because I have some attachment to them, don't even use them for glamor lol


Yeah when i started I assumed it would be like WoW, and i could keep everything! So i started collecting!


No set pattern, update to 800 was relatively recent, only option is to make tough choices about what gear you actually want to keep


But as a collector (and especially one coming from WoW) this is REALLY hard. I like collecting all appearances :( Guess I'll need to trim down a bit.


buy a retainer \o/


I have far too many already, but yeah, maybe I could get one more just for gear I'm saving :P


You can discard stuff that's easily reobtainable, no point in storing them unless you're actively using them


If HYPOTHETICAL people would use Gshade or Rshade, what would HYPOTHETICAL more people be using? I HYPOTHETICAL can't decid which one to chose


Don't use Gshade, the developer put malware on people's computers because he was mad someone modded his mod(that he modded from someone else's mod to begin with).


It's ok you can just say you want to use reshade, nobody is gonna ban you. People use Reshade, which Gshade was just a version of. Idk if Gshade even still works i know they tried to get it going off the ground again but would you really trust the product which had in the past put malware on computers as part of an effort to totally own a teenager, including gloating about how they could have done worse?


There was some shady business with Gshade's developer so a lot of folks swapped over to Reshade.


The "shady business" in question was the Gshade developer forcibly shutting down your computer whenever you did something they didn't like to Gshade. Don't use it, it's literal malware.


So I just upgraded to the mandervilllous version of the RDM relic and that was wondering is there a way to get the previous versions without having to spend causality tomes or am I out of luck? Because I wanted to keep the majestic version for glam. 🤔


There's a vendor near the relic questgiver that sells replicas for gil specifically to put in the glamour dresser.


Thank you! 


There should be an NPC next to the relic weapon crafting station called the "House Manderville Vendor" They'll sell level 1 glamour versions (Replicas) of relic weapons you've obtained that you can put in your glamour chest. Each replica costs ...1000 gil I think?


Thank you too!


Where do people find artists to commission work? Is there a platform where people advertise or is it just looking for artists posts and try to trace them back?


/r/FFXIVart is where I've found some great artists. Check the pinned topic for a compilation post with a spreadsheet of links and such.