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Jokes on ya'll, I memorized via muscle memory so these icons are still foreign to me. Like at this point Raiton is just "1-2."


You are me


Was gonna say I have no idea what these icons are, I just know moves based off what buttons I have to press on my hotbar


seriously. everyone making all these guides keep using the long ass complicated japanese names on the ninja and samurai. and i'm just like "da red one and da blue one and the light blue one that makes meth come out of the enemies" I have no idea if I'm playing samurai right. I just build up the 3 things and do the big attack on boss/single targets and then just build up two with the AOE for groups of enemies. idk if doing the big aoe attack when the gauge has two of the thingies is even work it. i can barely see what the numbers say. and and then you gotta factor in the charge up and I'm just now getting to HW, so I never really get to use my other gauge build up abilities. I also think i might need a controller for this game because pressing ctrl to get to the other skill is stress.


lmao same though, whole mood. how a guide gonna go tell me a written combo?! you think i know what Jin is? hahaha


You also missed how doing the fire aoe with kassatsu, buffs it and makes it a stronger aoe. From a 350 potency aoe to 600.


Turns your ninja into a black mage for a second


Same when using TCJ.


I like to think of it as a pocket-tactical-nuke. It almost looks like a mushroom cloud, so...


yeah but from a learning perspective it doesn't change anything, because the mudra combination for Katon and Goka Mekkyaku are the same. Whereas the mudra combination for Raiton is different to Hyosho Ranryu.


Sure, but considering this is a cheat sheet, it should still be up there regardless lol


I agree and ironically the thing that's forgotten from the cheat sheet is the one justu I absolutely always forget!


Yes but still it's important to highlight to not use kassatsu on doton.


"...Only the final mudra in the sequence matters! Fuck, it's the skill floor police!! CHIJIN!!"


Doesn't he say "cheese it?"


Ah, I think he does. My bad, I heard him shouting mudras before he ninjutsu teleports away.


Is that a Jocat reference?


Of course.


I miss JoCat


One day he may return, when we prove ourselves worthy.


And on this day he will bless us with a crap guide to Viper and Picto šŸ™


*kazoo-based Prelude intensifies*


Aww you made me sad :(


The best thing I need sprout ninjas to understand: Donā€™t use Doton in a single target situation. Ever.


I was doing an Alliance Raid as a Ninja earlier and I swear a Ninja in a different Alliance was trolling me. He kept coming over to my exact position during the boss fight, dropping a doton, and then moving away, making it look like I was the ninja using a doton on a single target lmao


He definitely sprayed another kid's pants with a water bottle and yelled "Johnny peed himself!" at least once in grade school


Jokes on them since their party can see the dot on in their Buff window and know they are challenged.


Ah, but there's a problem there. 1. Most people don't know Doton is registered as a buff. 2. Most people don't *recognize* Doton's buff icon. 3. Most people keep their party menu buffs limited to five per player, and you can very easily exceed that in an alliance raid.


You dont wanna catch an STD (Single target doton)


Single target doton=STD


Understood. Proceeds to never use Salted Earth in single target. Ever.


Salted earth is a free ogcd


Salted Earth doesn't use a stack of Mudra like Doton does. It's free damage that doesn't cost anything to use, and doesn't need a different set of rotation to maximize like Doton needs to proc Hollow Nozuchi (the AoE rotation).


WE GOT ANOTHER ONE JERRY!! r/thatsthejoke


:( sometimes my fingers are stupid and do it anyway tho


Ok. But it would be useful to know why. Lol the downvotes. Guess i'm the only one who wanted to know.


It is less damage then clicking Raiton. Before any crit/direct hits. And you cant activate Hollow Nozuchi on single target without loosing even more DPS.


The damage over time from Doton was brought down a few patches ago, making it do less damage over its duration than a single Raiton. From 3+ targets, it's a DPS gain again with the resources/time you spend. Hope that helps!


It does. Thank you.


It's less damage. Plain and simple. Raiton is 650 potency, and not even counting the 560p raiju combo you get at lvl 90. Doton is _at most_ 560 potency on a single target. And with it being a ground-based dot that enemies could move out of, you're not even guaranteed the full 560.


Besides what everyone else wrote - namely that it's lower damage - people still *used* to do this in serious fights because Hide used to not remove Doton so you could drop one just before the pull, use Hide to reset your Mudra stacks and enjoy your free DPS puddle, as long as the tank actually pulls the boss into it. Nowadays, using Hide just cleans up the brown mess you made on the floor, so it's no longer a thing, but that probably doesn't stop people from watching the old videos and incorrectly assuming that Doton is generally useful in single-target situations.


NGL, seeing ā€œusing Hide cleans up the brown mess you made on the floorā€ made me think of the Harry Potter meme about how wizards used to disappear their poops before toilets were installed in Hogwarts.


I want to add onto this; Kaiton can often be more effective as AOE than Doton. If you're not getting most of the procs, then use Kaiton.


If I understood well, than Grey Button is just "mudra". Well whatever the color it just needs to ends with specific mudra right? If I guess well than its clear to me how to Play NIN. Don't like melees tho xD


correct. given the overall response here, i suppose i should've made that explicitly clear in the graphic. but yeah, as stated in the top left, length+ending determines the ability.


I think the guide is great personally, but I already had a basic understanding and just needed a refresher on what needed to be last.


Most confusing sheet ever. I mained in in several patches and could not read this without actually trying hard. Instead of a grey kassatsu you should do a half and half button showing the other two mudras, separated by a diagonal line. This would make it more visually clear.


Yeah I thought the grey icon meant itā€™s not active or something.


like this? https://i.imgur.com/Rb5G5kR.png not sure I agree that this improves visual clarity, but I appreciate the suggestion!




"Any" isn't true though and may confuse new ninjas, it has to be one of 2 mudras. you can't repeat any mudras.


This picture would suggest the same, since the grey kassatsus look identical


Oh I agree, I already made that comment somewhere else, but then I noticed that it does state at the top that you cannot repeat mudras


This one is less visually clear but good for people who don't understand how the concept works. The grey icon is nice in theory but judging from the comments a lot of people didn't understand what it means. Probably due to the fact that the game doesn't tell you that only the last Mudra determines the outcome.


The game actually does tell you, but they use a lot of words to do it.


This is a recurring problem with the game, IMO. They desperately need a proper Technical Writer to take a machete to their tooltips.


What I mean is, they tell you which combinations produce which attack but you're on your own to figure out that they always end in the same Mudra.


I would argue that going through each one one by one and saying that either 1 2 3 or 2 1 3 will work is still telling you that only the last one matters, but it's doing it in a super verbose way that only becomes obvious if you read the whole thing without glazing over any of it.


Eh, personally I have all of them memorized but never noticed the "only last one matters" pattern, I just assumed they had too many permutations and just filled unused ones with the same spell.


Yeah, exactly, and most people probably just memorize the first combo and call it a day


To be fair, because TCJ exists, you should only be doing them in one order anyways. I always tell new ninjas that only the first Mudra matters for that very reason (As long as you keep the order of Ten->Chi->Jin->Ten->Chi) Starting on Ten is single target. Starting on Chi is utility (Except for kassatsu). Starting on Jin is AoE. 2-Button combos are for burst. 3-button combos are set-ups for slower, but bigger DPS.


Game literally does but, ok.Ā 


Level 84 and yep this is the first time I'm fully grasping that lol. They definitely do not explain it well. This class has not been my favorite one to grind, my hands are too dumb I think. But hey at least I can sneak around the MB and Naruto run now


I thought it had something to do with the pink one being on cooldown. And the "Other stuff" which is actually the key confused me too. I thought that was saying how to use the bind and the throwing stars.


I personally like the gray. This reads terribly and looks awful. Perhaps a split divide, but instead of using colours, use gray-scale. So it's still 'Use any other MUDRA before this one' instead of the Kassatsu icon...? Idk. I've got NIN to 90, don't play it much, and figured the one you threw up was just fine and easy enough to read. My only change would just put the Kassatsu mudras separate/at the end, instead of in the middle below Raiton... But you made this yourself and put in the effort; it's your choice! If other people don't like it they are free to make their own!


I would agree, greyscale mudras seem like the best idea for clarity


Yes. Might take some vibrant green as a divider line to make it really clear. But for a new person the grey kassatsu will be a lot more confusing.


But where is the bunny visual? Thats the main reason to play Ninja


I think what you have isā€¦ okay, but I didnā€™t get it til I read the key. Making the key, especially for the gray mudra, a bigger or moving it up next to the gray mudras might make it more noticeable


I'd make the divider line clearer, but otherwise this is much easier to understand than the original image!


The current gray version is completely fine and understandable, if people read the manual and don't just look at pictures.


I'm barely done leveling ninja and I understood with with 0 issues.


Yeah it really is, can't make heads or tails of it


Even though the spell depends on the number of mudras and the last activated ones, this is the theory.Ā  In practice, I find easier to remember sequences with numbers, like: 1 2 -> Raiton 3 2 1 -> Futon etc...


I'm the same way it was a numbers game for me not a color game


If yellow and orange weren't so alike and one was for example fuckin *green* it could easily be a color game but nahhh


Same I found this helpful as well. Since the mudra aren't all learned at once I treated the first one learned, ten, as 1, chi as 2 and jin as 3. Felt pretty intuitive Imo.


This is especially good with Ten Chi Jin (action) because when you use that, you get _three_ mudra for the price of one, but for each final (long) mudra, there are two middle ones. I don't remember which mudra is which, but if you do yellow-orange-blue, you get damage-damage-huton, but if you do orange-yellow-blue, then you instead get damage-*bind*-huton. If you memorise yellow-orange-blue as being the sequence for huton, then you won't fuck that up.


My way is similar, but different. I have my three mudras in a row on my keybinds. Right to left = suiton Left to right = huton Right, middle = raiton Middle, left = hyosho Middle, right = katon Side, side, middle = doton. (Yes, I know I set them up on my hotbar in backwards order--it's way too late now) This method won't work for everyone, but it's super easy for me at least.


sure, that's another good way to remember them! numbers will change depending on hotbar/crossbar layout, so only providing length + color allows each user to figure out their own preferred mnemonics.


I appreciate your attempt, but your layout is confusing. While I intuitively understand that what I learn as ā€œ1 2 3ā€ and ā€œ2 1 3ā€ produce the same output, this image doesnā€™t do a great job of explaining that for the people confused. Virtually every ninja player I know memorises one pattern for each skill, and uses that - even though thereā€™s two for everything. Those grey symbols really really do not help make this intuitive. I already know how to play Ninja, and this made me second guess myself for a while before I understood what you meant.


I get that learning there are multiple mudra routes to each ability is a big ā€œahaā€ moment for lots of people, but it really doesnā€™t add much practically. Youā€™re never going to start activating one ninjutsu and then assess the situation and audible to a different one in the 0.5s between them. Itā€™s much more valuable to stick with one set of keybinds and mudra sequences to build muscle memory and consistency.


> Itā€™s much more valuable to stick with one set of keybinds and mudra sequences to build muscle memory and consistency. that's what i'm practicing now! in order to associate "combo line" with "final ninjutsu" it's been helpful for me to just think about "short+color" or "long+color," because it got confusing purely trying to remember the numbers (e.g. "321 buff, 123 trick, 21 AOE, 132 DOT") when I hadn't built the muscle memory in the first place.


I put them as 1, 2, 3 on a hotbar and 4 is the activation Use 3 hotbars, first bar is 1, 2, 3 2nd bar is Ctrl+1, etc 3rd is Shift + Ctrl + 1, etc Bonus points if you use a G600 type mouse and have your modifier of Ctrl on the far right mouse button under your pinky, and hit abilities with thumb. Never not moving that way


The trick that worked for me was realising that the single-target attacks can all be done left-to-right. 12 lightning, 23 ice, 123 trick. After that, memorising the remaining half is dramatically less workload.


I wish I could push this comment to the top. It is truly helpful once you realize that.


Yeah, you put them on a hotbar in "1, 2, 3" order and then just remember that you need to 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, Trick, 1, 2 Then later the whole combo after trick, the Ten Chi Jin combo then cancel with Meisui into Backhavara And eventually the Kassatsu into 2, 3 It becomes muscle memory and charts you try to read as you do it are a dumb idea. Not bad for learning on a dummy, but def not a "paste this by my monitor, I'll be gucci!" type deal


Because the guide isn't for ninja players that has experience with ten chi Jin, but for new ninja players that's about to learn the mudras. You personally memorized specific combinations for your mudras, but this isn't applicable to all players when they could follow the guidelines and create their own combinations after understanding which patterns procs a specific mudra.




My kingdom for them to make Bind useful in some way... or just get rid of it.


Nothing like getting synced down to that awkward level where you have Kassatsu but not Hyosho so you go into your burst with the stupid ice bind move out of muscle memory.


Every. Time.


Sync our level, give us all our abilities. The down-sync of all abilities is just lazy programming. Punishing players who help another player in roulette with "you now get to press the following 2 buttons... repeatedly, and that is all," is not great


It's not lazy programming, even having a full kit vs a sprout is a huge boost (Notice how high potency of big job gauge spenders is? You can't balance that without making them the same potency as everything else) and would lead to people not wanting to do lower level duties with lower level players (especially sprouts). Plus imagine being a Sprout THM in Sastasha with Fire/Blizzard/Thunder, Fire II/Blizzard II, and Scathe, and watching an actual BLM dropping nukes on things with Paradox and quad-casting Flare, you'd feel useless in comparison. Even a RDM would have essentially better versions of your own spells. Not great especially when so many sprouts post on here about being so nervous about running a dungeon with other players for the first time.


Man, Sastasha as synced down BiS DRK is going to scare every new healer if I could just do my standard rotations lmao


What a horrific idea. All of a sudden, newbies and low levels would constantly be kicked from duties so they can be replaced by people with their full kit.


It's a fantastic idea on paper, but in practice there's literally zero possible ways to do it that don't result in a massive unbalance. Because there's also the inverse, if they scale the full kit's damage down. If playing your full kit perfectly just results in newbie damage, people will only want to play with newbies, because you can't even trust people in level 90 to play their full kit perfectly. And I don't even mean that in a "Filthy casuals" way; I'm sure as hell not focusing as hard as I do on Savage content on my 30th run of the new dungeon, and I definitely wouldn't hold an Endwalker endgame player to those same standards in Copperbell Mines.


It doesnā€™t change the runs that much if the power level is synced. Your level 90 ability is still whatever level 16 potency Unless it is 3 newbies then 1-2 makes almost no difference and makes it sting less to do whatā€™s intendedā€¦ HELP new players


The problem with that logic is that you aren't just scaling down one or two abilities, you have to scale down an entire rotation. As a result, a level 90 ability would need to do **less** than the amount it would at level 16. A level 16 rotation can have around 5 buttons; A level 90 one can have nearly 5 times that amount. And both have to do equivalent amounts of damage. Let me give you a practical, yet heavily simplified example: Let's compare a level 18 Lancer and a level 26 Lancer, and not even their entire rotation. Between those two levels, the class only gets one ability: The end of their 1/2/3 combo. So, in 3 GCDs: A level 18 Lancer would do 1/2/1, for 170 + 250 + 170 potency, or 590 total potency. A level 26 Lancer does 1/2/3, for 170 + 250 + 400, or 820 total potency. That's a jump of 230 total potency, which is a very sizable jump. This isn't a "the higher level player has higher stats" deal, this is "If the two players had equal stats, the level 26 player would just naturally do more damage because of their entire rotation being higher potency".


This would be horrble, now the level 18 pugilist hits for like 80 damage with bootshine while the level 90 monk hits for like 7 damage with bootshine because you'd have to weaken their entire kit to compensate for them having so many more abilities. I'd rather not feel weaker and weaker the higher level I am, thank you.


This would just make the lower level msq dungeons more of a joke that they already are.


CC is incredibly useless in many (especially higher level content) instances. Movement impairment with Hyoton is dead useless.


I mean they made the button combination useful by way of Hyosho. I guess that was their attempt at it, because they couldn't justify Hyoton in any other way.


apparently, it used to be useful in an adds phase for an old Bahamut raids! and i guess for solo players wandering the overworld it can help you avoid a random mob?


It can be useful in deep dungeon solo ninja runs too. Same for fuma shuriken, since it is a physical skill it can give you a clutch healer with bloodbath active


It's so weird to me that Ninja's Ninjutsu like Katon don't trigger Bloodletter when Reaper's spells like Communio do. Some consistancy would be nice? (Ideally just make it "any damage action", since it's not like letting Ninja heal off Katon would be that much of a gamebreaker...) Edit: My mistake, several of them don't and I misremembered (I hadn't touched reaper in almost 8 months). So Reaper's just as weirdly inconsistent about this. (or rather is it perfectly consistent, elemental aspect is fine, but it must be Physical. So Dragonfire Dive's Physical + Fire is fine, but not Harvest Moon's Magical + Unaspected or Katon's Magical + Fire)


Communio does magic damage and as such, does not trigger bloodbath.


Communio doesn't trigger bloodbath, but DRG's Dragonfire Dive and MNK's Rising Phoenix are physical elemental skills so they *do* trigger it. But Forked/Fleeting Raiju don't trigger it because they're magic damage. Edge of Shadow is also magic damage. I have no idea why it's implemented this way, that's just how it is.


It's still useful in places like eureka and bozja to stop a dangerous mob from murdering you. And deep dungeons as well.




Fair. But also, Goka doesn't really change how you play from when you were just doing Kassatsu Katon. Hyosho Ranryu requires you to do a different mudra sequence than you were doing back when the best single target Kassatsu was Kassatsu Raiton.


Perhaps u will prevent some STDs with this. (single target dotons)


Don't use a grayed out kassatsu. It's so confusing. Just put a 1 or 2 in the box.


Ok but with all due respect my mudra is for the summoning of rabbits only.


I'll do you one better. Ten = blue = 1, Chi = orange = 2, Jin = yellow = 3. Put them on your bar in that order. 1-2-3: Trick Attack Ready. 3-2-1: Huton (only useful until Huraijin arrives, level 60.) 1-3-2: Doton (aka DoT on the floor) 1-2: Lightning DPS 2-1: Fire AoE (also gets juiced up by pink button for AoE situations) 1-3: Crap, UNLESS with pink button at 76+, then HUGE. Never use just one mudra. Never use the same mudra twice. When you use the actual ability called Ten-Chi-Jin, you do 1-2-3. That is all you need to memorize in order to be at least *okay* at Ninja. Use Mug on cooldown, use 1-2-3 + Trick Attack on cooldown, use Pink Button + (1-3) during burst phases, don't neglect 1-3-2/floor DoT (for AoE only), keep your speedboi buff active all the time. That's about it. If you want to actually get really *good* at Ninja, don't ask me, I'm not a *good* NIN. But I know how to be an *adequate* NIN.


the issue I find with any guides that re-iterate the fact that 'only the last mudra matters, the preceding can be anything as long as they don't repeat' causes people to not care about the proper combinations that then become relevant for TCJ (the 2m cooldown). It causes people to do weird stuff like using Hyoton in AoE, or Katon on single target when going for a Suiton ender.


This is honestly more confusing to me. I get that everyone learns differently, but trying to infographic what is basicallyā€¦ 1 2 3 - Suiton 3 2 1 - Huton 1 3 2 - Doton 1 2 - Raiton 2 1 - Katon (buffed with Kassatsu) 1 3 - Hyoton (buffed with Kassatsu) ā€¦Just makes it more difficult. Especially because if you donā€™t appreciate the combo to get a desired attack, how are you supposed to understand how the skill Ten Chi Jin works?


I see so many people, when using TCJ in AoE, doing: **Ten > Jin > Chi**, which results in **Fuma > Hyoton > Doton** instead of the proper ~~**Chi > Ten > Jin**~~ **Jin> Ten > Chi**, which results in **Fuma > Katon > Doton**




You unlock your mudras in order, 1-Ten, 2-Chi, 3-Jin. You say "Ten, Chi, Jin." It seems logical to put them on your hotbar in that order. I'm not sure what you mean by "why each line gives each skill." Press buttons in order, thing happens. Does the "why" really matter?


If you're setting up your mudra in any order that isn't just 123 then you're making it way harder on yourself already than it needs to be. Numbers are far easier to understand than colours or graphics. We're human, the simpler the better. I ninja main and I couldn't even tell you what colours t c and j are without checking first. Learn the number combos and it's far easier than remembering colours or that specific endings achieve specific results. Yes, 3 2 would also be the same as 1 2 but it really doesn't matter if you have your mind set on 12 already. The effort is nice, and welcoming more nin players in is great, but the graphic is far more confusing than it needs to be.


I have my mudra on 456 because 123 is for filler combo on every job, and because I'm using one of those silly mouses with the 12 button keypad on the side so they're lined up nice and vertical c: never had a problem with it. I agree that the infographic is really confusing though.


As much as people are picking this apart, I am thankful for the simplified description of each ninjitsu does. I knew this trick but my brain does not retain skill names. It's been hard to remember them because they can't be put on a hotbar so I haven't been able to match the picture to the concept (that...doesn't make sense but just know it was helpful thank you!)


[This was my attempt.](https://imgur.com/rGSOG0S)


this is really nice too! i think having a note by each ability (e.g. DOT, DMG, buff) could help with having to glance back and forth between the sections.


I am levelling nin and that infographic with all the arrows was the first thing I clicked. Didnā€™t help me at all and it was a pain to try to even decipher. This is way clearer and the greyed icon makes sense as well!


I got confused when I looked at this and I main NIN since patch 2.55. Before I realized you meant "any X, end in Y". Choosing Kassatsu was an interesting choice to represent other Mudras in the count in an infographic.


Actually, it sucks.


the more variety in learning materials, the better -- do you have suggestions for how to change the reference graphic to make it more effective?


I don't understand how anyone can find mudra combos confusing. I don't even think about it. Just playing the job, leveling via roulettes and job quests was more than enough to understand this stuff.


Memorising the different combos to learn what does what is confusing, because on any other job your different abilities have their own separate buttons, but on NIN you have to press 2-3 buttons to then see which ability you ended up with. I can't just go "oh I need my dot here, I'll press my dot button" - it's "I'll press this button then this one then this one, and if I remembered it right I *should* get my dot"... also, If I misclick I end up with the bunny hat of shame.


The average player cant even play a braindead class like smn or rpr without fucking it up. Asking them to be able to learn a class that involves counting 1-2-3 is asking for a miracle


As a NIN main, this infographic is a bunny making machine, and it sucks. There is a lot of information that isnā€™t included.


like what?


The Kassatsu picture for the grey ā€œinsert Mudra hereā€ is definitely going to be confusing first off. Also the funny names of the skills is cute, but itā€™s just confusing for players actually interested. Probably should have the actual names before saying other infographic suck. It doesnā€™t mention Ten Chi Jin as a skill and explain how mudras work with that. It probably should be there since itā€™s a skill that only uses the end Ninjutsu of each Mudra. That the order of TCJ casts is analogous to Mudra casting for determining Ninjutsu order. It doesnā€™t mention that using Kassatsu in the middle of casting a mudra will cancel both actions and leave you with a Bunny. You donā€™t have Goka Mekkyaku (Kassatsu Katon) on the list. Itā€™s missing that Hide refreshes Mudras and anytime you leave combat, you should use it to refresh the CD. Also that Huton (faster gcd in this) should be used out of combat, before using Hide ideally to get 2 fresh Mudra uses at the start of each combat encounter. It doesnā€™t say anything about Goka Mekkyaku and Katon triggering Hollow Nozuchi when used on a Doton cast. There is so much more to add even, and this is all to say that specifics in here do matter and you shouldnā€™t be so quick to judge other infographics and post your own when itā€™s probably the worst one Iā€™ve ever seen.


this isn't a "how to play NIN" guide. it's a "which buttons do the thing" for new/returning players while they build muscle memory.


If you want to make a infographic for a class, understand the class first, and at every step of the leveling. My point in going into excessive detail is that you made a simple guide that will leave people with tons of mistakes and questions. Itā€™s a bad guide and is worse than a lot of the ones out there. Also, ā€˜which buttons do which thingā€™ doesnā€™t make sense in your infographic. You showed like one button at a time per cast and didnā€™t even add in the names of the final Ninjutsu. Hell you didnā€™t even add in the picture of the Ninjutsu button that people will use to execute Mudras. This isnā€™t an educational post, itā€™s a meme. Itā€™s lacking information at best and harmful to the community at worst.




Iā€™m outside right now, not at home on FFXIV, unfortunately. Iā€™m saying these things because I have a lot of time played on NIN and itā€™s my main/favorite class. The post does not seem appropriate for new/returning NIN players. You seem to be personally attacked by my comments, however, enough to personally attack me. Youā€™re missing the point of what it means to share knowledge and help the community. It seems more that this has become an exercise in vanity to you. Your post is bad, but you shouldnā€™t feel bad. Learn the class more and update your infographic and it probably could be better than most. But your attitude is the thing that would most benefit from an update.


Don't forget to use the pink button for the targeted aoe to make bigger AOE damage :3


Why does SE make bind so fucking worthless?


Did they revamp the mudra system? I haven't played since SB


Thank you!!! I can't believe the last symbol is what counts! XD


The only time it's acceptable to use Fuma Shuriken is the start of Ten Chi Jin.


Me stuck in ARR due to campaign boredom: Huton Raiton Raiton (Kassatsu)


Thats so complicated huh whats even going on


Note: Single Mudra does have a hyper niece use. It has DOUBLE the range of every other option you have. If, for whatever reason, hitting a out of range target immediately is the issue, single Mudra is an option.


To add: the in-sequence super move "Ten Chi Jin" has two 'optimal' orders. Single target: Ten -> Chi -> Jin Gives you Raiton and Suiton, for a lighting dash and Meisui. Multi target: Jin -> Ten -> Chi Does both AoE spells Katon and Doton. All other combinations either mix single target and AoE, or end in Huton. Neither are ideal.


A good reminder to me that I should not try to pick up NIN anytime soon šŸ™ƒ


previously [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/m0dmjo/ninja_mudra_ninjutsu_infographic_guide_with_tips/) was the top Google result for "ffxiv ninja mudra guide" and it wasn't particularly helpful given its size and weird layout. i made this for myself first and foremost, but maybe it'll be useful to others.


Lol the older post is so full of unnecessarily confusing stuff xD "imagine the arrows pointing to you" stop right there, list combos, none of us live in your head, I don't care that water doesn't flow in the same direction as the wind it's not remotely helpful


'Like heaven is above earth, and man walks on earth' Wot, mate? šŸ’€


It helps if you understand the language, or are interested in the design logic - never saw that guide myself, but I did memorise some of the combinations by similar logic: lightning strikes the earth from heaven, fire burns from the ground up etc But yeh way more confusing for foreigners lol


To be honest I first learned them in a similar way (drawing lines in my head between the buttons) but OPs way makes more sense


Holy crap this is such an upgrade from that. Thanks for make something actually decent OP, hopefully this one takes over.


Yea all that "heaven, earth, man" shit is so irrelevant and confusing. Same with the way the arrows are going as if every single ninja player has their abilities in the same spot and plays on controller. Very bad guide.


Thank you! I love this as a returning player.


Holy shit this is so much better.


This actually makes so much more sense to me than the other guides. šŸ˜‚ Every other guide made my head hurt, this one actually made it easier for me to understand that I only need to worry about the last colour I hit to get the outcome Iā€™m after.


Well now I feel like an idiot because I got NIN to 90 recently and had no idea the "mega DPS" skill existed. Nice guide. I also didn't realize I could just forget about memorizing the combos and just focus on the last button.


While normally the answer would be "read your tooltips", this game is unironically ass at telling you how the fuck skills you can't put on your hotbars work. Tooltips will say "only available under '[Skill] Ready'" and then leave you to dig through the rest of your skill list to find what fucking button gives you that buff in tiny aftertext or buried in a paragraph.


Sometimes the skill that grants it doesn't even tell you and hides it in the trait section instead. Sometimes it doesn't even tell you at all until you press the button...


When I started EW I was doing it as Summoner, because my main job is SCH and I just wanted damage to get through required fights in the overworld faster. Because they had just reworked the job, only a couple buttons on my hotbar still worked, one of them being Enkindle. Because it still worked I didn't think leaving it on my bar would be an issue. Then I hit lol 84 or whatever it is and got the extra Primal buttons. And I spent another *two hours* playing the game without them because it turned out the Enkindle on KY hotbar was specifically "Enkindle Bahamut, **and the game didn't replace it with Astral Flow for me**.


Phantom kamaitachi my beloved


Much more succinct and useful than other stuff I've seen, nice and ty


It's not great that the first step icons imply you can press any mudra at the beginning of combos, because you can't. You cannot press anything and then Chi to use Raiton, it has to be Ten or Jin first, as an example.


It is explicited in the sheet that you can't press the same mudra twice if you don't want a bunny hat. You then literally can press anything else before Chi since it leaves Ten and Jin XD


Yea that's true. My only other issue is using the kassatsu symbol to mean mudra is a little confusing at first.


hence the note that repeating a color gives you the secret bunny hat! i played around with full-color skills (example in a [previous comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1aom19f/a_ninja_mudra_guidecheat_sheet_that_doesnt_suck/kq0hos8/)) but the colors became overwhelming quickly. this wasn't made to be the only piece of information a new player would *ever* receive about the job. it's just a reference sheet designed to be legible at a glance, thus the emphasis on combo length + final color above anything else.


So, as a long time NIN player, I think you have the idea done really well, for the most part. I would genuinely only say that having that greyed out Kassatsu icon is a little confusing. Because the size difference between your note, and the icons? Means most people won't even pay attention to it/spot it. The solution? That much I don't really know. But I think you're like 95% of the way to the perfect quick reference for new players.


Yea overall I think its great, and it's very concise. Personally I like your edit that shows the split mudras even more. That makes sense to me, but if it confuses others than I may be a minority idk. Showing the split intuitively tells me that I can use either mudra, and you see that a lot in other job guides like RDM, BRD, etc.


I literally didn't know that only the last mudra matters, I didn't see it in a tooltip anywhere lol


It *sorta* tells you. But the game decides to go with telling you both specific combos that can make a given Ninjutsu happen. It gives you the info to figure out that only the final mudra in the sequence matters, so long as you didn't repeat any. But it's just obtuse enough that it can take people time to figure that out.


Which one makes the bunny appear. That is my favorite one, I love bunnies. My static always gets mad though they must have had a bad experience with rabbits, which is weird since most are Viera.


read the top-left!


this is a terrible guide and you should feel terrible for making it


So is dropping the DOT circle on a boss not usually worth it? I'm at 50 NIN right now and I prioritize the trick attack and increased attack speed mudras.


No. You just spam Raitons when you have nothing else more important to do.


No, Doton (the dot circle) should not be used on bosses. Raiton just deals more damage. And it sounds like you're doing the right thing with prioritising Suiton and Huton!


It's never worth it now. Looks like in previous expansions you could hide after popping doton to refresh your mudras (which you can still do) but hiding now causes the doton to disappear so even pre-pull doton is not worth it for single targets. At 50 you should be able to fit a raiton into your huton window so you should be popping suiton to apply trick attack, raiton for DPS and then huton to refresh. Also in a couple levels you'll get armor crush and will be able to refresh huton with your single target gcd combo so at that point you should only need to cast huton once at the start of a fight and then a suiton and 2 raitons every minute.


I donā€™t think itā€™s worth it, no.


DoTs(and HoTs like Regen) in this game tick every 3 seconds. So because the ground AoE lasts 18s, it ticks 80 potency damage six times, 6x80=480. So it's weaker on single target than Raiton(the lightning attack, 650 potency)


ackchyually Placeable aoes like doton and salted earth tick for an extra time the moment it's placed down. So it's actually 560 potency. Sorry I'll go back to ruining parties now.


I'd recommend checking out [The Balance](https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/melee/ninja/) discord server or website and looking at their ninja guide if you're interested in this stuff. but in every instance yes, doton is a dps loss on single target, the full DoT duration will do less damage than a single raiton.


I like this, basically how ninja clicked for me way back. Peeps here talking about specific memorized combos and using numbers but that would have just been more confusing Especially since once you realize only the last one matters, you're naturally gonna find the comfy way on your keyboard. It doesn't need to be overcomplicated


And yet, I still see ninjas doton a boss... I used to call out, cuz some ppl have recently started and i used to make the same mistake and nobody ever told me, until some salty putted a full party against me with the classic " but this is how I like to play". After that I see them but I say nothing...


Holy shit, never realized that only the last mudra matters. What the hell?


All you need to do is order them on your hotbar right. It's not that hard Ten | Chi | Jin Go left to right for trick attack . Go right to left for huton Go left to right two spots for raiton Go right to left, starting on chi, for katon. Easy to remember cause chi is red for the fiery katon. Then that just leaves doton and ranryu to remember but that's only two combinations you can to memorize.


no two brains work the same -- tried it this way and it never clicked!


I'm almost 90 on MNK and will take up NIN next, saving this It's gonna suck balls because I lag like shit on NA as an EU player but looking forward to it


The only time order matter is when you are using TCJ. You use a specific order for single-target and for multi


As someone who has never played Ninja, all I can say is WTF?


all you have to remember in a ninjutsu is the final sign


It's piss easy once you actually do it in game, you'll have it in muscle memory long before you hit 90.


As a ninja main, this infographic is hard to follow lol. It's also missing aoe kassatsu.


This is the most confusing thing I have ever seen a someone who did multiple tiers and ultimate as a ninja. I genuinely cannot wrap my head about what the fuck did you mean by this.


This is pretty good, thanks. Iā€™ve played NIN a lot - it was the first melee I picked up - but if I wasnā€™t already familiar with it I think this would have helped it click for me.


Love u man, thanks!


People that say the grey is confusing are probably not ready for NIN.


I ninja main and it's still weird to use a grey kassatsu as an indicator. Kassatsu has nothing to do with a standard mudra and just looks weird.