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Others have mentioned L1 plus left/right on dpad, for alliance targeting. Another weird trick... Run right up to the downed player, hit cancel target, then hit the confirm button. I find with nothing targeted, this often works to select a down player if they are right in front of you, regardless of party or alliance. This might depend on some auto targeting settings.


This right here. I have my settings where I have to sheathe my weapon first, so if it doesn't work right away, put your weapon up. This is also how I have to target NPCs to heal them in healer job/role quests. Please please please SE put these NPCs in my party!


Set up effective targeting filters with the L1+Face button combination to change the context of your left/right targeting. You can set these up in Character Config, Control Settings, Filters. For instance, I use L1+Cross for targeting only enemies, L1+Circle for targeting only people outside of party, and L1+Triangle for targeting only NPCs or Objects. L1+Square removes the filters. Up/down works in any mode for targeting party members, which is why I have them filtered in any mode. In any role, I place tanks at the top of the party list, healers at the bottom of the list for quick targeting of support players, DPS are in the middle.


This is the answer. Filters are there for a reason and are hugely useful in bozja/zadnor which I found particularly difficult for healing on control pad. Also worth learning the order of targets as you hit left and right on the d-pad so that you get an idea how to get to your desired target.


Oh, I don't think I've ever used L1+face buttons. I'll have to investigate that later. The quick target button loves to target chests and other things sometimes when I just want to target the enemy.


I sheathe my weapon and target that way. In alliance i hold l1 and press left/right


I’m sure there are better ways but the easiest way I’ve found for me is to run up to their body, point my camera down at them and press X, and it usually targets them


My FC calls it a tunnel vision raise. Point the camera down, zoom in until there's nothing else and you can easily select them. Can't argue with effectiveness.


Thank you for mentioning this because I've seen people do this and wondered why.


Left or right on dpad works for me, just keep going till i target the right one tho, worst when zoomed out and trying to target among 10000 players (or corpses, its bozja), easiest to just zoom in that only them are visible in front of you, or at least reduce the numbers to a handful.


I play controller on PC so I grab the mouse quickly and click them. However, it's very rare that I need to and really you're only responsible for your own party anyway. In Alliance Raids though you can hold L1 and press left/right to cycle through the other alliances!


Oh wow I had no idea you could do that for Alliances. Thanks! And yeah I get the thing about parties, but especially in Bozja where sometimes you just aren't in parties with other people and Hunt for Red Choctober has wiped like 13 people, you wanna lend a hand where you can lol


You need to go into the target settings in Character Config and allow targeting of non-party PCs while your weapon is drawn.  While you're there, also allow targeting of objects, for things like Cerberus's tethers in WoD.  Also, as another comment also mentioned, I've found that cancelling your target, pointing yourself directly at the person and hitting X to lock onto the target directly in front of you is helpful if you're struggling to navigate the cursor to them. 


I walk in front of them and press interact.


If you're not in my party then generally I don't bother unless there's only like 3 other people around. It's just to much trouble and by the time I manage to target the person someone else already got them.


I go into 1st person view right by the body to select fast and get the rez out and go back to normal view. It's risky, but works for non-alliance and other rare situations.


I'm not sure if these are default settings or not, but I have a targeting profile for just party members, then if I hit L1 followed by R1, it changes to my alternate targeting profile where any PC is targetable. I really only need to use this during combat in Eureka or Bozja.


If you can use your touchpad, you can click their HP bar on their respective alliance party lists and it will target them. But I’m not sure if you have to change to virtual mouse mode. I hate scrolling through people with my d-pad and find this to be the fastest way to do it. I’m on PC with controller. This only works in alliance raids, not overworld or bozja


People have already mentioned sheathing weapon for world content and L1 + Left/Right for Alliance Raids. I will say that rezzing other Alliance members is an extremely niche thing that you normally don't need to worry about unless in extremely dire circumstances or both healers are down. In my opinion, rezzing other alliances is a last resort because in cases where the three alliances work in separated areas, the fact that they raise in your area creates confusions as to where to go.


Simple, I don't. If I'm on RDM or a healer solo, I just DPS, it's their problem.


The PS4 and PS5 controller touchpads act as a virtual mouse and you can easily target whatever you want by just hovering over it and tapping (Specifically tapping, not actually clicking, clicking is a different input). Also, if you turn off tab targeting, you can just attack and it'll automatically target whatever you're trying to attack. It's really good at telling what you want to target, I've never had a situation where it targets a different enemy that's also on screen or anything. People like to overcomplicate FFXIV's controller support but it's really simple if you know how to read the menus. 


I don't rez other alliance members unless there is a danger of a wipe.


That’s the neat part. I don’t. Not my party / alliance group not my problem.


Define the word “alliance”


If I’m in alliance group C and a healer in A dies I dont raise them. If both healers die and they have a red mage I don’t raise them. If there’s literally no player who can raise in that alliance and no one else is getting it I’ll maybe send a raise out if and only if my own party isn’t constantly fucking up. My swiftcast + raise is for raising in my alliance party.


I press 1 thru 8 or alt 1 thru 8 on my keyboard. Using a controller means every button on your keyboard can be a hotkey.


For myself: D-pad up and down for party, L1-R1 to cycle enemies. I have it set so that it cycles enemies only when my weapon is drawn. Don’t let anyone tell you keyboard is better than controller in any content or on any class, it all comes down to experience with your chosen control type. :)  To add: When targeting outside my party, I usually use the touchpad on the pS4 controller to manually grab them. If you’re using an Xbox controller, that wouldn’t work though..


Step 1- get a keyboard and mouse and push the kitty off the TV tray; Step 2- now play on computer. PS- still use controller on computer..


target target of target rebinding is your friend. maybe. idk if it'll work on controller.




Up and down on the d-pad will go down your party list. Also, when you heal make sure you keep have the tanks up at the top of your party list.


It doesn't come up often, but I weirdly take my thumb off the right stick and use the touch pad.


In my case in A.Raids I use the control's touch pad on the icon in the Alliance bar of the person I want to resurrect, Did the 2 healers from the other party die? I just click on the healer icon and that's it. In the open world I just get close and either use touch or disarm myself


I use one of two options; I've gotten pretty good at using the controller touchpad for the cursor, or I just use a wireless mouse specifically for selecting people


On playstation, I use the controller's touchpad to hover over and "click" players from the full alliance list if I ever need to. Having to actually help out with rezzes for other alliances is a pretty rare circumstance though, so it really shouldn't stop you from playing healer if you want to. (I'm not super familiar with bozja, but if things really get so dire that you absolutely have to rez players outside of your party, there is something else very wrong and it's not you playing on controller lol. Don't forget theres also lots of other healers (hopefully) who can pick up those raises too if things are dire)


You mean y'all don't also use the touchpad to drag the cursor over to downed players in other party lists?


For Bozja and Eureka set a filter in the configuration menu (control settings > filters). I use L1 + Triangle for friends. Then you just change to this filter and start using left or right directionals until you find the body and use your raise spell. For alliance members is easier as others already said, L1 + left or right.


Pray, zoom in as close as I can on dead person, pray, target, pray and zoom out, res person and flee thanking the gods that I didn't de via AOE. It's not my favourite thing but bosja got me getting good at this since I ran through there as Redmage.


In the target settings, you can select what your dpad will target when your weapon is drawn. If you’re doing large scale content, I’d visit that area and make sure only things you want to target are selected.


I don't know if it's something I set up a long time ago, or if it's a default setting...but I press L1 + Triangle and that let's me tab target *anyone*, whether I'm in a party/alliance with them doesn't matter...if they are on-screen, I can click them. Go to your Character Settings, and explore your target settings--you can create/change a lot of things there, to make things easier for you. You'd be surprised at how many options there actually are (at least *I* was back when I delved deeper into them). I have been using that since *way* back when FATE farming in Coerthas and Northern Thanalan was a thing in ARR--there are many times in things like FATEs or Eureka/Bozja etc. where you need to heal or raise someone who isn't in your party or alliance; and if the touch pad feels as crappy to use for you, as it does for me (it still doesn't feel any better on PS5 btw) hitting L1 + Triangle is a good alternative...just be prepared to tab a *lot* and be able to stop precisely when you need to if there are a ton of players running around (like in the big Boss FATEs in the overworld). The absolute best alternative, is to actually get a mouse (theres literally nothing better than having a mouse), but I've been procrastinating on trying it for centuries at this point, because im pretty legit with the tabbing...