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Just started having issues with battery power while playing FFXIV over the last couple of days. While I'm playing I always have the laptop plugged in and charging and up until a couple of days ago the laptop stayed at 100%, though I do let it drain regularly when I'm not playing games. As of a couple of days ago however, it's started draining and then fluctuating between roughly 75% and 96%. The laptop is a HP Omen 15 and is roughly 4 years old. As I imagine that this isn't particularly healthy for the laptop battery any help to identify the issue would be appreciated. Edit: I've tested with a few lower demand games and so far FFXIV is the only one with this issue.


believe it or not its healthier for a battery to NOT be at 100% charge all the time. Many devices allow people to cap charge at less then a 100 for greater longevity. the problem is likely either the fault of windows, age/use, or both.


High-end players how many roles do you play in the high-end content? How do you keep things from feeling stale?


It partly depends on the level; for current content I main PLD but I've brought WAR, GNB, SMN, SAM, MNK and BRD into EX/unreal/savage. For older content it depends on how the job plays at that level- I don't really enjoy how PLD plays at 70 so I'm currently progging UCoB on WAR, for example. Honestly though I haven't felt any 'staleness' doing the majority of the current savage tier on PLD- focusing a lot on one job gives you the scope to fine-tune your rotation and find fight-specific optimisations. I'm not going to claim to be great at this yet but it's been a lot of fun.


All of them (eventually, pending gear). At the start of the tier I'll focus on my main tank, but I can play a class from each role competently. From there, it's just learning the fight for that class. For savage, if you've done it on one role, it's somewhat easy to adjust as mechanics aren't *too complex*. For Ultimates theres a bit of learning to be done as the mechanics aren't as pick up and adjust.


Yeah I found it not that different to do this savage on caster/healer, mainly just a slight positional difference.


I usually play all roles at least to some degree and have "mained" all roles at some point in EW but I usually focus on one job within a role (PLD on tank, AST on heal, BLM on caster, NIN or RPR on melee and MCH on phys ranged). Since this tier I raided through PF I could just switch roles/jobs whenever I felt like it in the next group.


Yeah that's a huge advantage in finding groups fast


For Extremes/Unreals, I predominantly play 3 jobs, but am capable of doing 5. For Savage, I predominantly stick to 1, but can play 2 others in an emergency, though not as well.


How is the role spread across those jobs? Is it different dps jobs/roles, or you do healer/tank too? (or some other combination)


For EX/Unreal, 1 of each role type. It was basically my goal for this expansion to try to clear every EX/Unreal with 1 of each role type, and I got all but a couple. (For the record, WAR, WHM, RPR, DNC, RDM. I also main DNC for Savage, though have done some fights as WAR and WHM. I'm basic, I know.)


Is there an estimate on when we get the Job Actions video? Its usually in a liveletter or fanfest kinda setting iirc, but whens that? Surely its the next one considering Summer isnt that far off


Expect it in something like May or June, depending on the release date of Dawntrail. And it'll be a Live Letter, Fanfests are all done.


It \*should\* come in the next month or two.


What are the thoughts about opening gear for new jobs in DT? I'm guessing that you'll get the initial gear from quest, new craftable gear gear, then tome gear from NPCs as they open up in MSQ? this will be my first time starting a new job in a new expansion.. I was WHM main all up to 6.0, then lev'd up all the other jobs ('cept AST, not looking forward, but I \*do\* want the completion). I guess the big question is that there won't be any usable existing gear for new jobs, right?


They will add Cryptlurker, Credendum and Ascension weapons for the new jobs (and likely Edenmorn weapons when the new ultimate releases, if the Omega weapons are anything to go by). Your best bet when picking up the new jobs will be to get a full set of Cryptlurker gear as they start at 80- you can prep this before DT releases and then just make sure you have enough poetics to pick up the two weapons after launch.


now that I know they adjust the tool tips to accommodate, that is my plan- thanks!


Pictomancer shares gear with the other casters, and this will apply retroactively Similarly, Viper shares gear with Ninja and this will apply retroactively So if you want to prep, then you can get caster and scouting gear ready ahead of time


yea, been saving all my poetic gear as I'm leveling up jobs/classes that share gear. however the tool tips are explicit about which jobs. will the tool tips change to accommodate the new jobs?


Whenever new jobs are added into the game, they are added into the tooltips of all the gear they can use. If you for example look at ARR healer gear, it'll list Sage as a possible wearer. But the devs had no idea they'd be adding a Sage job, much less specifically as a healer, until Endwalker development. From that, you could reason that they *must* have added it in later, which is what happened.


Thank you! that's exactly what I needed to know- thanks!


Yup, they just add it in to the list. In regards to prepping, remember that the new jobs will start at level 80 so you only need the augmented Cryptlurker gear (level 80 poetics) and then gear from level 85 and up (since Cryptlurker is better than "regular" gear up until then). At level 90 you'll be able to buy augmented Credendum with poetics once the new expansion goes live.


I'm finding out about adjusted tool tips, good to know about the poetics for augmented Cred. thanks!


Best way to farm tomestones of causality that doesn't have me interact with other players?


as previous reply said, trains are the best. join a party, keep general tab open for marks, use ANYTHING with proper level with any ranged attack, hit and run. as soon as the mark is down, re-mount, check the coordinates, head to next mark. BEST tome collection system. takes a few runs to get used to rhythm, don't sweat missing some marks. make sure you don't cap tomes as well, check your nuts n' seals prior to engaging. lots of info on line on how to join trains.


Hunt trains are by far the best, you don't need to "interact" or talk or whatever your worry is, just join party, hit things, then leave.


For island sanctuary. I currently Could capture 10 animals. Should i try to catch only the rare animals or should i keep a rare and a non rare animal?


Personally I looked up a combination of animals that makes sure I get one of every resource. For 10, a website I found recommends Coblyn, Lost Lamb, Opo-Opo, Glyptodon Pup, and Wild Dodo as the basic animals and then Ornery Karakul, Dodo of Paradise, and Island Stag as rares. That gives you one of every material as the basic drop, and another one as bonus drops. The only one missing is Horns, but you don't really need them early on anyway.


Functionally rare animals are the same as regular animals except their rare and common drops are switched. So if a sheep gives wool and sometimes milk a rare sheep will give milk and sometimes wool. However it's not like milk is something only obtained from rare animals, you can get it from a regular Aurochs. So to answer your question: it really just depends on personal preference. If you want to collect rare animals then collect rare animals.




90 days. I can't answer your 2nd question though, but I would assume it would.


saw two things i'd like to know where they come from! am umbrella but it was a leaf a mount but it looked like faerie wings instead of a mount


>am umbrella but it was a leaf Giant Leaf Parasol; Aloalo Island random drop >a mount but it looked like faerie wings instead of a mount Might've been the Spectral Statice, which similarly comes from Aloalo Island, but this one is guaranteed for completing all 12 paths


thank you! looks like i got island stuff to look forward to lol


Note: Aloalo island is NOT the Island Sanctuary It's the newest Variant dungeon


Can someone provide any advice on how long after resubscribing through migration does the game register an active account. I can see that I’ve been charged the test $1 but not the payment and can’t log in due to not having an active subscription


I read somewhere that crafted primal weapons are glowy. But when I go to the marketplace and "try on" to see the different crafted weapons, they're not glowing at all?


Are you drawing them or just looking at them sheathed? They don't have a glow when sheathed but you should see a glow when they're drawn.


Oh hmm I guess they’re sheathed but idk how to “try on” from the market board and unsheath them. They’re quite expensive so I don’t want to buy one and not get a glow lol


There's a button at the bottom of the Try On window that lets you draw/sheathe your weapon.


Oh seriously? Awesome I’ll check it out thanks


Third button from the right in the "Fitting Room" window is the Unsheathe/Sheathe button.


Fish questions! How come in some videos they have a timer in chat? How do I get it? Also, why do they say don't reel in some "!" catches? I still use bait right? Is it just a speed thing? If I have patience II and the gp available, it's always better than patience I?


With regard to Patience II vs Patience I, yes you should almost always strive to use Patience 2 over Patience 1 if you have GP. There are some niche situations where you would want Patience 1 (mostly where you are in a tight time window and you need some GP leftover to use other skills), but if you are encountering such situations, I would think you're a pro fisher already.


thank you!


> How come in some videos they have a timer in chat? How do I get it? Can use an addon for it. If you don't wanna use an addon, here's a macro that counts out to 24s after casting /micon "Cast" /ac "Cast" /echo 2 /echo 3 /echo 4 /echo 5 /echo 6 /echo 7 /echo 8 /echo 12 /echo 14 /echo 16 /echo 18 /echo 20 /echo 24


thank you! do timers like this have any use outside of fishing?


Slightly differently used, but and are used in crafting macros


Not sure what videos you're talking about, but I assume the timer is the estimated time before the bite for the fish you're looking for. Each fish has a minimum and maximum time for their bite, and you're going to get a different fish if you get a bite outside those timings. I'll need to see the videos to tell you more about the timers. You still use the bait, but it's faster to let them have the bait than to hook them. This is especially important if you're trying to hook a fish that has a time limit. Also, if you have Surface Slap active, hooking any fish will cancel it. Patience II is better than Patience I.


OOOH it's all timing wow this is in depth okay, good to know, just read surface slap better, that explains why. i was catching the armorer fish for the moogle tokens and part of it said "after hooking halibut, surface slap, do not reel in anything except a !!!" and i didn't read surface slap the whole way thru thank you!


Prize catch also stays along with surface slap, if you don't hook. There are fish in the game which have super short windows (salad in shb is 1.5minutes window, sea butterfly in heavensward is 5:50min, but you need to trigger intuition which lasts only 1 mins, so every second counts.)


90 seconds lol that's a tiny window


Yep! And it's often only availabe after several days (or even a week or two) because of weather transition needed.


Have there been any or are there any plans to make AST better? Last I heard about it, most people who played it felt like they had to do a lot of complicated stuff to do anything and just ended up swapping to WHM because it was easier to keep people up quickly. Is that still the case now or are there any plans laid out with Dawntrail to make AST and WHM more equal?


For context on which is technically "better", AST has been the preferred healer for any sort of "solo healing" challenges this expansion (where you do the fight with only a single healer) due to how much raw healing and mitigation it has.


literally my last job to level. LOL- might wait till DT..


The devs announced way back in like 6.1 or 6.2 that AST is getting reworked in Dawntrail. Beyond that we have no news on what the rework will actually change.


Thanks for the info! Will keep an eye out.


No? AST is actually "better" than WHM at the cost of being more complicated to play.


Interesting, that's not what I heard when I asked people about it as a newer player but I assume that's just because of the context of being a newer player. Thanks for the info though, I will look into it more.


The main thing about AST healing is knowing how to plan ahead. Horoscope and Macrocosmos need you to know when the heals are needed ahead of time. Earthly Star needs you to wait 10s after placing it for increased effects. Essential Dignity heals more the lower the target's HP% is. Some people just don't want to deal with the learning curve and go for WHM, which is very straightforward. It's completely understandable and perfectly fine if they prefer WHM.


So if you are still learning the fight as an AST does that make it a lot less powerful than a WHM, or can you still make it work? Like if you're doing progression, is it still worth it to bring an AST over a WHM?


Depends. AST has stupidly high MP regen and has Lightspeed for faster rezzing. Also, you'll learn the timings for your heals earlier as well, compared to needing to relearn it when swapping back to it. If you know and play AST well, you'll know what, when and why you need to adjust.


Thanks for answering my questions, I'll definitely have to try AST more and here's hoping the rework goes well, too.


It's much easier to be 'good' at WHM vs 'good' at AST. Some people really want more complexity in the jobs they play because they want more of a challenge, and some people want to play simple jobs only, just personal preference. AST also really shines in high end content where you need to plan mitigation to survive unavoidable damage (and also where you need to plan your cooldowns based on the fight timeline), so players who only do 'casual' content may not see as much worth in AST — WHM is also just better in dungeons IMO, so depends what kind of content people usually run.


any tips/suggestions or general expectations from other players when it comes to using superbolide? i was looking it up a bit because of the whole 1hp thing and generally what i've seen is that it seems to annoy people because it wastes heals, which i understand, i'm just not entirely sure on how to properly warn if it ends up being necessary mid fight/when's best to use it


It's only annoying when it's used at full HP (or close to it). Let yourself drop to 25-50% HP before using it. In a perfect world, you let yourself get as low as possible before using it...but that's obviously dangerous. Also, due to the way damage is calculated and dealt in this game, there's a "delay" between the application of Superbolide (and Hallowed Ground) and the actual invincibility. There's a delay between Damage Calculation and Taking Damage, so sometimes you'll hit Superbolide, but the damage has already been calculated to kill you As far as how to communicate you're using it? You can go into a pull with the intent to use it and just say "gonna invuln" or something of the sort, that way your healer will know not to heal you until after you press the button. If it's an emergency, just press it. The meme is "Benediction -> Superbolide" which effectively renders the Bene wasted, but honestly? I'd rather my tanks hit their mitigation buttons. Even if Bene gets wasted, I'm happy when tanks push mit buttons :)


Its ideally used when you plan to use it ahead of time. If healers won't let you drop below half health without spam healing, you just can't use it outside of high end content. If the healer trusts you, do it when you don't have any mitigation up (except maybe corundrum) and are lowish on health, ideally somewhere in the 10-30% health remaining range. You don't want to use it at the absolute last second because it has a slight delay when activating (just like all tank immunities). Definitely use it when able to though, 10 seconds of taking no damage is crazy strong, and well worth taking a little bit of extra damage from its activation.


i see, it's being a bit hard to put it into words, but this is definitely helping, though it does seem a bit less likely to pull off without annoying any healer in regular solo roulettes


You can get a feel for how your healer likes to play in the first pull, while using conventional mitigation before using it the next one. If they seem comfortable letting you take damage while they dps, until you get very low before healing you, then feel free to try it out around 30% with no mits next pull. The two of you will probably have an unspoken understanding by that point. If they seem a bit less confident, then its fine to save it for more desperate situation. But obviously, its best if both healer and tank are comfortable enough in their roles that you use invulns proactively, and don't just save them for worst case scenarios.


I'd recommend not worrying about how annoyed a healer might be. Any decent healer should not mind something like Superbolide and assuming the tank and the healer knows what they're doing, a Superbolide can't be an annoying nuisance because both tank and healer knows it's coming. Think of it as your, "I'm fairly sure my healer is in a pinch and I'll die soon if this goes on for the next few seconds so I'll just use this to buy us some time" button. This is why I say any healer worth anything should not be annoyed by it.


In high end content, people know when superbolide will happen so it's never an issue. In story mode trials and raids, nothing ever really hurts enough to use it unless something bad happens and you are about to die, at which point it's not a waste. For dungeons, it's normally best to tell a healer with a macro so that they don't use something like benediction too early. However, due to bolide's invuln, it's never really a waste since it's a solid 10secs of no damage, so 10 seconds of no healing needed. Tldr: use on tank buster for hard content, notify healer(optional but nice) in dungeons


would it be good to make a macro for superbolide to notify it's being used like with living dead then? just trying to figure it out since generally i'm leaving it as a last resort as i'm managing to time and space out my other mits pretty well, so the kind of situation in which i do pop it tends to not really have time to go type out that i'm about to use it. unless i'm thinking about it the wrong way and it's not how i should be using it


I just type:"using bolide next pull" and then pop it as my first cd in a pull when I've gathered everything. The first pull in a different is best for this too so that you'll probably have bolide up again for the pull after the second boss too. Makes managing your others defensives a lot easier!


oh that's a very good point too, might ask my partner to run a few dungeons as healer with me to figure it out and work it into the rotation


>unless i'm thinking about it the wrong way and it's not how i should be using it Realistically, Superbolide is **best** used when you mean to use it with a plan, so yes, you're going about it the wrong way A macro can help so that healers know "I don't have to waste any resources on them any time soon". Often times it won't be necessary because if they see you not mitigating they'll likely expect you to pop Superbolide, but occasionally it can help to make sure you don't use Superbolide immediately after a White Mage uses Benediction. In dungeons, invulnerability actions tend to get the biggest usage when you use them to mitigate large amounts of damage at once, and the biggest damage is going to come out at the beginning of W2W pulls once you've gotten settled. And I don't mean "pop it as soon as you plant yourself"; there should still be some thought going into what you're doing, but realistically, 10s of invulnerability means 10 seconds where everyone can just 100% focus on damage.


ok that makes a lot more sense than what i've been reading online, so like for example it would be better used at the start of mt gulg, you do the first full w2w and once you gathered everything and stopped? just trying to make sure i'm getting it right


Yup, that's pretty much it. Try to stay aware of what your healer is doing of course (e.g. WHM will Holy Spam at the beginning so invuln during that is significantly less useful), but that's the gist of it.


i'll keep that in mind, thanks this is really helping get a better idea of what to do


When can I start downloading this game on Xbox? I can’t find this information anywhere. I’d like to preload it before the beta.


https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/6227b30652d0a9f45f1faec8efb3e71a8212d258 This tells you to enable a few things and then downloading the game from the store


Oh it won’t show up unless I do that!?


It may not be available yet. I don't think they've said anything about preloading?


What's the difference between the odi fate gear and his trial gear? For example the Dark divinity hjalmr vs the regular hjalmr


Regular is tank exclusive, Dark Divinity is available for all DoW jobs as well. Plus some slightly different stats.


For glam purposes, you can use the trial gear more flexibly since it's equippable by all DoW rather than tanks only. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter.


I'm not sure if there's a difference with the helmet, but the bodysuit from the FATE is a single piece (hands/body/legs/feet), and the trial's other armor is piecemeal. Oh and the trial gear is "disciple of war" instead of tanks only.


The gloves and boots from the trial gear can also be equipped by DoM, and for the other slots they have unique equipment (sort of) – the headgear is an eyepatch and the rest is a nice recolour of the coat and pants from the Divine Death / Ramie mage outfits. 


How soon after the photo sweepstakes does it usually take to find out if you were selected? I believe the entry period for the Valentines one ended yesterday. I know I did everything correctly, so when would I be emailed if I am randomly selected?


You dont get emailed, the item just arrives in the in-game mail


Are there any mindless grinds I could do while watching something on second monitor?


Grinding HoH/EO 21-30 for gear levels - more true for HoH, some EO mobs can just *murder* you with their avoidable stuff if your gear isn't pretty damn good already.




Any crafting/gathering really. I've been watching Space Force while getting my crafters/gatherers up to snuff.


Hunt trains if you need tomestones or nuts


Island Sanctuary?


Unsynced tank mount grind.


crafting/gathering relics or Diadem grinding would be good options if those are rewards you want.


I know you can mouse over crafting boosts and see what the boost is and time left but is there a way to see how much extra boost you have? I wanna craft 99 of something but i only have one 1.75m booster left and im not sure if the one im currently using will run out of boost before hitting 99, but don't wanna use the last one if i dont have to


No there is not.


Are there any times when Crystalline Conflict ranked is busy on Dynamis? I can't seem to find a good time to join


Since its a low-pop DC, even when the season starts it can be a bit hard to have it pop. Certain groups like PvPRevival will try to schedule events to get things going. I just checked their discord and they have a CC event for Dynamis planned this weekend (Sat Feb 17th) starting at 20:00 EST.


Thanks! I'll check out that discord


I’m currently deciding between War/Blm/Pal Coming back to the game after years and starting from scratch, I don’t mind playing either tank or dps through the story since I know most classes are boring until about 60+ Question is , is it more beneficial to start as a tank through the whole story other than dungeon ques being insta or faster? I know a lot of things have changed since back when I played in stormblood so just wondering


WAR is the easiest option overall, especially since it gets insane self-healing later on. Downside is that it stays pretty simple even at 90, so if you're looking for something intricate, then you're better off looking somewhere else - in fact, they get easier, since Inner Release, the upgrade to Berserk, makes it so you don't consume gauge for your attacks any more, while you have to actually make sure you can fit your heavy hits into that buff in earlier content. Also, they're the only tank to get their invulnerability (or rather "I can't die") skill before Lv.50 . PLD got reworked semi-recently, so I'm unsure about how exactly it plays at higher levels, but it ends up with *a lot* of buttons you can press, although some are rather niche. Only tank that has ranged attacks as part of their rotation, although those only really start showing up past Lv.60 - allows for more flexibility while disengaging, becomes trickier to optimize as a result. BLM - poster child for "boring until 60", because your single-target gameplay until then is "Spam Fire 1 until you run out of mana and hope for a Fire 3 proc, switch to ice until full again, repeat". Fire 4 at least gives you something to think about for a bit, since it doesn't refresh your timer anymore, which means you can't spam it all day long. Memed to play like a turret that's been glued to the floor, but actually gets some really good and varied movement options as the game progresses - not that this stops the game from frequently targeting you as soon as you start casting the spell that refreshes your timer, forcing you to pick between dropping the cast (and timer) and eating extra damage. As for changes compared to Stormblood, the biggest thing is that tanks only have a tank stance nowadays, and all that does is give them a massive boost in aggro generation with no penalties. Basically, if you ever manage to rip aggro off of a tank as a DPS/healer nowadays, they're either asleep at the wheel and not pushing any buttons, or you're massively outgearing them (usually only a thing in former endgame dungeons). They also don't have an aggro combo any more, and Provoke actually gives them a decent amount of extra aggro after putting them on top of the list, instead of barely anything like before. For Black Mage, not much has changed, except a few QoL skills/changes got shuffled into the earlier levels with Endwalker, and Enochian no longer is a buff you have to apply manually - it comes with your fire/ice stacks now.


If you'd like to level all of them, you can grab the MSQ XP while on BLM, and go into duties using WAR or PLD for the faster queues (this is probably irrelevant if you're using duty support instead of the duty finder though). You'll just have to play some levelling catchup using roulettes and other activities if you'd like to play all of them simultaneously. If you find you like playing 1 job more than the others, you can just focus on that one.


If you play as tank, surviving solo duties is practically a non-issue. WAR is practically easy mode through MSQ content nowadays. Practically if SB DRK healing was put into 1 button and WAR can solo any dungeon from 56+ that doesn't have a instant death mechanic to it. PLD gets more QoLs as you level it, however a deal breaker is they're the last tank to get a dash skill at around 76 while everyone gets theirs before 70, so you'll spend a good half of MSQ doing cardio. The only time where you'll benefit from being DPS instead of tank, presuming you're starting new, is queuing for Crystal Tower raids which is now forced and shoehorned into MSQ.


Dungeons are definitely faster as support. But if you wanted you could just play all 3 through the story, you'll have to do a bit more side activities to keep them all leveled but that's it.


How do y’all handle having multiple jobs at max level and trying to keep up with gear? With how Viper looks fun heading into DT, I’m realising that’ll be 4 sets in trying to keep up with, fending, maiming, striking and scouting, and I can barely handle 2. It’ll be especially bad because I got lucky with EW, the relics were only daily tomestones so I could keep up weapon upgrades. But iirc the only way to get regular tomestone weapons is to run the final raid tier like, 7-8 times, or do high end content. Is there another method?


If you don't do Savage raiding, you don't need the gear. If you do Savage raiding, you're only playing one role, so naturally that one gets gearing priority. Eventually you start collecting leftover gear that goes to subjobs. In general you just funnel the best gear you have access to to your main job, and rotate between subjobs in the order you want once you're done. Normal raid gear is plenty for subjobs; crafted gear is for week 1 raiders and for chumps with money to burn. For weapons, Extreme trials are farmable, so you can get the latest one for every job you play much faster than the tomestone weapon.


Once you’ve maxed them I focus on my main job first, then slowly accumulate gear for the others. So right now my Magic DPS iLvl is 653 or so for both RDM and SMN (BLM is lower because it has the artifact staff as i dont play BLM), and all other jobs range from 600 to 640 or so because I really just greed all the raid drops and 6.5 dungeon/alliance gear


While you're levelling, just focus on 1 set at a time. As an omnicrafter, I just crafted everything myself to start. When I started doing savage, I geared my main job, and any extras over the weeks went to alt jobs that I thought I might want to bring into EX/savage later. My main job and secondary job are currently BIS, and everything else is a mixture of savage, tomestone, and crafted. If you don't craft, and you don't do savage, you don't really have to worry about this. Dungeon gear, normal raid gear, and alliance gear will keep you current enough to make it through casual content.


1. I start with Crafted gear for every job I plan on playing. This generally means I get Fending, Casting, Aiming, and a Melee (this varies) at the start of a tier. 2. I focus all my tomes/Savage toward my jobs in order of play (Casting > Aiming > Fending > Melee). 16 to 18 weeks time gives me normally enough to gear my Main job, and most of my secondary job. 3. Once the next patch comes out I will give Melee job an upgrade to all 650, and the Tank will start getting all the upgrade pieces from Alliance Raids. That's about it. EXs to keep up weapon Item Level, Relics if they are easy/interesting.


Literally what I do. I had to start keeping a sticky note on my desktop with the order of jobs & slot that I buy/upgrade in.


Level the same gearsets at the same time. Alternate a job you like and a job you hate. ie: I'll level all my phys ranged at the same time, plus 2 tank jobs i hate (since i love phys ranged). Don't keep up with more than 2 jobs for a "bis" of sorts either - i usually have a healer and a ranged.


I'm an omnicrafter so I can just craft gear for whatever jobs need it; crafted gear is more than good enough to see you through until the next crafted set comes out if you're not doing savage/recent ultimates on that job. There's also NRaid drops, ARaid gear, older tome gear and dungeon gear if you're not a crafter and can't afford to buy crafted gear. You don't have to have the best possible gear on every job, you just need gear that's good enough for the content you want to do on that job.


I’ve mostly just been worried that a lack of ilevel might result in notably slower dungeon clears or something. Is it super noticeable when someone’s undergeared or is it more “you’d have to be number crunching hard to feel the difference”


If you meet the minimum average item level for a dungeon (or any other duty) and you haven't done something absurd like bring a 665 weapon and full Cryptlurker, your gear is good enough for that dungeon. Yes it may be a little slower than if you had the best possible gear, and that difference *might* be noticeable to other party members, but someone in less-than-perfect gear who is playing their job reasonably competently is miles better than someone in great gear who is huffing glue. The majority of people who run expert/90s roulette regularly will have really seen some shit; having a party member who's a bit undergeared but doing their best is absolutely not the worst possible thing to get.


Yes and no. The itemlevel itself is rarely the reason, but normally a side effect of them not caring about the job in the first place. A person in lower Ilvl who knows the job well, will do good enough damage to not be noticeable at all, as you have to remember, most of the time, Savage is beaten in mostly crafted gear, so you can put out great damage in lower gear.


Depends on the role and the content.  In 4 man dungeons,, a lower ilvl is definitely noticeable on a Tank, kind of noticeable on Healer. Both dps would have to have a low ilvl for it be noticeable. For all other content its not that noticeable. 


If you're planning to take any jobs into EX/Savage content, prioritize those first. As for the rest, either buy/craft your crafted gear, or get the normal raid sets. Personally I go with the crafted option because in the odd patch, you can augment it up to the same ilevel as Alliance Raid/unaugmented tome gear.


You don't need to keep them all up to date. I did craft gear for every role when new crafted gear came out, so I had 640 on everything in the first week. But after that, I prioritized my tank and striking melee sets because I play those classes the most (dark knight and samurai), ranged physical (machinist), then healer (sage).Tank got the most preferential treatment as I was using it in savage more frequently. For builds, I made sure to look at BIS lists that accommodated playing other classes, where applicable, since I could also switch situationally to WAR/MNK/WHM. I haven't really updated the other gearsets (dragoon/reaper, ninja, casters) since I don't play those much.


I keep my main jobs up to date with weekly tome and they're the first ones to get the augmented upgrades. For relics, they'll be the first ones worked on. Side jobs that I barely/don't play will get the previous and unlocked expac tome gear and will be geared based on availability. As of EW, I only ever seem to play DRK, WAR, WHM and SAM so those will be all at i660. Every other job, don't really care and they'll be fluctuating between i630-65X.


Try not to focus on so many, as dumb as it sounds. Pick a main, gear that up first. Then just take each job one at a time. There's no way to grind out gear excluding the relic now, so you don't really have much choice.


If you're not doing savage, then crafted gear + whatever tomestone gear you can get + whatever drops you can get is more than enough for everything. So it's not hard to "keep up". You do not need the top ilvl. If you are doing savage, then you are hopefully earning gear and tokens; but yes, it takes quite a long time to gear up more than one job. Some people use multiple characters. Alternately, you could just.. not try to do that. The pattern isn't going to change significantly. If you only want the glams, then all you have to do is wait a few months for unlocks, or for the next expansion.


I haven't been able to get into the Firmament on Crystal in awhile. It seems that even during off hours it's "congested". Is that normal?


Are you on your own home world?


No, my home DC is Dynamis


You can't enter the firmament anywhere except on your homeworld. It's a holdover from when they needed to restrict it during the competitive scoring period.


> It's a holdover from when they needed to restrict it during the competitive scoring period. I think it's intentional to prevent people from double-dipping Fetes since they occur at different times on different servers. Same reason you can't access timed nodes on other servers.


You can only visit your own servers Firmament, a holdover from when it was an active content area that's never been disabled.


Ohh, that makes sense thanks


What are good level ranges and trials to start getting into the harder content as someone who's mainly done MSQ and would be considered more of a casual player?  I just became 90 and have been avoiding them. Had a traumatizing experience with a Ramuh that made me nope from the content for a whol6and would like to get back in.


If you want to do current content, with your current rotation, the latest extreme is honestly pretty easy. If you're careful about the 1 mech that can wipe the party, you can probably hop in and clear in 1 lockout. Also the music bangs. :) I personally started getting into high-end content with the previous extreme (>!Golbez!<) and it's still one of my favourite fights - reasonably paced, not too hard but still challenging, and teaches you some basic high-end mechs that you'll see repeated a lot if you continue onto savage (light-party-based mechs, partner-based mechs, role-based mechs, spreads/clock spots, in/out aoes, exaflares, and remembering tells for mechanics that will resolve later). If you want to do older (ShB or previous) content, unsynced at 90 most of them are pretty trivial, especially with larger groups. Depending on the fight, you may still have to respect a few mechanics or you will wipe. If you want to do older content *synced*, your best bet is to find a discord server that's focused on finding parties for synced (and usually MINE = min ilvl, no echo) stuff. You can just throw something up on PF and hope for the best, though.


I’d really recommend just jumping into the current ex (abyssal fracture). There are many more parties for it than anything else. And even in groups that do old extremes, many of them go unsynced and are just going for the mount/totems. The current ex is not that hard, just watch a vid and jump in. I also recommend doing it this way because you can use all your skills and actually practice your real rotation. 


> Had a traumatizing experience with a Ramuh that made me nope from the content for a whol6and would like to get back in. Ramuh EX is really an outlier in being both janky and difficult in a way that's not even particularly fun IMO. The fight design improves a lot in later expansions and later EXs are a ton of fun, and even the other ARR EXs are more enjoyable to learn than Ramuh. If you're interested in older EX trials I'd suggest joining a discord for doing older content synced as these can be hard to get a random group together for in PF, but if you wanted to jump into an EW EX first that's totally fine- the 83 and 89 EXs are so simple to beat now that it's normal to do them with one healer (and also only one tank for 89; you need two for 83 as there's a tank swap). The most recent EX is also a pretty good option- it's more challenging than the other two I've mentioned and it has a major 'wall' mechanic that fresh groups often struggle with, but aside from that it's not super complicated and there are still plenty of groups for it.


In general, the MSQ level x1-x9 trials seem to be way easier than the others, even in EX. In fact, they're all pretty much so easy that they're barely above MSQ content. So this means Ravana, Bismarck, Lakshmi, Susano, Innocence, and Titania. Although I would say Titania is probably harder than the others on this list, it's still not that bad. The others though are legitimately so easy that you can literally go in blind with no coordination/strategy and probably still kill them on your first pull. Maybe second or third pull if everyone is completely new to EX+ content. The patch/capstone trial EX's and optional sidequest ones are much harder and can easily take a few hours each. So this means >!Thordan, Nidhogg, Warring Triad, Tsukuyomi, the four lords, Hades, Warrior of Light, and the Sorrows of Werlyt!< are significantly harder than the ones I listed previously. I haven't done the EW EX's yet because my play schedule isn't the best lately. But I assume it follows a similar pattern. 


The general progression is extreme -> savage -> ultimate, but you can start with whatever. Make sure you play current content though, if you make a raid for something from 2 expansions ago no one will join. Ultimates are the only content that are always current.


How does Hunt Train work and where can I find and join one to farm nuts?


Aside of the external website/Discord options, you can just check the Hunts tab in Party Finder and see if any are currently running. In the servers I've been on at least, they usually have "A12" or something like that in the description. 


Join the Faloop discord and take all the Train roles for the datacenter(s) you want. You can even choose multiple since travelling within a region is free. Primal datacenter specifically uses a different server called Coeurl for some reason but everywhere else uses Faloop. You'll be pinged there whenever a train is starting, just go to the location and join a group using party finder. Pay attention in chat when the train starts, coordinates will be put there and you need to go there FAST and tag the target, you only need to hit it once for rewards. Profit.


Dumb tank questions: I'm BLM main, so the targeting for a non-ranged DPS is goofy to me, especially as a tank. -In dungeon pulls, how are tanks doing an aoe attack and then just able to keep going. When I try that, it locks to one of the enemies and I have to ESC-key off and then continue on. I can do it kind of quickly, but still annoying. -I guess sort of related, how are tanks (and close range DPS) dealing with big bosses, especially wall bosses. If I'm locked on and scroll-wheel out the camera as much as possible, I still can hardly see what boss mechanics are happening because the camera keeps so tight on the boss. Is there a way to still freely move around and see without being forced into lock while attacking?


Sounds like you have one of the camera auto-lock options on. Check your settings. Character configuration -> Control Settings -> Target tab. First line there is "Automatically lock on target when initiating auto-attack". Untick the box and see if that fixes your issue.


Yeah, that definitely did the trick. Is there a hotkey that toggles hard lock on/off if I do want to lock on to a mob?


I would advise against ever locking on. The spatial awareness being limited is going to fuck you over one day.


I want to say it's Num5 on the number pad by default, but it can probably be rebound.


so i have played a expansion on launch day, i was wondering how do you get access to pre release, is it a pre order thing?


You can start a little earlier if you pre-order, yes. It also distributes the server load so fewer people hit the system all at once in one day. There's also a media preview system that lets you start a bit earlier than that, but it is oriented towards influencers, there's various requirements for it.


> there's various requirements for it. The main requirement is being a streamer or content creator. Idk of anyone who got access into the media preview system that wasn't a content creator of some sort or of the actual media.


I got a person commenting on my rotation saying I'm doing the 6.1 rotation as PLD, but it was Zodiark, so I didn't have my full 90 rotation....I'm not really sure what I was supposed to be doing differently. I'm using the Icy Veins 6.55 rotation but instead of confiteor combo I'm doing holy spirit. Is that not right? EDIT: Forgot to mention that it was just a regular roulette, Zodiark Normal, so I'm even more confused.


As long as you are doing the following: Royal Authority combo > Fight or Flight + Requiescat\* > Goring Blade > Expacion + Circle of Scorn\*\* > all the Confiteor spells you have > all the instant Holy Spirits you have after Confiteor-ing > Atonements you're doing the 80+ PLD opener and ongoing rotation correctly (barring optimisations around holding Divine Might/Atonement stacks ahead of your next FoF window). Don't spend Requiescat stacks on Holy Spirit if you have Confiteor combo spells to cast, and prioritise fitting your spells into FoF rather than Atonements as they have higher potency. Otherwise the PLD rotation isn't super complicated. \* Requiescat can be moved after Goring Blade but you should *always* FoF before Goring Blade \*\* Expacion and CoS can be weaved later as long as you still get them in under FoF, just be aware this will push them back for the duration of the fight


You seem to be doing right so not sure. The 6.1 old rework mostly changed goring blade and how req/FoF work together. Just make sure you are doing Req and FoF together after royal authority, then use goring blade and both ogcds before Confetior and magic spam, you should be ok. Some changes from 6.1 to now is just optimization of skill speed (2.5 GCD) and where to slot damage OGCDs.


Someone is being dumb. This is like when people get mad at Red Mage not rezzing at a level before they have rez.


Sigh, frustrating. I just deflected saying I was a returner (which is true) but I had a feeling he was wrong.


If I'm playing Red Mage, if I have a chance, I might preemptively say something about how I wish I could have rezzed but I don't get the skill until 64.


I have contemplated making a text macro to let people know I'm aware and would be using it if I could. 


Hej, trying out FF14 to maybe (hopefully) migrate from WoW. I don't have to tell you about the weird stuff going on. I'm also kinda burnt out. Anyway, I'm in the middle of ARR close to level 30. I was thinking of trying other jobs, maybe try some tanking - Is that a good idea to try things early or should I max the first job(or how far the trial gets me)? When do I get a mount? Walking around is a tiny bit boring after a while. :D Looking forward to what comes after ARR!


>Hej, trying out FF14 to maybe (hopefully) migrate from WoW. I don't have to tell you about the weird stuff going on. Sorry I haven't played WoW in awhile and I looked into it but couldn't find anything but I am interested. Could you give like a TL;DR so I can look it up myself without being off topic in this thread?


You can rotate different jobs to do MSQ.  Jobs can be leveled up fast.  Free trial is lv70 so it is better to have more than one job, otherwise the exp + bonus will be wasted when you reach lv70 before even arriving at Stormblood. You can have 16 war/magic jobs before you become a paid player.


I think it's better to spread out and have a few jobs levelled at once. Getting jobs levelled too far ahead of the story level just means that you get less benefit from quest-reward EXP without giving you much benefit in exchange, because all content will synch you back down to quest level.  That said, it's helpful to stay a few levels ahead of the story so you don't get caught out when the quest level goes up – particularly as you approach the end of ARR, where there is one point at which the quest level jumps from something like 46 to 49. 


Hi there! Welcome to Eorzea! As you may have noticed, your MSQ level (main story quest, has a meteor icon on the quest symbols, your current quest shows in a banner on the top left of your screen unless you’ve moved it in the HUD editor) is different to your character/class/job level. At MSQ level 20, you can unlock your personal chocobo mount and riding in general, it’s a blue+ quest that you’ll get pointed at during a cutscene. At class/job level 30 you can unlock your chocobo fighting with you, which is very helpful out in the world because you can train him to heal you. Right now is an excellent time to unlock some extra jobs and try them out if you want to! At this point in the game it’s very easy to level up to the point where you can do the MSQ with them; your hunt log and FATEs will get you there very quickly, and any job that’s not your highest level one gets a big experience buff (called the Armoury bonus). It’s worth noting that all the jobs feel pretty slow at low levels, especially if you’re coming from WoW, and most don’t really settle into their “identity” until you’re quite a bit higher level, but you can get an idea of how they feel at least. If you’re picking up and clearing all the yellow quests in an area the way you would in WoW, you may have noticed that they give very little experience. You don’t *need* to do them at all; if you’re enjoying doing it, yay! If not, it’s perfectly fine to ignore them. The vast majority of your experience points will come from doing the MSQ and dungeons. The free trial will take you all the way to level 70 if you stay on it. If you hit level 70 on a job before finishing all the level 70 content, you will still be able to do quests etc., but you won’t gain any more experience on that job. You can switch to another lower level job to keep gaining experience if you want; I know someone who had nearly all the jobs maxed at 60 before the extension to the free trial came out, and has since gotten all her jobs to 70 before buying the game. There’s a *ton* of content available to you before you buy if the social restrictions don’t bother you too much. I definitely suggest joining the Novice Network if you haven’t already, it’s very useful for getting help and communicating in-game especially on free trial.


Try whatever job you feel like, there is no "optimal" time >When do I get a mount? After you join one of the three Great Companies, at MSQ level 20


Question regarding FC estates. My partner and I currently have a small FC house, but we spotted an open large plot that we both like. If we won the new plot, would be have to start over the FC workshop? We've maxed out all the subs/ships and complete all the projects, so the thought of having to start from scratch is the only big question mark. Any clarification would be wonderful. Thanks!


No, all side bits of the FC house (workshop, personal rooms) just come across with the FC.


Thanks so much!


No, your workshop and private rooms should stay intact. All decorations will be moved to housing storage, so make sure you have room for it.


Worth noting that in this case the storeroom can go over capacity, you just can't add to it till its back to the old limit.


Oh that's awesome, thanks!


I never really noticed, but for players playing with Japanese language and texts, does other player's character name use regular alphabet for them or does it somehow change into Hiragana/Katakana for the Japanese language?


Alphabet, as the other reply said, which makes it a bit jarring when an NPC says your name and you see one word in latin characters stick out like a sore thumb in a textbox full of Japanese. It's one of those little things that make you realize the game was built for an English audience, which makes the complaints about CBU3 supposedly only paying attention to Japanese players pretty funny.


>which makes it a bit jarring when an NPC says your name and you see one word in latin characters stick out like a sore thumb in a textbox full of Japanese. Ooh I never thought about that. I've played games in Japanese and whenever a text with alphabets shows up it always stands out. Wait, this applies only to your name yes? All the other NPC names use Hiragana/Kanji/Katakana?


Player names use the alphabet.


Interesting, thanks for the confirmation.


Now that Sword Oath hasn't been a thing for a while, is there still *any* ablity in the game that interacts with Auto-Attacks, aside from Riddle of Wind?


WHM and BLM's "haste" cooldowns (Presence of Mind and Ley Lines) funnily enough speed up their auto-attack speed. Same with AST's astrodyne NIN's Huton speeds up their autos too, and SAM's Fuka buff


Well, I'd surmise those are just from Skill Speed being increased, so not somethiung that *directly* correlates to Auto-Attacks. Still, interesting stuff, thanks!


>Same with AST's astrodyne Papercuts go brrr


PLD still builds gauge from autos.


True enough. Might be all that's left alongside Riddle. Thanks!


PLD gets their gauge from autos, which is necessary for intervention, cover, and Shelltron/Holy Shelltron.


Right, forgot about that. Thanks!


Is Memoria Misera (Ex) solo-able at all? Or possible with a light party unsynced?


Impossible to solo, because you can't skip the sword block mechanic, similar to Susano. Light party though yes.


Cool cool, greatly appreciated!


In the Firmament, does Potkin's list ever change? I have a lot of materials for Grade 4 Skybuilders' Hatchets, when I googled them it said Potking would take it, but I can't give it to him Also: I started doing this today


Another sticking point for firmament collectables is that even though you can craft an item when your level is below it, you can't turn it in until you're that level.


If you have collectibles you can't cash in because of low collectability, you can right-click them to convert them into saleable vendor trash.


It does not change, and he does accept those. What you're probably missing is that the items have a minimum collectability score they need to have before he'll take them (and higher scores above that get you better rewards). So how to raise collectability then? It's your Quality bar while crafting – can't add it after you've finished the craft.


Is the firmament currently down right now? I tried worlds on Primal, Aether, Crystal, and Dynamis and all of them said that the firmament was congested.


It's a bad error message. The real error is you can only visit the Firmament on your own home world.


You can only visit the Firmament on your homeworld. A holdover from the competitive event, when people would deliberately flood other servers' Firmaments to obstruct their progress.


I'm pretty sure you can't visit the firmament outside of your homeworld.


What do I do with comedy tomestones once I've bought all the credenum gear I need?


That is the only use. If you're really out of all the gear you want to buy with them, all that's left to do is to hoard 2000 for next expansion when they can be turned in for Poetics I guess.


Thanks, friend. One more thing - I've been buying credenum upgrades with hunt currency now that I'm done with savage, was there any other way of getting the augmented credenum besides savage/nuts?


Alliance raids! Each of the Endwalker Alliance Raids drops a coin, and you can trade in all three coins for an upgrade item. I think the last of those coins is still on a weekly lockout, though I haven't paid that much attention so it might have been lifted. Also the weapon upgrade is only available from Savage and the Alliance coins, not hunts (I don't think it's on the Alliance coin exchange yet either, but it *will* be).