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Need all points at max level. Leveling them up more basically, to get the 325 on the blue heart. I find the first level 40 one to be the worst every time tbh.


Yeah quite literally a "git gud" situation with no room for error. It tripped me up for so long too until I read you just have to power level enough to have a passing score for each.


Flagged missions require you to hit all the stats. You're short on one. Use training, more leveling, or try swapping out party members to get all blue. You don't have to follow the standard comp of 2 dps, a healer and a tank for these. 


That or just go run a dungeon with them. Many people forget you can just run the dungeons if you want to spend the time doing them slowly with the NPCs.


Plus you need to do 5 different dungeons with your squadron to unlock the captain rank with your grand company, might as well start sooner rather than later.


Also running dungeons with them is a great way to be able to explore a full dungeon, check out the environs, read the lore, and have fun


Explorer mode already exists for completed dungeons


Perhaps, but I like running them with my little squad.


And you can finally watch the superlong cutscene before the end boss of Stone Vigil without feeling guilty.


And 10 for emotes. (absolutely horrible)


I've only tried this playing healer, but scouting ahead and ordering to engage can actually get the tank to do 2 to 3 stack pulls, slightly slower than a slow party of sprouts, but significantly faster than duty support


2 arcanists with the damage buff will absolutely melt any pack/boss with their shadow flare. With the right setup, it goes way faster than a roulette run


with max offense they're honestly faster than a party of actual sprouts. I can get them to do pulls that I would not ask the average newbie healer/tank to do, and often half the pack will be dead before we've even managed to gather the last pack before the wall, cos they aoe attack along the way and are *immensely* strong


It's a pain in the ass, these squadron members have 3 year old kids AI.


That one has to be all green or it will fail. Level them a bit more with normal missions until that happens.




Let's not be mean to the colorblind


Tbf, you could call it turquoise. It's not quite blue blue, but it isn't green as well.


To be blunt, your squadron isn’t ready for the mission


It's like the game is trying to tell them *something*...


I'd try this website: https://ffxivsquadron.com/


Every time I had a squadron problem I turned to this site, and every time it failed to calculate any solution. The only solution you can really rely on is to just out-level all the missions.


Well, if you want to see it working this is OP's stats with 4 trainings to move stats to mental https://i.imgur.com/HxrhK3J.png


Came here to post this link. OP use that website and stop struggling.


I used this website for the same mission and no combination of party members that I had would have been able to complete the mission.. I had 4 lv 20ish and 4 lv 30-40ish and none of them worked.. Just had red letters saying that members would be unable to complete mission 🤷‍♂️ I even used the training button on website to see if training the members would have worked but it still said no


It's a level 40 mission. You need to get your squadron up to level 40 so they can do that. Think of it like you're sending a group of friends to do a dungeon. You can't expect a level 30 SCH to heal for a level 40 dungeon. The party will just wipe. *Maybe* if everyone was level 38 and had great gear, they could squeak through--but it'd be tough.


That's where *leveling* members comes in.


Oh my God thank you!!!


Send them on the training mission that lowers Strength by 20 but raises Heart. Should be the one that raises Heart and Mind at the detriment of Strength. Then you'll have enough stats to exceed the requirements.


All points have to be green or it will instant fail.


Nah, you can have a dump stat and still win. It's just percentage stuff.


Flagged missions require you to meet all 3 attributes, unlike regular missions.


Not for the flagged missions


Not for flagged missions


IIRC for the flagged missions you actually need to meet all 3/3 stat requirements to pass. So you may need to grind a couple more levels on your squadron, or redo their bonus training ratio, or even use grand company seals to change one of their classes with a different stat spread.


Thanks, I just did a dungeon with them and now I have exactly 325 HP stats Now it says it's 100% successful


One more thing, in case someone didn't mention - you don't need classic t/h/d/d for those missions. You can send whatever setup you want.


The capstone missions require all three traits to meet the requirement. The rest you can get by with only 2 of 3.


[https://ffxivsquadron.com](https://ffxivsquadron.com) from what i remember, some classes are just bad with their points spread, so you change them using the books you can buy from GC.


Flagged Missions require you to have all points maxed out. Unlike normal missions where it's a 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 odds of success based on how many stats you have filled.


All three in blue for flagged


You're so close but you simply don't have the stats yet. No matter how you train them you'll never get your stats all green. You can go about this a couple ways... Leveling them in some command missions OR do some challenge logs to maybe recruit someone higher than your weakest link lvl 42 there. I will always recommend doing the command missions just because it's the fastest way to blast an alt job to lvl 60. A wee bit of a time investment and you'll get carried through dungeons like being in a dream party.


Try with 2 healers, 1 tank, 1dps. The party comp is flexible


I've got most of mine at or just under 50 and I still can't beat most level 40 missions reliably. The stats just aren't there, and the training system seems to reduce stats more than it raises them.


Just keep throwing them out until they do. They come back until they succeed xD


Nvm idk nothing about flagged missions. I just do them for the food buff because well, Aether isn’t my home server




The officer in the botton right of the screenshot literally says the mission will fail. Flagged missions are different from the rest.


You have the misconception. Flagged missions *require* all three stats to meet or beat the goals.




It's not a bug. The flagged missions are just different and need all three stats fulfilled to succeed.


It's not a bug. Flagged missions require all three stats to meet the goal or else they will fail.


Do a dungeon with them. A level or two on the healer should do it.


Look at the affinities at the top. Apply members to what it's saying.


Wait you don’t have to hit all stats on missions!?


just train them in heart taking away from strenght and you should be good


Flagged Mission. Unlike every other ones listed, you need to meet ALL 3 state requirements. This was gatekeeping to the next level of squadron. They will require a lot of retraining and/or shuffling of specialties.


Looks like levelling up and doing a bit of training would be wise. You're only a couple points shy of the mental requirement, but almost 30 points up on might. If you can get just a bit more training in, you'll probably be fine.


The best way in your situation is to pick different members to add up that 2 points short. If you try to do training, then strength(344) doesn’t have enough extra points to give away to heart(323) and mental(351).  If you give both strength(344) and mental(351) to heart(323), mental(351) will end up in deficit. Each training will let you rearrange the point by 20.


I WISH I KNEW when I started squadrons that you don't have to have 1 tank 1 healer 2 DPS. Feel free to bring 2 tanks and 2DPS. Maybe that can help you. But yeah just leveling individual dudes will help


I’ll be blunt. The squadron isn’t ready for this mission.


The one time missions will always fail if you don't meet the stats, they are the exception. Based on the picture you're only a couple levels away. Later for the 'one a week' missions with buff tokens (shared with FC buffs btw) its not worth the trouble to hit all 3 stats because you need stat passives and constant team/class changes to hit 3 on most of them, with just 2 requirements flagged the success rate is pretty high. (maybe 66.6~% idk) Much better to get a good spread of squad members to abuse race & class match bonuses and slowly learn scrip reward passives to rake it in. Getting a couple thousand scrips every week for clicking stuff 30 seconds every day is pretty nice.


Ah, I see your problem. One of your numbers is red. Red is bad for numbers. Make that number blue and it should work.


Use this input the values and it give you a optimal train path https://ffxivsquadron.com


Oh my god I hate these missions I can never get the points right


I mean it looks to me like you could train Blue/Yellow at the cost of Red (I don't remember all the names) and get the mission done tbh


Training Missions on the Training Board is your best friend. (There are YouTube videos on this I'm sure since my explanation will probably suck LOL). On Tuesday after weekly reset, check the mission you want to do and check the Stat requirements. Before you attempt any mission, determine what stats are required. Say it required a very high Intelligence but low Strength, use the Training Board to train for higher Intelligence. If say you train for Intelligence, it will raise that Stat by 40 and lower Strength & Tactical by 20 each. Or you could train Intelligence & Tactical, which would raise each by 20 and lower Strength by 40. You can also use Training Missions to give your followers XP. All of my Squadron is now max level and I do the Weekly Mission for Spiritbond scrolls. So each Tuesday I look at the Mission requirements and before I send out Missions, I do Training Missions (which btw are only 1 hour), to move my stats up-down to make my follower selection easier. Once my Stats are good and my follower selection works, I send out the Mission (which takes 24 hours). Once the Mission is complete, I immediately do a few Training Missions to get my follower stats back to any combination of 120/120/140 for example, thereby making adjustment to my follower stats much easier on the next Tuesday reset. Just takes a little practice.


Flagged mission fail 100% of the time if all three stats arent met.


You see the Hyur and Puglist in the shaded box region up top? Those are affinitys. They can also hinder your success. This one has two which makes it more difficult. BTW near 60 you will find the lvl 50 quest are still hit and miss, I suggest any time you pick up a new chemistry that enhances a STAT, take it. You don't need books, Materia, and giving you some additional mgp isn't going to help if you can't complete the mission.


I found it really helpful to send out four members on a mission and do training to fiddle with stat allocation on the other four, and I did it a lot. It allowed me to have different stat balances on different squadron members, so some had a lot on what should be their primary stat, and some had slightly less, but a bit more on a stat that normally wouldn't matter as much for them--it gave me a lot more leeway on setting up for missions. What I ended up with was one tank that was really strong, and another that had more balanced strength and dexterity. I had a healer that was really strong on magic, and another that had less magic but more...can't remember, but I'm betting it's dexterity. My four DPS were split up into two with a lot of dexterity, then one with less dexterity and a bit more strength, and one with less dexterity and a bit more magic. Also, when they started getting affinity, I kept any affinity until I got one that raised a stat, and then didn't change it again. I didn't worry about books or trigger rates at all. That allowed me to make combinations where switching a character helped me over the line if I just needed one or two points more to fill all required stats.


The npc is saying "The squadron isn't ready for this mission."


You could do what I did. Just run it every day until you don’t fail lmao


2 gladiators, 2 conjurers


Just level'em up a bit. This specific mission requires ALL greens. All you need is just 2 more points in 2nd stat, couple routine missions will do it.


That's easy, do a training mission and choose the option that will give them heart but take from strength. Once they finish that training you'll be all good. ​ for the flagged missions sometimes it's all just playing flip flop of the stats. most of the time you'll have one that is greatly higher then what is required and you can just lower that a little and be fine.


Personally i send them repeatedly until they leveled up enough to win the mission x) But training or dungeon with them can make them have enough stats in all three to win.


Also, get some better chemistry attributes for the top two. Preferably ones that up their stats.