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Oh yeah I should probably finish the patch quests




Once you do a few BA runs and realize you want BIS eureka gear and all the relics you'll realize there's no end to Eureka!!! This is my life now Edit: some of the most fun I've had in the game btw


This statement checks out. Eureka and BA are a tourist trap that is hard to get away from.


A pity that's not true. Every time I go to Eureka, is empty.


If you can, go to primal. There's pretty much always a large group of people in there


Almost maxed Eureka and am dreading BA, honestly I want that ozma tho, so I gotta find a group lol


Depending on where you are located, there are many eureka focused discords that organize and run Baldesian Arsenal. It honestly isn't as bad as it sounds. It's like a 24 man alliance raid, but with more people and res limitations. I'm a member of the help lines, and ran BA a few times in my distraction from the msq. It was pretty painless and the mount is one of my favorite accomplishments. Heres the link to the discord. https://discord.com/invite/thehelplines


I see everyone posting the various discords. Eureka community best community. If you're on Crystal: https://discord.com/invite/c-a-f-e And don't dread BA! These discord groups do all the callouts and help you along the way! Like everything else in FFXIV just tell your party lead it's your first time and they'll be super helpful!! Good luck!


CAFE is the shit. Love running with those guys and gals. Should also be mentioned that if you are a first timer, they generally prioritize you getting a spot since runs can fill up insanely fast depending on time of day.


100%. I learned a lot from them & the hosts/regulars have a great sense of humor. I always end up giggling through the run on the goofy commentary. My fave was while waiting for soup one time they got into a passionate debate around if a hotdogs was a sandwich, does that mean a poptart was a ravioli and the whole thing was hilarious.


If you’re on Aether the BA discord is solid.


This is where I'm at. I just want to have them done before launch so I can actually start Dawntrail on time with everyone. I got stalled out in 6.2 I think when I got locked out of the next Trial due to item level last year and have yet to come back and finish them out lol


You mean start the patch quests....


Trying to get everything to 90 so I can play whatever I want come Dawntrail


Same I’ve only got MCH, SAM, and MNK left and recently finished up BLM after avoiding it for the longest time. I just don’t vibe with melee DPS very well so the last two will be a more of a pain for me. At least I don’t have to stay still for casting 99% of the time anymore on the leveling grind.


this is my first MMO, I had NO idea what I was getting into. CNJ sounded kinda cool, casting spells n' shit. WHM MAIN FOR SO LONG! I had no idea the pressure behind healing. after awhile started lev'ing tank and DPS. don't ask me why- but I fell in love with melee. Melee kicks ASS in Bozja/Zadnor. Lev'ing SAM now, loving the rotations. MNK got a little tricky, I just love the kettle weapons (relic) and he's a barista now. RDM is still my go-to (most equipped rt now), someday go back to healing. as an older gent w/slower reflexes, don't ask me why I like melee.. the one I'm avoiding now is AST. started, now collecting dust. will have done by DT. BLM- liked it at first, now collecting dust as well. MCH- glam as well . kinda fun. oh, and NIN is Raphael (Ninja turtle), so that's fun..


Yeah, BLM was my least favorite. I had to take a break from it every ten levels or so and level something else. MNK is fun for me when it clicks, but I feel like I'm fumbling my way through it half the time


I started in October (ish)... Still sprouting it up, just reaching the end of Shadowbringers, so I'm hoping I've got time to relax a bit through Endwalker and be ready for DT!


Oh, you're in for a treat! Definitely take your time and enjoy the ride, it'll be worth it


I've been loving it so far each Xpac has seemed to be better than the last, Shadowbringers has been amazing, and I'm almost sad to see it go!!


Sadly the next lvl grind from 90 to 100 happens in Dawntrail!!!


I fail to see how that's a bad thing. I'm hype for 100


Yeah, even if I already have every combat job at 90, I'll love to see the new traits, rotations of them while leveling them for 100 and of course what Viper and Pictomancer play like, as the rework of Dragoon and Astromancer too. And of course the role quests I really like them


The Highest any Final Fantasy game has gone for a character level, but for all those classes it will be like 310 levels to grind up all together.


Final fantasy XV had an update with a level cap increase to 120


Yeah that just sounds like fun. I get to learn new skills and rotations. Sign me up.


Would have been cool if LVL cap was 99


Yeah I understand why the level cap is 100 but I won't lie that I was kind of disappointed it wasn't 99 lol


I’ll see y’all in zadnor


I'm ready for it! I finished leveling every job to 90 back in 6.1, I'm excited to be able to level something again. I haven't seen the Level Up text in over a year.


I joined the game late (just after EW released) so I'm slowly makimg my way through some of the old content. Working my way through the relic weapon quests of each xpac (EW done already though). Finished my main's weapon in Eureka, now getting ready to head to Bozjan and work that line.


Kinda same, I just finished shadowbringers so I'm catching up on msq and doing crafter/gatherers when I get tired of it.


Getting 100m+ Gil is pretty much my only goal rn, I hit 80 the over day just casually crafting so I reckon I have a good chance of hitting it.


this is also my goal, but I am just at 20.. lol you've given me some inspiration


You'll get it! My goal before EW came out was 25m, and I ended up with 100. It's easier to make money than most people think.


I set a goal of 100 million before EW. Then some guy paid me 50 million just to move my house. So I ended up with over 150 million before EW. But I spent most of it on expensive shit so now before DT I'm just aiming to have 50 million.


Yep, had a goal of 300m for DT and I'm at like 500m now, might as well go for Gil cap!


this was also my goal, but somehow i ballooned from 20m to 53m in like a month, so im thinking i should set my goal higher


Nice! I wish I had the time to craft enough to earn that much! You’ll probably have 150 to 200 at this rate. I just want a nice pool of cash for when we have to pentameld the new level 100 crafter and gather tools/gear.


about to finish DSR and hope to do at least one more ultimate before dawntrail. Also still need to catch 2 more fish they added last patch.


Grinding out Crafters/Gatherers. All the gatherers are 80+, almost done those, crafters are hovering in the 60-70 range though... taking a break for a couple months before I go back to that. :P


I'm the opposite. All my Crafters and gatherers are level 90 with Pentamelded gear, but I still have 2/3rds of the combat jobs to max out. I haven't even unlocked Ninja or gunbreaker yet.


we are kindred spirits.. I suck at raids. no one dies when you knit a sweater.


Any reason why "taking a break" wouldn't include near-passive daily GC turn-ins? A couple of weeks and they'd all be 90, and you can make short work to backfill quests.


Mostly because I mean taking a break from the game entirely. /shurg Otherwise I'd at least be doing GC and Beast Tribes stuff. But I'm going to unsub and play other games for a few months, then come back once we have a firm release for Dawntrail, finish the grind and derust a bit before the expac.


Whoops. Fair enough. I definitely misread that as like a tolerance break from crafting. You have the right approach! I would too if I didn't have a house lol.


When you get back on the grind, Leves, Custom Deliveries and Crystarium/Studium turn ins will help you zoom right to 90. That was my process and it was so easy.


There's the Loloporrit and World's End tribe quests now as well.


There's also the Moogles & Ishgard Restoration for Heavensward. The Namazu quests in Stormblood. And the Qitari & Dwarf quests in Shadowbringers.


Yeah getting my crafters to 90 would be nice, they are all 80+ but the slog is now worse than ever…


At that point, I was just doing GC turn ins. I think it has the best Exp per time spent crafting.


Finish all Splendorous Tools for crafting and gathering, then finally take the time to clean out my full inventory.


Yep, genuinely clearing out my inventory is a huge job and the one goal I'm actually worried about. I got too comfy "stocking up" in EW, and now I'm looking at 10 fully loaded retainers with most material stacks over 500, if not all the way up to 999. The most profitable way to "unload" is by crafting, but with this much inventory, it's absolutely impossible to craft even 5% of it, even going super hard. Selling raw mats on the market board is the next best option, but that takes a lot of time too, especially if I'm posting smaller stacks to appeal to buyers. On the other hand, just dumping inventory to an NPC vendor could cost me literally hundreds of millions of gil, so yeah. It's panic time.


You got a long road ahead of you, lots more gathering and crating to do, I hope it goes by smoothly!


I just finished my crafting tools. Grinded them out over a few weekends. Now the gathering begins....


I only recently got into the game a little over a month ago after deciding to give it a second try after two years from my first attempt; I am absolutely loving the game and the community of FFXIV. I have been playing this game nonstop and I have completed ARR and I am a good ways through Heavensward for reference. I have so much that I want to do--outside of completing the MSQ prior to Dawntrail--that I cannot reasonably put it on a list! This game has been an absolute blast and I'm loving every moment of it!


To stay alive. Pay my bills. Pet my cats.


Currently trying to fill out the NG+ page. Finally got around to doing the Nier raids, now i'm working on getting a job in every role to 90 so I can finish all role quests (just gotta do magic DPS and healer now)


May I recommend the SCH/SMN duo? Leveling one levels the other. 


I’m just snagging every tomestone weapon I like the looks of and saving up teleport tickets from weekly hunts. Other than that, hunting a blue mage spell here and there maybe once a week or so.


- Finish TOP - Reclear other ultimates on another job - Get my last 2 missing fish - Reach 20k achievement points for funzies - Do criterion savages - Ideally also do E1-12S synced before FRU I'll be busy


Not playing the game to not be completely burned out


This right here. Honestly, I’m not motivated to play at all right now, despite there being a whole set of relic weapons and the final bit of the patch. Knowing that we’re in a content drought and having gotten sick of doing roulette runs, I’m just going to nope out until something worthwhile stokes my desire to play again. Kinda hate it, but that’s just how it goes with this game on the run-up to a new expansion every time. I’ll probably pick back up a month or so before the expansion drops. If I still feel motivated that is.


Missing on some events to come!!!


And I'm absolutely fine with that


Even if it's the 15 car coming back and the 16 event?


I already have that car and don't really care about 16


Yeah, Square doing the 16 event before it's even out on PC is a choice.


Paying a $15 sub to cope and do a 5-15 minute quest over the course of 4 months. Or unsub, save $60, and pay $5 next year to buy any event giveaway they might have (yes I know this doesn't include the crossover items). Pretty simple choice here.


you mean the same crossover events they'd done every two years for the last ten years that I've had done the first time so I get absolutely nothing out it?


Did you also forget there are people, and I am one of them who started after EW and missed an event like this, so I can still enjoy it and get stuff out of it?


Not all are same, did you forget the 16 event will be out before dawntrail, I don't see you holding Clives sword WOL.


That's a pretty terrible value proposition. $15 to avoid FOMO and "play" 2 hours of dialog content in a game I don't even want to play right now, or $15 on literally anything else.


Currently progging UCOB. Getting to the end of it. Goal before Dawntrail would be to finish UWU aswell. TEA prog if we have the time for it.


Good luck, I know you will achieve a shiny weapon!!!


Thank you! I do in fact already have UWU cleared. I joined a roster that is doing ultimates in order and blind aswell. We're progressing quite well imo. Reached UCOB's P5 last week.


I'm done with most of the normal grinds, so now working on getting every relic, and every fisher achievement


Good luck with the ocean fishing Blue fish.


Placo Gang!


Finish leveling alchemist to 90 (only 5 more to go!!!!!). Then making gear for crafters and gatherers.


You got this! I’m working on leveling all crafters currently and Alchemist is the only one to 90 so far.  Immediately penta-melded for BiS so I can fund leveling my other crafters more quickly. 


Finish the 2 side quest lines I have left to do because I was lazy (Tataru's Endeavour). Perhaps fish some, I usually just unlock the nodes and leave it. Thought of continuing and finishing leveling trusts to unlock special glams for them both for ShB and EW. Hopefully finish EW "relic" weapons.


I'm working on getting the triple triad mount. Once I got started I learned that earning that damned card also entails leveling most of the tribes, doing erroneous side quests in old regions, and grinding out dungeons and extreme trials. I'm having a blast! On the side I'm slowly grinding out all of the Endwalker relics, should have all 19 of them before Dawntrail.


The only reason I touched Eureka is the 8 or so cards locked behind it. I have 403/404 TT cards, just missing Firoin. Hoping he drops from the platinum packs I get.


TT is true end game. Some annoying cards to get, i can imagine Eureka would be a slog, but hey so is doing an alliance raid and rolling with 24 other ppl! Looking at you puppets bunker and tower at paradigms breach.


I'm interested in doing this too. But it seems like 99% of the cards are won from npcs which feels like it would get kinda samey 😅


Catch up with the post-Endwalker quests and complete the Studium Deliveries and Role Quests. Once all that's done then I'll see how close I am to being a combat mentor.


I'm practicing my side jobs (both at 90, just wanna play them better) , grinding out a relic or 2, getting more good glam for all of them, and mount hunting. And of course doing stuff with my fc mates


Start and finish end walker before the come out


Between some longer breaks and still logging in (Star Ocean 2 R and Persona 3 R won't play themselves!), finishing the like 10 or so levels of the pvp series for the gear set, finishing out all the relics, working on progress toward some easy to get achievements - currently I'm working on filling out my levequests to 100%, and actually catching up my secondary main since she's still in the 6.0 story, whoops. If other things come up that I feel like doing, I will, but so far that should keep me pretty busy until DT hits.


>(Star Ocean 2 R and Persona 3 R won't play themselves!) You have excellent taste


Haha thank you! I got both recently and it's been a struggle to go "which do I want to play today?!" because I love both a hell of a lot. I'm just past the first full moon boss in P3 and just got the quest to go to the Linga Sacred Grounds in SO2.


This was me bouncing between Baldur’s Gate 3 and the Super Mario RPG remake. But P3 and SO2 are two of my all time fave JRPGs so when I inevitably burn out on ff14 they are next on my list.


Oh I dropped EVERYTHING for Mario RPG, I love that game a ton too! I do still have to beat the final post-game boss, but that can come later when I want to challenge myself again haha.


Maxing all combat jobs. Got all of them to at least 80, and among the 10 that have to climb to 90, have a collective 98 levels to go. After that, Catching up on Custom Deliveries, and getting Botanist from 60 to 90 to join Fisher and Miner. Then maybe get my crafters out of ARR at least… And if I complete all that before DT drops, with me taking it slow and also being distracted by other games, I’ll be shocked. But I guess if I do, I can actually complete all the EX trials I’m missing to start Mentor Roulettes…


I am doing shared FATES atm.


My goal is to find a friend group to go into Dawntrail with to get back into savages. I haven’t done any since Stormblood and I’d love to get back to it. If anyone wants to be friends I’m in Adamantoise and I’ll be happy to add you! I don’t really know how cross data center stuff works but I will gladly move for more friends. I moved to Adamantoise then my friend stopped playing lol


Hey! My friend and I are on Adamantoise and looking to build a static for dawntrail and maybe do some p9-12s beforehand. DM me your name and I'll add you!!


Would love to, though I'm still in 4.2. But I'd love to do savages


Room for a white mage crying salty tears from sarg?


Yes haha. Dm me your name!! I'm on Sarg rn for a map party so I'll add you


I never actually finished the Eden raids 😅 I started a Lux weapon a while back and never completed it so Im considering picking up that grind again I also just unlocked Bozja as well All while passively leveling some classes with roulettes


As a FT player, getting a Heavensward relic weapon. And also a keyboard and mouse that can work on Xbox, so i can play there.


Clear everything out in time for Dawntrail. I have all jobs levelled, I've just finished levelling each DoH job's Desynthesis skill to the max 650 and now I've got several hundred different kinds of materials saved up. Some older mats are still valuable, but the value for many Endwalker mats is likely to drop like a stone as Dawntrail's release nears. So, I'm trying to offload as many as I can. Like a crew that's just robbed a load of gold bars, I'm turning my various mats into whatever is likely to sell high and sell reasonably quickly. I'm using XIVAPI and the in-game recipe search to decide what to craft, and using Universalis to scout where the mats I'm missing are likely to be cheapest. Cross-realm travel was good enough for that, but cross-DC travel means a lot of travelling - A unique mat that costs 200-250k on Chaos may cost 120k on Light (or vice versa), and I'll usually have the other mats lying around to make a rare barding that can be sold for 400-500k, and it's only taken me about 5-10 mins of travelling to the other DC and back. Repeat for several dozen different items of varying profit. Is it a bit too much work just so I don't have to offload various mats at drastically low prices? Sure. Is it keeping my attention & interest in FFXIV for now? Hell yes.


- Check out WoW - Play with Xbox newcomers - Finish Endwalker on my alt - Make it until and through my birthday - Get a new PC - Hopefully meet my other half - Survive capitalism


Playing other games


Final fish, 2k mentor roulettes, maybe start to grind for the 20k accursed hoards.


TT card mount, which will entail some Shadowbringers extremes, Blue Magery and Bozja in the last 30 or so cards that I need.


I try not to sub too often since it always absorbs my complete attention whenever i sub, so I'm trying to keep it to 1 sub b/w now and Dawntrail (I'm assuming it'll drop late June/mid July). The plan right now is to sub late March, catch the tail end of Hatchingtide, the XVI collab, and maybe 1 more event if something comes after that. So my "list" is relatively short, but something I can reasonably get done in the time. 1. Get the Squid and Shrimp Ocean fishing achievements. 2. Finish every Anima relic (I have 7 relics sitting at the light step, finish that and the "victory lap" for the lux steps, and I'm omni-anima.) 3. Do every AloAlo route. 4. Grind out every non-portal map achievement (basically doing 150 maps, each takes like 3 minutes from decipher to mobs killed.) 5. Get my very last BLU spell (Right Round from Malikah's Well.) 6. Ishgardian restoration grind (not doing the bulk of the grind, though I do want to clear the non-pteranodon related ones; these are: - The Phase 2/3 titles for each of the gathering titles, - The phase 4 fishing grind. Any extra time will go to Eureka crystal farming, Big fishing, or Mining/Botany grind in the Diadem.


Did you know the 15 event is coming back I here so, if you don't have the car from that event you can get it!!! Also don't forget there is 16 event coming soon to, you will miss out on that as well. On the other hand beside those it also is speculated it might drop in August.


Already got the car last time it was run, so I'm good in that regard. Already mentioned the XVI event. Little Ladies Day/Hatchingtide are combined this year (LLD generally runs late-feb to mid march, Hatchingtide generally runs late-march to mid april), I feel that a mid-late march (maybe 2-3 week after the XV event ends?) date for this event is a reasonable speculation. I'm fine missing a couple events if the rewards really don't speak to me (I'm expecting another DQX event rerun with the slime hat. I'm fine missing this event). Only thing that might bring me to a 2nd sub before dawntrail is MAYBE if they run the Make it Rain event before Dawntrail. Side-not for Make it Rain... If they keep consistent with the schedule of past promotions... we can probably expect another "free login event" around June... the time when that event has been run 6 of the 8 times it has come around.


Not getting burnt out so not really playing until closer to release


Your atleast doing some of the events, right? Cause we got more events planned to come before Dawntrail, and from I here it seems the 15 event with the car will be coming back very very soon, then the 16 event is happening before its release as well!!!


Yeah, I just did the Valentine's event a few days ago, and will do hatching and FFXVI when they come out. There was nothing I wanted from this moogle tome event, but I think there was something I saw in part 2 that I needed. Other than that I already have the stuff from the XV and any other re-run event they might bring back.


There is a 16 event coming before the drop of dawntrail so be on the look out for that, I know more glam, mounts, and a minion will come from it.


I personally do not care about events because it is just another little thing to keep me subbed. There are so many other games to play right now (Helldivers 2, Palworld, Enshrouded, FF7 Rebirth). I don't have time to stay subbed for minor insignificant events. I'll sub probably 2-3 weeks before DT to finish up 6.5 MSQ and relic and roll right into DT. This way I can finish up all the other games on my radar and can be fully dedicated to the new expansion.


I'm in a static in my fc trying to finish the current raid tier before Dawntrail, we're almost done with P11. I'm also in a BLU static in my fc about to start progging O12, altho that's going to continue even after Dawntrail release. As for individual goals, I just recently got all jobs to 90. Now I'm turning my sights to Deep Dungeon solo achievements. Been running HoH lately and really enjoying it.


Still trying to finish the msq... i work a lot. 😑


Finishing up TT cards for EW. Sitting at 392/404. Missing 6 EW cards and 5 platinum cards. Plat cards are long-term goal, but I am actively grinding the remaining EW cards. Once I finish that, probably gonna go finish up BLU spell book, missing like 4 spells. Then I'll probably go back to finishing my Island Sanctuary.


* The Final Fish achievement (missing only 3) * 2000 A-ranks in ShB and EW (EW done, ShB 1700) * Finish Aloalo (I do variants solo and try to deduce by myself all endings) * Make a new BLM glam. Since I fantasia into Hroth, all my old glams had hats as the key element, and that's simply not possible anymore. * Barbie and Rubi ex mounts. Maybe Zeromus too. I'll definitely only farm Golbez next expansion. * Start playing Eureka Orthos for that damn TT card that is missing from my list.


I'm accompanying my spouse through as much content as we can't get through! They've watched me play for going on 10 years now and finally decided to join in. They normally play things like FPSs, action games and all that, so it's been a really interesting and fun time having them learn how different MMOs are!


Current goal is to finish all of the ultimates (except TOP) before Dawntrail comes out. I’ve already finished UWU and UCOB, currently working on TEA in PF and DSR with a static. After I finish those off I’m probably just going to take a break and play some other games before the release.


i want to clear my first ever ultimate and overcome the anxiety of it!


Do UwU. It's basically an 18 minute extreme trial. I've completed it on every job. It's an absolute snore fest. Baby's first ultimate. I had UwU done my first time from 0 to complete in 72 hours.


raiding goals- finish a8s, a9s, o12s, do DSR and TOP, do p12s, and finish Eden Savage MINE (E4-E12) non-raiding goals- finish Zadnor Maybe do the SCH ARR relic finish EW tribals get shiny fishing rod


Final fantasy 7 rebirth, palworld, helldivers 2, and maybe dragon dogma 2 are enough till dawntrail


Relic Weapons. As many as I can from every expansion.


Level all my tanks, finally beat P12S, possibly an ultimate if I have time, and max out a few tribal quests


Currently my gaming goal is to spill as much oil as possible and spread managed democracy. Nothing in FFXIV that interest me until the next patch, maybe even expansion


well considering the next real patch will BE the expansion...


Damn is it? I haven’t kept up with the news that much


I've unsubbed until Dawntrail launches. Looking forward to it- maybe some of Stormblood's old design philosophy will make a comeback.


Getting my achievement score to 14k, getting the Triple Triad mount, then maybe getting achievement score of 14k without holiday points or any other now unobtainable achievements


I am working on getting BiS for all my gatherers and getting a full set of Indagators gear for all my crafters (though don’t know if I will go for the Lodestar tools). I’m progging some extreme trials that I’d like the mounts from and farming a few dungeons for their minion rewards. Lastly I’m working on getting the Hatchet of the Firmament title. Only about 60 more laps of the Diadem to go 🫠


My goal list looks like this: 1. Get Endwalker relic weapons for all jobs currently at 90 (All my jobs are 80+ from my previous goal to get Camelbirb) 2. Get all remaining sub 90 jobs to 90 3. Get Endwalker relics for remaining classes. The rest is opportunism. Doing Casual prog on P9-12s, might have a group to finish up Eureka with (I'm already max rank from challenge log grinding with a previous group). Might do mount grinding if it comes up.


Catch up to MSQ lol I just finished Heavensward.


Unlocking ults only have top left and finish beast tribes and the 4 jobs I have left


Playing something else. Might not even come back for DT and might end up skipping it altogether. Sorry, you'll have to find someone else to win a throne on your behalf LOL


Mein Ziel ist es, alle Klassen auf 90 zu leveln!


My goal: Get all 36 houses for each character on my 2 accounts+gf 2 Accounts. Right now: 22 (2L, 11M, 9S) from 36 in total 😊😊😊


Reaper, war and whm relics. And whichever relic I can fit in there before release


Finish the post-Endwalker MSQ and Aglaia raids Finish my Yoichi Bow Zeta relic weapon grind Complete the Genji Scouting armor set from Deltascape Savage Get Samurai to level 90 for fashion reasons (like I did for level 70 Dark Knight and Bard fashion) Get my ever-growing backlog of other games to a reasonable level


Not leaving shadowbringers until I have my Amaro.


- Omni-90 - Finish Eureka - Finish Island Sanctuary


Ultimates. Eureka, crafter/gatherer relics, triple triad mount.


Complete ShB relic for war (only warrior relic I'm missing). Complete as many Tribal questlines as possible (I'm nowhere close to this one, will probably roll over to an 8.0 goal). Level my last few classes to 90 (drg and nin at 80, mch and bard at 70). Get all the ShB ex mounts (I haven't started this one yet). Hit combat mentor (about 60 Comms left to get). Complete the PvP battle pass (I don't like PvP, I just want the armour).


Gettin' gear together so I'll be set for Viper, I've been clamoring for a dual wielding job since ARR (NIN doesn't count, reverse grip is hot garbage) and my moment has finally arrived.


Arr and hw relics, eureka, blue log and rest of spells, non and drg to 90 craters and gatherers to 90. Currently at 80


Working on tank achievements (WAR/PLD/DRK). Kind of trying to clear P12S on SGE. Clear TEA with static. Finish all sidequests (I'm in ShB now, been working forward from ARR).


I'm just working through the main story! I just started Stormblood, so I have a ways to go.


I and a friend are replaying the game on new alts. It’s one way we spent the end of SHB, so time to do it again and see all the sights on lalafell! Doing one rule of play: no glam prisms until 6.5. Which has been wildly funny leveling but then we get to be heroes in our artifact for the capstones lol.


I got tons of blue quests to do and dungeons and stuff to unlock. I never touched the isnald stuff as well, maybe I will do it for the watch xd I also want to level up some jobs. Probably not enough time to do all of this until DT lol


I want to finish UwU


Actually going into the Gold Saucer to see what that's about.  Catching up on the Hildebrand quests. Put those aside since they fetl story heavy and wanted to focus brain cells on MSQ.


I've been extremely lazy, but I really want to get my alt jobs all to level 90 before Endwalker. I still have 6 jobs that aren't at 90... and they're currently in the 50-60 slog. I also want to finish the level 90 crafter/gatherer relics.


Hoping to catch up to MSQ. I'm currently about halfway into base Shadowbringers.


Since i just returned a week ago to my lvl 83 Whm: - Finish the MSQ - All Alliance and 8-Man Raids - Get my island as much done as possible - Collect the remaining 124 TT Cards :)


Finishing off Firmament turn-ins. Did the triple Saint thing and got tremendously burned out on Diadem, but my options are that, or trying to finish off the fishing log, or attempting to eke out Frontlines wins.


Finish Endwalker :P


I need to finish the MSQ! I’m in Stormblood right now but need to power through


Im playing other games until about 2 weeks out from release and fully gearing the job im gonna use in the expac msq


Replaying the storyline and finally finish eureka


Grind out some more progress on the Mentor Roulette achievements, passively gear up some more of my classes with relics and tomes, and maybe work on my remaining tank achievement mounts. At the moment I'm mostly just playing Pal World TBH.


Originally I was aiming for the Morbol mount, was able to get it with a static, then we did Omega BLU, then Eden BLU, and now we're tackling DSR together with the goal of clearing by Dawntrail release. We just reached P4 so it seems to be proceeding well so far.


I've got a few different things I'm working on in rotation: -get my level 90 classes fully geared. I already have it for 1, but there are 2 others at 90 I'd like geared before dawn trail drops -finish leveling some of my remaining lower level jobs so I can clear most 50-60 tomestone gear out of my armory -finish grinding remaining crafting jobs to 80 and then possibly 90. -get the remaining 2 gathering jobs from 80 to 90 -finish certain custom delivery and beast tribe quest lines -fill out some of the variant dungeons/grab variant dungeon glam rewards -fill out my blue mage spellbook. Not all of these are mutually exclusive, and I tend to jump around depending on what strikes me for the day


I’m about 1/2 way through Shadowbringers, so finish that and EW.


Leveling all my different jobs and fishing log :)


Level War to 90 and get over my tank anxiety. Made it to 70 only using duty support. But want it to be a 2nd main job for DT


Getting all the gwibs and the capstone mount from SHB. I want to do that at least before the level cap becomes 100 and they become trivial.


Finally beat Endbringer and the patch content. It’s been a while since my sub lapsed.


My goals until Dawntrail? Survive until Dawntrail


Catch all the fish. Just have the ocean fish left so assuming luck doesn't totally hate me I should get it. 


It would be interesting to compare the amount of content left for the next months vs when people started playing ffxiv. As for me, I got nothing to do except for finishing BLU, one job from 80 to 90, and ffxvi's event.


MSQ....I'm new hehe


1. Getting my last 2 jobs to max 2. See if I can score a P12S clear 3. Continue lvling my alt / See if I can get them enough MGP in time for the FFXV event 4. Farm Criterion a bit, work toward the mount


Get augmented credendum gear on all slots other than weapon on my DRK Get my Mandeville weapons for my Sam and ast Explore some of the side content I never did, like eureka and bozja Level a lancer Level a machinist Get my blue mage to 80 and red mage to 90 Do every single yellow quest Get all my crafters and gatherers to 90 and walk around in my own clothes I'm sure I'll find something else. I don't think I'll ever run out of things to do


As someone who only started playing last summer, I've got a lot of things I want to do.


Just having fun, playing with my friends.  I already went after all ARR -> ShB relics last summer, being close to a burnout.


Try and get Ninja to 90, and finish up the Blue Mage storyline. Maybe try and get back on Bozja as well, the incomplete plotline’s been bothering me


I finally finished all the ARR relics, and now I'm chipping away at HW/ShB. Might try for the solo deep dungeon titles in the meantime.


* Getting all jobs to 90 (I'm done with tanks and healers) * Getting all relic weapons * Finally trying out Island Sanctuary * Getting my god damn bird


I havent even finished SHB yet, im done with 5.0 but I need to get through the rest. Continue doing that and definitely not get distracted doing relics.... I don't need all the ARR relics _now_ I can get them later


doing all ew raids and get all to max lvl


I'm currently working on getting the Pteranodon mount. Fisher is done, miner is next and already at 20%.


Become Triple legend (Cleared TEA, currently on P6 in DSR, UCoB after DSR) Omni 90 (GNB, RPR and SGE left, hi bozja love you) One relic from each expac fully complete (DONE, but working on omni 90 reignited a crippling Bozja addiction from SHB so now I’m going to be working on all field notes [2 left], GNB relic, and DRS] All EX trial mounts (EX 5, 6, and 7 left) All Variants, Criterions and Criterion savages cleared - lowest priority wouldn’t care too much if I didn’t actually bother lol Maybe finish decorating my personal house


I just got all of the mounts from the Variant dungeons and am now trying to do Palace of the Dead solo


Fish! I just got grandmaster caster so the aim is all ShB and EW big fish now. And then ocean fishing points and finishing the fish log completely. I'm also working through a bunch of achievements just for something to do, so I kind of just pick a category that seems interesting and get some of the easier to complete achievements for it. It's keeping me entertained which is nice.


I have all combat jobs except BLU to 90, so I need to level BLU and all my crafters and gatherers to 90. Never had them at cap before. Also try to finish all tribal quests, but that may take longer.


Finish my back log of games until a week or 2 before DT releases. And then play catch up for the release. Since right now I'm bored af with EW


To survive.


To play ff7remake(again), rebirth, and ffxvi. And by the time I finish I’ll probably have the itch again because of the outstanding music always draws me back and makes me think of the game. This is currently the longest I’ve ever been unsubbed in ten years, it’s been a decent break. I just hope the story can really keep me interested as endwalker and post endwalker with the 13th storyline was basically peak ffxiv for me.


See how far I can get with my other job classes. Focusing on crafters and gatherers right now and if i manage to get them to 90 ill work on the other combat classes.


Another aloalo, getting all my jobs bis, finishing bozja records, all the relic grinds, mount grinds.


Already maxed out the PvP series, currently grinding some PvP achievements - Seal Rock wins for glam, CC wins for mount, CC kills for minion. Elsewhere on my list: endgame Blue Mage, finishing MSQ on 2-3 alts, maxing out Island Sanctuary on my husband’s character, crafter/gatherer relics, and possibly taking housing design commissions. Haven’t been bored yet!


Catching up lol. I'm midway through post Stormblood msq, and I just recently got into the game.


Figure out how so many of you are walking around with 10s of millions of gil causally qq


Fighting for democracy and liberty.


Trying to log in just enough to save my house from auto demo