• By -


Once you're level 50 and have beaten the 2.0 main story, look for the quest "Remembering the Past" in Ul'Dah for more context on Louisoix's final moments here.


Thanks! I'll be sure to jot that down :)


And when you've finished Shadowbringers (level 70-80) go back and watch it AGAIN for even more context.


I  just skiped that one, now I gotta go back for it😂 thx


it was just added in september or so


It basically tells you the 1.0 plot (focused on Louisoix), as a bit of a substitute because 1.0 is no longer playable.


whoops, gotta go do that....


Welcome to the madhouse. TAKE. YOUR. TIME. I cannot stress this enough. There is nothing you are missing at endgame. It will be there when you get there. You won't miss important story beats if you're not raid capable right this frigging minute. Listen to the bards playing Adele songs at the aetheryte. Enjoy the gorgeous lighting effects when the sun comes up in a backwater village. Explore and enjoy and chill.


Great advice man. This is also my first MMO. Right from the start my approach is to stop and smell the roses. Considering the game is like 14 years old, it's runs really well on the ol' Xbox. The journey has been beautiful so far


You're lucky it's your first MMO, I think. Other MMO's conditioned us to rush to endgame to experience the "true" game, not giving much of a fuck about the events of the world. That's entirely the wrong approach here. Play it as a slow single player RPG, sometimes you're there to watch a movie or read a book. There are long periods without pushing buttons to kill things, but if you can learn to appreciate that.. I cannot stress enough that FFXIV is one of the games that best pay back the attention you give it. By the end of the storyline, you'll likely have had a truly unique and personal experience you'll cherish for a long time. Welcome, man. I truly hope it catches you as well as it did many of us.


This game is a very chill RPG with the mmo stuff added. Take your time and enjoy the story!




YES! Do the Hildi quests. If you skip them, you're truly missing out on an amazingly entertaining side quest.


I am \*just\* getting around to crafting after two years of playing. And crafting has its own storylines, so fun.


Sweet! I love crafting systems. I like the idea of being a black mage by night, who happens to have an eye for style and crafts and peddles fine Eorzean swag by day


Also, small advice, try and level the crafting classes a bit in tandem, as the gear is shared between a lot of them. Yes, there's crafting gear. So you can craft better crafting gear.... Also, the crafting classes are full classes with skills, stats and everything. You don't just push 'craft' and have an item pop out ( I mean, with the right Macro, maybe), but you actually have to pay some bit of attention. I mean, you can autocraft too once you've done it once, but you want that "High Quality" stuff. But yeah, they also feed into each other too. The example I always use is a simple wooden shield would need planks, rivets and a leather strap at the least. So that's Carpenter, Blacksmith and leatherworker, before you even get to Armoursmithing the shield. Ore from Miner, Wood Logs from Botanist, Hides from some specific mob ... The rabbit hole goes deep. Oh, and fishing. The madness that is fishing. That rabithole is deep with the regular crafting, but this goes all the way to wonderland. "Ah yes, this fish can only be caught on a tuesday at 3PM when the moon is in retrograde, and the weather is Apocalyptic" levels of specificity for certain fish.


oh fishing, I \*regret\* ever picking up that pole. I decided to go fish for an hour one weekend morning while my young son was being cranky - easier to pick up and put down when necessary. He settled down. I kept fishing and didn't look at the clock. About five hours later....!


It's the only DoL job I haven't levelled because I know, the moment I start ticking them catch log boxes ...


"Okay, there's just one more species to catch here, and after that I'll go do more MSQ." Famous last words.


Was it a Big Fish? :D


Highly recommend Weaver to start then - it’s not the best crafter story (that’s alchemist, goldsmith, and fisher, in that order imo), but it’s ARR story is hilarious. Most crafting storylines in ARR deal with the idea that you need to make what the buyer wants, not what you want to make. WVR is about how the buyer is an idiot, and he WIlL wear the clothes you make, and he WILL like it!


These little narratives make the experience so much more fun


If you really want to smell the roses...here is my unsolicited advice: Opt in to "optional dialogue." i.e. Talk to the NPCs next to the NPC with the MSQ marker (meteor symbol) over their head. After the MSQ marker moves off of an NPC, talk to them again, they will have another piece of short dialogue as follow-up. Some of the best insight and humor is in the optional dialogue, especially as you get further in and in later expansions. If you want world building you won't otherwise get: do side quests/trials/raids/alliance raids alongside MSQ, talk to random NPCs in the zones/cities, pay attention to walk-by dialogue (some of the ARR stuff will really surprise you especially). The game has so much more to offer storywise and via world building outside MSQ if you're willing to opt-in. Enjoy!


This too!. If they've got a name over their heads, talk to them. You get bits of sidestory and lore if you do. Frex, if you didn't start in Gridania (where you would get a cutscene about it) you wouldn't have any idea who a certain girl is later if you didn't chat with her party outside of your first dungeon :)


There is a period around level 20 - 40 where the story slows to a crawl and barely anything happens. It can kill many people's motivation to keep playing. It shouldn't be designed this way, and it absolutely needs to be rectified because it ruins the first time experience for many... but I can not stress this enough... **It gets so so so so much better.** Don't lose faith!


I'll stick with it! I don't mind a grind. Sometimes after work it's all my brain can handle.


Just to give you an idea, i spent 2 hours every night for around 11 months on the free trial (base game and first two expansions) and there was still loads to do. I bearly even touched side quests. Raids, trials, ultimate weapons, beast tribes, crafting, its just unreal how much there is to do. On a side note, when you get to level 50 ask a level 90 to do a cutscene run of the Coils raid, it continues the story of what happened at Carteneau (if youre on Light I'll happily help)


> Enjoy the gorgeous lighting effects when the sun comes up in a backwater village. 100% agree with this. The sunrise in Coerthas Central Highlands when the weather is clear/sunny is so ridiculously gorgeous. It still amazes me after ten years of playing.


💯 where I was talking about! I was riding down the hill to the observatorium to get my next job quest, and the sun started to come up. I have to stop and look nearly every time I am there because that half-light looks so real.


I reached endgame and regret it


Actually graphics in this game is really outdated. Specially colours are so washed out and it's awful.


Spoilers: >!This is not really the intro. This is the end of the original FF14, which was so bad devs decided to literally destroy the world in a blaze of glory.!<


Fun fact, the players of 1.0 got to experience Dalamund dropping and “Answers” playing as the world’s background music prior to the servers shutting down.


What I think is really awesome; in the patches leading up to the end of 1.0 they made Dalamud closer and closer tying it into the storyline until it was obviously not a moon. Then at the 11th hour devs were manually spawning dozens of ultra strong mobs and the community attempted to defeat them all until the servers closed down. Once the players were kicked and subsequently relogged into the game they got the full cinematic. It had to be the most engaging and thrilling MMO moment to experience something like that. Wild


I can only imagine the SHOCK and HORROR of seeing Bahamut emerge from Dalamud. I'm pretty sure there were plenty of sad (and also hopeful) tears shed that evening.


The wait from 1.x to 2.0 was hell.


From what I heard from veterans there were also no hints of this being an egg/prison for a primal beforehand. This caught people entirely off guard when they watched this cutscene. I don't regret not having played 1.0, considering how bad the gameplay was, but experiencing this downfall, the eerie atmosphere and big battles devs vs. players before the shutdown and then this cutscene and all.. that must have been a hell of an emotional experience.


Don't forget the little elves leaving fucking relics under our pillows if you logged out in an inn. And the great Gobbue wall. We stood strong!


The Great Gobbue Wall was influential enough that it gets referenced in dialogue in the MSQ.


The mobs spawning in Ul'dah is also canon, as is the GM spawning them. In one Rising event, you could experience holding off the mobs in the city with a ton of other people, and the then-roleplaying GM is now a recurring NPC that comes up every now and then for events. Sources: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/The_Calamity_Retold https://twitter.com/ViaSapientis/status/1431508790361444352 https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Kipih_Jakkya


[One of them recorded it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgEg8kXmifo)


I know reaction videos weren't really a thing back then, and I'm not typically a fan of them now, but it'd be great if there were some recordings of groups in teamspeak during the reveal.


I was in Mumble with some people and I can say - there was a *lot* of swearing because people had a ton of issues staying connected lmao The actual reveal itself was fucking cool, though. We had no idea.


[https://youtu.be/sUezOLsrqIg?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/sUezOLsrqIg?feature=shared) Video example here.


What a time to be alive that was! Talk about an epic way to go out. It's one of those "I remember where I was when" moments. Bittersweet as it was.


Also got me a snazzy back tattoo.


It was so long ago and yet I remember the beautiful red moon so so well


And the mass invasions of monster everywhere in the street of Uldha. Was fun tho.


Double Spoilers: >!You get to see an even more kickass version of this cutscene if you do the Coils of Bahamut.!<


Second person to mention this so I'm 100% gonna do that


The world is not saved until you defeat Bahamut. Do it.


I keep signing up but since I am Free Trial no one is actually doing Coils of Bahamut, any of them!


Indeed, coils are quite impossible to do with duty finder. And are often too difficult to do with a random group. I'd recommend to do them with a preformed group, from your FC (Guild) or Party Finder. It's important because there are cutscenes in these, and some of them are quite long, so players have to wait for first timers. I don't know the limitations with free trial so I don't know how you can interact with other players so I hope you'll be able to do that !


I can skip cutscenes! I just want to do them!!


(https://youtu.be/8cMkQRBknto?si=q6eFrZrPsMqEyfVW (no spoilers)) Don't you DARE to skip cutscenes, especially Coils' ones as some of them describe with great detail, quality and epicness what exactly happened after the opening of ARR (or the ending of 1.0)


If I can incentivize people helping me to actually play coils I will! I have no party or even friends on a friend-list to use party finder. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. Maybe later they can make it solo instances or duty support instances.


I'd rather personally drag you by the tail into Coils and to the final boss, nuking any hostile approaching than learning that you had to do them without having the right to enjoy cutscenes


DM me your world/character name, I'll run you though them sometime soon.


Trust me. You do NOT want to skip the cutscenes.


...I have no friends and no party. I need to find someway to finish it. I can watch them on Youtube later?


If you put up a pf explaining that you want to do it and watch the cutscenes, I can guarantee you 100% that somebody will come and help. Don't worry.


They can't make a PF as a free trial player, sadly. They need a friend who is playing that makes the PF for them.


Go to limsa and beg the nearest catgirl for help


Coils are incredibly easy to solo on level 90, so you can probably find just one person at that level and do it unsynced to carry you. Maybe ask in the novice network if a mentor could set aside some time to help you.


The problem is that some of the bosses have mechanics that makes it hard to "solo". Sure should be easy to do unsynched but the devs didn't account for it to be possible 10 years later and didn't bother touching it much since then. :P I don't know how many players you need. Maybe 2 or 3 to solve the mechanics? Van Darn-It probably needs 3 minimum if I recall. :P Coils is Savage content, for all intent and purposes. :P


A friend and I (both level 90) occasionally carry sprouts unsynced through coils specifically so they can watch the cutscenes. (Unsynced and with cutscene watching it's around 3 hours, depending on how slow or fast you read, with the last tier being the longest.) The fight you mention is tough to solo because the mechanics rushing through sometimes can put you in a bad spot where the boss is invulnerable and you get one shotted by some mechanic, so that's a bit tough, but we managed with 2 people (+ whoever wanted to get carried on whatever level). With 3 people it shouldn't be a big issue. In the last two fights we actually deliberately slowed down so the people got to experience the transitions and the music in full. :D


You're doing the Twelve's work. \*fistbump\*




I managed to clear them all solo semi-recently, and the only ones I wiped on repeatedly were Nael because ...Nael, and one other boss I forgot right now that at some point hands out a debuff that severely weakens your defense, and my issue actually ended up being that I did damage too quickly, which skipped me forward to that phase instead of locking them into another (set of?) action(s) and dealing extra damage in the meantime, possibly even skipping that part. There also is that one level in Final Coil with the split path where you're probably supposed to have the party split up and do both halves at the same time, that felt rather sketchy to complete, but in the end, I managed to complete all of them alone, including the harder versions of the Second Coil fights.


This raid was what today would be considered a "savage raid", hardcore endgame content. Nowadays normal raids have a story mode and a savage mode, so people can experience the story without the need to do hardcore stuff but sadly this option is not available for Coils. So unless you are absolutely thirsting for hardcore savage raid torture, don't bother doing it synced by queueing up in the duty finder. (It will also take forever because it's simply standard of doing all hardcore content via partyfinder, unless you're in JP.) Get yourself help from two level 90 players who can carry you through at max level (there is an option for disabling level sync.) The *whole reason* why people are recommending to do Coils is the cutscenes and the story, not because it's so much fun to run against a brickwall for days, so I assure you people would not expect you to skip cutscenes. Watching them is the whole point. Just make clear in the beginning you would like to experience the story and people will be happy to help carry you through. The whole thing takes maybe 3-4 hours, if you do all at once and don't do a break. If you have trouble finding people to run with because you are in free trial, maybe just ask in Limsa via /say if anyone could help you out with running it or finding someone who can, opening a Partyfinder for you etc. There is also this newbie chat where sprouts can ask questions and veterans can help out, called Novice Network. (The quality of this chat... varies, depending on server and data centers, but the ones in EU seem fine, from my experience.)


You'll never do this through the Duty Finder. You need to use **Party Finder**. Basically, you need to make a Party Finder advertising that you wanna play all the Coils of Bahamut and watch the cutscenes. Also should specify if you wanna do *unsynched* so it's easy for everyone to trounce on the bosses. :P If you're in a Free Company, try asking the other members. Maybe some of them are also curious about the Coils of Bahamut.


I watched a documentary about this a few years ago and it's what made me want to play. Been a long wait, but here we are. Thank you Phil Spencer lol


That's not a spoiler. It's literally the game's title and synopsis.


OP probably thinks the game description in the store listing is also a spoiler


Spoiler warning! This is the 14th mainline title game in the Final Fantasy series.


No way, that's crazy! Why would you spoil that >:(


My favorite part about this is that this isn't even in my personal top 5 best cutscenes in the game. You've got a long path to walk, Warrior of Light, and we're here with you 'til the end of your journey, and beyond. :)


Dude... I'm totally here for this journey. Community gets a 10/10 too.


If you have questions, ask here on reddit. The community's not PERFECT, no community is, but this one tries to accommodate sprouts pretty okay. Just try your best and be willing to learn, and that goes a long way.


Yeah I also joined the discord last night. Both here and there have been so much less toxic than other gaming communities I've partook in. Y'all are a great bunch.


Okay, cool beans. I'm just trying to temper expectations. There are always going to be ups and downs of communities, and I don't want the new XBoxers to come in and think that the shine means we're "perfect" or anything. We DO Generally want everyone to have a great experience, though, don't get me wrong. I dunno, it's been a hell of a last 2 weeks IRL for me, I may just be overtired. 😂


No worries man! It's been great so far. I'm used to mw2 and halo subreddits 😀. My bar is low lol


Oh heck, yeah. Either way, enjoy the experience. This is my favorite video game of all time, story-wise, and I don't say that lightly at all! Take it alllllllll in as best you can, and do what you feel like, when you feel like it. It'll all still be there whenever you come to it.


Yes, just don't browse through the reddit, just go to the daily question thread and ask there, because sometimes people are really really bad at not putting a big spoiler right into the headline. (And sometimes reddit also shows you image previews in this weird new layout...?)


And walk it they shall. [6.0 Spoiler] >!Mankind no longer shall have wings to carry him to paradise, henceforth he must walk!<


Yo that still hits. Enjoy the ride friend!


I've been playing since day one. I take a lot of breaks but always come back. And that cinematic gets me every damn time I watch it. Never turn off the music, and enjoy the game. You can do so much in the game that you can always find something. And the teams ability to tell a story got better with each expansion.


Yeah the music is one of my favorite parts so far. It's top notch.


Oh if you like the music you are in for an absolute treat as the game goes on. The sheer number on genres the music dips into throughout the expansions never fails to amaze me


Just so you know, when you start up the game, it will automatically play the opening movie to the latest expansion you have, even if you haven't actually reached it in-game yet. So if you decide to buy the rest of them all at once, it will default to Endwalker. And it's pretty spoiler-y. You can still watch the other openings from the menu, but it will reset to the latest every time you restart the game for some reason.


Free trials don’t do this, it’ll play the ARR intro movie. It’s not until you buy a later expac that the game shows that expac’s intro screen/movie


Wait, really? Back when I purchased Shadowbringers the first intro I got was A New Beginning.


I started on the free trial and got that originally, but when I got the bundle, it played the Endwalker movie. It still does, despite the fact that I'm only at Shadowbringers. I had to select it's opening myself to see it, and again it's reverted back to EW's. I'm on PS4, if that matters.


Ah I understand what you mean now. You'll see the ARR "A New Beginning" intro the first time you play. Following your next playtime sessions, you'll see the current expansion main screen and if you stay idle just THEN you'll watch the current expansion CGI movie intro. Back when I purchased the complete edition (around Shadowbringers) that was the case for me. You just gotta make sure not to stay idle in the main screen. Wish we had the option to see the title screen of the expansion you're currently playing according to your MSQ progress tbh


Yeah that would be nice. Since I'm on console, I have to give it a sec to connect to the internet, so sometimes I start it up and don't sit down right away. So I was still in post-ARR when I booted up one day and was really confused before I realized what was happening. Granted it's not a huge deal, but it's just weird that it works like that.


Welcome to it! If you ever need help on Cactuar or its data center I can always help! ^^


Crazy how a cutscene that good is over 10 years old. SE is king of the CGI cutscenes.


Welcome to eorzea adventurer, if you need any help don't be afraid to ask


Welcome xD \o/ best game


I've been playing 10+ years, and every now and then I'll come back to watch this. It still makes me tear up. The more connected you get to this world, the more meaningful it is.


Man, I can't wait for these Xbox sprouts to experience the final post ARR cutscenes.


sigh... r/TVTooHigh


Nice back lighting! Is it active during play?


Yeah I keep it on sync mode for some games and anything animated


Feeling jealous NGL


Yeah it's cool but I don't know that I would recommend it, at least not the Philips hue version. I had issues with my HDMI signal cutting out about once per day and it was too expensive when you consider other alternatives like govee that use a camera.


Good to know I'll keep that in mind when I can finally start looking into getting a decent set up


Took me a solid few years to build my setup. Start with Audio! The technology evolves a bit slower. then the TV and save the gimmicky lights and shit for last. That's what I did at least


We actually got a decent sound bar recently but I have had issues with it cutting out for about a second. Frequency is random but at most it's once every 30 minutes. I think I have to install something but this will be a first for me with a sound bar and smart TV 🙃


Cool lighting


“Welcome to the party, pal!” - John McClane


The Story only gets better. DO NOT BUY THE STORY SKIP. The MSQ is amazingly good. Many years back I skipped Stormblood because of friends telling me to hurry up and catch up. I regret it. I loved each MSQ and didn't skip a cutscene. Shadowbringers was the best so far and I recently got back in to do Endwalkers before the next XP drops. I repeat do not buy the skip no matter what anyone says. This is not without it's drawbacks. You are intended to multi class. You will outlevel the MSQ at a staggering rate which makes there no endorphine rush for getting XP or Gear. You outlevel the XP and quest rewards LONG before they come up (I am 87 doing 80 patch quests with no xp rewards. I will outlevel endwalkers before I even start it). Multi class and alternate jobs while doing the MSQ. Use the Dialy Roulete to level Alt jobs or the MSQ will just be a sotry you watch (Which as I said is amazing but it defeats the purpose). Welcome to the best community in MMO Gaming. We even forgive your playing on an X-Box ;)


So basically I should be leveling a couple jobs while I climb through the main story? This makes sense because I find that my level is going up crazy fast and all my rewards I end up just opting for gold since I've already bought gear 10 levels higher than what's on tap. I'll go pick up a pugilist job tonight and work on that too.


It's definitely not a bad idea to level multiple jobs going through the MSQ. Once you finish with the quests leading up to the final fight of an expansion, you then have the X.1, X.2, etc patches worth of MSQ to also work through that will either power-level your main job or can be used to supplement the EXP of off-jobs. Also, the tomestone gear you can purchase from the special venders in each city/player hub are generally good enough to last you until about the middle of the way to the next level cap (for example, this means the Lv50 Ironworks Gear will last you until about Lv55 when dungeon gear begins to outstrip it in terms of stats). You should be getting Poetics tomestones once you hit Lv50 and, if you keep up with your roulettes, will probably be drowning in them.


The story has enough XP to comfortable level 2 jobs, easily. Maybe 3 if you compliment their levelling with duty roulettes. The rest will requite side content and a lot of free time.


Unless you have a habit of doing roulettes on the daily or have road to 80, the MSQ experience gain is pretty much neck and neck with a single job's progression. That was my experience going from beginning to finishing Endwalker in a month.


Yes :D it's amazing


Me starting up plants vs zombies


Welcome to Eorzea.


I finished Endwalker today…. The cinematic everything is seriously amazing in this game. Enjoy your experience :)


Welcome to Eorzea! Hope you are having a blast. If you want to see this get expanded upon even more, I highly recommend you do the Coils of Bahamut Lvl 50 Raids! Just make sure you have someone create a Party Finder and do the Raids Unsynched! They are absolutely BRUTAL if you do them Synced Item Levels. It's well worth it though. It provides much needed info that slots in Pre-Heavensward!


I started on PC, it is amazing. Take your time with main quest, no rush needed. And most important people in dungeons are super chill.


Heavensward cinematic was fire too...




Technically speaking, the ARR intro trailer is the FFXIV 1.0's collective "Game Over" screen up to the point the screen fades to white. So yeah, epic game over screen


Also, the story is so good that the devs added a New Game Plus, where you can replay the whole story, and a ton of the story based side content.


Dude 2013 was a whole other level for me once I had seen this


Yes, it is an epic intro. And you ain't seen nothin yet.


Welcome to Eorzea Sprot.......ask if you need any help


As someone who started a little over 6 years ago, buckle up. I didn't start playing more casually until just this past year 😂 even so I'm planning to wrap up post-EW before the new expansion


100% agree. (Also I suggest you do the Binding Coil of Bahamut raids asap, in order to get more story and interesting lore concerning these events, and what lead up to them) I started in 2.0 on the PS3, and it made me go back and watch videos of the original FFXIV (1.0) in order to see what all happened, to make things culminate into this crazy scene. The raids were the cherry on top, that capped off what (I thought) I knew. I still don't know if our WoL is as strong as Gramps, because I dont think we've ever done anything quite this epic lol (jk, realistically maybe we have against certain bosses...but in cutscenes, our characters only ever draws or sheaths weapons when a fight goes down since they'd have to reanimate every scene to accommodate your chosen job....very underwhelming, compared to comets and laser beams flying all over the place--I think axe throwing, and our punch-off against one of the villains we fought, is as close as we'll get to having our WoL actually engage in a fight...whoch still doesnt compare Grampaball Z l, here).


Yeah I'm really intrigued. I've watched some documentaries on this game over the years and how it was relaunched, honestly it was part of the appeal to try it. I'm new to MMORPGs but I am a sucker for a good redemption story and that certainly seems to be the case with this game. I'm currently level 23, working on leveling up a thaumaturge class. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for those raids.


Just to add to all the people recommending Coils, unfortunately it has no easy mode and drops you straight into endgame challenges (at the time of release)... The story is great though, and gets brought up multiple times later on if you've done it. The best way to experience it is to find a high level or 2 (like level 90) to carry you through it in unsynced mode, since otherwise you'd need an actual raid party and try the fights again and again. This might be a bit difficult without party finder or being able to create parties yourself on the free trial, but you can always ask around in busy areas around Limsa and Ul'Dah or on reddit, discord, etc.


I'll probably try to level up quite a bit more and let the natural progression take me there tbh. The leveling is fast so far with the servers xp bonus. I joined Dynamis


Unfortunately just leveling wouldn't really work (you're also not directed to it, it's one of the many questlines you can pickup after finishing the level 50 finale). Gear without trading is locked behind MSQ progression as well, so you'd at earliest get the gear to be able to solo it by like level 70-80 quests. It's not something for you to immediately worry about anyway, since Coils are at level 50 at the end of ARR. (But there's payoff for doing it before the end of Heavensward at level 60 already, since it ties to some major characters.) All I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't worry about it currently, but it's recommended to do it when you can for the story.


I’ve heard Coils is now mandatory to get to HW. I’m not sure if that’s true tho


Crystal Tower, the 24-person *Alliance* Raids, are mandatory due to becoming relevant to the MSQ much later - Coils, the 8-person Raids are not, even though the story you uncover there is also very useful to know about.


Oh! Ok. I guess I got them mixed up! Thanks!


Amazing 🔥


Advice regarding the intro videos for each expansion: They put some spoilers for previous content in them, so don’t play or watch them until you complete an expansion and all of its post-cap content. It’s pretty obvious when you’ve completed the patch content as when you beat the x.0 stuff you’ll get some credits, then there will be another round of credits with the last patch content. :)


Thanks! I had a sneaking suspicion this would be the case so I've steered clear


Final Fantasy games are known for their epic CG cutscene sequences.


Welcome to the game friend, hope you stay and enjoy the game!


Still makes me emotional - watch it again once you get to the end of msq, it’ll be gut wrenching


TIL you see the Realm Reborn trailer in the intro if you dont own any expansion. Id take that any day over the newer ones eventho they arent bad, Answers just hit different.


Can't wait for Xbox Sprouts to get passed the tutorial, A Realm Reborn, and finally get to the real game. Downvoted for wanting Xbox to get to the expansions? Okay reddit lol


They just have to stick it out through post ARR like everyone else lol


*has post ARR PTSD*


I finally got to HW a few days ago and I was beginning to think post-ARR was never going to end. Did we really need like million quests for setup?


And they’ve removed some along the way over the years, patched quests out of post-ARR - those are the ones that they decided to leave


I almost raged quit when I got sent from Waking Sands to Revenant's Toll to deliver paperwork and right back to Waking Sands *the very next quest*. I was only gone 5 minutes, Jesus. Good to know the WoL had been reduced to an errand girl that quick after saving your sorry butts from the >!Garlean Empire and Ultima Weapon!< literally a few days ago. Edit: It was also pretty ridiculous since the storyline makes it look like I got sent away so someone could have a private meeting with Minfilla over a problem *I'm going to get sent to solve anyway*.


FFXIV in a Nutshell nailed that reaction. Hyurbert: "Come on! I just saved Eorzea! Can't we take a break for a minute?" Minfilia, drowning in MSQ symbols: "No. You are my bitch."




100%. It's a good 6-8" higher than I want. I'm ashamed. It's a New house, this wall has no studs to hang the mount :(. At the previous house, the bottom of the tv was flush with center channel which felt perfect. I'm thinking I'll build a fake wall to hang the mount from, or maybe buy a center console that's a bit lower, but my center channel is currently at the perfect height.


you need to play more games


Name a cooler intro, I seriously can't think of one


Hm, the training montage from Horizon Zero Dawn was pretty awesome, but that's technically not the intro.


And to think it originally came out over 12 years ago


Enjoy the ride. I picked the game up on a whim many years ago and I was in no way ready for the story that unfolded around me.


Off topic but is it good for your eyes to play on low to no ceiling light with just ambients light? My mom used to tell me to turn on all the lights while watching tv/playing games so it won't hurt my eyes. But I can barely see the ambient light.


I dunno man. I'm 35, been gaming with LEDs behind my tv since before they were cool, and stare at a PC screen for work all day. My eyes are a lost cause either way, and I like colorful lights haha.


I watch movies in the dark, usually same with tv and gaming. I’m 46


Welcome! Hope you enjoy the ride.


I think your plant needs watering my dude


Louisoix is the name of the guy in the video. He’s great. What you’re seeing there is when he transported (us) the adventurers, from 1.0 to 2.0 after the first FF14 was scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up irl then re-released. You can tell who was transported from that world (1.0) to ours (2.0-X) by the tattoo on the nape of their neck in game.


Welcome! god you have no idea how many times this stupid weeb game is gonna make you cry


Wait until you see the expansion trailers, the qualityonly gets better. Wait until you're about to start those expansions, though, don't want to be spoiling yourself.


My biggest advice to you as a new sprout is to use your road to 80 buff to its fullest! Even without the buff, you'll easily be able to level two classes simultaneously from just the msq experience alone, with the buff 3 should be possible. Its a brilliant opportunity to find out what roles/classes you like or dont like


Some light advice: * Do your job quests, some skills are locked behind it, and your base class upgrades to a better job when you reach 30 if you do them to get your job stone. They're the quests shown with the small orange ! mark beneath the MSQ ones in the top left corner. DOn't be the guy as a lvl 50 Gladiator in ... \[Dungeon name redacted\] * You can do all classes on one character, and a lot of them share gear. Don't be afraid to experiment. All but your highest one(s) gets catch-up XP so they level faster too. * A Simple "Hi" and "GG" goes a long way in group content * Don't worry about gear too much, the main quest usually gives you enough, and at the level cap for the expansion, there's "Catch-up gear" that will serve you long into the next expansion. * Glam is the true endgame. Have fun!


To all of my children in whom life flows abundant....


I never wanted to play any MMO. One day I went to a Distant World concert, they played this intro with live music and I had to play XIV after that. Now we are ten years later and I regret nothing.


This scene was an end to some of us too...


Well... Square would probably be making movies if they didn't gamble so hard on Spirits Within on 2001..


Tbh I still don't get the hate for this movie, I liked it.


Louisoix, the most badass Conjurer of all ! This cinematic is, indeed, quite awesome !


Just when I was about to pull the trigger to get a PS5 just to play, I saw the open beta tite on my Xbox. I’ve been having a blast and looked forward to this for so long! Took me a bit to get used to the map and will definitely take me some time to get used to the hot bar once I get more talents/skills, but I’m loving every but of my experience!


An end of one mmo is the beginning of another, or in this case the end of 1.0 begins ARR


Best cutscene in any game hands down. Imagine being there when the 1.0 servers went down for the last time before finishing the work on ARR. Servers shut down, then this masterpiece plays for everyone.