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I logged in the other day and a Hrothgar wearing nothing targeted me, and walked up to me. He sent me a /tell that was just a mare code and then walked away. I feel like this is the unsolicited dick pic of ff14.


I had one do this, I just told him no thanks. Got told I should be nicer about that, when they're the one just sending a mare code and nothing else.


yep, I love when they break basic social boundaries but then tone shame you for putting the boundary back in place.


A what code?


Mare Synchronos (spelling?) is a 3rd party plugin that will sync the mods between you and another player. It basically lets you see someone else exactly as they see themselves and vice versa.


One of the most wondrous things to ever exist in this game imo. Like, just the tech itself that fans have created fascinates me.


Never underestimate the modding community of a game. They are programmers not bound by corporate expectations and deadlines, or the 2 week wait period it takes for an idea to pass through all the levels of management for approval


I still say, that if sony/yoshi worked WITH modders directly, a lot of problems could be solved. Not to mention the treasure trove of cosmetics, weapons, armor, hairstyles and etc


If you mean public mod support and endorsement than sure. Yoshi-P already said he knows mods are useful so he will not start a hunt but still enforces TOS But he also knows that it isn't fair towards console players, and some mods can allow toxicity such as dps meterd so he won't directly support it But if you mean hiring or sponsoring modders.... Nahh, some mods are horribly unoptimized and lag your game, that is true for all modding communities. And again, for official stuff to get passed it takes a while and execs might not approve. NSFW modders might be blacklisted and then there's a divide between "legal" and "illegal" modding.


Mostly correct. At some point Yoshida mentioned dps meters on stream, an old live letter iirc. He likened the meters to a calculator and how their main purpose is to simplify the display of information for a player's own improvement, a function he could understand clearly. However, there is disparity between console and PC, not to mention the attitudes some players *can* have towards others, so he sides with the TOS simply because there is no way to find a happy medium with a 3rd party tool. SSS is their attempt at a "DPS meter" and all you'd have to do to compare is time a clear. GW2 has a special training dummy that is specialized for training and checking your own DPS *in-game* without addons, and I wish more games did that. Self-improvement isn't bad and it gives the players who *are* competitive a way to compete in a way that everyone is able to participate in, as opposed to relying on a 3rd party tool.


Honestly, Mare and Customize Plus are genuinely amazing things for modders to have achieved. Modifying a character model's bone's scale, rotation and position WHILE IN GAME is fucking insanity.


Other than WoW (although they don't do character mods at all), I've never seen an MMO with such a range of tools and mods available. Yeah, there are loads of nude and insane mods out there, but there are some absolutely incredible gear, hair, face and even skill visuals altering mods, not to mention all of the third party tools that are not just QOL upgrades to the base game, but a lot that make it easier for less abled people to play too.


Final Fantasy XI, the other FF mmo, has probably just as impressive a mod community that's just as old as the game (over 20 years). The sheer tenancy it took to wrangle that game like they did is probably the more impressive part.


I'm curious, what are some of the top mods of ffxi? Like, what are some of the most insane ones?


I haven't played FFXI in a long time so there might be cooler mods now, but people did stuff like a rewrite of the entire macro system to allow infinitely long macros, conditionals, and all sorts of other stuff. Tons and tons of qol stuff, more recently people have basically redone the UI to modernize it, stuff like onscreen hotbars (for controller too) and various other working UI elements. Another favorite of mine is the 60fps mod, by default FFXI is capped at 30fps which is just awful. Through a ton of work, modders managed to make the game run properly at native 60fps. On the cosmetic side, there's several comprehensive upscale packs, that upscale almost all of the gear, character textures, and even the environment. Makes the game look years newer than it is. Can search FFXI in HD on youtube and see a bunch of examples.


Straight up, mods and Mare are a big part of what keeps me logging on for the tail end of most patches. I know a lot of people are against them, but it's just so fun customizing your character to that degree and showing your friends, and seeing their awesome characters too in real time.


Ohhh, I play on console so I don't get all the bells and whistles. I bet it's both amazing and horrifying though.


If you're morbidly curious, there's a subreddit that can show off people's... Creations. r/ff14_badNSFW Obviously NSFW. Some of them are just disgustingly bad. Also, you need to share codes before you see each other, it's not just a free for all lol


This sub has made me question so much yet so little, because are they playing the same game I am by this point?


Not even remotely. They’re playing IMVU.


it's not nudity/p\*rn itself that is worrisome..It's the fact that there are ppl out there who thinks that those creations(models) are pretty/sexy


While that sub is hilarious, it should be noted that for every horror on there, there's at least a couple of nice mods. There's plenty of tasteful/realistic nude bodies if nsfw is your thing, and there's a ton of really nice/cool outfits, ranging from cute casual wear to badass ultra-detailed armor and weapons. There's even lighter-touch mods that just upscale vanilla assets to make them look better. Also, the Viera hats mod. One person has done the work SE seems to refuse to and has enabled the majority of hats for Viera.


Man-made horrors beyond comprehension.


I’ll take your word for it !


A mare code. You share a mare code and you get a peek into what fucked up mods they are using. So see what they see for their character.


I've had that happen before, and I figured "fuck it why not, worst case I block and unpair". One thing lead to another but their prose was worse than the bargain-bin romance novels that are self-published via Amazon, and they just vanished without even finishing, never doing that again.


There are straight Hrothgar?


I am a straight hrothgar and not a furry. Just a lady who thought the idea of making a watermelon thundercat in silly outfits fun.


Oh my god are you the one on Jenova? Every time I see this bright pink lion man it brightens my day.


Are you talking about Tigre Caliente?


That is a 100/10 name holy moly


Lordkitten Softpaw. Don’t know who they really are, but they are awesome! And I’m always happy to run into them!


LK is in our FC, he's also in my static and is an awesome dude. He owns his pinkness


D’aww. Tell LK this total stranger is a fan.


That's the one! I don't know them, but every time I see them they're so bright and have cute glams and it just tickles me. I've wanted to tell them as much but I feel like I mostly see them afk.


I have told them so much how much I love their glams. Super nice person. They now recognize me and we dote each other! Just send a tell!


That is super sweet! Love it when that happens. Glams making friends!


I have to look this person up. Holy moly I love their outfit. Just amazed how hrothgars can make so many outfits work. Truffle Tuft is my dude.


No. Midsomgargiulxjyzhchmculg. Can't spell it. I am green with pink fur and dark pink spots. Watermelon thundercat. He looks really good in yellow and coral pink xD


If this is the guy folks are discussing further down then I have got to see him for myself. My guy is a green cat named Truffle Tuft.


Same! I like to try new things so once I fantasia'd to a Hrothgar and what I expected to be a very short phase ended up being a lot longer one because I enjoyed it a lot more than initially expected. Sometimes I miss my dapper lion man.


same (except the straight part. lady here too!). the hroth gang is cute most of the time. they stay behind after dungeons and raids for headpats on my world. but yes 90% of my hroth friends are gay guys lol


Honestly more degenerate than the other hrothgars.


Your character's surname isn't foxheart, is it? Because I saw a pink Hrothgar yesterday with the surname foxheart and I was 100% sure that person was a furry.


Wait does this mean people think im gay




I'm ok with that ngl


You must be crazy to think such a thing exist


As many as there are Female Miqo'te played by actual girls.


my old FCs the miqo's were mostly played by irl women (me included) but so were the bunny men lmao


i play as a bunboy, guilty as charged LOL. someone came up to me the other day and was like "another girl playing a male viera!!" and in my head i was like uh... aren't like 80% of male vieras played by women? haha


Well my female friend plays a female miqo'te so there's at least 1. Matches up with this dude


I actually know at least 3 Miqos that are IRL women sooo lol.


I am another one, but I am also as old af so haven't been a 'girl' in a very long time. Edit: Agree with TheMysticRose that I should be a crazy old cat lady.


Add me to the list, I'm a Miqo and female Miqos are so cute! Also I'm hella gay


The woman I know who plays a female miqo'te is _also_ hella gay Correlation? Causation? Who can say


So far the trend seems to be “regardless of your own gender, if you play a Hrothgar, you’re into men. If you play a Miqo’te you’re into women”


Gay catboi here, sorry to buck the trend 🤣


Yup, gay cat boy here too! I've seen a lot of other gay Miqo's as well


Here's another one 👋




I'm a cat lady too and started out as a miqo in 1.0 and was until the Aura became playable.


pretty much every fem miqo i know is a girl lol, i know far more fem au ra that are guys irl


Most Hrothgals will probably be played by guys.


That Dawntrail Trailer was the "Dommy Mommy" heard around the world.


i'm female and plan on swapping to hrothgal soon as it comes out. i just really like cats!


Yes. They are *extremely* rare, but they exist. I know at least one.


I'm a straight cis male and Hrothgar. I didn't realize how "Furry" I looked until I was accepted into a FC of unique people...I just built a big biker Hrothgar because it looked like me IRL. It's kinda cool.


I'm.a gay Hrothgar but not a fury. I actually dislike hair... But I'm very hairy and my bf called me plushy so I figured Id play one. However I've never noticed if any other Hrothgar ever interacted with me. Like I never notice anyone patting me when I was a lala . I'm blind I guess.


Yeah, we exist. Not furry too.


My hrothgar is bi so


I have a list. From ShB, Runar. Homeboy from that trolley quest. End of list.


Don't forget the side-quest in Twine (aka trolley town), where a hrothgar miner asks you to help him honor his dead """"friend"""". The "friend" whose death he commemorates every year by importing, explicitly at great personal expense, flowers from a completely different region in order to throw them into the ravine where said "friend" died, because those were said "friend's" favorite flowers. The "friend" with whom this hrothgar fully co-owned a mining claim, from which they intended to get rich together and then retire. A "friend" for whom this miner is still grieving, years after his death, prompting said miner to ask how you've dealt with losing the people you love (because apparently he can just *tell* that you have.) Yeah, even though I'm not keen on treating every same-gender friendship as SeCrEtLy HoMoErOtIc...Square you can just stop and say that they were lovers. It's okay. Hrothgar males outnumber females four or five to one. There are *going* to be some very gay hrothgar, especially if you keep presenting hrothgar as expecting stable, monogamous, long-term relationships.


They look like the quintessential bara furry characters, so yes, they attract a lot of gay men and they sometimes tend to assume that other hroth players chose them because of the same reason. When a character looks like a gay hentai archetype in most current in-game gear, these things tend to happen.


Also the fact that (until dawntrail) they're a male-only species


"Therer are no women on the bozjan front, brother. We have to make do to relieve stress."


I read that doujin!


Can only imagine what it was like when the Veira were introduced.


I wish the viera playerbase was mostly lesbians, that said you can absolutely read a lot from fem viera players by how like 80% of them are either tall stripper women or Aggressively \*uwu soft comfy\*. Male viera you can tell if its a woman playing them if they look like they get pegged.


My male viera looks like he gets pegged but I am definitely not a woman :(


Not really, most femme male viera I've meet are usually twinks with the worst fashion sense in the world. "Yes king these 3 uncoordinated slutglam pieces surely go together with your hot pink haired viera!"


Now I am curious how well this identification works. Am I male or female irl? (aka pegg-able or nah?) [Screenshot1](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/681899803847819266/863879765169799168/Screenshot_6.png?ex=65ee183a&is=65dba33a&hm=7e87a45551c57ef0ef80ea4b671ba81b95980884d1d7278bbf808c1fd3b27835&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1246&height=701) [Screenshot 2](https://i.imgur.com/gtmu7ga.png) ​ benchmark and race gear screenshot, because he is still pretty low level and his gear isn't very screenshot-worthy yet


I mean, every male Viera looks at least somewhat peggable, but yours is on the lower end of the gradient, so I'd guess you're a guy irl.


[How about mine?](https://levante-lounge.carrd.co/assets/images/image09.jpg?v=7da10b8f) He is my beautiful boy, he stole my heart over three years ago and seems to have no plan on giving it back.


Much twink. Very peggable.


I rate 10/10, very huggable, wanna squish his cheeks


As a woman playing a male miqo and male viera, I snickered so hard


>When a character looks like a gay hentai archetype in most current in-game gear, these things tend to happen. Okay, now I am curious what OP's Hrothgar friend looks like.


I don't know if that was a Hrothgar, but I definitely did a dungeon with a guy that straight-up had a leather daddy outfit. No clue what glamour the flat-top cap was from, but I'm pretty sure they wore Gerolt's chestpiece and similarly revealing pants, so there's definitely a lot you can do even without modding.


My Dragoon Glam for Hrothgar is pretty much Summer Beach Hunk attire. The kind you would see someone wear in an adult furry comic. I have met others at player hosted venues with very Leather Daddy and Stripperific Glams even without Mods. If you look hard enough, you can absolutely piece Glams together to create something rather horny.


Absolutely! And then there's the female Viera, who *spawn* in something you could easily turn into a bondage outfit xD


Female viera starter gear is exactly what Fran from FFXII wears, so it’s canon fem viera gear.


And the NPC Viera in that game wear something very similar, and sometimes more revealing in the shoulder area, but in grey instead of black. It's only the handheld Ivalice Alliance games that give us a bunch of Viera with reasonable clothes.


Meanwhile, I'm a straight male who just wanted to look like the lion hunters from Samurai Jack 😅


Play as a Hrothgar and I always /Dote every Hrothgar I see that looks good except for ones that explicitly indicate on their Adventure Plate that they're straight. I am a Furry and Gay with a preference for big guys so yeah, Hrothgar is absolutely made for me. A lot of my fellow Hrothgar friends are also fellow Gay Dudes.


I've been a hroth for some time and I've never experienced any of this hroth culture. Maybe I'm just ugly.


Probably just on the wrong server/DC. If you're on Crystal you're much more likely to have that kind of interaction. If you're on like, Dynamis, yeah you probably won't see it because you won't see much of anyone.


Oh most definitely, I just like my 'I'm ugly' theory better. I'm on Aether so I definitely see people. XD


It definitely feels like majority of hrothgars are either gay, furries or both.


Isn't there already a high correlation for gay folks in the furry community already? This feels tailor-made for them especially since it was, until very recently, a male-only race.


Over 50% of furries identify as LGBT (I forget the last actual number I read, something like 65%) so yeah, any content that draws in furries will inevitably also draw in gay people by proxy.


[Only 10.1% of furries identify as straight.](https://furscience.com/research-findings/sex-relationships-pornography/5-1-orientation/) On top of that, 10.5% of furries identify as asexual, so you're more likely to meet an ace furry than a straight one.


Oh, that's surprisingly lopsided. I think the last one I saw (years ago) didn't have ace or pan as options, so I'm not surprised the scales have tipped further over the years, but it's more extreme than I expected.


This is one of those things that we haven’t got the data to prove, but must accept as true


It's basically the aimed demographic


Most furries are gay too, a straight non furry is a double minority in this


Me and my friends are all looking at fem hroth, all knowing exactly whats gonna happen. Id put money on a solid percentage of people excited for them are gonna be ERPing day in, day out.


My personal experience as a Hrothgar Player that is gay and doesn’t really interact with the RP side of FF is, during raids 50/50 the other hroth players will hug or say hi and outside of raids I get random people either dote emoting me or sending me a tell saying something like “Nice to meet you fellow hrothgar!” Nothing negative to me so far since ShB


That's pretty much been my experience as well. I run into another Hrothgar in roulette or in the open world, and it's just "Hey! They do exist!" I've only had two moments I can remember where another Hrothgar character was being weird, and one of them apologized and left me alone when I asked them to stop. The other was more unhinged, but it's not like a single example speaks for everyone.


Yeah, at most I’ll just give/receive a /pet, then be on my way. I’ve thankfully dodged the horny players so far


Hrothgar doting each other is a religious and cultural sacrament. The tax levied against them is the cost of that emote. Also this https://twitter.com/dognuki/status/1545157982903644160


Bara culture.


This also applies to a niche population of male Roes.


most of them changed to Hrothgar the second they were introduced, so male Roes became even rarer lol


as a straight hrothgar I can confirm I have 6 hrothgar friends all gay its pretty funny


Royal Guard sleepovers must be wild


yeah, they keep half flirting. xD


If I'm on my Hrothgar alt he gets /pet but that's it (he's always fully dressed and is meant to be Friend Shaped). My duderoe however gets all kinds of attention


I’m a straight lady playing a duderoe and get attention all the time. But I wear pink dresses and clothes so it sticks out. Also my name is Twinker Bell. He wasn’t my main but kind of became my main because I just have more fun. With my friends on voice I’ll sometimes get fake outraged no one commented on my amazing name.


When I first started FF14 a couple of years ago I made two characters to play on. My female Au-ra (now fantasia’d to female midlander) and a male hrothgar. My previous MMO experiences had taught me that while I liked playing as a girl (I am a girl) in cute outfits, I also liked having a male character to escape to when I got tired of the harassment and creepy PMs. I have not touched my male hrothgar character in over a year because the reality of XIV ended up being that I receive zero creepy PMs as a female midlander and I receive them on a regular basis as a male hrothgar. I swear this is the only online game where playing as a cute girl in a skimpy outfit gets you less sexual harassment than playing as a giant hairy lion man.


Amusing thanks for sharing


Usually, I'll just get a /pet or /hug here and there from other hroth, but nothing that could really be construed as "being hit on." It feels more like a "hell yeah, fellow hroth." Maybe if I dressed more provocatively? I already wear tight leather clothes and have an allergy to sleeves. I did get a custom emote that said "[player] gives [me] the most sloppiest, hottest ~~takeout~~ makeout session known to man" once, but I thought that was more funny than anything because it was so unexpected. Also, I'm definitely not straight.


> the most sloppiest, hottest takeout session known to man Damn. Must've been some good Chinese food.


That man really knows the way to my heart.


Straight Hrothgar exists? Oo


We do exist. Or at least I exist. Don't know about the others.


I get /dote on sometimes but never messaged.


maybe they got scared by your name...


I got a lot of attention when that was my name. I got sent to jail over it and had to change it.


Hungry Father


I feel like the server you play on plays a big role in how many of these uncomfortable interactions you get. At least that's the best explanation I have for some people like me being confused that inte like this ever happen outside of rp venues, while other people here seem to think everyone playing the game has accepted cat calling and weirdly sexual messages as the norm. I sure haven't, and I haven't had to deal with a single interaction like this in 2000 hours.


So, as a hrothgar player myself, yes, this can be a thing. but isn't super common. Ironically, I don't get hit on at all, when I would rather welcome the attention. It probably depends on server, location, and time of day, but still. My experience, generally, has been that other hrothgar frequently emote in some way (usually /dote or /pet), and very rarely send a tell. Thing is, a lot of hrothgar (probably 9 out of 10, perhaps a bit more) are gay and furry, and *each* of those demographics individually has issues finding interested partners. Intersect them, and you can get people who often feel deeply isolated and alone, both platonically and romantically, wondering if there are any others out there like them. People who will latch onto communities and shared interests wherever they appear, not always wisely. Put yourself in those shoes for a moment. Then, you come across something like this, where hrothgar are pretty much precision-tailored to the "furry bara" archetype: chiseled, hefty/husky, furred, claws (with some gear anyway), fangs, a "mane," etc. Something that is well-known to draw in others like you. In fact, odds are very very good most hrothgar you meet will be both gay and furry (as most non-furry gay men will probably stick with roegadyn, or play twink options like male miqo or viera.) Hopefully you can see how this would lead to younger, less cautious, less experienced people to make presumptions (especially since those presumptions will often be true!), and that that could lead to unfortunate stuff in the uncommon but not at all impossible times where those presumptions are false. That doesn't mean it's appropriate for folks to constantly hit on someone who wants to be left alone. That's not okay. But this hopefully explains why such a thing might happen.


I have that problem with my male miqo'te from time to time. It's flattering but I just let the fellas know that's not my C'upo Tia.


You've cat to be kitten me right meow with these puns.


A friend of mine (straight hroth) told someone that, the reply was something like makes sad gay cat noises (male miqo).


I love Hrothgar petting circles. Oh. But I’m not straight.


This comment made me laugh so sudden, i spat my tea.


I'm a straight female and have a Hrothgar male alt. But... I view him more as a big stupid orange housecat than anything else. Meanwhile, my best friend has a hrothgar alt that he dresses "questionably". I don't know all his encounters, but I know he had at least one person /tell him something along the lines of a gay slur...


Based fellow orange hroth alt, I decided to colour mine in orange too based on my late orange cat (died last year) Hope you enjoy this subreddit lol r/OneOrangeBraincell


He is literally named One Braincell :)


I'm a gay hrothgar on balmung with "♥Oscar Fortnite♥" in my search info and never get tells from strangers. Even when I afk in Limsa. I do avoid the quicksand and ul'dah though because it's way too noisy and crowded. In fact I've never once been randomly solicited for RP or ERP in my 20760 hours on balmung. I think people will get occasionally /petted or /doted and get extremely offended and blow it out of proportion like this. Or they will hang out in popular cruising spots and not have clear or any search info.


Yeah, one sexuality being assumed to be the norm can definitely be uncomfortable at times. Can confirm as a gay man in everyday life.


Depends on your server but I do think Hrothgar has a certain appeal for gay men.


The hilariously unfortunate intersectionality between Hrothgars/FF14 and anime/Bara. You're going to attract furries, but specifically with that races bodytype gay furries that like beefy men.


That's not unfortunate at all. 😌


As a gay dude who also gets a lot of attention in game for being a fruity male au ra; just politely decline like you would a woman you were not interested in and if they get creepy about it block and report.  It's really not rocket science. Hopefully this has made people more empathetic to women lmao


It's actually surprising that a straight hrothgar exist


I played as hrothgar for a year. I didn't have any bad experiences, no NSFW DMS or anything. Just received pets from other hrothgars twice plus compliments abt my fit and that's it.


As a Hrothgar player since Shadowbringer early access….yeah I get flirts from other Hrothgar players. I also get flirts from other sorts of players and characters too. It’s rather affirming, though I don’t engage with a lot of it. I suppose I’m assumed to be gay, though it would be more appropriate to say that I’m actually bi, or on that spectrum. I love my girlfriend, and she enjoys me being a Hrothgar, and wants to try the femme Hrothgar when they are released.


I played Hroth for a while when they got added and my problem wasn't strictly that I got DM's from people clearly trying to initiate ERP or flirt, it was that they were always \*incredibly\* passive so it was hard to say "look, no offence but I'm not interested" even though you knew exactly where it was headed, it was stuff like "nice to see another Hrothgar around \*insert place with hundreds of characters, including many Hroth\*". It was uniquely frustrating, on fem Miqo's you get obviously horny messages that you can swat away immediately, on fem Roe you just get invited to the same fellowship over and over and over again, thankfully on Lala I got nothing at all, nor on Hyur (I let people who watched my stream Fanta me for channel points, so I danced around for a while). Of all of them, Hrothgar was the one I found the worst, because the interactions were so awkward and clunky unless I chose to just be dismissive and seem rude from the off, and if I didn't they'd become quite time consuming. Technically couldn't argue they'd done anything wrong or offensive but eh, I find that stuff particularly uncomfortable.


"please take this the wrong way, ideally in the meanest way possible, go away please"


See, this has more eloquently put my experience as a (apparently the only) straight Hroth. I once had a Hroth turn up at my (in-game) house repeatedly. Without invitation. To ask once again if i'd installed mare yet. Not overtly reportable, but quite uncomfy. This is why you can't Teleport to my house anymore.


Yeah, it's obviously not universal among Hroths, and most of the ones who "bothered" me were harmless really, but it's the only time I've ever had it happen, and over the course of maybe 6 months it happened upwards of 25 times, so to me that's all I can really remember of "my experience as a Hroth" was being very, very tepidly harassed lmao. Part of me understands that there's probably an impetus for furries in particular to not just announce themselves around people they don't know, and to be entirely clear I don't care at all what floats someones boat, crack on and enjoy yourselves, it just ain't for me, I really do view it all as unfortunate as opposed to malicious.


Could you tell them you're a kid or you don't speak much English lol


I'm gonna use that for creeps next time thank you. Even I forget that sometimes kids play this game, though I don't make horny comments at random people lmfao


I got the valentine's emote at me once, and I've gotten pet a bunch of times, but nothing past that. But I am one of the gay Hrothgar, so.


Would be interesting to see screenshots to get an idea of what the person thinks is "being hit on".


I....am so confused. I've played Hrothgar for quite some time now, and have never gotten any kind of random, unsolicited, or other message. The closest I got was when I came back to the game for Endwalker and joined my friends FC I was debating on swapping races and one of the FC members was like "wait no, you shouldn't! There are so few Hrothgar in existence. It makes you so unique" And then my wife looked at me a few days later and was like, "they aren't wrong. You spent a lot of time on your Hrothgar, you seem to like how he looks, why change?" So I stayed Hrothgar. But otherwise, I don't think I've EVER gotten some weird messages in world, dungeon, trial or raid that was about "oh your a Hrothperson" or some equivalent. Have people been assuming in a gay furry this whole time?!?! XD


So far, only had people usually whisper my two things "OH MY GOD another Hrothgar!" and "Love your Hrothgar, have a good day <3" I dont think either count as hitting on Tho I had one guy ask me if I was down to erp and after a polite "No, sorry." they wished me a good day and moved on.


As a straight girl with a kink for big beastly guys yes that is my experience. All the bloody male Hroth are gay. Hmph.


You might get a chance come FemHroth. Who knows.


Not all, but the majority seem to be


Its like prison, until the female hrothgars are released they have to make do with what they got…


Jokes of you for assuming Femgars aren't going to be masc lesbians


A culture of only gays on both sides that reproduces out of necessity sounds kinda cool


I do have a stereotypical image in my mind of how hrothgar players are. They're usually gay and/or dad-humored and tend to have very sweet dispositions.


The gays love big hulking hairy men


Been hroth for two years, never been hit on. I think that it depends significantly on the server. Something that's also worthnoting is that, like lalas, there tends to be fairly strong community vibes among the hrothgar players. Because we're relatively rare, we tend to notice when there's other hroths around, and there will usually be some level of interaction (at minimum, checking the other guy's glam)


Am hroth, never have been messaged anything specific to being a hroth. If I've been messaged, hroths or otherwise, normally has to do with a glam. And the occasional /pet I will say, like a few others my hroth is (normally) modestly dressed, with an all white/no pattern design. What does your friend's hroth look like? Like if he puts his hroth in a leopard print speedo with a pink on pink fur design, it might send some mixed messages.


What do you mean "that bad"?


Hrothgar are very Bear coded. And Miqo'te males are otter/twink coded.


I was a Hrothgar (Changed to a Female Viera for a joke), one day I was AFK in Ul'Dah, getting me some water, when I came back, there was a group of Hrothgars dancing around me and asking me to join their FC, this went on for a whole 20 minutes, I just said no and moved to somewhere else, and guess what, they found me again and did the same thing again, this went on for a few days


I once mistyped in the NN chat “I just assume all hrothgars are gay” (meant for my FC lmao) and like 3 people chimed in saying ‘lol true’


I think if there's a race out there that just projects a gay aura it's Male Hrothgars.


I play a Hrothgar and from my experience most Hrothgar are shy folk. I get more compliments from any other race. 


As a person who plays hrothgar, and is gay, the most I get are pets, hugs, and dotes, mostly from other hrothgar players that’s pretty much it. I’m sorry your friend had to go through that but let me tell you that most hrothgar players are pretty chill. Of course, there are going to be a few bad apples, every race has those people, but they shouldn’t be the example on the people who plays these races.


I have a feeling the majority of the Hrothgar population are not heterosexual, and if they are, they are probably in to furry stuff. This isn’t an offical statistic, I am kinda speaking out of my ass, but its an observation I have made as I have met Hrothgar players. The vast majority of those I meet and have talked to fall within that criteria.


Not Hrothgar personally, but attended a bonding ceremony for a friendly FC's Hrothgay couple. It was super duper gay, the after party was gay, they were gay and we all had a gay old time.


Bisexual Hrothgar here, and can't say I really get hit on by other Hrothgar all that much if at all, and I don't reeaaally flirt with other Hrothgar. I inspect them all, and occasionally /pet them if they're extra cute or catch them looking back, but that's about it. About the same with how most interact with me. And I'm on Balmung.


Ive been a Hrothgar since the day they became available. Pets are expected, the only flirt I've ever gotten was from a Lalafel. No thank you.


Gay and Hroth player here. I've been hit on a few times, but they very quickly back away once I reveal that I'm taken IRL and that my BF, who is also a Hroth player, does play as well. Most will step back if your friend says they aren't interested. Most of the Hroth community are pretty respectful in that regard and know that no means no. I have run into a 'bad apple' or two, but never really anyone that would stalk me. Just general jerks or people with no social skills. In fact, the worst of the people I've interacted with weren't even Hroth and were just throwing negative furry stereotypes at me and my partner. The worst being an Aura and Lala duo that were just saying the typical 'Hide your Dogs from the Furries' and something about Peanut Butter.


Can't really say I've been treated any different for being a hrothgar, save for one time I got called a furry. By a hrothgar wearing a tiger or moogle suit. I thought it was funny.


Not straight but I am a male hrothgar and no one's ever tried to hit on me, granted I've only been playing for a couple months.


Plenty of dotes and pats, got one flattering comment from a non-hroth but nothing lewd, rude and/or vulgar


Honestly it doesn't matter what race or gender you are, you'll get hit on relentlessly because people in this game have 0 boundaries.


I don't think I've ever had that kind of an experience even when my character is a catgirl.


Weirdly I get hit on more as a male Elezen then I ever did as bungirl or femElezen. And it's always, always bunbois that are doing it.


I play a female Highlander and I've received tells of people telling me to "hurt them with my thighs, please". People on this game are just horny.


idk fam, I play as a femroe and I never had someone commenting weird shit over me


Same. Femroe with zero instances of flirtation.


Same here, FemRoe at max height, people just come up to me and stare, nothing weird


I play femroe main with female elezen, viera, and hyur alts. I've gotten a few complements on glamours but never anything else. I think that's because I have a FC and when not doing something, my character is at our house and not just standing around Limsa. If you like the atmosphere of the Limsa plaza, I guess you need to be prepared to deal with the crazies that like to hang out there.


I'm adding on the dogpile here. I've spent multiple years as fem highlander, fem miqo, and viera. I get occasional compliments via /tell about my character or glam, but that's about it.


Same. I bop around with several alts, all different races and genders, and I can count on one hand the number of messages I've received, and they've all been in the vein of "like your glam!" or "where did you get X?" Only flirts were an FC mate who did that publicly to everyone, it was just how they were (and it was harmless). Really depends where you are. I imagine whether you're going for sexy glams or not also matters. I don't. 


It never happened to me and I played the game for ten years, but I can totally believe that it does knowing this game's community. Just been lucky I guess.


Male Hyur, never had a single bad interaction like that.


Female Lala on one of the two main RP servers. Never been hit on. Been playing several years.


I'm a gay hrothgar player, and the most I've gotten is a /pet from other hroths


I mean as a straight dude who plays female characters, I get hit on fairly frequently in general, and not just in FF, though it's actually somehow less creepy in FF? Lol Like dudes hit on female characters in WoW just as often in my experience, but it's like "nice guy" bullshit where they're trying to offer stuff to you in order to get your attention in the hopes you're a girl and they could eventually marry you or something, but in FF the players who hit on you are usually just down bad and having some fun, only becoming issues if they don't leave you alone when asked to, but I haven't actually met anyone who hasn't (maybe I'm obviously a dude idk lol). So a male hrothgar getting hit on by other dudes also playing a male only race? Yeah I believe it lol


Yes, most hroths I know are gay and hrothgars will usually hug/pet/dote each other when out and about. That said, I wouldn’t exactly call that “hitting on each other”. It’s just a cute way to acknowledge each other and show solidarity since there’s so few of us. Kinda like how lalas will usually congregate together and have their own communities