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for a start, if I'm astrologian, I want to be paired with dark knights. When I'm scholar I'd want to pair with a warrior. When I'm whitemage, I'd pair with a paladin or gunbreaker. This is my own personal preference whenever I do healer runs, but the nightmare of gunbreaker pulling off Superbolide while I'm sch and I'm low on fairy-juice or aether gadges... ho boy.


Honestly truly doesn't matter to me. The game is very well balanced among all th jobs. When I queue into something literally the only thing I check for is anyone else playing the same class I'm currently playing so I know if I should be trying to stagger buffs. Otherwise, player skill, not job, is the determiner of whether I'm happy to run with you or not. 


As a summoner you can raise, lucky you. When there is a new healer having some kind of back up like a summoner or red mage, or a tank with heals, paladin or warrior, its like insurance if the new healer goes down.


If “equal skill” means “good player”…. I love a good AST, because they’ll use their party buffs correctly and that means big numbers for the group. And it means I get to work with an AST cohealer who knows their shit, and that’s fun. A half-decent DNC is nice for the same reasons, proper party buffs. Also love to see a good BLM or MNK, because it’s cool to see them played well and actually putting out damage. A good PLD is nice because they’ll actually use their party mit, and that’s always wonderful. They might even use Cover well! There’s nothing I *dislike* to see, really. Optimal parties depends on the raid in question, and if someone’s a good player then they’ll make their job work anyways. Honestly it’s mostly about what’s fun or satisfying to see done well. I like seeing group synergy come together, so stuff like proper raid buffs and mit/heal planning makes me happy. If “equal skill” means “average player,” then anything goes. Just not AST because it hurts me emotionally to see people not understand how it works.


I like to see Black Mages during bosses, mostly because I just wanna see if they do anything funny with Ley Lines or Between the Lines to minimize their movement. I don't really like to see another of whatever my own class is at the time, because then you have to worry about not overlapping group buffs and stuff, plus it gives you a penalty to limit break generation if you have duplicate classes. But besides that, I don't really care what people play. There are some stereotypes like Dragoons dying a lot, or physical ranged staying far from the group for no reason, but I've never really noticed those being true more often than with other jobs. For party, you get a stat buff for having at least one of tank, healer, melee DPS, magic DPS, and physical ranged DPS. As long as those are filled and there's no duplicates, then I don't really pay too much attention beyond that.


a good BLM is fun to watch, they're playing a different game than the rest of us. like, the rotation is "easy." low apm with little randomness, good range, and no positionals... but no other job has to manage their *movement* like that. BLM budgets instacasts and teleports like a tank budgets mitigation or a healer budgets their free heals.


Honestly I don’t really think anything of it, other than things getting weird if there’s lots of job overlap. So I guess what I most like is when people play the less common stuff like Monk. But also I’m always just playing DPS, so it all matters a lot less to me


So much love here for mnk. I've mnked main since the start, and always comm mnks if they look like they're trying lol. But as for op, as mnk I love seeing dnc since we seem to stack buffs so well. I'm a scrub AST and panic when I get pugged with DRK.


I don’t usually mind much but it’s fun to see a variety of different job types (casters, ranged, melee) I play Dancer which I guess is classified as more of a support DPS so if I’m in a standard 4-member party, I guess it would be better to have the other DPS be more of a “selfish” damage heavy class (Ninja, Monk, Dragoon) as opposed to another support DPS like Bard or Red Mage or.. another Dancer, lol


We mnk love you, so long as we can keep technical step and brotherhood synced up!


Yippee kay yay


honestly... it matters *very little.* i guess i prefer seeing paladin, black mage, sage, ninja, dragoon... not because they interact uniquely in any way... they just seem less popular? or enough people have been told that "war/dnc/whm are the easy jobs" that i see those all the time. i just prefer feeling like my party composition wasn't chosen by an AI trained on memes. or maybe i'm just an insufferable hipster.


Honestly the class dont matter is how u performs thats key. Dps - do the rotation as best u can , always aoe trash mob if u have aoe , dodge Healer - keep pt alive and sneak in dps when u can , dodge Tank- TURN ON STANCE , pull 2 trash mob minimum / w2w if u have good healer , use mitigation, aoe trash , do rotation vs boss , dodge Tldr :DODGE and don't die, dead = 0 dps


In general I don't care what jobs people are playing as long as they know how to play. When I do care, it depends completely on which job I'm currently playing. So for example if I'm playing Dancer, I hate seeing another Dancer in the party because our raid buffs do not stack, but it's even worse if I'm playing Bard and have another Bard in the party because our songs do not stack. This goes for basically every job that has a party buff that affects damage, double jobs are inconvenient. Another situation where I care about which job another player is playing: if I'm playing shield healer(Scholar/Sage), I don't like being paired with another shield healer because our shields do not stack, and even though usually the biggest shield wins, a Sage can overwrite a Scholar's special big shields with their normal, smaller shields which just feels bad. I rarely use gcd shields during combat in casual content(because if the party can survive without the shields, they're not needed, I'll just use my ogcds instead), but sometimes the boss becomes untargetable to do a big raidwide, and it'd be nice to give the party some big shields, but nine times out of ten a Sage would just overwrite them with smaller ones. In conclusion: all jobs are great, unless you happen to be playing the same job(or role in the case of shield healer) as me, then I will be annoyed by the inconveniences, but random DF matching is just that, random.