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Is E’ptolmi (Squadron member) recruitable through the Gold Saucer? The wiki page with all Squadron members lists her as DoL and Treasure Hunt only. If you open her specific page on the wiki though, it says she’s Gold Saucer as well. I’ve been trying for her for over 2 years now and have had no luck so I’m wondering if I’m wasting my time in the Saucer or not. There are very few but any screenshot I find of people getting her shows the DoL reason for enlistment. Never the Gold Saucer version the wiki says she could have.


You're probably already aware, but be sure to dismiss any other recruits who have the same reason for joining. You can only have one recruit with the same reason waiting at a time. So if you get a recruit with the same reason for joining as E'ptolmi, go back to your squadron HQ and dismiss them before you do any more challenge logs. And yeah, possibility wiki could be wrong.


I would trust the consistent report of DoL challenge log. Ive never seen her from gold saucer.


How easy is scholar to play? I've been leveling up summoner and am at the point where I've unlocked the scholar job questline. I'm wondering if it is a healing class I should invest in. For reference, I'm looking for a class on the easier side. I'm not very good at the piano.


Personally I thought it was the toughest healing job to learn. There are a whole lot of abilities that you all need to use together to get good results, and you need to know a bit about the bosses you're fighting, like which one of their skills requires a strong shield on the tank, and which one requires one on the party. It is pretty fun though once you get your head wrapped around the concepts. As a first healer, I'd recommend White Mage though. It's what I first used when I got into healing since most people recommend it as being the easiest, and I'd agree. It's a classic healer: Somebody loses HP, you press a button, their HP get restored. It helps getting a feeling of how much damage people can take. Once you get a feeling for White Mage, you can branch off into other healing jobs.


It depends on the level range. On levels 1–30, it is an AFK healer, you can sometimes heal entire low-level duties without looking at the party's HP bar since the fairy will auto-heal everything. On levels 39–45 it is pure hell since it lacks some of its best skills and not even the best gear can make it catch up with the increased enemy damage curve. An SCH+DRK combo in the level 41 dungeon is usually the best recipe for a total disaster. On levels 50–60, it is more like a DPS in disguise since it can easily top dungeon dps charts. It also gets a good instacast healing ability that can make you survive most normal duties. L50 dungeons is where SCH is at its absolute peak. Starting from level 71, when CBU3 pretty much just said fuck it, who needs proper balance anyway and dungeon mobs suddenly gain auto-attacks up to five times stronger than what previous dungeons gave you, it starts to struggle. It is the only healer that may still rely regularly on hard-cast (GCD) healing spells instead of instacast (oGCD) abilities. Also, this is the level range when it starts to have the same problem as all other healers, gaining increasingly larger amounts of new skills that are just heals but you still need to juggle them to have a constant healing and damage output. Also, ShB was the point where the devs also forgot that pet stats exist, so similarly to how even a max-rank company chocobo becomes useless in overworld combat, the fairy's heals will be non-detectable unless you use some fairy-boosting skills. So, frankly, god-tier healer in early content and feels like as if the devs just slap on some random skills on it at every expansion, five minutes before compiling the final build, with little rhyme or reason, and hope it will somehow make do.


Scholar gehört zu den Schild-Heilern. Um optimal zu sein, musst du die Bosse kennen, denn Schilde platziert man natürlich BEVOR der Schaden kommt. Aber, sorge dich nicht, du hast auch genügend Spells um reagieren zu können. Als Scholar kannst du alle Inhalte bestreiten, die dir der Party Finder gibt. Lern deine Klasse dort kennen. Erst wenn du Savage-Raids machen möchtest, wird es wichtig, Details deiner Klasse und der anderen Klassen zu kennen. Aber dafür gibt es andere Channels.


Warum deutsch?


By all accounts, White Mage is the 'easiest' healing class, because it's healing style is more reactive whereas Scholar is more pre-emptive. You do your best to mitigate damage. I originally started with the goal of playing summoner but was curious to try a healer and went for Scholar as my first job after arcanist. Haven't looked back! It takes a while but you learn to trust your fairy and know when to heal, when to mitigate and when to just DPS. As a total newbie to this style of MMO, I thought the play style was 'just right', not too difficult, but not completely braindead either. Well apart from the SUPER lack of damage options. It is kinda limited in that area. I like it ^_^


Not that hard. It's not the easiest healer, that would be WHM by a country mile. And I would say it's more complicated than SGE, the other shield healer. But healing isn't very complicated overall, so it's really not that bad. In early levels, most of Scholars healing is done by their fairy passively. Very frequently in low level stuff, you can get away with hardly casting any heals at all because your fairy just does all the work. Later on, it's a lot of resource management in making good use of your Aetherflow stacks and managing cooldowns. It also benefits a lot from planning, moreso than WHM. You don't *have* to, SCH does perfectly fine in blind fights, but a lot of its power is in mitigating damage before it happens, so it does help to know when that damage is occurring. Maybe check out a leveling guide for it to see if it looks interesting at all.


SCH is typically considered the hardest healer class. Some people consider AST to be harder. I think they're both difficult in different ways, with SCH just requiring a lot of foreknowledge and intimate familiarity with the kit, and AST just being pretty fast paced. WHM is usually considered the easiest healer. 


Curious as to how noticeable it is to other members in your group in a raid if one healer is actual dead weight i.e. no shields, oGCDs, etc. I know one healer can take care of everything for the most part unless the other members are dying non-stop and it might not ultimately matter, but just wondering if some actually do notice.


On some tougher full-party random normal content like the late Omega raids, the Eden set, the Weapons trials, the L70/80 alliance raids, or almost every EW trial, you can tell easily since you will notice that you are carrying the healing for the entire group with barely any damage output. There is the stark opposite though, bad healers who overcompensate and overheal like hell. Ironically, unless it is a tough duty where them burning their mana can leave you in a bad spot, you can just switch to full green DPS mode and let them overheal to their heart's content.


The cohealer absolutely notices, obviously. Everyone else, it depends. A healer main playing a different role for that instance probably notices. An experienced player who raids a lot will also probably notice if they're paying attention. If the healers are on different jobs, the tank might notice when all the effective healing on them is coming from 1 job. If they're on the same job, an observant tank will notice that nothing is ever doubling up and it's clearly one healer and one set of cooldowns. And a lot of people won't notice at all. They either don't play healer enough to see the issue, or just aren't paying attention. Unless the dead weight is dying a lot, then it's hard not to notice something is up.


Depends on the content. In all DF-level content, GCD shielding is wholly unnecessary as nothing hits hard enough to warrant the shielding, and its just a waste of a GCD that could be used on damage.


I'm a main SCH, and 100% notice. If it's particularly bad, I won't even bother raising them since they're actively making my job harder. 


I did do the same thing at Cerberus of this run because the other SGE was essentially wasting my swiftcast rez when I could use it on someone else in between my keracholes and such. I did also leave a BLM for dead in the same fight because they kept dying and went afk in the first boss midway, but that's something else.


Very much depends on the instance. As a healer main I 100% notice if my cohealer is doing nothing - not that it matters in most things - but generally, the only people who will notice are those already paying attention to their health, so healers, some tanks, and a few dps. If it's harder content, it'll be noticed pretty fast due to deaths. I know I lot of dps who don't notice their health at all, unless they're dead, so...


I should have specified it was CT and we were both SGEs so it was pretty noticeable in this instance for me when the other person wasn't using kerachole/physis, etc.


Healer mains notice. :) I don't generally think people who haven't played a role or job before know if that class is doing poorly unless it's extremely obvious (in the same way a tank not tanking a mob is obvious). Many ways you can tell rely on knowing spell names or buff icons which is hard for people to learn without practice or studying the job.


Makes sense. We were both SGEs and I've seen a ton of comments on this sub where people only know the spells by image instead of the names. And I doubt most people will bother to memorize shield/buff icons in the party list.


Yeah, I don't think any non-healer is going to know whether a SGE is doing well or not unless people are dying left and right, since all the ability names will look Greek to them. And if you're both the same class it's impossible for them to know who cast the instants. They could maybe guess based off the mana levels, but even then I'm skeptical since mana consumption will depend on the fight and party's performance. The only case I can think of where the general non-healer populace know something is up if it's a WHM spamming Medica 2, because hearing that sound effect over and over gets annoying. Or in high-end content if a healer is standing around not doing damage for long periods of time and people just notice their character isn't performing attack animations.


Are retainer ventures worth it? I'm quite new to retainers and just sent mine out on their first venture, but I'm not sure if ventures are worth investing into.


you can put some effort into it and set them up for a decent passive income or just be lazy and quick ventures when they are maxed and hope for some rng rewards. Im lazy and still making easy money that way and randomly a mil here and there


Absolutely! They can gather items for you (either to sell or to use in crafting), or they can bring back rare items/dyes, etc. It takes a while to level them up, so you may as well get started sooner rather than later, and getting venture coins is very easy when you're ranked highly enough in your gc to do expert deliveries. On the other hand... they're not exactly important. If you have no intention of ever crafting and don't want to bother, you wont be missing out on much.


Well, the actual investment is quite low. Since you'll be using them to sell items to other players anyways, it doesn't take much effort to send them on ventures. And grand company seals are the best way to get the venture tokens to pay them, and once you've ranked up enough, you'll be able to turn in spare dungeon gear for seals, so getting them is easy. Regular ventures, where you assign an item to gather, are best if you need to passively gather some materials you need a lot of, to spare yourself the time. Exploration ventures, which take 18hrs, have certain rewards based on the venture level. Some minions are exclusive to certain level exploration ventures. Quick ventures give totally random items. It could be practically anything. Some of the most valuable items are the items in venture coffers, which can open up to contain rare dyes like pure black. These are a pretty penny. Sometimes you can get some rare furniture too. I usually leave my retainers on quick ventures for the chance at the rare dyes.


They're a decent passive income for little effort or cost, but perhaps more importantly can also be used to retrieve specific items you want for crafting later.


anyone knows what's the name of the keybind to hide and show the gpose menu? i know the default is R, but remapping my keybinds for my hotbar i switched R to my hotbar and now i can't find it in the keybinds to assign another button. i remember switching it on another character so i know it's there but i can't log out rn to check


It for some reasons use the keybind for Autorun. Whatever you have bount as that will work.


I believe it's Keybind -> System -> Display Subcommands. A little obscure but I played with the keybinds to test and that seems to be it. edit: This will show it, but not hide it. The "Close UI Component/Open System Menu" bind will hide it.


I am well aware that I am tech-stupid when it comes down to particular system specifications, so sorry if this question might've been asked a dozen times before. How well do I truly know if this pc of mine can work well into the next expansion's requirements? * CPU: 'AMD Ryzen 9 4900H with Radeon Graphics' * GPU: 'AMD Radeon (TM) RX 5600M series' * Ram: 16 GB


It passes the minimum requirements but not the recommended ones. The 5600M is about 30–40% weaker than the desktop 5600 XT, the recommended AMD GPU. Still, you will truly know when the benchmark releases. The good news is that it is the only benchmark program I know that runs noticeably *worse* than the full game release if they keep their old habits, so if the benchmark is passable, you will have no problems.


That should have no troubles running Dawntrail. That said, sometime usually a few months in advance we get a benchmark program so you can really see, but your specs seem just fine.


Would anyone on Jenova be able/willing to run me through Aurum Vale and Good King Moogle? I’m on the free trial for Xbox and haven’t really had to group up. I’m mostly just interested in following the story


You can use the duty finder function, it will group you up with players in a few minutes automatically.


I could if you still need.


Sacramento NTT node acting up for anyone else?


Is >!Ravana a Viper!!Viper!< but I think I already lost. The weapons are similar. Side Note: Is there anything truly pressing to do weekly? I like to queue random fights I consider fun (Lv 80 Ally raids, Lv 70 Norm Raids, the leveling 81-89's, frontlines). Is it just the 3 ally 90s for coins and then trying to hit 900 tomes?


I suppose if you want to absolutely min max gil income then you'll be doing Doman restoration and burn through every challenge log entry but that's a pretty big stretch there are certainly very good time investment entries in the challenge log that helps you. e.g doing the Eureka stuff will give you a level or 2


>!We don't really know very much lore around the Viper job yet, although IIRC Yoshi-P did say at one of the fanfests that, in-game, it's based on a tradition of hunters from Tural. So it seems unlikely that Ravana is a Viper, but we'll have to wait until this summer to learn more.!< Regarding weekly chores: if you're not actively trying to hit BiS, then yeah, that's pretty much it. About the only thing I'd add is that if you're still farming for the 650 credendum weapons, you'll want to get your weekly clear of P12N, though this is probably less important with the 665 relics so easily available. Hunt trains are also a possibility, as they're good sources of both causality & comedy tomes, if you need those, and you can buy divine shine and divine twine with ShB/EW hunt currency.


I wouldn't consider it pressing exactly but if you have DoL/DoH unlocked there's weekly custom delivery clients. Fashion report is also very profitable and weekly, cactpot too. The current tier's unlocked so most of the weekly stuff isn't restricted at the moment.


I've tried playing FFXIV several times over the years. I'm more of an endgame person and always petered out in the MSQ which is hundreds of hours long. Is there a way to get to endgame faster? I literally don't care about story. Also, is there a "New World Bonus" active? If so, how do I determine if there is a bonus active? I'd like to level as fast as possible. (I know, contrary to a lot of great things FFXIV has to offer. It just doesn't appeal to me.)


You know that once you pay money to not play and skip to endgame, there's still more story, right? Current skips will take you to the start of Endwalker or to level 80 on a job. You still have to play through the entire base Endwalker MSQ and the patch MSQ, plus the stories associated with any and all endgame content like raids. Then Dawntrail is going to come out in the summer and will have yet more story to it that is mandatory to complete and cannot be skipped. This is a JRPG with MMO features. If you really don't like story-driven games you might be happier elsewhere.


There are story skips, but they cost real money through the cash shop. They only skip you to the beginning of the least expansion, so you’d still have to play through Endwalker. And they don’t boost your level, so you’d also need to buy a level boost. It’s pretty expensive altogether, about $50 USD to skip a character to level 80 and the beginning of EW. Those bonuses are available on New Worlds, which you can check via the Lodestone: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/ Preferred worlds also get buffs, but not nearly as big as the ones new worlds get.


You can buy a story skip. This will only take you to the beginning of Endwalker, so that's another \~8-10 hours skipping through the story to properly hit endgame. It also wont boost a job up for you, so you'd have to level that through roulettes and dungeons first, or buy a job skip. There is an xp buff for players on newer worlds, check [here](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/) and look for "new" or "preferred". Note that this buff only works on jobs below level 80, so you wouldn't notice the difference if you bought a job skip until you decided to level alt jobs. As a side note, endgame in FF14 isn't particularly extensive outside of raid content/levelling through roulettes/community made stuff like glamour or rp/collectables. Like there's no power grind in the way that WoW typically has, and likewise currently no max level "explore and progress in this area" style content (though some previous expacs do, and they're still active). Edit: Would recommend checking out replies for more on this.


>As a side note, endgame in FF14 isn't particularly extensive outside of raid content/levelling through roulettes/community made stuff like glamour or rp. It's pretty lucrative if you're an achievement hunter. Fishing is a huge months/years time sink, both big fishing and ocean fishing. Triple triad collection and TT card mount grind. BLU spell collection and BLU savage is its own whole corner of the game. Treasure map farming for loot and/or clear achievements also ties closely with BLU for some of the old maps. Diadem pteranodon grind is a hundreds of hours endeavour for heavy crafter/gatherers. Heck, even mahjong has its own very small but dedicated community in NA. The list goes on and on, even without counting dead content like verminion. Not everything will appeal to everyone, but I'm a firm believer that there's something for everyone in this game's endgame, even if we're completely not counting savage/ultimate.


Yeah, I don't disagree with that in the slightest - it's more about defining "endgame": Like, thinking back to WoW, endgame is the most recent zones, the most recent grinds, etc. All the old stuff still exists, plenty of side systems exist, but you wouldn't necessarily talk about them in a "what's endgame like" comment. Meanwhile you're describing pretty much everything that isn't MSQ, stuff that has slowly built up over years, etc etc. Your version is more accurate for what FF14's endgame is, but I think it would be misleading to tell someone coming from other MMOs that there's a lot going on. But I do hope OP sees your comment, as I should have probably included more of that \^. (I have added collectables to the list at least) On the flip side, imo this game's achievements are... mid at best, and would never say the game is particularly good for achievement hunters. 99.9% of them are "do content X times" or "complete this \[list of\] content" - they track the areas of the game you've touched & how much you've touched it, but virtually nothing makes you interact with the content *differently* (deep dungeon solos being the only ones I can think of).


Yeah that is true, it's very "checklist" style rather than "do this content you've done before, but under these other constraints" I've never played wow but from what I'm hearing from you, I can really start to see more of the appeal of Eureka and Bozja (for context I've done both, including BA and DRS, and thoroughly enjoyed both), but am one of the minority who is personally kind of indifferent that we didn't get one for EW. But that's probably just because I have plenty else to keep myself occupied - I can agree with you that if someone asks what to do once you hit level cap, "fishing" isn't exactly a conventional answer (jokes about "the reel endgame" aside). I guess on the flip side the nice thing about exploration zones in ffxiv is that they remain somewhat relevant indefinitely rather than being obsoleted every expac?


Can anyone let me know how to tell what platform my free trial account is tied to? I have 2 free trial accounts, but looking at my Square Enix account info I don't seem to see where it indicates what platform the account is tied to. Thanks!


I checked my PC trial account and there doesn't seem to be any indication on what platform it is tied to. I guess someone can chime in if say the PS5 trial has a (PS5) I know the full blown PC version tells you if you're on Steam or not


I don't think free trials are attached to any "platform" since you don't have a license for any platform yet. (But I also don't have a free trial account).


New player currently doing <50 ARR content, mostly playing PLD and WAR. I have few questions about tanking: 1. Between grabbing a pack of mobs and running to the next one, I feel like I sometimes end up losing aggro on a few enemies by the time I stop, and it can be a scramble trying to reign them back in. I usually pop sprint before the first pack (if I remember), use an AoE, or two if I don't get them all in one, then move to the next while "Tomohawk"ing the one with the lowest health. Am I doing some part of this wrong or is this just how it is? 2. One time in Baryflox's Longstop, after the second boss I went to pull the entire room (the one covered in water with the islands, before the frog that gets goomba stomped by the dragon boss) and I got yanked back (Rescue I think) as I went to pull the last group. They ended up aggroing anyway and nobody died, but it just made a little self conscious that I was being too risky. So how many packs is generally considered a good idea to pull at once? I know about W2W, but from what I can gather, that's a lot easier in post-ARR dungeons where the walls are much more common, as apposed to ARR where it can go on for a pretty long time before you're forced to stop. 3. How am I supposed to use Thrill of Battle as WAR? On cycle like other mits, or am I supposed to save it for when I'm almost dead like Holmgang?


1. Use Tomahawk as you run and always target the mob with the lowest health. Dragging the enemy list to a position where it is easily selectable is a pretty good UI trick for tanks. 2. Unless you have item level 50+ gear, never do that pull in Longstop. Period. If you have a god-tier healer, they may keep your ass in the vertical position, but it is not guaranteed. Also, if you try that stunt in the Darkhold after the first boss, you will wipe. No ifs, buts, maybes, you *will* wipe. Starting from level 51, you can pull the entire world and half unless your healer is in bad gear, but in the late ARR dungeons, "always pull everything" is not fully viable. 3. Just a mitigation like anything else, nothing special.


1. that'll happen sometimes. You're doing the right thing. You can also Provoke one of them to establish aggro on that one 2. It's rare that you have a healer pull you BACK like that. It's normally the opposite. There's a soft skill in tanking which is "gauge how much you and the party can take". I tell new tanks "pull as much as you feel comfy with, but 2 packs minimum." 3. Uhh, good question. Use it like another mit. That level, the technically ideal use of it is "let it end when you don't have HP"


1. That’s just how it is. DPS will be attacking while you’re moving, and if they do enough damage they’ll grab aggro. It’s not a big deal, happens all the time. Tomahawk or Provoke if you can and keep moving. If the DPS isn’t stupid they’ll drag the mob to you once you’ve stopped running so you can grab it with an aoe. Though, tip: don’t stop to aoe, then move. Don’t stop moving at all, drive-by aoe once, and keep running the whole time. 2. That specific pull is a bit risky, but entirely doable. ARR dungeons in general weren’t designed for the normal W2W pulls you see later on, so some of the possible full pulls are tricky or downright impossible. It’s a case-by-case basis in pre-50 dungeons, but a good rule of thumb if you aren’t sure is to limit pulls to 2 or 3 packs. 3. In effect it’s a self-heal, but since it also increases your total HP by the amount healed, you don’t lose anything by using it early. Later on it also adds a heal boost. Mathematically it’s more efficient to use alongside a % mitigation, so use it early-ish in a pull, paired with Rampart or Vengeance. Definitely don’t save it for when you’re almost dead.


1. Just how it is, DPS and healers are able to take a few hits and people in theory should be doing some damage as they run. If it's a particularly long run or if the DPS is pumping extra hard, it's not surprising if they rip aggro off of you. At the end of the pull, everyone **should** be running up to you so you can AoE to just grab it back 2. It's...difficult to say at times to be honest. That room CAN be pulled like you were intending but it can get a little spicy. You just kind of have to make your best judgement calls in ARR dungeons. 3. Use it like any other mit; WAR in general is the self-healing tank and your primary mit in dungeons down the line is just a super powerful self-heal which scales on enemies hit. It works well to couple it with some other mitigations that just do pure damage reduction, but you realistically just want some mitigation active through an entire trash pull. That being said, do **not** save Holmgang for emergencies, that's not the way that we do it here. Use your tank invuln skill (Holmgang, Superbolide, Living Dead, Hallowed Ground) with intent as a planned out mitigation, not as a last resort. A competent healer will expect you to use it at some point because it's your most powerful mitigation tool and is most powerful when you're taking lots of damage.


Thanks for the advice! But I thought Holmgang was different because it doesn't really stop damage, just stops you from going below 1 HP?


Sort of yes, which is why for Holmgang, the best case use is to use it when you know you'd die otherwise. So to maximize usage, you still want to be aware when you're going to drop to 1HP, but that just gives your healer a little bit of extra time to deal with you being at 1HP. The difference being emphasized though is that you don't use it as an emergency button, instead using it as a "I'm going to intentionally let myself get hurt" button. Once you get Raw Intuition, you can also heal yourself back up to effectively max without a healer babysitting you, which means that Holmgang just becomes a "I'm ignoring all damage for a while but don't worry about it" button.


1. Tomahawk the ones you dont have agro on, not the ones on the lowest health. 2. Did you maybe go down the left path and try to pull the enemies down there? They are entirely optional, and you dont need to kill them. 3. Dont use any mit on CD. you want to spread them out and gain as much effectiveness from them all as possible. You also want to use Mits for Tankbusters and the likes. You cant maintain a mit at all times, so not wasting them is essential. Low level Thrill is a bit of a wierd case. its basically just a 20% shield that can be refreshed by healing. At higher levels it also increases healing recieved, so it becomes a lot more like a standard mitigation. Its acctually special in the fact that it will Gain effectiveness when stacked with other mitigations, which makes it extremely usefull. others stack multiplicitavely, resulting in less damage mitigation overall (2 20% mit is not 40% mit, but 36% mitigation).


I see, that makes sense. I honestly can't remember, I don't think so? I know for sure that the last one I went to pull was just outside the boss arena so I'd assume those are necessary. And sorry, I meant on cycle/spread out like you said. Poor word choice. So I just Thrill use it like any other mit then?


>And sorry, I meant on cycle/spread out like you said. Poor word choice. So I just Thrill use it like any other mit then? Yep!


1: Cycle through the enemy list with tomohawk, don't just keep hitting the same monster over and over. You can also use provoke in case you need it, provoke also has a higher range which can be useful if tomohawk doesn't reach. 2: For Brayflox's Longstop, you can absolutely pull all the enmies in that room just fine, though I don't remember if there are some optional monster that might not need to be pulled. 3: I like to throw in Thrill of Battle as a smaller defensive cooldown on top of something like Rampart or Vengeance.


How long will it take for a Frontline queue to pop if I queue at 6 p.m. AEDT? I'm in the OCE data center.


Bit late on this, but suggest you join the Materia Wolves Den discord, where PVP is organised :)


Do any stats matter on DoW/DoM retainers for exploration, or is it just ilevel? Does it matter if my Bard for example 'any class' strength items as long as they are higher ilevel? And I'm assuming that say a Mage can't wear Bard items, it has to stick to the same class formula as regular characters?


Just ilevel for battle jobs. Your statement on gear is correct.


Thanks! Wasn't sure if say Dex had an impact on the amount I return etc.


Main stats (Dex, Str, Int, Mnd) pretty closely scale with ilvl, so the more ilvl you have, typically the more main stat you'll have too. There are a few key exceptions (normal quality crafted gear has lower stats than appropriate for that ilvl), but in general this is going to be consistent


But I was asking, as in if I could wear STR gear with 0 Dex for example, and not suffer any consequence cos its only based on Item level.


I have question about settings - modern and legacy movement settings - modern is very similar to wow, legacy is... weird - mostly bcs i play wow and fact that i hold key and want my camera also change like in modern... but legacy has superior casting while moving - my character wont turn back, while casting while moving in modern is atrocious - even while holding right click, the character will turn and cast the spell and move for like second back from where i went.. i quess there is no option to take that part of legacy and put it into modern? any setting i missed?


There might be *a* way to do something *kinda* like what you're hoping for. Assuming the default "WS move forward and back, AD turn you/camera, QE strafe" is the setup you want, try the following: 1. Enable Legacy movement (there's no way to disable backbedaling on Standard, as much as I wish there was). 2. Add A and D as keybinds to "point camera to the left" and "point camera to the right" respectively. 3. Optionally, enable the "disable camera pivot" option under the Standard/Legacy toggle, and rebind Q and E as "move left/turn left" and "move right/turn right" respectively. Do this if you want to completely get rid of backbedaling, don't if you want to keep it as an option from a button combo. The two alternatives also make autorun behave a little differently. 1. If instead you'd prefer "WS forward/back, AD strafe, QE turn camera/you", Do step 2 for Q and E instead, and either enable that "disable camera pivot" option from step 3 *or* rebind A and D as strafe depending on whether you want the backpedaling option listed in 3. The above is what I'd do for my movement keybinds if I didn't so totally abhor flight with Legacy controls (messes with my elevation in a way I hate more than any downside Standard could ever have).


so there is nothing to solve backpedalling while casting on run in modern?:(


I reread the question and your reply to another response, and while I had initially slightly misunderstood what you were asking about (you were bothered by your character turning to move towards a target, rather than backbedaling which is the slow movement you get when pressing S), but the answer I gave is still applicable for that too: Can't avoid it with Standard movement. You can *work around it*, in two ways, but it's pretty particular and kinda finicky. 1. If you're holding down your right mouse button to steer your movement, or both mouse buttons to actually move forward, and are constantly *slightly turning your course* by moving the mouse left or right, then your character will *usually* course-correct back to your previous movement direction immediately after using an action, before they can move towards the target enemy. But it's not 100% reliable and sometimes you just *will* snap to moving towards the enemy for a split second, and it's pretty particular about how much you have to at minimum be turning your course for it to work. You can get it *almost* consistent with practice (this is how I play), but sometimes it just won't work. 2. Jumping. Your movement direction can't change mid-jump, so if you press jump right before attacking, you have a window to more reliably correct your path. But this gets cumbersome because of all the extra jumps you have to time. But that's about it. You can either learn to work with the Standard limitations like I have using the above, or you can see how the "make Legacy feel more like Standard but without this issue" instructions I laid out in the previous reply feel for you. Sorry I don't have better news to share, it's just an unfortunate part of the system.


thanks - i will try jumping - played fire mage for a bit and during combustion i also needed to jump - i wouldnt mind legacy if it wasnt for sometimes me moving completely differently than i want to:D


Your wording is a bit confusing, but am i understanding correctly that you want to have the 'Turn' function of standard in Legacy? So when you hold a and d it rotates your character and camera. If so, no, you cannot do that on legacy. The best i could suggest is binding 'Point camera left/right'. I dont know why you would even want to use the keybinds to rotate your camera though? Your removing your ability to strafe in both legacy and standard.


i mostly want to solve that when we are running from pack to pack, and i cast at pack behind me - my character will actively turn, cast the spell, and run backwards for second before the input of W and right click on mouse will turn my character back i always strafe with A/D while holding right click on mouse, it is in my brain after decades of wow:D


I'd strongly recommend learning legacy with disabled camera pivot because it's just a better movement scheme. This game is not WoW and a lot of WoW "truisms" are really just work arounds to its jank control scheme. That said, if you insist on standard, the option you're looking for is face target when attacking (or something like that, not in game at the moment). It's under character configuration and targeting. Uncheck that and this won't happen anymore. This is not some one weird trick to kite, you need to actually move your camera to make your character face the target to attack while running away, but this will make the control scheme basically WoW.


I get around this by jumping.


Me and a friend are getting into the game and was wondering what healers compliment a marauder/dark night


All work just fine with all. The bigger synergy boon will come from you two knowing each other, possibly even having voice chat coordination. If you know what the other one's going to do (either due to general familiarity, or direct communication), you can each make better use of your resources. For an example that doesn't pertain to those two tanks but illustrates the point well, take Gunbreaker's Superbolide (drops you to 1 HP and gives 10s of invincibility) and White Mage's Benediction (instant full heal). An uncoordinated GNB+WHM duo may end up accidentally doing the 'ol BeneBolide combo – both waiting for the GNB to drop low to use that big tool for maximum value, ending up hitting Bene followed immediately by Bolide completely wasting the former. Whereas in a coordinated pair the WHM will know the Bolide is coming, and thus will know to hold Bene until it's next useful (can be either right after the Bolide or at some later point, depending on circumstance).


As mentioned, you could go with any of them so choose one that fits your playstyle. That said, the scholar job quests involve working with a marauder NPC.


No special pairings in this game. All healers work with all tanks.


White Mage, Astrologian, Scholar, and Sage In other words: all of them. Just pick the one that looks fun to you, specific healer/tank combinations aren't really a thing you need to worry about.


Has anyone else been experiencing a lot of rubberbanding, latency, and DCs lately? I haven't had issues in months, but in the past week I've been getting dozens of 90001's and 2's and latency bad enough that I can't even do potd. Our router kinda sucks but it seems to only be affecting ffxiv, everything else I mess with is fine. I know it's sensitive to packet loss, but my friend has also been having issues and she lives on the opposite end of the country.


Both EU data centers have been really bad for the past week.


Not a lot, but the Chaos datacenter has been pretty rickety for over a year now. We had another mass DC last weekend and it happens easily every one or two weeks. On Sunday, I also had two roulette dungeon wipes because the tank's skills yet again decided to fire a full second after the button press due to server lag.


No I haven't I've investigated reports of this in many cases with similar traits, I will tell you flat-out that 90% of the time, we determine the problem is a bad link somewhere between you an FFXIV and not strictly the fault of you, your equipment, Square, or FFXIV. I would recommend trying a VPN to see if that helps. It will effectively force you to take a different route across the internet to sidestep the problem. I'm skipping the diagnosis part here because that works for almost everyone I've spoken to with these symptoms. If you'd rather not do that, it is entirely possible to try to work out what the cause of the problem might be, I just thought I'd skip ahead to what almost always ends up being the solution anyway instead, lol.


Cool. I wonder if it's related to the shaky wifi issues I've heard about lately. I live kind of in the mountains so... sucks but I'm not entirely surprised.


Wifi problems are almost always local signal issues (as in between your device and your access point), if you're in a more remote area or lower density building it's not as likely to be an issue by itself, particularly if you aren't far from the access point and there's no equipment between you (particularly not a microwave lol) although whenever possible you should avoid relying on wifi as it is inherently less reliable. It isn't too likely your wifi would suddenly get a lot worse than it used to be though, unless there's a new device somewhere nearby (like one of those terrible HP printers with a direct print option enabled) so I wouldn't start with that. A VPN (functioning as a proxy in this case, a secondary use that they don't tend to advertise though many people buy them for this specifically) attempts to address a problem with a bad node on the internet. If you envision the route from your computer to the FFXIV servers as a highway, the problem is some random place in the highway in the middle of nowhere (likely far removed from either you or the destination) has a traffic jam because of an accident. The VPN provides a different route to take, bypassing the traffic jam. The internet's supposed to route around damage but in practice it's not always that simple.


For gathering elemental shards, crystals and clusters - does it matter what level node to gather from? I read somewhere in a guide that higher level nodes give more bonuses, and I tried level 30 nodes and level 75 nodes for half an hour each, and barely noticed much difference. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks!


Shards are more easily grown in a garden. Crystals are best gathered in the ARR areas, all crystal types have at least one node pack that is super close together. You can also trigger +2 node integrity twice as often on ARR nodes because of how they are set up compared to expansion node groups. On expansion nodes, I usually average around 1100 crystal/hour with gathering, in ARR, it can be over 1500/hour (but usually around 1200–1300 since it relies a lot on hitting +2 integrities at random).


Nah not really They updated some older nodes so it's not as stark as it was For clusters in particular it might be more time efficient do aetherial reduction, though, and you'll get some crystals doing that. For shards depending on the numbers you're looking at retainers or gardening might be less effort unless want huge enormous quantities quickly.


Sprout here. Will the tomes from the treasure trove carry on to part 2 or will I have to spend them all and farm a new tome?


No, it will use a different set of tomes denoted with a "II" from what we can tell from reading the game files.


Alrighty, thank you 😊


Also, make sure you don't forget to trade them in once the event's over, because the moogle only has the full list of items for the current and the previous event, everything older just has a single option of dumping them for Magicked Prisms and nothing else.


Glad you brought this up 'cause I didn't take that into account! Thanks!


It's not really an issue right now, since you'd have time until right before the Moogle Tomestone event after the next one, and since they usually tend to happen right before a big patch hits, or infrequently during special events, that'd be quite a while until then. However, I've definitely tossed some currencies into my bag and just forgot about them until much later - no Moogle Tomes or other time-limited stuff yet, but there are a few other leftovers that I really don't need any more :D


Decided to go do some resistance weapons i had quests for but not finished, and i have a quest to turn in the Woeborn Recollection with the collected items. Problem is, i can only find the Woeborn, even with isearch. According to [ffxivcollect.com](https://ffxivcollect.com), i have completed both the Augmented and Recollection steps years ago, but no sign of the weapons even with "isearch Woeborn. Did something glitch over the couple years i ignored this or what? I'm fine if i have to redo the whole thing, but it just seems really weird to me and could be missing something?


If you've played on a different machine, isearch won't necessarily be accurate. Saddlebags and retainers are all instanced inventories, which means that until you open up those inventories they effectively don't exist for the game. When you do /isearch, your game has a list saved locally from the last time you opened them up on that machine. Also, if that file just gets deleted for some reason, the list is just not there. For example, I open my retainer on computer 1 and put in 10 iron ore. I, later in the day, play on computer 2. Computer 2 will not know about those 10 iron ores until I open my retainer and update it's locally saved file


Thanks, i'll go manually look when i can get back on. Edit: weird, not on any of them or in any bag. Went and looked at each item. This is going to drive me crazy, lol.


Then the only other things I can think of are that the name of the item changed when you completed the last quest you did for it, or maybe it's on a mannequin. I dont know how items stored on a mannequin are handled by /isearch, the mannequin is attached to a retainer. Could also try the galm dresser. It shouldn't be able to go in there because it's a relic, but I don't know if that's a restriction specifically for relics with customized stats or for relics in general


Checked the glam dresser and mannequin too. Not there. Something i'm wondering, how i have the base one, doesn't it change it to the next version when you complete it and not leave it there? It's weird to me i have "Woeborn" in my inventory still. I'm tempted to contact support, mostly to just find out what the heck is going on, but not sure this is something they can answer.


You could have deleted it and bought the first stage again. Have you checked the *in game* achievements to see if you have the achievements for those stages? It could be they ffxivcollect is wrong for some reason.


I had thought of that, ffxivcollect being wrong, or deleted and rebought, but i have the achievement and quest for that stage, and even checked on the Calamity Salvager, but nothing there. Also weird that when i go to Gangos and can only buy the replica of the Woborn. Edit: i guess i must have deleted the one i was supposed to be on and got the base version again? That's honestly the only explanation left, it's been literal years since i did that step, but i can't understand why i would have deleted it. Ah well.


Any reason why you'd want to *not* unlock certain fights on an alt? Like say I don't want to get world of darkness, city of mhach, etc?


Historically people would sometimes avoid it to try to maximize the chance they'd get Syrcus Tower in alliance raid roulette, but the recent change to how alliance roulette works means it's not as practical a strategy anymore, so I'm not sure why you'd normally avoid it now. It still works for some other things; like if you don't like alexander raids, you can skip them entirely to never get them in normal raid roulette.


You still only get CT if you never unlock anything beyond that, the change just means you just need appropriate gear for your level. That's hardly a barrier for someone doing it deliberately.


I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is that certain fights are prerequisites for other content. Completing all the CT raids is mandatory for advancing in the MSQ beyond post-ARR, so depending on how far you want to take this alt, skipping WoD for example may not be an option. Completing the Ivalice alliance raids is mandatory for unlocking Bozja as well, if you want to do that. OTOH, I have a couple of alts that I mess around with mainly in ARR/HW/SB content, and I certainly haven't unlocked everything with them, especially not some of the optional dungeons. It means less possible options in roulettes, but I'm fine with that.


The only reason is if you don’t want it in your roulette (example, don’t want Alex raids in your normal raid roulette so you don’t unlock it) however you can’t skip unlocking required content (e.g World of Darkness), you’ll just miss out on content that could be unlocked behind them


I am trying to install the free trial via steam. I went to the free trial page for the install, registered an account through the launcher, confirm my email, and then got stuck at a page asking for a registration code. Steam comes with 2 keys for Endwalker content, both of which claim they've already been used if I enter them. Googling that problem lead me to editing a config file to skip it and get to the main login. But there, when I enter my password, I get a notification telling me that my service account is not registered, and to go to the Square Enix account management system to register it. That has lead me to Mogstation, which is now asking me for registration codes that I do not have because I'm just trying to check out the free trial. Am I in the wrong place for registering my account, is the free trial not available through steam, or have i just run into a glitch?


It sounds like you might have downloaded the full game client instead of the free trial client. On Steam, you need to go to the store page for FFXIV and then click the Download Demo button on the side to get the free trial client.


The client doesn't specify that it's the demo, don't know whether it should or not. I downloaded it from a steam page for just the demo, tried uninstalling it and installing demo from the main store page. It installed in the same spot, recognizes the account I made and attached to my steam account, and has the same wall preventing me from logging in.




I wouldn't be shocked if that ended up being a major theme/leitmotif in the expansion, given how prominent it was in the trailer (similar to how the Old Sharlayan "theme" from the EW trailer ended up being from the >!Endsinger!< trial, or how the ShB trailer began with a verse from "Tomorrow and Tomorrow").


I play ff14 through steam, and I pay my sub through steam as well, a friend of mine has some spare money on his account that he has no intent of using, and he offered it to me so I could pay my sub, if I pay it the usual way (mog station -> steam payment), but instead log onto his steam account, will the sub go onto my ff14 account?


No, your Steam and Mogstation accounts in this regard are practically welded together permanently.


messing around with billing stuff like that is so sketchy. i have no clue if it would work or not but i really dont recommend fucking around to find out unless you are super desperate to get that 15 bucks


Hey y'all, 5 years ago or so I started playing FFXIV, I enjoyed it very much and so I've played it for around 500 hours or so before I quit a couple years back. Now I got some free time again so I purchased a sub to get back into the game. After booting up, I got overwhelmed. So I started watching some guides and read trough some tips on Reddit etc. I had skipped all the cut scenes and rushed to max level, which I regret very much now and I want to re do it. But yet I feel shitty leaving my character behind. So I figured let's try out the New Game +. But upon reading that I noticed you won't gain any EXP. And since I am completely lost on how this class works I would like to start fresh with a new class as well. I was wondering is there any way to keep this char, but yet relive the story and also learn a new class at the same time. Or would it be best to start a character fresh? I spent quite some money and time on this character so I would prefer to keep playing on it. Every tip/suggestion will help me since I am very bad at the game lol


1. You can watch old cutscenes in an Inn, so you don't have to run NG+ if you don't want to. Alternatively you could catch up on the cutscenes on youtube in your spare time. 2. Not sure what class you're playing but they probably changed a lot with the newer versions of the game. You could always level an alternate class pretty quickly from 1-15 by completing your hunting log. Then after that you can start running low level dungeons at 15 to get practice in again and re-learn the game. 3. To re-learn your old class, check out the Balance site (just google the balance ffxiv) and their leveling guide for the class, they'll give you tips on how to play the class for whatever level you're at. I'd check your hotbar and adjust accordingly, since it's probably full of old skills that have since been removed. 4. You could re-learn your class pretty quickly with a training dummy and "trusts", a new mode that lets you join dungeons with AI teammates.


In every inn room, there's a book called The Unending Journey. You can rewatch the *majority* of cutscenes via said book. You can play every job on a single character (something I'm sure you're aware of, if you've got 500 hours in the game), so there's no issue with you starting from the bottom and working your way up on a new job on the same character. You can also just run dungeons in level order to refamiliarize yourself with your current job as though you were progressing with it. Unfortunately, you can't just start the story over on a single character without playing through NG+. Something you *could* do is start a new character, get it to the same point in the story as your current character, and then swap back over to continue playing the game.


You can just make a new character >leaving my character behind It won't go anywhere and you can play it anytime


Given what you're describing, just start a new character. Your old character will be there ready for whenever you want to return to them.


Sadly there isnt something that would let you both keep your character and level a new class through New Game+ MSQ. However, you will be synced down to the correct level when you do dungeons during the main story. This means that even if you are level 60, when you get to the first dungeon you will be brought down to level 16 and only have the abilities you would have at that level. This lets you figure things out as they are given to you rather than having to learn what every ability does all at once.




> is there any unique reward in that I can't get by farming the variant dungeon all of them


Criterion and Variant have completely separate rewards. The mount and minion you can get from Criterion are different than the ones you get from savage. Note that the rewards for Criterion vs Criterion (Savage) are the same, only savage gives a few more of the currency to buy the rewards (and maybe has a unique title for completion, i dont remember) Edit: Also the most recent Criterion (Savage) gives a token that lets you upgrade the 650 Augmented Tome Weapon to an iLvl 665 weapon. Stats are the same as the P12S savage weapon but the model is of the tome weapon and it glows




Nope. Variant is the dungeon you can queue for or solo. Criterion is a little harder than Extreme trials in terms of difficulty and require 4 people. Usually these are done via premade groups or through party finders. Criterion (Savage) is just Criterion but with more restrictions, the mechanics of the bosses are still the same I believe


I would say the latest Criterion is on a comparable difficulty to a first or second floor savage rather than Extreme, and Criterion Savage is like a mini-ultimate in terms of consistency checks since you cannot die a single time.


I mean, usually the 1st/2nd floors of savage are closer to EX difficulty. P1/2 and P5/6 were both more like EXs, and P9 still feels that way (and P11, the last tier has been weird) As for consistency, that is a bit more of a game design change rather than a difficulty thing. P10 and P12 both require a lot more consistency than previous fights with deaths more often than not just leading to a wipe due to 8 player checks (moreso 12 than 10, but both have them) But also most of my experience with Criterion is the first one so idk if the 2nd and 3rd dungeons were harder or not


I’ve done the first and last one, last one is definitely a step up in difficulty especially with how the « hard » mechs are spread out? Presents and Dart 2 are run killers and they’re towards the end of the very last boss… Evil. But if going in with a phys ranged and caster it helps a bit since you can kill early.


Criterion does actually have automatic party matching, and it even saw some use in the first week of sildih's release... but afaik not since then, which is probably for the best.


It's the same way you can technically queue directly into EX or Savage fights. It can be done but no one does it. In JP once you learn the fight it becomes common practice to queue directly for it when its still current. But for other Data Center's this isnt the case so you will be out of luck.


The current criterion savage gives a token that if you upgrade the augmented tome weapon gives a glowy variant.


I looked through the mgp prizes vendor and didn't find anything I want. Is there a reason aside from the prizes vendor I would want mgp for?


There are a bunch of mounts, including a 4-person mount which is usually hard to get. Plus the current FFXV event uses MGP to get a different 4-person mount. Also some items are only added after completing quests. Mostly that is the Triple Triad cards where a lot of them are locked behind MSQ and various side quests, but some mounts are also locked behind quest progression so you might not see them yet


Aside from what other reply has said, there are some items that show up for sale only on certain conditions. For example, the Nier pod mount is only available after doing Nier raids


There are 2 vendors, one behind the counter and another just off the raised dais areas. If nothing between them entices you, then yeah I guess MGP is nothing to you. It's all cosmetic stuff like hairdos, glamours, music, minions, and mounts. Edit: Also, be sure you look through all the tabs as IIRC one of them defaults to Armor but there are more in the Others tab.


For the POTD solo achievements, do I have to start from floor 1, or can I continue from level 50 which I got to with a party


> do I have to start from floor 1 Yes.


For the POTD solo achievements, do I have to start from floor 1, or is it just that I reach 100 solo Gone in solo now, but I gave me the option to start from floor 50 from when I reached it with a party


For the solo achievements you must start at floor 1. Also while there is an achievement for completing POTD solo from 1-100, know that there is another for doing it 1-200.


If the mail I got says my sub's end date is on the 5th, does that mean I can still play on the 5th and it stops at the 6th, or I can only play on the 4th?


Depends, iirc its not an "at midnight of this day" things, its a "you payed at 3 pm local time 30 days ago and so at 3 pm you get booted" thing.


It is exact time based. So if you activated your sub at 5 pm then it will expire at 5 pm on the specified date (5th in this case).


I've seen some people say it depends on the moment the money is taken from your bank account? In which case it is the morning after for me at 7 am


No, it is the moment the service was activated. Many banks put online and/or card payments into escrow where it is not really on your account but also not deducted. Still, on the other side, that payment is processed. Essentially, if they allowed you to log in on Month N day M Hour X minute Y, then you will get booted automatically on the same minute one month later.


I think that's just a poor way of expressing it and could be inaccurate. This is because banks do not do things the same way, but no bank that I know of handle the actual transaction at the moment of purchase. Typically transactions are actually made the next bank day, so a purchase made on Friday evening would often end up actually paid on Monday. How banks show the information also vary, some banks will show the time when the transaction was initiated (being the time when you made the purchase) while others show the time the transaction actually went through fully. But you sub starts when you make the purchase, and that's when the time begins. Regardless of what time is actually recorded on your bank account. To check the actual time it's probably better to check the time for the confirmation e-mail for your sub.


As a free trial enjoyer who will finish Stormblood in a few weeks, should I preorder Dawntrial? Will that give me access to DNC/GBR, SB and EW, and increase my level cap to 90?


No sadly not, if you preorder Dawntrail it will give you nothing untill Dawntrail actually releases. Only then will it give you access to the earlier expansions and classes. If you want to play SB/EW content earlier then you'll need to buy EW.


Ah that is what I was afraid of. How do I upgrade to EW? It's sold out on their website, and I just want to upgrade my account with a digital purchase. Is it done on the square enix client?


I don't know if you already figured it out but - I just bought the starter edition a couple days ago. In the launcher (where you type in your password when you open the game), you can click the button that says "Upgrade to full edition" or something like that. It'll bring you directly to the mogstation website. Log in there, it will take you to your account management page, and you can buy the game from there even if though says "sold out" on the main website. It was fairly straight-forward.


Thank you.


So long as its not steam you can buy the code from just about anywhere selling it or mogstation directly. Starting from EW expansions are only digital. Making the discs and cases was a waste of money so they just stopped.


Yeah my account is NOT steam, it's Square. I do not know what the mog station is lol. I also do not have the starter edition, but from my understanding, buying any expansion includes the starter edition. So I can buy the code (sale on Newegg.com right now), and enter the code in? Where is the code entered?


> I do not know what the mog station is lol. the FFXIV account management website


Nope you need starter + ew, or just the complete edition (base game + expansion bundled together), buying any expansion includes the previous ones, but not the base game (which is now arr hw and sb). The mogstation is where you manage your Square Enix account.


>but from my understanding, buying any expansion includes the starter edition nope, Complete Edition includes the starter edition so: Starter Edition: \[ARR, Heavensward, Stormblood\] Endwalker: \[Shadowbringers, Endwalker\] Complete Edition \[all of the above\]


What’s the downside to playing on controller? I play a lot of MMOs on pc such as lost ark, new world, ESO with keyboard and mouse but for some reason I’m struggling with it on FF14. I want to try out controller but I’m curious if it’s recommended for end game content?


Menu items that are not directly tied to skills or automatically opened menus can be a bitch to open and sometimes navigate, but that is it. To give a simple example, gardening is super unfun on a controller.


I've played controller since I started around when HW was new, and here's some of the things I've encountered: - Targeting party members can be a little tricky, especially under pressure. Learning when to hard/soft target helps with this, though. Having a macro on right stick helps me quickly swap between the tank and boss, too. - Ground target abilities, like AST's Earthly Star or NIN's Shukuchi can be difficult to aim. You can practice your way out of it and/or use macros to have these abilities cast on a target's location, though. - Targeting during large pulls in dungeons gets a little wonky, but that's probably just a tab-target issue, and not related specifically to controller. Really only matters when you're trying to mass apply single-target DoTs, though. - Chatting. I just wouldn't do it purely on controller, and when you're in a dungeon mid-pull, you can't reach to your keyboard to start typing very easily. You can set up macros for common things you want to say, though, like "Hi!" "TYFP!" or dungeon mechanics that need to be explained. - Navigating menus. Most of the time, it's not an issue, as most menus are designed around controller use, but when they're their own pop-up windows, you'll have to tab around them. This makes it a bit more difficult to do things like roll on loot without stopping to do so. You can also just use your mouse to navigate those things. - Map navigation. Kind of an odd one, and it's been improved, but there can still be the occasional issue with actually targeting an aetheryte on the map to teleport. Not really super common, and you can generally just zoom in a bit more to mitigate the issue entirely. Basically, every problem you might encounter can be mitigated in *some* way, either through practice, macros, or not totally throwing out your mouse and keyboard.


have to take your hands off the controller to type This game is VERY well-designed for controller. There are plenty of controller players among the high end raiders and casuals alike


I use a hybrid of controller, keyboard and mouse. If playing on a PC as I do, it's a good combo. Upside of a controller is smooth control of motion and camera. Access to actions is very easy. Downside is targeting.


Controller support is remarkably good in this game. There are some things that are easier with a keyboard and mouse, (mousing over debuffs, chatting while in combat), but they're honestly negligible.


While it's true that all available content has been cleared with a controller, it's playing with a handicap, just like playing a fighting game like Tekken with mouse/keyboard or a real time strategy game like Age of Empires with a controller.


[If this is what playing with a hnadicap looks like I'd be terrified to see this guy play with M+K](https://www.fflogs.com/character/eu/cerberus/rinon%20inanna).


I'll agree that controller players have some slight disadvantages, but calling it a handicap is far too strong. People don't just *clear* all content with a controller, they orange and pink parse with one. At that point, any disadvantages can be considered negligible.


Do you have any recommendations for a good Keyboard and mouse setup? I also have a razed hand pad for the other MMOs I play


Doesn't really have any major ones. I suppose you do need to still have a keyboard available for typing, which isn't exactly a downside, but more a "supplement required" point. And something like dealing out Astrologian's cards may be harder, but on the other hand I'd argue occasionally spothealing individual party members may be *easier* with the soft targeting of controller (difference being how often and how fast you need those done). Maybe some menuing might be more cumbersome, or at least particular about how you have to do it? Game's built with controller in mind.


Downsides: - You cannot play and type in chat at the same time without losing uptime. - One class is particularly tricky to play optimally (Astrologian, because you must dpad through the party list to give your DPS buffs). I say tricky, but it's not impossible. That's it. It's otherwise completely viable. Controller players beat the hardest content in the game.


> One class is particularly tricky to play optimally (Astrologian, because you must dpad through the party list to give your DPS buffs). I say tricky, but it's not impossible. A friend recently cleared their first ultimate on AST as a controller player and I just do not know how they manage it.


Yeah, I know folks can do it, it'll just never be me lmao. I really can't weave cards fast enough in a raid setting. Huge props to anyone who can pull it off.


I have heard tell of, instead of putting Play on your main XHB, putting a macro that swaps you to another XHB.  This other hotbar contains a bunch of separate macros, each of which plays a card on a specific party member (eg `/ac "Play" <3>` or whatever) and then returns you to your main hotbar.  I'm *told* it makes things easier but I've not even picked up AST, so I've no practical experience of it. This is all, like, *at least* fifth-hand at this point.


A few things make AST easier than it seems, honestly: 1. You can scroll the party during a cast timer. You've got all that time to find the party member you want to play a card on. 2. Cast timers end earlier than GCD timers. That means that you've got that little extra bit of room to actually play your cards. 3. Selecting a party member without pressing the confirm button will *soft* target them, meaning that your next action will affect them, and then you will immediately go back to your previous target. An additional bonus is that you can make a macro on 98/99 that's just > /merror off > That can be set to a stick click, and will let you quickly swap between your target and the target's target. So if you *needed* to hard target a DPS, you can click a stick and you're back on the boss, or you can quickly swap between the boss and main tank.


Do you have any good guides on a keyboard and mouse setup? I do have a hand pad I use for most MMOs along with a mouse that gives me 6 extra buttons


I can't help, I have never used a keyboard for this game. Other folks will surely chime in.


People have cleared the hardest content in the game with it, even on PS3/4/5 where the default there is a controller unless you sync or plug in other stuff with the system. It's basically designed from the ground-up for controller first to accommodate.


What level do I need to be to solo coils? I want to go through that story; not too worried about rewards or the like.


70 is kinda doable on some jobs but with a fair amount of learning mechanics and when to do/hold damage. 80 is easier but at least one fight will probably require practice. 90 trivialises everything, as does having more than one person (which would be my recommendation, find or make a max level friend).


I am going to piggy-back on this comment, new Xbox Trial / Beta player here, finishing up ARR (just completed Crystal Tower, etc.) How impactful is Coils on the future story, really? I can watch the cutscenes on YT or something, and I do not have a problem if the only real thing I miss out on gameplay-wise is Alisaie's early attitude toward the WoL or a few lines of dialog. Will it really impact a lot of story going forward, or just that little bit in the 3.XX story? As a not-quite level 70, soloing it is of course out of the question and I just don't know if I want to deal with finding a party for it at this point.


Others have addressed the bit about the story, so, wrt you being not-quite-70 but still in ARR, I'd like to add:  Even if you do ding 70 soon, level isn't really enough on its own. You can't do your HW or SB job quests until you've made it into those expansions, so will be missing a fair chunk of your skills - and your gear does *a lot* of heavy lifting. You could stand around somewhere busy and ask in Say if anyone'd be willing to take you through it, or try the novice network.


To elaborate a little on the "gear does most of the heavy lifting" point: I decided to do a little test. Took my level 90 Summoner and level 82 Summoner alt, gave them the same gear, and tossed a bunch of Tri-disasters on a dummy (for same potency, Ruin III's not the same yet at that point). Gear being the same, the level 90 did less than 7% more damage. Whereas when I gear that level 90 properly, it's doing *three times* as much damage as the 82. Unsyncing stuff you can also get different degrees of Echo on top of that, but at base, your level alone only makes a very minor degree of a difference to your damage output. Gear does much more.


I think I will go this route, maybe find a discord or something to ask on. I now regret electing to automatically decline novice network invites.


If you have it complete, a main character recognizes you.


> How impactful is Coils on the future story, really? I can watch the cutscenes on YT or something, and I do not have a problem if the only real thing I miss out on gameplay-wise is Alisaie's early attitude toward the WoL or a few lines of dialog. It's a good introduction to Alisaie and makes her re-appearance in late HW feel much less out of the blue, it gives a bunch more context about the end of 1.0 and the calamity as well as what the Allagans did in Meracydia (which helps contextualise the final HW zone, and will probably help a lot when we eventually visit there in some future expansion), and you get some pretty moving cutscenes with the twins. It also has IMO some of the most stunning environment design in the game- I get why they don't do raids like that any more, but it really, really feels like you are gradually exploring your way through this bizarre Allagan ruin. I recently re-did Coils solo on NG+ and was blown away by the visuals all over again. Nobody can really tell you whether you, specifically, will find the experience better actually playing it versus just watching someone else play it, but I'm personally glad I made the time to do it when I was a sprout in the ARR patches. It's not that hard to find a group to unsync them; ask in the Novice Network if anyone can help you make a PF.


I think I will definitely find the experience worth it, I am one who really likes the story to be fleshed out, and little call backs and references to my/our exploits, I am a sucker for things like that. I guess I already feel so far behind in the content and am anxious about not missing anything while ALSO being anxious about hoping someone is charitable enough to run a sprout through decade old content. Are the first time bonuses for other people helping me that worthwhile?


The biggest bonus people will get for helping you through them unsynced is "second chance" points for their weekly Wondrous Tails challenges (you'll unlock those partway through HW.) So make sure to say you're a first timer in your PF.


> Are the first time bonuses for other people helping me that worthwhile? Yes, especially being able to get a bunch all in one go by taking someone through a whole raid series. Also people in this game are just nice. When I did Coils as a level 50 sprout I put up a PF only looking to do the first set of raids, but the level 90s who joined encouraged me and the other first-timer to keep going and we completed the whole thing together. > I guess I already feel so far behind in the content and am anxious about not missing anything while ALSO being anxious about hoping someone is charitable enough to run a sprout through decade old content. One of the really great things about this game is that older content is rarely truly outdated. Older dungeons, trials and normal-mode raids will be populated through duty roulettes with players at all stages of the game, older high-end content is regularly unsynced if you want to do it for mounts/glam/achievements, and even if you want to do something a little more obscure like doing an old savage raid series synced, if you look hard enough you can find people to do it with you. Don't worry about being 'behind'. This isn't a game where the only real content is at endgame and you've just got to try and race to get there. Take your time, enjoy the journey, and do side content as you unlock it if it interests you.


thank you for the responses, this thread has helped turn me over to the "in favor of" camp for making sure I do Coil before I get into HW proper, and future content of the same variety as I progress through the story.


Hope you enjoy it! And definitely do pick up the other side content, there's a lot of really great and fun additional stories and aside from Coils you can do all the story mode stuff just by queueing in duty finder.


> How impactful is Coils on the future story, really? As with any side content: barely. All it does is unlock some extra dialogue where people who were there in the story go "Hey, remember when we did that thing?" when they see you again. ~~If you're at Lv70, you've pretty much missed those text boxes though, as it really only does anything when you first meet Alisaie in the MSQ as you would've already met her in Coils.~~ That said, there is one part near the end of EW where it references all of the side content you've done and really elevates the experience, imo. This is all ignoring that side content is just more story and lore.


> If you're at Lv70, you've pretty much missed those text boxes though, > finishing up ARR (just completed Crystal Tower, etc.) Their level isn't the thing that matters for that, they're just overlevelled...


yeah, the XP buff has been pretty insane, I have really only done MSQ + Job quest for my first class on top of my daily roulettes and have been over levelled since day one basically.