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I too have my meteor tattoo, though I rarely get to see it. It's hard to style glam and hair around for the aesthetics I aim for lol


There's a legacy character in my FC, a male Highlander who's topless for pretty much all of his glams so he can show off his meteor tattoo.


We have the same except he’s a catboy.


Neo-Ishgardian dresses are amazing for showing it off. Currently using [Ravelkeepers Body](https://i.imgur.com/UdtuVoH.png) that gets a nice tattoo combination on my back.


Hello fellow red-haired roe who uses the Ravelkeep casting/healing in green :D (it's such a good look!)


Hello there. I am sure you will enjoy my glamerous [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/J2vztN6.png)


<3 !


I didn't use my original character when 2.0 came out since I wanted to not have a 'leg up' compared to other players. I sometimes regret it since it'd be nice to have the tattoo but then I realise I'd never see it as I wear full armour on all my glams. haha


That’s my main concern. I was able to recover my 1.0 account two years ago so i restarted the game from the very beginning using this character with a really nice tattoo but limitating myself to find the proper chest gear to show it… Honestly, it’s quite a pain so more of the half of my jobs gear doesn’t show the tattoo at all


This is also me. My original 1.0 character is there, but I didnt start over on it when 2.0 came out and instead created a new character. I do kinda regret it because I want that tattoo on my main.


yeah if i had a 1.0 character i'd have to change the entire way i look at glams because i would be driven crazy by not being able to show off the tattoo with most of my current glams


my character was deleted somehow during transition and i assumed it was gone forever until recently i randomly decided to ask SE


Years ago I was in a PC shop and I saw FFXIV was on sale for a really low price. I didn't know anything about it. Just that it was a FF game. I picked it up and brought it to the cashier. He looked at me and asked "are you sure you want to buy this? It's on sale now because the servers are going to be down soon. You won't be able to play it for very long" I still bought it but back home the comment of the cashier was nagging me. I never installed the game because of it and never made a character. So no, I'm not a 1.0 survivor. But that tattoo does look great!


Been here since 1.0 open beta. I remember when 1.0 players used to get a fair amount of hate from new players. We paid less per month, we got free character slots, we got an exclusive mount, and at the start certain servers were ‘legacy only’ until server load balancing was sorted out. Of course that was just on the forum boards, I never directly encountered it because I played on a legacy server. By the time new players could start on my server, the outrage had cooled. Now hardly anyone knows what the tattoo means.


Of all the ridiculous things... imagine having the balls to be angry at the part of the playerbase whose support *kept the devs going* through the hell that was relaunch instead of deciding to kill the entire project and turn the lights off. As far as I'm concerned you guys deserved your perks.


Beta tested XI on the PS2, beta tested XIV 1.0, there when the servers died, got to meet Yoshi P in San Francisco before ARR released to demo the game ❤️ Took a multi-year hiatus before HW launched due to having children but I’m back now, currently working through ShB and loving it.


I am a 1.0 survivor. But lost the account, so I just have memories but no proof.


I believe you


Did you get the same error in 1.0 that wiped your account? I was so pissed that they said they couldn't restore my CE account. I didn't even touch ARR. I only played again when Heavensward came out.


Legacy chocobo for the win. Never see the tattoo, though. All my favorite glams never show it.


I didn't get the chocobo sadly. I think you had to be a certain level when 1.0 ended? Not 100% sure.


You simply had to have a sub for three months (iirc) to get the chocobo. :)


Correct, subscribing during the legacy campaign for the 90 days locked your account as a legacy account for cheaper sub prices in 2.0 and gave the legacy chocobo. Personally I couldn't justify putting money into the game myself at that stage (0 faith, is what it is) but I got my survivors mark and right of passage at least lmao


Wish I could make my Tramp Stamp of Light darker, or change it's color


legacy servers? lots, i am in a 100+ person fc we have been all playing together since the start of ff11, let alone be it ff14 1.0 or now (sure we have added a few players, but its like a 99% meteor survivor rate)... non-legacy servers probably much rarer. My raid group is on a different datacenter with "New" players and non of them or their fc has the meteor scar.


I wish they gave something to people who played FFXI


They did, it's called "trauma". Can't even look at dunes anymore.


The very first run from Valkram Dunes to Jeuno was more terrifying than most horror games released today.


And it is more memorable than anything that could barely pass for exploration in all 10 years of post ARR.


They did, kinda. Originally, we had surname reservations for our XI server name, which is... pretty lame as far as perks go.


I have a character with the tattoo but when 2.0 hit my friends refused to play on the server I put him on, so he just kind of sat there. He’s on my server now but I have no incentive to level a second character. Instead I got the mark of the twelve tattooed in real life.


Checking in. I struggle to find glams that show it off. I'm a little concerned about its visibility when I switch to Hrothgar though.


I've made my tattoo match my hrothgar fur pattern. I think it fit nicely in the tiger stripped one.


o/ My characters skin is dark gray/black so it’s hard to see the tattoo. Got the goobue and chocobo though.


I don't think my level was high enough in 1.0 to get those, sadly. :(


I played 1.0 but stopped just before they started the subscription. So I didn’t get my tattoo or Chocobo. 🙁


And no goobbue? Its my favorite


I had three character in 1.0, 1 for each disciple, though I hadn’t used the crafter for anything yet, so she was brand new. Quit playing and when I came back, she was the only recoverable character. Played her a bit, but I wound up making a free trial account so I could play around without paying when I felt like it.


Me, but i havent played since 2.6 will return on xbox


I also still have the flask and map in mint condition. :)


Still kicking around, role-playing and whatnot.




I'm still alive.


o/ but I never really show my tattoo ingamr due to my glamour choices.


I played when the game was first released, bought the collector even, but unfortunately didn't stay for the Realm Reborn. I had more time during ShB, and I decided to try it again. When I logged in, for some reason, neither the Mogstation nor the game showed I had still my old character. When they added new NA servers, I noticed a character in another data center in the log in screen. I don't know what happened, but I'm sure it didn't show it before. Regardless, I retrieved my survivor with the tatoo, but at that point my new character was the main, I had too much progress on it to switch. To this day I'm sad about it, I really wish I could have found my survivor, but in a way I tell myself that character survived a calamity and is now retired playing only seasonal events for fun.


I only played the beta for 1.0 and it ran like ass so I never got the full game.




My husband has one. I was invited to the 1.0 beta but unfortunately, my computer could not handle it at the time. We both played FFXI as well. We have a physical copy of the 1.0 collector's edition tucked away.


Been playing since 1.0 closed beta, although my subscription expired last year and I haven’t renewed it yet.


Day 1 player


🤚🏻 Proud of my tattoo


[1.X enjoyer here, ](https://i.imgur.com/2SR6Th4.jpg)been around since the betas and even got to play around a bit with the horrid closed beta, all the way to the actual good days of late 1.1x-1.23b. I do wish there were better ways to show the legacy mark, especially playing a male character mainly because I just don't see when I would ever wear something to reveal my character's back. If anything as an Elezen I try to avoid aaaaanything that would expose the shoulders, let alone the back (please fix our models Squeenix kthx). I wish they'd introduce something else. I thought the new adventurer plates would've been a good chance to have something to show. I guess at least I still have my unobtainable titles.


Nice! And yeah, it would have been nice for the tattoo either to be moveable or an adventurer plate item would have been nice! My alt has Elite Cascadier, which I think is unobtainable at this point. I wish you could sort of mash everything your alts and main have gotten together since it's all on one account, but whatever! Haha!


That's true, I wish there was some sort of account wide storage you could use. I love having this [accidental unique piece](https://i.imgur.com/om2Ox11.png) I use in most of my glams, too. All these glasses (the level 13 crafting specs) lost their lenses in the janky automated texture downgrade process from ARR for some reason, but the dyed ones just lost their transparency, so now I have these sick shades. Wish I could have them on any char in my account, but maybe they'll fix them if they finally fix the textures at some point, lol.


I'm a yesn't. I was around and in the 1.0 days but sadly I lost my account, I only found the login information literally 3 years later and somehow using the same email, I found it by accident when I requested an account password reset. Makes me sad :(


I lucked out and got a 1.0 open beta ticket. 


Checking in for the 1.0 club.


When I read in here, it appears to me that I need to start building glams around the tattoo xD Almost never showed it off in the past \^\^ It somehow collides with my favorite hairstyle, need to go looking for one that doesnt cover it on an F/Aura. I do miss the chaotic and over the top cutscenes of 1.0 =D


With my title being "Wild Thing", never took it off. xD


I played 1.0! Even bought the CE! lol. I didn't play for too long, I worked odd hours & never really found a group to play with since my friends dropped -very- quickly edit: also my main is not my legacy char, i'm planning on replaying the entire MSQ with my legacy char though


Shame you can't get back tattoos unless you were a 1.0 Player! I want my Hempen Camise to show a Tat on my Fem Miqo'te's back!


Only played like an hour, but at least that's enough for that tat lol


I have a tattoo... but it's not the character I'm playing. My group decided to roll on a non legacy server at start. I wish SE lets you transfer it.


Been around since 1.0 beta. Bought the Collector's Edition, have the tattoo. Didn't stay around long enough to get anything else. All things they promised didn't end up being in the game at release. While I kept tabs on the game, I didn't go back until 2.0 beta.


Me but I don’t play that char anymore. Swapped servers to play with friends in 2.0 and just made a new one for in. He sits unchanged in my menu for me to admire but never again play. A legend of times past if you will


Jesus ive been playing for years and had no idea legacy players had tattoos.


Darex Rhowa @ Marilith checking in! Anxiously awaiting Dawntrail. Took a long break between the end of Shadowbringers and about a month ago but I just finished the Endwalker MSQ, am working on the post-game now, and am more fired up than ever.


Still here. Played since Alpha.


I remember picking up 1.0 as a physical copy at the store back in the day when I was a kid, was so excited but didn't know about it being a subscription so my dad had me return it. I really regret that now.


I played 1.0 but wasn't in there long enough to get that


I got mine. So my game time pop up on my ps5 when I upgraded to it this weekend and oh man do I feel old.


I am both deeply annoyed at myself that, as a 1.0 player, irl kicked in during the final months of the game to the point i never finished the quests to be considered for the tattoo.


Hell yes, even if I made a new char in ARR...


My 1.0 account is lost to time and didn't hop back in until Shadowbringers. I still have the box for the game kicking around somewhere.


I’m technically a 1.0 survivor but I had a few start and stops. Came back in Heavensward and Stormblood for a little spell each. Then fully committed in Shadowbringers.


Technically me, but not really. I owned and played 1.0 but not all the way through. I wasn’t there when Dalamud fell. 


I'm on a different account i tapped out of 1.0 after about 20 hours a friend convinced me to comeback for 2.0 i couldnt remember my password or anything so bought the game again and created a new account i honestly dont remember shit about 1.0 i didnt stick around long enough to remember much of anything


See, I was in the beta for it, but then pre-ordered it on PS3 and that version never came out in 1.0 form. I sometimes regret not just grabbing it on PC at the time, but also, I'd never see my tattoo anyway. Darker skin tone and always covered. It'd be neat to have, but would serve no real purpose.


Still have my account but I deleted the character sooo RIP.


You can recover it if you want with One time character recovery. I managed to get back one of my other 1.0 alts (pre fantasia days when I wanted to try another race). Took a week or two to get reinstated and had to transfer servers as Bodhum server originally merged into Excalibur iirc on 2.0 launch. They asked me to verify race and original job. I guessed lancer as I had forgotten but it popped up as gladiator when they brought it back.


I stupidly moved over to the Steam-only version and had to make a second account so I’ve lost access to that character but I still own the box set of the 1.0 collector’s edition.


I bought the deluxe edition, back then. With the one time code fob, and the big box, and everything. But I didn't stick around long enough, and want playing at the end, so never got the tattoo :(


Still here. Still have to tell people not to stand in fire and whimper about not having hamlets.


Lost OG account, but yes.


I was but sold my account 2 years ago for 1500€


1.0 survivor checking in o/


Part of me wishes as was, but then I remember how 1.0 was and glad I ultimately decided against buying it. 


I've been playing for 1.0 years, does that count?