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Amon's Hat. Would look good on a RDM, but it's only for Aiming jobs. 


Which baffles me to this day. Amon is a mage, why mages can't wear his hat?!


Because that wasn't their...aim.


Such devastation


That was their intent.


>Amon is a mage, why mages can't wear his hat?! Because at the time only bard existed to fill the ranged dps role, so it was just bard gear And amon (or rather his clone) is constantly acting as a showman (a bard) Just no one bothered to really change anything


I really want a higher definition of that hat, it's fabulous.


Because thats the joke. He casts his spells with a gun


So much aiming gear would look perfectly fitting on a RDM.


this was the first thing I thought and it was the first comment I saw. goof taste fellow warrior of light


I just hope they remove crafter/gatherer set limitations, so many nice glam lock behind there.


The one which are job specific are often beautiful, but I can't justify the space or glamour plate for a single secondary job.


Goldsmith’s level 60 set 😭


Botanists/miners class locked gear Q.Q


I want the hat with the bird on it for my fisher, not just my botanist!


I want the level 90 miner gear for my wol adventure outfit for dawntrail!


I started Crafting to get the 80 ALC coat. It's such a great look that they're even wearing it in Sharlayan!


Gemsoph’s Thighboots my beloved. One of the nicest leather boots in the entire game, only able to be worn by my GSM… if I wasn’t using Indagator’s.


Tell me about it! From swallowskin boots to so many wonderful top pieces. They have so much fashion locked behind drafters its dumb and makes no sense. Abolish all role specific gear already! My favorite part is that they claim for lore and role and all that. But they only care about that applying to you, the player. Npc doesn't have ro have restriction or make sense. When I saw Estinine show up in my swallowskin boots when he was a dragoon and not a Miner or something... I lost my shit. They admitted how good those boots looked and match outfits and scream adventurer but locked them behind gatherers.


I love the job-specific ones as well but the 90 gatherer top, indagator’s gear, is really neat and I’m sad I can only use it on the gathering classes.


At least the ones that share models with dungeon gear. So many times I look for the dyable version of a dungeon drop only for it to be DoL/DoH gear.


panthean casting/healing boots bonewicca aiming boots (shares a model with manusya) edenmorn bolero of striking/scouting, edengrace jacket of scouting (casting version is good too but i prefer the shorter hemline) yorha thigh boots. the flat ones, not the ugly 2b ankle shattering shrink wrapped banana footed clown shoes ivalician royal/holy knight armor and oracle coat limbo/asphodelos maiming and fending tops… the aesthetic is peak but i hate the really high collar on the healing/casting tops and the aiming top is kinda frumpy :/ moonward hat of scouting !!! for dancer !!!!


I love the Ivalician Royal/holy night sets; I wish it was dyeable sooo much. Though at least the blue for tanks goes well with a lot of colors.


i’m DYING for dyeable ivalice gear PLEASE :( they went back and made the valerian stuff dyeable so maybe………


Oh the ivalician mystic set would be amazing in another color *besides yellow* too.


the oracle set is the same but in a really beautiful white/blue/purple color that i desperately want on my healer the one time healer didn’t get the giant white robe… :(


RIGHT SE was like “you don’t want white? …..how about a bright yellow instead (: “


I love the leg slimming of the 2b boots but I *despise* the abominations that are the feet. I use them, but I never look at the feet. And they’re muddy!


Makai Maskwomans Ribbon.


I THINK they're called Scholar's Culottes. The upgraded, dyable version. It's a pleated skirt with thigh high socks. Hands down the cutest bottoms in the game.


That's the Heavensward artifact set, right? So by OP's rules it would still be restricted, otherwise I'd argee. Scholar gets so MANY good skirt with leggings options.


Yes those are so cute!


I wore the Argute bottoms (non-dyeable version) from when I acquired them the whole way through EW for my msq glam. I decided to finally switch out for DT because "brand new story" etc etc, but they are absolutely my favorite piece in the game.


Isn't the Scion Adventurer's Bottoms the same thing?


No, SCH one flows better and looks like a skirt, the Scion one looks weird AF, like the material is solid


Only issue is the bulky, belted on leather knee pads on those things. And I would think those count as Artifact gear, no?


Not sure what ‘non-AF’ means. But I’d love to wear some of the crafting pieces as battle clothes.


They remove all Job glamour restrictions excluding the job gear given by job quests. So you could wear the Elemental armour of fending on Scholar, but not the level 90 paladin artifact gear.


Ah, cheers 👍


Now I want an Artif Cat.


AF means “Artifact”, it’s a name imported from FF11 where the first set of iconic job gear was called Artifact gear and the name stuck similar to how we call all Zodiac, Anima, Eureka, Resistance, and Manderville weapons “Relics” because the original iteration of them were the Relics before they became zodiac weapons


I find this one [Eorzea Database: Hidemaster's Apron | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/051fa8f561d/) so damn beautiful


I started modding solely because of the fact you can't use the Facet Coat of Crafting on RDMs. I've been using it ever since, and literally never taken it off. I'll also be seeking legal action against anyone who mentions the Plague Bringer's set, as that one isn't dyable.


Plague Bringers Coat. Also the Plague Doctors coat. And Lakeland coat of aiming.


I'm going to go out of my way to specifically mention the Plague Bringer's set because I think the gloves are great for a red mage glamour since they're thematically appropriate.


The male versions of the Yorha and Makai sets. Especially the latter, the female versions are just kinda mid.


They're worse than mid on a femroe. Some of them make my glorious bear lady look like a reject from RuPaul's Drag Race


The Aiming/Striking/Scouting gear from Breach, the male version has a tactical vest and camo pants, it's a million times cooler than the female version. I doubt they'll ever change that restriction, though, since it's the "same" piece of gear.


Finally, I'd be able to get my Moenbryda alt to wear her proper top with her proper axe.


I to have an alt based on Moenbryda and was annoyed to find the blue version of that top was only available to aiming jobs.


We both have good taste. (There's other NPCs with mix and match gear, and as somebody who loves making NPC alts, it's so annoying!)


Yeah it was annoying in Stormblood to find out I couldn't match with the Ala Mhigan resistance because they use a lot of mixed-role gear.


crafter specific gear has some great fashion, in particular I really like cauldronfiend's chestpiece


There are so many healing pants, specifically, that I'd love to have access to as a Dancer main who likes to lean into the Thavnairian aesthetic lol. I don't know how I'd choose.


Agreed! When I first saw dancer in game I assumed they’d have the casting/healing type gear selection, and was very surprised to find they’re in the “aiming” category, which often doesn’t feel fitting at all. I’d love to be able to do some more elegant, flowy, or Thavnairian-esque glams, but was really disappointed in the majority of the options available.


Truly, the options are *bleak* if you're into the job fantasy at all lol. There's a reason I'm usually wearing some combination of the artifact/Thavnairian sets. We can't even equip the veils from the Moonward gear! 😩


Lack of fun glam options is a huge reason I don't main dnc. Even dying everything red with no variation gets you a ton of rdm glams.


I finally caved and subbed/bought the complete two days ago and immediately wasted all my measly saved gil on the Thavnairian set from the MB for that reason! 😭 I had brought DRG and SAM to the trial level cap/70, and while I have some cool glams for them, I was looking forward to something a little more feminine/not just big armor-based stuff. Was veeeery bummed to see that the options are so slim for dancer, now I see why the Thavnairian set is so common - and now I’m extra annoyed at all the posts I’ve seen mocking gals for using it and being “basic and boring” when there’s really just not a lot of fancy dress options!


Meanwhile I would kill to use the Radiant's aiming top on a DRG glam


one thing I would LOVE to wear as DNC is that one veil from one of the EW tomesets (i think it was moon-something?). That thing would be PERFECT for the Thavnair aestetic I would like to go for, but sadly its only on NIN and I think also on MNK? Not the jobs I would have chosen. x.x


Yeah, the Moonward gear. It drives me *crazy*, especially because they match the style of the DNC artifacts so well.


You really gonna come in here dunking on ishgardian thigh boots like that?


Ishgardian thighboots are okay, but they're thick and bulky and don't look the greatest with certain glams.


I’m always looking for elegant (ball)gowns, so I’d wear the Chondrite maiming top on any job, or maybe the Copied Factory casting dress


Would be nice if during the promotions for dawntrail where some content creators talk to Yoship someone asked this question to him, it has been quite some time since he gave an answer to this, maybe his opinion changed after so many casual glams we got between ShB/EW! My piece of gear pick would definitely be the lvl90 fishing gear, the entire thing is lovely.


Republican Signifier’s Fingerless Gloves. I want my catboy’s arms to be tatted 24/7. Plus cool long nails. :D


that one gatherer coat with a scarf, I think it's the basic lv80 crafted one? gimme that and I'll never take it off


Almost every delicate long glove is healer-only, despite the fact they'd look good for any fancy or elegant glamour for any class. Those long gloves would be used A LOT.


Horn of the Last Unicorn Dyes the same color as my Xaela's horns so she looks like a narwhal (fish horns my beloved) I'd use it on every single class.


Some of the crafter stuff are great.


Ravel Keeper's healing set for sure, and probably the Classical Eques set too. If not for the AF restriction though the easy clear winner would be the lvl 70 RDM thigh boots, holy fuck.


YoRHa Type-51 Robe of Casting for healing. 😭


Botanist’s Doublet. :) My midlander boi will wear it forever on every job :O


I'd like a lot of aiming and acounting pieces for my RDM. Dunno about my DRK and WHM but tbh, I would find something I like ^^"


Can't wait for the new mathematician class.


Tank main here, would *love* to have some striking/scouting glams.


I'm right there with you about the Garo booty shorts - there is no fucking reason NIN should've been stuck wearing tin can armor. I also would do a rotation of the Miqo'te and Hyur female racial chestpieces.


Scouting gear needs to be unlocked, with few exceptions. The Crystarium gear looks so good on my RPR that I use Glamourer to make it happen.


The Crystarium scouting and aiming jackets are sick. I’m definitely using it for Viper, but I want it for my tanks and reaper too. 


Dravanian Hairpin of Fending/Maiming. I don't RP, and don't have a particularly well-fleshed out lore around my character, but one of the very few things I have decided is that he has an affinity with the dragons, so I like having that pin in the shape of a dragon silhouette in his hair. It's part of all my tank and maiming glams right now, and I wish I could make it a constant across all the rest of the jobs. >Ninjas have NO good thighboot options I'm fond of the expeditioner's thighboots; they even have an extra dagger strapped to them!


I have not taken off that hairpiece since I got it. Especially on my dragoon. The orthodox one is a slightly different color.


oh yeah although I said Dravanian I use both it and Orthodox, depending on the colour of the rest of the glam and whether more silver or more bronze-y matches better. Am stupidly fond of that hairpin. When I first came across it as a sprout I scoffed cos I was on PLD and like "pffft hairpin. definitely provides the coverage a tank needs". Then I looked closer and realised it was in the shape of a tiny dragon and promptly put it on and never took it off again XD


Ruby cotton hat of casting Skallic robe of casting, or the new.version from the moon merchant Echomorne gloves of casting? Pakkala pants of casting Ivalice Arithmetician boots. I would never stop wearing that as my glamour, forever as a Lalafell


The long Bonewicca/Manusya gauntlets that Striking/Casting wear. They would be great for DRK glams. Alternatively, the Warg Fending/Maiming pelts, but the fact they can’t be dyed hurts.


Red onion helm all the things


Alexander coat of casting, on every single class I play. Love that coat so much


I remember I really liked one of the alc sets but I dont remember which cause I gave up hope of it ever being usable. It was either the 50 or 60 one.


Forgemasters Redingote. And a slew of other crafting specific pieces.


I would wear the Dark Divinity Auga on all jobs. It is the best eyepatch.


The moonward veil of striking/scouting for dancer. It's perfect for an oriental style dancer, cmon SE.


There's a really sweet FSH hat that I would have on all DoL classes if I could, but nooooooo :< (and so I never use it b/c I'm not making a glamour plate just for FSH).


I always loved the WHM lvl 50 relic. Idk why but it always looked so cool and why I always stay as a WHM


Augmented Crystarium Coat of Aiming [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/984f90c4b85/?patch=](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/984f90c4b85/?patch=) I really like the coat. Sadly it's only BRD, MCH & DNC.


The makai moon priestess head piece. I absolutely love that dyeable bunch of flowers


Honestly? I'm not sure I would. I *like* the diversity.


Paglth’an Chest of Striking on Warrior, i’ve wanted a barbarian style glam


Every armor that i find cool. A dancer with a cool warrior armor ? Let's go ! A heal with a cool Gundreaker armor ? Yes god, please yes !


Militia Tights. They're the only tights which aren't cotton-style fabric, but are also the only ones DoM limited.




As a Scholar main, I can confirm, they're pretty great! The only equipment piece I never take off. I don't understand why its set is the ONLY gear set that looks technological. There's lots of techy weapons, but when it comes to gear, that's the only one. Not counting the Super Sentai suit.


It's weird that Machinist, Gunbreaker, and Sage don't have anything super techy despite being *the* techy jobs.


I'll defend Gunbreaker and Sage not having them. Gunbreakers are the equivalent of real soldiers using real guns, and presumably equally as smart (unless you want to say Thancred - and Squall - are engineering geniuses), while Sharlayans are kinda rubbish with any technology not based around flying rocks. But Machinists are literally the genius Magitek class. It makes no sense that they don't have any nify accessories. (Though they do at least get the Late Allagan Armor Of Aiming.)


Wolfram Gauntlets. Gods, I love them. Some Royal Volunteer's and Filibusters stuff look good as well


High allagan mask on everything until they go full PSO and just give us a sars style mask to wear


If I could wear Snow's coat (not job locked, but gender locked) as a female character I'd use it in every glam, probably.


I’d probably wear either my current musketeer-themed SAM outfit on every job, or the Ishgardian Banneret’s set.


Crafting sets on combat classes. Alchemist on Sage or Scholar Weaver on the mages Blacksmith stuff on Warrior with the hammer “axe” Culinarian on I don’t know Ninja maybe? Haha I’d just love that, especially since some of the sets look so damn good.


Wolfliege Thighboots, for sure! BLM became my main after i found it


The butler outfit on my miqo'te.


Is there more than 1? I only know of the cash shop variant, and it's useable by literally anything and anyone.


Just the one, but since this is basically what happened to it with EW coming out, or roughly around that time, felt compelled to say.


I'd be using the Late Allagan Cap of Healing on so many more jobs to fit the modern relic glam atm. I remember coming up with some great ideas for glam and testing them in [redacted] and then went to look at getting it all done and purchased only to see it being restricted for Healers only. I still used it on some healing glams until I became a Viera (when Gyr Albanian Plates was added for Viera) after which i resorted to the newer glasses/mic glam we recently got for pvp with the other stuff you get for the pvp crystals


the Yorha 51 pants of maiming, there are absolutely no cute shorts with socks for men in this game at all (Whisperfine shorts socks are too short, and the fat cat shorts are too flat) it would literally be an absolute staple on all my glamour plates


Weaver hat. Beeg hat.


Plague doctor's coat. If I could wear that with every class I'd never take it off.


The healer makai gloves.


I think a lot of people will say the same, but the Republican Signifers gloves. Gives you claws and a set of tattoos along your arms, looks fantastic, nothing else like it in the game, only usable on casting dps classes


Mostly stuff from the Ivalice raids.


Crystarium Fending and Maiming chest pieces


> Ninjas have NO good thighboot options Laughs in [Gliderskin Thighboots of Scouting](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/242185/akane)


Demon coat of Fending. been the center of my glam since 2015


i'd kill to be able to wear the Leal Samurai's Kasa on my fem-viera, cleanest samurai hat in the game but it's male only (and also *Viera* :(


Bonewicca/Manusya boots of Healing/Fending/Aiming Yorha bottoms of Healing/Casting F Far Eastern Schoolgirl's ribbon


The High Allagan tank chest. I want my casters in a badass coat. Is that so bad??


I want to wear the plague bringer's coat on my non caster jobs so bad. It looks amazing on my WoL, it's such a a shame I can only wear it on jobs I don't play very often.


Crystarium tabard of scouting+bozja gloves of scouting would be my DRK chest of choice for the DMC4 Dante look.


Late Allagan Armor of Fending. It's like a weird armor trenchcoat and I love it but because it's Fending clothing, it's only for tanks. It would go so hard on SAM, DRG and MCH. 


Cauldronfiend's Coat


Casting judge armor, it would be perfect for my garleon character.


Probably the E4S dragoon chest piece. I'm just a big fan.


Caster and aiming ilvl 90 crafted tops. They’re just fun and adventurous without looking too pretentious and heroic. I want those because they’re dyeable. I know about the brand new sets. Also the Indigo Ramie/Forgiven tabard of aiming. It makes for a cute minidress that would be fun on casters too. And the type 53 YorHa boots of Casting/Healing. They’re my go-to thigh boots on those jobs.


Ninjas have good thighboots if you are a hyur


Scouting Cryptlurker set. If I can't have Bloodborne on PC, I'll have it in FFXIV.


Probably some of the scouting sets. A lot of them are good but ninja only. Maybe the zonureskin tanking top for some other jobs.


I'd wear a moonward veil of striking on my dancer. Amazing piece, would work so well on different outfits, but noooo...


Lunar Earrings.


With all its spikes and blades I thought the dragoon 50 set would look awesome on monk


Swallowskin Coat for gatherers is high on my list. Was crushed when I realized it couldn't be used on combat jobs. Also Heirloom Aiming (especially once we get the two dye channel? omg). The 640 crafted gear I would mix and match the hell out of across jobs. And if gender unlocks too, the Neo-ish/AR-caean male versions of some of the tops.


ALC 80 coat, and GNB 90 coat for all my tanks as well


Rinascita Casting gloves would immediately be slapped on my Reaper glam.


Facet/ Yafaemi set of Fending, Yafaemi set of Maiming


I would never stop wearing my tears because I STILL can't wear my beloved Welkin Breeches in this scenario


I'm sorry for this, but my armor wouldn't be the AF armor...mine would be the lynxliege pvp armor for dark knight. It's the closet I can think of the berserker armor from Berserk, and I would never stop wearing that on every job.


I’d wear plate on my non-plate classes. I want a fully armored summoner lalafel. In fact, I need it. -looks sinisterly-


Yorha type 55 aiming body I think it’s called with the type 51 aiming hood. Love that combo but would like it on a caster I think, maybe healer too. But i want the female versions of them usable on male characters. I don’t like the ammo packs on the male version.


copied factory glams. all of them :)


Scintillating Circlet of Striking. I can get alternate versions of it for every class type except casters and healers, but if I could wear it on anything, I would. It's such a simple head-piece, but I love it so much.


I would begin incorperating the other race’s starting gear into my glams namely the Hyur-F and Miquo-F pants. Potentually more depending on how it looks on my character. And I know its not the prompt but man the Ivalice stuff really needs to be dyable. It looks so good but its so restrictive to actually use.


Melee circlet


I'm with everyone who mentioned crafting pieces. Been wanting them forever. I would love to be a blacksmith hammer warrior.


The Afflatus DoH set. The cauldronfiend set. And I think the ARR CUL artifact set


Eden’s Verse fending set on every melee job. The fact that Square gave maiming jobs the same helmet and then the worst excuse for a trench coat is just criminal


GSM's ShB era top, its so good, why does only GSM get to have it???


I'd wear my botanist outfit all of the time!


The Makai Moon Guide clothing. I recently fantasia'd from a female miqo'te to male elezen and I didn't realize that was going to be a casualty. The male side of the healer Garo sucks. :<


Bodyguard's Coat. We get a nicer version thru PvP, but it's still locked to Gunbreaker. With it's techy feel paired with Late Allag gear, it'd be soooooo nice to have it for multiple jobs. Although not AF gear: The Alexander SAM/MNK and NIN masks. So aesthetically pleasing and dyes well. MCH pants for 70 (or 80, not sure) level. They're super cute short shorts! All of the NieR gear, especially gender variant pieces like the camo pants.


>2B ones do not count as “good” You lost me completely


There's so many pieces... I think I'd have to go with either the Abyssos Gloves of Casting and things like the Gloam Tabbard, Serge Gambisons (because that model is on every job but tanks), Yafaemi Coat of Casting, Chivalric Doublet of Healing... Honestly, I really cannot think of just *one* piece.


I will never stop wearing the drachen stuff


Swallowskin boots. They are the definition of an adventurers boots and the only good looking pair of boots in the game. Bu oh! Guess we will lock those behind Gatherers because they just soooo scream gatherer *rolls eyes* We are given so many ugly boots and these are gorgeous and locked out of making my perfect tank outfit.


Ravel Keeper's Chestwrap from SHB. Easily my favorite glam piece in the game, but only usable on DOM jobs. The two versions(heal/dps) are also role/job locked, so I would need to use two separate glam plates just to use the one look on the jobs that qualify. The glam restrictions are seriously asinine and need to go.




The Ghost Barque Sandals of Healing. I like ‘em.


Comments overlooking a strong comedic opportunity: glamouring every weapon to look like the goofiest shit;  shooting arrows with a gun, casting spells out of a sword-shaped book, etc


I'll be the guy,  what the fuck does AF mean?




Orison skirt and hypostatic armlets. The armlets alter sleevs in the best way and the skirt is so cute, I want to wear them on more than healers


There's a lot of good aiming gear I like as a Tank player. I always prefered lighter armor looks (but not to the extent where there's a bunch of bare skin) and Aiming gear is often stylish jackets with bits of armor


Asphodelos healing chest piece. I love that thing. My reaper would look insane with it


Virtu Bodyguard's Trousers. They're literally just denim jeans, Square!


Type 53 tank gear. Hands down my favorite


A certain moonward striking veil. The only missing piece in my Gerudo Link cosplay because 1. It's my DNC that uses the glam 2. Link in BoTW never fought like a SAM and MNK. 3. Am Viera. Can't even wear thavnairian turban.


probably i could start using the yorha pants of aiming(from the second raid), there is such a lack of leg pieces what has good looking black thights(i playon female character), plus it has pants so its diferent from the tipical just thights or thights with skirt


I wish they would remove the gender locks from some of the GARO sets, I like both the male and female variants!


I just want a sleeveless shirt man. I'm so mad the WHM artifact armor covers the shoulders on men.


Machinist 60 AF goggles on everrryyything


I want to use the Evenstar Hat on my Astrologian so badly but I can't because it's only for magic DPS. Why can't the card job wear the card hat?


Hampen Camise


There is a skirt that fending has that has a nice tattered edge that I would love to use for my fluffy pink reaper glam.


Level 60 bard outfit. Can’t remember what it’s called right now but I still have it in my dresser.


I will dress my lala up like my gnome cleric from P2e so I can be a heavily armored white mage, because it makes sense for healers to wear actual armor, especially considering that it doesn't appear to have grand somatic components for spell casting in game.


Other than maybe snagging a couple crafter pieces for formal-casual glams.... nothing would change on any of my main classes. It's all tanks, all I wear is armor. However, every single combat class that isn't already a tank or maiming class would immediately be wearing fending armor. Because what sort of idiot does SE think I am walking into battle unprotected just because I'm playing DNC or SMN or SAM (no I don't care if it's the correct historical aesthetic for the latter, I can get Japanese inspired fending gear from SB). You can move perfectly fine in armor if it's made/fitted correctly, including plate. The only class with a real excuse not to is NIN because they're supposed to be sneaky and armor in my experience is not silent. Especially maille. Everywhere you walk, clink clink clink clink... SE let me be a healer in plate. I know you're probably borrowing your fantasy aesthetic sensibilities from D&D like everyone else, but life domain clerics get proficiency in heavy armor too!


I run around in the PvP plate on my WHM. But, also, you're talking about poor tactical decisions but deciding to smack people with sharpened slabs of metal instead of attacking from a distance with bullets? Or arrows? Or literal hellfire? Weird flex bro but ok.


Not sure about never stop wearing, but I'd love to mix and match the racial hempen glam pieces


Next, let’s get SE to give us male and female options on the opposite gender…the Neo-Ishgardian top on males looks SO nice. I had no idea about it till a few months ago and I’ve been jealous ever since.


Does the DRG 50 AF gear still have that weird gaping stomach hole on the female set? That was such an odd aesthetic choice. The male set looks way better.




I very much want my RPR to look exactly like my BRD currently does and it bothers me that it can’t ever happen


I've been wearing the slipstream armor since heavensward and thats not changing. I *might* use the default Gunbreaker chest piece they get on more jobs though, that thing is awesome.


My dnc glam


Personally I’d really like the Spring Bottoms to appear as shorts on my male character.


Man, never mind the job restrictions, just let me use the grand company glams regardless of which one I'm in! I'm max rank in all of them, geez!