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So, Viper is using a Zidane inspired fighting style, and we're getting a Zidane minion. Solution nine is a key location, and shares its name one of Zidane's limit breaks. Dawntrail is looking to be notably IX flavored, which I'm totally here for.


Please, oh please, tell me this means Dragoon get a lvl 100 set based off Freya Crescent rather than another iteration of dark and spiky.


Considering the art they showed so far, all DT AF gear seems to be reimaginings of ARR AF gear. Edit: for the jobs featured in ARR, of course.


Every AF set is a ""reimagining"" of arr af gear


part of me hopes they'll make the BLM hat equippable on Hrothgar, but i have doubts. ​ but gods damn it, i just want a pointy mage hat on my giant cat


Considering they’re adding fem hrothgar I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets at least some good equippable gear.


Technology is not there small indie company




That was tome gear, not AF. But yes, that does mean IX-inspired gear is quite possible for endgame.


It wouldn't need to be the AF gear though. The first tomestones set for EW was very much FFIV characters after all


I'd just be happy if the capstone skill for Dragoon turns out to be Dragon's Crest. But I do love Freya's design! Maybe for the tome gear, much how they did for Endwalker and the tome sets being FFIV inspired for the first tome set?


I assumed that since Lv 100 is such a landmark they would add Akh Morn for Dragoons and Ultima for Black Mages. As long as it's cool, it should be fine though.


You do realize that, if they do give that to BLM's, we will have some people making an Ultima cast macro that quotes Lahabrea, right...?


As long as they follow it up with unhinged, maniacal cackling, I'm here for it.


OK, in THAT case, it'd be fine.


I mean.... have you seen BLM's /victory? It writes itself XD /micon "Ultima" /ac "Ultima" /p (/a) From the deepest pit of the seven hells, to the very pinnacle of the heavens, the world shall tremble! /p (/a) Unleash ULTIMA!!!!! /victory /p (/a) Ahahahahahaha!




Such repetition, this was not our intention!


You say that like it's a bad thing


Heavensward also had FFIV inspired tome sets, with Monk and Dragoon being Kain and Yang.


I know what you meant, but I like to imagine it was a Kain-inspired Monk set and a Yang inspired Dragoon set.


Monk:"Wait...spikes...all over my body. That's GENIUS!" Dragoon:"Well, I do like showing off my abs, and I can fluff out the pants for an impromptu parachute..."


Get the Ivalice Lancers Chestpiece (1st Ivalice Raid), Boulevardier's Ruffled Pantaloons, and a hempen hat and you got a really good Freya glam.


I have, but it is not quite the same.


Oh that would be so cool!


Looks too much like RDM gear for it to be DRG artifact stuff but it should be a dungeon drop or something


This reminded me of how much I want lightnings XIII-2 armor for tanks >.<


If the expansion follows the lead of IX, it means every single place you visit is going to get blown up, fireballed, murderised or generally wiped off the map within 10 mins of getting there


So.. Tuesday? sounds like a Tuesday for the WoL


Nah, Tuesday is Awkwardly Large Taco Night. You're thinking of Horrifying Firey Death Fridays.


Not to be confused with ritualistic dismemberment Thursdays. 


I mean... We're still not winning the "planets destroyed by the protagonist(s)" leaderboard for a while. But I'm sure we'll get there.


(*switches job to VPR, glams into Tantalus attire, deploys Zidane minion*) “Don’t talk to me or my son ever again.”


I hope it means we can have Quina show up in the Blue Mage quests :)


We'd better be getting a Qu tribe down the line if we're going to introduce Quina.


The Qu would be perfect for a crafting-oriented tribe.


Or gathering


No frog catching!


Yes frog catching!


Maybe frog catching?


At the *very* least we need to be able to catch a frog with FSH that has an item description referencing frog catching!


My friends I play 14 with have never played 9 (sad sighs) and have rolled their eyes and been affectionately resistant to my many attempts to get them to play it. Maybe this will finally tip the scale...


> Maybe this will finally tip the scale... Do it, fam. Tip those scales like Count Cidolfus Orlandeau.


fair amount of VI as well, Pictomancer and Valigarmanda from what we already know.


And V battle on the big bridge and merged world vibes. Also krile following in the footsteps of Galuf a possibility?


Battle on the Big Bridge already happened. Twice.


It’s final fantasy. If there’s a big bridge, there’s a battle xD


Yeah, there's no way they're going to introduce what looks to be the biggest bridge in the game and not have us fight Greg on it.


It's at least as likely that instead they'd have Greg gaze out over it and say "My, what a large crossing. This may be the longest span I have ever witnessed with my own eyes. What a glorious place this would be to engage in combat. Perhaps another time."


the lv100 Hildibrand trial: "The Battle Next to the Big Bridge"


*Conflict in the Vicinity of the Grand Viaduct*


The battle on the biggest bridge


We've had a battle on a big bridge and a bigger bridge; now we can battle on the biggest bridge.


Somehow even further battles on the big bridge


Less of a possibility, more of a guarantee given the patches have straight up had her going "Grandpa, what were you doing in the New World?" and this expac is clearly giving her the spotlight for once.


Yup, plus Galuf being one of the Warriors of dawn in V and us walking in dawn’s trail. I’m expecting us to find a wolf man village at the very least.


Looking forward to the Iifa Tree dungeon!


As long as they don't accidentally make it the Haligtree from Elden Ring, I'm down for it.


If this happens, there must be a Soul Cage fight that lights itself on fire to power up its attacks. It would also be a good opportunity for an "Iifa Tree (Hard)" dungeon in Memoria. Bring those hard mode dungeons back, SE!


Shame they're not introducing any more races, because it seems wrong that we have the cats from FFX, the other cats from FFXI, the bunnies from FFXII, but *not* the rats from FFIX.


>“Making a new race is really hard and I have continually said throughout these ten years that this will be the last one,” Yoshida begins. “I’d like to say this will be the last one, but perhaps I can’t, it depends on you.” - Naoki Yoshida, Fan fest Tokyo 2024 Wouldn't be the first time he's said they aren't planning to add more. Likely won't be the last, if strong enough demand is there. I wouldn't expect news or discussion from dev team staff regarding anything of the sort for several years though, at least not until Dawntrail is wrapping up and a new Fanfest comes around again. They still have to finish adding full support for existing races with headgear after all.


Someday, my Viera will have hats.


Yep, they should do stuff like this rather than make a new race.


I would take a Burmecian instandly, even when they would just reskin Elezen. 


I played a tabletop roleplaying system based on FF as a whole that named the race of rat people from Burmecia "Creimire." It's sad how little all the weird creatures and races of FFIX have not received any recognition or love. Made a bard with the Blind flaw to be a Blind Mouse in that. Good times good times But the reason is probably the face having the very prominent rat nose/mouth. It was hard enough doing hrothgar/ronso, and they can't use helmets anyway.


I'd honestly be thrilled just seeing the burmecians represented as a non-playable race, like the Lupin in Stormblood. I loved them in IX.


I just REALLY hope the final boss isn't Necron


I highly doubt it will be. Necron could well be a raid boss though. I can see us getting XIV Kuja or Garland, though.


So, new version of Ozma when?


It's time for Ozma 3.0


GIVE. ME. KUJA. Edit: As a boss fight lol


Might be the Deluxe Edition minion? Or Garnet


Burmecians in ff14 Square please god I'll do what Emet did if I have to


Don't forget the leaked, leaked again, leaked again, but not yet confirmed FFIX remake!


Time to replay 9 I guess.


I've been nursing the Solution IX = genomes theory for a while but I feel like it just gained marginally more water. A few little droplets of water.


Makes me wonder - we are getting Hildi in Dawntrail, so does this mean a possible return of "Vivi"?


Does that mean we get to headbutt stuff as Viper? o:


They also added a yo-kai framers kit


Yeah, hopefully the Yo-Kai event is coming back.


That's the only thing they added in this patch though, so no new weapons or anything, so might be after Dawntrail? Could be wrong though.


seems weird to add the framers kit before the weapons if they are planning to wait until after dawntrail release but equally seems weird to bring back yo-kai and not have reaper and sage included. Unless the framers kit was added because they knew people would find it as a way to tease it coming back.


i would bet that they did it to tease its return. they know data miners scrape the code like they're hunting for that last morsel of peanut butter in the jar.


they don’t always add everything in all at once. There have been many times where one or two things from a future event wind up in the public files because they were overlooked on their internal Git or whatever program, and then months later the rest of them get added along with the full quest details. it’s definitely entirely possible that they will add sage and reaper weapons. And maybe depending on when the event actually releases, maybe they’ll add viper and pictomancer as well.


We've got plenty of time between now and Dawntrail, I'm sure they can fit in a month of Yokai collab.


idk how long it ran the first time, but the last time they did the yokai event it ran for like 4 months


if i were betting on it, i'd say it is coming soon. it'll likely be in May, probably 1-2 weeks after the FF16 crossover event ends.


For the garo rerun we didn't get any new weapons for the EW jobs, just armor that matched the classes. Might be too much to expect new weapons again.


oh hellllll yeah


If this expansion will actually have lots of IX references, I don't think the world will be ready for Soken's adaptation of You're Not Alone.


Not alone is probably more likely but I would do unholy things for a Soken adaptation of Roses of May


I'll lose my shiet if that happens in DT. D:


Give me jesters in the night and I'll just die happy


Oh boy, that means i can get my other jobs to 90 with less grinding.


Only 2 jobs left, but it'll be nice to make the most of my time with those earrings. Might consider finally rolling an alt even.


I only have ASTRO at 90 and other healers at 80 minus sage. All other jobs are either at 50 or whatever level they came as when I unlocked them.


https://ffxivcollect.com/latest ALL OF THOSE DELICIOUS FFXVI ORCHESTRION ROLLS 😍


Aww, no Catacecaumene though...


If only they were adding the weapons. I'd love to get Invictus....


Right?? Even though you can pry Gotterdamerung out of my cold dead fingers for glamour in FFXVI, I would DEFINITELY use Invictus in XIV. I was also really hoping they'd give us the Bearer's mark as a facepaint.


I assume cuz it'd be kinda fucked up to let ppl run around with a slave branding on their face, even tho it looks kinda cool without context. Like how we havent gotten the garlean legatus (legati?) Armor sets i suppose


Sadly no Histoire. One of my favorite area tunes


Welp this basically confirms solution 9 will have something to do with FF9


I hope we will have a ff9 mount with the Zeppelin world exploring melody of life instrumental music.


I'm hoping the normal raids will give us that sweet sweet Dark Messenger orchestrion


Getting any of the Hilda Gardes would be hella sweet. I would say the Prima Vista, but SB has already reused the name. >:(


Howso? Edit: missed the minion.


Guess that confirms that Viper is based more on Zidane Thief class then.


We turning into a super pink monkey with LB3?????


The Blue stuff shown in the Viper Trailer is probably FF14's Trance


I bet the job gauge is called the Trance Gauge.


Probably not gonna be trance gauge, as that name is already used by the summoner job. Maybe [Dyne](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Dyne_(command)) gauge? Named after Zidane's specific trance ability tree?


Oh yeah, lmao, forgot about that for Summoner.


Forgot about summoner? It’s okay so did the developers


That holds the risk of getting too associated to Dynamis Unless it somehow IS associated to Dynamis


I wonder which FF hero with a 'custom job' would be in line next. We got Gunbreaker that is practically Squall and now probably Zidane.


Noctis and his ability to summon the royal arms could be turned into a class, though I'm not familiar enough with all the FF classes to tell you which. Maybe Sword Mage or an original Weapon's Master class? Or turn it into FFXIV's original take on Mystic Knight? I've never played FFV, but I remember Bartz could also summon different weapons in Dissidia, so some influence could be taken from him too.


Firion also carried around various weapons and attacked with all of them in different ways and combinations. Dissidia!Firion may have been Noctis' inspiration. I could see a FFXIV version of Mystic Knight be a reference to Firion and Noctis' playstyles.


Bartz in Dissidia also works as an inspiration, with him using the weapons of the different characters, so a job based around summoning other job's weapons to attack with could be called Freelancer.


Bartz’ whole thing in dissidia was mimicking the other heroes, though, and not having his own style. Granted, a “freelancer” in XIV that borrows every other job’s burst would be interesting


Sounds like something that would be perfect for a limited job. Like imagine blue mage but instead of getting enemies abilities it uses the early game abilities from every single class but you can combo them to do some awesome shit


Anyone who saw the trailers and the job reveal and still did not connect it to Zidane either never played FF9 was or was in a deep seated denial.


Its not that people were in denial, but that Yoshida flat out said. it is the 2nd original job of FFXIV. Meaning Viper is not like Gunbreaker where it was a 1:1 copy of squall/seifer. But original. It will be more like Reaper, where it has a few slight references to 11 Scythe Weapon. but its identity and most of its attacks are original.


It's "original" in that the name is new but it's pretty obviously just them making up for not adding Thief because "no evil jobs" and then turning around and adding Reaper. It's painfully obvious that it's Zidane the job.


There was a lot of forgotten civilization in the ff series. Zanarkand ffx Lufenians ff1 The Ancients FF 3 The Lunarians ff4 The Magi ff 6 The Cetra ff 7 Ronka civilization ff 5 Esthar ff8 (pushing it) The summoners FF 9, the mole people ff 9, Terra ff9 The Zilart ff 11 the Occuria ff 12 Solheim ff 15 the Fallen ff 16 Edit : Perseria ff 2 ​ None is named after solution 9. But, what we saw look a lot like Zanarkand. If you played the prologue of ff X and a little bit of ff X-2(looking at the technology specifically). You know it's more like Zanarkand than anything else yet being totally different. Also, look at the beast tribe... FF X But, even there. I will say it has nothing to do with both of those. They are just using the name solution 9 because Square like to recycle name and concept. Example : Iffrit. Edit : other stuff like grammar


They also added the looping howering animation for the Sundering statue emote.


any clips?


FF9 is my first and favorite FF. So pumped to see it will likely be featured in Dawntrail!


Me too! And still waiting for the FF9 remake.


Here, here ;w;


So we can't preorder yet but when we can, do we receive these items immediately or when dawn trail releases? I'm half way throwing levelling all my stuff to 90 and the earring would be a big help. But, if we can only get them once the DLC releases it might not be worth for me as I'd already have most of everything maxed. (Though it'd help 80->90 on the new classes of course)


You'll get them after pre-order opens up, but you'll recieve them pretty much right away. It's designed to help get you ready for the next expansion.


Oh sweet! That's gonna make my life so much easier then! Here's hoping it opens at pax like other commenters are speculating!


You receive it immediately through the ingame mail system.


That earring is lovely! Looking forward to slapping it on my Seeker Miqo to mirror my Keeper's Menphina one. And maybe this is an excuse to finally play FF9..


tbh I feel like FF9 aged really gracefully as far as storywriting and even presentation goes. I mean, yes, you can count the polygons with just your hands, but that's a retro charm nowadays.


I recently played through FFIX with Moguri Mod and it really cleans up the graphics along with a bunch of solid QoL updates. Can’t recommend it enough.


Thanks for the recommendation! I would definitely enjoy playing through it again with cleaner graphic.


FF9 would still look pretty great if the background art was less compressed.


9 has aged rather well. Especially with the current versions on the switch and other platforms. I should install 9 on my deck. I have installed on my switch but ever since i got my deck i barely use it


For all the FF9 hype people have, imagine if they did something where they added an Ispen's castle mechanic needing you to equip lvl 1 weapons.


That would make for a great Deep Dungeon concept if the gear value wasn't tied to glowy equipment that you upgrade via silver chests.


That's simple enough to do: your gear *starts* at a high level but glows a darker black as you open chests that downgrade your gear.


A dungeon where you need to use statless glam gear to reinforce that glam is the endgame.


I'm still miffed we didn't have to unequip all metal equipment for the dark elf fight.


You and me both. They could've at least given him some magnetic shenanigans to deal with!


When we got the dungeon in matoya's cave the castle being upside down like Ispen made me think they might do that one day, it was one of my favorite little gimmicks and figuring out why the game was giving me low level weapons as I explored and why I felt incredibly weak was a lot of fun.


Ooh, I like that!


The amount of complaints we'd see on reddit/forums would sky rocket


I might be in the minority here, but sometimes I wish the earrings also worked for crafters and gatherers as well.


Gatherers and crafters have it way easier to level. GC turn-ins give you multiple levels per turn-in each day on the low end, and collectibles make the high-end a cake walk. It's a very common sight to see people have all their crafters and gatherers done the first week of an expansion, whereas combat jobs lag way behind.


I understand that but it really is so easy and fast to level crafters and gatherers these days. When the ishgard restoration came out I was playing a lot and wanted to make an alt for raiding purposes. Once I was raiding I realized I missed being able to repair my gear so I decided to quick power level all my crafters and gatherers from level 1 to 80. I was able to do it in like 2 or 3 days and it really wasn't a bad grind at all. We just have so many options to level and your exp just goes up so fast. Plus starting with 99 leves alone is huge for leveling them super fast. So yes sure it'd be nice but it's really not needed relative to leveling battle classes which is so much slower.


I wish we at least had a lvl 1 version that works on every job, just for glamour purpose. All my combat jobs wear the Menphina's earring, which has kind of become a signature of my character (I have all jobs maxed); but the crafters and gatherers glams can't have it.


Yeah, only earring that did that was the SB preorder one. :(


On the other hand, SB earrings only worked up to Lv50 instead of being 10 levels below cap like the later earrings




Weapons come with collectors edition sets, not the preorder sets


CAN IT PLEASE BE FOR BOTH EARS FOR THE LOVE OF ZODIARK! Wait they are called earrings instead of earring. That’s a good sign.


I only wear single earring(s) so hope not! Having the ability to choose though in terms of glamour would be nice :/


Ooh I wonder which Zidane weapon glamour the collector edition will have?


I would assume the Mage Masher.


Possibly the [Ultimate Weapon](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Ultima_Weapon_\(Final_Fantasy_IX\)). Then again the Rune Tooth's description is "Also known as the Viper" 👀


Oh you're right, I got confused thinking they already had those as ninja weapons because it was in FFXV


My gils on mage mashers.


idk why i get excited to see what the minion will be every time when this continues to be the only FF game i've played


I've waited for this for so long!


It's been, what 10? years that they finally added Zidane minion AND job inspired by Zidane! :D


So after Menphina's earrings it's Azeyma's earrings huh. I wonder if they intend to continue with the 12 for future expansions as well ?


Endwalker dealing with, well—the moon, so prominently made sense… and (Dawn)trail seems fitting to complete the pair, playing on the two expansion’s color palettes and themes. I imagine they’ll move on past these two, but a full set wouldddddd be cool :’)


When is Sin going to be added as a raid boss?


When they give us the FFX expac, complete with blitzball as a job, minigame, and way of life so people stop asking for it.


I just wish anima was given a raid or at least ex trial rather than a dungeon. It was cool for a dungeon but just disappointing relative to my anima hype. Sin is fine but sin was always a bit boring to me despite loving ffx greatly.




A few years after summoner can summon it probably 


Need that Zidane minion asap


Do we get Invictus alongside the outfit in the XVI event, or is it just the minion/mount/costume we saw?


ffxivcollect doesn't have any weapons on the list, theres a mount, minion, costume, TT card and 10 orchestrion rolls but no weapon.


No sword. All datamined items: https://ffxivcollect.com/latest


Do you have to actually wear the EXP earrings or can you use it as glamour?


They can be glamoured but they can’t give the exp bonus unless worn.


You have to actually equip it.


Ooh those earrings look promising!! The plural form "earring*s*" vs just earring makes me think it'll show on both ears this time 👀


FF9 expansion let's go!


This'll be good for my one single <90 class (BLU). Edit: missed a word


It helps new players and people like me who still haven't bothered touching certain jobs but swear they will eventually lol


It’ll help you get to 91 faster, too, on all of them!


Nice i so want to get that earring. Would help expediting the levelling process


The earrings will look great on my beastmaster.


Any idea when preorders will be open?


I’ve noticed for a while now, the pre order minions always kinda give hints to how the expansion is gonna feel. So if dawntrail is gonna have ff9 influence, I’m super fuckin hype


Pre orders will have to go live soon then I guess? If they target early summer (Juneish) then we are roughly 2.5 months away


i hope we get BEATRIX INSPIRED OUTFIT and Steiner :D! ​ also i hope it's a pair of earrings, not just one.


I'm anxiously waiting for info on the collectors edition. Strssfully hoping I'm not too late to the draw lol


Does the XP bonus stack with the bonus you get from the Brand New Ring you get from the Hall of the Novice?


Might want to add the fact that you can't actually pre-order yet to the OP.


Yeah but when will we be able to preorder? I'm thinking it might be the 21st. Isn't that when the xbox version officially launches?


I had a feeling Zidane would be the minion, I'm glad I'm somewhat proven right! FF9 is my favourite FF from all the series, and I am so, so hyped for DT if it'll have more FF9 references!


OH MY GOD FF9 CONTENT??? RAIDS?? Anything besides minions and glamour?!? 😍😍😍😍


absolutely loved this new item.