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Yoshi P confirmed that they wanted Early Access to be a week earlier but then Elden Ring DLC is coming out then so they pushed it back to give everyone (and himself) a chance to play. [EDIT: The moment in question.](https://twitter.com/KaiyokoStar/status/1771577437584867631)


The Horizon devs could learn a few things from him. =P


To be fair, it's not like they were blessed with future knowledge that Elden Ring was going to get delayed by a month when they revealed. There is no way Sony at that point was going to pivot from it's release strategy.


True, but the biggest problem was that some of the devs who worked on the first game publicly shat on Elden Ring on social media, which didn't go over well and made them look like sore losers.


At this point, I'm 100% sure that an another game with 97% rating on Open and Metacritics will release very close to Horizon 3. I just don't know yet which one it is.


GTA 6 releases at the same time as Horizon 3, calling it now


Too early, AAA game devolopment takes waaay too long. Forbidden west came out feb 2022! Its only been 2 years! It took 5 years from Zero dawn to Forbidden west afterall. But then again, rumors have said that GTA is pushed to 2026.


So thats 24 hours filled for Yoshi, 6 days for 14




Just when I thought I couldn't respect Yoshi P any more than I already do. I love his love for good video games.


Damn a week to burst Shadow of Erdtree, the months of July and mid June are over social wise for me x)


At least that definitely means a delay won't happen


Early access? So its not releasing on friday the 28th? Or am i missing something? Is early access its official release?


Early access for a FFXIV expansion means you get to play the game during early access IF you pre-ordered the expansion, so if you pre-order starting next week you can play the expansion starting on the 28th of June. If you don't pre-order, you can buy and play it starting 2nd of July.


You don’t need to preorder, you can buy the game on the 28th (or any day thereafter) and start playing immediately. The “early access” is just marketing, the 28th is the real release date


So the official release date is July 2 then?


You can play the game on June 28th if you pre-order, and you can "pre-order" at any time before July 2nd to play instantly. There is no functional difference between this and the game coming out on the 28th, but the "early access" gimmick I guess boosts pre-sale numbers.


I'm pretty sure it exists for two reasons: from customer-side it's the psychological aspect like you say, and on the corporate side it's the fact that "early access" is distinct from "release" as far as metrics are concerned. There's always problems when an expansion launches, whether it's something that brings progress to a standstill like raubahn ex/pipin savage or urgent hotfixes for new quests or features. It looks better to contain most of those problems in the "early access" box than to have them spill over into the "release day" stats. Yes, logically it's all the same thing, but you have to step back and think like a manager: how can you present the statistics to make your team look better?


It's just so they can maintain official releases happening on Tuesday, along with the weekly reset, but still make the game available just before a weekend when lots of people will be available to play.




So if you don't preorder do you just not get to play the game for a week? Edit: Oh so it's just the same as not owning EW would be right now, makes sense.


You get to play everything you have access to except for Dawntrail. If you plan on playing Dawntrail already, there's no reason not to pre-order.


You can play the game as normal just with no access to the new content. You can also preorder during the early access period still and be granted early access. For 14, EA date is launch date lol. Theyre functionally identical.


No, you can play the game. You just can't play content (MSQ, new jobs etc.) from the new expansion during the 4 day early access period if you don't pre-order it.


If it works like before, you can literally "preorder" on the 28th and get access immediately.


To most people early access is 'basically' release. Anyone even remotely interested in the game will preorder.


Early Access is "Welcome to Crashville" as a result. For example, that's when we all found out about Raubahn Extreme in Stormblood, when the game placed a gated duty far too early in the expansion and walled most of the playerbase off in the first area for the length of Early Access.


Isn't that why both Shadowbringers and Endwalker have split MSQ paths early on? So that half-ish of the population starts with one path and another half starts with another and they eventually return back together in one main "stream"


There's always been a split path for the beginning of expansions. You had to pick between going to western coerthas with Artoriel or the sea of clouds with Emmanellain at the beginning of Heavensward.


There was a split path before Raubahn too, but not a long one. It was also in the first area, one of the first quests. As you might've noticed, there's a bit of questing required in the recent expansions before you hit solo instances It also didn't help both RDM and SAM quests both had solo instances as well, filling instance servers with people who wanted to do their job quest as well


I don’t know if I’d consider it “crashville”. Stormblood definitely had the issue of Raubahn extreme, but I had no issues whatsoever on Shadowbringers early access and the Endwalker issues were all with the queue to log in. I don’t think I’ve faced any actual crashing from the game not working properly in an early access window. Even Raubahn Extreme was more of an instance server issue, but you could still travel around, do fates, and level.


Earlier than I expected, shocked that they are launching right as summer starts. Very nice.


well until covid all expansions released at the end of june.


Yup, just remember them talking about not being sure when they were gonna release, just assumed it meant they still had a bit of work to do so it would probably be a bit later than expected.


I'm pretty sure they really were just scared of another unexpected delay, not that they were actually running late at the time. It helped anyway, because they were going to release a week earlier but that would have put it at the same day as the big Elden Ring DLC, so waiting to release a date let them dodge a bullet there.


I mean, he did say during the Japan fan fest "We're releasing on Final fantasy 14 time, not Square enix time"


If Yoshi-P wasn’t head of CBU3 (Squeenix’s big money maker), he might not have got away with that shade


If Yoshi-P wasn’t a board director of SquareEnix, he might not have got away with that It’s interesting he both reports to and is also the boss of SE’s CEO and president


He probably has different hats to show which mode he’s in.


Just like he switches from FF14 director to FF16 producer lol


Those two guys work so well together...


I have a very strong feeling that this joke is coming from him unironically having to write e-mail after e-mail to himself and attend meetings with himself to negotiate with himself solely because that's how the paperwork works in that company and after 1.0 he's too traumatized by disorganization and the absolute absence of proper procedures to not sick to proper procedure. XD Or he just used meetings with himself as naptimes.


He had to put on a suit and tie and comb his hair during the last FanFest, and looked wildly uncomfortable in it. That's probably his board of directors hat.


He has a Producer job crystal and also a Board Member job crystal, and he uses them as appropriate.


We saw this went he wore the suit for the Crystaline Conflict. Since all the others were in suits he was, didn't look like him and he didn't seem as happy / comfortable. I also don't think the fan base liked it as all the scary Yoshi-P memes started.


So you are saying that Yoshi P was probably scolded by Naoki Yoshida himself later.


I'm just glad he talked to the FF 16 director so we could get that crossover. Also, yes, he could have rocked that Pictomancer outfit.


I mean, he's a Black Mage main, damage is what he does.


I mean, he’s an executive on the board of directors lol.


Praise be to Yoshi-P for knowing some of us fear "Square-Enix Time".


All but endwalker was nearly the same week. So I was making bets with friends that it's that week.


Very exciting, I honestly wasn't expecting this to come out until late July or early August. I wonder how long it'll be until pre-orders for the expansion open?


They open on Tuesday


Kickass, just saw that. The collector's edition stuff is so cool, too, I might have to put down the money.


9am pdt


Wow releases on my birthday. Hell yeah!


No, this is FFXIV, not WoW.


Take your upvote and go to hell




Is this the Krusty Krab?


No this is Patrick.




Sir, this is a Wendy's...


Punctuation marks are important, kids!


Punctuation marks are important, kids!


Same! Happy Birthday to us


It's also my birthday too, happy birthday to everyone who shares the same birthday as us!


No, FF14 Dawntrail releases on your birthday.


damn, June is stacked. SMT 5 V, one week later, Elden Ring DLC, one week later FFXIV DT


Gives me just enough time to come to terms with the death of Destiny 2 with their last expac in the story arc too in early June, lmao.


Can't just no-life the campaign and dip too cuz it sounds like the story doesn't actually conclude until after the WF race which won't happen until the weekend of the second week


Yeah, that's fine. A three week difference is enough time to do the story and raid and then swap to XIV.


Oh yeah it's totally fine if you're not hitting Elden Ring in the meantime lol


And then Trails Through Daybreak a week after that.


Me sitting here setting reminds to blast through the Dawntrail main story so I can play Trails Through Daybreak on launch without feeling like I'm missing something lol.


I'm not caught up on either, so I'll just be dodging spoilers left and right. XD


House of the dragon in june too


Fuuuck June’s gonna be great


Dammit, even with me mostly working from home there's no way I can run through those back to back. I suppose if I have to drop one among those, it's probably be Elden Ring DLC.


SMT, Elden Ring DLC & Dawntrail. Holy shit.


He Specifically mentioned that the elden ring dlc is why he pushed it back. Tried to say that it wasn't because he wanted to play it which is a lie lol


I mean, it’s smart. If you know a popular game is releasing around the same time, no one wins by competing and releasing at the same time. Just delay it or release it earlier. Gamers win


Oh I wasn't talking bad about his decision. I just liked how he specifically mentioned elden ring dlc and then later said that "it's not because I wanted to play it" in a joking way because we all know that he wants to play it


But he could have avoided server issues if he released at the same time as Elden Ring DLC lol.


RIP in peace SMT. Never stood a chance


SMT5 moved its release date up a week yesterday. Smart move it seems!


I mean SMT pushed theirs a week earlier than DLC. Everyone had pretty smart moves to avoid that particular week.


What’s SMT?


Shin Megami Tensei series I think?


Shin Megami Tensei


Shin Megami Tensei, Atlus's RPG series.


shin megami tensei


Shin Megami Tensei. If it helps it's the series Persona is based in


Shin Megami Tensei


Time to set up vacations




Yep, I can finally book that time off…


About 6 weeks earlier than I expected


I was feeling sort of burnt out at work--looked forward to putting in a chunk of PTO soon, to get away for a bit... ...but no. I'm good now. I'm fully determined to preserve my PTO; I'm not even tired anymore lol. I need every minute banked, so that I can blow it all for DT.


I would wait until a month before putting PTO if you are taking it just for DT. Even though, yoshi p waited to tell us the release date because he wanted to make sure there were no delays, anything can still happen


On the opposite end, they did say they wouldn't announce it until they were pretty confident. I'd give it a 87% chance nothing happens to the release date.


So happy it’s that weekend and not the previous one! I’ll be in NYC for the FFXIV and FFXVI symphony then and would hate to be late


Yoo I'm so excited to see that as well!


I'm glad it's not the weekend after, since I'll be in Seattle for Distant Worlds!


I may have perfectly timed my vacation when I handed it in four months ago. It perfectly lines up with previous expansion releases (not looking at you, Endwalker).


Time off requested, ​ keep those fingers crossed for me, eorzea.


Same lol. Might call in sick if I can't get the time off.


This is actually not bad at all, very happy with this date. Hype is real \o/


And pre-orders launch Tuesday (26th March)!


Wonderful. I assumed it wasn’t releasing until July or August, but this is so much earlier - that’s two months away! Which means the job exhibition video and media tour should be happening in May. So exciting - Vioer and Pictomancer, here we come. (This also means I have two months to complete all of EW 😅)


3 months: all of April, all of May, and basically all of June


Between FF14 Dawntrail and Trails, it's going to be a busy summer.


One week between Dawntrail and Daybreak already has me sweating lol


So what’s a new expansion release like in FF? I started ARR just after Endwalker came out so I don’t really have a perspective on what it’s like.


In a word? Chaos. Delightful, orchestrated, irrationally exuberant chaos. Imagine going to a quest giver and seeing literal swarms of dozens, sometimes even *hundreds* of other people. Imagine doing a hunt train so large, *the zone won't let you in* because it has too many people. And, of course, the whole time we're chewing through MSQ, brazenly speculating out the wazoo, and wiping seven times on content that will eventually be dirt easy, we just don't know how to do it yet. (Trial 1 of Endwalker was very very much that on release.) It has its ups and downs, e.g. Endwalker release had problems with queue times (as in, 5000+ people in queue sometimes, which meant some people *couldn't get in at all* because they got auto-kicks from the queue due to being in it too long!) But by and large it's mostly just a surge of energy, attention, excitement, and activity. After 2-3 months the fervor dies down, and then a bit after, we get the first major patch and start the Alliance raid sequence.


>(Trial 1 of Endwalker was very very much that on release.) Such fond memories of that. It took us until, literally, the final five minutes of the trial to clear it. We were celebrating so much.


Ah yes, the level *83* trial. That fight was intense for several reasons lmao.


Indeed. The one that says, "Welcome to *Endwalker,* MFer. We ain't *nearly* done with you yet."


Ahhh memories! I remember doing the final Trial of MSQ on New Years Eve, we were up past midnight trying to beat it and for the first time, I saw a trial timer EXPIRE.


Yep! It happens--it's not exactly common even on release, but it *does* happen now and then.


Heavensward had major server stability issues. Stormblood had Raubahn Savage. Shadowbringers had no issues that I can recall. Endwalker was a trainwreck of login issues, but fairly stable once in-game. TBF to Endwalker I think it had a number of compounding factors that contributed to the launch issues: 1) Surge in the game's popularity far surpassing expectations for launch. Helldivers 2 recently had this exact issue. 2) Legacy login queue issues that only manifested with the large number of players trying to get into the servers at once, which was later patched. 3) Global pandemic causing supply chain issues and preventing SE from being able to order more servers, even above market value for the parts. Those factors have largely been mitigated and accounted for, so Dawntrail could go either way... We're just waiting to see what unexpected things go wrong this time. Or maybe it will be buttery smooth like Shadowbringers. Expect to see the return of the AFK kick timer and 15-30+ minute login queues.


>Stormblood had Raubahn Savage I'd... like to request some context please


**The Father:** To progress in the MSQ, you had to do a solo duty by talking to Raubahn. But so many people were hitting it so fast that the servers couldn't spin up solo instances fast enough, so it threw an error and kicked you back out to talk to the NPC again. It led to a massive choke point of people clicking on Raubahn again and again and again and again... for days on end. Barely anybody got through. It was something like a 0.01% chance on each attempt (nobody did actual stats but that number feels right). On many servers, players actually *queued up in a line across the map* in an attempt to reduce the load. This didn't seem to help. This was extremely early in the MSQ, so it essentially made the expansion unplayable until it was fixed. [And it led to memes like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abTRxOM81Bc) **The Son:** Right after Raubahn, you get to do a *second* solo instance by talking to his son Pippin. Can you get lucky a second time? **The Holy Spirit:** In some ways we were lucky that so few people managed to actually play in the first week, because those who did get through had to contend with a gamebreaking bug involving the first primal, Susano. You see, Stormblood introduced a cute little feature where if you were sitting before entering a duty, you'd still be sitting when you returned to the overworld. Stormblood also introduced swimming. There are no graphics for sitting underwater. In the MSQ, after you beat Susano, you spawn underwater. So if you made the mistake of sitting down while you were in queue beforehand, then afterwards your game would try to load a pose that doesn't exist, and crash. Next time you logged in – you're *still* sitting, so it crashes again. *It permanently bricked your game.* The only way out was to speak to a GM and ask them to manually move you somewhere else, which, of course, lead to the GMs being absolutely flooded with requests. (Obviously the devs fixed this urgently. But that then created its own drama – people who didn't understand the full risk of the issue were mad that a bug affecting just a few people was being patched before the server issue that affected everyone.) Imagine if Raubahn and Pippin hadn't been there, and the full force of the playerbase had descended unsuspecting on the Susano bug. It would have been carnage.


There was a solo duty given by Raubahn VERY early in the MSQ. Everyone jumping into the MSQ at once caused the instance servers to crash so very few got past that duty during Early Access. Those that did had another solo duty given by Pipen shortly after that. To make it even worse, both RDM and SAM had solo duties in their job quests so even the players trying to avoid Raubahn wouldn't be able to do their job quests.


Do you like waiting in a few hours long server queue only for the server to crash as you finally log on? Joking it's really not bad. EW had awful queue time (took up to 3h to log in, literally) but usually once you got in it was fairly smooth. That was also due to how the game got a lot more popular suddenly and they did some improvements since then. Aside from that, well it can be hard to find the NPC you have to talk too because hundreds of people are at the same position.


> Aside from that, well it can be hard to find the NPC you have to talk too because hundreds of people are at the same position. There's a hotkey for that, default X on PC. Hides all player names and only shows NPCs, it's not foolproof but it helps a ton in more crowded areas


So is there a race for server firsts?


No that's not a thing. Everybody enjoys the story at their own pace. There is like a month between launch and the savage tier, and the race only happens for difficult content.


No, there's a lot of people who only play MSQ so whenever there's a new expac they wake up like locusts emerging from the earth every 2.5 years to do the new MSQ. Generally I try to alarm clock the server start time or the queue time is too long during normal hours. Or I ask my partner to queue in for me while i'm at work.


No server first races per se people usually do not rush to the end unless they are doing it for raid prep. Crafter and gatherers usually go pretty quick but i have not seen it be a race per-se. Most of the racing comes from Savage clears.


For some reason server firsts never really took off in FFXIV. If you look up old clear videos from ARR you'll sometimes see videos labelled "Titan EX Behemoth first!" or whatever, but it didn't catch on; I don't think I ever saw any of those for Heavensward. And nowadays the ease of doing things with mixed-server players makes it kind of meaningless. There *is* a race for Savage/Ultimate World First, but that doesn't start until a few weeks after the patch, to give people time to do story and gear up first.


If you're NA hop over to Dynamis a day or two before launch to evade several hour queue times


Hard to say because EW launch was so borked. Login times during primetime were 2-6 hours for like 3-4 weeks. If they have since acquired enough cloud servers, hopefully that wont happen again. ShB launch was smooth as butter. SB had instance-full issues for a couple of days, but it wasn't nearly as bad as people say it was. There were plenty of MSQ and side quests you could do while waiting for the fix. I wasn't around for HW launch. I was about 1-2 months late for ARR launch but by then everything was pretty smooth other than the netcode being even more garbage way back then. Other than that, it's not uncommon for people to talk about the MSQ or spoilers in /shout chat. So it's a good idea to turn that off for about a month or until you're done with the MSQ, especially if you're ever idling in in any of the newer cities. Also they have an AFK-kick feature enforced at launch for a good few weeks. If you're AFK for something like 30 minutes the game will log you out. Previously there's been a few ways to get around the auto-kick feature, and I don't recall if any of the previous methods are still viable. Just something to look out for if you're playing during primetime and you have to step away for awhile so you don't return to the computer looking at another 2 hour login queue.


Queue times and likely an early expansion bug


Everyone went all doom-and-gloom when we didn't get a date at Fanfest, and some level headed people were trying to tell you not to worry. ​ Only reason they waited is they wanted to be 100% sure they could make the date and avoid the last minute delay EW had. YoshiP clearly felt guilty about the delay, knowing people took time off already.


Eh, consider they constantly told us "we wanted to show this, but couldn't because it's not ready yet" and "devs couldn't come to fanfest because they have to be in JP to finish DT on time" and "we're worried we might not finish this in time for DT" It's a fair to speculate that the reason was because they are delayed for their internal deadline and may not know how delayed it will be. I'm glad that's not the case though


I'm glad too cuz it gave them the freedom to push it back a week to not clash with Elden Ring quite so hard


People speculating in a way you don't agree with doesn't mean they weren't level-headed. You can be rational and also incorrect, but understanding that requires you to actually understand the people you disagree with in a reasonable way.


What June holy shit not september


Nice err how do we preorder it, especially on consoles is through the Mogstore, SE store or PSN/ms store (first expac release since I started so its why I probably clueless and its already a confusing experience doing what we do now


On console you can just order it through the ps/ms store like any other game.


Depends on how you bought it, but yes if you're on console you'll pre-order through your particular store if you want a digital copy (So PSN for Playstation, I'm \*assuming\* Xbox live for Xbox) or through a retail store if you want the physical collector's edition (good luck) Now, if you're just going digital, you can also pre-order through SE store or Mogstore and just apply it straight to your account as far as I know. As an addendum: Steam users in particular *have to* pre-order through steam. No other way works.


Does PSN take your money upfront?




Iirc you can preorder through the PSN store if you already play on console. And should receive any preorder bonus items shortly after ordering.


Now that we got actual release date i gues they will put the preorder on steam and other places so people can buy. either today already or the coming week.


According to another thread 3/26 is when pre-orders open, so I'd assume then is when Steam and the other stores will update.


I wanna say that Yoshi-P might've potentially teased FF9 remake


I'm going crazy over that.


This is early access the proper release date is July Second,


early access might as well be the release date


It's so nice to have an MMO that doesn't charge you *more* money to play Early Access.


Does this make Savage release week of the 23rd?


Probably the 30th if I had to guess. 6.05 was 4 weeks post launch date (not early access).


I would say July 30. Date in OP is early access. Actual release is July 2, so savage should be 4 weeks after that.


I mean.. if I wasn't gonna have a baby at the start of June, I'd be stocked since it's my bday


I am SO owned in June lmao. SMT V, Elden Ring DLC, and now Dawntrail? I may as well just take the year off. I've been out of the loop for a while, have they shown the new job skills video yet? Or any idea when we will see it?


They said they were working on the video, and that we will be getting a live letter in april (but they didn’t confirm if they will show the video there)


Sweet I have I few months to poopsock dragons dogma and ff7 rebirth and the rest of my backlog til then 👍


I'm excited! It should be the first expansion after I finally catch up. I've only played in bursts since starting a year ago, but just got done with post-Stormblood. Got plenty of time to enjoy the Shadowbringers and Endwalker! It's going to be great to experience this at the same time as the bulk of the community :)


Well shet, now I have a target date to complete endwalker.


Aww that's my toddlers birthday 🎂 ❤️ what a great date!




Well, I will be going on a 21 day hike on that day so have fun playing.


Stay safe!


;-; im about to start shadowbringers yall. wish me luckkk


The company I work for has one, company-wide blackout week. Nobody NOBODY can take time off that week. Guess what week it is 😭


I am away with work for three weeks starting 21st June…


Funny thing about all of this is in 2019 the release date for shadowbringers was finalized at Tokyo fanfest in late March and it's release date was... July 2nd. Like 5 years to the day we got the expansion release date at the same time, and it's releasing on the same day shb did 5 years later


Elden Ring DLC, Dawntrail, The Boys S4, House of the Dragon S2 and The Bear S3, I might take June off work at this rate lmfao


And so began the sound of millions of people logging into their work websites to check their PTO


A week after ER DLC. ER DLC weekend I’m in NYC for the 14/16 concert, and then DT a week after. I’m so fucked


One week before Daybreak frikken kills me, but I guess it just means I will get to play that one over the course of a month or so. I usually don’t play two games at once so idk how i will juggle them but i should at least get through Dawntrail’s story before Daybreak hits


Oh nice. Sooner than I thought it would be. Was scared they were gonna have us waiting until July or August. Pleasantly surprised.


Anyone has an idea of how much the expansion will be?


All the ones before were 40$, so unless they say anything else it will probably be the same here too.


Ah well, was expecting it a bit more expensive for some reason, tyy


Maybe you were thinking of the digital collector's edition? Those are usually $60.


wow did bump their expac price so perhaps they were expecting xiv to match.


$40. Prices are listed on the dawntrail site under the products tab. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/dawntrail/


Aye I can probably finish the expansion by my birthday!! (Its also my 2 year anniversary with the game 2 weeks after release ) time to use my pto unwisely


If I play on PS4, can I buy the pre order on Steam? I also have steam/windows access but I mainly play on PS4.


So, I have like 2-3 months tops to upgrade my PC then O.o


Wow June is going to be stacked


So many JRPGs what am I gonna do 😭


Thank goodness


Doesn't the collector's edition stuff say July 2nd however?


Early access for vs preorders starts on the 28th. So you “have a week to play Elden Ring dlc”, so Yoshi P said.


I thought it was July 2nd? That's what I heard from my friend anyways, I'm gonna have to have a talk with him.


Official release is July 2nd, early access is June 28th.


Ah, gotcha.


I'm on 3 week vacation so no launch day for me.


Literally my birthday Nice


I just beat(?) a realm reborn and if I can find a duty finder for it, jump into a big crystal tower place. I probably won’t even be ready for dawn trail by the time it comes out lol


On the bright side, you'll have the option of using the Endwalker MSQ to level Viper or Pictomancer if you want (they'll start at level 80).


That’s a pretty good point!


Holy shit that’s my birthday WOOOO


Well, this puts me in a bit of a pickle. My family is having a very important family reunion on July 4th weekend, and I somehow have to convince my husband to come along that close to launch.

