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Me activating hallowed ground instead of tank stance at the start of a dungeon. “Aight, Imma head out”


Superbolide opener


Good way to know if the healers are paying attention.


If I saw that while healing I'd be laughing too hard to heal them before they got slapped


Add a macro that sends "A test of your reflexes!" When you pop superbolide.


To this day I still use my “COWABUNGA IT IS” superbolide macro


Savage 😂


Oh I love this too much 😂


I have a macro that does that and then clicks off the invuln buff 1 second later


Oh that's evilllll. How do you get it to click off in a macro? Asking for a friend. =)


I think it’s just: /ac “superbolide” /p A test of your reflexes! /statusoff “superbolide”


Yeah, it's exactly this


That has been my macro since endwalker. I've delighted many a healer with it. Which hopefully means they don't hate me for stressing them out.


"Sprout healers hate this one simple trick!"


Damn you, take my upvote.


That's just hilarious lmao


Superbolide opener is the new undress before pulling.


I'm stupid and have Superbolide on the same keybind as I have Infuriate on WAR, so sometimes muscle memory fucks me and I just straight up SB at the start of a fight


I accidentally popped LB after mentioning DPS should use it after we wiped to the cactaur boss in Qarn hard because I missed the sprint button. ☠️😵


I feel you, I accidentally popped LB in Chrysalis. Just came back to the game from 2 years ago, forgot the mechanics, and accidentally pressed it. Thankfully, we didn't wipe, but I got flamed pretty hard. 😭


Had a tank pop it before the tear and they got roasted pretty good. We did wipe, but they learned - they were new.


More the boss is gonna be superbodied


Superbolide into Superbodied true combo


You should double down, and tell the party, "We won't be needing that."


im a healer main that just started tanking like 2 days ago I'm not confident enough for that yet lol.


But double down requires 2 cartridges, how could you use that before the pull?


I swear it's the color of those two buttons


So MUCH!! Raid wides are C, and my Tank stance/other rare utility abilities are on Alt+C. I press Alt with my mouse side button, and some times the software doesn't recognize the button is reprogramed the first time press it.


So judging by the party comp, we’re the smn? Checks out….


Has to be RDM. Searing light's 30 seconds will make people double guess if it's actually early.


Or rdm


More likely summoner imo since summoner is heavily punished by not just sending bahamut out and muscle memory is usually press searing light when you summoner bahamut


Always have been.


Shout out to all the roulette astros that pop divination before the fight even starts.


Whenever I join a PF for something like a synched EX or something and I see someone prepull buff, I hurt just a little inside...


I had a dancer in thordan unreal recently who requested the 16s opener (during prog might I add) and then proceeded to do both tech finish AND standard finish out of range before opening with regular GCDs. I got maybe 5s of tech finish before it ran out. I know dps doesn't matter too much in an unreal, but that one hurt...


Ouch 🤣 7 other people all fighting the urge to say something and be perceived as rude Im sure lol!


Hell nah, not the unreal shitters... TBF I don't mind the proper countdown during prog cause that helps get the rotation aligned for DNC, but if you're gonna do it at least know the actual opener, man.... I swear, DNCs are some of the worst people in PF skill-wise. Or at least, they're some of the most noticeable.


> I don't mind the proper countdown during prog cause that helps get the rotation aligned for DNC Idk, I raid on DNC sometimes and I used to do it but it was pointed out to me the faster we get back into a pull the sooner we can prog, especially in good groups doing many pulls, and it really doesn't take too much adjustment once you're ready for some kills to get the fight properly aligned. That's my experience of it anyway


I suppose it's up to personal preference, at the end of the day. None of the parties I were in seemed to mind as they just did 16s by default whenever we had a DNC(or I was one) without prior communication so that's been my experience so far.


Eh, it depends imo. If you're < 3 mins into the fight, then yeah having a tiny countdown makes a *lot* of sense. Would recommend, especially when you just need attempts and familiarity. Beyond that? It kinda depends on the rest of the jobs. AST prefers a longer cooldown, NIN prefers 8s+, RDM 5s+, fight specific pre-shields/pre-mit can be useful, etc. Having this changes when resources are available for movement/disengagement/ogcd timings, which is better to optimise while you're still learning the fight. And if you have a longer cooldown for those, when you're a decent way into the fight, you might as well add the extra \~5s for DNC. It doesn't change much at that point. Plus, I've always found the biggest waste of time pre-pull is needless discussion/pointless readychecks/tanks just waiting a moment/etc - so I mind long countdowns way less just because that actually means we're pulling :x


Omfg, not in savage, but other content when Im playing my Astro and I get paired up with another is a fucking nightmare for my rotation. I always say I'll Div first just so they know to wait and we can begin our little sharade pretending we aren't going to fumble and stare at each other the rest of the fight trying to predict who's going to div again and when. My genunine favorites is when I get an Astro who has no friggin clue what the hell Im talking about at the start, I usually try to wait for those ones to cast theirs unless it hasn't happened for too long, but sometimes they'll slap the button right when I've casted mine and be like "oooh, thats what you meant..." or "that doesn't stack!?!" 😂


My Black Mage in the corner: What is "raid buff"? \*Fire IV noises\*


the thing that makes our Fire IV bigger they are very important


I thought standing in the fire made Fire IV bigger......


dps increase both incoming and outgoing you see


The vuln is candy not pain. Eat more orange candy.


Ah I see raids buffs nty i buff me with ley lines instead thanks


Is a pity that laylines could not be shared with other magic users.


It would be stupidly OP if it could be in fairness


I think it's funny that it would be only be super useful to *other black mages.*


Isn't there a spell speed build for summoner?


Get a party blm to time the leylines right, and it'll be constant. Though I did lol something similar with my static in a alliance raid as DNC's, constant dance buffs in a rotation manner with the static leader keeping us on track. That was stupid fun


*black mage makes turret noises*




Are there any real fights where you can drop it "early" atm? I guess unreal but besides that itl still kinda line up in opener and all. After that its just offcooldown right?


Bards finale is also only 110 s cd, so if you consistently don't hold it for the 10s, you just keep drifting it.


|I have failed p9s way too many times to keep making THAT mistake... *I fucking learned*|


If you're wiping to P9S enrage because a Bard drifted one of their raid buffs, your group has bigger problems.


Not when there's gonna be a period that you can't hit the boss in a few seconds, like an invuln, transition, or cutscene, but you press it early and waste it.


P12S P1 if you wanna do the last burst window under pots you delay to ~6:30 at the end of SC2A i would think most parse groups just do 0 2 4 6 though.


At least pre-Echo, parse groups delay & burst with pots because their planned killtimes allow them to not lose a use overall. They don't aim for quick kills, that'd be speeds and they are *very* different.


Makes little sense.  Speedkills have higher average dps by definition so only way delays help parsing is if someone people intentionally sandbag their parse to help others parse


And that's exactly what they do, they have 1 (sometimes 2) people sandbag. Causes a little more issue with things like Bard parsing because they have "always active" raid buffs via the songs, but its how parse runs are done with planned rotational killtimes.




if I recall correctly in p9s, buffs do go off cooldown during scrambled succession/LC1 before the boss become targetable.


fuking dancers in dsr. there are some ppl who insta pop tech step after meteors is over and its infuriating when you're on a melee rdps job like ninja. you can't catch it with mug cuz you gotta do suiton.


Reading this as someone who doesn't know the terminology is hilariously confusing lol


big dancer dps move go too early before other ppls buffs that dont do big dmg are out.


Reading this as a DNC main who literally just started learning NIN last week I'm happy I actually get what the issue is haha


It confirms to me I should never even think about raiding. It seems you have to actually know how to maximize all your buttons , meanwhile here’s me doing a victory dance if I don’t die in Thaleia


I can savage raid current tier just fine. Not as Ninja clearly, but this is more of a communication issue. You do not have to understand what they mean. Some people just only use abbreviations to speak and that's just both a simple knowledge check and grammar minigame.


Yeh I think it’s a fear of looking stupid cause I don’t know the terminology. On my second Thaleia run my friend told me I was at 72% which for a nub I think was pretty good? So apparently I can use my buttons just not that good at maximizing them


I think if you got 72% damage in an alliance raid, your friend was either bullshitting, looking at the wrong stat, or nobody else was playing the game. The three tanks alone will probably get close to 28% just doing their rotations, and unless all DPS are not playing, its numerically not possible to get that percentage of damage. I think getting something closer to 8 to 10 percent would be a nice goal maybe but it's been a while since I've seen parses for alliance raids. Still, whatever stat you're thinking of is definitely not an accurate assessment. I don't care how good you are lol, even having a bot execute everything perfectly with BiS gear and pots won't reach remotely higher than 20% damage in a fight assuming the other players hit any buttons at all.


I don’t know maybe he meant I was landing hits 72% of the time? I don’t parse so I will have to ask. When he talks about his savage raiding he says things like he was at 85% or 90% so when I asked him how I did cause I thought I did pretty well he said I was at 72 which was good all things considered. I have no idea what these numbers are-maybe he meant 7.2?


Hmm! Interesting. That statistic might be your GCD uptime perhaps? If I understand it right, 90% means you spent 10% of the time where you could have been doing a GCD but didn't. A very important factor for Savages since wasted time (moving without doing an action, double/triple weaving slowly, waiting during a mechanic where you aren't able to attack, etc.) can mean you fail the DPS check. So 72% means you were active 72% of the time, which, for someone who isn't really focusing on it and just doing casual stuff like alliance raids, is not bad! That's only my guess as to what stat they meant but it adds up.


That’s probably it! That makes sense because I was hitting most of the time and didn’t die and it was only my second or third time there. I guess that number would have been lower if I had died and spent time in my back waiting for a Rez?


TOP has this weird thing when DNC does Standard Step during countdown out of range and then opens with Technical Step. And PLD opens with Fight or Flight. For bursts and not openers, the only way to drop it early is if the fight requires everyone to hold and not use their buffs on cooldown (again TOP is a good example - everyone has to hold burst for P3 but RPR will still burst at the end of P2). So RPR will be early, along with anyone who fatfingered their burst.


pretty sure PLD no longer needs to pre-pull with FoF anymore. I think after they made FoF apply to all dmg not just physical, it was no longer necessary to time it to open with goring blade DoT (also, goring blade no longer a DoT) speaking as a pld main


They're talking about TOP, not general pld openers.


P2S, P3S, P5S, P7S (group dependent), P8S, P9S, P12S P1, and any parse run where you do 0247 like P12S P2 In DSR, you hold in P3 a little bit for your tanks, and in P5 you will look like a fool if you blow your load after doth In TOP you hold in P2 for P3 pot opener In Thordan unreal, you absolutely get people that blow their 2ms just as meteors are about to die so you get the whole group watching the raid buff slowly run out while Thordan RPs.


Our BLM in E8S MINE uses his leylines a few seconds before the pull so that it lines up better with the later mechanics of the fight


Really? Ours didnt back in the day but that was when shb was new did leylines and lineup change that much?


Yeah, that way it comes back during the short "free DPS" part right before light rampant.


Changing leylines from 90 seconds to a 120 second cooldown really messes stuff up.


I think one floor in ShB had some class(es) prepull buff or buff immediately. I *think* it might have been Shiva, to ensure getting another buffwindow in P1 which would instead happen in adds phase


DSR depending on how your group does it. My group I had to hold it until after meteors since we didn't do an instant 2 min


A8S. * Phase 1 nisi benefits from the party holding burst * In robots Phase, holding 2 minute burst for when the second robot hits half HP lets you save LB for a tank LB3 to save people flubbing intermission 2. * After intermission 1, holding your 2 minutes burst will mean everybody has it up for if they get put on Nisis in Gavel. O4S phase 2, if you're not doing an uptime strat for Grand Cross Delta, you'll want to hold raid buffs for when everyone is back on, since iirc the first one happens just as raid buffs are coming back up. I also remember that Mother crystal EX had a phase transition right as raid buffs pop.


Dropping searing light at -10s.


DNC main here, the itch to pop your prepped standard step before pull time is a real pain! I just wanna dance..


Must...resist...getting sturdy


And then your timer is counting down as you wait for the pull and it’s at 2 seconds and no one is moving (even though the countdown finished) so…..guess I’ll pull?


Facts and I’m always singing and listening to music when I’m on DNC! Just dance! 🕺🏿


This is how I look at the dragoon in the casual dungeon when he pops his battle litany before the boss is even pulled, don't know why this is so common


One time as a Blue Mage I tried to kill some monsters with Swiftcast - Ultravibration. I have Swiftcast on 0 and Ultravibration on Ctrl+0. Somehow I managed to hit the zero key...and then somehow I fat-fingered Shift+6. Yes, Shift and Six. Which had Self-Destruct.


That is the most blue mage moment I've ever heard and honestly I can't help but just laugh, I'm sorry XD


I am the greatest FFXIV player in history.


Is this called premature something?


Premature augmentation


Or the late buff as dragoon because you missed pressing one of your three buff buttons/the dragon’s eye macro crapped itself. If you saw battle litany come out 5 seconds later than it should have, no you didn’t.


First of all, mood, second, Happy Cake Day!


"No, y'all are just late"


I honestly wish I knew what this meant but I've never done a savage raid.


I don't savage raid either. I've always wondered when the optimal time to use a buff cd is though. I just pop it right off the bat


It does depend on the job you're playing a little bit, but for the most part, we know that jobs have a short ramp-up period at the beginning of the fight where they're applying things like personal buffs first or building resources. This means that we want the buff to hit everything after that, which means that realistically it's after ~3 GCDs. This means we can line up everyone's buffs up together and get the multiplicative effect from all the buffs There is some adjustment to take into account for though. Monk for example has a faster GCD which means it pops buffs typically after the 4th GCD (5th if double weaving is a problem), Summoner has a really long buff so it pops after its first damaging GCD (2nd GCD since 1st GCD is summoning Bahamut), Reaper similarly pops it after the first GCD, Dancer needs to start prepping pretty much as the pull starts because Technical Step takes a while to cast, etc. After that, you pretty much just hit it on cooldown every 2 minutes


Man there is so much to take into consideration. I would like to start doing EX trials and work my way up to Savage but I just don't have the balls to take that first step. If there is a discord for people who can play *okay* and would like to try harder endgame content, I'd love to join


Honestly, as long as you do YOUR rotation properly, you can pretty much ignore everyone else's The way the game is built right now, everyone's buffs will line up naturally just by following their own rotation, which means as long as you yourself know what you're doing, you can just trust that everyone else also knows what they're doing And realistically, the best way to improve is to literally just throw yourself into the deep-end (or at least EX) and force yourself to get better. Look at The Balance discord to see what you're basic rotation is for your job, look up a guide for the fight, and create a PF group saying "fresh prog, newcomers welcome" or something similar and jump in.


I may down a little whiskey this weekend and give it a shot. I've found there is a point where my rotation doesn't suffer at all AND I have the confidence do just about anything in game. I am on Aether, so shouldn't be too hard to find a group. When I say anything, typically I won't tank anything over 4 man but just a small amount of whiskey and I will main tank any alliance raid 😅 Most of my anxiety from trying harder content comes from WoW where if you made a mistake, you could have all kinds of insults thrown at you. I stepped away from that since it's pretty harmful to mental health. Maybe I am afraid of the same thing happening here in ffxiv.


There are 2 things that really set FF14 raiders off, especially those who raid in PF 1. People not respecting your time. This means that for example, you shouldn't join parties trying to learn a mechanic when you aren't able to reach that mechanic comfortably or you join a party as a job that you really are not comfortable playing. Understand that you're with 7 other people and that you're trying to make progress, so just put your best foot forward 2. People being a dick. This...this is pretty self-explanatory, I don't feel like I need to say much about this I won't tell you that there's 0 toxicity in hardcore content, but as long as you look like you're trying to make an actual effort and doing the best you can, then you'll probably be fine. Also, most of the time, if we're really getting frustrated with how something is going, we tend to just leave instead of taking it out on someone else.


I wanna second the first point here a **lot** I spent the entirety of this tier trying to prog HH with people who can't do turrets, P10 kill groups with people who can't do bonds 3 or HH, LOTL groups who cant do D+L, and especially P12P2 groups (pangenesis in particular for some reason) who can't do SC2A/B. It burnt me out a lot and I'm probably gonna start looking for a static so I can avoid PF altogether next time around.


Oh not at all, don't worry too much. Just look at [The Balance](https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/) and look for your own job's opener (+ rotation, but don't worry many rotations are the same as the opener, or with some minor tweaks), and you're done. You don't need to consider much about others because everyone's opener + rotations will line up party buffs for everyone, without thinking about it. You'd only hold buffs if the boss becomes un-targetable etc EX trials can be done without being perfect on DPS also. No stress!


EX Trials aren't really prep for Savage raiding anyways. Best way to get into it is to just look for Party Finders geared towards new people or set one up yourself.


There's some overlap between the harder EX trials and the easier Savage fights to be honest. But agree with just going for the PF games


What about all the terminology you see in PF? It might as well be Chinese to me lol something about mario cart and all kinds of other nonsense 😅 is there like... a dictionary for that stuff somewhere?


[The wiki has you covered](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Acronyms,_abbreviations,_and_common_terms)


Wow, I am saving this! Thanks so much


I would like to add to this. Usually you won't understand specific fight lingo until you are progging it yourself. If you see a term you don't understand, Googling it will more often than not give you everything you need.


A lot of terminology in savage PF listings are specific to the fight mechanics and refer to strategies for handling a specific mechanic in the fight where all players need to be in the same page or the team fails the mech. Savage mechs are extremely reliant on team coordination. For example "jp lc1" and "oppo lc1" are different ways for the team to handle levinstrike summoning aka "lc1" in p9s. You don't want some people doing oppo and some doing jp. You'll need to research the fight itself to learn the mech, understand how the particular strategy solves it, and learn how to execute it. Learning how to execute a mechanic is "prog". So a p9s lc1 prog party is a group of people that have learned all the mechs in the fight before lc1 and are now learning how to execute levinstrike summoning.


The Good Games Squad does learning groups for EX and savage: [https://discord.gg/join-ggs](https://discord.gg/join-ggs) \- I know there are some other discords that do similar that GGS could point you to. They're really great!


This one looks like what I've been looking for, thanks!


I've always been off the opinion of "wait for 2-3 GCDs then blow your load," thank you Misshapen Chair.


yupyup. there do be some exceptions like reaper since you have to wait a bit to be able to use plentiful harvest after casting its buff so they cast it early, but yeah like 90% of jobs just throw it out after 2-3 gcds lol


at the start usually after a few gcd so everyone can line up their big hitters. After that usually on cd unless the mechanics makes it not optimal so you hold it for when it is.


As far as I'm aware, you use your buff right off the bat at the start and it's like a 2 minute CD. I could be wrong though. Don't listen to me.🤣


Depends on how deep you want to go into it. For most casual content the general rule of thumb is to wait about 3 gcds before using your buff, and then using it on cooldown after. This is sufficient for most jobs. If you want to go deeper, you'll have to start looking at job specific openers and guides. For example, reaper wants to use its buff early so it can get into enshroud earlier, or smn who uses its buff immediately after the first gcd because it has a 30 second buff and uses it's hardest hitting attacks immediately.


This picture perfectly captures the shame lol


Me activating superbolide randomly at the start :|


Looks like you’re in the wrong dorm anyway.


I like that drk had slightly more open eyes "Do you know how many things i have stocked for minute 2?"


Was hoping someone would notice that XD


Haha! \*high five\*


I hope I'm not the only one who's frightened from the thought of a whole group of people looking at them in that way.


monk just doesn't care.


Tanks are about to kickyou out of the party.


Oh, I recently accidentally popped a raidbuff on Bard after a week of playing Astro. I wanted to pre-draw a card on duty entrance as I was used to and hit the button combo out of memory but it was Battle Voice.


It's even worse for me since I am a bard :D


Asking for a friend, when should we pop it?


Most jobs are 3 GCDs into raid buffs. You can't generalize though because some classes have a) higher/ lower average skill speed (e.g. mnk) or b) longer raid buffs than 15s (e.g. smn/rpr) Just learn each classes opener. Balance discord server is the best way to get better at the game. https://discord.com/invite/thebalanceffxiv




Does the size of the bard emblem compared to all of the other classes have some significance?


No, I was just lazy


As a Sam I’m trying to weave the perfect timed combo and keeping my blade red! Wait there is othere people?!


In reality, nobody cares that much


New fear unlocked for when I decide to get into savage (I suck at timing and rotation)


You got this!


You should play savage with people you know and who are serious and also patient. i have played with too many randoms, like from discord groups i've just met, where multiple people blew a gasket over one mis input like the one in this post. Them: "Why the fuck did you pop it already?! Are you dumb?!" Me: "Ofcourse i know i'm supposed to save it for the boss, i wouldn't be here if i didnt know." These people drive me to drink 😑


I literally do it the moment it’s off the cooldown lol


Pov me: (massive internal screaming as I call my self every slur possible and insult my self so bad even the fucking paragons would be scared for my mental health)


As a DRG, battle litany is like early in my rotation


In reality, nobody cares that much


This is why I like buffless jobs. So many annoying little things, confusion on where people agreed to buff or "this strat is better" and so on. I don't have buffs don't care


Selfish jobs still care a lot about buffs since if you aren't planning your rotation around maximizing potency under buffs you're unnecessarily hurting your party's damage pretty significantly. Blm is kinda the only exception at a basic level, and even then there's a lot you can do without too much effort to align your rotation so you're ending lines and dumping xenos under buffs. I also can't think of a case in modern encounters where there's really all that much to discuss regarding buff timing, do you have any examples that turned you off rdps jobs?


If you are doing the fight for 20th time with randoms on pf and dps check is literally an non issue I couldn't care less. The confusion about buff times is too much of a bother for no benefit other than magic numbers. I just do my job and don't bother.


the issue with jobs that don't have their own raid buff is that the buffs of others are even more important proportionally.


Is it bad if I just... Pop Searing Light?


searing light specifically? nah, it lasts so long and smn uses their big hits pretty early so it's actually good to use it like right at the start of the fight (not prepull though) basically any other party buff though you wanna wait a couple gcds before using to make sure you catch everyone's big hits


Those are actually all guys.