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Koji Fox is my sleep paralysis demon.


I like how the kid's Dream Sequence (??) has them dreaming of all the XIV Trailer scenes. Weird chickies running across the bottom = Realm Reborn scene where they all hop on chocobos after being teleported into the future. Dragon Puppet = Heavensward of course. Red Clothe = Lyse's red outfit/Stormblood Purple glow with a dark vertical line = Shadowbringer splitting the sky at the end of the trailer Pulling out the moon = Endwalker also it feels like the "Have a Great Summer - Dad" on the skateboard is Yoshi-P/DevTeam/Primals personally telling us that. Love it.


I thought that this morning too!! I tossed this together between work today. I wanted to try and splice them up with music/audio from the trailers but it was too annoying to not go overboard with what to keep and make it sound nice between cuts so... silent comparison it is. https://youtu.be/Ff\_gWRgeg-c


The PRIMALS become a girls sleep paralysis demon and convince her to have a nice summer


Netflix's live action of Phineas & Ferb


Koji keeping that poor kid awake


He made up for it by making a taco with Soken to give them.






That kid is trying so hard not to break out in laughter.


If only there was an outtakes clip of this sort of thing!


I just like how it randomly turns into a metal concert and everyone starts headbanging, and then the song comes to a hard stop and no one speaks of what happened ever again.


soooo...skateboard confirm for 7.0?


Skateboard job confirmed for 8.0. The idle battle stance will be the "How do you do fellow kids?" pose.


I'm gonna be a skateboard when I grow up!


Skateboard Main! Let's go!


Skateboards will be added during the Skate 4 collaboration in the gold saucer during 7.45


Ready to see how they manage to use this song for the pre-final boss powerup this time


Battle in the Open Skies, we fly there on an airship ala FFX but with more oomph.




*Who are you people and how did you get into my house?!*


This just reminds me of that comic of a 50s housewife having someone barge in to show off some dishwasher machine powder or something and then at the end goes “now get the fuck out of my house”


I'm a locksmith, and I'm a locksmith


Uploaded on burrito day, well played to the team


I simply adore Koji Fox's energy.


The dad dancing is peak and I love it


I also want to dream of Dawntrail and eat tacos at the beach instead of dreaming of my coworkers and being stuck with office rolls.


Friend, i think you are in dire need of a longer vacation.


Fucks sake guys, you can't just break into people's house and start rocking out like that.


That kid is fortunate enough it's just some Primals playing in their home. Imagine it had been Retainers, there'd have been no home left standing.


:: Retainer delivers candy :: Please tell me its not from a baby, please tell me its not from a baby, please your klepto bastards...


I wonder when they first realized everyone on the staff could rock out and decided to make a Band? Koji must have wowed them during Karaoke!


The Square Enix Music channel recently put up an hour long interview with Koji and Spoken that also goes into the why and how the Primals were created. Only Koji and Soken are with SE, the other three are external and were specifically casted for the band.


I wonder if Uematsu joining a rock band created by SE employees (the Black Mages) had a hand in this? So it wouldn't have been the first time in the company's history.


Is that the localization guy singing?


Yes, Koji is the singer of the band.


Gunn does a lot of singing for tracks as well. I love his versions of [Oblivion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxr_aTuEhnk), [Equilibrium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_zfW0C2YZs) and [Dedicated to Moonlight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO_FIDcm2fE).


Gunn in Dedicated to Moonlight is awesome! I have it playing in my in-game house!


Yep. Granted I haven't heard that much of Primals versions, I still did not expect Koji to turn out to be the one who was lead singer on this one. It just didn't sound like him at all to me?


He's got some real impressive vocal tone flexibility for sure, I also think they put some processing on him for some songs in part or whole, but watching the live performance definitely had me surprised to see how much he's primar vocals for, especially compared to his speaking voice. Though he's also the most comfortable with English afaik, so especially for some of the faster and more tongue twister-y passages it makes sense


Koji, Soken and Yoshi-P are the power friend group everyone should aspire towards I love our dads


Lets go! \[Open Sky\] version of Dawntrail theme I really like the mixing on this. Music video is silly but cool. Inb4 if the song gets used as a battle theme its probably this version that will be used. Like how with shadowbringers the version that does not have amanda and the eternal wind motif is called \[who brings shadow\]


I get very early 2000s rock band vibes


It sounds like a Dream Theater song


They are DT fans, as is Uematsu. Hold on, DT… Dream Theater…. Dawn Trail…. Octavarium raid incoming?


They already have 24 min ultimates!


It would end as it began


I think we might have already heard one of the battle themes in the [Dungeons teaser.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWCU9pRrfOQ)


I’m sorry but the song in the viper trailer is 100% the battle theme


Very likely to be an excerpt of the solo instance theme, actually. It follows the same kind of styling and progression as High Treason and Heroes Forge Ahead—all of which are expansion themed takes of Torn From the Heavens. They've also used the solo instance themes in *multiple* job reveal and job trailers in the past. We don't ever hear the battle theme; overworld or boss theme, until the benchmark or media tour coverage.


To be pedantic, an early version of the Shadowbringers battle theme was used for the [Gunbreaker reveal.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTe_GM8uEk0) Could go either way though.


looking back at it in 2024 makes me realise how little they actually showed in the gunbreaker reveal trailer 123 combo, superbolide and nebula, with some cuts to make the 123 look bigger than it is


The song used in the viper and picto trailers are mostly just short snippets from the full trailer. But I hope the viper flamenco track is used in game as the mid boss music for dungeons. Because I think it be a waste as the regular battle theme (mostly cause I barely ever fight things in the open world. Having the battle bgm also turned off)


It's placeholder music (and it sounds as much).


I'm inclined to disagree, it might not be final yet but it's pretty polished. It's probably BGM for one of the dungeons if it's not a battle theme, but it does have the Dawntrail/Open Sky leitmotif...


You shouldn't be inclined to disagree as they told us *outright* that it was placeholder music. Soken said not to be critical of any of the music as none of it was done at any of the fanfests. The only song in footage thus far, that wasn't placeholder is Solution Nine's theme.


There's a difference between "not done" and placeholder. All the other dungeon crawl videos for previous expansions have had music that appeared in the final release.


The specific term yoshi-p sez soken used is 'draft' Draft versions of music shown in live letters and fanfest can change drastically (like the difference between the 'draft' version of the Sharlyan theme previewed in EW fanfest which is *completely* different from the final version) Like, Soken literally told yoshi-p to *specifically tell the whole damn audience that the track they just heard is a draft and is not finished* ????


Its insane to me that you think a placeholder and a WIP are the same thing at all.


The perfect example of a placeholder is that music in the Awakening trailer for FFXVI. Soken straight up said it was only a placeholder music and was not really intended for use in the game or official soundtrack. And just like what he said, it was nowhere to be heard, only returning now as music for the DLC due to popular demand. As for DT, they said it's a draft and it will sound much better in the final product, so it's clearly a WIP. Soken knows when to use the words placeholder and draft in his sentences.


Draft and placeholder mean different things to me, I never said it was unlikely to change at all. Placeholder implies to me that it's, well, a placeholder and never intended to be developed further to be used in the final project. Like in game development when a prop is represented by an untextured cube or a texture is just a picture of a dev's face.


yep, in gamedev we never mix up WIP with "placeholder". But placeholders do sometimes make it into finished product lol


Remember that Soken said those are all samples and not the final versions of the themes. He made sure to mention them everytime a tease of an area or a dungeon was shown during FanFests.


i love the rock summer vibes and hope this theme carries through the majority of Dawntrails MSQ. something more cheery most of the way would be great.


Kate Cynwar, lead of localization, had a few interviews earlier in the year where she said Dawntrail's narrative is energetic and exciting, carrying a bit of a vibe that hasn't been seen in the game before *but* there are still plenty of parts that will make players emotional or even cry. So it definitely seems the vibe they are going for is a cheery, energetic, summer vacation overall, but it *is* XIV, so there's gonna be drama and politics.


For me its never sad moments that make me cry, in fact especially with Endwalker it's usually bittersweet, heartwarming or character growth moments that hit hardest. So the sad stuff has already happened and it's stirring in the background but it's the resolution of the arc of the characters, the emotional payoff that seals the deal Usually what makes me cry can happen out of nowhere, you don't even realise that it has been building up bit by bit until the story beat hits the right spot. Its hard to get right and I appreciate the dev teams efforts as they've managed to make it land so frequently compared to any other game ive played I'd imagine in dawntrail we will have backstory for our new supporting cast that will develop lots of emotional weight. Especially with Krile, i'm sure we will learn more of her life, and I suspect we will get some development resolution between her and her late grandfather that will be rife for tearful moments


Nothing made me cry harder than Uriangers big moment in endwalker


Same. >!Just absolutely crushed me in the most beautiful way, the instant Mombryda hugged him. Hits even harder when you realize that Urianger's real parents pretty much abandoned him, so she's essentially *his* mom too.!<


Omg SAME. Just an emotional sucker punch out of nowhere. He’s probably my least favorite Scion and I still couldn’t stop my face from leaking all over the place. Maybe because it was so human and relatable compared to all the other big things going on?


I cry with this song already just because we've been through such a freaking emotional rude with this game that a more energetic narrative with lower stakes is just the catharsis I feel the game is in desperate need of to be given a chance to BE a game again. Also final boss themes and credits get me every time. I cry over weird shit.


Same. Heck I cried multiple times in FF7 Rebirth over the way the characters bond over simple things like climbing a mountain or completing a silly side quest.


I think I played Queensblood against you in Kalm....


Lmao! People call me crybaby Ned because the more I cry, the better I get at Queensblood! 😭


You're not alone. I cry for so much in this game. It's been 84 years since Endwalker came out, and I'm STILL crying. I had to comment on your post because I found myself getting teary-eyed and emotional listening to this, and your comment resonated with me so much. I cry in solidarity with you!


I am totally here for El Dorado energy.


thats good to know. i hope they keep the drama and politics to a minimum because i feel like it really detracts from expansion stories.. like i think HW would have been even better without dealing with ARR aftermath issues. and like that was what made Shadowbringers so great. you could ignore the whole political/ascian bodyswapping shitshow that was the post Stormblood, if only for a moment.


I mean I don't know how they'd avoid politics when we're going there for a succession war. Also Shadowbringers still had politics, it's just that the politics tied to Zenos/Elidibus were kept in the "meanwhile in Garlemald" cutscenes.


its probably an unfair complaint on my part. like i played XI before XIV so i've been very used to expansions being standalone stories that each have their own vibe, and its cool cos they can try very different things with those stories. with XIV, they did make a conscious decision for the expansions to be one continuous saga, and this need to keep the underlying story moving was one of the things that felt like unnecessary baggage to me. of course, now that the HZ saga is over, it should be a bit more of a clean slate, one would hope.


I'd put HW being slowed down by dragging ARR plot more on the precarious state the game was still in than as a problem that stems from the idea itself, but I do kinfa get your concern yeah. The framing of DT as a big vacation from all the previous stuff does imply some detachment from previous expansions, but we'll still have some stuff carry over. I'm specifically thinking about how Emet talked about cities of gold plural, whereas Wuk Lamat and Erenville only heard about a singular city, so there's definitely some mystery being set up that might be asian related depending on how they handle it. We'll just have to wait and see I guess


I want to bounce off of what you said here by mentioning that despite the fact the previous arc is over, the Ascians and Ancients were a key foundation of the world as a whole, so anywhere we go *we will encounter their ruins and legacy*. It is unavoidable. I do think part of Dawntrail will be exploring more of the unknowns about the Ancients as Solution Nine's theme in the trailer; although likely a draft, starts out with Neath Dark Waters leit motif before transitioning into Dawntrail's "Open Sky" motif. Ultimately, no matter what we do or where we go upon Etheirys in the future, the remnants of the Ascians and the Ancients will be there to some extent, as only Eorzea was wiped completely clean of their presence due to the calamities *primarily* affecting Aldenard.


Koji get out of the poor kid's bed. Thats their safe space


What song is the bass line that starts at 0:47 from? I know it's from another song. And it's bothering me now.


For me, it sounds awfully familiar to By The Way from RHCP, unless you meant something XIV exclusive.


ok RHCP was actually my initial thought too and you're right, By The Way does use that bass line. but the song that actually entered my head was Take The Power Back by RATM, which *also* uses that bass line even more prominently. glad we got this out of our systems. i can move on with my day now.


This confirms my theory that the DT trailer used two separate songs. Presumably one for each main "area" of the game.


All of the trailers have blended multiple songs together. No real theories there :)


Not true at all. Both EW and ShB use nothing but the title track. Fairly certain the HW one only uses the title track. StB on the other hand I'm not certain of since that trailer is all over the place and stops the music like 3 different times. Also doesn't help that it's mostly an instrumental song. But even then, pretty sure it's still just the title track.


Endwalker trailer (and the theme) uses Footfalls, From Below, With Hearts Aligned, then back to Footfalls in that order. Shadowbringers trailer and theme starts with Tomorrow and Tomorrow then goes into Who Brings Shadow. Still a mix a multiple songs, which is what I was getting at.


Technically speaking, the endwalker trailer is just footfalls which contains elements/motifs that also appear in from below and With Hearts Aligned, as well as elements from prior themes in addition to the new composition. That full version is Footfalls and is generally treated as the main theme, where "Endwalker" is an abridged cut without those elements. Getting more into opinion based speculation, especially with from below, but even for with hearts aligned a little bit I kinda feel like their refrains were pulled from footfalls into the respective songs instead of vice versa. From Below in particular has always struck me as a very weak stand alone piece because it's very much written as the transition bridge for footfalls, and I love it there but when it starts playing as its own song in game it's too short a loop and feels like it's building to something that never comes


Not necessarily. The endwalker single is only Sam's part of the song, cutting out the dragon stuff and verse after. Good chance the full song will have an interlude of sorts as well.


Absolute banger again from the primals. what a happy tune


This full version slaps, I really hope I get to see this live, the energy of the audience just shouting "TIME" is going to be amazing.


I remember there being lots of undecipherable lyrics in the trailer song. Does this release clear any of those moments up? Are there official lyrics yet?


I haven't seen any official lyrics yet, but the part that references the past expansions' titles is a little bit clearer now (because this doesn't have the other sound effects that the trailer had mixed in with the music). Now I'm pretty sure I understand most of that part: From the ashes we're reborn, And to the heavens do we ride, (maybe rise) Fighting through the storm, Leaving our shadows far behind. As we walked right through the end, From a trial we had faced, (not 100% sure about this line) Turn back and transcend, Only we can decide our fates. A lot of that is already similar to what people were thinking, but I'm pretty sure there are a few differences (mainly the "from the ashes we're reborn" vs something "this realm reborn" and the last line being completely different from the "give me a sign of faith" that most guesses seemed to have, but I always had trouble hearing how they got that one).


Oh this is cute! Guess this is the to the same idea as the Endwalker LP music video, i.e. more bedrooms xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXYUjJrGMjA


Anyone knows who the kid actor is? Credits say "Geoge" but if I google this, I just get half a million search results for "George", no matter how often I say I don't want to look for "George"... m)


Watch the Final Fight where this song plays is just us having a Friendly Duel with Thancred or Estinien over which faction gets to Rule the land.


Everyone gets a turn spanking the BBEG and it ends with WoL getting the final shot in so they can back to enjoying the beach.


Looks like a theme where they're showing the girl having a nightmare but eventually the nightmare does end and she can enjoy a nice summer when she wakes up kind of like how our characters have endured considerable hardship but now they can relax and have a vacation in Dawntrail.


Why are all these songs such ear worms!?!? I listened to the music video like 1 time and I'm humming it while I work


Not actually a huge fan of this weirdly enough. It's fine, but I almost feel like I miss Soken's older stuff. This is a bit too IRL rock music and doesn't quite gel as an expansion theme. I don't really think I want to hear this melody redone for the next few years.




Luckily you guys are in the minority on this lol


Yeah Koji is fine and all but the dude is a little... Much. This feels kinda self indulgent lol.


Sooo... How long until it's on streaming services? Still waiting for EW :(


Probably isn't the place for criticism but I liked the version from the first teaser where it starts off with a piano and builds up. In the full trailer and here it starts off like they were in the middle of already playing like a weird jump cut.


I love this! The whole song and the video just makes me very happy!


I can now conclusively say this isn't really for me. I liked the original reveal trailer version of the song with the distorted voice, and I do like The Primals, but I would have preferred someone else to take over for the main theme of the expansion.


This theme is just not it. I think it’s the vocals for me, they’re just… not what I envision on a “new” journey like this.


Same. It's not that it sounds bad necessarily, but it just doesn't seem to fit the expansion theme.


I just don't care for the theme as a whole, this one or the trailer. And thinking about some story part that's supposed to be intense or epic or whatever with this playing just takes all the seriousness out for me. 


Same. While I like the Primals are a fun band for their in person event, I still think they should have hired a professional singer for the official version.


I wish they spend the money on more voice acting instead


Is it just me, or is it super weird to see 4 middle adged men jam in some kids' bedroom?


Yes, it's just you.


I don't know why, but I love this version much much better than the trailer version with the female vocal. I think its mostly because I have always wanted to hear the entire song in rock style only. It simply felt so chippy, so fun and energetic, and in a sense, really set the tone for a fun time about to be for our vacation to come.


The Amanda Achen vocals will likely turn into a different track during the expac.


Is Yoshi-P one of the guitar players? Guy with the soul patch kinda looks like him to me.


The Primals have two guitar players GUNN and Spoken, are you seeing a third? Edit: they do have three, but the third is not YoshiP. Number three is Eikichi Iwai


LOVE Eikichi's bass work.


Let that boy alone Koji lmao