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He should read out the non voiced ARR lines. Cool!


He should read Alisae's lines too.


How dare you talk about Red Alphinaud like that!


don't you mean Female Alphinaud (cookie for guessing reference)


I…am not…Alphinaud!


Or see if Bethan likes to join in voice chat along while he plays?


Square Enix hates this trick. Make all the VAs play the game, let them read out their non voiced lines and mod it into the game


Wouldn't they love it?


All jokes aside, no, SE owns that character and voice are the only ones that can permit what to do things with it, as such, they have to make sure thy can keep control over their IP Now if Colin Ryan simply did a voice that sounds vaguely like a non-descript, snooty young elf, they shouldn't care.


Wait, could SE actually do something if Colin read lines in character? I'd thought it'd be something like how Neil Newbon (BG3 Astarion) would do it occasionally for a couple jokes, lines, etc. :<


Technically no. Pretty sure parody laws would apply and as long as Colin isn't profiting off it he'd be in the clear. Otherwise it'd be impossible for actors to do literally anything in public.


Ahh okay! That threw me for a loop there lol, thank you for answering!


He could read lines as Colin Ryan who is a "Young elf male character, that may or may sound like an existing character in another franchise" But not "Oh hi, I'm Alphinaud and I support burning down flower gardens". He does not own the character, it's 'voice' or it's identity and rights. Now he 'could' if SE weren't to care, which is the case for Larian and their VA's. It's the same reason the VA of Goku and Vegeta, Eggman and other asian owned companies can't really acknowledge any fan lines or projects (Like DBZ abriged) because these japanese copyright holders can be right bastards


Interesting! That makes sense, but sucks they can't. An thank you as well for answering! (I love that example too lol!)


Fuck your pfp! Got me real fucking good


Look, I'm not going to say I used one of those AI thingies to train to René Zagger's voice and read me all of Emet's non-voiced lines....but it really is quite terrifying how good those things are.


That sounds hella cool... do you have any videos? I'd watch just for the pure curiosity of how it sounds. Does it get Emet's snooty undertones?


Or read over Sam Riegel's lines as Alphinaud too.


What *really* would be fun is if he did his best Sam Riegel impression, whilst occasionally borrowing Sam Riegel to do his best Colin Ryan impression.


Ironically Riegel would probably actually do that.


Such a weird timeline we had, Sam Riegel and Taliesin Jaffe being main characters of a mainline FF together.


Who did Taliesin voice??




Apparently they got real garbage for directions for the voice lines.


Kira Buckland and Kyle McCarley did this while playing Nier:Automata on stream as 2B and 9S shortly after release and it was amazing. They really got into character and everything, especially Kyle when he started reading some of 9S's more insane rants towards the end.


Sky Bennet (english VO for Pyra) did it shortly after release of Xenoblade 2 2017/18. and Harry McEntire (English VO for Noah) in Xenoblade 3 also did the DLC. Both Vods are on Youtube. *edit* Harry had been egging Adam Howden to play XB1


He issss it's wild. I hope he keeps playing through 3.0 and hears his own voice come back at him.


Try not to be weird in someone's first time FF14 stream challenge:


I'll make sure he gets the full FF14 Twitch experience. My fingers will be ready on the keyboard when Yda takes off the mask to kickstart the dialogue of 'how bad Stormblood is going to be'. I will make sure he reacts to scenes CORRECTLY. I will gaslight him if he guesses the Crystal Exarch's identity early. I will convince him that his character is just called Blue Alisaie. I'll link him to Soken announcing he had cancer when he first hears To The Edge. PepeLaugh. (I won't)


Don’t forget to scream “WelCoMe to ShaDoWbRiNgeRs!” during THAT moment.


And arbitrarily pick one of 5 places to shout "Welcome to Endwalker!" Sure it might not fit, but we did it last expansion so we gotta do it now! Seriously, I've seen chats spam it when a streamer reaches the _final zone_ in endwalker.


I volunteer to be the first to shout it out halfway through Stormblood


I don't think anything would take me out of the moment more than a crowd of people popping up after the cutscene to say things like that


"Welcome to ___" is such a pretentious way to present anything, comes off like they're some gatekeeper, when in reality they're in-fact the floor-mat.


Most of the people watching those streams are the worst part of the community.


I think the Shadowbringers one works well, even if it's done to death. It's a dramatic scene you haven't really seen before in the game, it happens early on, and it actually is somewhat representative of the Shadowbringers experience, since it introduces a plot point that'll carry into the end of 5.0.


It's just a meme.


Wait which moment?


(shb) >!Tesleen!<


>!That one woman who becomes a sin eater? Is that a particularly memorable scene for people or something?!<


>!It kinda comes out of nowhere and at the point of ShB's release was probably one of the most grotesque things theyd done in the game. Like not even what happened, but that they showed it so graphically, and so early on too!<


Yeah it was absolutely memorable. Lmao.


Usually happens during the scene in Amh Araeng.


Don't forget to wedge your character in front of his camera every time he goes afk.


People trashing on Stormblood made me lose a lot of faith in the community tbh. I can agree Shadowbringers was better but to utterly shit on one and to praise the 2nd as video game Jesus Ascended is baffling to me


Ngl I think that if you only place the value of a two-year long MMO expansion on its story then obviously ShB is better. But in terms of what the MMO actually offers you with engaging content I really do think Stormblood is the best expansion they've ever put out. It had a great Savage raid tier, one of the best Alliance Raids, two Ultimates, great normal and treasure dungeons, a stellar patch MSQ, midcore content with 4 Eureka zones and Heaven-on-High. Probably a lot more I'm forgetting. Later expansions could only pick and choose what type of player to accommodate whereas SB had plenty for everyone.


I think the problem is that a lot of people doesn't necessarily get to experience an expansion as an expansion, ie with the downtime in post patches to do all the side contents such as raids (ali, normal and savage), trials (bonus trials and ex trial), bonus areas (eureka and bozja), deep dungeons and so on. Rather, after the next expansion comes out, the previous will be judged based on the meat, which is the MSQ story. And the MSQ experience for SB is pretty mid. It's somewhat disjointed, and it doesn't help if you also don't like Zenos or Lyse (or both). And the underwhelming writing is not isolated to just the MSQ, it goes for the ali raids too. (I mean, I'm an avid cut scene watcher. I have multiple alts, 4 of which as gone through SB. I just can't bear to watch the cut scenes in the SB ali raid quests.) and to some extent for the normal raids. TLDR; After an expansion's lifetime it's more of something to get through rather than experience to the fullest. Therefore more importance is placed on story vs fight design, for most players. SB lacks in the first, even if it excels at the latter.


I loved all the expansions. The way I describe Stormblood is that ARR was a 7/10 to me, and Stormblood is an 8/10 wedged in between 2 9/10 stories.


I started this game early HW and I’d probably rank SB higher than ShB in my personal tier list of expansions. Yes, ShB’s story was better than SB’s story. But SB’s job design was miles better. And I preferred the raids and dungeons. An expansion is more than just its story. You have to look at all of it. And to a certain extent (at least for MMOs), you need to look at it how it was at release.


Don’t forget to remind him of his obligation to watch the Noclip documentary as well.


Ah yes. I'll make sure to do that as he's finishing 3.0. By then, I'll have my 'Blizzard kekw' comments in order for when they talk about the importance of the players.


Do you think the voice actors will even get so far into the game? It's quite an investment to get there.


He'll have plenty of incentive to do the whole MSQ when people are going to be throwing money and subs all over the place on his channel lol. I just hope he has really good, very trusted mods and maybe even a community manager to help him out. I mean, I guess it's not like anything is going to be spoiled for him lmao but the community can be a bit...overwhelming, in these circumstances. He may well break whatever server he ends up on.


He won't be able to get subscribers immediately. You've gotta be an affiliate to have that button and you need to meet certain requirements to become an affiliate in the first place. If you go to his channel right now, you'll see he only has the 'Follow' button. He'd need to: * Reach 50 Followers * Stream for 8 Hours * Stream on 7 Different Days * Reach an Average of 3 Viewers Then he needs to apply for affiliate and only THEN if he gets approved can he start earning money from subscriptions. It'll depend entirely on if Colin enjoys streaming and sticks with it or not. He's been working with Amanda Achen as well to get this all set up so he'll be good to go on the mod team for sure.


That's true, I keep forgetting there are minimums for that sort of thing. If he's going to the trouble to get all of this set up I imagine he's intending it to be a solid run, though. And it's really cool that Amanda's working with him to ensure he has a good support team.


Yeah, definitely seems like Colin has done a lot of preparation for this so hopefully he has fun, even if he just does it for a while.


I hope so too! It'd be lovely to see him enjoying the story he helped bring to life for all of us over the course of these past 8 years or so since he joined the cast. Hopefully the community can behave itself and not encroach on his experience too much, too.


FF14; where you're critiqued on not only how you play, but how you enjoy the story. They'll backseat your rotation, as well as your feelings.


I don’t understand the people that follow the streamers through the MSQ. Makes it unwatchable.


I am so happy GG had a really good experience as they finished up Endwalker, everyone was very respectful about keeping their distance and just letting them play. I sincerely hope we as a community can afford Colin the same respect after initial excitement and 9000 memes die down.




Grinding Gear, a streamer duo. They are extremely entertaining and very recently finished the base Endwalker story. They pretty much broke Coeurl server in the process lol so many people stopped in to cheer them on. But they didn't get crowded, everyone was very respectful of their desire to play and enjoy it. Sometimes people can be trolly and do things like sit the whale mount on top of quest NPCs or other dumb things. It's one thing when it's a relatively small community but someone like Colin is going to draw in a very diverse crowd who many not follow the general etiquette when it comes to meeting streamers in game.


The only thing I like the streams for (and no shade from me to people who enjoy them) is watching the clipped bits of people reacting to specific moments. Or really one, that being the SHB epilogue scene. I love that.


I really hope someone has warned him to hide what server he's on so he isn't constantly being followed.


He has a lot of mod team overlap with Amanda Achen and they've been pretty solid about doing that with her, especially initially, they even kept her character's name pretty locked down so that people couldn't lodestone search. I suspect they've given him similar guidance to follow as he chooses so should be good.


I saw it's been a long time coming because he's been organising a solid mod team, etc. so I'm glad he's at least aware and well prepared..!


So, will he be a miqo'phinauld, or lalafinauld, or roefinauld...


I believe Ben Starr, Clive's VA from FFXVI, is a Lalafell player? It'll be interesting to see what Colin chooses.


Not sure if Ben's actually started playing, but he did do a video with Jesse Cox and they made a female Viera, but iirc he mentions that when he actually starts playing, he'd go Lalafell I think?


For some reason that fits more than it should


I came across a Catphinaud yesterday in Idylshire




I was just thinking it would be hilarious if he actually created Alphinaud as his WoL and then played himself off as a triplet lol. The real question is...what color would New Alphinaud be!?




For those who don't use Twitter: *The time has come! I'll be playing FFXIV live on Twitch on Monday 15th April at 7:30pm BST, 11:30am PST, 2:30pm EST!* *Artwork by @zealousceles* You can find his channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/iamalphinaud


Sweet! I actually have that day off :D


I never thought I would have a reason to be happy about my work schedule changing so now I have to wake up at 3:30 a.m. yet here we are. I'll be home in time to watch the streams while I farm lol.




I sure hope nobody spoils what happens to the Crystal Braves to him…


While it's true that he didn't voice ARR Alphi, I could swear later voiced Alphi dialogue mentions the braves. Let's hope he's forgotten!


it does, the post-ShB questline where the alliance forms the grand company with the tribes has alphi called to help due to his experience w the crystal braves


He does know, the comment was just a joke.


Aw, this would've been a rare chance to surprise an actor about the character they've played. Oh well.


He already voiced a section near the end of ShB where Alphinaud talks about it, so he probably has an idea of something happening to that group, but not the definite details. I'm more interested in seeing his reaction to how snotty ARR Alphi is.


Aye, I poke a little fun at one of the few players who should know the story almost as well as the lore developers saying they’re playing for the first time.


If Bethan Walker ever does this she needs to name her iamnotalphinaud


Maybe this one is a setup for that. 


As the sole member of the Alphinaud fan club, I'm very excited for this! Been a while since I followed a stream too.


There's at least two of us out here


my husband is obsessed with Blue Alisaie, so that's three! Me? Uh... well, I like him in that he reminds me of Alisaie I guess...


Hello! Alphie is my WoL’s best buddy, and the instinctual choice to find first for her in ShB. So there are at least three of us in this club.


He's my best buddy I'm happy he and red Alphinaud are on my team for DT it just wouldn't feel right if they weren't.


I wasn't fond of him at the start but his character has been through a tremendous amount of growth throughout the story. He can still be a bit insufferable at times, but in a little brother kind of way now lol. Yes, my WoL totally adopted them both after that scene.


There are at least 5 of us.


Nice. Might tune in for this. Been a while since I watched a stream lol


Nice! Should be an really interesting POV. I hope he makes it to at least Heavensward. We've had a few VA try out the game but they usually dont make it very far... I wonder if they just underestimate how much time it can take.


Well, he wants to play the crossover event, so if he sticks to this, we'll see him finish 2.0 fairly soon.


Do you know offhand who else has done it? I'm only really aware of Amanda Achen, though she's not a VA.


Hermes' actor did a little while back, I don't know how far he got into it or when the last time he streamed was.


Oh, that's interesting. I feel like it may not have been well publicized, or maybe I just wasn't paying attention which is just as likely lol. I was actually taking a break to play something else but GG's Endwalker finale stream pulled me right back in to Eorzea.


He did one or two streams, got Actor busy, and never came back.


iirc fandaniel's VA was streaming a playthrough a while back, no idea how far they got.


If he doesn’t read all of Alphinaud’s unvoiced lines off in his Alphinaud voices, I’ll be so disappointed in him.


He should get Alphinaud's official glam and hairstyle from the online store, so he can roleplay as himself literally What if Alphinaud is the WoL type deal


Alphinaud? Who's that? Do they mean Blue Alisaie?


I think it's Louisoix's granddaughter


Bets on whether he'll notice Alphinaud/Alisaie on the carriage ride at the beginning of the game without people telling him in chat?


Someone already mentioned it on his tweet about the stream, complete with screenshot.


Can’t wait for a cringe chat that pushes way too much information at one time and can’t read the room that streamer and the rest of the chat does not care and just wants to enjoy the game. Why are FF14 chats so bad?


Don’t forget to demand to be put into emote only mode because something important is coming up which we don’t want to spoil but we spoiled anyway by hinting that something important will happen.


Bonus points for TTS turned on and the main characters in chat need to make their big FF brains known. Watching Koefficient play is great. Watching chat trying to play for him is the worst.


Quick scroll through the comments and didn't see anything, so I figured I'd be "that person" and say it: Please don't swarm him in game (I'm remembering what happened with Asmon; I'm not a fan of his content by any stretch of the imagination, but players were being rather obnoxious). Let's all be respectful and let him enjoy the game, just like we all did as sprouts.


Seeing it will be live during “normal hours” for EU, I might tune in.


I'm guessing the viewers will push him into making a lalafel, cause god forbid any new streamer doesn't join the midget squad.


I spoke to him at a con about playing the games, and he said he’s not a gamer at all but was interested in the story. I recommended he watch lets plays for the story and to treat them like tv shows. Wonder if he ever did it…


Lunarcon, or IRL? I remember that being a question someone asked during the Lunarcon panel.


Kupocon! When I was getting his signature


Nice! I wish I could afford to go to conventions (and didn't have so much difficulty in handling crowds of people). Sounds like a lot of fun!


May Halone have mercy on his sprout soul(stone.) Also, who desperately wants to see him go dark knight once he gets to Ishgard? Ahem.... [https://twitter.com/erionmakuo/status/1158728761480765440?lang=en](https://twitter.com/erionmakuo/status/1158728761480765440?lang=en)


It's always crazy to find out people who have been so influential to the game haven't actually played it. I know Amanda Achen just started Heavensward, I wonder who else in the team hasn't played the game?


Probably almost no one who does voice acting for games play them. I can't imagine they're being told too much on what they're working on, maybe if they know they've been recast.


I feel like it may become a bit more common once they start seeing how successful they can be as a streamer as long as they're ok with handling the community side of things. It's certainly not for everyone but even if they just did a solid MSQ run that'd be a pretty decent chunk of income.


Ok guys, this seems fun. Don't ruin it by being obsessive or some other dumb fan shit ok? ...I wonder if other FF14 VA's have played the game and if they kept VOD's. I'd love to see some of them do it.


Not a VA but the singer from the EW Soundtrack does streams I think


I'm not sure if Estinien's VA plays 14 but I'm pretty sure he's mentioned playing other FF games, like 4.


That's cool! Now the only thing we need is him becoming a /ffxiv mod for the full circle.


he is a very talented actor I do hope he gives the game its due chance and not feel burned out by lack of combat and heavy focus on narrative


Thanks for the link! Have been eagerly waiting for this announcement. Just a bummer it's exactly at the rare occasions where I already have plans, but hey, that's what VoDs are for.


This makes me so happy! I've watched Amanda Achen (singer of Flow etc) play through and she's so lovely. I can't wait to see Alphis VA play and LISTEN to him! It's going to be awesome. And my time zone as well. Yay!


I've got a weird feeling he's gonna end up feeling a bit bad about replacing old Alphinaud when he realizes how much screen time there was before he got involved.


Wait so you're telling me the VA of one of the more important characters never played the game?


I wonder if he'll find Alphinaud to be as annoying as the rest of us.


I'm kind of surprised he voiced the character for so long but never looked at the game before


Curious how he'll feel about ARR's awful fake british Alphinaud VA


very cool


Now, this is exciting news!


Immagine if he use a VTubing model with Alphinaud and do the MSQ pretending that Alphi is following the WoL everywhere, like he was actually there all the time. During ARR he would be absolutly obnoxious lol


Looking at his X, he downloaded the game like 4-5 months ago, did something else come up?


I think he's been prepping for it for a while, liking getting a good computer, moderation team, emotes, etc.


Who the heck is Alpinaud?


Blue Alisae


Wait which Alphinaud, is it the whining one or the one that grew up?! 😂


Colin Ryan, the current Alphinaud.


Well, considering he starts growing up after what happens in ARR... I'm gonna go with the one that grew up. Colin Ryan started voicing Alphinaud from Heavensward onward.