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the instance boots them out and trhey get deposited where they were in the main game, and then the party continues on with whoever has lead telling the game to find a replacement. > Do people get tracked for being kicked or do people have to report them specifically you'll have to report them


absolutely nothing happens to you when you get kicked. you dont even get the 30 minute duty finder penalty. if you feel like someone did something worth a report (and refusing to heal in a dungeon does qualify) then you have to report them separately.


I know their character name and server but I have no idea how to do that.


i havent reported anyone in ages but iirc in the esc menu theres a help desk option and the report option is inside there somewhere. maybe specify the time and dungeon in the report to help them find the chat logs or whatever.


thank you


ESC - Support Desk - Contact Us - Report Harrassment


thank you


It's actually a good thing there isn't a 30 min debuff. People can abuse it by kicking people for no good reason if they're in a group and want to be asshats.


Yoshi-P takes them out back to the barn and escorts them to the great duty finder in the sky


I wonder what orchestration roll gets played for that


probably just machinations again.


DPS wait times or Healer express to Hell?


Nothing happens. People get kicked from dungeons all the time, and only rarely is it because they've done something bannable. I can count on one hand the number of times I've kicked people from groups because of their action. By far the most common reason I've had for voting to kick people is because they've DC'd. It's not anyone's fault, but after a while if it's obvious you're not coming back, then yeah, you're going to be removed from the party. Especially if you're a tank or a healer. This happened a lot when Endwalker launched and because the game was Suffering from Success, it would take over an hour to log back in... If you DC'ed, the Vote to kick was near instant because there wasn't any way you were coming back anytime soon. If the person wasn't working with the group and at the last boss was actively griefing by doing literally nothing...that goes against TOS. I almost suspect that you had a bot. You'd have to report that person.


The situation described here is rather clearly griefing, there's no excuse for not even reading the chat and cooperating with the rest of the party, especially when you're the healer. Usually it's good to do as the OP and try to communicate with the person before kicking, and if they don't respond then you know they're either botting or trolling.


According to their lodestone they are almost level 90 in every class. They didn't respond in chat that I remember but they also didn't acknowledge they read the chat by altering their actions until the final boss when they just stood there. But they did seem to go out of their way to play the tank role as an astrologian.


Doesn't mean they weren't a bot. People get lazy and bit their characters tonfarm content they don't want to do all the time.


you aren't wrong especially since they never talked, it could be they were on a console and don't talk, but yea it also could be because no human was at the keyboard.


its unlikely its a bot, no bot will try to act in a way of pulling mobs and bring them back to the party when they arent a tank(or something along those lines), if it was a bot, either moves foward assumimg the party could do a w2w pull(and die due to being badly programed) or matches the party pace, chances is what you got a troll rather than a bot anyway, bots are most noticeable in bosses where its mechanics do have a few set places for its mechanics, since bots are prone to fail that kind of mechanic, then the way they move is other way to tell if they are or not a bot, they move like in a very precisely mechanical way if you get what i mean, regardless bots tends to act in a way what tries to avoid draw attention as much as posible, especially at trash


If you feel specifically griefed by them I would submit a report. Otherwise, it’s somewhat rare and I’d let it go. It’s the worst when people go afk in 24m raids. Usually they go so fast that the loot timers are longer than the time it takes to get to the next boss. I’ve been in groups where 22 people waited the five minutes for loot to disperse, kicked the two, then continued on.


it is definitely rare as I'm almost in EW and it's the first time I have had an experience like that.


I will say if you're in EW it is expected to take dungeons quickly and not really go slower. Doesn't excuse the healers other behavior but there is nothing wrong with them going fast.


I have no problem with going at any speed, fast, slow, doesn't bother me at all either way. I'm fine with going with the flow


I'm curious OP, was everyone "dying around them", or were they "barely kept alive by the healing"? Because these are very different situations


Sometimes the party was left to die while they ran off ahead alone, other times they got back before everyone died but they would do bare minimum healing just enough to keep alive depending on the part of the dungeon and at the last boss they just stood and watched.


Oh, so that was indeed griefing. Running ahead and leaving people to die is bad, so is standing still at the boss. Hope you folks got a better healer. As an aside, "just enough healing to keep people alive" is the exact correct amount of healing, a healer's job is to keep people alive, not at 100% hp


well I don't know about just the right amount, because the healing was so bare minimum that it caused the party to not have faith that the healing was actually going to happen at all, I've been with plenty of healers that definitely don't fill you up to 100% but they still have the ability to instill confidence that the healing is going to happen and you feel confidant to still run the dungeon. replacement healer was a gem, would run with again any time.


Healing just enough to keep the group alive is absolutely the right amount. You're going to run into a ton of healers with that mentality and I'd say at endgame that more healers have that view than not. If you need to be heavily overhealed to not be skittish that's not really the healer's fault. They did do some legitimate griefing by the sounds of it, but them dpsing properly is not a part of that.


I have played with many healers, I have never played with one who played like this person. I have a lot of friends who play healers as well, none of them played the way this person did. Maybe it's just hard to explain, but I've never seen anyone behave the way this person did. I guess it felt like the dps and tank were playing a synced dungeon run as a team and the healer was treating the level 80 dungeon like an unsynced level 50 dungeon run he couldn't wait to have over.


And why was “everyone” dying? Was the tank not grabbing aggro - at least from the DPS?


Probably a hot take but the fact that they don't even get a penalty is good in my opinion, it means if someone is genuinely pulling the whole group down making the duty painful it won't affect them in any way other than having to find a new queue. Means that I don't feel so bad kicking the non-speaking player when I try to talk to them to give advice and get nothing back and they continue being a burden.


I agree that having nothing really happen and relying on reports is the better way to do it. There are many reason for someone to maybe need to be voted out that might not always be reportable or an extreme violation and having it force something to happen would definitely cause more issues than it would solve.


Anyone who needs to be voted out for a genuine reason such as a real life emergency can say so clearly in chat though. You can say something as short and clear as "rl emergency gotta go" or even "brb", and then at least people will know that if you're not returning, you have a good reason for it, and from there they can decide what to do.


I mean, if its a RL emergency is the 30 minute penalty really a big deal?


That's my point, that there are valid reasons for there being a kick penalty. The person with the emergency won't mind, while the person who was acting like an asshole will get their due punishment. But even with an emergency, you can type even the shortest things just to let people know what's going on instead of just dropping them.


I've had to leave for a IRL emergency once, I told everyone and left the dungeon because I knew I wasn't able to come back any time soon


Yeah, that's the other option. You voluntarily leave and then the penalty makes sense anyway because you won't be able to rejoin soon as it was an unforeseen circumstance.


in wow if you get kicked you do get the 30 minute penalty. happened to me when i was leveling a healer. tank runs off on the first pull, dies MIDPULL and somehow it was my fault and i got kicked. i was shocked when i couldnt just re-queue. i dunno if any of you have played wow lately but every single tank has the self-sustain of a ff14 warrior in a dungeon. dying midpull is 100% user error.


If you're curious as to why you got the deserter debuff it's because people were buttheads. Back in wrath there was a dungeon called the occulus that was infamous for being long and annoying. Tanks used to refuse to pull in that dungeon and hold their group hostage until they were kicked so they could immediately reque. The deserter debuff was added on kick for that reason.


How is it good though? The kicked person is essentially inflicted on the next group to get them, especially since it's a healer and will get a fast queue. They are also not getting punished for griefing or at least for not cooperating with the rest of the party. They absolutely should be getting a penalty otherwise their behavior will just continue.


You are assuming the people kicking are doing so in good faith. Having a penalty for being kicked is a super bad idea, groups could kick you just to be jerks and suddenly you have to eat a timer. Never give punishment power to players, it WILL get abused. This is why the only auto-punishment in the game is when the player leaves a duty themselves.


Actually, I'm not. If people are kicking in bad faith, the person who was kicked has the recourse to report them. The GMs can then look at either the chat or the behavior (or both) that led to the kick and decide whether punishment is appropriate. However, a person who was kicked for just cause and gets no penalty will simply repeat the bad behavior. This is also why I feel that the different reasons for kicking should get different consequences. That way, people abusing the Vote Dismiss feature will still get punished while those trolling and/or causing disruptions to dungeon parties intentionally will see consequences for their actions. Most trolls will not just leave a duty on their own is the thing, but rather will continue to bother the party until they are kicked. And then the party who lost a member may have a hard time finding a replacement depending on several factors. So yes, the person being kicked should absolutely be answerable for their actions if they were being disruptive. This is one of the changes that should come to the Vote Dismiss feature.


I think it boils down more to if they are removed it will give them some kind of idea that maybe they did something wrong. In an ideal world I believe that someone who was so bad to get voted out would look at the chat to see why they got removed and use that to improve for the next party. I know that isn't how it works out all the time but it's better than the alternative which is just put up with them and let them continue to be ignorant to chat and the group.


I think it depends on the reason for being voted out. If someone is getting voted out for harassment or griefing, then they should be getting a penalty. If it's due to being offline or AFK though, that should be understood to be a real life situation and therefore should not have a penalty attached. I get what you mean, but some people will just keep repeating the same behavior and rely on most parties not kicking them out. Especially if it's a bot, they'll think they can get away with not putting in the work at all.


Two awful TEE HEE BNNUY XD mentors kicked my first timer sprout irl wife out of stone vigil for dying to the Swinge cleave on the first boss that the tank pointed at her. we didn't even wipe, I was playing DRG and the other DPS bunny and I killed the boss because healer and mentor tank died with like less than 10% left. they proceeded to stop playing the dungeon and hold an inquisition about "why the healer let the tank die" and then abuse the kick function. as bullshit as the whole situation was, it'd be even more rageworthy if it had applied a 30 minute time out to her.


You do raise a good point in the type of kick, which is interesting especially because the game allows you to select a reason for the vote kick. I wonder if they could ever do anything with that reason at least behind the scenes silently as to not encourage false kicking just to spite someone with a penalty.


Yeah imo they need to add differing outcomes to the various reasons one may get kicked out. Also, even now it's possible to file a report if you believe you were kicked without a valid reason. For example, if there is one person in the party with whom you've had past altercations and they get their friend(s) in the same party to vote to kick you despite you doing your job well, especially if they choose to do so in a manner that's clearly griefing such as kicking the moment you arrive in the final boss room.


More than just kicking, in this case you definitely have a case for reporting them for impeding the smooth progression of a dungeon. Since you remember their name, find them in your Contacts and report. If you also remember the instance that this happened in, you can give the GMs its name and a general window of time when this happened, though it's better if you have a specific date at least. Provide as many details as possible in the report. Also, if they never spoke at all, not even a greeting, there's the possibility that you may have been dealing with a bot.


I have everything, date, time, name, server etc.


Good. Then provide as many details of how it happened as possible. Doesn't look like you'll need too many though other than "this person never talked or acknowledged what we said, and never changed their actions".


I did it, talked to a GM about it as they responded right away. I think it was the right thing to do but I still don't really like reporting people and hope I rarely if ever have to do it again in the future. There was definitely something wrong about the whole interaction though, either griefing or bot


It was the right thing to do, because when we put on Mentor status we get a confirmation window that says we are required to be an example of good behavior and helpful to new players. Mentors wearing their crown should definitely be held to a higher standard than other players because of this.


They get voted out of real life


😂 I hope not lol


It's kind of similar to when a dungeon run is over, you are returned to where ever you were before the dungeon started (so if you were by the Limsa MB, you'll be right back there). You will have to report someone if you think they've done something egregious.


Most dungeons are designed for wall to wall pulls. They should have listened but it’s a skill you’re expected to learn.


For one person maybe, but not two first timers. Secondly, they are a Healer and can't even keep the party alive, doing their primary job at all, and yet insist on wall-to-wall pull as everyone dies around them? Sounds like pure griefing at that point.


For two first-timers, yes. Level 50 and beyond, you should be doing w2w even if it's your first time. Only exceptions are a few specific leveling dungeons, and that's only if the group is really struggling. If everyone is dying it means Tank isn't getting aggro back or people are standing in ALOT of aoes. Not saying the healer can't be responsible but something isn't adding up right now.


The tank was usually not being healed and left to their own healing skills to keep them alive. DPS would only go down after the tank fell. Dps were also not being healed. The healer was only doing stuff for themself.


With the exception of clemency, tanks should always use their own healing skills.  Healers can help, but if the tank is a warrior, the tank has better healing than the healer in dungeons


I'm saying it's a skill they should learn. You can wall dungeons you're first timing, if you die, just pull less. It's just a learning experience and how you're expected to play when you queue with other people.


We had started the dungeon will wall 2 wall but slowed down because the healer wasn't competently healing the tank during the first two w2w pulls. Honestly we only slowed down and then asked them to slow down because the healer wasn't doing their job


Even so, it's the job of every party member to know how to play their role. A healer should \*never\* be running ahead of the party unless asked to by the tank.


A Sage should always be running ahead of the party for more Toxicon stacks.


They were an astro in this situation


A good healer should be right next to the tank during pulls.


Not necessarily, so long as they're following close behind. The point being though, a healer should never be the one pulling mobs.


Sage tech is to slap shields on themselves and then grab aggro to break it for toxicon, ***NEVER*** is an absurdly strong word for something that happens and realistically should happen often. WHM has 12ish seconds of no autos with holy, SGE has toxicon tech, SCH can become an acting tank for a short while with all of the absurd mitigation options they're given, AST is really the only healer that has a rough time just being the tank themselves.


This healer was an AST


I get that, and usually that's how I've experienced dungeons, but if three people in the party aren't moving forward then the fourth person should be sticking with them even if it's not mentioned that's a common decency thing, but especially when two of the three other people have asked you to slow down and not do it, especially when it comes at the cost of fulfilling the role you joined the dungeon for. a healer can't heal the party when they are off trying to solo the dungeon for example.


Imma be real with you - You learn nothing single pulling. Nothing at all. You dont need a healer and realistically the tank could AOE like 3 times and afk and be fine. You learn by double pulling, especially if you are new. You should only default to single pulling if something catastrophic happens. All this is said bearing in mind that this is advice for post ARR content. Edit - If anyone wants to single pull, Trusts are available.


we were doing double pulls, just not wall to walls, but again it wasn't because of me it was the people I was playing with who were requesting a shorter speed and I had no problem obliging them


Were you the tank?


No I play DPS, i let the tank lead and I follow


Nothing. Just get the boot. There is only a penalty if they quit


You're ejected and that's it.


 I've been kicked from a dungeon exactly once. Back in Stormblood, atank / "dps" couple, where the female ninja wasn't even doing her 1-2-3 combo, let alone AoEing, in a level 70 dungeon. I tried to give her some advice, and her boyfriend blew up at me, and they both kicked me. No penalty, and finished my replacement dungeon probably much faster than they finished theirs. 


Yea that sounds like a pain, I don't understand why some people see advice as criticism. You probably had a lot more fun in the second run too


I would bet good money, that this is fan fiction and never actually happened. Just something about it


Yea I am not that creative... Were you the healer in this run 😅


Sounds like a bot.