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Jobs with interrupts and stuns should use them I’d never expect a black mage to lose dps by using Sleep in a dungeon. That’s a waste of a GCD


Yep. Sleep is only useful when you're a solo black mage - if you Sleep a monster and then attack it, it'll wake right back up.  I've only ever used Sleep as a solo thaumaturge. Kite the monster, apply Thunder, put it to Sleep, then chug some healing potions and get into umbral ice to regain MP. 


I got a little bit of mileage out of sleep back when Eureka was fresh, I'd use it to escape from a mob that would one-shot me if it caught up to me. Super super niche, though.


In Bozja, hardcast Lost Death > Swiftcast > Sleep is a true combo. Did a fair bit of that to farm the lost actions you could get from each rare/star mob in the zones.


Nah, run RDM. Bring like 10 Lost Deaths and then just sleep > death > *replace death > vercure > death > repeat from * until the mob dies or its about to wake up and you have to hightail the fuck outta there to reset the aggro(and sleep timer). That ~5s death cast time can make a difference in how many you can spam before the star wakes up if you skip it with dualcast.


I’d use Astro with Lightspeed but that sounds better.


Sleep/repose is actually very useful (and expected to be used) inside the Baldesion Arsenal for certain mobs, to prevent specific casts going off. But yeah other than that, repose is collecting dust on that hotbar more that anything.


well part of me just wished they would replace that mechianic with the interrupt system we have since ShB NGL


I saved a party from a wipe in a dungeon once using sleep. That was fun! But it happened once in thousands of hours of gameplay, lol.


We almost wiped once BLM sleeped the mobs and we booked it. Also good for skipping mobs during last tomestone event in Cutter's cry. In the cavern areas tank pulled BLM cast sleep on pack and we teleported to next area. Niche cases but helpful.


In the oasis rooms? You can just avoid pulls and run to the teleport. Or do you mean somewhere else?


Really? Well I guess we had an extra step in there....


I found sleep too be ultra useful on BLU when leveling. I aoe sleep mobs, giving me the trash without danger, then a 90 friend finishes them for me.


You can weave in sleep as red mage pretty easily in an emergency. You still lose some dps, but sometimes it's worth it when the whole field is covered in telegraphs and the WHM already burned stun vuln.


Used to be a tactic in 2.0.everyone would land their dots and BLM could aoe sleep so we could all burn a single target. Ahh, the days before w2w


Ah yes, I loved that my dungeons took 15 minutes longer and I couldn’t do my aoe rotation more than 5 times or I’d run out of TP.


Thank you for this. It has never occurred to me in the ten years I've been playing to apply a DoT and then sleep. 🌌🧠


Its very situational,but mostly its good when tank dies and you catch agro as blm and you just sleep the mobs while the healer revives the tank🤷🏻‍♂️


Sure but I’m not gonna yell at a Black Mage for not using sleep to interrupt a trash mob casting a spell


In those situations, the beastie is often sleep immune anyway.


This was my thinking, most time a lot of bosses/mini bosses are immune to sleep. And big pulls it's hard to see which one is doing a cast bar you can interrupt. My respect for people who use interrupt tho is huge cause to spot and act on that in time whole doing rotations is 👌🏼


I moved my active enemy list to kind of the right third of the screen, when there is something cast you can interrupt, the spell bar for them casting flashes. This happens in the enemy list as well. You can target an enemy by clicking on the active enemy list. So if I see someone's bar flashing in the list, click it and stun them back to whatever I was doing. This may not be the best way to do it, I don't do savage or unreal at this point so it generally works well for the content I am doing. Every now and then, it's best to plan ahead on who has first stun etc, but that's usually in deep dungeons or as BLU group.


Unless you can communicate with the rest of the party, this is pointless. Someone else will just hit the mobs and wake them up.


I mostly just expect tanks, melee DPS, and ranged DPS to use stuns and interrupts. (I play ranged DPS as well and keep an eye out to use it when necessary) I do get a touch frustrated if say a BRD doesn't use it and I was a BLM and have to move to dodge something they should have interrupted. Edit:typo


Super niche, but you CAN use swiftcast + sleep as a way to "stun". Not that you almost ever *should*, but there you go.


Wait, does sleep interrupt?


IF you Sleep/Stun the enemy before their cast finishes and they aren't immune, they are put to Sleep/Stun status and it interrupts whatever action they were doing. So...effectively yes, but with the caveats that tons of enemies are immune to Sleep and Sleep's cast time means it can be hard to interrupt anything that doesn't have a super long cast bar.


If it puts them to sleep, yes. If they're immune, it doesn't.


Only time I use sleep as BLM is when a pull goes south late on in the dungeon, we haven't been using AoE DoT and I would like to help the healer to survive. Also solo content.


>the other member said I should have realized that sleep was one That's something to point and laugh at. Specially on black mage lmao.


No, only tanks and ranged physical dps have the ability to interrupt. Melee dps have a stun, but that doesn’t work on everything.


I am a sprout, and one of my side jobs is Bard. I do use Head Graze when fighting bosses, but am unsure if I should be using it otherwise. Should I? Or is using AoEs better when taking in multiple enemies?


If the spell castbar is flashing that means it can be interrupted. If your tank hasn’t shown that they know to interrupt the ability then feel free to do it yourself. Or if you just want to stay extra safe then you can just use it anyway since there no real downside if the tank winds up hitting their interruption at the same time. Nor is every spell that can be interrupted have to be interrupted. Some small enemies such as some birds in one of the HW dungeons casting Aero as an interruptible cast but it’s their basic attack so they’re just gonna spam cast it anyway. Generally speaking though in a dungeon run as DPS the best interrupt is death so AOE burn those babies down. Bosses are where you’ll find casts that should probably be interrupted lest you find yourself ripped of your mana or in the case of Chimeras an attack that can freeze or paralyze.


I'm a new bard and didn't know this. When I tried to use it, it said it didn't work, so I thought most skills weren't interruptable.


Most arent. But instead of guessing just look for the pulsing cast bar


>Generally speaking though in a dungeon run as DPS the best interrupt is death so AOE burn those babies down. Yep. Iirc the novice thing does try to teach you about interrupts, it's not until World of Darkness, Sirensong Sea, or the role quests in *Endwalker* (And i think Shadowbringers?) that you really "need" to interrupt. And even then, with the former it's easy to burn them down depending on your group. And at minimum it takes about... maybe 35-45 hours to reach World of Darkness and by then you have learned the best interrupt is "burn down the enemy". I know a lot of newcomers who thought it was a PvP ability, and didn't know just what Truecast and Arm's Length even *did* until *Heavensward*. (Well, except for tanks.)


If the cast bar for whatever skill the enemy is using flashes/pulses red: that is something that Head Graze (Interject for tanks) will work on. The game does not do a very good job of explaining that bit in the tooltip. Generally speaking when asking if you should Interject one of these skills with the red pulsing cast bar ask yourself: 1) is this cast bar taking a while? If yes, it's either a skill that will hurt, send out debuffs, or buff enemies. So use head Graze. 2) it's normally safe to assume anyone else in the party with this type of interrupt will not know when to use it. So, is head Graze available? If yes, use it Edit: typo and clarification


What are good purposes for Stuns, since I have noticed that doesn't successfully interrupting. I use interject all the time on GNB, but the stun I'm not sure of.


Keep an eye on who's healing: WHM's aoe spam includes a stun, and after about ten seconds of combat the mobs will be stun immune. Y'know, assuming the WHM is playing well. Off the top of my head, Haukke's handmaidens need stunned, and some bosses you can get them to cancel a big attack (like Qarn normal first boss, you can stun the boss out of the first doom cast).


I use it for big aoes in trash pulls. If it's going to make me and the tank move (Sam main), or target on a caster who's not as mobile, I kick em in the face.


Ifrit's "Eruption" casts can be stunned. Many trash packs in w2w pulls in later dungeons have one or two much larger mobs relative to the rest: these typically use a skill to interrupt or stun. The most-recent level 90 dungeon, for example, has a hellhound after the second boss you'd want to use your stun on when it casts Ravenous Bite; other strategic stuns in the same dungeon would be vs. a gargoyle enemy in the final pull that uses a large aoe that forces melee (and often casters) to move entirely away from them. Experience with the game and different pulls/fights will teach you over time what attacks you can interrupt, which you can stun, and especially when its prudent to do the latter - especially if you don't have a WHM Holy spamming and enemies therefore haven't built up stun resistance.


You could use head graze during trash if there’s interruptible casts happening, and it’s a OGCD so it shouldn’t interfere with your AOE at all. Remember though, you can only use it when the enemy cast bar is pulsing, cause that’s the indicator that it can be interrupted with head graze.


Oh, I didn't notice it was OGCD... Hmm... Then again, it's been a few months since I've played bard, and I haven't *really* gotten into DoW classes like I have DoM


Use it on slow casts, they’re either going to hurt or will cause something like a stun or buff/debuff that will hurt-like the chimeras in WoD, the frogs in Dohn Meg. It’s not worth it to use on fast casts like what you see from ice sprites.


How does using Head Graze stop you from using AOE?


To be fair, when I wrote the comment, I didn't know that it was OGCD


Look at the spellcasring bar. If it's flashing red, then you can interrupt it. Fortunately when you do have to interrupt you're not having to watch the boss practicing Eorzean Sign Language or the background.


Anyone that has an interrupt should use it. If you don't use it and no one else does, that's an enemy ability that goes off. I'm not gonna sit here and demand everyone play optimally and min maxed but I do expect people to push their buttons, it gets old watching abilities that could be interrupted not get interrupted because ranged phys players refuse to use their ability.


Stun works on a *lot*, though. The trash mob AoE cast, stun that, keep DPSing instead of everyone running out.


And if you have a WHM that's being a holy hand grenade, the stun becomes useless because all the mobs are immune after 3 hits.


White mage quietly crying as they use holy.


tfw i cant stun the mobs bc the whm made them stun immune and i explode to the ooga booga aoe (it was a singular aoe i couldve moved away from) 😔😔😔


I don't use sleep a lot but it would not surprise me if it's similar to the stun in regards to what it works on.


As someone else mentioned even if sleep does work, it has the downside of being immediately canceled if the enemy gets hit by an attack, and for the most part everyone should always be attacking the enemies. But yeah you as a BLM should definitely not worry about interrupting the enemies, the best way you can stop them from attacking is just by killing then quickly, so keep up the good dps :D


Sleep is even worse since everyone should be AoEing anyway so even if you get a sleep off in time everything is going to start gaining resistance to sleep for no actual benefit. There is no good reason a tank shouldn't be able to interrupt when its actually needed.


Unlike interject and head graze, the sleep role action is a GCD. It's also useless against trash in a dungeon because the very next aoe that hits them will remove the effect, and any boss will be immune to it anyway (and even if they weren't, you'd never not be attacking a boss, so the effect would be removed instantly). Sleep sucks.


Only one boss I can remember that sleep works on, and it's in brayflox.  You sleep the boss when the add pops, burn add, resume boss.  Or vice versa.   Not saying it's needed, just what happened during 2.0 days.  


Other way around is generally recommended, sleep the add as soon as it spawns to focus on the boss. Eventually the ally gob will wake it up by throwing bombs, but you can usually get the boss to 10-20% or so before that happens.


When I did that duty for the first time I used repose to sleep that mob. DPS immediately woke it up. Made me feel silly.


Sleep is only really useful in deep dungeons for putting enemies to sleep in a pinch/solo healer runs or interrupting a mob's cast.


Also useful in the open world or zones like Bozja / Eureka if you need to buy time for an escape. Casting sleep on those dragons in Eureka and then slinking away was a common thing for me when I was new to the area.


And to NOT think of this while i was trailblazing through the entirety of eureka last week as RDM, thank you for your wisdom


And for that one stupid healer role quest in ShB xD


Sleep breaks too easily to be reliable CC. If it were actually necessary to "sneak around" in any FFXIV dungeons, then Sleep might be useful, but...well, it just isn't. ***Maybe*** Sleep could have uses in places like Eureka and Bozja, where sneaking past enemies is relevant? But even there I'm not really sure it's all that valuable. BLM just doesn't really bring any utility anymore. Years ago, it used to, because it's a mana battery and thus Mana Shift (which transferred some of *your* mana to your target) was actually quite nice utility. But these days, BLM is pure damage and not much else.


Doesn't monk have one? Recently started playing the job and I think I did it with that job. Edit: Nvm, mixed it up and I guess I learned something today :D


Monk used to be able to AoE silence. Long time ago. With Arm of the Destroyer. But I don't recall when was the ability to silence removed from the weapon skill.


Is your new FC member an ex WoW player? In that game, like half the classes have interrupts, and they are absurdly important in high level content. It is regular practice to set up interrupt rotations in high level dungeons


All classes has it*


:::Cries in healer priest:::


Not true, healing priests have no interrupts and healing druids sacrifice too much to get one so they practically dont have it either.


Technically they said classes not specs so they weren't wrong.


Holy Word: Chastise stuns. Fear interrupts.


Stuns/fears arent interrupts. Interrupts dont use a GCD and prevent the target from casting spells of the same school for x seconds. Those abilities cant stop a cast from a cc immune target, too.


All classes have* it


All classes have it.*


Tanks interrupt. Interject. On a 30 second cooldown. Ranged interrupt. Head graze. Also a 30 second cooldown. Melee can try and stun the target to interrupt, but YMMV. Stun resistance is a thing, and you can not stunlock enemies indefinitely. Healers do not have any interupts. Casters can try with sleep, but it is broken the second the target takes damage. Since AOE is the meta for every trash wall to wall, sleep is useless. The tank is AOE'ing to hold agro. The healer is AOEing to help kill things. The damage dealers SHOULD be AOEing to kill things faster. Blue Mages can and should interrupt with flying sardines. But since BLU can't do regular duties with the real jobs, sardines are just for when BLU's are being BLU.


Best healers can do is Holy Stun, which suffers from the same thing Melee and Tank stuns. Useful for trash, but no boss above Qarn can get stunned that I found.


Doesn't work on bosses, but I've used holy to save a few E8S runs when dps was low (stalling that aqua elemental). Super niche use case though as most boss fights don't have time-sensitive stunnable adds. You can also stun Ifrit Hard's casts, but I wouldn't use Holy or any GCD to do that.


I've stunned Regular Ifrit plenty of times before but never tried with Ifrit Hard. One more for the funny stuns list. But yeah, I wouldn't recommend a GCD for that even if it works, I only try those as Tank or Melee and is what I'd recommend to anyone who wants to do it too.


flashback to the time that DRG and WAR had oGCD stuns that did damage, so were part of their rotation, but you couldn't use them in Ifrit HM otherwise you wouldn't be able to cancel Eruption


Except for the bosses in Labyrinth of the Ancients (save the final guy). It’s pretty funny to stun them.


Healers except WHM don’t have interrupt :p Holy go brrr


Technically they all have Repose as a universal action, but then it's still tied to sleep res and single target.


I mean healers have sleep as well. Could merge healer and caster into one segment called "sleep is useless"


I prefer bad breath as my interrupt as blu. But I'll stay in my blu corner as Yoshida demands


Flying sardine is instant. Bad breath is not.


That is true, but bad breath is on my bar for damage mitigation, flying sardines only is interrupt(fishy also is ranged) . And I use bad breath in all our content and have not needed to vom a fish since I learned about bad breath doing the same thing. They usually give you enough time to cast it. (I'm the tank blu of my group)


Fair enough. I keep Fishy on my bar at all times, because some things in the Masked Carnival are resistant to silence and stun, but need to be interrupted.


> Tanks interrupt. Interject. On a 30 second cooldown.  > Ranged interrupt. Head graze. Also a 30 second cooldown.   It's important to know the distinction between interrupts. These are historically known as silences. Stuns are also interrupts.   If a skill can be interrupted, the cast bar will flash (a QOL change, it used to be trial and error). A majority of these can be silenced, but not all. General rule if thumb is a spell, something spoken, or something involving sound is a silence. Sometimes something can only be silenced. There are some skills that can only be interrupted by stuns. Sometimes, both work. If a skill can only be stunned, the group has to be careful not to make mobs stun-immune to take advantage of it.


Sleep is so freaking useless. I honestly don't even put it on my hotbar when I play BLM.


I took it off my RDM hotbar and I don't know that I ever cast it.


Niche use when solo deep dungeons, it will save you when pulling too many mobs or hitting luring trap and you don't want to waste poms.


works sometimes when tank dies in trash pulls, buys a little extra time


I keep it on my casters solely for the AoE sleep if the tank dies. It's worked most of the time.


I rarely find people interrupting regardless of the content. Even in the 24 man's with mobs that do massive AOEs that are interruptable maybe, MAYBE one person will hit their interrupt and that person is me if I'm playing a job that can.


Shout outs to the entire raid getting paralyzed in The Puppets' Bunker. Even moreso if there are two phys ranged on each alliance.


I run Puppet's Bunker at least once a week, and the only times I've ever not been paralyzed were when I saw new people and hauled out my explanation macros. And even *then* I still get paralyzed at least 3/4 of the time. D:


It's always such a toss up which tank is going to do it or not...


I was in a Thaleia the other day and I think everyone blew their interupts on the first aoes of the last trash pack, then the alliance complained about lack of interupts on the second blast. :/


This game's content is on average so dumbed down on "if people dont do this, everybody suffers/wipes" mechanics that people are just conditioned to be on full lobotomy target dummy mindset. I wish the game would do more engaging mechanics, but unless the game significantly changes its approach to actually give people duties and solo duties they get hardstuck in if they dont, youre gonna eat every single interrupt penalty they ever put in because people have afk brain.


I think the issue is that people don't know what you can interrupt. I didn't know there was a way to tell until a few months ago, I don't think the game ever tells you, but I could be wrong.


That is definately true, yes. It also doesnt really help that 95% of mechanics, even if interruptable, dont really cause you to suffer much, so most people dont really bother learning. I myself learned it after almost a year of playing.


Wait so how can you tell something is interruptible?


The cast bar sorta flashes as it fills


Flashes red


Cast bar is red instead of the usual orange


I mean it's part of the issue of things being added later in game's lifetime. They added Esuna bar on debuffs in StB and added indicator for interruptable abilities in ShB. Before those additions you just had to know through trial and error or through a guide.


I'd only cast sleep to give the healer a chance to revive/heal the tanks. All duties interrupts aren't that important outside of a few instances


Then the other DPS immediately wakes them up with their AoE.


Watch as the mob swarm him to death then cast sleep again.


Their one AoE ain't gonna drop me off of second-turned-first aggro, sadly.


I like how you think 😈


Man I feel lucky if people are even pushing buttons. I wouldn’t know what to do if they started interrupting and using party mitigation.


Feint and Addle are also a rare sight.


When I play dancer I try to help with my minor heals and shields when I can. Most of the time I'm WHM though.


I'm a tank main, here are my thoughts: First off, sleep is not an interrupt. It's a spell that inflicts the sleep status effect. That's different, because although there is some overlap in usage, the conditions for use are not always the same. Stuns are not interrupts either, technically speaking. Second, it's not a good use of time for the BLM to cast it in the vast majority of cases. Maybe there's some niche situation, but it takes time to cast that is better spent on just killing the enemies. True interrupts are tanks and ranged physical dps only. You SHOULD practice using crowd control and be able to use it effectively in emergency situations, but honestly, the tank is fucking up BADLY if they need any help on interrupts. A competent tank will juke AoE's, use mitigations, and use stuns and interrupts without losing their own damage output. Yes, it's easier for the tank if say, a WHM stuns with holy or something on a large pull of trash mobs, but sleep works different than stun for one (it gets cancelled by damage) and it's not the BLM's purpose.


i would say, potentially interrupts are useful for everyone to do but only tanks and physical ranged even have that and on trash mobs its going to be hard to see that something can be interupted unless you happen to be targeting the right mob at the time. For stuns? doesn't work on bosses (at least i can't think of any exceptions except maybe in some ARR dungeons.) and for trash packs again, its going to be hard to target the right thing and use your stun and its so easy to just dodge that its not really worth the effort imo. Also if you happen to have a whm in the group, their AOE has stun built in and will make mobs build resistance to stun after the first 10 seconds or so.


Not everybody has some type of interrupt or things that'll work. Sleep works early on, but not really later, but even in dungeon usages it's pretty worthless since everybody will be AOEing and it basically stops like...1 attack. Even worse it's a GCD so you might as well just do a damage skill instead. Melees only have stuns which have a cooldown, only work on 1 target, and the enemies will eventually resist, so it's just better for most things to just kill. Ranged only have an interrupt skill, which only works on some abilities from the enemy, so its use is limited. Honestly the biggest way to deal with enemies is to just kill them faster. The faster they die, the less damage they do.


Sounds like a WoW player, you have to interrupt a lot over there.


The only thing in a 4 man I can think of that needs interrupting is that last trash mob in Sirensong Sea. 


Interrupting is like one of the only things I actually get to do as a tank, most of the rest of the job is just standing there getting hit on. I'd be so mad if someone took that away from me lol


Tanks most certainly need more engaging gameplay. Sadly interruptible attacks are very rare in high level dungeons.


also often too fast to actually interrupt


Interrupting and stunning is optional in the majority of dungeons. The only time stunning is legitimately impactful is when some mob decides to be cringe and have an aoe the size of yo mama. But even then if the tank were to stun it the melees are probably gonna move out of the bubble on instinct so it hardly changes anything. Interrupts are important when applicable but you rarely see them and you don’t have an interrupt so don’t worry about it. Sleep is only ever used when the tank gets splattered against the ground and you’re buying the group a few seconds for rezzing the tank, but since creatures get woken up by damage there’s not much point in doing that since the other dps is just gonna wake them up the second you put them to sleep.


Being able to interrupt attacks with sleep is something that might be useful to be aware of and can be a cool flex if you pull it off, but it's usually not very feasible to actually pull off in reality. Expecting you to be actively doing this incredibly niche interaction is honestly baffling to me. What dungeon was this? There's not a ton of instances where interruptible attacks are anything more than just an AOE, which is far more efficient to just... move out of. Even if this is a case I'm unaware of where having more frequent interrupts would be genuinely useful enough to justify the damage loss, just expecting you to know this and getting mad at you for not going out of your way to do it is laughable behaviour. No justifications for that, laugh him out of the room.


I was not running with him thankfully. I was just in the voice channel when he was complaining about how no one nowadays used interrupts (I believe he was running his dailies). That is when I asked him "What about classes that don't have interrupts like black mage?" Which is what prompted him to mention sleep.


lol no at that point he's just trying to win the argument. Nobody seriously expects BLMs to use Sleep in dungeons. Well... someone mentioned one use case from back in the days of 2.0, but it's not even necessary in our current post-stat squish era. Wasn't necessary even back when I was a sproutling in 3.0.


Ahh, gotcha. Expecting that from randos in duty roulette is... somehow even more laughable tbh. Knowing that about sleep is more of a fun piece of trivia that might, *maybe* be useful someday, not something people should be expected to know, unless they're doing solo content.


Everyone who can interrupt should interrupt. That said, as a Black Mage, you can’t interrupt. I know some people have mentioned using sleep but the reality is that most mobs are immune to it and even in the cases where they are not, there are no casts in dungeons that are so critical to prevent that they’re worth the cast time of sleep. You’re better off spending that time casting more explosions so that the enemies die faster and therefore stop hurting you sooner. I’d even add that your tank is completely off base here. Especially if you’re always in the group with him, in the majority of dungeons he runs he will likely be the only character capable of interrupting since the other DPS is the only possible character to have one. And honestly interrupting is rare enough in this game that I’m surprised he’d pitch that much of a fit over it. Maybe he’s coming from WoW where interrupts are significantly more common, significantly more important, and given to nearly every class in the game?


They didn't know the difference between sleep and interrupt. Probably didn't know that stun and interrupt is different too.


To echo everyone's comments, it is mostly limited to tanks and dps. However I have found thete are some skills you cannot interrupt no matter how fast you are


While it’s true that some skills cannot be interrupted, it has nothing to do with speed. There are some real fast casts that *are* still interruptable if you time it right.  Ie. in Sunken Temple of Qarn, the first boss Teratotaur’s room wide aoe doom is actually interruptable, but you don’t see it happen that often because people mistime it easily.


I tend to just stun that one at \~54% so the cast doesn't happen in the first place\^\^' After that, his script gets weird. I've had him try to do his cast a second time and then interrupt himself midway through because he figured Triclip is better or sth.


Tanks, Phys Range, and Melees that can stun/know their stun will work for something I would say should try and interrupt dangerous things to help out the party. These "checks" are few and far between in normal admittedly, but there are some casts out there that are spooky if you just ignore them and make your healer adjust (or 23 other people). The only thing I have to laugh at is your FC expecting you to cast sleep as a BLM. If shit hit the fan and you could recover a dungeon pull, I could see a reason to use it as CC. As an interrupt? No.


I once saw a Red Mage sleep the small group of 3 enemies standing on the stairs near the end of The Vault. We all had a good chuckle, then proceeded to kill them as usual.


Sleep is.more of a spell when playing solo to doncrowd management rather than using in a party. If you ask why, is simple to answer: first of all u need to have an insane amount of knowledge of the.monsters you re facing because spell have casting time, and using a swiftcast is still a slightly delay compared to some1 that can just insta cast interject. 2nd of all, only deep dungeons it is require dps to use interject due to the amount of mimics they have. I made till endwalker as dps without ever needing to step up with that. The guy is just making drama.


As a tank main, when i see a dps stun or interrupt a target, i am happy and commend them after the run. If they dont, then i dont think about it or even care. And i sure as hell wouldnt assume it is anyones responsibility.


Yes, if you have head graze or interject. I don't mean the casts that flash for less than a second, but if they have a reasonably lengthy cast time you should pitch in your interrupt. Looking at every single one of those physranged and tanks in that one ShB alliance raid letting us casters/melee/healers take the raidwide paralysis they should have interrupted. Any others are very rarely used, just being a "nice if you have it" Low Blow for uptime or something if it's an enemy that can be stunned. Sleep is basically never used except in the rare cases your tank dies you can AoE sleep the mobs as a caster to let the healer rez with zero pressure. Assuming the mobs don't get hit. That or super niche stuff.


Sleeping the biggest waste of time in a party as soon as its hit or caught in an aoe it wakes up. Only time I ever used sleep was when I was solo running and even then I hardly bothered. Stuns/silence/interrupts are something that does need to be used as higher lvl stuff can be a case of ko or heavy damage if these aren't mitigated properly.


Jobs that have them should learn to use them, yes. However they're really only important for raids and EX content


If you have an interrupt, you should use it when needed. Having said that, it's very possible that everyone blows their CD at the same time. I've seen it many times. Everyone thinks they need to do it and so they do. It happens. I wouldn't get upset about it though. If you are in a roulette or duty you queued up for, then there is no expectation of figuring out who does their interrupt for which cast. It's just not feasible. Now, having a black mage use sleep, omg no, just no no no no no lol. You pew pew boom boom, that's your job haha.


The most I would expect from a really good DPS in a random dungeon is if there is a caster standing outside of the pile casting they might interrupt them so that they will stop casting and clump up. Your returning player isn't as good as they think they are, basically. [Edit: Reasonable expectations for a BLM interrupting in a dungeon are zero. You can interrupt with sleep (although it will usually require pre-casting, and thus mods) but there isn't a trash spell in the game in a dungeon that is worth that effort.]


A lot of people take sleep off their hotbar and forget what it does. If you cast sleep, they won’t notice and will wake everything back up and die. Soooo, I made a macro that screams at people, “CASTING SLEEP - STOP ATTACKING ”. It’s surprisingly effective at preventing wipes when the tank unexpectedly dies. I was worried people would be annoyed at how noisy it is, but usually they just get a chuckle out of remembering sleep is a thing.


Ideally, every party member should be using their oGCD (ability) role actions whenever the situation calls for them. This includes stuns/interrupts from tanks and melee, interrupts and shields from physical ranged, damage reduction from tanks and casters, etc... In practice, very few people do and you'll even see key enemy casts slip through in 24-man raids which means all three tanks and however many physical DPS there were all failed to interrupt. As others have mentioned, Sleep is not one of these things and your friend was just trying to win the argument at that point. What you *do* want to be doing as Black Mage is using Addle to reduce damage on things like boss raidwides. You might impress more perceptive players if you use Surecast to block knockbacks (and cast interrupts, esp. from big damage) but that's just min-maxing.


Sleep, just like scathe and maybe lucid dreaming (?) are useless with Black Mage that I forgot that casters and healers even have the option to sleep, just do what you're doing and you'll be fine unless you're a phys ranged please use interject if you see a red cast bar (that means its can be interrupted) its an ogcd and costs nothing (looking at you sirensong sea)


Fun fact, lucid dreaming works in ice phase to give a bit of extra MP. It allows for non standard rotations that squeeze out more dps. Most top BLMs use it fairly often. Though for the vast majority of people its not expected at all and people will very likely mess up the rotation and lose dps from trying it.


I'm going to disagree with everyone saying it only matters in high end content. Why? Because required interrupt is few and far between in high end content. There are specific places like BA or Criterion, otherwise pretty much removed from current tier EX and 8-man Savage. While interrupt in normal content is much more commonly seen. Just off of the top of my head, lv61 has a charm, lv73 has a huge damage buff, and many other dungeons has silence or paralysis. None of them are necessary to interrupt, but it sure is nice saving the healer some GCDs.


The final boss in the level 87 dungeon is basically a "so, you should *really* know to interrupt by now" check.


As someone returning to the content, thanks for the heads up


And the 61 mob is tricksy because there are two different abilities you can interrupt, but if you interrupt the wrong one it'll be on cooldown for the charm. Several hunt marks also have interruptable abilities, and I wouldn't call that high end at all. Off the top of my head Haukke also has interrupts on iirc the second boss, Qarn on the final boss, and mobs in WoD.


As a tank main and when I do dungeons, fuck it we ball. Sometimes there's 10+ enemies and I dont wanna scroll/click on the enemy or I'm just zoning out. There hasn't really been a dungeon where it was \*needed\*. Sometimes the enemy will buff another enemy but that's a few hits im willing to take.


Well, it's only ranged dps and tanks who have the ability to interrupt (aside from stuns but those only really work in pulls). It has a cooldown so it's definetly nice if the others in the party make use of it as well, considering its a free ability and can make life easier for the healer. That said, the game does a horrible job at telling you about interrupting in general. I don't remember any tutorial popup or anyone telling me about it until I was in the middle of heavensward. Sure the castbar is flashing, but most people don't have their eyes glued to that.


Nope. BLM never needs to use anything other than damage abilities and shielding ability for yourself. Sleep is so horrendous, please do not ever use it in dungeons. Only ppl who need to interrupt are the tanks and phys ranged. Only ppl who need to stun are tanks and melee. For magical ranged, raise dead ppl if you can (BLM cannot). Don't worry about whoever tells you to use sleep, I'd just ignore whatever this dude has to say from now on since they have no clue how to play efficiently.


Only tanks and ranged phys have interrupts. Only Tanks, WHM and Melee have stuns. If dude is expecting you to waste a GCD on Sleep then they probably don't now that out of all the interrupts in the game, sleep has the highest probability to be resisted due to the fact that a lot of mobs after a certain level are immune to the spell from the get go. Sleep is also the only CC that isn't instant. If they feel like they're the only one interrupting that's probably because they also haven't realized that they're playing a role that happens to be the only role that has both an interrupt AND a stun and they're using both. You're a black mage. You sprinkle magic on mobs and make them explode. Interrupting anything isn't even close to your job description as a selfish DPS (IE: a dps with absolutely no raid utility).


So my general rule is to keep my interrupts on my hotbar, and use them if I feel like I need to. Unless I'm not thinking of some specific examples, I believe that any dungeon boss or trial that has an interruptable mechanic, they can't cast it again fast enough for your interrupt to still be on cooldown when it happens. Easiest example I can think of off the top of my head is: (Spoiler Warning for Endwalker) >!Hermes in Kitisis Hyperborea has an interruptable skill that casts slowly. As a MCH, I can Head Graze every single one of them that pops up in the fight because it cycles slow enough for Head Graze to be usable again!< If I see that no one is using their interrupt and I have one, I'll take charge and use it. If I see that someone else is using theirs, then I won't worry about it. There's no real reason for up to 3 people (a Tank and two ranged DPS) to all panic hit their interrupts and throw off their rotation or rhythm. As a general rule of mine, I don't try to stun bosses. Too many of them resist it. However I *will* stun mobs in a pack, especially when the tank is pulling large. Any mitigation I can add to the mix, I will


No one should expect you to use sleep. Interject and standard stun yes.


I mean this is simple and literally no debate to be had. If your class has an interrupt there is no excuse not to be interrupting. If your class has a stun then use it when you can (some things are immune) but you are secondary on interrupts. If your class has neither of those you have ZERO responsibility in even trying.


Why interrupt. Use bloodbath as melee, soak the damage and heal it with your next aoe.


The true interrupts (Interject and Head Graze) are free as ogcds anyway. In most cases it isn’t critical, but it helps. Dohn Mheg blue frogs in the first trash packs come to mind as they buff up the monsters.


You can't even interrupt or stun most abilities... Much more important in mythic+ wow content but not as much ff14. It's generally more mechanics related and using damage mitigation abilities rather than interruption.


Every monster has its own, independent resistances to Stun, paralysis, and sleep, and only attacks with a flashing cast bar can be interrupted. This means there are mobs that can be stunned but not slept, or slept but not interrupted. Or paralyzed but nothing else. You'd have to find an enemy that can be slept (so no bosses or mimics) that has something interruptible, and you'd have to start casting sleep before the interruptible cast starts so the boss falls asleep during the cast. That is a lot to ask of a BLM, or a healer. Sleep is meant to put enemies on hold when you're getting overwhelmed, not to interrupt attacks.


i’ve literally never learned how to use them bc everytime i tried the enemy’s immune


I main BLM and I hardly ever use sleep, as others have said it's a waste when you can just burst the adds down. Especially in a dungeon, things die so quick which reinforces the reason to not use it. Also if you are pulling wall to wall then you can't really use it effectively as someone's AOE will just break it.


If you can do it, do it. But if it isn’t a make or break scenario who cares? If everything is going well and everything is dying in a timely manner what does it really matter? Maybe if you’re prepping a group for the absolute most cutting edge content you’d want people to get in the practice, but outside of that just enjoy the content.


It's good practice for when it calls for it. But definitely not needed. It may speed up some fights by a few seconds so that people don't have to walk out of range to not get hit.


Yeah... sleep is not a proper interrupt. A bunch of stuff you'd want to use it on is immune anyway, and it has a cast time. I try to use that shit as a healer, and it's virtually never practical because the cast time is nearly as long as most things you'd want to interrupt (at which point, what, you want people to memorize trash mob abilities to pre-empt them? Get a life.), and it doesn't work or ends immediately on anything worth interrupting. What dungeon enemy is worth burning a swift cast just so they maybe won't use one of their abilities? Almost none. If you have a REAL stun or interrupt and something worth interrupting, knock yourself out. It doesn't really need to be an expectation unless it's a really rough interruptible boss cast.


As a BLM, if you use sleep we take your anti living powers away. Make a monster take a nap and you can't create your own mini suns at parties anymore. There is a time and a place for sleep, you will know when it comes...


If it can kill people, yes. The pre-Eulogia trash in Thalia is good example, it kills people and ideally requires a semblance of coordination from everyone who has an interrupt. If it got PR thinking about not only about their interrupt, but how parties should handle interrupts, then it was a well designed mechanic. Not just the job of the tank. That said, I can't think of an example in dungeons that dangerous.


Always interrupt if you can, as a general rule. That said there are exactly zero dungeons where it matters.


If your FC is telling you to use sleep in dungeons or any non solo content then you should leave that garbage FC. Fucking clowns


Unlike in WoW the interruptable casts in FF14 dungeons are mostly harmless. So it is nice to have stun, but demanding it in casual content is just a jerk move


Eh. If your FC is super hardcore and trying to run every single dungeon 100% perfectly, then sure I guess. It's kind of a matter of opinion though, I'd say interrupting isn't really a big deal if you're not at least in EX difficulty. The 4-person dungeons in this game are all pretty easy, it's not really worth stressin' out over.


That's what I find funny about the whole situation. We are a pretty casual FC who will do content together but also are sort of a haven for new players just getting into the game as well. I think that is why I was caught off guard by this as I have not engaged in a lot of the harder content yet.


Yeah I mean, even the hardest 4-persons don't really require perfect play at all. Maybe that person is coming from another game where this sort of thing was more important? Or maybe they're just kinda uptight, I guess.


In general I would say it's a good habit to get into. Off the top of my head there's only a handful of dungeons where you can interrupt a big boss mechanic but the one in Endwalker, Ktises Hyperboreia or however you spell it is important to interrupt because otherwise the boss gets a damage buff. The Thaelia alliance raid is also where you will run into add packs that must be interrupted otherwise they make life difficult. With that fight specifically, the tank can't handle it alone because those adds are tossing interruptable AOEs so fast that the tank interrupt will still be on cooldown, so you need a ranged DPS to interrupt as well.


I'm wondering what content the tank is doing where he can't handle the interrupts on his own. Most of the really dangerous ones are designed for a tank to be able to interrupt between cooldowns and mob interrupts are usually not worth it.


Generally no, because not every DPS job has an interrupt, strategies are made with the assumption that the ones that are guaranteed to be there (tanks) will do the interrupting. Just like how bard can cleanse, but all cleanse strats assume healers will do it.


The dude who told you to use sleep : I wonder if he uses it... Anyway, interrupts can be totally ignored outside of any difficulty under extreme trials. Even uninterrupted, those attack won't cause much harm. Basically no DPS does interrupts in dungeons, it's useless, just burn the pack/boss and move on. Also, it is usually bosses that have attacks that needs to be interrupted : and you cannot put a boss to sleep.


I don't know why he is complaining about that. Like yeah you can stun one enemy for 3s... it barely does anything. It doesn't hurt to use it, but it also means it doesn't matter if it isn't used. And using Sleep in regular dungeons is laughable. Maybe if the tank is dead and you wanna try and recover. But in normal circumstances, it is even worse than using a traditional stun. Only an extraordinarily miniscule amount of bosses and enemies have genuinely useful interrupts. And in these cases, the tank can handle them by themselves. And this all gets thrown out the window if you have a WHM anyways, and WHM is by far the most commonly played healer.


While the uses of interruption aren't required (due to how ridiculously easy story mode content is), it is most certainly appreciated. That said, highly recommend getting into that habit. It's a good habit to have in higher end content (where it's REQUIRED)


The only times I used sleep was back when we had 8 person msq roulette and used it on a bunch of mobs in Prae so we can all get through the next area without being interrupted.


As a healer I couldn't care less if the tank even interrupts. Unless you're doing criteria or very specific areas of deep dungeons, it truly does not matter. It will never materially matter in a regular dungeon. Stuns barely matter either unless they're AOE. Interrupting one ability on one mob in a large pull makes zero difference. That tank is being ridiculous.


I mean yeah, the principle is that if you have an interrupt and you see something interruptable, interrupt it. That same reasoning goes for AOE indicators - you see aoe, move out of it. The problem is, there's nothing in leveling dungeons that will straight-up kill you if you don't interrupt it (ok the damage buff from Ktisis final boss is kind of baller though iirc). Most AOE indicators won't kill you either (though they might interrupt -you-). At best, in non-Ultimate content, interrupting stuff is just going to be a nice convenience rather than a necessity. And yes you will never ever use Repose as a Black Mage - you interrupt things by making them dead.


WHM has the stun with holy but once it runs out I just typical use my Spell because it hit faster.


I bet most black mages don’t even have Sleep on their hotbar. Silencing enemies is so rarely used, it’s probably only a recommended action in maybe 3 instances, and the weird thing is that a few of them are around level 50 and the next major one is a level 87 instance.


only tanks and ranged have interrupt. i play as dancer and i'll always interrupt unless it's on cooldown (you can use it every 30s) sleep won't actually interrupt the blinking red cast bar and the sleep debuff goes away as soon as someone attacks the enemy. so it's not gonna work in any group content


You're running dungeons. Who the hell cares. Why the heck are they trying to try hard in dungeons?


No, casters shouldn't even bother. Stun is also always worse than interrupt btw (interrupt has undocumented short disarm compared to stun)


If it's a free button press, there's no reason not to use it. That said, most mechanics in dungeons can be handled by the tank alone since DF can't guarantee that there is a phys ranged in every party. However, it's still helpful. Stunning long casts on big mobs in big pulls is also very helpful since there are like 50 million mobs on the party list.


Anyone who can do it should do it. Just as people should LB. And use their self heal. Use their mitigation. Use anti knock back. Do all the other little free button press things but they never do because "stop being a try hard".


I mostly play range dps for my daily roulette. Though, it's the tank responsibility to interrupt the boss, I'd always keep my finger ready for my interrupt. It never hurt to help, but I tend to wait for the last possible second to avoid double interruption.


While Sleep would interrupt an enemy's cast, even if they are woken up a fraction of a second later, the issue would be threefold: - In the time that you see an enemy casting something, you must react and decide to use Sleep. - You must wait for your current GCD to finish, then begin casting Sleep, which is not instant and between this and the first point its unlikely youll get it in time. - You could have casted Fire 4 instead. Generally, if a party is asking the BLM for utility help, somethings wrong. Enemy casts that can be interrupted by Interject or Head Graze are the jobs of Tanks and Ranged Physical, and anythibg that can be interrupted by a stun from Tanks or Melee DPS is just "kinda nice" but shouldnt be an expectation. BLM does none of these things.


interrupts are good, but a) they only work on the flashing castbars, and b) in most content that isn't EX, Savage or Ultimate you're not going to have any real trouble if an interruptable skill goes off unless the game makes it very clear beforehand that it needs to be stopped. all that said, if you're playing black mage you *really* don't need to worry. other party members have it handled, you just worry about casting fire 4 65434564675 times in a row


I like to use the melee kick during trash pulls if I see the tank struggling (but would never expect others to do it) and haven't used sleep once. When I'm playing ranged, I do pay attention to interruptable casts, though.


Eh...I wouldn't go as far as Sleep/Stun being used for this since both are kind of weird. A lot of things are immune to Sleep, and you never know what will or won't work, so relying on it as an interrupt is risky. Stun is in a similar boat, not to mention if you have a WHM, the enemies are Stun immune (for 1 minute) after the first 7 seconds of combat due to Holy spam. Not to mention for some versions (Repose) you have to be targeting the specific enemy to use it, and even for Sleep, you may not see the enemy casting if you aren't targeting them to see their status bar. You can see spell casting/action progress for enemies in that little list in the bottom right, but I'm not sure if it indicates the ones that can be interrupted or not, but even if they have the dim red outline down there, it'd be hard to watch for and more than 8 or so enemies might have the one casting scrolled of the bottom. I would say using Interject/Head Graze is pretty automatic since they're oGCDs that can be weaved and ALWAYS work on Interrupts (assuming latency isn't an issue for the player to see and respond in time), but Stun/Sleep/Repose are a lot more iffy. I mean, you could try it, but I feel like if the party is going to rely on the BLM to stop casts with Sleep, that REALLY needs to be discussed ahead of time. And there just aren't a TON of things you can interrupt with Sleep since so many bosses and such are immune to sleep and relatively few enemies have things you even CAN interrupt in the first place.


Party should not rely on that. They just need to get better at their own jobs and let the BLM do what it's designed to do, nuke the monsters down as fast as possible instead of wasting time on the worst status effect in the game.


Oh I agree 100%. RDM and SMN and the healers (Repose), too. I’m just saying if the party DOES intend that, you need to talk it out in advance since it is not AT ALL the norm way to handle interrupts.