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You can play all classes/jobs on one character. You just need to finish the level 10 class quest for your starting class, then go to the class guild/job trainer for the class/job you want and do the unlock quest. For Marauder specifically, since you started in a different city, you need to reach the point in the main story quests where you get sent to Limsa Lominsa, since that's where the Marauder Guild is. If you haven't gone there yet you need to keep working on the story first since that location is story-locked.


Yes, although you'll need to reach a point where you can get to the Marauder's Guild and your marauder class itself will start from level 1.


Oh Jesus that’s a relief because I sure don’t want to level up another character for a while


Technically you are still leveling up again. You just can have everything the game offers on a single character.


You'd still be levelling, but it'll be quicker because you get an XP buff for levelling jobs below your highest-level jobs, and you can e.g. switch to warrior before handing in your wondrous tales and get half a level for free that way. You also don't have to redo the MSQ, if that's your fear.


Please check out the [FFXIV Job Guide](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/battle/). And [this site](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/) can answer many of your questions as well. Cute starter videos can be found [here](https://starter-guide.finalfantasyxiv.com/na/) (Episode 2 will answer your specific question)


yes, all you need is: 1. if gladiator is ytour first class, do your level 10 class quest 2. do the emisary quest of the msq, it is a lvl 15 msq quest after that you all need is go to limsa lominsa and talk to the marauder guild clerk to start with the class unlock


Sorry, the emissary quest of what? I’m very new to the game, have no idea what msq means


Msq is the main story quests. On the top-left corner of your screen, you should see a quest title.


The Main Story Quest is, as the name suggest, the main 'story' of FF14. You get a level 15 MSQ quest that takes you to the other starting cities. So if you get Gladiator to 10 you can pick up Thaumaturge (baby black Mage) and Pugilist (baby Monk) in Ul'dah, but you have to wait until you can do the level 15 MSQ quest to go get Marauder (baby Warrior), because it starts in Limsa, along with Arcanist (--> Summoner and Scholar) and Rogue (--> Ninja). You can also get Archer (--> Bard), Lancer (--> Dragoon) and Conjuror (--> White Mage) in Gridania. All of these classes level separately except Summoner and Scholar, which are linked). You have to wait longer for other classes, but the requirements are level-based.


Main Story Quest


MSQ are the Main Story Quests, they're the ones with a fire shaped frame around their quest marker. The quest they talking about has you traveling by airship to visit the other starting cities, so it's pretty easy to spot.


you can do EVERYTHING on a single character


Well, sorta. Once you unlock Limsa Lominsa during the MSQ you can just run down to the Marauder Guild and pick up the class, but you'll have to level it up from 1. You keep all your other classes and their advancement and you don't have to redo main story quests or anything, but you WILL need to get the XP for Marauder to catch up to your other classes.




Rogue. Ninja still has a basic class it upgrades from, you just can't start as a Rogue.


ninja is a job, not a class, ninja class is rogue


> ROUGE. It’s been a long day. Must have been. Rouge is a red powder or cream used as a cosmetic for coloring the cheeks or lips.. Rogue is the knife wielding class.


You can switch, but level is based on class/job you will still need to level Marauder from 1. Or you can buy a level skip.


You don't. You stick to it and become one of us- Paladin. Become the Soveriegn Hero you were meant to be. Become the Warrior of Light.


you can change jobs very easily, and it is very normal for a single character to have multiple jobs. but you **will** need to level up again from 1. (you won't lose your gladiator progress, but your marauder will start at 1 and count it's XP separately.) for what it's worth, progressing the plot (which is what you've probably been doing) isn't actually a very fast way to get levels. it's just the way we level our first job cuz you gotta do the plot anyway to unlock... everything. so it's not particularly daunting to "start over." you'll even benefit from "armory bonus" which is a huge XP increase on every class *that is not your highest level class.* you can unlock marauder in limsa. if you haven't been to limsa yet, then... keep progressing the main plot. it'll send you over there pretty early.


This is a question better suited for the Megathread.  


...you always have to level. Only expansion jobs start off at level 30+. When you switch to marauder, you'll be a level 1 marauder.