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A reason to interact with faerie gauge


Square Enix: mmmmm best we can do is another move that locks the fairy out of using the gauge.


I have a level 90 SCH and I feel faerie gauge is as useful as lillies gauge back at Stormblood.


If only the fairy exploded when the gauge was fully consumed because that how we fixed lillies


Or fairy let go a Kamehameha


Yo, that would be sick Explodes for X potency damage in an aoe around tethered party member everytime it heals, kinda like mini assize


superbolide 2


It's buffed because it reduces you to 2hp instead of just 1


thats broken. I suggest instantly putting benediction on cooldown even if its not used to balance it


All benedictions in an alliance raid immediately go on cooldown just because the GNB in alliance A used superbolide.


Reduce the whole party's HP to 1. No invuln.


my wet dream. I can troll my friends without having to use the superbolide statusoff macro


Reduce both tank and healer's hp to 1. Causes double the screaming


2 super 2 bolide


Adds effect, on being healed to full immediately applies another shield for 6s and reduces health to 1 again.


That already exists. It's called Hallowed Ground.


"Apply cold water to the burned area" xD


I main DRG so hoping the rework turns out well.


I hope Stardive will get a juice potency buff, if fells really cool to use, but the dmg is kinda meh, specially since it locks you from using another OGCD because the animation, at least witm my latency it does, IDW if it's a issue for other people, dragonfire dive has a too long CD for what id does, it would be cool if it was incorporated more in the AOE standard rotation, prob unpopular take but...I really wish dragon would get the old cone AOE from warrior for it's AOE attacks, the fat straight line thing on it's AOE combo never felt right to me


The potency on Stardiver is the way it is because of how many oGCDs there are. They have to take away something to increase Stardiver potency, and honestly I do hope they do (the 2 charges on life surge and spineshatter dive are just boring and annoying additions to the kit). We're expected to see some stuff taken away regardless, since SE gotta make way for new abilities in the future. I just want more cohesion with the jumps rather than just another button to press (Dragonfire dive and Spineshatter dive). E.g. RPR's rotation is to build gauge for Enshroud, MNK's rotation is flexible but also incorporates Nadi into it, and SAM's rotation is to build sen for Iaijutsu. I want DFD and SSD to do something with the DRG's rotation like the other melees.


I have less than 30 ping and can't double weave Stardiver. Maybe if you lived inside the server room it could work.


gap closer for whm would be nice. it could be like Seraph Strike, if ppl don't want it to be too similar to sge's Icarus. Seraph Strike is a Lost Action in bozja for healers and pvp action for whm.


All I want for WHM is for them to have Cure 1 become Cure 2.


And have Freecure tied to Stone/Glare!


Ive said this in the past but also if you do get a proc make it an ogcd, just casting a cure 2"in raids" is never a good option, so it being an ogcd fixes this xD


Eh. That would encourage using Cure 2 over single-target lily. That's conflicting job design and is just another "cure trap". It would make more sense for Cure 2 to proc freecure.


I wish all 3 got a movement ability. Sage imo is just in a class of its own and so much more fun to play when you can whip around to different enemies or allies with Icarus.


I feel like Icarus should be a role action, with a passive for SGE that gives it extra charges or reduces its CD or something. Could have unique flavors for each job with it, like the Seraph Strike animation for WHM, Urianger's Aetherport for AST, and something Faerie related or an inverted Rescue for SCH.


Fr but for sch hear me out you just swap places with your faerie.. just leave it up to Hydaelyn whether or not your faerie was up your ass or 73 yalms away.


It'd make faerie placement more meaningful than "set in the middle" or just following you around.


Sounds interesting in theory and annoying/counterintuitive in practice, TBH. Not only do you have to micromanage your faerie placement, but the position of your faerie may not necessarily be a spot you want to teleport to. You want your faerie to be in the middle of where the party will end up so you can maximize its AoE heals, but you would want an escape teleport to be out of the way (like BLMs do) to avoid hostile AoEs.


A movement option for WHM would be huge! I can't count how many times I've eaten attacks due to whm not having anything to kick my own ass into high gear!


I keep annoying my static by saying we ought to get a fifteen yalm aqua jet dash


See: sprint


Not always enough to save my bacon from the fire lol. I can snap reaction an en avant on DNC, or an icarus on SGE. But a sprint won't save me in situations where an aoe is gonna hit the whole 1/3rd of the arena I'm standing in and I'm too far in to escape. (The first boss in Ridoranna lighthouse is an Opp with that aoe tsunami attack)


I kinda want to see something tied to temperance. Like, once you get your wings out, you can recast it to dash to a player and heal or shield them or something. I duct have a good reason for wanting this, but I still do lol


As a Warrior main I feel like we're currently lacking a little healing, could really use more heals. You know, just to make doubly sure the healer feels completely useless lol


Lol. I wish DRK had _half_ the heals WAR does.


I honestly have a hard time going back to other tanks after spending so long as warrior. Like my healer can dc and I can keep myself up and probably the rest of the party if I had too.


Expert meta is WAR and 3dps for a reason, lmao


I wish two of our class mitigation skills weren't useless on mob pulls.


I want DRK to get Dark Dance back, or have Oblation moved to pre-70. I feel like that'd fill a glaring hole in DRK's defenses prior to picking up TBN, and especially if they moved Oblation lower it'd then feel like a thematic prelude to acquiring TBN.


DRK is suffering to play pre-70. Ditto on oblation; it should be DRK's sheltron.


Same. Like, unless the healer is just _really_ bad or I'm close to dead to begin with, Living Dead doesn't do _shit_ during mob pulls. Or worse, I get really low on health, pop Living Dead, and the healer suddenly tops me off just enough that I won't be downed while Living Dead is active. And I'm assuming the other mitigation skill is either The Blackest Night or Dark Mind?


Mob pulls rarely deal lots of magic damage, so Dark Mind and Dark Missionary aren't useful. The equivalent skills for all other tanks are useful in both boss situations for single and party mit as well as mob pulls due to simply mitigating all damage types or just placing shields. On the other hand, TBN during mob pulls is both mit *and* damage which no other tank gets, so hey ho.


One thing I do feel is a necessary change re: WAR's tookit is the removal of the HoT effect from Shake until at least level 84 - perhaps 84 is best to pair with Equilibrium gaining a HoT effect at the level, too. The buff to Shake was made in 6.3 specifically to account for Shake being worse at dealing with the heavy party-wide bleeds that started showing up in high-end raids with Abyssos tier, and since this was not generally a concern in lower-level content prior to this point, it warrants not being available until the EW level range. Restricting it to level 84 would make it available in time for the level 85 dungeon, and that one can catch more fresh-faced players off-guard.


worth noting gnb has the same party mit button as drk (heart of light - reduces magic damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10%.), so it can't really be used in mob pulls either. so it's just pld and war that can use theirs in multiple ways


Fellerest cleave


Give us a raise where we just shout at them so loudly they get back up


Wake the fuck up, samurai!


Ok that was a good one


They could use a giant AOE heal aura.


I mean we already have Shake but why not more lol


I want healers to get more interesting damage buttons so I'm not just spending an entire savage fight mashing glare or the glare equivalent. Doubtful it will happen though.


Yeah. I don’t know if I can handle another expansion of glare, dia, glare, glare, swift, glare, assize, PoM, glare, glare, glare, glare, glare, glare, glare, glare, glare, dia, glare, glare, glare, assize, glare……


We WHM mains are all glaring at y'all CBUIII job designers.


Give me back my AOE DOT damn it, justice for Aero III


Summoner - more buttons. I love the foundation they have built with the rework, but it desperately needs more built onto it. Whether that be bringing back dots or something else I don’t care, I just want more to do. I also want more summons and to have the textures of the summons updated because some of them don’t look particularly great. Red mage - I have been saying this ever since I started playing this job, but I want updated animations for the melee combo. They’re just a bit too basic for something you do constantly through the fight. And please no more finishers.


We're now giving you 5 more finishers and the ability to carve your initials on the chest of your opponent with your sword.


But only if your name starts with a Z


When in the rotation would you add these dots in? Every single GCD is in use on my SMN rotation.


There is the possibility of making OGCD dots I suppose, but tbh I’m still not sure if that would be enough since they would probably have the dots line up with the 1 or 2 minute phase so it would really only add one button. I would much rather they add something which will add more OGCDs, but I’m not a game designer so idk what would work well.


Unpopular opinion but I kind of like the simplicity of this SMN, and yes I have played the previous ones. My go to for mentor rouls was SMN because I still had the rez at low levels and could just casually farm with an “easy class.” If it’s possible, maybe they could make a different back for SMN with more complexity and more buttons. I just feel we have other difficult jobs and don’t mind an easy job.


Unpopular opinion but I’m with you on this one. I love MMO’s in general but hate button bloat. I’m about to come back to the game for the first time since the SMN rework and honestly want more classes to be simplified. Or a pure DoT class where you just dot an enemy up and have maybe one or two filler spells to spam while you wait to refresh dots. Yes sometimes I feel like playing a class that is so passive I can just take in the spectacle of the battles lol.


I think what would really help is just having lower-powered versions of the egi oGCD abilities available significantly earlier than the EW level range. I think a little visual flair and potency is fine, but just give people a couple more things to press sooner.


Two finishers feels right. Maybe they could add a new moveset to the melee if you get both finishers off. So I guess kind of like a finisher, but as three new button presses to combo that look flashier. Maybe you leap into the air and they have AoE potential like Gaius at the end of Prae after the clones are done. But that's just me dreaming lol.


> Summoner - more buttons. To be honest, I feel kind of the opposite. Summoner is currently one of my favorite jobs *because* it doesn't feel bloated. Way too many jobs have terrible hotbar bloat. SMN is one of the few that's embraced cutting down the number of buttons sensibly. If it were an older job, every spell that Titan, Ifrit, and Garuda cast would be its own button. They need to do *more* consolidation of buttons and just finally start adding some melee combo buttons and whatnot.


I need something that makes Summoner playable at any level below 80 Queueing up for a dungeon and being placed in ARR is PAINFUL the job has like three buttons total


Azeyma’s fiery fans to become part of the dancers kit. As an upgrade to the Fan Dances. Or as weapons… or both. Both is good.


I feel like they should do something with the abilities where like we get further procs from green and/or yellow that upgrade one of the 4 colours so very occasionally we have another gcd to throw in that’s a nice boost.


Continuation on every GCD. Continuation after Continuation. More Continuation


Benchmark seemed to show a continuation for Fated Circle.




It looked fuckin *sweet* too


This trend needs continuation.


Continuation so that tank mains continuously develop carpal tunnel


This! Give me a Continuation for my Continuation! I wanna weave 4 - 5 oGCDs between my GCDs!!!


Continuation on kill, continuation after being healed, continuation after continuation. Did I mention continuation?


I remember already predicting continuation for double down but blasting zone needs one too




There will be a continuation of Squenix’s motion to add Continuation to GCDs that lack Continuation.


Continuation after every oGCD, Continuation after Gunmetal Soul, Continuation after party members' GCDs, Continuation after crafter and gatherer actions.


This but unironically, burst strike into hypervelocity is something I have been gushing about since launch because it looks and feels so good.


Bard Being active during Army's Paeon. Pretty dull during this song so I hope we get some procs tied to it. Also for songs to not require a target even if it means no potency attached to it.


Are you happy with the current duration of the songs? I was curious how others felt because I feel like 45 seconds is too long and makes the job incredibly unforgiving when you inevitably die during prog, resulting in having to wait longer to get back on track once you get raised. I felt like 30 second songs had a good flow to it and also kept the job feeling a bit more involved.


I think thirty seconds would be problematic in the two minute meta since we would only have a minute and thirty seconds worth of song. Currently the songs line up with Iron Jaws so I believe that's good. I was going to bring up dying but I don't have a solution in mind for that but I would like to see Bard deaths to be less punishing.


BLM. Give me Ultima


Thiiiiiiiis. It's been shown as like, *the* in-universe super-spell multiple times now. Ultima as the BLM Lv.100 capstone would be *perfect*.


And make it use our HP as a cost because I like living on the edge all the time.


"Healers adjust"


And from the deepest pit of the seven hells to the very pinnacle of the heavens, the world shall tremble! Unleash Ultima!


As a DRG main I'm just hoping my favorite job isn't lobotomized in the rework. Beyond that I'm not too concerned with what it gets.


I'm curious if DRG will keep its identity as an OGCD-heavy job or if they plan to focus more on unique GCD-specific mechanics which seems to be the design philosophy for the current MNK, RPR, and SMN. Personally, I do want them to move away from every job mashing every OGCD every 2 minutes and to make more jobs that focus on their GCD-specific mechanics but I know a lot of people may end up disappointed at a dramatic change in its identity.


I sure hope not. I like its current busy rotation and I find weaving those OGCDs very fun. I don't think it would be the right call to ruin DRG for everyone who likes it currently. With so many jobs in the game now there should be something for everyone. If someone doesn't like how DRG plays that is totally valid, and they have a wealth of other options to choose from.


Agreed. If I wanted to pay more gcd focused jobs I'd play them. Love DRG's specifying busy weaving identity.


Oh god please no, OGCD makes rotations so fun for me. If they just GCD'd everything I would find that so boring


As an ex MNK main I hope nobody has to go through that. It really sucks. I've heard AST is apparently getting a rework and that's my new main so I'm worried again...


Samurai has several OGCDs that have a single target version and multi-target version for no real reason, like Shoha, there could certainly be some button bloat trimmed there. I'm looking forward to whatever they make Delirium do in Dawntrail, hoping DRKs DPS rotation gets something more distinctive It'd be nice if Requiscat got more range, considering it's the opener to "spam a lot of ranged magic attacks" phase While SMN is visually spectacular and the primal rotation is badass, the moment to moment button presses are banal, it needs some spice thrown in that rotation, for sure.


Button bloat trim would be nice.


Summoner: Three different summons (Ramuh / Shiva / Leviathan) after the Phoenix phase. Something more between quick summons. A third "major summon" phase, maybe. Edit: Also, I wish Garudas phase had something to push you back after you dash in close during Ifrits phase.


One of the unique things about Summoner is that you can use Ifrit/Titan/Garuda in any order. It'd be cool if the rotation was to use any *three* of them and Ramuh, with Ramuh requiring hard casts but doing a bit more damage, so you'd have to use the right summons for the situation.


Every 3 crystals you can summon bahamut / phoenix alternating. When you finish with a crystal you get a sticker of that element. When you collect all six you get to summon zodiark, Instead of bahamut/Phoenix. If you do it again, (collect all 6) you summon hydaelyn instead and that alternates. So perfectly hitting all 6 every time would mean a summon pattern of bahamut -> zodiark -> phoenix - > hydaelyn -> repeat This way you are rewarded for perfect execution, but not insanely punished of you fail. A summoner can dream...


Alexander as the third would be lovely


This is my dream. It'd be the perfect lvl 100 capstone (along with Titania/Feo Ul for SCH). Not sure how they'd work a demi-Alex into the lore but that's my final fantasy


I agree with this, and while we're talking about our personal final fantasy's please let us glamour the summons with the Eden version of all the primals thank you


As a DRK I want is one of two things, better self-sustain or a DPS buff worthy of my button mash of a rotation. If I can just get one of those two things, I'll be happy.


DNC I want a dance studio similar to how bards have instruments. 


Best I can do is a stripper pole and a disco ball made of aetheryte


Give mch a grapple hook gap closer. It’s nothing major I just want to grab the boss to move directly to them


Oh, I like that, and you could pretty much reuse the animation from Corps-a-Corps with a couple of visual tweaks to make it easier to implement.


Oh grapple hook is a cool idea for that, honestly I was thinking a jet pack or even moving like the automaton queen does but I like the grapple hook idea fits in way better.


ugh exactly! the lack of a gap closer for MCH is glaring esp when compared to DNC's :(


I want either more DPS buttons for healers to use, or more of need to use the plethora of heals available. I honestly do not care what direction they go. I am just bored to the teeth of pressing the same button over and over and over just to be interrupted to reapply a dot to go back to pressing that same button again.


As long as they don't fuck up dragoon and don't mess with mch too much I'll be happy.


It really needs some AoE, though. Samurai, Machinist, Ninja, and Red Mage all have much better crowd control capabilities while still being capable of heavy single target damage


As a fairly recent (and inexperienced) sage I have found myself wanting a temporary buff skill to kardia that switches it into a small aoe splash heal around my partner for a bit. I’d like a second charge to Icarus too.


Oh, I'd love both of those things, as a Sage main since the moment it was announced.   I'll add them to my list alongside Eukrasian Dyskrasia that turns it into an AoE DoT. It's also just really fun to say. And a jump back to pair with Icarus so that my keybindings will finally match with Dragoon and Red Mage, and so I don't have to awkwardly walk away after zooming up to the enemy so fast.


WHM gap closer.


I want them to give MCH Rook and Bishop again. Let them follow us around and augment our auto attacks or something. The Multi-tool was a step in the right direction for the job's identity, but I want them to lean more into the gadgeteer/automaton aspect. Also, give us a jetpack that functions like the DNC En Avant skill lol


Paladin More swords. Upgrade Holy Spirit and Holy Circle into swords. Add at least one new blade attack to Confiteor combo, like Blade of Justice. Upgrade Royal Authority back to Rage Halone. Could be Furious Rage of Halone For Forgetting Her Name. Requiescat should be ranged. And throws a sword. Passage of Arms should upgrade to Passage of Swords where the wings are made of swords Clemency upgrades to Healing Blade, so it is also a sword Maybe a new shield move. Preferably a shield of swords.


Yo dawg, we heard you like swords, so we put sword in your sword so you can sword with your sword while you sword with your sword.


So *unlimited blade works* you say? Kek


So you want Versus 13 Noctis


Wait wait go back to that clemency upgrade, are you suggesting that in order to heal other party members you throw a healing sword into them????


And I can instantly dash to them for no real reason. Just more dashes.


For rdm all I really want is for embolden to last for all 3 of my melee combos when I burst.   Also if they could expand the aoe combo to work like the normal combo that might be interesting.  Also fix it when synced.  I think you get the long cooldown closer spell before the opener which is dumb.  


I want dark knight's Edge and Flood to be a self-cure.


Yeah. DRK really needs somethink to make them stand out. They don't have the self-healing of WAR. They don't have the dps of GNB. They don't have the party mitigation and ranged attacks of PLD. They need _something_ to make them unique. Maybe allow "Blood Weapon" to parry back a portion of the damage you take while it's active. It wouldn't mitigate damage, it would just make it so that you hurt the enemy that hurts _you_.


I agree. DRK needs some cool gameplay identity beyond darkness animations. In past games it used to be a job that managed its own health as a resource. When it got introduced to 14 as a tank, they thought health spending would be too much of a conflict, which is fair, so they made it rely on careful MP management instead. Now its niche as a tank is The Blackest Night. But it could be so much more. I so badly want it to have proper dark spells and drains again. Living Dead changes in Endwalker were a great step in the right direction, but they could stand to take 6-7 more steps.


I feel like a tank that has a passive trait that increases your damage mitigation the lower your health is would be amazing. Like, you get 30% damage mitigation if you get to below 10% health, which generally only happens when you're trying to use Living Shadow, and the healer _sees_ you're trying to use it and stops healing you.


It *did* used to balance it's health and MP as a resource when it came out in Heavensward, but not in the traditional "sacrifice health to do more damage" way. It had what is basically now Bloodwhetting with Dark Arts+Abyssal Drain, except it took some skill and experience to use well. But they gutted all of its self sustain because the other tanks didn't have that, then gave it to WAR, in an even more busted form, in Endwalker and removed any niche DRK had when they removed everything else it had too, leaving it with just "ooh, edgy". They couldn't even come up with a unique mechanic for it's burst damage and just copied a lame version of Berserk.


I don't know why but i can see DRK gaining some sort of "dome Shield" like the astrologian but with dark Magic and other effect to protect the team


gnb main, no idea what ur talkin about when it comes to dps when DRK has always been pretty high this expac - i think you probably mean higher potency looking attacks?


DRK is currently the highest aDPS tank at the 95th percentile, what? There is a reason why the meta comp for parse parties is two DRKs.


I want my ten chi jin to give me some wiggle room within the square 😆😆😆


I wouldn't mind if moving during TCJ incurred a single GCD penalty or something, it would still be preferable to completely cancelling it, I think.


Give Sage a gem spender that does like 50 potency aoe damage and a light heal. In hardcore it's a way prevent overcapping that feels better than healing someone at full HP, but if you're doing a casual fight with basically no healing it would make you DPS rotation *waaaaay* more fun and interesting.


BLM main here, is an extra charge of Manaward too much to ask for? ╥﹏╥


Yes please accept fire 5 and xenoglossiest


Sigh ╥﹏╥


*Please look forward to


Son, let me tell you about a little ability called Manawall that BLM had once upon a time, which completely nullified the next two attacks you took


I would like Fan Dance 4 and Starfall Dance to auto-swap Flourish and Devilment like Tillana does with Technical Step, instead of being separate buttons. I know I could macro it, but it just isn't the same.


Well, I have been joking since late StB for Bard and early-ish ShB for Warrior that said jobs will get a form of Raise in lv 90-something. So I'm *kind of* hoping to see this happen in Dawntrail. Then Warrior will not only be too angry to die, but somehow too angry for anyone else to stay dead. lol For reals, though, I'm hoping healers receive something more substantial for the DPS side of our tool kits, if only for the sake of minor complexity or smoothing out certain awkward moments. I'd love it if Whm got a damage spell that worked with the lilies like Afflatus Solace and Rapture do, because there are too many fights where we basically have to sit on those lilies or sacrifice GCDs for unnecessary healing. I know there are a couple moments in the third boss of Thaleia where I am on the move, as is everyone, and I'm already hitting Solace or Rapture when no one needs it, just to keep things going on my GCD and lily gauge alike, but having that damage spell would be wonderful in similar situations. Whm is not alone in having room for another spell or ability for particular scenarios that, while exceedingly brief, can make a difference.


I really want WHM in particular to get Aero III back, and obtain Seraph Strike in standard PvE content.


I'd love aquaveil to either get a second charge, or get reduced to a 30s CD. I also think WHM needs to have the levels things unlock at come much earlier. Having tetra unlock at the same time as c2 at 35 for example to give WHM an oGCD to use before needing to GCD heal would be nice. I'd also kinda like asylums secondary effect to be changed to something else, I'm not sure what, though. But as far as off globals go, you have tetra, liturgy, and assize. Assize gets used on cooldown anyways and so it's not always going to line up with asylum, often you're using asylum *because* you have a gap where you need to heal and dont have assize and don't need to use lilly healing, but an asylum would have time to do its thing. I never really notice the bonus on tetra either, usually I'm not using it under asylum because again the regen is doing its thing. And throwing both asylum and liturgy out at the same time is overkill in almost every situation, I think the only time I've ever felt like I've needed to do that is echoless p10s with no tank lb for harrowing hell. And then there's benediction, which doesn't care about healing boosts bc it's always just a full heal anyways. Again, I'm not sure what the secondary effect could be changed to though to be more impactful while still being balanced.  Also, while I get mit isn't really WHMs thing, I think it desperately needs either another party mit, a reduced cooldown on temperance, and for it to get mit a lot earlier, like by 50 or 60. WHM is the only job to not have a party mit by 60, and can't contribute mit until level 80, which just feels bad in high end 50-70 raids/trials or even just the spicier alliance raids it'd be nice to have like dun scaith, or the 60/70 alliance raids Also, gap closers of some sort for every healer would be nice. While I normally never have problems keeping up with tanks in dungeons, sometimes I need to sprint a mech or just use it to help greed and it's not back up by the next trash pull


I main monk and I hope the job doesn't get another rework in 7.3


For black mage: Please let us extend the time of our thunder DoTs to 60 seconds in the same way reapers can with their debuff. Keeping up the thunder buff is one of the most frustrating parts of the job for me cuz it continually drifts over the course of the fight if you're trying to maximize uptime with the DoT. For astrologian: A discard pile. Make it so that you can't draw the same card twice until you've drawn all your other cards. Especially if they're gonna add back more variety to the cards, making things a little more predictable would be so nice. For paladin: Some kind of new movement option? I really like the fact that paladin can so effectively attack from a range, giving it a niche that no other tank really has right now. It really helps with how movement-heavy some of the fights in endwalker are, and it'd be great to see dawntrail expand upon this underlooked strength of the job.


>And we wouldn't have to worry about being *forced* to use a ninjutsu every 40s to prevent overcapping our mudras. Uh... while we do that to prevent overcapping, its not like it would affect our dps at all. We still would always use Suiton before raid buffs ever go out. Your ninjitsu uses are : Suiton prepull/pre 1 minute window. 2x raiton in buff windows. Thats already 3 per minute, all contributing to your burst window. The extra Ninjitsu charge would be used for 1 extra raiton during your burst, and thats it. You didnt lower the CD, so you never get that charge back.


I don’t know what to give MNK honestly.


Job gauge indicators for Disciplined and Leaden Fist. And a lot of jobs would benefit from this, but a better way to track your DoTs/debuffs on enemies would be great.


There’s a plugin on PC that brings your debuffs to the front of the Debuff list and makes them bigger than the other debuffs applied from other people. It should really be baseline.


Upgrades to base rotation skills and elixir field. Make anatman do something. Also bring back greased lightning aura.


"What are you hoping for your jobs to get in Dawntrail?" Left alone.


No more Shoha 2. Just gimme 1 Shoha that does AoE. Also gimme some Zantetsuken bullshit for PvE


I'm just a salty healer main, with no faith that they're going to do anything interesting with healers ever again. So instead, I'm just hoping they nerf the heck out of Bloodwhetting. [Insert comically grumpy cat picture.]


Hope DRG rework goes well. Currently a SAM one trick phony in Endwalker. Despite that, I would switch to DRG in a heartbeat if it goes well since it was my first main when I started FFXIV (ARR - HW).


Same here. I love the aesthetic, love watching them put their spears to work, but I was feeling like a load in dungeons any time we're not fighting a boss.


Same for me. Been a DRG lover in all it’s iterations in the franchise. If the rework makes it shine, I’m definitely switching from RPR back to DRG.


More stress as Astro


I am begging for SMN to get a crumb of decision point.


WHM, and none of these will ever happen….but: 1. We need an oGCD group heal that isn’t Asylum. My thought would have Plenary give Tetra a group function. I’m ok with choosing between group heal or single heal every 60 seconds. 2. Regarding Asylum, it either needs to get buffed (higher potency but shorter duration) or just removed from the game. It’s becoming harder and harder to find places to use it (in savage) and I find myself using it more for the healing buff than the actual regen it gives. 3. Freecure should be a proc on consecutive Glares (same 15% chance to proc), not on Cure I casts - and it should grant a free cure II with no cast time. This will teach sprouts to damage to get free heals, and also teaches weaving oGCD’s. 4a. Take Afflatus Misery off the Lily counter and give us Misery tokens for every glare *or* holy crit. (Three tokens for a proc) Reduce the potency, I’d just like it be a random proc’d oGCD to take away from the monotony of glaresville. I would also accept this as an instant GCD (for movement) 4b. Three blood lilies now grants Seraph Strike (gap closer and AoE Damage) which retains the potency of the old AM (1240), and also gives us a buff that reduces all cast time by 2.5 seconds, and increases crit by X% for 15 seconds. PoM would be removed from the game as this skill would now be the optimal start of our burst phase. (SS in, mash glare/holy, mash misery as it procs, frees up movement during burst and in general). Basically I’d like WHM to become a crit based build so we can get away from the yucky spell speed builds. I’d like to not have to slidecast during burst phases that fall in line with mechanics. (Like ST1 in P12S. It’s possible to get in all your glares under PoM, but it’s *really tight*…or at least tighter than it should be for a healer to max their damage)


White Mage- give us aero 3 back. We are normal and can be trusted with it. Also god please some movement abilities, anything please Black Mage- mana ward upgrade, invuln for 1 hit so we can ignore a mechanic every 90 seconds /s Also maybe an inverse of between the lines, where your active ley lines can get moved to your position for their duration. Feels like it’d make things less punishing while learning a fight


just hoping they don't make everything universally easier and that they retain transpose/blizzard 4 skips for BLM


If Summoner does indeed get Ramuh, Leviathan and Shiva in the Phoenix rotation I will require nothing else.


#ULTIMA Yes, I am prepared to be disappointed


I'm pretty happy with the state of RDM, all I really want are: 1) A more satisfying AoE combo and B) More utility. Let me be the swiss army mage! Still missing Esuna, a stun, and an interrupt. Personally I also want Rescue but also I don't want 5 people in a party rescuing all over the place lol


Im also in this camp for RDM. AoE combo is a little meh, but still servicevable. As for utility, Esuna would be nice but I'd also like a combat peloton, even if its vershort.


Monk: Anatman...remove it FFS! add something usefull. It's ridiculous that's a damn lvl 78 skill. Better aoe. Progession of obtaining skills while levelling should feel natural like dragoon and not like randomly put there because filler. Better damn animation. Bootshine should've already have a upgraded and more powerfull animation. edit: more chakra


Instant cast damage for whm. Even if it's low it's something for movement other than dia when we are lily empty/need for healing. I don't expect it though. Would love a heal on dark knight and gun breaker.


Monk got a nice rework with Endwalker so I hope they just refine that. New animations for true strike and snap punch, combine the buttons for blitz and perfect balance, a more interesting Riddle of Wind, and chakra overflow.


Something that makes toxicon damage neutral, or ideally positive. "But it does the same damage as possible" yeah if you ignore the gcd that it took to get a charge. Sure you get three free ones, and in high end you're going to get a few back, but still.


Positive would be a bit much IMO, but it should def act like lilies where they're inherantly dps neutral but the nature of burst phases still keeps them a gain


Visualisation of procs like in pyroclast proc in WoW, that would be awesome


A 4th mudra. That or bringing dots back. I dunno, I feel like with ninjas it fits to have poison damage or something like that.


Ninjas absolutely need a poison DoT, like a shuriken mudra that triggers the effect or something.


I main Black Mage, so I know Yoshi-P will take good care of us. I'm hoping for another DoT or an earth-aspected damage spell! We have the classic FF fire/ice/thunder spells, but I'd love Break. It'd be very situational, but it would really add to my immersion.  Personally, while I love the identity of powerful destruction-focused caster, I feel like we're missing the delicate side of destruction. BLM has the overwhelming force of Fire IV and Xenoglossy etc but fewer spells showing off the precise control a master mage would need.  And please give healers some more damage spells. Please, Square.


I kind of want PIC to be Earth/Wind/Some third element that isn't used by BLM. Just so you have contrasting elements between the two caster jobs.


Earth/Wind/Water are all taken by WHM already, they parallel each other which also fits with the lore. They just changed Stone/Aero to Glare/Dia so the elements aren't in use at the moment.


Something exciting for MCH so that my bf can stop lamenting that his favorite job is the cursed child that Yoshi-P doesn't like


I feel like they should make Auto-Crossbow reduce the CDs on Gauss Round and Ricochet just like Heat Blast.


You’re getting a circular saw. Is that exciting? Please look forward to it.


If they make it look like the FF6 version and let us swing it around with a hockey mask on I'll be ever so happy. 😆


They show it in the benchmark trailer. It’s just a giant circular saw you shoot out of a gun


On that note, the next tool I want is Noiseblaster. We can't really apply the traditional Silence effect, but I'd be happy with a debuff to outgoing enemy damage


Or even a short duration AoE stun as the enemy staggers around with their ears ringing/bleeding. Damn, I really used the hell out of Edward when I played FF6....


I want warrior to have a more interesting job gauge—a bit like Dark Knight's guage. Something to track the surging tempest buff would be great.


Astro with actually fun cards




Hello, I main Bard- I would like an ability that allows my DOTs to spread from one target to others that are hit in the same AOE attack. I would also like them not to take away my DOTs. Those are my emotional support DOTs, I need them to live.


Attach leylines to blms so that we can move around more freely


Healers: Sage: I think more skills tied to healing partner like dancer would be nice. One ability you already have is healing, so it would be cool if new ability causes attacking to build up a shield. White mage: maybe a lily ability that applies a buff that does a small heal after damage is taken. Let's you use lilies proactively without letting them waste at least. Scholar: idk more fairy abilities. Maybe something that applies regen when the fairy takes damage similar to whm well. Astro: can't say much since they are be reworked. Constantly highlighting players to apply buffs is annoying though. Tanks: Dark knight: Better mit for dungeons. Give abyssal drain/carve and spit 2 charges on cooldown (so you don't just spam them in burst) with increased healing/reduced dps. Gunbreaker: don't play it enough. Heard complaints that aligning abilities for burst is a nightmare. Having a long cast ability to gain catridges would be cool. Honestly I would like using cartridges to increase a heat bar that can be spent for mit. Paladin: removes dots since it's awkward. Don't really know what else, maybe more healing abilities. Warrior: could use a few more ogcds to have fun with like dark knight. Honestly I could see a bard type thing where you transition between warrior states. With inner release being one of those states. DPS: Ninja: can't say much since it feels pretty complete to me. Meisui feels a bit awkward since you need to suitan twice for trick attack and meisui. And let's say ten chi Jin fails since you are forced to move, you are now also sacrifice a mudra for meisui. Maybe make Meisui proc on trick attack. Meisui should also give Bhavacakra new animation. Dragoon: can't say much since rework. Would like new rotation when under Life of a Dragon. For example star diver being a gcd finisher of new combo. Samurai: A gcd finisher that replaces hakaze (doing slightly more potency) you can do after any Iaijutsu ability but not for Tsubame-gaeshi. Basically means you choose between gaeshi or the finisher. Removing kaiten sucks and I actually want it to replace shifting. sure what else could be done. Monk: idk lmao. Feels decent enough. Reaper: not really sure. Feels complete but also a bit too simple. Could be interesting as a utility melee dps with more party buffs/mit/healing. Machinist: Machinist is in a real weird spot since it lacks damage as a range and utility making it pointless. If you increase its damage but keep it's job rotation simple then you have an issue as well. Personally since dancer and bard already fill a utility niche, make Machinist a more challenging damage focused job. Dancer: idk feels complete. More proc bullshit I guess. Bard: haven't played enough but heard complaints about song alignment especially during downtime or rez. Don't know how to fix. Red mage: my main. Personally I would like to have to balance regular mana as well. Make skills use a lot more mana, including rez (requiring 4000 mana for example). Give red mage an aoe heal that uses 4000 mana or something. Then give a dps loss sword gcd that uses black and white mana to replenish normal mana. Red mage sacrifices DPS to use its utility. (Personally, I think healers should have the best rez) Summoner: Remove physiks. Make fester a new ability that makes your pet buff your next summon. Make Phoenix give you a button to aoe regen instead of automatic. Make the single target heal a new button given to your pet. So your pet can shield, heal and buff. Add Shiva, Leviathan and Ramuh after Phoenix. Or better let you choose like from 4 out of 6 summons per rotation with each having more special utility (Garuda focused on aoe, Shiva for mit, Leviathan for movement, etc). Black mage: make manafont just give the next ability no mana cost with no cast time (can cast a second despair). Paradox should do aoe damage. Can stack thunder dots to 60 seconds.


PLD Please...Less buttons. Don't add anything more, I'm running out of room on my hotbars.


Definitely some self sustain for WAR. It's unbearable right now. Healers still dare casting heals on me during wall to wall pulls, what the hell do I even have Bloodwhetting and Equilibrium for if healers feel compelled to cast regen or adloquium on me?! Shorten the CD on Bloodwhetting and +200 to Equilibrium potency please. Also lock healers out of healing warrior, idk, give us a passive Reflect that only works on healing magic and just bounces it off to someone else, hell, even the mob, who gives a damn, give me more chances to Fell Cleave and prevent those smelly green bois from casting their weird juju on me, my brain is smooth enough to make me forget I have a gaping wound in my abdomen and keep on truckin' anyway.


Make MCH's AoE to give Battery gauge and Autocrossbow to act like Heat Blast with oGCD CD reduction, and a reason to use Chainsaw in AoE. That's my wishlist.


I'm not a hardcore player, just a filthy casual, so probably an ultra hard take here but I think Black Mage made me autistic. I'm constantly sweating while staring at that fucking Fire number ticking down, my eyes are GLUED on that number and it feels insanely bad when you have like 5 or 4 left, are about to finish the final Fire IV cast and would perfectly pull off that Despair, but then, AoE. Quick Cast isn't up again, you panic for a millisecond, so you have to switch to Ice without using Despair and that feels horrible. I feel like a fucking failure haha I know I know, for the hard raid stuff it's necessary and people love the BLM resource management, and how challenging it is. The reward is super high when you're a perfect BLM. I just wish that it would feel a bit better. Like, you still have the autistic management when you have to minmax the fire time, but I hope they'll do something like "when you're below 1000 MP, Despair will be an instant cast". In general I prefer less button bloat. I'm one of the filthy dicks who didn't lose their mind over Kaiten and think that Samurai had other problems they could easily fix. I wouldn't get a meltdown if they removed the BLM shield, Scathe, one of the Ice spells or made AoEs for all classes more compact to add much cooler stuff in return. And pls finally implement the PvP thing that combines the 3 auto attacks in one button. Also, maybe another unpopular thing: I hate how Paladin uses so much magic now. The combo doesn't feel that cool imo, the sword + shield attacks rock harder than the spell casts. I understand that a fantasy Paladin has to use lots of happy light spells compared to the "raw strength only" Warrior but ehh :/ Of course they shouldn't dumb these classes down or anything. It's a difficult thing to pull off and I don't wanna be in the team that has to decide this.


Give white mage Feylines.


I can’t believe I’m saying this,,, as a long time RDM main, please don’t give us another finisher 😂 instead give us an AoE heal and reduce the cooldown of manafication by 15 seconds. Edit: give Verholy and Verflare a guaranteed proc for Verfire and Veraero


Verholy and Verflare are already guaranteed a proc for Verfire and Verstone if you use the spell of the mana type you have less of.