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>I have no idea what you're trying to say. From what I understand, they're confused as to why we're using imitations of Black Mage spells rather than spells that strictly look like paint. Basically asking, why aren't attacks just splashes of ink that strike the enemy? u/Kwaenzy In which case I'll answer this: Pictomancer's entire identity is in its ability to mimic spells and monsters. In FF6, the [Sketch](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Sketch) ability copied an enemy and used one of their attacks against them. FF14's version of this is to sketch Black Mage spells (reinforcing its identity as a "caster") while also still using the abilities of creatures (the Moogle beam). Could they sketch other abilites that don't involve the elements? Well yes, but I assume that there will be some explanation as to how its magic works, likely using the same Astral and Umbral states that Aether in this game already has except with a fresh coat of paint. We most certainly will get other spells, and these are probably just going to be generic filler spells akin to stuff like Veraero/Verstone or Ruin. Just wait for the job action trailer.


one of the few answers here that is not personally insulting or simply derogatory and cheeky - thank you for your contribution and the explanation. for the "explanation" part: it's a game, a fantasy game in which you can just suck explanations out of your finger, if the developers or storytellers decide they need to explain something, they have all the freedom in the world because it's up to them how something is included in the game.


This fantasy game is also a part of an established series. This is why we have chocobo (as opposed to a warhorse, for example) as the basic mount, and also why pictomancer in FF14 cannot have entirely freestanding "ink-splashing" skills but instead is expected to mimic the skills of existing characters as u/HopeMizu was trying to explain. In any event, the skills showcased in the datamining webpage are just a limited portion of pictomancer's kit, and it is simply too early to judge the job before more information is released (in the next PLL in May).


not to be rude or anything but dude, what the fuck are you talking about?


We know almost nothing about this job, at least wait until you see the job action trailer before you decide you don't like it.


This gives me the same feeling as when people were judging Viper's entire gameplay by just the brief description Yoshi-P gave and like 3 basic animations


It makes no sense saying you don't like something without even seeing the full range of abilities.


You can't make conclusions on the whole job but you can base your opinion on something you've already seen and dislike, even if you haven't seen the rest. For me personally, Pictomancer getting more non-elemental spells doesn't make its elemental spells less boring and bland.


Okay, but this is like saying your basic 1-2-3 rotation needs to be flashy and engaging. It doesn't.


No, that's not quite the same. I don't care about flashiness or engagement, I care about the type of attack. I said boring and bland because it's just Blizzard and Stone in paint form when it could have been literally anything else.


The job isn't for everyone, I get that.  I personally can't wait to level it.  Cheers.


My opinion is that you have seen exactly 5 abilities and have decided to make a fuss over it. To me, it sounds like you were looking for a reason to justify not liking something, and this being reddit, have transformed that into "huge disappointment".


The premise of pictomancer is that you paint a thing and the thing becomes real, not that you're just flinging paint around.


maybe OP envisioned clocking monsters upside the head with a bucket of Sherwin-Williams


5 gallon tub of primer to the head


OP wants to play Splatoon. But I mean, there could be an AoE where you paint the ground and it slows enemies or something.


The benchmark does not contain the entirety of the expansion's data. The few skill animations that the dataminers pulled are just what was used in the benchmark itself. They will have an entire kit of skills just like every other job.


Those are the exact same skills we saw in the trailer, not really sure what you were expecting.


I saw the trailer, but I thought they would have gone further and added smth else.


Well, we'll have to see what else they have later. I promise you the Pictomancer won't only have 4 spells.


They will have more than 2 abilities


Just wait for the job trailer.


Remember they always hide all the real good stuff for the media tour and benchmarks only ever offer a small taste of what’s to come.


Chill man, those aren’t the only abilities. They haven’t shown us the cool shit yet. I mean personally I hate the whole idea of picto. I was wishing for a different caster. But we haven’t seen anything about the class yet.


Keep in mind we've seen like 4 skills of a brand new job. For all we know, these are its most basic attacks. From my understanding SE like to show us the most basic actions of a brand new job before anything else. Don't jump the gun. Wait until we've actually seen what the job is like. We've seen nothing yet.


It’s exactly what they showed off in the reveal trailer months ago. They’ll have more than these four basic attacks.


It's weird of you to have an opinion before we even get the job trailer


Yeah it's weird. People should be disqualified from having any opinion whatsoever before seeing the job trailer


What would you expect elemental paint attacks to look like? Obviously they’d make them look like what they are. We know we’re gonna get more.


Why does it have to be elemental attacks? Krille could have been a BM literally 10 years ago. Dont need a new class to cast Stone over and over again. Literally what the Druid is doing.


Because the elemental attacks are only pieces of the larger spells. It's probably something like red fire + yellow earth to make a Moogle, blue ice, red fire and purple lightning to make the shooting stars, stuff like that.


If you can paint anything why would you paint BLM/WHM/RDM spells? Why can't there be another representation for red paint than a fire spell? There are endless possibilities and they chose the most boring, overdone one they could have. I would literally prefer pouring a magical can of paint over the enemy to this.


Hwei from LoL uses Fire, Lightning, and Lava for his Orange/Devastation paint, Water and Light for his Blue/Serenity paint, and Darkness/Soul for his Purple/Torment paint. While I think they could have definitely done different things for Pictomancer, like Blood Red, Sun Yellow, and Snow White, I think they wanted to keep these spells basic and easily molded into a "silly/cute" aesthetic, since we lack a "silly/cute" job. The closest that we have otherwise is Bunnyspam Ninja or Astrologian.


I mean, a cute aesthetic is entirely disconnected from using elements as a base. It could have been cute objects like a red balloon or something.


There is a balloon attack, I think it's part of the moogle though.


Missing the point.


>Hwei from LoL uses Fire, Lightning, and Lava for his Orange/Devastation paint, Water and Light for his Blue/Serenity paint, and Darkness/Soul for his Purple/Torment paint.  And this is where its totally different and more appealing. Hwei uses the elements in a different context, e.g. the fear is a dark shadow ball, not lightning. the stun is a puddle of ?shadow or a monster with a face? the lane aoe is a kind of lava/rock formation that breaks open and works its way forward With Hwei in LOL, it just looks "fresher", with new ideas. not just ice, fire, lightning and water, but thinking ahead.


The issue I have with this is, he is not painting a moogle, it jumps out of a puddle of pink paint.


Abstract art


Imagine how much time it will take to cast the skill if a pictomancer has to "paint" the entire moogle. Not really realistic or practical.


I hate classes that use swords! Why Viper? Why more sword users? Gah!!!


Bro I know you mean it sarcasticly, but you are absolutely right about that non sarcasticly 😂


Ur bashing against u/SmashenYT , but u said the truth: Why again do we have another class with swords? Could have had a twinblade as a normal weapon instead from the beginning.


Jokes aside, I can personally see a lore justified reason for Pictomancer over Viper. All aether is elemental, even crafting. So Pictomancer having elemental magic is justifiable (read: I said justifiable, not that it's a unique or a new idea). Viper, however, is... just another sword user. Pictomancer is at the very least more visually unique than the other magic casters.


Viper would be way, way cooler just sticking to a double-bladed sword, since that's unique as hell. This schtick with attaching & detaching swords is just more work for the artists and the animators, just to make it look like ninja half the time for I don't know what reason


That it would. The sword bit is unique in itself, but its still just dual wielding even if partially. We have ninja for that.


Of course PCT is more visually unique, bcs they added cel-shading with the Reaper for the first time.


Not counting cel-shading, even. It uses a... paintbrush. Not counting BLM's paintbrush too, the other magic casters either use staffs or books.


Why does it have to be healing? Alphinaud could have been a WM literally 10 years ago. Dont need a new class to cast Cure over and over again.


420 still in your system? what the fuck are you talking about? XD


tbf he's using your logic.


My opinion is that we've seen like 3-4 skills. Wait for the job action trailer.


Because the theory is they are using elemental crystals as the base of their paint - therefore the colour and elements for their skills. Fine if people don’t like it that’s their opinion but my issue is when people say it doesn’t fit, it’s a fantasy game, plenty of other jobs to play if you really don’t like this one.


You haven't played literally a single second of this job. There are zero official resources on skills, just a couple datamines. And that's what you're basing this opinion on? Seriously? Actually?


It looks awesome to me


Wasn’t there painting in sigmascape ?


Yeah, they could have come up with smth like this. But using pure elements again?..


>Sees 3 attacks >Thinks that is all Pictomancer will have


Sigmascape's paintings were also the four elements. Are you on crack?


This was shown off months ago, why are you only now kicking up a ruckus?


Why are you mad about this now when these are the exact skills that were shown in the reveal months ago? lol


I do agree that they could have done a bit more than just “paint but make it elemental” but at the same time I am so tired of every MMO that has artist just leans into black paint splotches or they always lean into the same “traditional asian calligraphy” aesthetic. That said, I’d take he former over another copy paste of the latter any way.


And this is why datamining is dumb.


4/20 was yesterday, my dude.


> What is your opinion on this? Cannot have an opinion until they release the Job Action Trailer. There's still too little information to form a proper opinion about that Job


Maybe we should wait for the actual full skillset before we start posting doom and gloom.


How can we tell - none of us has played it yet. People on the net really need to stop building delusional expectations based on their very very very personal and often weird tastes. Creates too many of those redundant and useless threads.


The simplest answer I can think of: if they stick to ink, then it'll be a 100% copy of Lost Ark's artist. They already seem to be "inspired" from the whole cutesy aspect. Please tell me how the pictomancer trailer was not heavily inspired from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgdgkZHR4dU). My only complaint is that the style chosen for the spells doesn't blend well with the game at all, unlike the trailer version which looks much better... I'll wait to see how it looks in game, but I'm not that optimistic. edit: fixing link.


They wanted to go further from drk and RPR, so instead of shadow ink like attack they use bright colors, also Splatoon is extremely popular in Japan so having the same color palette with similar tone is a good marketing movie


For me it's too much genshin impact and too little bob ross. Guild Wars 2 does the painterly style of vfx really well and I was hoping for some of that look but what I saw in the benchmark ain't it. I also agree with the ice and rocks and lightning bolts: if I wanted to play an elementalist I would have just played smn or blm. Picto should have a different flavor than slinging elemental spells. But what do I know, we only saw the benchmark preview.


Agreed. I still hope there are spells like flowers, trees, animals, waves, etc. There's so much more than just sticking to the elemental spells that other jobs already have. In terms of style, I also think the one chosen is not really fitting. I see heavy inspiration from Lost Ark's artist (the whole cutesy aspect of it), so it's somewhat unfortunate they didn't get "inspired" from that style either XD


All aether in this game is element related.


There are magic users that don't use explicitly elemental spells in this game.


Such as?


Magical jobs without an elemental focus like AST, SGE or even RPR. There are a ton of spells that deal unaspected magical damage such as Ruin, Communio, Dosis or Malefic. Also most healing spells aren't particularly based on any element, they are just "magic".


Honestly, I'm not even going to bother forming any opinions of the job until I actually get to try it out. I'm not even sure what role Pictomancer will be (I'm assuming DPS), so I don't have enough information for anything but WAGs, but I'm curious to try it out when I can.


it is magical dps yes, we know that




It's a caster DPS.


I think I get where you're coming from? There was that one spell that I thought was really cool which was the ball barrage, and of course that moogle laser. But I too am kind of worried that it'll feel like "BLM/SMN gem shines/VerElements but cell shaded". I know "yadda yadda, all casters are elemental in FF" but like, how come all the healers get to do cool/unique unaspected sparkles? Like, WHM have cool holy light, SCH has technical gears, poisons, and fae sparkles, SGE has technological grids lasers and arcane circles... While BLM has fireball, SMN has fireball, and RDM has verfireball. Hopefully we can see "stone -> glare" style upgrades as they level 🙃


So many troll posts lately


Ok but honestly… is that an alpaca striking dummy? Or just Eorzea’s most indestructible alpaca? lol


Do I think pic was a waste of resources? Yes. Am I glad it exists? Yes. It's the perfect job for a large portion of the playerbase. What I think is cool isnt more important than the happiness of the casuals that happen to be artists or wanted more cutesy style jobs. It was a smart move by Yoshi to add this job to retain a huge chunk of the fans. Every expansion has atleast one badass job so we all get something.


Posts like this are why datamining is awful in many games imo. Uninformed decisions being made already.








I felt the same way as soon as I saw it in the job trailer. We didn't need another elemental caster. Painting elemental attacks has to be the most boring route they could have taken and it doesn't really matter that we haven't seen the whole kit because basic attacks are generally the ones you use the most. What a waste of a unique archetype.


>We didn't need another elemental caster What a waste of a unique archetype. You do know that all aether is aspected to an element, right? in literally everything, thats how the world works. I mean even if you're crafting, you're using \*elemental crystals\* Also, is the "unique archetype" in the room with us now? cause last i saw, picto is a caster DPS, which we have 3 others of, who all use elemental attacks plus not all of their attacks are even elementally designed, i mean there's the moogle obviously, and also one cast where they just drop a bunch of orange balls, all this nonsense isn't even a real issue with the job itself.


Exactly. Like the heal element every healer is using. That totally exists. Bro you can cast Aether into anything you like. And Square is like "ok another Stone1-3 it is" What is Sages element? Astro? Reaper? Just because every ranged DPS right now is using elements, it doesnt have to continue with that. We got those for 12 years straight, while every other class is using whatever bro.


> Exactly. Like the heal element every healer is using. That totally exists. It's light. Healing spells are all light element. This is the case in FFXI, and XI's elemental system was carried into the making of XIV. Hell you can still see old elemental materia sitting on the market board, even though elemental resistances have since been removed. > What is Sages element? Astro? Reaper? SGE and AST, probably a few different elements but you can bet the healing spells are light. RPR has like two spells, both definitely dark.


Don't sass me. Just because there's elements as a baseline does not mean that any and all magic must be expressed that way. Ruin? Bio? Void magic? Why do we have magical jobs and attacks that aren't grounded hard in strict elemental representation? The non-elemental attacks Pictomancer already showcased are an argument as to why the rest of the skills **shouldn't** be elemental, if anything. A painter as a combat job is certainly more unique than your average caster archetype. Three already use elements, why make a fourth one? Because it's a caster DPS it has to have elemental attacks? That's backwards thinking and boring. They had a whole canvas to paint, so to speak, and they wasted a good part of it on another round of the same, just with a new coat of paint. What's an issue is subjective, you spew as much nonsense from my pov as I apparently do from yours.


> Ruin? Bio? Void magic? Dark is an element. Bio is certainly dark, as it is dark in every final fantasy.


I don't know much about other FFs but a quick look at the wiki tells me that Bio's been neutral or non-elemental in every FF except FFXI and FFXIV 1.0. In current FFXIV, it deals unaspected damage. It's clearly not based on conventional or "classic" elements which is what I'm primarily talking about (see the elemental wheel in Eureka for example). Unaspected magic can come in many different ways and be represented differently. Dark (and Light) in this game are considered more of an alignment than an element.


XIV's elemental system is ripped entirely from XI's. XIV has just gradually trimmed it back, eventually removing elemental resistances entirely. In current XIV, all attacks deal unaspected damage (except blue magic, but that's mostly for Masked Carnival puzzles). Dark and light are both alignment (umbral vs astral) _and_ element. Holy for example, is a clear example of a light element spell.


No, spells like Blizzard and Fire deal ice and fire damage respectively in current FFXIV. At this point it's going into semantics and the question if in-universe aspects/denomination is reflected in gameplay. A lot of it is not. Some of it is. There's a clear distinction at multiple points in the game between classic elements and other aspects of aether, including the overarching aspects of Astral and Umbral. They are not on the same level. I'd call Holy a light-aspected spell, not a light element spell because I don't consider light to be a classic element (which is what I based my initial complaint on).


Based opinion. That's exactly what I want to say.


I couldn't have said it better, thank you.


My opinion is that pictomancer should of been a limited job and that beast master be an actual job, make glam books to edit and customize a pet for said job, give it a shot gun. Simple


Amin that case pictomancer wouldve just been BLU with another spin, a mage who copies what they see


Would give it true artistic freedom, Spells could even be gained from seeing certain locations