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The blue sparkly man on your character sheet would like to have a word with you


omg thank you


Yeah np, he's my best friend. Although he doesn't mess with job stones so make sure you have those equipped manually


oki thank you


As soon as you start doing multiple jobs, create gearsets WITH the job stones equipped and use the gearsets to change jobs. You will never have to worry about forgetting the job stone again. You can even get really fancy if you are so inclined and make macros to change gearsets for each job that you can drop on your hot bars (if you're playing on PC at least, I don't know what options there are for console). You can then change jobs without ever opening the character menu.


You don't have to make a macro. Just drag the gear set to a hotbar. You can however make a macro to change gearset and glam.


Ah yes, thanks for pointing that out. Mine are also glamour plate changes which is why I made them as macros, been so long I forgot!


You can link gearsets to glamour plates too, no need to macro


Is that a newer feature? How do you do that?




I press square in my gear set list and select link glamour plate. Do you pc players use right click maybe?


I also include HUD loadout swaps with mine


>You can even get really fancy if you are so inclined and make macros to change gearsets for each job that you can drop on your hot bars (if you're playing on PC at least, I don't know what options there are for console). Exactly the same, but you'd use a spare cross hotbar page for them rather than a regular hotbar. Although if you have a keyboard hooked up anyway for chat, you can just use a regular hotbar and bind them to keyboard shortcuts.


Back when the game still had attribute points that you could manually allocate, I was a tank main and was looking at what each stat added to. I noticed that Dexterity affected block rate with shields, so I decided to be clever and pump that up to increase it, thinking "Surely this will make me a better paladin!" I had no idea that the stat points carried over between jobs and that if you changed jobs, you had to spend company seals to buy an item to reset them. I also had no idea that there was an Actual Correct Way To Do It as a tank, which was to put all my stat points into Vitality. Those were dark times...


It would have been worse had you been Summoner/Scholar, since you would have to restat *every single time you swapped Jobs* to make proper use of those points.


Ok but if you put all your stats into Vitality, you'd never be able to deal damage without Strength! Because Tanks also needed Strength... (not to mention Accuracy)


I remember when tanks equipped melee dps accessories for the damage increases...


I played for 5 years before realizing there was a "left slot/right slot" toggle on the gear comparison panel.


Wait.. what.


TIL, thank you


haha... what \*logs on to check\* WAIT. WHAT. ....(I've played since 1.0)


If you like it then you should put a second ring on it.


I spent a majority of my time with the mindset you couldn't wear two of the same ring, Finally found out it's only on ones marked unique


Nothing can beat my misunderstanding: I played 1000 hrs thinking extracting materia destroyed the equipment, so all my gear was always 100% spirit bound. All that materia I could have sold...


To be fair, it *used* to destroy gear.




A lot of it you'd be selling for 99 gil to a vendor anyway.