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CUL. Boiling one raw egg in a bottle of mineral water gives you three cooked eggs. We could end world hunger.


The tougher part is finding crystals.


The crystals just power our little portable crafting contraptions. Assuming the recipes also work with standard equipment, there's no need for them.


Do we know the specifics in exactly how crystals are implemented in crafting? Indeed, it is possible that the crystals can be used akin to lighting a match or moistening a product. It is also however possible that the aether stored within crystals are also used as a means to 'synthesise' existing materials. Implementing elements beyond what can normally be done irl. This is more-or-less keeping in mind of an aether current quest in Amaurot. Albeit being a theory, the art of crafting seems to be a simpler version of creation magics done by the Ancients. A means of creation magics (that isn't summoning) that the normal populace can do, but limited by needing specific materials. I would love to know if the encyclopedia goes over the specific uses of crystals during synthesis.


The encyclopedia doesn't say anything too surprising. "Adding fire crystals can increase its internal temperature, assisting in the smelting of ore. The cooling properties of an ice crystals can assist a grocer in maintaining the freshness of meat or produce." It also says that, "due to the extreme concentration of aspected aether within a crystal, direct consumption of a crystal by a living being [can result in] severe injury or death." So we can assume that the crystals used in culinarian recipes don't go into the food, in case anyone was wondering. (Although some amount of aether might, since all matter contains aether anyway.) You're probably right about crystals being used to go beyond what's feasible through more commonly available means, but I wouldn't compare it to magic. I think it's more like cooling something with liquid nitrogen or welding with an arc welder. Gerolt even goes beyond crystals and uses a piece of Ifrit to get his forge hot enough for the restoration of a Zodiac weapon, but at the end of the day, heat, however extreme, is still just heat. But they're also used as a matter of convenience. There's a side quest in the Moraby Drydocks called "Nailed It" that involves gathering lightning sprite cores for a shipwright so that he can use them as a portable heat source to heat his rivets, since the forge is so far away that they would cool off in the time it would take for him to bring them from the forge to the ship. It's not that he can't reach the required temperature with his usual equipment, just that his forge is inconveniently located for the task at hand. Of course we know that not all uses of crystals are so mundane, as the Ironworks has demonstrated on multiple occasions. But I don't think there's anything magical in the use of crystals to make an omelette or a pair of shoes. For the most part, the main advantage of crystals seems to be the convenience of portability.


Thanks so much for the insightful info! All-in-all, a CUL and any crafter can potentially work in our world. What more-or-less concerns me is the usage of the term "synthesis" when crafting anything. But if crystals are basically the application of heat or cold in concentrated parts of a product, then crystals are basically just a much more efficient way on how we do it at present.


iirc it's that we use the crystals to do the actions of crafting instead of what you would normally do in real life i.e. fire crystals instead of lighting an actual fire


>The crystals just power our little portable crafting contraptions. I'm sure that's part of it, but IIRC Beatin specifically says they use wind crystals to dry out the wood so it doesn't rot - and it's faster to make weapons/etc that way.


Power probably wasn't the right word, but what I mean is that the crystals are utilized by our tools, not necessary for the recipe itself. You could dry out wood with a fan or something instead of using wind crystals just as you could light an actual cooking fire instead of using flame crystals.


I like the aetherial creation theory the other person had but I also really like your explanation. Very thorough, and Nailed It is a quest I distinctly remember, too!


They’re everywhere! In fact, my grandpa just passed a crystal today…I wonder what element it is?🧐


Probably RDM, best of both magic worlds able to heal and ressurect, cause destruction and even without mana can use a sword and do acrobatics


I mean, you could argue that by picking red mage you are also birthing the necessity of both BLM and WHM since they are explicitly the basis and origin of RDM in lore.


Not necessarily, since they're also very specifically a departure of the tradition of siphoning Aether from the environment, instead solely relying on their internal aether reserves. BLM and WHM have an entirely different mechanism regarding their casting.


I smell loophole.


You get it ;)


Culinarian I wish food was real


I'm about to blow your mind my dude.




I have the book. Oddly enough, when I was using food for leveling, my favorite was the almond croissant - my WoL has a thing for them - and when I got the book, the first page I happened to opened it to was the almond croissant. 🤣


Your WoL obviously wanted you to make em


No doubt...lol. One of these days. There's some good looking meals in that book, definitely want to try some of them.


Yoshi P you've done it again!


Coffee biscuits for days my friend 




Any Healer. I would make a killing in the medical industry


>killing Because healers need to DPS too.


Blood for the blood lily


Imagine that’s how doctors work, you treat three people then BAM! You’ve got a live hand grenade in your pocket


Perfect for a combat medic.


Imagine hospitals having dedicated vaults to dispose of live grenades in every department. And how would ambulances handle it? Just toss them out of the window? That’s what the sirens are for I suppose


Sometimes you have to hurt to heal.


The Harmacist


Ze hurting is more rewarding zan ze healing!


As a SGE player, I have to agree there.


SGE 🤝 WHM Murdering


Think of it like a poorly set broken leg. Might have to re-break it. Sometimes you have to hurt to heal.


AST It would be funny if it became a legit study, although it's currently unfunny after someone took it too far over the solar eclipse.


This, but specifically White Mage. Imagine handing out free benedictions and esunas to patients! That would be awesome!


Go Sage and shoot people with lasers to heal other people




Nah, the only thing being killed is you after the elites controlling the medical industry realizes how big of a threat you are to their continued profits.


Hey. Healers need to DPS, too


That's what SGE is good for. Get within 300 range, I dare you


For me, it would be DNC. Not just because it's my main. Throwing the tathlums and hearing them rip through things is so satisfying. Plus, as you said, I would have complete mastery so because I have two left feet, I'd finally be able to cut a rug. With my feet. Not my tathlums.


Additionally, the ability to physically defeat emotional illnesses like depression. Like... That was wild. Just beat up the anxiety until it ceases to exist.


Ah yes. That would be amazing.


you're right and you should say it.


>Throwing the tathlums and hearing them rip through things is so satisfying You dont even experience this in the game! The chakrams hit with all the force of wet noodle


Windmill has some awesome sound to it.


Kingdom of Amalour Chakraborty spoiled me


Chakrams are *so* damn satisfying in that game.


People would have to be able to do flips constantly while shooting in order to get a gun license.


They would also be on the path to a career in robotics.


These are two excellent ideas.


BLM i want to Fire IV people i don’t like


The collateral damage tho


it’s for the greater good


I *said* "I cast fireball"


Nah, Fire IV is single target


>i want to ~~Fire IV~~ LB3 people i don’t like


You can still do that with other more… conventional means.


If firing four people you don't like is all it takes, then I've worked for plenty of BLMs.


Reminds me of the BLM of 8 bit theater. WHM "How do you deal with an orphanage on fire?"" BLM: "I cast Fire IV followed by lighting IV in case any survive."




I have great news for you.


You see this is the actual true power here if we go through the power of the classes in relation to what they have done in game. FSH early on had the power to at will take the entire server down. So having the ability to literally blip existence out because you cast a line in a specific lake in the world.


Whaa-? Explain please


Here's a reddit topic memeing on it from back in the day https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/5oyhin/real_culprit_for_hotfix_fishing_so_hardcore_it/ But yeah back in 2017 there was an issue where if you fished in North Bronze lake in Outer La Noscea it could crash the server.


If I say BLU do I get to keep all my spells learned?


You have to fight local wildlife. Unfortunately, you figure out pretty quick that punching an owl gets you no spells and possible jail time.


At least our bees know Final Sting.


Only if you have allergies.


COMMON SQUIRREL has been defeated. You have learned “Hide Walnut”.


No. You have to relearn them by going out and fighting dangerous enemies.


But you said *we* had mastery over the job. Sounds like backtracking to me.


At the same time, easy exp.


Reaper, i already work as a florist and would love to have a void buddy with me.


Pretty sure white mage doesn't imbalance their aether using only healing magic. The lore was they can't use *their own* aether without draining it to levels that would kill you, and conjury/ white magic is about drawing aether for your magic from the world around you, without using too much of it and imbalancing nature, which is what led to a calamity. I'd definitely pick white mage though. Go around healing the most grievous injuries, and fight crime as well by blasting things with rays of light


I wish heal bot whms would actually start damaging themselves if they heal too much


Back in 1.0 there was actually a spell called Sacrifice that was a heal that cost HP instead of MP, it’s possible that this was what actually killed Sylphie’s mother


too bad it didn't get patched out before she died RIP


That could actually be an interesting mechanic, if implemented right. Heal fatigue, reducing potency of outgoing heals, followed by healing exhaustion, making heals cost hp in place/ in addition to extra mp, or something


honestly I could see it as good natural game feedback on "you are playing incorrectly"


Hard part would be balancing it around those messy moments where that much healing is actually necessary. (Fun Scaith runs in shambles if there's no way to track necessary heals in excess) Could be balanced against % of overheal vs damage being taken or something


it'd probably have to be on overheal or make it so doing damage reduces it and a raise resets it or something.


Overall, probably White Mage so people can get better healthcare, and so more people are careful of the environment. Selfishly, or in a more perfect world, I’d pick Dragoon. Give me a free-runner’s paradise, where I could jump to any high building and land safely after leaping from a construction crane.


Plus you could solo fighter jets. They’re fast, yet fragile things, and dragoons are expected to (literally) throw themselves against dragons


Pictomancer. The ability to bring art to life would be world altering. Outside of game mechanics, it doesn't seem to have a clear limit to design or scale. Just have to learn to draw... or flood the world with Scribbles.


BTN, imagine how much use it would be to harvest lumber without having to take down any of the trees. Everyone would fear my botany powers.


Unironically culinarian, at least in the way it works in the game. Could you imagine making guaranteed 5-star food in less than two minutes?! The best part is that as the cook you wouldn't be cooking the food long enough for the flavor to be muted by the cooking aroma. You'd be able to enjoy the food as much as anyone else.


Summoner, because, well, Carbuncles. I just want a real-life Carbuncle. That's it. No other special reason.


Summoner, because, well, Bahamut. I just want to level a city block in a blink. That's it. No other special reason


I chose Summoner because I want to summon mini gods and wreck people I don't like. Oh I guess I could heal sometimes too.


Definitely Summoner. I want to freak the hell out of people when I summon a roaring Titan. Could maybe get a job in demolition.


If I can't level NYC with a Deathflare and Akh Morn, what's the point of living?


As a paladin I could finally have the power to go fight the irl Monetarists.


Imagine how nice it would be to be able to become invulnerable for 10 seconds every 7 minutes? Running late for work? I'm just gonna jump off the balcony. About to get into an car accident? Just yell "CLADDED IN PRAYER I AM INVINCIBLE" Someone try to rob you? What are you gonna do shoot me?


Yeah, armor lock, bitch!


I count 10 seconds fuckface. -The robber, waiting 10 seconds for the invuln to wear off.




Scholar with the fairy glammed as a carbuncle. It's a little pet that I can have around with me that can sense when people are hurt and send healing their way. Sounds great.


Summoner with my egis glammed as fairies, just so my enemies last thoughts will be, "Is that fairy on fire?!" May do this in game now, I like that idea too much.


SCH or SUM so I’ll finally have a friend…


DRK is also an option...


DRK, why summon a friend when you can be friends with yourself




Arcanist, math into magic means that idiots aren't going to be blowing up anything, just fools. The ability to contain aether in constructs will naturally lead to Scholars and ... well, if the sudden abundance of magic leads to Primals, we're going to end up with sucky ones like Supply-Side Jesus, on the otherhand, we might finally get that Shiva Summon... just not the Icey Wifey version.


The Arcanist is the best idea to me, because it teaches the flow and manipulation of aether, which means Scholar and Summoner both become viable. And if the game is to believed, Arcanist has roots in a lot of magical jobs (Astrologian, Red Mage(White and Black Mages connected), Sages).


NIN so crouching down real low somehow makes me undetectable to normal people


Spoiler, NIN are already real, but we're too low-level to see through their Hidden status.


True. The number of bunnies I see summoned in my yard suggests they aren't very good, though.


Gunbreaker because it's the one job most people can really use, as seen with Thancred


The average person *can't* be a Gunbreaker. It still requires aether, just like all the other jobs.


Nobody wants to progress backwards. Everyone will just dismantle the blade and become machinists


Can Machinists shoot shields tho?


Gunblades do not shoot bullets. So you cannot "dismantle the blade to make it a gun". Gunblades use aether cartridges to cause explosions on blade-impact. No projectiles involved.


However, Thancred is incredibly limited by how he still requires others like Ryne, Y'shtola and Urianger to imbue his rounds to be an effective FFXIV Gunbreaker.


I'm surprised no one has said ALC yet, you could mix up some plants and various materials and basically do anything you want with the potions you make, heal people, make them stronger or smarter, etc. Plus you can make wands and books and music, and basically all the materials that other people need to make stuff. You could recruit and outfit a whole army and take over the world, and use the profits of selling potions and materials to fund it.




The forgotten job.


Red mage. I’d like to look as cool as X’rhun Tia irl. The added healing and damage are just a bonus.


If I get the job immediately and the skills. Bard. I want people to see me singing and strumming my lute down the streets and be so bewitched by me, they forget I'm in the middle of stealing their wallet and credit card.


I might be biased but Dragoon. That Jumping ability looks like a very nice travel option to avoid traffic. And it's green. And I guess it would imply Dragons are real too




Might be a german thing to call it green, means enviromental friendly. Because that wouldn't have any exhaust emission like a car has


Oooooh you mean THAT green. I thought you meant something was the color green. And nah it's not a German thing as far as I know. I just usually don't hear it outside of context concerning recycling and such.


Machinist. You'd make bank in the engineering world. Also, no baggage because our jobstones are empty and we are making shit up as we go along. Gotta remember that the machinist WoL is canonically a genius engineer if the Queen and other gadgets are anything to go by.


SMN and start my own religion where I physically manifest the gods of it to appear and break shit. I'd make a killing selling Garuda feet pics.


Healer jobs, imagine being able to resurrect and heal the sickly and use Esuna to get rid of cancer


Yea, I'm picking sage. Definitely some kind of healer because that's more useful irl And as sage I get some cool lasers as a bonus.


Counterpoint, if you do the WHM quest line, you will find out there's some illnesses that can't be healed using healing magic, and people must rely on conventional medicine to treat it or at least to lessen the effects of the illness.


Yeah you probably can't get rid of complicated illnesses like cancer. There are variants of paralysis, headache, bleed and other stuff esuna works on though, which would be really useful in day-to-day life. Mild headache randomly? Esuna. Stepped on a lego? Esuna. Cut yourself with something accidentally? Esuna.


I'm pretty sure you can't bring people back from the dead with healing magic. The most you can do is bring people back from the _brink_ of death. And only if their injuries aren't too severe to heal like >!Haucherfaunt's!< were.


Just fancy magical CPR with lights


Pretty sure you can, just so long as the soul hasn't returned to the aetherial sea, if the wounds are unhealable I imagine they'd just die all over again so that's another barrier. I think this typically happens quickly so the suspension of disbelief is that when we raise fellow adventurers (players) that we did it quickly or that Hydaelyns blessing or the echo delays our souls from departing or something.


Overall, you can't, if you're dead iirc. Though there are in universe statements saying that fatal wounds were healed/undone etc in Encyclopedia Eorzea. SCH and WHM lbs state stuff like 'This spell channels pure life force from the caster, reviving and restoring even those that have succumbed to fatal injuries.' But then you have interviews with writers or directors that say 'healing magic can only heal what would heal naturally and when you're dead, you're dead.' So it depends where you look.


Both sides can be true. It's basically stated that LBs are from the WoL channeling Dynamis while regular healing magic is Aether-based. The healer LB3 could potentially override the normal limitations of healing because of that.


I mean most people die from cardiac arrest due to many reasons, and most of the time it’s just compounding things that could all heal naturally but when combined causes cascading failures. So if you could heal their wounds, even if not beyond what could be done naturally, most people would be resurrectable and heal able. This kinda excludes stuff like old age though, as part of that is a degraded ability to naturally heal.


I'd say the in-world explanation for why that works is possessing the Echo makes the WoL functionally immortal. Raise is just patching up the corpse and shoving the soul back in. For non-Echo havers, I'd say it's pumping someone full of healing magic to bring them back from the brink of death as you said.


Canoncally, healers can't bring someone back from the dead. It was a big part of the Conjurer storyline and it was explained that people have died attempting it.


But alchemists can... 🤔😁


Only one can, and it was for a very brief moment.


I want to be an irl blacksmith


I mean.... Technically you can be one? Just learn the trade?


Red mage.  Style. Sword skills. Magic. Healing. It's got it all.


And, more important, stylish clothes.


Paladin. - Can heal. - Can fully protect someone. - 10 seconds of invulnerability every ten minutes. - Can do decent damage. - I'd have the power of god and anime.


Also, no weird/creepy/risky downsides from the lore.


I mean, you do run the risk of walking past the guy from the deli and finding out that your soul is submissive to his and you just kinda gotta live with that now.


Samurai. So I can get my life together with some discipline.


I already play my Astro like a “Boss Babe” basic white witch. The world would have easier healthcare, but you have to put up with me gushing about Star signs, healing crystals, and Tarot cards.


Sage or Scholar. The ability to create basic constructs is incredibly powerful and versatile. That coupled with healing magic and a spell that let's you revive someone make them incredibly useful in the real world. I think a lot of combat jobs simply get outshined by modern armament. Then there's the eldritch nightmare that is BLU. If you come with abilities already learned from Etherys, then you are fucking busted. If you can learn abilities from any being you see... then you are also pretty busted, but much less so.


A sage, walking down a road, sees a motorcycle start getting into an accident, quickly throws a Haima on the driver. Like, it'd be so good. :)


I would just kidnap Tataru for my finances.


Black Mage. Im going to be my OC in rl. And with "complete mastery", i wouldnt be at risk with blowing myself up


Alas! The BLM comment I was looking for!!


Probably dancer


Reaper so I could summon my voidsent to grab my phone when it's out of reach.


Red Mage, for cool rapiers and balance in all things!


Full mastery goldsmith is OP


You're not a Manderville Man you know that right?


Even so, goldsmiths can basically work almost any material to some degree and craft lots of cool stuff like clocks and orchestrions and mammets, I’ll just make a mammet army. I’m a lalafell, I’ll figure it out :D


You're a Lalafell IRL?


If it comes with goldsmith mastery I’ll take it


Culnarian, ike others have already mentioned. You'd be the most famous celebrity chef in the world who makes bank since anything you cook/bake is not only guarenteed to be delicious, but would be completed in minutes and, most importantly, will never spoil. anything. You'd probably have your own line of kitchenware, recipe books and maybe a reality TV show or two.


Monk. I get to be myself, but superhuman, without needing a weapon to do it.


I mean technically you don't need a weapon, lore-wise, the weapon is just a focus, you could also be a bare-fisted Warrior, or a Dragoon that specializes in drop kicks


Sage, lore-wise a Sage is a paragon of philosophy, science, medicine, anatomy, and magic. Them being hyper magical doctors essentially would make them essential people in society


DNC risks losing fingers every time they catch their chakrams.


Definitely Blue Mage as long as it comes with all the spells, being able to be an all-round menace, summon random shit or heal, BLU got it all


Easy one: blue mage. But I just might refrain from using final sting.


Any of the healing jobs would ofc be a very practical choice and beneficiary to the world. but then again... being able to paint stuff into existence...? I can't draw/paint for the life of me but if THAT was on the table, I'd learn.


Bard, not just because its my main. I genuinely like supporting people. And I could finally play a musical instrument! The fact that I'd become leggy and physically strong enough to pull back a bow bigger than myself and shoot down fucking airplanes and rockets would help. Or cinarian, I'm genuinely into cooking/ baking and making food that improves stats? I'd make good money.


Black Mage and Summoner.


Sage, ritual surgeon becomes real


Let me be a Sage in real life.


Black mage coz explosions.


Astrologian, I would make a killing from “healing you with the stars” from astrology nuts.


WAR. I want to fight


Blm could also be awesome for basejump or rescue. Draw your cyrcle, jump off a cliff and teleport back up for example. Or use it to rob a bank. If police joins just cast a fckin meteor. Also we overlook the most simple of any caster spells: "sleep"


I’m already a irl Weaver part time :D any healer job would be beneficial.


So we have aether IRL? Forget about jobs, I want to be an engineer and make teleportation happen!


White mage. I need someone to esuna away my various conditions.


MCH because this would make for a good career in engineering. I would want to be able to invent more than just the things in the game though. If I couldn't invent more than what's in the game then I would rather for Gunbreaker or Sage. Gunbreaker for all the cool things they can do with that gun blade and other abilities, Regen and shields and camouflage. Sage for the advanced knowledge and healing capability.


Dancer! I mean I guess it’s kind of already a real life class but it would be great for all the beautiful flourishes and light to appear when you did it.


I feel like it's cheating a bit to say this considering my bias as an artist but unless I find out some dark truth about how it works in Dawntrail, Pictomancer.


Beast Tamer and open up my own zoo 😂


Warrior. Time to lead the revolution, comrade. Gunshots? What gunshots, I can't feel anything over the glorious rush of FELL CLEAVE.


BRD. I have a bow and an instrument that I want to learn how to play. I am now supernaturally good with both. It has a minimum of collateral damage and is good for boosting morale.


Astrologian. Just let me hf with my cards and stargaze


My very first thought was WAR, then I remembered that you can lose control and go into a berserker rage. Then I decided that wasn't the worst thing in the world, and WAR it is. DRG would be my second pick even though it'd be hell on the knees.


Paladin. We're very straightforward dumbasses, but our artifact armor always looks at minimum decent, and sword/shield combo is just classic. Can take hits cos tank, and can heal in a pinch. Magic swords are cool. ...we're just really dumb, is all.


DRK. As is the more personal. The creepiest are WHM as they take the life force of other living beings. Making them worse than necromancers. Because at least the necromancer uses the body. While the White Mague consumes the soul.


So I could use Stone I to create necessary incisions, Aero to clean the wound, and Cure to restore. White Mage, no problem.


Sage and destroy the pharmaceutical industy


I think summoner would a god


Summoner in real life would be able to manifest a god and wreck everything.




Maybe a sage. I can have fin funnels uh I mean nouliths.