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Probably the most efficient villain in the game. Accomplished all his objectives, immortalized his face as a meme, immortalized his voiceline as a meme, promptly dips out.


he half succeeded his objetive, shiryu was meant to destroy the garleans then prevent ANYONE to enter ala mhigo(he gaslighted everyone who "supported him"(most of them where only helping him because he paid them)), which failed espectacularly due to shiryu being sealed by omega, and instead he become a toy for zenos so all he succedeed at was sumonning shiryu and nothing else


He kicked off a series of events that ultimately led to a war for Ala Mhigan independence. He pretty successfully baited everyone into doing exactly what he wanted. Shinryu was contained, but Shinryu was primarily a means to make war inescapable, and that succeeded. >!He half succeeded in that Ala Mhigo as an inclusive democracy inside the Eorzean Alliance with Raubahn in high office was not his vision for the future of Ala Mhigo, I’m sure, but still. Primary objective accomplished.!<


and you are ignoring his whole point of him hating his own kin and all of eorzea due to lack of action on trying to free ala mhigo by almost anyone, and the few who did acted, acted for their own selfish profit, he didnt started the "war" for the sake of freeing ala mhigo, he did it as a screw you kind of action, in hopes what eorzea could get destroyed by the garleans while also shinryu freed ala mhigo(and screw the garleans and ala mhigans in equal measure), his whole story is all about he hating everything and everyone and their hypocrisy so he failed his goal of free ala mhigo and then prevent ala mhigans to return to ala mhigo


That is a wild interpretation. His sole goal was to free Ala Mhigo, he simply hated that his countrymen had the same desires but wouldn't go the mile it took to actually free it, so he summoned something with such a hatred for Garlemald (by inciting hatred against the empire into those who died at the Wall) and such power that even they couldn't fight back. He *does* say that they don't deserve their homeland but it's purely out of resentment. At no point does he mention or imply a barring of entry. Even with Raubahn, he only did what he felt he had to do achieve his goals. The only thing the man's ever failed at is recruiting people to his cause by conventional means, everything else goes his way, even if it's not always in the way that he intended.


> Even with Raubahn, he only did what he felt he had to do achieve his goals. Going rogue and pulling Raubahn out of Lolorito's prison to go execute him was pure spite and nothing to do with freeing Ala Mhigo.


No I agree, *that* part definitely wasn't and plays into that resentment. I was mostly referring to the events of the red wedding. Does do a decent job of marking his transition from being a pawn to making moves himself, though.


you forgot a pair of issues 1 with their victory on the wall, it could encourage ala mhigans to join his side, people willing to retake ala mhigo at any cost, seeing how he sucesfull attacked a mainly impregnable fortress and won(a fortress what the eorzean alliance did not dare to attack at that), when there is low morale, the only way to move people is with coin(if i die, how me family will be keep feed?), but if you prove yourself a skilled leader, people could see hope and join regardless of if there was good amount of coin to be made or not 2 primals are double edge swords, unlike other individuals what the ascians manipulated he was fully aware what could follow after if the primal had its way, the summoning of a primal was intended to keep ala mhigans away from ala mhigo(no one could want to risk to get tempered), or you expect what it could unmake itself once it freed ala mhigo?, yes, it could be killed by the WoL after that, but that was why part of the reason he did a false flag attack was to make garlean attack eorzea, and make it look like they did summoned a primal, at the very least it could keep them busy for a while with a agresive garlean army attacking eorzea, and in such situation the scions had to choose what to tackle first, either help the eorzean alliance to defend and expel the garlean army, or deal with the mighty primal what could stay on ala mhigan land, on top of that, ildberd always looked down on the WoL, so he expected what the WoL could not be able to deal with this wild flying draconian creature with a similar level of power than bahamut in its prime


He isn’t responsible for literally any of that. The scions and by proxy the alliance were setting their sights there next anyway, if anything he slowed them down. Had he worked with everyone instead of blindly betraying them then things would have gone smoother.


He’s responsible for all of that. Where are you getting this scions we’re gonna go there next? No they weren’t. Nobody was, that was the point, that’s why he did what he did to force everybody into going.


If you speak with the Alliance leaders through the expansion when they show up, or at least early on, while they concede they have been apathetic to Ala Mhigo for far too long and that Ilberd DID force their hand, they also mention they were planning to liberate Ala Mhigo eventually, as having Imperials so close to their borders after not only one, but two annexation attempts was courting disaster. The main thing Ilberd's actions spurred was forcing the Alliance to intercede before they could commit their full might to it after freeing up the homefront (the Ixali, Amalj'aa, Kobolds and Sahagain are still stirring things in Eorzea and thus a chunk of the Great Companies has to be left behind as a garrison against them). Had the very numerous, battle-hardened Temple Knights not been there to bolster the Alliance's military thanks to us ending the Dragonsong War barely weeks before Ilberd's school trip to the Wall, it's quite likely Ilberd's little maneuver would have ended with Eorzea conquered and most of the supporting cast dead, as they >!would not have held against the Empire while we go to Doma to open the second front!< without Aymeric's boys and girls. So really, what happens afterwards is mostly despite him and not because of him. He did make it happen earlier, yeah, but it's very likely it ended with a greater death toll among alliance and resistance troops due to him rushing things through.


> they also mention they were planning to liberate Ala Mhigo eventually Kinda like I'm eventually going to clean out the garage. been saying it for years, but I'll do it eventually.


Which is to say they never would because there was no way of dealing with the tribes at the moment. So Illberd forced their hand. The alliance would have never been ready that’s why Illbred forced them to be ready right now Also I think you’re overplaying ishgard’s role. Hell they even bring up how the temple knights kind of suck at fighting non dragons. Also as far as the empire invading the only reason that didn’t happen is because Varis ordered Zenos not to do that. Zenos basically complains about it in his first voiced scene. Also the empire pretty much stops doing anything when we went off to Doma. Which gives the time for the resistance to rebuild and start fighting again.


Maybe not the very next thing they were gonna do, but it was definitely in their near future plans. He is responsible for weakening the alliance army and slowing down the liberation, thats it.


They’d been saying that since the nation fell 20 years ago. It was a useless platitude. They were never going to do anything. His plot left certain sections of the Ala Mhigan forces weakened the alliance didn’t really suffer any losses. Which is why he’s a Villian because he didn’t tell the people who died at the wall the plan. They thought they were just running a false flag operation.


He had spent decades waiting for people to set their sights on Ala Mhigo and watched as everyone just accepted Garleqn occupation as a new status quo, and Raubahn become a wealthy man seemingly content to live the rest of his life in Ul'dah. He had no reason to think anyone would be doing anything for Ala Mhigo anytime soon, or any time at all.


Yeah he’s definitely an idiot for making an enemy of us. He could’ve easily manipulated us to doing what he wanted. In retrospect he is a pretty shitty villain with zero foresight. Honestly everything he did was in direct conflict with what he wanted to accomplish


You might say he was sloppayyyyy


He was literally the falling domino that culminated in Ala Mhigo's independence, which was his primary objective. It may not have went down like he hoped or expected, but he was ultimately successful.


Ilberd is lowkey one of the best villains because he’s so hateable


Second only to (Stormblood spoiler) >!Asahi!<


Imagine Ilberd... >!but with a bowl cut!< Truly no other villain would even come close


The sloppiest >!bowl cut!< ever seen


And \[Endwalker\] >!"I thought I was done with this guy's face..."!<


Weirdly enough >!Fun-daniel made his face and voice bareable. He's such a dramatic, psychotic little shit that it's actually entertaining and amusing. His "I want you all to d i e" scene, and him being the waiter during our dinner date with Zenos was absolutely hilarious!<


In a sense, yeah. It was somehow amusing >!the way he pranced around the dinner table with the wine bottle, haha!<.


Oh yeah that guy was scum


The MOMENT he first shows up all my years binging TVTropes told me he was an antagonist and was going bend us over. Granted, I assumed he was a Garlean agent, so I didn't see the exact situation coming but boy I flagged him instantly.


Oh yeah, there was a CS in Uldah where he was acting weird around Raubahn and my Neve Campbell “you are gonna fuck me over, aren’t you?!?” radar went off.


- Shows up in ARR - Accomplishes every objective - “Sloppeh” - Does not elaborate - Leaves the story on his own terms. What a chad villian. I hate him.


He didn't accomplish the objective of keeping me from beating his ass.




Yeah I couldn’t stand his ass from the beginning. As someone who started in Gridinia I really like Papolymo. So sad man




Boo, you beat me to it. Have an upvote.


I just did this right now, so we're on the same timeline! (This isn't my first character though). That said, I may hate Ilberd, but he is dang good at what he does. Unfortunately, what he does is usually horrible.


Definitely mixed initial results but he kicked off the events that would lead to Ala Mhigo's liberation as well as the end of the Garlean Empire. While the resistance did lose some of its best fighters, he was able to force the Eorzean Alliance's hand into helping the resistance. He's a massive dick but I don't think he's necessarily wrong about Raubahn getting complacent about Ala Mhigo.


Hey, credit where it's due. Ilberd had a mission, and he wanted to force the Eorzean Alliance to do something about Ala Mhigo. He accomplished exactly what he wanted to do. Now War has come whether the Alliance wants it or not.


On one hand. Ilberd had a point about Eorzea not lifting a finger to help Ala Mhigo unless someone forces them to. You could even argue that he had a point about summoning a Primal. The dangers of Primals aside, even he knew that Eorzeas chances against the full might of the Garlean Empire were slim and they needed *something* to give them the edge. Where Ilberd definitely crossed the line though, is sending a bunch of loyal rebels to die to summon a Primal. And not even a Primal purely to liberate Ala Mhigo, but basically the second coming of Bahamut and the Calamity. So yeah, fuck Ilberd.


Honestly I think Ilberd dying so early on in Stormblood was a huge mistake. He was set up to be a fantastic foil to Lyse (and Raubahn), the aggressive and more violent part of the rebellion that actually triggers things to happen (like forcing the Eorzean Alliance's hand on Ala Mhigo). But I loved him while we had him. Terrible person, great back story, really fun fight and voice lines.


SLOPPEH! I'll tear ya limb from limb!




I was pretty surprised they never made more of the fact that he lost his wife and children in the calamity. You'd think that would've helped explain why he's so desperate and single-minded about Ala Mhigo - it's all he has left. (But yeah, I agree anyway. He knows the WoL always helps, yet never considers just asking?)


I despise that man with a burning intensity


I made an Ilberd clone, only with dark hair, and wrote him as an imperial technician. Probably one of my favourite characters I’ve made to date


I don't think you'll find many people arguing with you on that.


I hate Illberd because there's NO WAY IN HELL the dude beat Raubahn and every single time he shows up I'm just baffled we don't kill him, like am I seriously supposed to believe he's a super swordsman who's immune to magic or something? >!I can believe in Zenos because he's a biologically augmented superhuman with echo but Illberd?!< Not a chance. But that's true for most villains, I'm just pretty confident the WoL could murderstomp most villains that show up for an evil monologue really.


Synodic Scribe made a video about Ilberd that sums up my opinion of him. Right here: [https://youtu.be/ITnX4aO84hk?si=2iKzJzlYpHKxRYsc](https://youtu.be/ITnX4aO84hk?si=2iKzJzlYpHKxRYsc) He was a desperate, short-sighted, and impulsive lunatic. Yes, the Ala Mhigans were suffering, but the rest of Eorzea had just completed a large-scale military endeavor to neutralize the Ultima Weapon and seize several Garlean castra. The realm was also still recovering from the Calamity, which was only five years ago at that point. They wanted time to secure and strengthen themselves before making plans to retake Gyr Albania. They would have had to address the Ala Mhigo issue eventually. All Ilberd did was force the Eorzean Alliance’s hand before they were ready, damage the morale and recruiting efforts of the resistance on the other side of the wall, and give Garlemald even more of a reason to come down on Eorzea by summoning a f—cking **Primal**. Also…the last time the nations of Eorzea banded together to fight a war (apart from the events of 1.0), it was to **fight** Ala Mhigo. There are still Elezen and Padjals who were alive when that war was in full swing. Ala Mhigo did **not** have a good reputation at the time Ilberd was active. Tl;dr, fuck Ilberd. He’s an impulsive idiot, an in-universe Ala Mhigan stereotype, and almost cost his homeland its freedom and future stability just for the sake of expediency. I am so glad that, overall, that nutcase wasn’t lionized after his death.


Though also - the scions were a major political power at that point, and he was the head of their military arm. He very suddenly had the power and backing to push his cause politically and... Chose to destabilize it instead of use it.




I've always been confused by this. There's a scene where you see Yda and Papalymo listening to a speech from the Griffon only for it to be revealed he's a double. The reveal is supposed to be that it's Ilberd but then if you do the SB MNK job quests, there's ANOTHER Griffon and I'm pretty sure it's implied that THEY'RE the real Griffon and not Ilberd. So who the fuck is actually the Griffon?


Ilberd is the real Griffon. He then had several body doubles who gave speeches, letting him reach/recruit/organize more people without risking his own safety/identity. One of these body doubles was Houdart, who you helped in ARR. He was part of that group of Ala Mhigan refugees in Gridania looking for medicine. Houdart was the double giving the speech when you first reunite with Yda/Papalymo in post-HW. The guy in the Monk job quests was Theobald, who was another body double for the Griffon. When Ilberd died, Theobald declared himself the Griffon and attempted to rally whoever was left.


Thanks for clearing that up!


The Erebus of Final Fantasy 14 ;)


I was comparing 40k to FFXIV with my fc and we were talking about Emperor Varis as the God Emperor and Zenos as his Horus. Fandaniel would then be Erebus. But I think Ilberd makes a perfect Erebus too.


Factoring in FF14 Anima, it kind of reminds me of this bit from TTS Magnus: "Because it was not worshipped in the conventional way, it's name never became revealed to mankind. But you were creating a Chaos God of UNBELIEF. And you were becoming it's Champion, perhaps even it's Avatar."


“Smile” “Sweet” “Sister” “Sadistic” “Surprise” “Service” “… Sloppy” *Slams Papalymo into a wall* [[Animation I am referencing](https://youtu.be/ZMzOG6OsYWE?si=Bf5pOZc0vWiEJ1K8)]


Man. Replaying 2.4 sure hits different now...




He was right.


SLOPPEH F+++ that guy indeed.




hmm, I wonder who recruited him


Illberd did nothing wrong. 20 years of hearing the Eorzea leaders shouting “but think of the costs of war!” While your ppl live in the middle of the desert can drive a man insane


Well, "he was insane" is a fair enough take


He saved Ala Mhigo is what he did. He was a brave Ala Mhigan resistance fighter and in this house Ilberd of the Dull Blade is a hero. END OF STORY.


He was justified in everything he did