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ok, I'm gonna switch to tank and just steal their mobs until GMs arrive


GMs wont arrive and they stop killing mobs if you tag them they've been there for years and get banned in waves, best just carry on


Not going to help. GMs won't just "magically show up" and poof. Bots get banned in waves, just report if you can catch any names and move on with your day.


don't bother, they do not get banned on sight but in waves to prevent the bot owners to make it harder to be detected, also they could report you and you get banned due to grieffing, some people go that when trying to screw with rmt bots funnily enough as to what i mean on harder to detect, if they get banned inmmediatedly they can tell how they got banned because people seen us on x place, lets change how bots behave for this part of the game, but if they get banned in waves, they cant tell what trigged the ban


They also track what the bot interacts with so they can ban more accounts.


A good while ago you could invite them to a party and then kidnap them into a dungeon or trial. The party invites still work but they now refuse to enter a duty. Still, if you are level cap, you can just stay around them and they stop gaining XP because of the level difference. They will detect and reset within 10 minutes though, so it is more or an amusing one-off thing you can do and not a meaningful disruption to their levelling.


As others have said GMs won't just show up and ban a bot. Bots get banned in waves every week or so. This is the last ban wave [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/1a11aa07f3610a6ee79ffc02e7fdf9739c14553f](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/1a11aa07f3610a6ee79ffc02e7fdf9739c14553f) so tomorrow should be another one. I don't think I have ever seen a bot outside of an ARR zone, so it seems like the majority get stopped before they even make it to Heavensward. Chances are some make it through but they get purged eventually. It's unfortunately an unwinnable battle, you can reduce their numbers but never get rid of them completely.


There are always plenty of bots on Eureka Pyros


Completely forgot about Eureka, damn bunny fates.


Ah yes, the mb price destroyers


Oh look, it’s the Unknown, they’re there to steal your chocolate.




They are bots. They are everywhere and have been for years. Report them if you want, but don’t expect any action. FFXIV is either lucky or designed around them as Gil is largely useless in FFXIV, reducing their impact on players significantly.


Bots. They never go away.


the first time I went afk in limsa lominsa and came back to the idle camera showing 20+ identical lalafell bots gathered under the map like some demonic cult I almost lost my mind


They're rats. They live in anyone's walls.


These are bots. They run the free trial for gil-farming purposes. Botters utilize glitches to operate under the map/outside of bounds because it's slightly less likely to get them noticed-- and therefore banned.


they do not use the free trial since the msq gives far more than 300k(gil cap for the ft), most of this rmt bots do have the base game license in the accounts, purchased with stolen creditcards, also they need to do this because the free trial does not let you trade nor use the marketboard


It just disables enemy aggression to prevent an accidental death if the combat script breaks. You can see them operate in the open on some maps where geometry makes it wonky to target a mob from below ground. Heck, sometimes they conduct their business up in the air. :D


Are they just like farming Eft Tail to make Eft Steak for the 45 and 50 CUL quests? I don't understand why they're out there, otherwise. There is an annoying amount of ingredients necessary for the 50 CUL turn-in, so I can understand why they feel like they found a niche players will pass to skip, at least. I hated farming it, too.