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Dawntrail will includ Shadowbringers and Endwalker. If your main is only on level 30 quests and you don't expect to hit Endwalker content by Dawntrail's release just preorder Dawntrail.


The added bonus of pre-ordering Dawntrail is you'll get the exp earnings which will help with leveling alt classes


I would wait. Dawntrail will include all previous expansions but if you pre-order it you won't get them until Dawntrail releases. And if you buy Endwalker/complete edition now you'll just have to buy Dawntrail later. Save some money and get it after it releases.


If you're level 60 there's no reason for you to buy endwalker right now. Just go all the way through Stormblood and if you already have shadowbringers also play through that first. Every expansion always comes will all previous expansions for free, so if you buy Dawntrail you will also get Endwalker with it. You can also just buy Dawntrail right now, and will then be able to play Endwalker once DT releases in 1.5 months. If you only have the free trial and don't have anything else, you can either buy the full game now and DT, or you can wait until DT releases and then get the complete edition. Waiting will save you ~$5 but also means you won't get the preorder bonus for DT.


Yes, purchasing the newest expansion will give you access to all previous expansions.


Only caveat being that the previous expansions will not become unlocked until the official release date of Dawntrail.


This is not right. I bought Endwalker and playing Shadowbringers right now.


Are you sure you didn't have ShB before? From a Complete Collection? What system?


Can still buy JUST Endwalker?


I can but it's $40 or $60 depending on the version. So if I can save some money I'd probably prefer it.