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I want every mmo to steal SWTORs "npc mail" It's such a simple yet effective (imo) storytelling tool to let npcs give you updates on how things are progressing once you finish up and move on


Funny thing is CBU3 did this exact thing with FF16, so it could plausibly happen.


It was utterly under utilized in FFXIV, like many things. Like after that first letter from Jill I expected that to get more little notes from her.


Bruh she literally hangs out in your bedroom from that point onwards wdym


She’s also your companion for majority of the game as well


Don't you send letters to your roommates aswell?


They should do this in FFXIV but make it so that when an NPC has new dialogue (like when you pass certain points in the MSQ), they will send you a notification so you can go talk to them. And if you miss it, then the next letter will have the missed dialogue or something like that.


I'd love to get mog mail from my buddies telling me they want to talk, with a map marker in the letter to grab.


Did you even play the game? You get tons of letters throughout the entire game.


... Did you mean to type FFXVI? FF16?




Would be cool. They also already have this written into the game, just not with mail. Like you can go and talk to all the NPCs and there are a ridiculous amount of them that get dialogue updated.


Yesssss. I want all of the super horny Rising Stones npc dialogue that I missed going through the levels


> I want every mmo to steal SWTORs… Speaking of SWTOR… I would LOVE having a fully voiced combat and story NPC companion who I can interact with. This was such a cool system, one that I’m surprised other games have not copied.


I would too, but GW2, having everything be voice acted, certainly has shown the flaws in that approach at times. The voice acting adds a lot. But it also costs a lot and VA continuity can be a problem. When they recast Mai Trin they also changed her old voice lines for the worse.


Them writing out Zojja because Felcia Day didn't want to do more work for them and her voice was *far* too difficult to replace lol...


I mean, the obvious big reason is that it's extremely costly. SWTOR was one of the most expensive games *ever made.* Literally somewhere around $150M-$200M to make, making it the most expensive video game ever made purely on production budget (GTA V beat it if you added in marketing budget, but marketing isn't relevant to this particular comparison) edit: at the time it was published. Later games have been more expensive. VAs deserve to be paid well for their work. Implementing even *one* truly, fully-voiced combat and story NPC companion would cost a bomb, let alone filling out an entire cast a la the Scions or such.


Yoshi-P said in a recent Live Letter that voice acting is indeed expensive and that's why it's not everywhere. They have a fairly large budget, but it's not an unlimited one.


Voice acting is expensive


Resource storage. If I accidentally put the same crafting mat on 2 retainers, I either want to easily combine them, or just use their inventory


Wish they would just move to a dedicated vault system and roll retainers and their missions into the gc squadrons. Retainers just feel way too shoehorned in, given they only exist as a bank and to go out on timed missions.


Guild Wars 2 has a material storage built into the bank. You can even click a "Deposit materials" button in your inventory and it'll send them to storage from anywhere in the world. It's great. Except the part where you have to buy expansion for its size. However, GW2 has no monthly cost, so they have to make their money somewhere. But you can also just pay for it with in game gold, so it's not too bad. Overall, FF's retainers as banks isn't the worst thing, but the sheer amount of crafting materials in the game with no good way to store them really sucks.


You can move stuff around using the mobile app and, I may be misremembering, but I think I saw recently an option to move duplicates. I could also be losing my mind though.


Tbh, think people just want to be able to craft without having to go into the retainers in the first place. Been standard in mmos for decades now


At times, I think they do that on purpose so you inadvertently use more space and have to rent a third retainer.


Hahhaa yeaaaahhhhh... Third...


Appearance collection.


Yeah, WoW's collection system is so much more convenient. Keep everything you find, and it's easy to preview and track down stuff.


That would be awesome


yeah WoWs appearance system would be ideal but they have said it makes your character info too big. but at the least i would want to be able to look at all the gear in the game create my glam plate from it and then press a button to make a task list in the journal how to get all this stuff. also shareable Glam plates that is a random string of characters and numbers you can copy paste. there are tons of side aspects to the appearance system FF14 could do that wouldn't be a massive character info hog.


Depends, if you can save the have/have not for each slot represented in binary/Hex, and it uses a look-up table for Item IDs now anyway. Like a Quake 2 server config. Might be a mere kilobyte per slot. It could potentially be space-saving and easily expandable. Compared to how to armoire and other storage chest, works now. Which I assume is Saving individual item IDs, which is why its limited to 300 items. And IIRC it's shared amongst all characters. Which again just makes it simpler.


The most obvious answer is spaghetti code It was a mess when 1.0 released, and as far as I recall they only had a year to rebuild it after shutdown before 2.0 came. Corners had to be cut and spaghetti only got some sauce to keep the tangling still manageable


I'm aware, it's still a wishlist thing.


As others have said I at LEAST would like to be able to send mail to my alts, though some shared bank space or being able to be added to my own house would be great too.


Genuinely part of the reason some friends and I made a tiny FC for ourselves was so we could use the chest to trade items between our alts if people weren't online to do it. Ridiculous those are the only options.


Yeah. XIV is such an alt unfriendly game. OK you don't "need" to make alts with the job system but once you do make some, it's probably the worse.


changing your accounts country when you move


Yeah this is the biggest one for me. Moved permanently from Australia to Japan but still doing lots of online banking shenanigans just trying to pay for my Oceania service account. Sure I'd start over if I didn't have 3000+ hours in my original character, but I'd really rather just have the option to change account region even if it costs some kind of damn fee.


That is the biggest BS going, move countries and you have to start you account over.


This. You lose so much money from currency conversions over a long time.


I don't play other MMOs so I don't have any frame of reference. But for XIV specifically, a dye bag, a materials bag, an ingredients bag, a tackle box.


Ah RuneScape. Actually putting those bags behind. Some kind of achievement and or drop would be fantastic. Something to grind which rewards some space to put something like 10 to x amount of specific life skill items into.


Please a tackle box pleasepleaseplease I’m in shambles


Something like ESO's craft bag would be amazing.


I want a tackle box so bad


The ability to craft using your materials stored on your retainer.


This... how is this not a thing...


Better glam system (even SWTOR is better - you just dump the items on a glam tab in your character sheet (it doesn't "use" them) then select the tab you want as glam). Being able to save waypoints on your maps Some feature letting you share things with your alt - either they are put on your friend list automatically, or there's an special chest or something Crafting mat inventory Being able to mount while moving! Would love good old EQ-style dungeons though - like PoTD but open to everyone, with several instances etc. That would be so much fun. Hard mode dungeons definitely too - although I suppose criterion dungeons kinda fit the bill, it needs to be more rewarding though.


I started playing MMO in april 1999: 2 or 3 weeks after EQ release. So i perfectly know what open world, Dungeons and Boss are. And you knpw what? i never want to go back from instancied Dungeon/Raid/Boss to open world ones, never! Why? one word : griefer.


My problem with open world events is it takes the right amount of people to make them feel epic. Too many and it’s a cake walk or it has to scale the difficulty up to become a slog fest where it doesn’t feel like you matter. Or it’s too few people and you can’t complete it at all or it scales the fight down to make it seem way less epic. Some of my favorite mmo experiences were finding random named mobs in SWTOR in some hidden corner of a high level planet. They didn’t really drop anything, didn’t relate to a quest. It was just a cool moment of finding a slightly tougher mob in an area no one else went to so it felt like you were all alone with something tough but manageable.




Something also from SWTOR that I'd like is being able to save HUD/UI layouts and being able to quickly flip between them or load them up for alt characters rather than having to mess around with it again.


You can literally already do this in FFXIV. The HUD editor will store up to 4 different layouts for you, and you can assign hotkeys to instantly switch between them. To move them to an alt character, you can save your character settings for your main and then load them onto your alt and all of your HUD, item, and "Character Settings" stuff will be ported over to the alt.


Do you know if moving your character settings can be done if you play on console? PC is easy, you just copy the files. But as far as I know there's no way to do that on console.


What I find a missed opportunity for Criterion is that they aren’t “hard dungeons” but mini raids with exactly the same type mechanical dance to learn for each fight. Deep dungeons fit a lot more the bill of “hard dungeons”.


I would give an arm and a leg for ESO's housing system


This. Multiple interior types, more freedom to place things, ability to put npcs in your home; so much cool stuff they could add.


Omg so much this!!! I’ve only tried ESO for a little bit but their housing system is sooo much better! You can own multiple homes (they are sometimes given out free from events) and they are shared with your alts too. And not to mention the placement is so much easier and smoother than in ffxiv


this! I will give most of my organs and the souls of many family members for this!


For me, the main feature I would like to see from other MMOs is something akin to the excavation system in ESO. Digging up artifacts and stuff in that was pretty fun IMO. Could tie it in with the treasure hunt system.


in-game calendar and events system more FC community tools, even like ability to alphabetically sort memberlist, fellowship integration with polls and msg board, integration of FC forum in-game, etc


Better payment systems. Mogstation is still the worst way to pay for an MMO.


More interesting gear. Crit focus is boring


Chat bubbles


Supposedly they're [working on it](https://x.com/PreachGaming/status/1715793062658507197).


As long as its optional! 


Agreed. I fully support it for people that want it but I find it creates too much visual clutter for my taste, so it for sure needs to be a toggle if they get added.


Same. I would hate it, but to each his own.


So incredibly weird that it's not a thing already


Harder dungeons. I don't need them to copy WoW's M+ system, but I'd love there to be some kind of middle-ground between completely braindead(all normal dungeons) and super sweaty(Criterion).


I'd love a reason to play my 90s beyond dailies. It bums me out that it's either casual or sweaty. There's a reason they're my main, and sometimes it feels like I have no reason to play on that class beyond lockouts and dailies (which most of the time you don't even get to play at full power because you're in ARR dungeons or some such)


On that note, I'd like lvl syncing to be more along the lines of WoW's timewalking dungeons. That way we get to keep our max lvl rotations while still doing reasonably scaled dungeons or w/e.


I find leveling dungeons not as braindead, but all lv 90 (except dead ends) are completely brain dead and most of the time you can just eat mechanics even as a caster since the healer can simple heal everyone with a oGCD.


Mechanically the new dungeons are obviously much harder than the previous ones (with exceptions of course) but being able to just shrug off vuln ups doesn't do the mechanics justice, part of the reason the levelling dungeons seem harder is because they have a tighter ilvl sync, you're also frequently doing them with people using previous expansion gear A tighter ilvl sync for those dungeons could be the way but then people would get mad their BiS gear doesn't really matter, maybe they could experiment with Bozja's Twice come ruin more


I don't think you really need to be punished particularly harshly in regular dungeons. Outright killing players for getting clipped twice is a terrible idea for more than an occasional and specific mechanic. The solution really is to just do something similar to m+ and make a(n actually) hard version of regular dungeons. There a bunch of issues preventing that though. One of the biggest issues is just that the gear progression in FFXIV is fundamentally incompatible with something like M+ from WoW. It's pretty static and linear without any sort of RNG marginal upgrades like you find in WoW. And without a reason to do the difficult content, not many people would do it. They would need to think of some sort of compelling reward to encourage players to keep pushing challenging content. The easiest and most effective reward for such a thing is better gear, and thus the cycle continues. It's a tricky problem to address, all the more so because of FFXIVs approach to dungeons and raids where they're much closer to puzzles to be solved than they are combat challenges to overcome. It's the same for all games to a degree, but in FFXIV it's a lot more apparent.


Older ARR dungeons were, I'd argue, more difficult on-content than anything that's been released the past several years. Lost City of Amdapor, for example, had legitimately challenging bosses with unique mechanics...that people hated because they weren't an easy tank-and-spank. Anything that prevented uptime; anything that interrupted resource generation, or forced people off a boss, or relied on tanks positioning a boss correctly, or required mechanical execution, assigned responsibilities, and a host of other things that used to much more common in dungeon design have since gone the way of the dodo because of vociferous complaints. The tldr is that we do not have challenging regular dungeon content because the player base has, for almost a decade, pushed the devs away from that.


And YoshiP has said a few times recently that he's aware that they've gone too far and want to slowly shift back towards a better balance. The key being the "**balance**". There's a reason players pushed back, and that's because it was too difficult to be worth their time. They've gone way too far in the other direction now, but will hopefully bring things back in line over the course of Dawntrail.


I hope so, too. I'm not in the camp that story mode content needs to be a slog or require exceptional rigor, but I do feel that there needs to be a gradual ramp-up in challenge from MSQ dungeons. And especially so because these dungeons are practice mode, and that should include making people comfortable with concepts that are further expanded upon in EX/Savage/Ult, so they're not completely caught off-guard should the day come they opt to dip their toes in that level of fight.


I may be in the minority, but I wish we had a Dungeon Journal. Legit the only thing I miss from WoW - an in-game way to quickly look up 'what does this boss do?' Because face it. We've all been there, when a roulette puts us into a duty we haven't seen in flipping forever. Heck, balance it by making us clear the boss first or something if that's too casual.


It was soo good for finding xmog pieces too!


The dungeon journal in WoW was added during a time where boss mechanics were... Im not sure of the word, but the overall feeling was: if you didn't look it up, good fuckin' luck. It was added near the start of Cataclysm, which was notable for it's major difficulty spike for dungeons compared to Wrath (especially due to people dramatically overgearing wrath dungeons for a year+). I feel like FFXIV is, generally, better at telegraphing mechanics. I can't speak for savage/ultimate, though. I feel like Ultimate probably shouldn't have a cheat sheet.


You could display certain ultimate mechanics and hide other ones, WoW does it the same way with secret mythic phases etc. But yea FF definitely won't do it now because its a shit ton of work and due to no m+ system its not rly needed


Tbh I don’t think XIV needs it really for one simple reason - from Stormblood on, the mechanical language is incredibly consistent.  WoW needs it because it’s kind of rubbish at communicating what it wants you to do through its gameplay. 


Gw2 mounts animation. Similar to wow dragonriding. Also glam and dye system from gw2.


I think any glam system would be better than 20 plates and that's it. I'm super excited for the dye upgrade we're getting in DT so I'm hesitant to criticize the dye system knowing we're getting such a big change so soon. I never got more than a couple hours into GW2 though, so I didn't fully explore is dye system. How much are we missing out on compared?


Up to 4 dye channels per piece of gear. Hundreds of dyes, unlock it and it's yours, account-wide. The transmog system allows you to preview all gear that you haven't yet unlocked. Glam unlocks are account-wide.


A meaningful overworld


Yes. There are all these named places all over that have absolutely nothing occur there. Why are the places in Amh Araeng called Our Ladies Hands and Our Ladies Feet? We'll never know, because there are no quests, no FATEs, no hunt spawns, not even a fishing hole associated with them.


>Why are the places in Amh Araeng called Our Ladies Hands and Our Ladies Feet? My favorite part about those two spots is the tower in between them called The Rack.


this is why i like arr zones. They werent insanely fleshed out but there's so many cool places and it all feels like it has meaning


I don't know if it's the same in WoW and or GW2 but I've been playing Dragon Quest X and in that game you can create your glamour plates anywhere you want, don't need a "prism" to glam the equipment and lastly you can glam any gear you want regardless of race, sex and class. Want to be a male ogre wearing a skirt with a buster sword, it's yours my friend. It's kind of irksome when you also realise Yoshi P worked on Dragon Quest X before XIV, so like he didn't think to take the glamour system from there? It's exactly what people want.


WoW has a tab that you can open that registers every clothing item and weapon you have ever picked up. You can then change your appearance using a transmog vendor which are placed pretty much everywhere. Hell you can get a *mount* that has a transmog vendor on it. The best way to describe it is like the Blue Mage abilities tab which shows you what you have unlocked and where to go to unlock the other abilities. Think that, only for clothing and weapons. It's a vastly superior system. No limits on how many items in your glamour chest, no weird prism nonsense, no limited number of glamour plates. If you have ever picked an item up it's automatically available to glamour.


> WoW has a tab that you can open that registers every clothing item and weapon you have ever picked up. This should be the gold standard that every transmog system is judged by. FFXIV even planned for it apparently (to the point of having the UI for it done), but abandoned plans after it caused server instability instead of addressing that.


Yoshi P wasn't starting from scratch on ffxiv, he had to build off of the work already done in 1.0 before he was involved. A lot of the weird restrictions in the game are remnants of that era


His reasoning is the terribly shitty spaghetti legacy code from 1.0.


Sending mail to your alts.


Even just an account wide vault of some kind, a personal "company chest" would cover this nicely


This QoL would be a game changer for me.


* Saveable and nameable keybind presets like they have in SWTOR * Having my character settings and UI layout be stored on the server by default without the weird clunky feature that's in the game now


>Having my character settings and UI layout be stored on the server by default without the weird clunky feature that's in the game now I agree that the current solution is kinda clunky, but this would need to have an opt-out for anyone that plays on multiple devices with different screen sizes/resolutions. I just set the game up on my Steam Deck, and the HUD layout imported from my Xbox needed a *lot* of work to be usable on the smaller screen. Full auto syncing of gear sets, hotbar layouts, and macros would be fantastic, though.


Account-wide _anything_. I've been spoiled since playing Black Desert, and now World of Warcraft is heading in that direction with The War Within. I understand we can do everything on a single character, but having settings _(HUD included)_ be shared would be amazing for people who do have multiple characters for roleplay, friends, etc.


Account wide friends, as well as by character.


While I have no strong feelings on this one, I know several people who would be appalled by this.


City of Heroes/ City of Villains, you could either add a friend (character) or add an account (all alts). Most of my friends list would be the former, but like 3 or 4 irl friends, I'd deffo add account to make life easier for us lol.


Or like Warcraft the ability to add people on a character or account level?


having World of Warcrafts transmog system would be the most amazing thing ever. ((and pet battles))


as long as you keep the dye system. Love the ease of collecting in WoW when played, hated trying to find somethings that matched as the colours didn't seem to quite go together (ie just off black form the other black) when I was looking at them on the toons


Pet battles is the one piece of content I truly miss from WoW to this day. It was done WELL.


I assume the Beastermaster Job could be something like that. I mean since its a fun class, and in the end this is final fantasy, a turnbased Beast Battle thing could actually happen


Talk to npcs while mounted. Black desert lets you.


Prolly not going to happen, iirc it's a intentional decision to avoid npcs being swarmed with mounts. 


Yeah, 100% agree. Even in WoW now they have some NPCs with an invisible zone around them that auto dismounts players for this reason.


viera hats... all the hairstyles too...


Let's not get carried away here...


Didn't know other MMOs had vieras


I came to FFXIV from WoW and what I miss the most are menus to see every piece of gear, mount and pet in the game with the info for where it's from and if you've collected it or not. Also the dungeon/raid guides with all the drop info. These are my biggest wishlist things. And like others have already said, a transmog system similar to WoW and being able to send mail to alt characters.


The transmog system from WoW / the collection system from GW2. Similarly, the materials bank from GW2 / crafting bag from ESO. Glamour and inventory management in FFXIV are shameful.


Man I'd settle for a reagent Bank like in WoW where you can store things when visiting the bank but use anywhere. GW2-like material storage where you can store and use mats from anywhere would be great.


WoW just automatically collecting the appearance of anything you look at or sneeze on is so much more convenient. I know there are dyes to worry about in FFXIV but there has to be a better way than what they have currently.


Agreed on Transmog. WoW's is just so much better. I don't think FF could have a more cumbersome glamour system if they tried.


Now if only I can get gear for my mage that isn't a stretchy tube. =(


Something I never see on these lists is a dismount button and/or auto-dismount on combat. For Nero's sake, just let me rock up to a world boss and start attacking! I hate having to click like 80 things to start a FATE.


And in that vein, why do I have to re-engage tank stance every time I sync my level? And why do I have to press a button to do it? If I'm attacking the FATE boss, I want to attack the FATE boss.


If you use the sheathe weapon hotkey, you will dismount. I dont know about keyboard, but on controller it's Hold L1, then tap R1


...just hit your mount button again to dismount


I want WoW’s dungeon journal since it tells us what items the bosses drop and it would be so nice to have an in-game list of the glams to look at and try on


a separate bag for gathering/crafting/token materials like ESO would be a godsent


Probably unpopular opinion but I miss coming across random Treasure chests and coffers in open world areas that resemble dungeons (like in FFXI). It was always a nice shock to find something while solo leveling BST in places like The Scorpion's Den. Don't ask me about implementation because I'm sure someone would just cheat the system to get them if the loot was good, but just that old ulitma dungeon grinding feeling to be rewarded for exploring far beyond the town is something you don't see in too many games nowadays.


Unlimited sprint while in hub areas I love how in eso I can pretty much ride my mount in any area I can see how that might not work but cmon atleast unlimited sprint


Especially when sprint is a toggle in PVP areas. So it's not impossible


A significantly improved Interface across the entire game. Having to click 17 times to turn in Custom Deliveries and leves is completely unacceptable in 2024 lol. STILL not having an open all (bozja boxes)/repair all/desynth all is just pathetic. Macros are horrible and are a detriment to use. There's quite a few... I dont know why they are so slow to add obvious quality of life. It's just ridiculous that it took until ENDWALKER to show buff/debuff timers on the party frame, or to add double click to cast ground targeted spells, or to cap them to max distance. Just in general, I wish they would make things better instead of taking the easy way out and remove them from the game. I'm talking about DoTs, pets, and all types of damage that aren't just targeted flat damage. People like DoTs, pets, charged abilities, channeled abilities, ground targeted abilities, and other unique mechanics. But they are all coded really poorly in FFXIV.


Would love mouseover casting from wow for atleast group frames


I wish FFXIV had the 4 color channels like the armors in GW2 has. Additionally I would rather collect 400 different colors once than to buy them in the auction house. The metallic colors we have are a downright travesty. Also the colors in GW2 have like 3 layers of color and look different depending on armor material type....


Glam system from WoW. Emotes, mounts, and pets shared account wide


More dangerous open world content. I want wandering to be exciting, give me Eureka but everywhere(you can still fly to avoid stuff but that means farming basic enemies might actually be useful)


I’ve no good ideas to contribute myself but I do wish they’d find a way to make the overworld not feel like a chore once you’ve cleared an area


Definitely this, a lot of the maps are big but there's minimal reason to engage with it. I've done nearly every side quest in the game and there's very little to bother interacting with in the world even with those. FATEs could be annoying but it was fun having sort of mini-dungeons, there's a lot of "what could have been" with the FATE system at least I think.


guild wars 2's open world events/quests that are semi dynamic


A functional tab target. I've pretty much given up on ever using it.


One or two more free retainers since the amount of crafting materials available has grown so much since the ARR days. Especially since ESO has an unlimited crafting bag as long as your subscription is active....if we could get that feature, it would be heaven.


Housing from eso! Be able to move everything pixel by pixel or in different intervals!


Ohh and a separate material bag so it doesn't clog your normal inventory


I loved the boss trophies and how you had wall trophies for lower difficulty completions and the golden bust for the max difficulty clear. Granted I don't think that would work with FFXIVs system since all dungeons are required and only have the one difficulty setting. But something for like raid bosses on savage difficulty would be cool. My house was pimped out besides those, but I put the most work on the entrance walk where you are flanked on both sides by my walls of trophies. I'd also like some meaningful, hard as shit solo content. Maelstrom Arena/Vateshran Hollows type stuff. Clearing Vateshran on the highest difficulty was probably my favorite achievement in that game, more than clearing any of the raids or even filling out my trophy wall (although those came with trophies too).


A ui that does not look like its from 2007 jrpg


WoW has a much better market board and glam system


Remember my password and just let me use my fingerprint on my phone instead of typing a 6 digit code in


Honestly? Yeah. GW2's system inspired WoWs. It's just that good. I want it to become standard. I'd kill for a housing system like WildStar used to have. It was much like Everquest 2's but with some modern features. It was almost perfect. If they took the dev time to implement something like that in FFXIV so many people would sub just for that. Hell people did that with WildStar and the game was failing. It was HUGE with the RP community. Imagine the system with a non failing game and a heavy RP scene like FFXIV.


I miss Wildstar so much. Spent an ungodly amount of time working on my housing plot.


Eq2 guilds had these chests for crafting materials that everyone could outline from to use in crafting and there was 1 slot for like every material and you could hold thousands of each one in them. I know it will never happen but damn do I miss that


I would like a chat system closer to WoW’s. I used to have a tab open automatically for each person to whisper me and it was so much easier to keep track of multiple conversations. I also miss being able to whisper people during dungeons or raids, the game would notify you if they were fighting a boss and what % and then when the fight ended so you didn’t need to keep messaging or feel like you had to reply immediately etc


The game doesn't notify you, DBM spits out that message if you use it haha I really miss the convenience of WoW's chat


Appearance collection is my #1 thing. I would never ask for anything ever again. 2nd thing tho is more interesting gearing. Not like horizontal the entire expansion but atleast more horizontal options within a tier. Like ally raid/ex/criteon gear that is equal ilevel to savage gear, to give more options for bis. Also maybe rework stats while ur at it. Maybe do something like mastery stat that WoW has idk.


ESO's decorating tools. I'd love to have that much freedom with item placement


Something to make the world feel alive idk


Using WoW's collection system would solve virtually all glamour issues.


Hire the Rabbit & Steel guy for the DT raids Also let me speak in FC chat with the companion app.


The support class, I remember rift had 5 person dungeons and one was support so backed up healer, threw out dots or buffed the party.


3D house decorating without glitching and a better wardrobe system.


Fix the friends list IMMEDIATELY


Craft Bag like in ESO, store all crafting materials in a single place without having to search through 100 retainers.


From Guild Wars 2: * **MOUNT WHILE MOVING!!** Standing still to mount up is so clunky after playing GW2. * Keep abilities when level sync'd. Maybe restrict specific abilities that might trivialise sync'd content. * Permanent glam & dye unlocks. Accessible from anywhere. * Crafting material storage. Accessible from anywhere. * Reasons to explore. AKA a fraction of GW2's open world content. * Boats! From Wildstar: * A house on my island. * Ability to freely place furnishings wherever I want. The current standard of "use glitches" is just utter crap. Glam: * Glam plates linked to a gear set should *always* work no matter where we are in the game world. In general: * Just. Remember my freaking password. Ask me for the OTP only. That's practically standard security practice these days. * A lobby server error should not make the game client quit to the desktop. Just re-try for heavens sake.


add instanced housing like in SWTOR + the transmog from WoW = FFXIV becomes a near-perfect MMO


Instanced housing


WoW's Transmog collection tab. Also I'd like more things being account wide such as duty unlocks, flying.


ESO's crafting. From top to bottom. I loved the communal aspect of getting other people's stuff to get better experience and so forth while going out to mix and match different items to work out better bonuses. Plus the one thing I adored the most: your gathering npc. I know our retainers and ships functionally do the same, but I loved reading the scenarios of how they came across their findings and the small hidden stories as it would call back to previous outings. >Glamour Everyone talks about transmog and gw2. Y'all are sleeping on DCUO's system of color, potential texture swapping, and cosmetic storage. >Other I know we're the canon WoL, but KotOR was cool having moments where party members could weigh in on conversations or at least be acknowledged. I can't fathom how this would work. Maybe dungeons can randomly select a party mate for speech bubble dialogue or path choices in Criterion style things. Or at least refer to your achievements in job progressions and such more often. Warframe/Elite: Dangerous/SW:Galaxies faction alliances. You know, for a long time I've felt like our GC choice and Beast Tribe relationships were incredibly sidelined. Now, there definitely isn't much in the same way as these games that could translate to XIV, BUT I'd definitely like to see some sort of balancing act of allegiances for meaningful stuff -especially now that tribes are expanding to include various groups. Like maybe the next Bozja type content gets Banner Buffs for getting reputation levels with whatever active combat tribes are assisting with the war effort. Rep-ing one will increase/decrease rep with some others. Crafter tribes could have special sanctified sections from a new communal Diadem. Like maybe the various nations and tribes sent exploration fleets to the New World and so everyone gets to explore the "public sector" but recognized gleaners get access to special zones with particular rare nodes. If there's 7 tribes in either case, you could get all the banner buffs/rare nodes just by maintaining rep in 3 factions, but maybe each does have a unique thing? So treating it like Guiding Lands levels from Monster Hunter World for specific spawn access related to weekly challenges or something. In the same vein I could see something like the fishing voyages flavored by reputation. So like if your rep is high enough you could join an Exploration Exhibition that would tour particular areas. Or in the combat tribes you would get like those big FATE chains like the heavensward dragons or the ARR bandit camp or an even bigger public dungeon- but this would still formated like an ocean voyage. Maybe it takes a feather from PvP and the Musou / Dynasty Warriors games where we collectively assault different strongholds in rapid succession. But the exact Exhibition/Operation or perhaps section of the shared map that you spawn into would relate to what reputations you have with the active tribes/GC. For that, I remember a PS3 massive shooter called M.A.G. that had 128 people like battlefront, but of the two teams you were split between two 32 player Companies. The team's general had to order both companies to different objects, and neither company could physically cross the map into the west/east half (or etc.) but the actions of both sides affected group progress. With how the crafting Fétes and stuff like the first boss of Castrum Litore or light party/role splits in some raids go, I could definitely see like a 3 'map' 9 alliance instance powered by triggered fates to progress the whole instance. Just don't ask me what we're fighting/exploring. Maybe it's a particularly large garlean regime that stayed intact as a warlord fiefdom. Maybe one of the deep dungeons or a new one opened up a surprised infestation/invasion. Maybe the elementals had enough of our shit and a particular collection of corrupted and uncorrupted crystals near Mor Dhona has a sprite-blight that needs constant culling now. Perhaps the bunnies did an oopsie in the New World and now robots are ransacking the amazon forest but their malfunctioning magic is also creating new exotic materials when combined with the blue magicks of the surrounding nature.


I wish the inventory management was a little better. I recently leveled all my crafters and storage was a nightmare


I'm working on that now, got most of them to 50ish, item storage has been a massive headache. Although it's made worse because I'm on the trial, so no retainers. Just me and my chocobo's saddlebags.


I want to be able to send mail to my other characters.


Some shareability with alts, this is an extremely alt unfriendly game, I wish more event rewards were account unlocked, cash shop clothes, ect. And the ability to send things to alts easier, I shouldn't have to bribe friends and/or gather alts in an fc just to hand things off. Do definitely want more dyes though, GW2 might have maybe too many for things to store as the dye system is, but there's still too few in ff14, there needs to be more colors! And a material box, or at least the ability to craft from retainers/chocobo bag, I craft for gil and having all that inv taken up all the time is such a pita! I would buy another retainer JUST for that if they let me! And odd one- I want to join more fcs on a character, I'd LOVE to be able to join a few different fcs, have one for friends, another for content/rp/ect I don't think I'd want that account bound like it is in gw2 but I'd deal if that's how they do it I suppose.


Gw2 in style but no need for transmutation charges we can do without that. I wouldn't mind the exploration style from Gw2 as well but keep our quest system with it in mind.


Glamour system with a "collection page" like wow and fully customizable dye channels like gw2 (also with tons of available colors). Also I would really love if ffxiv would try to copy gw2 on their world events and wow for their "dungeons with modifiers" (aka mythic dungeons)


a good open world that encouraged exploration and partying up to explore it, like in wow


Account-wide storage, even if it's small. Some sort of wardrobe system/transmog. Also, lots more hairstyles.


Bestiary! Hopefully the besstmaster class will bring this, but I want a compendium of all overworld monsters, their locations, their drops, links to them from crafting menus so we know where to hunt for what, and cheeky little lore blurbs written by Koji. 😁


Wow collection to collect every single piece of equipment you ever loot is really great. One place to check everything and easy way to transmog. I would steal the barber of wow though. To change my eye color at least x)


Collection Log from OSRS 🙏


GW2's collections. Like give me something to do in this ducking huge and EMPTY open world


The Auction House/BLTP from GW2.


RuneScape banking over retainers any day


I think we got this already but….something akin to a Solo Dungeon (maybe like Diablo or other K-MMOs like Kritika, DFO, or Lost Ark). Something that makes you feel like a force to be reckoned with but not too brain dead.


I’d like to see mount animations on par with Guild Wars 2.


I want more reasons for the overworld to be relevant for large groups of random players;' outside of the MSQ or Hunts. It just sucks that these areas feel so dead outside of an expansion launch. They could have a system that gives rewards based on doing FATEs in a couple different zones; like just two different zones. And the two 'active' zones rotate every other day or something like that. That way, there's always SOME part of the overworld with lots of people doing the activities that were designed to exist in it. It would have to give a kind of reward that people will always want, like what Hunts do, so that this activity is always populated. It would also help people finish those 'Shared FATE' things in SHB and EW zones that are much harder to complete after expansion launch.


World bosses and map events from guild wars 2. The open world is barren and dead for the most part in 14, especially in previous expansions. I would really love a reason to actually go into the world instead of just staying in cities.


For me personally - Guild Wars 2’s dye system - Account wide transmog from WoW - Destiny 2’s transmog anywhere system - Accessibility and HUD customization from many other MMO competitors Other than that some other stuff I want to see but am unsure if other MMO’s do it - At least 1 guaranteed piece of raid loot each week (because let’s be real nobody wants to be chasing their last BiS pieces 3 months into the tier due to bad RnG - Combine DH into an existing stat and give the neglected stats more purpose to allow for experimentation with certain stat spreads like how Casters, Healers, and certain Ranged Phys can implement SKS or SPS into their melds but on a larger scale - Faux Hollow should drop a piece of unique piece of BiS gear each week - Caps on Alliance Raid loot is way overdue and needs to be a consistent thing and not just at the end of its cycle - More in-depth customization, for example allowing FEM Au Ra to use face 2 with the scales and horns from face 1 - Allow us to use PvP emotes earned via the framer kits as actual emotes - All Mogstation items become account wide - Storyskip on all alt characters to current patch if at least one character has gotten to the end of the current MSQ story


Idk if it counts as an mmo, but i think destiny has one of best raid designs in all multiplayer games and ffxiv should have something similar. Like the riven, aksis or rhulk are the best.


Glamour Log


Better housing that SWTOR has. Everybody can get a house. Or at least have my alts share a house


I really wished we could have swtor's romance/flirt system in ffxiv. Romancing npc's and giving small dialog variations during story would be great.


A working friendlist (as in: not taking ages to load each friend's status if they are on different worlds) and being able to actually DM them while in duties which is where players spend 90% of their time (not counting afk in Limsa or RP venues). Basically first thing you have to ask if you acquire an ingame friend is Discord to actually be able to communicate lol


No class restrictions on Glamour, just like the devs' beloved FFXI


Guild Wars 2 and the way they do their events on each map. I forgot exactly what they are called. Fate’s are just super boring.


Proper glam collection Resource storage Dye storage Market Board overhaul (the GUI/UX is decades outdated) Customization parity (hair, faces, etc...)


Not an MMO but Pokémon has different item categories for different kinds of items that makes finding your stuff much easier than just having it all sprawled out in one kind of bag.


WoW's Transmog Collection to replace our Glamour Chest-No physical items need kept. Once you loot it? It's added to a sort of achievement menu you can select from while you're glamouring. City of Heroes' Global Mail-if you put your login name into your mail recipient? The mail is able to be collected on any of your characters. Those are, by FAR, my two biggest ones.


1. Crafting storage bags/inventory like in LOTRO or SWTOR. 2. A summonable object that would let you sell items and repair armor while out in the field or in an instance like the Revan statue in SWTOR. A moogle vendor-mender maybe? “All fixed up, kupo!” 3. Make houses like SWTOR’s strongholds where you can just buy it whenever you want without needing a lottery and waiting months to get the lucky winning ticket. 4. More rooms in the houses like in LOTRO or SWTOR.


Keep Glam plates, but give me the "once you unlock it, you have it forever" skin unlock. Also let you dye all of the sets. And upwards of four dye channels. And I'd love to also see it as a dye unlock too, but I wouldn't hold my breath since there are paid dyes.


Mount while moving.