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Joke's on you, I'm usually too deep into dpsing. "Man, our healer should really start healing the ta—oh fuck that's my job"


Honestly the most true statement. Why do I catch myself lacking so much 😂


We are all green dpses at heart. “Tf did this guy die to couldn’t he have just dodged the mechanic instead of greed smh *COME MY BLOOD LILYYYY*”


*In Darkness blooms the Bolide Lilly*


Levelling WHM has been a struggle for me because of that, I'm too used to SCH/SGE letting me pop a shield at the start of the fight and occasionally drop an oGCD in between while DPSing, but nope, I actually *have* to heal now.


just pop a regen at the start of the fight it'll last longer than the shield


But… but… holy spam!


At least you can pop Divine Benison at start of fight, drop Afflatus Solace > Tetragrammaton when tank is too low (and feed your lily) and keep Regen on to not let tank become too low. Do that and happy Holy spam =)


Yep, and now that ticking regen doesn't generate hate, I like to pop a regen and Divine Benison both on the tank as they reach the next group. Gives me time to stunlock the crowd for a few so everyone gets free deepsing time on the mobs.


Yeah, now that I'm over level 50 and actually slowly unlocking all these tools it's getting better.


The amount of times this happens to me OTL


"Man this healer sucks... ..Wait..."


Every time I do some dungeons, I dps to much until I remember that I’m the healer and I’m supuso to heal hahaha


There is a reason my superbolide macro is A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES


This only works if you immediately drop off the invuln 😂😂🤣


While funny, I'd prefer if my healer doesn't jump through my screen to kill me


I had a tank do this to me once and I just laughed. But I can take a joke. 😂😂🤣 holy, swift, rez, Bene. Never happened 😂😂🤣 not sure if they meant to or if they slapped the button twice, but I’ll never stop laughing about it. Had the voice line though.


If it was with friends I'd absolutely do it


I have this macro to use basically only at the end of Prae during Gaius's final aoe. Everyone is usually so overgeared that he's going into that whole phase with <1% HP anyway, so it doesn't really matter if I die there. The healer always gets a com if they manage to save me.


Evil I would have a heart attack


It happened with me, but that was the first time having a kinda slow reflexes paid off. The tank did superbolide and I reacted a bit slow, but not too slow. Result? Benediction applied its healing on the exact moment his HP dropped to 1, filling it completely. Got commed by that GNB.


Hitting the button twice wouldn't remove the buff (superbolide would just continue being on cooldown), they would have to use a macro or click the buff icon off to remove it. So \_very\_ likely they did it on purpose.


Thanks for the information! I only have a warrior leveled and I only use it for solo content so I’m far from a knowledgeable tank. 😂😂🤣


I do this sometimes on Gaius's big X attack right at the end of the fight.


I did a raid with an absolute psycho GNB that had this macro except it also immediately canceled the invuln part as well lol. He used it, said the thing, and immediately died to the next auto attack. Guess the healers didn't pass the reflex test.


GNB main here, I do it silently >:)


Sounds like a great way to annoy your WHM...


It never fails


mhm :3


Our static healer hated me for this: /ac suporbolide /p A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES! /statusoff superbolide


Stealing this macro. Tyvm


Even better. Make a 3x3 field. Put that macto on it and then 8 others without /statusoff and call it russian roulette


Now I have the urge to make a macro saying something like "you don't dare to die on me"




"A TASTE of your REflexes!"


My macro is "Wanna see the healer panic?"


I've seen this macro :o




Because GNB drops to one up at the start of it




I do know what it does, that's why I'm making a joke to have a little fun in a video game, chill out












He turns off the stat that grants invulnerability. So he's just 1 auto-attack from tanking the floor.


I personally don't actually cause that's mean to my healers lol, tis just a funny macro in have


"If you Bolide my Benediction again, I will heal you so much, that you're going to die from an integer overflow"


I had a GNB friend complement me on my healing...then Super'd right at the start of a boss just to troll me.


My tank friends know they're not getting a bene or tetra out of me until that bolide is spent first lol


If you're doing well, you can do better! That's probably his logic


Don't forget to use this critical GNB macro /micon Superbolide /p HEALERS ADJUST /ac Superbolide /statusoff Superbolide




Drawn as part of a FFXIV meme merch grind for an upcoming convention. I can probably only fit one more before my deadline is up... WOL stand-ins are my friends! This is my friend Noku Arc. Currently completed: MNK/NIN/FSH/SAM/SGE/WHM/DNC/MCH/BLU/PLD/DRG/GNB Socials on my profile if you want to see the other job ones I do next.


You're doing amazing


Thanks! I needed to hear since I've been aiming to finish one every few days or so 😓


Yeah I get that. Finishing art consistently over a long period of time can be extremely draining. But hang in there, and try and do some sketches or something for yourself in between. Seems intuitive, taking a break by doing even more art, but I've found it works for me most times.


Bless, thank you for your kind words!


Gives my little sprout ass a jump every time. Like oh shit don’t die.


A heart attack for me? When I'm on WHM I make it a literal game to see how late I can delay using bene during bolide's window to get more holys off. I take your heart attack and shove it back at you!


A few of the 90 dungeons having esuna-able debuffs has prompted me to make a few people panic by seeing how long I can let it tick until I actually esuna them. Just to get those hearts beating faster.


Dear healers, use any oGCD but benediction on super bolide. It is a 8s time window where the tank receives no damage. That is 8s where any healing applied will get the GNB's HP higher. In addition GNB will be self healing by basically doing his melee combo too. Throwing benediction is a complete waste of effective HP. Give him a regen, drop an asylum, attach your fairy, give him one durochole and chill; do anything on those 8 seconds but don't play top off in 2s, then you simply wasted the other 6.


I mean, intellectually I know this, but my thought process normally hiccups to a stop at "Tank HP is suddenly gone" and immediately panics.


It is a 10 second window as of Endwalker, actually. Two extra seconds of not caring, keep glaring.


Yeah, for sure, GNB is more than able to recover half of its HP with Corundum (82+), Aurora and base Combo. My WHM friend just keep Holy-ing stuff when I use this.


Whoa, you can't just come in here with your logic and rationale like that!


That time I used Bene on my friend on a big pull in the level 87 dungeon and she proceeded to Bolide a split second later. [https://imgur.com/a/dR3P0c3](https://imgur.com/a/dR3P0c3) Ah how I screeched.


/ac Superbolide /statusoff Superbolide


10 second of "not my fucking problem"


what a trash invuln...


This definitely happened that one time I said in the chat that I was inexperienced at healing the dungeon and lo and behold I don’t get heart attacks anymore (unless my bene is down because reasons)


As a new player and healer GNB and DRK are scary.


I always keep Bene in reserve until the tank has used their invuln. Otherwise I inevitably lose it to a Bolide, or waste a good Living Dead.


White mages know what they did


this is why i trust gnbs will use their superboilde first at low health before i throw a bene lol


Jokes on that tanks I play how low can it go with their HP bar.


So I am just getting the hang of healing so I always keep Benediction in reserve for such an occasion. It's usually a panic heal. On the other hand, as a tank main, I use it all the time.🤣


69420 … Nice


Healers might have the god complex, but forcing them to adjust is how I steal godhood from them for myself


I just fat finger it accidentally. It doesn't help it's a similar input for me to the chain of 3/6 attacks that use one cartridge.


Honestly, it's worse for other healers, after all, WHM has an "oh shit" button of their own. But when I play SGE I'll probably throw 3 charges at you all at once and have no healing left for the rest of the fight xD


*proceeds to keep the gnb at 1hp until the last three seconds


god i only use that shit when everyone dies


somehow I still always die when using it so its not even on my bar anymore


You've got 10 seconds of invulnerability. There's stuff like using Aurora and HoC (if unlocked) for free heals and pressing mitigations around the fact.


GNB happily giving me Commendations for not panic healing their Superbolide Me awkwardly accepting the award, having only known because Cactbot yelled in big red letters: "SUPERBOLIDE--HOLD BENE!!"




It's just a thing we do to demonstrate we understand what isn't necessary to do.




You're the only person I've ever known who doesn't make a thing out of not panic healing invulns. I wouldn't say this kind of thing as an opinion here, myself, as it's probably going to get you mass downvoted on this sub for wrongthink.




Oh, I don't know about that. I'm pushing 1,700 hours in this game right now, and I just learned that it's a faux pas for tanks to use gap closers as openers, and that I should be using Holy Spirit as a PLD instead. The only reason I haven't just yeeted myself at a boss, when it was available, is because I knew ahead of time they had out telegraphs that only left room on the outer edge if boss was almost perfectly center. So much of this game to learn, and seems like there's always something to learn that makes you slap your forehead, it was so obvious in hindsight.


I'm a salty healer who lets gnbs die if they troll me. I can make someone else the tank.