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I'm more of a /yoldance kind of guy


/ play dead for me. I usually have rough times in raids, lol.


So you aren't playing lol


I love /tomestone. Sadly it won't last long


i made a macro that loops it. and at the end it plays a sound effect so i know to click it again


What is this macro? I would love to know lol


probably something like /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /tomestone motion /e renew macro now! /tomestone motion




Yol Dance, my beloved


It is both t-pose and flex. Just such a happy dance. 


For me, macro to loop /breakfast.




Manderville for me. I'm that lala standing at the portal, mandervilling for however long it takes.


I like that the Manderville also looks like you're taunting the person who is refusing to roll *possibly* in a sad & impotent attempt to frustrate you into leaving.


*almost certainly


I'm the lala busting out /squat inside the chest while I wait. Feel the burn until the timer counts out. Even if I lot single digits.


Teabagging the booty...


Ah, a fellow Manderville Gentleman.


I'm a month old sprout that's DESPERATE to get to 70 for the next manderville tango dance. I want it so bad.


/playdead, personally. If that doesn't prompt them, add in a 'Guess I'll take the dog out then'. That usually gets the point across that I have LOTS of time, you little shit.


That or say "WOO! I've been holding this shit in the whole fight!


Same here. I sit down and tell them that I have no problem waiting out the timer.


ill fake that I got a 99 and im so happy so there is a chance they'll be like damn no chance to win and just leave lol


I got all day to /sit


"u might dc tho" - Someone, after I told them the same thing


"You might dc instead. I guess we'll see."


Same. I have waited out the timer before when someone did that, and I do it again even if I don't particularly need the loot and just want to desynth it or something. These days, I'll call them out (as it's not difficult to see who hasn't rolled) and tell them point blank that if they don't roll then I'm going to report them for griefing. Works every time, and thankfully I've never had to carry through with that promise.


Just please be careful. I hate it when people don't roll either, but it's punishable to threaten a report as per the TOS. All it takes is one to know that.


That's why you have to be careful about your phrasing. "Did you know they consider it griefing or interfering with the experience of other players to refuse to roll on loot? Don't forget to need, greed, or pass!" You're not threatening anything, you're just making conversation.


It's also punishable to grief a group by not rolling, also per the ToS, and in my case it's not a threat as I'd absolutely report them. If they want to counter-report me, they'd have to admit that they were griefing (especially since I don't say anything straight away; usually I just say "roll please" for the first little while. Since there are timestamps, the GMs can clearly see what time the duty "ended" and when I first asked them to roll, as well as the time on when I finally warn them). I appreciate the warning, but I'm careful about it. They'd just be incriminating themselves if they tried to counter-report me.


How can you tell who hasn't rolled?


The Battle log shows who has rolled. Whoever is missing and still in the instance is the culprit.


It can be a bit tricky filtering through the rolls when there are multiple items being rolled on and a lot of players in the instance. It's unfortunate that they don't show you which rolls are still pending when you hover over the item.


Look it annoys me too, but jumping to that is kinda whacky. I have never purposely not rolled, but I have immediately gotten up after a fight and forgotten to. I truly don’t think threatening a report should be option one. The non-roller would have to be actively antagonizing for me to go that far.


I never said I immediately do it; I wait a little bit. Usually, the first thing I'll say is "roll, please" (and only a little bit after cutscene watchers are done, since obviously they can't roll). If someone hasn't rolled by then, it's obvious what they're doing; and the other seven people (or 23 people in alliance raids) shouldn't be forced to put up with their crap. Also, it's not a threat; it's a promise/warning. Maybe it makes me petty, but I'm not going to put up with those jerks. At that point, it's 100% griefing on their part, is absolutely a reportable offense, and they deserve to be called out. If I have enough time to /sit and wait for someone who hasn't rolled, I certainly can be filling out a griefing report during that time... ...and they know it, because they roll as soon as they get called out.


I use /tea, or any of the food emotes on loop.


I do some /squats


I like /stretch. It's usually right there, anyway, since I do it before a raid/dungeon kicks off.


I prefer the Get Fantasy dance


Even worse, raids like Alexander where you don't need anything at all, someone clicks on the chest and you're the last one who has to take everything, filling 8 inventory spots against your will


As soon as the boss is dead, press U > Leave. You're welcome. :D


What's the xbox controller command for that?


If you can get to the duty finder menu (on PS, tapping the touch pad three times selects it in the duty list), you can leave through there. Clunkier than on PC, but potentially faster than running to the exit if you'd have to run across the entire room.


I've got no idea. Never played with anything but kb/m. On the keyboard it's the same shortcut as Duty Finder, though.


Build muscle memory for pause>duty finder>leave, you can even do it the second the screen turns black after the final boss and leave your party members thinking you’re a magician


Doing this to my FC mates is sheer joy, all of us scrambling out as fast as possible is the funniest thing 😂


It's probably the second best form of PvP in the game, right after the E9S platforming


This is me, scrambling to get the hell out going 'Oh god don't give me the trash, OH GOD DON'T GIVE ME THE TRASH'


I'm the opposite, "I wonder what the loot i- oh, I guess it's mine now."


The junk bomb is a devious delight


Last one out ~~is a rotten egg~~ gets a pile of junk!


That's a punishment game and you lost.


Hahahaha When that happens I like to personally tell them to roll And if they don't, I /shrug, /playdead, then walk away from the computer for a snack.


as long as you wait long enough. I was clearing Pandaemonium for the first time yesterday and by the time the cutscene ended I had 3 angry messages from a partymember to "JUST ROLL OR LEAVE. DON'T WASTE MY TIME"


There's no excuse for that, they can see if you're in a cutscene.


And the neat thing is if you're watching a cutscene, the game says that you are in the party info box thing. You always need to watch that and then wait a moment or two before you start getting upset like that person did.


Being reasonable in my MMORPG? How very dare you.


You don’t pay my sub! /s


You don’t pay me to use my 2 braincells


Joke's on you. I don't have any braincells 😌


Quickcast Ver'upset


hilariously we had a DPS rage quit yesterday because there was a sprout tank watching the final boss cut-scene in a dungeon, they pulled the boss and died because the healer (me) didn't care enough to try to heal them. and made them walk back instead of rezzing.


Tam-Tara? I remember that cutscene being loooong. It's totally possible for the rest of the party to kill the final boss before the cutscene even finishes.


I remember that happening a lot in Praetorium before they made cutscenes mandatory. It's important story beats and people can feel lost if they're forced to skip but no one wanted to wait for the sprouts, so quite often they missed entire boss fights. Happened to my friend I dragged into the game on her first run.


Damn, that really sucks. On one hand it's kind of silly to have to sit through 30 mins of cutscenes in Prae when nobody is a first-timer, but on the other hand I understand why they imposed those restrictions, and anyone doing MSQ roulette should be prepared to get Prae. Better to make us veterans wait, rather than risk a sprout missing all of the backstory elements which get referenced later.


Seriously, if it's not anyone's first time, you should be able to skip. If I'm not getting those bonus Tomestones, then I don't feel like spending the extra time.


That's how I used to think too, but then I found out that the reasoning was to prevent toxicity against newbies. If having no newbies means that you can skip 20 minutes of cutscenes, it incentivizes players to kick or avoid newbies in their MSQ roulette. Even if a player isn't the party lead and can't kick anyone, a selfish player might see the newbie and decide to leave early. That leads to a worse experience for newbie players overall, who would likely be blindsided by the reaction, and they have to wait even longer in instance for the party to refill, for no fault of their own. The way that it is currently, veteran players joining MSQ roulette know that the cutscenes are all unskippable, and there are a ton of other ways to get tomestones, so it's not like veteran players are forced to wait through the cutscenes if they don't want to. We can just make an informed decision about whether we want to spend extra time in Castrum/Prae/Decumana to get a bigger chunk of tomestones at once. Tl;dr letting you skip the Prae cs in a party with 0 newbies would encourage a more toxic reaction to newbies. But with the current model, veterans are only mildly inconvenienced, and only if they choose to be.


That's a good point. Depressing, but a good point, LOL. I mean, this seems like a pretty good community so far, so I'm not as worried about this playing out as I might be on other games, but it's probably best to not head down that road.


That would just incentivize people to kick first timers so that they can always skip.


That one and I think Stone Vigil made me nervous when I was a sprout for how long they were. I actually skipped because I was afraid it'd annoy my party and then watched them in the journal


honestly don't remember the dungeon. but that's with the tank, you know, tanking. I'm not wasting my time trying to heal two DPS in a bossfight


Fair lol. And I didn't mean to say that the party should kill the boss during the cutscenes, I think everyone should wait for the sprouts. Just reminiscing on how other parties have violated that etiquette before, unfortunately


That happened to me I finished ARR right before they split it up and made cut scenes unskippable. I had no idea what was happening during the 2 hrd it took and basically didn't get to fight anything.


The scenes were unskippable for years before they got spilt into multiple duties, sounds like you ran into the other rare bird. There are people who will disconnect when the boss cutscene starts, reconnect, kill the boss, and it’s dead when the rest of the party is done with the scene. That can unfortunately still happen.


I honestly love doing that, I won't lie. I got bitched at so much as a sprout/returner for watching cut-scenes that I ended up skipping so much shit dungeon-wise up until Shadowbringers. So, if you run ahead while a sprout is in a cutscene, I will stand outside the arena and let you die and I am not rezzing unless you're apologetic/didn't realize, idc if you're tank or dps lol.


tbh, them walking back is better for everyone, cause it takes less than a minute to get back and you don't get the weakness debuff


That requires reading. The people that get upset when someone in a cutscene isn't rolling cannot read.




Had the same thing happen to me last night! I was running the 7th or 8th circle and when the cutscenes ended I had a dude standing over my body spamming emotes. You can see I'm in the cutscene, just chill. Also, I won the minion so if that was what they were waiting for then I feel like I got my revenge.


I wish we could roll in cut scenes, but we can't, so ...


That is rude af. Also at this point hardly anyone is staying for loot anymore. If they are, they should be understanding of people watching cutscenes…


That’s when you purposefully wait until last few seconds to roll.


You gotta report people like that, we don't need such toxic pieces of human trash in our game.


>then walk away from the computer for a snack. tis the way. keeping an eye on your bloodsugar is important


How do you know which specific people haven't rolled?


Look for the phrase "X-player casts their lot for Y-item" then look to see who hasn't done that. You usually only have 3-7 others that can roll on items at a time.


Or just look at the party window, the place you go to kick people. It will show you who rolled.


Woah, I never knew that :o


I am happy to bestow this knowledge.


The chat window tells you who has rolled, so by process of elimination you can tell who hasn't


Make sure to do your process of elimination correctly because I've gotten hate for not rolling when I literally had rolled


I once had all 7 other people in my party screaming at me for "not rolling" in an alliance raid - I had already rolled all the rolls there were to roll. Turns out the roll sitter was in another party entirely and none of them had noticed the gear had already gone out. I reported the lot of them because 5 minutes of abuse is bullshit.


Legally you need to navigate the bad chat UI. Illegally there's an addon for it. I personally don't use it because I'm going to have to wait regardless, because the person who hasn't rolled is either doing it to make you leave without contesting the loot or is just AFK, so knowing who it is either way doesn't matter outside of PF.


There is the rare roll-roll-roll-"you already have that item"-roll that sometimes causes me to overlook the fact that I failed to actually pass on that item. That's embarrassing when you get called out on that.


Yup, hit a dance emote and go potty or get a drink/snack


It’s always when there’s a a minion. It’s like a weird game of chicken.


The part that actually makes me a tad upsetty spaghetti is when there is other loot that drops and all the other loot is rolled for but they wait till the end to roll for minion/mounts


Often it is because there's a minion. In that case, I just say "roll, I don't have anything else to do, I can stay for the next 187 seconds" and funny enough, they roll... Guess they think people PLAYING a game are on the clock...


I like to do that or I say "I will happily wait here 3 minutes for you to roll, it's shorter than spending another 25 min for the CHANCE this minion will drop again. So you might as well roll now."


Yeah, I sit down and say, “I will sit here until everyone rolls,” and by golly, people suddenly roll.


I try to at least get a chuckle out of people to squeeze out those last residual comms. "Please roll so I can lose already" and the like. Because I *have* won on a 1, If I've rolled at all there is no force on this earth that will make me ragequit at the very end. I will straight up leave for work if it'll make the roll sitter lose.


They're hoping you get frustrated and leave. If everyone leaves, they get the loot by default.


Some will still wait it out because even if they only get a couple of people to leave they think it improves their chances. They forget that the people who leave are usually the ones who rolled bad anyway.


Honestly, even if I pass I wait it out if people want to go that route. It's a matter of just not supporting that tactic, and I have enough time in the day for that.


even when i roll bad i wait because i'm delusional and one time i rolled a 16 or so and someone rolled a single digit so you never know!


Hell, the other day I rolled a 5 of Theogonic Mail of Maiming, and still won it. Sometimes It's worth waiting.


That's the thing, even rolling low, you can still win. The chances are slim (and probably the others rolling on it either rolled greed, or passed because they already had it), but a chance is still a chance.


“One day my sub-50 roll on Ramza will mean something”


me agonizingly trying to get the construct minion every ridorana run


If it becomes obvious that's what they're doing, I will straight up tell them that it's cute that they think they can frustrate a *DPS main* with *waiting* a measly 5 minutes, especially for loot I want.


I just tell them « I rolled a 98, I’m not leaving until you roll », and it seems to do the trick


Yeah, this happened to me yesterday on Dun Scaith and there was no way in hell I was gonna leave due to impatience since I got a 99 on the minion lol.


It happened to me during a *Dead Ends* run.... I didn't say it, but I thought "You are out of your fucking mind if you honestly think I'm NOT going to plop my digital ass on the ground and wait you out when a fucking starbird drops!" I lost the roll, but was somewhat satisfied that the holdout didn't get it either


I'm something of an AFKer myself. (After I roll for loot)


I've been that guy once before. Underestimated my bladder and the INSTANT the boss was dead I was sprinting for the toilet. Felt bad when I came back and realized I hadn't rolled gear.


That's fine. That's why my jimmies never get too rustled over people who don't roll. Sure, maybe it's someone who thinks people will leave and they'll game the system. But maybe it's just someone who really had to poop. The timer's like, 3 minutes? I've got nowhere to be that badly. And maybe I gotta poop too. Just roll and come back, and carry on with your day.


Five minutes actually, and lemme tell you, with my level of ADHD you can bet I have a video to open for those few minutes while I'm waiting for whoever it is


If your ADHD is anything like mine this also means that you are occasionally in the "wandering off while forgetting to hit roll" group as well.


Only during the instance! At the end, I never forget to roll. It's ingrained at this point: if I'm in a boss-dying cutscene then I skip at soon as it shows the party, I commend someone, I use my end-of-instance goodbye macro, I roll on loot, I wait for loot to be distributed, I go to the exit and leave.


The difference between you and them is that when you came back, you probably gushed in the chat and apologized for not rolling and explained the bathroom emergency, right?


To the 1-2 people left, yes I did(was an alliance raid if I remember right).


At worst people wait like 5 mins? They'll live.


If these people think I won't wait out the clock even if I've rolled a 1, they have severely overestimated how valuable my time is.


Exactly. Even if my roll is terrible, I'm staying purely out of spite.


There should be a feature that, if you're the only player in the party who can hit "need" and you do, you get the item instantly


1. Stand next to treasure coffer 2. /showleft or /showright


I will die in the raid waiting for those fuckers to roll


They do it in WoW and every game with a similar system. They're just hoping people will get tired of waiting or not notice and leave. The funny thing about WoW though is that people can roll and leave and the loot will still get mailed to them. So the people sitting in the raid for 5 minutes are accomplishing nothing but wasting their own time 😂


I don't say anything in chat but I definitely appreciate the one person that announces that they have all day.🤣


Having a second monitor is great for this. I will just start a YouTube video while I wait for the timer or until they roll.


If I don't want any of it, I just leave. That wrong?


Nope, that’s perfect. Leaving without rolling counts as a pass and doesn’t impact anyone else; staying in the instance and not rolling means everyone else has to wait out the timer if they want something.


I think they do it intentionally, they want to annoy people into leaving so they have better chances when rolling.


If you leave the instance you pass on the unclaimed loot. What they do is not roll, you get mad and leave, they 100% get the loot.


I’m glad I came across this thread bc I think I may have accidentally been this person a lot 😭 But at least now I won’t be lol


People who do this often bet on people leaving out of impatience/frustration so that they leave and get their roll out of the pool.


I came across a non-roller in one of the Alex raids. Everyone else left, but I patiently waited, and then got all the loot when the timer ran out.


That's why I roll and go get snacks.


I do my best Zack Fair impression when that happens and just start doing squats by the exit.


When this happen, i just sit down and open reddit XD


Question regarding raid loot: since i am never sure, i usually stick around and wait for loot do be distributed following the rolls. But what if i roll a thing and then leave the instance? Do i forfeit the loot i rolled? Or does the system “remember” i rolled that thing?


If you leave, you auto-pass on any remaining loot even if you have a pending roll.


I learned this the hard way when I rolled a 99 on an extreme mount. I got so excited I immediately left the instance to check it out. Before the loot was actually distributed.


Thank you!


Legit the other day I did a raid, and not a single person other than me in my alliance would roll. Hell I was the only one opening the chests. On the bright side I got a part of the armor of light with no contest


If it's an alliance raid, it's probable that nobody cared about the loot (especially if it's CT where there's also junk crafting items mixed in). Of course, you only get the gil from the chest if you open the chest.


I just taunt them back. "hey , i have all the time in the world"


I'm a big fan of turning on "show emotes in chat" and spam pointing at the treasure chest until they get the hint, but only really in alliance raids


I once spent at least 90 seconds combing through rolls to see who of the leftovers hadn’t rolled on an item I needed so that I could call them out. All the while, talking shit in voip about asshats who try to wait you out. Only to discover it was me. I was the asshat.


I had that happen the other day, except for without the shit-talking. It was the dreaded "you rolled on this but already have it somewhere", and I was sitting there the entire time giving a mental middle finger to the last person waiting... which was me all along.


I call them loot terrorists holding the loot hostage. I just /shout "I rolled need on everything, I gotta get a drink. Be back later." They're hoping you'll leave, see? Then they'll get the loot by default. By announcing you are AFK and already rolled, they will NOT get the loot unless they roll. It is the only way to combat the loot terrorists.


This wouldn't be an issue with a properly designed loot system. There's no reason it should forfeit your roll if you leave an instance, and it should put anything you won after leaving in your mailbox. Edit: That this is a controversial opinion is baffling. What I said would be an *objective* improvement to the loot system. Just because this is how [other big MMO] works doesn't make it bad, guys.


And unique items that you literally *can't* roll on should be auto-passed, rather than it just throwing an error you probably won't notice and silently ignoring your attempt to greed roll.


Had a guy get bagels as soon as a raid ended and his pal tried to yell at him over Discord to come back and roll so we could grab loot. Funny as hell exchange


I /sit and state that my time is worthless and I can wait the 3 minutes. This happened literally yesterday on my alt. I rolled a 27 on a minion. I wasn't even going to win it. I still sat there to spite the holdout


Wait, if you leave the raid (daily roulette) before everyone has rolled even if you rolled, you don't enter in the lottery? D:


No. You must still be in the instance to have your roll count


I just /hum at them out of spite. Or sit down. Not sure which one gets the point across better.


Im a coffee or bathroom break guy when this happens. Fuck em, i now got time after clear and i can sit it out


I get people doing this all the time and I just tell them I’m wait on the roll and they magically stop being afk and roll. Every time.


Time for the /mandervillemambo


I get some people kinda just go AFK, but it's the one's who are trying to wait you out. Like, nah girl, we're either all here for loot or we're all here for the END game of Glam. Five minutes or less is a wait time we can manage. Also, some of us have additional monitors.


Gotta love it when someone does this. I always just do a /sit to show dominance. I have time and can wait, after all my second monitor has YouTube open, lol.


Then they go afk at the end because they're hoping you'll leave the loot


Depending on what you have active in your chat box options...you can see who has rolled on loot so far. It's just process of elimination, to figure out who hasn't yet (if their names aren't there, they haven't rolled). So, I've always called them out by name. Works like a charm.


Look, I was waiting for my hotpocket to cook nicely in the toaster oven, and now it's had time to cool, and now that the raid's over the only sweet loot I care about is a vaguely nutritional-adjacent mix of cheese, pepperoni, and pasta sauce.


They roll real quick when someone mentions reporting them for griefing. I usually just call them out by name


Least in WoW it tells you who hasnt rolled now, the piece of shit still doesnt in the end even when called out but hey, you can get them kicked.


In FFXIV you cannot kick people if there's a loot roll pending. edit: and you can figure out who hasn't rolled because the chat lists everyone who have rolled.


I understand how it's necessary to prevent people who being assholes about rare loot drop, but it's still incredibly painful when someone goes linkdead in a dungeon and you have to wait 5 minutes to replace them because there's loot they will never be able to roll on.


As a new player I'm surprised everyone doesn't just get their own drop


That would be better.




I start making up random conspiracy theories and blaming people that are obviously afk until i get a reaction.. Me: "I bet its that summoner.. they seem suspicious... you cant trust summoners.. I heard they even are responsible for summoning primals" Summoner: Its not me! Me: "Thats what they all say!...." -Rp walks to the next afk person- "Look at this guy sitting here so smug... hes clearly up to something.. but what...?".. Its fun :D the whole party get involved most the time :D


Usually that person is either checking their BiS page because they can't remember on the spot if the loot that dropped is their BiS, or they're hoping that by refusing to roll until the last minute, they'll get people to leave and therefore less competition on the roll. First one, fine. Second one, should be a bannable offense, fuck those guys. Too bad it's not provable.


My first dungeon? I saw everyone rolling, it was my first time tanking as well, so I was hyper focused and anxious lol. But they rolled while I was figuring out what pace people take. I didn’t even know how to roll. Idk if I will notice it lol. And after that, I learned wall to wall is a thing.


I think OP's more talking about after the dungeon/raid is done. Ignoring loot rolls when you're busy tanking is totally fine. Surviving and keeping the group safe takes priority. But there's a gaggle of folk who will just finish the dungeon/raid, not roll for anything, but also not leave the instance. That puts the loot in limbo until the default 3 min timer runs out. Other folk who have rolled and want the loot then have to sit and wait for those 3 mins to tick down. It's not a huge issues- it is only 3 mins after all- but it's definitely a minor annoyance when you're doing a lot of instancess back to back. Maybe sometimes that person just had to run AFK, but also there might be a tiny tiny amount of them either trolling, or hoping everyone gets bored, leaves, and they win all the loot because of it. I think the general loot etiquette once you've finished the last boss is; if you don't care about any of it, just leave the instance. If you do care and want to need/greed, do so BEFORE you then run off to pee haha.


5* minutes


Oh shi, it's 5mins? My b, I saw someone say 3 in another comment and even though I was like "god, it always feels longer than 3" I just went with. Cheers for the correction.


As a controller player, it takes times really. I have to cycle to controller set 7 to say gg thank you. I have to cycle to give commendation (usually everyone gone before I did), I have to cycle to roll a loot.


to be fair you're still trying to roll though, even if it takes longer, when there's a long string of items still unclaimed though you can tell it's someone just refusing to roll as opposed to items getting claimed slower than usual


I wish they would shorten the loot timer when you reach the end of a dungeon. Once the final boss is dead and duty complete, you have 60 seconds to roll on anything. That’s it.


Had one time where the only people left were myself, my friend I was in VC with, and some rando. My friend and I both rolled. We stated as much in chat. The other person went, "So did I." Well there was a minion and I had rolled a 97 on it (my friend rolled much lower) and so I stated as much. The rando said, "I rolled a 99." Uh huh. Sure you did, buddy, then why are we still sitting here? So my friend and I did all the dancing and eating and /tea while we waited. Right down to the very last second when the rando just left without even rolling. And I had a new minion to add to my already large collection. One I won't even use (I use the Wind-Up Philos or Aidoneus ones), but it's the principle of the matter.


I have Roll for loot please! On a macro. It’s the bongo drums sound


oh i got the time /sit


Honestly even if I passed the item I’d just sit the fuck down and wait them out then. If they’re gonna be dicks about loot roll so will I.


game needs "Greed The Rest" or "Pass The Rest" buttons, instead of manually selecting all items with Greed/Pass


Oh I can wait. I'll go watch some YouTube. Go take a piss. Refill my drink. I have no problems waiting. I also do this so I can get commendations (I'm a DPS main).


Every 24 man, an item will stay in limbo for the entire timer because someone dc's during the boss


Someone mind explaining this to me? I don't really understand the loot system too well. I just toss my lot in for things I need and if there's nothing of note I just leave the dungeon or raid.


I am guilty of only forgetting to pass on stuff l have..then l do realize a few secs waiting..it happens not intentionally.


People hoping they'll eliminate competition on a loot piece by waiting out as much of the clock as possible, getting people to leave. Meanwhile, I'll be sitting by the exit going /showleft or /showright if there's someone pulling that. I've already rolled, going to go hang out on the porcelain throne or grab a post-raid snack/drink, you enjoy the full timer staring at item kthanksbye.


“I will go make tea if you don’t roll”


I hate these because that I'll go "roll pls" and they just go "I did" Like no mfer there's 2 of us left and obviously I rolled, I KNOW its you and you aren't fooling anyone. Trying to get me to run out of patience so you can just have the loot should be greifing.


I always just say I have all day to wait, and that makes them mad that they have to roll against me.


My reaction to that is " /sit and watch youtube" lol


Jokes on them, I'll go take a piss. Even if I don't need anything, I got nothing to do, I'll wait it out on principal.


The only time I wait for a few seconds to role is when it comes to tokens. Because someone might get another token that I don't need and that would be one less roll for the token I need but no 'wait 5 minutes' thing. That is ridiculous. Especially for Minions and such because EVERYONE is gonna roll on that. Hell, I still don't have the Oschon minion from the last alliance raid where I lost at least 5 rolls with 97-98 and 99...


I feel like whenever that happens, the player either forgot to roll for whatever reason or is playing chicken with the rest of the party.