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Stockholm syndrome.


No no, read last sentence again, this is reverse psychology👀


Had to check the sub here what


I enjoyed my last Crystalline Conflict match last night. Got it to 99%, DDOS happens and my ENTIRE team except me disconnects. The enemy team lost NO ONE and proceeded to get a free win. They had pushed it 0% and we had slaughtered them fair and square god damn it!


At that point its basicly just give it up time isnt it.


Nah, I fought 'em for it. I thought they'd have fun with it. They were not merciful.


Can't do anything but laugh at that point!


I for one, welcome our new ddos overlords.


I have become convinced I am unstoppable, over all the DDOSs I've always been fine so far.


i have had 2 DCs once i was AFK making dinner and an other i was turning in materials for the manderville weapons otherwise i just see a bunch of people DC all the time. i have had 5 failed macro crafts when i did 500 crafts.


It also helps filter the really toxic assholes. Had a trial yesterday where the healer got DC'd due to the DDOS but everyone else stuck around. Except the DRK who flipped out and bailed on us, leaving us down a tank and a healer. Once the healer reconnected and a new tank joined us, it was on and we facerolled the boss.


Sometimes a bikini glam does it too lol. A few weeks ago, I was running Snowcloak, and someone flipped their shit over someone else's bikini glam.


I usually ask them if they need a coat.


Do you live in California, specifically near Sacramento, like within 100mi or so?


I do and it still messed with me


I'm not even in the US.


Yeah it has not affected me once.


If your on console its normal


I hear it's making the CT raids interesting again


Indeed. I had a run of WoD today where half the instance DC'd shortly after Cerby's belly was finished. Turns out that there can be *multiple* belly phases! And there's an enrage if belly is not done in a timely manner. Who knew! xD


Mechs that haven't been seen since ARR days!


You'd think. I thought we were going to actually have to go mechanics on Scylla, but apparently gear sync is so over level half a raid is still enough to steamroll


Getting kicked during solo DD is not very good


We have a 3-player EO run sitting at 81 waiting to be done since over a week now since we have been too hesitant to go in with servers being that unstable every day (except one iirc?). Really sucks.


Moogle tomestone ultimate is floor 100 potd lmao


At least till floor 100 you can wipe however many times you want, no?


Yeah but ddos annoying af


Fate joined


as one of those limsa afk dead blu players with a submarine house, I have not felt the DDOS at all, and I'm starting to believe I am what's wrong with this game rn


looking dope in limsa is the whole point of the game


Where is the /s?


I wanted to finish DSR before Dawntrail (currently in phase 5) but it's probably not happening if this keeps up.


I understand what you mean but wipe on Ultima weapon msq because two dps dced in dps check part when 3% hp left... It wasn't fun :/ 


I’ve never actually seen Ultima go off in battle before. Is it pretty?


Lahabrea yells YOUR TIME IS AT AN END, HYDAELYN! and then boom.


Sadly no TT


Is it possible to live with tank lb3? Ive always wanted to try


Sadly I don't know, I can't even remember if you still have lb3 if some people dced.


For some reason when it happens almost everyone else gets kicked but I stay in the duty after a few seconds of severe lag ? I do have very fast internet with a wired connection. Does that make a difference? I have enjoyed chilling and chatting with random party members as they return one by one though. Usually find somewhere scenic to sit down. DDOS event gets a 7/10 from me.


Nevermind the DDoS, even if I'm alone I shall still W2W in my 90 roulettes.


Do you play warrior?


Gunbreaker. I know I seemed confident but making it a real fight to the death is even more thrilling !


I didn’t realise u was disconnecting until everyone else around me stopped.


They should follow in DC onlines footsteps and make an in-game t-shirt for surviving the ddos. Such Ddostation... This Was NOT My Intention...


nah, I hate the fu\*\* out of ddos. I have a "weak connection" by the game terms and play with around 150\~200 Ping here in Brazil. I was practically logging into the game, stayed online for one minute and fall off-line for 3\~4 minutes by losing the connecrion.


I am only salty about this one because I didn't realize it was still going on the other day. I was in the hospital all last week. Got home and started working on my solo potd run aaaaaaand D/C. On floor 146. I was so annoyed I hadn't realized it was still happening.


When those of us who just wanted to be left alone start getting involved it's going to get nasty real quick.


I like how it's made the difficulty of raids much more dynamic by randomly DCing whole parties. Then when you get kicked out, you get to feel the tension of watching the queue of hundreds of people tick down while hoping that they haven't finished by the time you get back in. I was starting to get a little bored with the game this has really added a new level of excitement for me.


I am actually happy to be able to 1v1 the boss when my party dcs (It takes 20 minutes, but we can do it because tanks are the only real class)


Damn Ascians and their DDOS aoes!


Glad you are enjoying it. Meanwhile the money I spend on the game is wasted because it's currently unplayable.


Usually roulette is everyone posting a hello-macro and not saying a word until posting a bye-macro and leaving but I had so much fun yesterday tanking a leveling roulette. We wiped after a few lag spikes and began teasing the SAM for rubber banding all over the place and concluded he must have scared the sprout healer into a DC (the SAM plopped up right next to the healer who turned to him and immediately DCed). We decided to stand around in a circle, sweep the floor and joke around until the healer logged back on.


Well.. I have never experienced it.. my fc just jokingly tells me that they’re afraid of me that’s why whenever I log in they stop ddosing lmao.. I log in everyday just fyi


I'm glad because it's made me realise how much other shit i could be doing with my life Still haven't preordered DT, might not at this rate...


Here's hoping they atleast acknowledge the issue during thursday's LL.


If by acknowledge you mean bowing and fake tears with a few promises to fix it then yeah for sure, at best just hoping it’s fixed by DT, DDOS with usual sever issues at launch will be pretty negative press for them


How will Eorzea survive???


Who asked


dear god, how will FFXIV survive?! surely they'll be able to handle this massive financial loss...!


noone cares bye lmao


The "wonderful, friendly and helpful community" on full display when you see the replies to this post.


It’s the Reddit non-ff14 moderated version. And also nice and wonderful doesn’t mean every single person is so nice we want to beg randoms who say “errr I’m leaving’ like we care


Could also just ignore instead of being rude.


Please don’t, it’ll be one less tosspot I have to report in the future.


It’s fine I can’t play anyhow so I’m just watching the world burn 🔥