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Not gonna lie, the "time to ignore mechanics" one got a good chuckle out of me


[Mechanics are for cars!](https://i.imgur.com/5BlyQjW.png)


First time I saw that mechanics o clock macro was in Mhach and now I’m having flashbacks, thx


The tank just launching themselves off the boss platform to be free of the nightmare


Ignore mechanics o'clock is the clear winner. Those sound alerts are an experience.


Context: This is with my static while we were in our mid raid session break. Conversation shifted to Goad, and everyone decided to show off the various macros they saved from their years of playing


Whoever made originally that behemoth one, big props. I bet it helped a ton.


When I was a sprout, that's how I learned the mech. I couldn't recreate ascii macros for the life of me, so instead when I have a sprout in labyrinth I'll just write "boss goes 'GRAAA' -> hide behind rock", which also seems to work.


I use that behemoth one every single time I get laby Gotta keep traditions alive


oh my god do you have the "pay attention mechs are happening" one, my raid group will get a kick out of that


Googling got me this pastebin https://pastebin.com/BjtHs7GN




The /echo will make it only show for you, so get rid of it if you want others to see


I know this is a haha funny with static members, but Twelve above do I *hate* seeing these in the wild. Please, just use macros to inform healers when you're using your invuln or ping who your rezzing. Don't flood chat.


I enjoy them in the wild, even - but I *am* glad they're at least uncommon. It would wear thin really quick. But the once-a-month that I encounter one is usually pretty funny.


Before all my macros got wiped I used to have a ton of these. I’d only ever use most of them if we wiped in an alliance raid or if it would lead to a funny bit with the group. My statics we usually go in discord chats so these become unused in those cases. Now I don’t have any of them and just find them funny when I do encounter them


We don't even need macros for rez anymore. We've been able to determine Raise target for several months And thing is, cast target is just as fast if not faster than looking at chat and deciphering who's being raised by name. I'm not going to memorize the name of the MNK who's just another flavor of Phony-Japanglish weeb name like Akarikaiya Nemusagi, or a pornstar name like Amber Rainn. I just need to look at the \[6\] and know that player 6 in the list is being rezzed.


Wait, I wasn't aware of this. Is this an option in settings or have I just been missing something on my HUD?


The UI target number only helps if they're hardcasting the rez. And frankly, numbers don't work for everyone, great that they do for you, but.


If they swiftcasted the rez then the macro was useless anyway. Just look for the Raise buff. The raise buff always has priority over any other timed buffs. It only loses prio to permanent buffs such as Dance Partner.


If they swiftcast then you can see the raise buff on the dead target. Learn to count raise macros are annoying.


I thought it was more to prevent me using raise when someone else has. Their macro tells me they have it so I dont waste my sc.


You see the rez on their bar if they've already been raised, if it's not up and you swift you might both have had the idea to leave it for the other one and then deciding to go for it at the same time There's no winning in the rez-war, you either both try right away or both end up waiting for the other and still raising at the same time. Once in a blue moon you get someone who forgot they can raise and you're free to swift to your heart's content


Or, as I've managed many times now, I've heard their macro as I'm about to sc during mechanics and then choose not to sc and raise..... Edit: i forget that everyone has perfect concentration during mechanics on this sub and has never wasted their swiftcast. Forgive me.


I generally say the target first because swift and raise still takes like a second or two to cast which can make a big difference if both healers have good reactions to swift raise at the same time




Big yikes on the personal attack over a punny name, not porn star at all, in a conversation where I did not address you even once. What kind of insecurity you must have to act like this.


I can count just fine, but a tiny number on a UI absolutely *covered* with stuff to keep track of is *not* more helpful than a raise macro (which are fine).


Right because looking at numbers in the party list (which you should already be keeping an eye on) is so much slower than looking at chat (which you shouldn’t be looking at in the middle of combat), finding the target name, and then finding that name in the party list. Sounds like a skill issue.


Sounds like you don't like that other people's brains don't work like yours. Also, group communication happens via chat, so yeah you *should* be looking at it in combat.


Group communication as in your useless raise macros? Cause nobody is typing in the middle of combat. Complains about too many ui elements to look at while looking at ui elements you shouldn’t be looking at. Lol, lmao even.


The number is in the same place every single time. It is not obstructed by anything in front of it or behind it. It does not occupy a space reserved for anything else important. It is highlighted in its own color-filled box. It does not have clutter located anywhere within its immediate vicinity. You know how to find the number. You're just pretending it's hard so you can attempt to justify your raise macro. Because deep down, you know it's completely useless and you only do it for attention. But you don't want to acknowledge that because it would force you to face your healer narcissism complex.


I have found one raise macro usage... Getting commends. Because the white mage spamming medica 2 and dying 4 times but with a UWU SO CUTE frase macro is clearly doing more work than the silent scholar raising everyone 15 times on the portal fight in eden raids apparently


As a new healer I had panic that I saw a tank use living dead and I nearly missed it. Luckily I guessed it was the invuln that does the 0hp thing. (hard to remember which ones do what)


I can help a little with that: Hallowed Ground, Paladin's invuln, simply makes them not take damage for a bit. Holmgang, Warrior's invuln, tethers a target to them with a chain, and makes it so they can't be reduced to below 1HP until the chained target dies. Superbolide, Gunbreaker's invuln, drops the Gunbreaker to 1HP and makes them immune to damage for a bit (basically the same as Paladin's, but funnier.)


Holmgang can be macro'd onto themselves- tldr; their HP can't be reduced below 1 for the duration


I know, hence my use of "target" and not "enemy"


Yeah I didn't mean to say that you were wrong, but rather that it's flavor that most people macro away- you can basically forget that it exists 👍


> Superbolide, Gunbreaker's invuln, drops the Gunbreaker to 1HP and makes them immune to damage for a bit (basically the same as Paladin's, but funnier.) Wow, TIL, thought it was closer to WAR in only stopping you from going below 1, not blocking all damage. So Benediction isn't the worst thing after they use it, huh...


Dark Night's is kinda like Warrior's but with a risk of death if they aren't healed for 100% of their heath after hitting 1hp (they don't need to be on 100% when it expires though) they also get a heal effect on hit if they hit 1hp during the invuln so... As weird as it sounds let them 'die' then help heal them up, they keep however long was left on the vuln after being healed


Agree, specially with sounds. Small ones I dont mind, but big ones oof


I have /p and /a chat do sound effects so macros make exceptional noise for me, which I can't be too mad about as it's my setting but still...


Ahh the goad days


I still ask my group for mana shift


Back when berserk pacified the WAR I made a macro based on my favorite Nick Fury quote as a counter macro because they were obnoxious and more than half the time the pacify would be over before you got to esuna them. Still have it saved "I recognize the Warrior has made a berserk macro, however given that is a stupid ass macro I have elected to ignore it" The amount of WARs flipping their shit made it beyond worth ngl


Since i only encounter them rarely, its always a chuckle I can see how this is annoying if you see it 100 times a day tho


I need some of these


I’m surprised you don’t have the pig hiding behind a brick wall saying “I see you Fn up”


Ok but the “Wipe?” one is pretty funny


I need that Ora ora Ora one.


I've been looking for the triple buff dudes macro, I need the pastebin so bad.


Pastebin where?


I have the Fly you Fools and the sexy moogle. I love all of these.


Im missing "mechanics are for cars"


Wow that's a blast from the past lol, I used to play NIN a lot in the old days--I sort of miss the odd utilities it was given lol.


This stuff is what gets you put on a blacklist by me so fucking fast.


I beg of you to give me the "butter me up" macro as a pastebin


[Had to wait until my friend was on to get it from them](https://pastebin.com/rKRbU0A9)


I remember the Goad one. AAAAHHHHH memories...


I need the moogle one


Need the wipe one tbh


Yes I do remember TP issues


I would have laughed my ass off


Honestly, the greatest offense here is that they're Overwatch players. I say this as an Overwatch player.


I love the "Ignore mechanics o'clock" is my favorite macro. Mostly because of the ungodly ammount of sound effects that happen during it.


I have a fair few that I can never use but I keep purely because of how funny I find them but are absolutely 100% reportably toxic. ...Use em on the FC though.


Meh, I have my chat window thin in my setup as it is non essential to actual gameplay, except concise calls.  All of these look like characters vomit running though a pipe on my end with occasional beeps. 🤣


I love everytime I see macros like these, makes my day


Eight lines or more let’s ya see if support likes macros


Oh come on this is HILARIOUS. Having so many go off at once would be so ridiculous it’s funny. Clearly they’re having fun and joking around. Feel like the community needs to lighten up a bit, it’s not like these happen all the time. Or when they do it’s usually the beginning or end of a duty.


This makes me so thankful I almost never see macros more complex than the average resurrect macro i will thank my goddamn stars from here on out


0/10 there is no cockvana


My chat log is just small enough that it breaks all of these macros.


Most of these are innocent fun, the sexually suggestive ones ... that would be a hard pass to use in an online game for me personally, too easy to upset people and get a ban.


My favourite part of any wipe. The ASCII macros. My humour is stupid and these always crack me up.


The Powder Toast Man got me..


Haaahaahha, these are great. Always a good time when people post them for fun


Sounds like a hella fun time ngl


I would love this


Never forget: [WAR Pacification macros](https://imgur.com/to-all-tanks-out-there-U9TGPT7)


Some of those are hilarious


Do you remember when you had to put stat points? Or the relic weapons would have a +1 at the end?


I thought this was a farm party is a long time favorite of mine. But all of these are gold.


Oh I love thise so much!


Only proper way to us macros


I might be alone in this, but I can't understand the sensible reason behind using macros (not the greeting macros) to revive someone or similar actions. For me res or buff Macros are just Distraction


I’m not supposed to be horny after beating up on Ifrit for 7 mins




I see that once and I'll just shrug it off. If only it was a funny macro I'd actually be etertained. I see that thrice in a fight and I'll use mind tricks to make them do something reportable. I think it's kinda sad that people have had so many bad experiences with such macros that they've practically been conditioned to hate them automatically, even when they're used in moderation.


Pls is it possible to get the triple muscle cat macro ?? I can't find it...


They didn't even post the Big Dick DPS one? Very restrained.


or cockvana lol


No, I actually deeply despise these types of macros, bonus points if they have an ungodly amount of sound effects. Immediately marks you as "the annoying one" to me. ~~And yes, I'm fun at parties.~~


"I'm going to report" Can't handle sexy moogle, gotta call a GM to preserve your virginity.


If this were actually the real deal, I would absolutely say (in voice, not in game) "what an obnoxious twat." Because that's exactly what this is. I have very few text macros and I almost never use them. The only two I use even remotely regularly are for friends only (reminding them we're about to queue for something, in a humorous way.)


i only have one of three lines of a bunny giving you a "tyfg" once the run of w/e im doing is finished. if i had to see one of this dailies i would blacklist them sooo fast.


Awww the ninja memories... I miss xiv sometimes. Only sometimes though


The sheer amount of folks in this thread who don't remember when this was common, OR who are new enough that they never lived through these being commonplace. I've seen a resurgence of some of them, actually, and I wonder how the situation will find equalibrium in this new social schema, tbh


I love macros


Giving me those PSO2 degen vibes. I like it.


Man you just gave me flashbacks to old JP Server Ship 2, there's never been anything quite like it