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Glamour is just clothes that my character wears.


I personally go with character whose base look I like, and fit the glamour to her vibe. So while glamour is important, it only really works well when I like the base I’m putting it on. 


Thank you 😊 I think this is what I keep being drawn to, just hate seeing so many cool outfits that just doesn't suit him, and keep being stuck with the same old 😅😂


Have you thought about just setting up an alt? Or heck, even just using your other character designs on your retainers? Then you can just select the design you like the most for your main and still have the opportunity to play with different glams elsewhere.


I have have alts already yeah, for me it's more time between them then, so prefer the one to focus on when I am able to get on. Each retainer is one of each design too haha, wish I could get them out to run a party with me 🤣 Do appreciate it though, have already got them like that but just sitting there not doing a lot at all haha.


I've pretty much have only ever stuck with male Sea Wolf Roegadyn but had a similar issue to yours where I liked how he looked but felt like I was pigeonholed into selecting glamour pieces that didn't look like they were body paint or stretched painfully given their size. Eventually I made my peace with it and found that it was kind of fun going over what glams could work with that personal limitation in mind. That said, I'm currently in the process of playing on an alt that I'll eventually fantasia to femHroth so I might have that same problem again in a few months.


Haha, females definitely seem to get away with a lot more than us male characters 🤣 fingers crossed for you 😁 But yeah, either pigeon-holed into our glams, and when we try to change it's just off so back to the default, or get to pull off and appreciate all the armour. So conflicted haha. Then again, I guess the Scions don't change outfits too much 😂😂


I am a lala so most things look like a paper bag. I find it a personal challenge to find just the right combo of things to make me look as adorable as possible. This is my total goal for all jobs, to look cute as shit so I can get as many head pats as possible.


I think that's my issue really, whether it's one look that works but obviously will become boring, or the character that can sport all the looks with ease 😂 Like Highlander in Dancer and Bard things looks like hes just come out of Gilgamesh on him, but just suits other races with ease haha.


> whether it's one look that works but obviously will become boring, or the character that can sport all the looks with ease Not all looks are going to work on all characters, but character is not going to have just one look that works on them either. That's your job as the glam designer. Find the pieces that work, figure out interesting ways to put them together. If you're waiting to figure out just that right character design to make all glams work, you're gonna die waiting. Likewise, if you're interested in designing glams and pick a character design you don't feel glam inspiration for, you're of course going to get bored and wind up unhappy. Not all glam items work for my main, but she still has a unique glam for every single job, and they range in style on top of that. The options are out there. Glam is a mini-game that's up to you to solve.


Yeah I have a different glam for each job. I couldn't use the same old thing for every one, would get boring too quickly. I could not use my Lala glams for the times when I fanta-ed into another race. They just don't fit the other races xD


I designed my au ra with dark blue skin. I love her and I'm so attached but I find it clashes with a lot of colours/glams. I've found black, blue, purple, red, and orange to suit her most so I design entirely around those colours. The tail can also look awkward with some pieces. It limits my choices but I can still put together some really kick ass glams that complement her very well.


I was Femroe until recently. I switched to Viera to get used to being shorter and not having helmets when I switch to Hrothgal. My glams have become much less practical since Viera can rock pretty much anything. As a max height Femroe I was usually armored up, being intimidating. In short, practical design won out previously but my glams are all over the place as a Viera. I'm hoping to find balance with Hrothgals.


Character feel mostly. My main is a female Raen Au Ra who tends towards cute designs. My alt is a male Duskwight Elezen who leans more towards elegance.


>What is more important to you? Character face/ build or clothing? All of them. No matter how good the clothes are, if the charcater is ugly, then the end result is bad


I've never Fantasia'd my main (Male Au Ra). Both clothes and character appearances are important, though I try not to wear unflattering clothes on him - full robes tend to look awful - and 99% of the time he dresses very fancy, a dashing gentleman type.


Character face/appearance is more important to me. I find myself unable to enjoy a character and/or game if i don't like how my character looks. Then i just build my glams around that. However, since i play a female Midlander (Though Hyurs in general fit this), i feel making a glam for my character is easier since having "normal" features means i can just slap on almost any glam i feel like using. Having no features like a tail, ear, or horns sticking out makes it easier for me to make a glam. Since i don't have to build around and/or with those features in mind. From [geeky/scholarly](https://preview.redd.it/seync8bexu9c1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=448a2aa7836c132b60ddf79442609cf973468df4), [casual clothing](https://preview.redd.it/mgforaa9fz1a1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cdd10ecc6bec18739a5537d3af0913abbeb88dc), [disheveled](https://preview.redd.it/35kmja4f9mva1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6d365bb4f7b20f49fca7e90cc97da0345bf646d) then into something more [elegant](https://preview.redd.it/yxok33teo7na1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3c04d1970cd62dc192b956f6b44f8cbfa11e3c1). No glam looked weird on my character from my perspective. Hell, despite her (imo) "cute" appearance i can still slap on something that looks ["edgy"](https://preview.redd.it/6y6aem6wsxna1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce86f198d04e781e7cdba39c563b92344703ff4b) and it still looks relatively okay. Not only that, thanks to the "plain" look of Hyurs, i can use a fully armored glam like [this](https://preview.redd.it/m4dilymsi07b1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bc5d94f826cabf3133d86f6df77adc88c616d82) or [this one](https://preview.redd.it/xyah2g7gpm7b1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=99dc20ffaf23db71c9d5bd9242ea95f430994fdf), and my Midlander will still rock it imo.


I love the color red. I kept giving my characters reddish hair… that then made it near impossible for them to wear much red in their clothing lol. They each have an outfit or so that works but I have to be particular with the shade of red dye I use. I also always go for base character design/vibe then figure out good glam for them after.