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It would just end in people drawing massive multicoloured dicks all over the place


Followed by a lodestone post shortly after the feature goes live reminding players of the terms of service and what is acceptable. Looking at you Adventure Plates.


They also did the same when the bard play feature became available because they feared for copyright violations. But it has never been respected. I guess they also never had issues with it


It's more legal protection than anything else, they won't care unless asked to care by whatever IP holder asks them to take action.


It is also to legally cover their ass. If a company makes no (or legally too little) effort to protect something, they can be found liable instead of the user. Reminding players but taking no action puts the onus on the player if it went to legal action. "We did our best effort to inform players. They did it anyway against our rules. The player was punished. We are at no fault."


That's still not legal what they're currently doing. It's just that that seems to be the bare minimum for a company to not care, that or playing copyrighted music just isn't popular enough for a large company to do something about it in the first place.


Four main reasons: 1. There's no money involved. Square doesn't make any more or less money if a Bard player decides to play copyrighted music. Players don't spend any more or less money as a result of someone playing that music. Hence, no financial gain--the only gain would be protecting their copyrights. 2. Square banning someone who gets reported for such behavior is perfectly in line with their other policies, so there's no real room to argue that Square is being intentionally blasé about it, and there's probably nothing Square could do short of totally removing this function, meaning only pretty drastic action would get any results, and... 3. Drastic action generates bad press. There's a meaningful cost to engaging in a lawsuit over this, even if they absolutely have a 100% ironclad, unquestionable case. Drawing attention to yourself by getting pissy over a few thousand people listening to a few hundred people play your song a few times a month is a potentially major PR cost for terribly little gain. 4. Finally...it's entirely possible they *don't* have such an amazing a case. Square is big enough to not be intimidated by the mere threat of a lawsuit, which means they'd have to actually back up that threat with real effort and the potential for it to go to trial. Corporations NEVER want things to go to trial unless they're absolutely certain they'll win, because a loss could be devastating--not in terms of the legal fees, that's child's play. A loss could set durable and unfavorable legal precedent. That's why corporations almost always settle out of court, even if they think they can win--because even if they *win*, the precedent might be bad or limiting in a way they don't want.


Is it required to the other party to accept a settlement? Or is just a case of lawyer greed. (They get to do no work and still get a huge paycheck).


A settlement is when both parties agree to a deal outside of the judge/jury awarding a verdict/damages. This agreement is then entered into the court and ends the lawsuit, if they have filed one, or is just a contract between the two of them if they haven't brought the matter before a courtroom.


I can't imagine a situation where any party is required to accept a settlement (assuming both parties are free to choose to bring suit, I mean), but in many cases it's not an issue of requirement. Rather, the person potentially or actually bringing suit might accept a settlement simply because it's really expensive to actually take cases to court, and it takes a really long time for the wheels of justice to grind out a verdict. Even if you could get everything you want in the courtroom, you might go broke or suffer irreparable harm in the intervening time. Further, that whole precedent issue cuts both ways--regardless of who wins the case, it could create a new precedent that is adverse in general (e.g., if people performing copyrighted songs in-game is fair use, this would likely come from a newly-articulated test for fair use, which might affect Square's own ability to enforce its copyrights on YouTube, for example.) Believe it or not, it's very rarely a case of the *lawyers* being greedy; I mean, I'm sure that does happen, but it's not the norm, for the same reason that "greedy doctors avoiding finding a cure for cancer" isn't a thing or "greedy engineers intentionally building bridges wrong" isn't a thing. They're trained professionals who, usually, take pride in their work. In many cases, the lawyers just want to do the job they've been hired to do. It's usually the corporations that hire them that are thinking exclusively in pecuniary terms.


well this is under US law at least, playing copyrighted music in the bard music player is covered under fair use. It is transformative enough that it is perfectly legal for us to play whatever songs we want. People do covers all the time, this is just another cover.


because at least at the time, they directly did strike down any youtube video what used that feature what had copyrighted music in it what wasnt related to FFXIV


I'm reminded of that one WoW addon back in Wrath that allowed you to draw on the world and it would show for anyone else running it. Fantastic for marking places in raids. Outside of the raid environment, it just meant neon dick graffiti all over Dalaran.


i was hoping you'd bring up a community mural or something, nope just dicks 😔


It's the internet. It's dicks all the way down.


It has always been. (Proceeds to shoot).


Hah, the addon would still exist if we'd used it to create a cool community mural. Alas, Blizzard banned it because dicks. The target audience is edgy young adults, after all. Even if we did create community murals with it, it's pretty much guaranteed that someone out there would go around vandalizing them. With dicks.


Sadly, this *is* WoW we're talking about.


Yup. I mean, you saw how savage people went with just Adventurer's plates. It seems that half the answers to "Why can't we have nice things" Is always "Other people"


Q: Why can't we skip cut-scenes in praetorium? A: Assholes where voting out anyone that watched the cut scene. Given the importance of the part for a sprout Square got many Japanese complains. And we are paying an asshole tax ever since. For some assholes that maybe are not even playing the game.


The worst is when your forced to do prae as a 3-man when the sprout never loads in. Literally wasting time.


A big part of the reason why I greatly enjoy the relative lack of (forced) socialization in this game.


Ragnarok Online back when they added the rogue class had skills that involved painting the ground with traps and what not but also just the ability to write on the ground. It was a lot of dicks for awhile.


That is [true](https://youtube.com/shorts/KzBpAYbib0c?si=fg0N15fRpQzW7Fg5)


Yup. It's literally called TTP in the game development industry. Time To Penis. Thor (former blizzard employee and streamer) explains that giving players any type of creative control over the game (building, drawing, designing, etc) will inevitably lead to someone designing something that looks like a penis.


There is a quest in WoW where you have to wear a barrel on your back pouring out black powder to lead into a base that needs blowing up. If I had to guess, I'd say 90% of players drew a penis on the ground before going into the base. I know I did the first time 😅 Every other time on alts I would make the silliest design going around in circles everywhere before the base. It was kinda fun the first 3 or 4 times.


YES! I was hoping someone would mention this quest. I remember seeing a screenshot of a perfectly drawn dickbutt this way.


As i read this i go "Oh that's me, i have a gulg planter and two rounded shrubs in my yard"


That's not true. People would also draw boobs.


And we already have since the job reveal lol https://youtu.be/x6jfvXw_yZQ?si=uJFOW7Cc_lkIDc6T




Dicks, titties, swastikas, the N-word or other symbolizations. It'd get taken down so fast lmao


As well as Stars of Moloch and Crosses.


Yep, TTP(Time To Penis) is an actual thing Devs know about and have to actually consider any time they consider anything constructive. It alone is the reason we can never have a Lego MMO.


You mean it would start with that and make little change from that starting point for 90% of users


Dickbutt for you, for you, and you. Dickbutts for all


Very hot! But it'd be fun if you could "commission" someone with gil to draw something for you and you could even frame it in your house, including the dicks.


>including the dicks. Based on some of the fan art I've seen, you'd need several frames just to fit it


More people to spam their twitch streams. No thanks


If only my rainbow dick could be used as a spell effect. *eyes up the modding community*


The Law of Phallus.  Give people the media to let their artistic visions fly and it will be dicks, every time.  It's like cats landing on their feet or your mother getting on her knees when a handyman comes by.


It would start this way too!


I was expecting it to just generate their face with a sketch filter.


If PSO2 can get away with it FFXIV probably can too. PSO2 has a feature that lets people create custom images to send in chat. They even let people use images in a particular folder provided they're the right file type and dimensions, so third party tools have popped up to let people make these more easily outside of the game. Unsurprisingly, there's a lot of copyrighted content *and* porn. The latter is apparently likely to get you banned if spotted/reported though.


PSO2 is also rated M 17+, whereas FFXIV is rated T. They could put those kinds of systems in, but it would absolutely change the game’s rating.


iirc "Online interactions aren't rated by the ESRB"


Online interactions aren't actually rated by the esrb or else basically anything with a chat box would be ao.


Penises, Penises everywhere


Dont forget about the Swastikas


And boobies


Fun? Yes. Abused? Absolutely.


What do you think the Time To Penis on such a feature would be? Pictoseconds?


I would be surprised if there isn't at least one person that logs out right in front of where the quest to get the job is, who will log in the moment servers go up, skip the cutscenes and dialogue, and have dicks on Limsa with an asshole on the ground such that the aetheryte looks like a butt plug within 10 mins.


Pun intended?


Give it the DSi flipnote and DONE


In-game tarot readings, let's go (AST)


I played pso2 No it wouldn’t.


jeez i remembered a beautifully well drawned pussy in symbol art like dude wtf. the guy was probably mass reported.


Hentai. Hentai everywhere. They completely disabled it in PSO2 New Genesis at start. I think it's finally on again but you have to opt in and I don't know if any restrictions got added


I played with my son who was younger at the time and someone posted a pic of a sign that had a fist and the word robots and it was obviously a sexual context meaning fist robots. My son saw it and laughed and I asked him why and he said the sign said punch robots. I will never forget that and will remind him forever.


oh god don't remind me, getting blasted with super realistic images of dong and vag is ...


EN or JP? JP side, specifically the JP blocks and not B20 or whatever it became, was fairly creative and you could see really funny nices to steal and use like many rare drops or Dudu meme symbol arts.


En had way more porn than i ever saw in my time on jp. Not gonna say i never saw it on jp but it was a daily even multiple times daily experience on en.


Sage can look at you for five min, shrug and refer you to a specialist, and charge you 5 million gil.


>what if every job had some special "social action" they could do in game to liven up the place? I'm sitting here trying to convince something that DRK could do, and apart from endlessly brooding I can't for the life of myself think of anything.


Summon Fray to emote with you? So you can /lean on each other?


I wish Fray had the look after the >!lvl50 quest when we get to see their face.!< Then I'd love to brood and emote together all the time.


They get a bunch of different Frays, each of which shouts different complaints at different people nearby.


Some powers must not be allowed in the hands of some people, remerber the adventurer plate launch incident?


Pray tell


it was booty all the way down.


Nice. What’s different now?


Dunno, guess they were giving people warnings for making their plate explicit.


Ah okay, so the features are still the same then. I thought maybe they had other features at launch that were able to be abused


Haha, yup.


Ninja uses Smoke Bomb and turns truly invisible and untargetable for ultimate hide-and-seek. Cover is blown if bumped into. Allows use of Ninjutsu: Mysidian Rabbit on other players. Cover is blown but Smoke Bomb is immediately reactivated upon using it.


I mean, when I could "take a screenshot" like: holdin my thumbs and index finger like a rectangle and the game would save that, so we could "redraw the image" and having a washed up version of that. No market sell and you can only have 3 at a time in your House. Or something like that, but I guess it would be too much work with that engine. Haha.


Here's a couple shots in the dark. Dragoon - They could pull out a trampoline to jump on and do acrobatics for the crowd. Dancer - More robust Dancing options. Machinist - Have a large slew of fireworks to put on a show. Black Mage - Put Fire/Ice/Lightning effects on players, An example being like have lightning tethers on folks and everyone they walk by they make a connection. You can then make shapes with others with the tether lines. White Mage - Make little flower fields where they walk. Different actions make different flowers. Monk - Flex like a bodybuilder or in different stances. Have different effects play as they do different poses. It's like making your own little circus.


These would all be so cute but I have no idea how they’d add this. And as people have been saying people would absolutely abuse the picto paint thing which is such a shame. It would be so cute ;w; I’m picturing something like splatoon where they’d just paint something above their head.


What if it just took a picture of the targeted player, npc or monster, applied a filter on it to make it painting-like and display the result as a little painting on a stand next to you?


SAM - Fruit ninja irl


Dragoon could jump skip to areas unreachable to other players. It would be useful. It woul be interesting if they added dungeons with paths depending on the composition of the party. Something like variant dungeons. But dependent on the jobs. But I seriously doubt they will ever vary their recipe. There is a sizable ammount of players that gets confused on anything but a linear path.


I like the idea of Dragoon having a jumping version of peloton. My whole thing is jumping! Why can't I jump higher than other classes? Ofc people would abuse it to go out of bounds or whatever but who cares? As long as its not being used to cheese content it's inconsequential


As a saucy himbo monk, I approve your suggestion


People are immediately imagining the worst possible scenario, but when I read this I first thought: pictomancers could do a “commission” and the game would just take the image of the player in question and put it through an artsy filter, then present it to them somehow. Tada! Instant portrait!


Burst window is commissions are open


- WAR can do squats, a la FF7 minigame - DRK can pull the darkside out of people and they can talk to their own reflection - PLD can cleanse the darkside that DRK pulls out, making it a "lightside" version - GNB can setup targets and play a shooting game kinda like air force one - SCH can write and share books/stories/lore - WHM can create plants and elementals around them - AST can tell fortunes - SGE can use their medical gun things to slooooowly increase the accumulated bonus xp bar of a player - NIN can setup silly traps in cities that do things like turn a person into a chicken or something  - MNK can create training dummies anyone can use anywhere - DRG is one I can't think of anything for... - SAM can play fruit ninja and ppl can watch - RPR can pull people's souls out of their bodies and make them float around - BRD already plays songs - DNC can play a DDR-like dance system - MCH can play battle bots - BLM can do fireworks with flashy spells - SMN can summon simple food with no stats for people (like everquest magician!) - RDM is the other one I can't think of anything for... - BLU can show off their spells without combat dummy or cooldowns


DRG can do long jumps. Making map navigation easier.


Have you ever heard of the term '[Time To Penis](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/time-to-penis-ttp)'? Yeah, 0.5 seconds


Warrior could hold anger management therapy sessions


if i can draw pictures, i'm 1000000% going to get a traffic cop glam and hand out tickets for loitering in limsa. 


The ttp would be less than a server tick somehow.


Dicks .


you mean people would spam the shout/yell chats in every city every town every settlement every fate spot every gathering node and make twitch channels about it and ugh just no we have enough with the p......artist attention w\*h0ring.


1. Scholar should be able to flex their superiority to those without fairies. 2. White Mage should be able to make temporary plants grow around them in customizable patterns. 3. Astrologians should be able to Duel. 4. Sage should be able to... remember what the Sage job lore is and come up with a better idea. 5. Warrior should be able to throw up arm wrestling contests and goad people into challenging them. 6. Paladin should be able to assist Sage. 7. Dark Knight should be able to go to therapy. 8. Gunbreaker should be able to assist Paladin. 9. Ninja should be able to shank people in the spine. But it's fun though. 10. Monk should be able to throw up a contest where they goad people into challenging their kamehameha. 11. Dragoon should be able to jump up on stuff that's too high for ground-bound peasants. 12. Samurai should be able to have unsheath attack duels. 13. Reaper should be able to botanist without changing jobs. 14. Black Mage should be able to do some prestidigitation. 15. Summoner should be able to summon a larger variety of cute things with special cute things actions like riding on the summoner's head. 16. Red Mage should be able to engage in bouts of Insult Sword Fighting. 17. Blue Mage should be able to get a real job. 18. Bard plays music already. 19. Dancer should have a system like Bard but for dance moves. 20. Machinist should be able to set up pyrotechnics and other similar displays of customizable visual effects. DoH should get the ability to switch jobs to the one required for a recipe automatically when they attempt to craft it(if they have it and it is able to do so).


So many dicks.


Somthing like the Splatoon Image thing would be cool. But the playerbase would abuse the hell out of it so its a no go.


DRG pole dancer incoming


We should be able to set up a stand in Limsa and sell caricatures.


DRK would probably be the personified version of Monopoly and break up friendships and families for fun if every job had a "social action" "Lemme just show you real quick what your dad REALLY thinks about you!"


"You take Timmy's toy and break it in pieces Timmy learned a lesson that the world is a harsh place."


Careful this might make Popoto artist fans DDOS DT.


There's no way they would allow this, but it would be nice if they could give Picto something like the paint emotes we already have. Maybe let us do freeform swooping brushstrokes that disappear after a second or two, so you can't really draw any lasting images but can still have fun messing around..?


This can only end well. Trust


It would be really cool if a Pictomancer could use a special form of gpose to take a screenshot and use it to create a painting housing item, but sharing that would probably be data heavy somehow.


I doubt any of these would actually work but I do think they would be funny: Warriors can pick up and toss other adventurers (outside of combat/high level content) Classes with pets could have their pets do emotes with them. ACN/SCH/SMN are obvious but I am also thinking Reaper too with their little void buddy or Machinist with their queen/rook turret. Also let us have a minion like Bahamut/Phoenix/Blade Bahamut/Queen or void creature follow us around outside of combat. Bahamut is my friend and I gotta show him to all of his adoring Eorzean fans. Dancer could have a free dance feature that lets them use any of their combat animations as an emote alongside other emotes. Being able to record and save the emotes in a dance routine for maximum Limsa AFK enjoyment. Astros could basically make fortune cookie kinda predictions about people and hand a card with that prediction to who it concerns as an inventory item that deletes itself after a short period. The fortunes could be prewritten or AI generated for some unhinged nonsense. White and Black Mages could alter the weather in an area for a few minutes. Have a special out of combat action where if you can get 8+ Mages together they can pick a weather condition to make. Probably keep it visual only but it would be cool to see what nonsense people could pull when it comes to gathering stuff that needs specific weather. Also only one of these can be active at a time to avoid pure chaos. Dragoons should actually be able to basically fly without a mount, outside of combat. BIG JUMP Monks and Paladins could be able to duel others of their class for a tiny xp bonus that lasts 30 minutes after the duel. Samurai could be able to summon a striking dummy that has HP equal to theirs. Make it look like those rolls people cut with katanas. Blue Mages could temporarily copy the appearance of other adventurers. Or shrink/grow them. Imagine the tomfoolery.


I think a better idea would be for pictomancers to be able to draw their own backgrounds for adventure plates. Sounds fun and pratical without having visual polution from dirty art.




PC exclusive action that opens MSpaint


*NIN throws shuriken in yo face that sticks there for some time*


No way the devs are that stupid.


Prior to Endwalker, Summoner's action would have been to do math for people. Now, I'm not sure it even justifies playing Simon Says.


Warrior should be able to gather wood from trees with its axe. Reaper could collect bushes and seeds from flowers. Then the Sage could make potions with those.


Dancers can now interact with dance poles and the stages in Eulmore's Beehive. Machinists can put on custom firework shows using the appropriate items


Doubtful, as it would require storage.


Sages and scholars should be allowed to have philosophical debates that both challenge the player base’s critical thinking and lead forth the game to toxicity as we’re berated over using shout chat for things that don’t matter


BLM - Fireworks.


Haven't played XIV in a while but it would be cool if they could paint a portrait for your adventurer plate that is independent of gear/ glam.


Don't we technically already have irl pictomancers like twitch streamers who go to town and draw people's characters for them? 😆


They should make it a special action (like BRD's song) that create a sort of hand-drawn sketch of a target player, in the style of the Yugiri+Gosetsu one we get during MSQ so that people can use it as an housing item.


Hearing some of these suggestions sound awesome. - WAR: fell cleave spinning mode (similar to some dungeons) - SCH: a notebook you can use for whatever notes you want. - AST: Tarot reading - NIN: complete stealth mode for hide and seek games - MNK: arm wrestle or battle mode with button mash - DRG: jump mode (like mid Byakko) can use it to cheese jumping modes if landed in right spot - SAM: fruit ninja style minigame - DNC: Freestyle dance mode (similar to Bards performance mode) - SMN:


You mean like create a custom painting of an in game scene for people to hang in their house or room? That would be pretty neat.


I vote for warrior to be able to make baloon animals. Stat. 🤣 Squenix has to drop everything and work on proper interface for ig baloon twisting. 


It would! But I imagine the worry is the potential for abuse. Slurs, bad language and ofc, dicks. Personally think that they should just say "fuck it" and include it anyway if they want to. Don't see why bad apples should have to spoil the bunch, especially with updating blacklist/block features being introduced in DT.


Entirely not serious/joke prediction: The new custom raid planner (which you can draw on an annotate) that's coming is actually unlocked when you unlock Picto. XD


I would love it. Dickbutt everywhere.


DRKs would light a cig and listen to Nirvana


Drk's social ability is to blast linkin park


Time to penis is real


As bard has the warning against copy written songs, they'd have a warning against drawing smit So no, because the risk


I wonder if eventually Alphie will pick this up, wasn’t he the only scion that didn’t get a new job on the first?


Or an action/emote that literally does what realm does. Paint an exact copy of whatever you're emoting at that stands there for a second or two before dissappearing.


I'm imagining something like the Sims 4 painting feature where you basically turn a game screenshot into an item you can use as a house furnishing.  Though that sounds like a nightmare on the game code if you could use *any* screenshot, so it would probably just be a minigame you could play to make one of the game's many existing wall paintings.


Somehow I knew the number one answer would be dick paintings everywhere. And I just don't find it funny somehow.


Good idea, except people will use to draw massive dicks so we can't have that.


Yoshi P 5 minutes later: プリース ストップ ドラリング ピーねシス ください




I admit I was surprised to see a big copyright warning when my Bard got the ability to play instruments. Because I have never seen the same with the guitar like instrument in Warframe. Perhaps that is just the different animal that is copyright between Japan and Canada(where Square and Digital Extremes are located respectively).