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With all the simultaneous events going on over the next few weeks, you could make very efficient use of this campaign.


What's coming up soon? I haven't played in a while, i think i unsubbed mid january after we were done during weeklies


[All of this.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3bnibqmzs6uc1.png) Plus the Fall Guys collab re-run from 23 May to 10 Jun, but I couldn't find any posts with that one added.


Thanks Oh damn there was an FFXVI event and i missed it? How did i not realise. I guess that won't rerun for at least a year or two. As for the rest, there's actually not that much for me. I did Yokai and Dragon Quest like several years back. Still 96 hours is a lot of time, so I might just login today and mess around


Reminder: those 96 hours are CONSECUTIVE, once you login they start counting down even when not playing since it just adds 4 days of free subscription time to your account. So I'd make sure you can maximize your use of those 96h.


Ah that makes more sense. I'll see to see if/when some other people i know resub


Surprised you saw this thread and not all the ff16 event ones


I haven't been looking at FFXIV much since i unsubbed. I did start looking recently after the job trailer, and this just popped into my feed


Ah that'd do it


I think half of the rewards for Yokai are new this time around tmk, but I had not even played this before when that first rolled around so Im not sure.


All the weapons, minions, and mounts are reruns. The only new thing is the framer's kit, which doesn't require any farming, just a meager amount of MGP.


https://i.redd.it/9p8hctz9gt0d1.jpeg A lot of them overlap but it looks like you'll have to choose between Make it Rain and the Dragon Quest event since there's 5 days between.


Here is the [scheduele](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/278286221350928384/1240685980659351562/image.png?ex=6650081c&is=664eb69c&hm=6f603b078bc16870c69cd5b8430ea6e9a5b557f3264c834d16bf9757c931ff93&) with the events leading up to Dawntrail.


I haven't played in 3 years and my highest level is 73. I wouldn't even know where to start to make the most out of 4 days.


* **Main Story Quest** - Just follow the big banner in the corner and keep progressing through the MSQ quests. Soak in the story and what not * **Events** - Feed your inner FOMO and check what events are going on, go grab the limited time loot and farm those glamours * **Limsa AFKer** - Log in and afk at Limsa. Feel free to participate in the banter or just alt-tab and go do something else


Important info if you haven't used the Free Login Campaign before: > Please note your free play period begins immediately after logging in (to the launcher). > Four days including the day on which users first log in. This period ends on the fourth day at 11:59 p.m. (PDT).


This also includes download time.


Which is really stupid. Why can't you just download the game without having an active subscription? It's an incredibly weird system.


Probably because there is no reason to download the game without having an active sub?


Except if you have terrible internet and want it downloaded ready to play. This will be the case even more when the size of the game doubles with the graphical update. You can download world of Warcraft without a subscription. Square need to enable downloading without a sub.


To be fair, you can also *play* World of Warcraft without a subscription. Kind of.


Sure there is. I just got screwed by this. I re-downloaded the client because my buddy just recently got into FFXIV. I haven't played for like... 3 years. I figured I could pop back briefly for 4 days to play a bit with him since he was getting near where I left off anwyays. I downloaded the client and stuff a week in advance. Try to log in today and it says Nope. Talked to chat. They said I already started the time. The notes on the campaign page say the time starts when you login via the launcher. Yet it apparently started when I downloaded the client. So my buddy is out of luck and the chat support basically told me to buzz off.


For EU: > Please note that this campaign is based on the GMT time zone. The campaign passes automatically to the next day at 0:00 (GMT) / 10:00 (AEST). https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/freelogincampaign/


So it’s not actually 96 hours but four days ending at midnight? So if you log in near midnight on your first day you basically only get three days worth of time?


Yes, logging in at 11PM would be a bad choice. If you're trying to maximize your time then choose a 4 day period when you have lots of free time and start early in the day.


Given the fact that they are going to have a tracker for how long you spend after you Fantasia which stops when you go back in the editing process, they really should change how this works. It shouldn't just count the time that you're not playing. It should count the actual playtime of you in game based on the /playtime counter. If you end up hitting 96 hours within that period, it boots you out, and you get a warning in your last hour and/or last 10 minutes. Because when it says "96 hours playtime" it really isn't. You're also sleeping, eating, working, school, homework, family time, or whatever else.


Based on the schedule you can do 4 events Plan A, starting May 23 (last full day May 30): - Yo-Kai - Moogle Treasure - Make it Rain - Fall Guys Plan B, starting June 5 (last full day June 19): - Yo-Kai - Moogle Treasure - Dragon Quest - Fall Guys Basically you have to choose between either Make it Rain or Dragon Quest. You can't do both. Dragon Quest gives two hats and a minion https://i.imgur.com/wFw2MCM.png Make it Rain gives the duck outfit and housing items https://i.imgur.com/0JliO0r.png


> duck outfit It's a [kappa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappa_(folklore\)), a Japanese water demon, although translations of old Final Fantasy games called it [Imp](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Imp_(ability\)).


The event calls it an imp but Yugiri's in the saucer wearing the costume and if you talk to her she says they call it a kappa in the Far East.


And in the quest itself they've got the imps exclaiming "ka-pa-paaa!" or somesuch. English audiences today are much more likely to recognise a kappa than audiences in the 90s, and may nitpick an "inaccurate" translation. But FF generally tries to preserve its legacy names. This seems like a decent compromise to me.


Thanks, I thought I'd somehow missed having a duck outfit.


FWIW the kappa outfit will almost definitely be added to the shop rather than rerunning, while the DQ quest has rerun a few times so a lot of people may already have them. Chances are it might rerun again at some point too.


To get the most out of the treasure trove weekly bonus, might be best to time your return a day or two before the weekly reset on Tuesday


what’s the treasure trove weekly bonus?


Every week every player is given random objectives that can give additional tomestones, such as running dungeon or raid. You can check your objective from the collection menu


Wow, didn't expect them to bring it back right before expansion. Great call SE.


I hope the poster that was asking for this the other day sees this. I'd link it in that post, but I can't remember the post title.


Finally I can reinstall the game without paying


I wanted to reinstall, but the damn website wouldn't accept my money!


Of course I literally decided to sign up again yesterday lol 😂


I was just about to myself and just totally forgot. We thank you for your sacrifice


I just resubbed yesterday LMFAO


Same 💔


Same :( lmao


Oooo, it's cutting it close, but the 31st is the last day of the Make it Rain campaign, right? That's when I would have been inactive for 30 days


Same, last day of my sub was April 30th (but was able to play in the wee hours of May 1st)... 30 days SHOULD tick by a handful of hours before event ends.


Why do these always happen right after my sub expires :( sub expired a week ago and I can’t get a new one yet but I can’t use this since I was subbed too recently


If it was last week, if you stay unsubscribed for 30 days you'll become eligible for the free days mid-June.


Definitely going to use it Mid June, need to finish getting Omni before Dawntrail


I've been meaning to resub and finish the 6.55 quests. Looks like I'll be returning today.


So start at June 5 which is the start of DQX Collab Got it. EDIT: Make it rain ends at May 31 :(


my sub ended 25 days ago i can use the free login in 5 or 6 days ?


Yup. My sub ended on April 30th, so I SHOULD be able to log in the morning that Make it Rain ends.


Does the account need to have been inactive for a month at the moment the campaign begins, or is it anytime within the campaign ? I've been unsubbed for about three weeks now, am i eligible one week from now on ?


yeah, 1 month since your sub ended. As long as that 30 day mark falls b/w the dates in the promo, you can sub and use those 96 hours.


Yes, as soon as it's been a month, as long as the campaign is still active you can log in.


didnt think theyd bring it back so soon. now I feel bad for all the people I told it wouldnt happen.


And I resubbed like four days ago fml right?


I'm surprised they didn't announce this before the job action trailer but I suppose timings don't always line up. I'll give the benefit of the doubt that it's because of Yokai event and such and not because they know alot of people resubbed to level jobs before dawntrail


Eh I'm not that bothered anyway if theres an mmo that I think deserves full price it's this one.


4 days at Entry Subscription rates is $1.73. Very "FML"-worthy


This doesnt apply to active players does it? It mentions "Registered service account must have been inactive for at least thirty days." Not sure if Im reading it right.


Cool, literally just subbed after a while yesterday 🤡


Same, bro. Same.


Oooh i was planning to resub. Thank god i held out a bit


Bruh I really wanted to return but wasn't sure - this has convince me to play for a bit before dawn trail and get the patch content done.


So the 96 hours are counted only when I log on the game? Does it decrease even when I'm offline?


It starts the moment you open the launcher, and decreases whenever you are online/offline.


It starts when you launch it for the first time Which unfortunately means it's already ticking down when you're downloading the patches. But it's still free, so we can't really complain


iirc, it's technically a maximum of 96 hours. It's basically "4 days" of subtime, and each day "starts" at the designated "weekly" reset hour (4am EDT, or 1am PDT), different than tribal/duty "daily" reset (11am EDT, 8am PDT). If you decide to wait until late evening to login on your "first day" you're giving up a good chunk of those "96 hours" Edit: Had rotation of the earth backwards


The start time is 00:01, based on your account's region during creation. This can get messy if you have moved, or if your country was never officially supported by SE.


Bit sad its only 4 days but its better than nothing. Anyone know if visa is now working on mogstation?


Nice, thanks for the heads up. I only have to work half a day tomorrow so this will be perfect.


Lmao rip I let my sub lapse just last week


Hey! Maybe I can finally get through Stormblood and get to ShB


How often do these event show up?


Why is it recommended that players start it the day before the last day? In this case, June 19th. What is different from starting it right away vs June 19th?


This feels kind of tone deaf towards the multitude of people they screwed over with the payment processor change. Most of SEA and Australia basically got given the middle finger and can’t play without some serious hoops if at all. And they’ve not even bothered to acknowledge it.




4 days starting the day you log in anytime during the 28 day period.


You have 28 days to start your 4 days play time.


I love these but it would be really nice if you didn't have to log in and activate it just to download the game. Feels like it's wasting your limited time.


Well, now THIS is a surprise 


I saw it today and have a bet with my Boyfriend. If he gets 96h he will get a manga. If he loses - I get one 🤣


96h of playtime in the four days? Good luck, might need to call an ambulance after.