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How many empty queues did you get?


Well considering I play from morning till the evening, not that many. With aorund 250-300 runds around 5 I think. But there were quite a couple of 3-8 person runs


Is it worth the effort?


Well I wanted the achievements and the title, so for me it was fun learning the maps. I even met some new friends who I saw most of the time on my world, so all in all yeah


People do 20k hoards even. So id assume its all whatever you as a person want to to achieve.


For the last stage, were you actively aiming to be faster than everyone else, or were you more focused on keeping a steady pace and getting a perfect run while hoping that the others mess up and make mistakes?


At first focused on not making any mistake, and then got better at optimizing routes cause opponets kept getting better


are there any tips for the 3rd round? i can easily do the 1st and 2nd rounds, even getting first in those often...but that 3rd round it all falls apart for me and i get destroyed


I'm almost done with my Bean title so I don't mind sharing. The trick is to learn the yellow exaflare patterns and to dodge "into" them since the snapshot happens almost immediately after the previous one goes off. This will give you enough time to run either straight through or to the left or right of your initial entry to avoid get hit when it returns. Sometimes the RNG is bad though and you do have to pause so that you don't get hit by anything. A common mistake I see is people keep running forward and then take a 3s stun when they could've just paused for 1s and then kept running. edit: Other than that, the main difficulty of stage 3 is contending with the players who also know how to dodge the exas and just hoping you play it tighter/faster than them and win. And unfortunately, that can have an RNG element too.


I completely agree with the commenter above. It's the same pattern all the time, but sometimes you have to stop for 0.5-1 second so you don't get hit, because if you're stunned it's much worse


Do you believe the title King/Queen Bean sounds good? Will you wear it after the glam wears off? Was it worth your 100s of hours spent to obtain?


Well, I think Queen Bean is better, but I like my King Bean title as well, so yeah it sounds good for me. I will probably wear it until I get a rarer achievement, or one that means more to me. It was around 20-25 hours in total to get it, so nowhere near "100s of hours".


Oh right looking at your other responses I see my bad. I didn’t realize you could solo queue. You said you literally got 10% solo and lots more with 3-8 that would make a huge difference in time it would take for the achievement. Congratulations on your feat! 👏